Too soon for a 2016 election thread?

Apparently not, they're already polling potential candidate popularity in Iowa...

Rand Paul Leads Entire Republican Field In Iowa Poll

July 11, 2013

Rand Paul is leading the entire Republican field of 2016 presidential hopefuls according to a new poll from PPP. Expect full results in a matter of hours. Rick Santorum, who won the previous Iowa caucus, in 7th place. Does this explain the coordinated liberal media attacks?

PPP’s newest look at the Republican race for 2016 in Iowa finds a new leader. Rand Paul is at 18% to 16% for Chris Christie, 15% for Paul Ryan, 14% for Jeb Bush, 11% for Marco Rubio, 10% for Ted Cruz, 6% for Rick Santorum, 2% for Bobby Jindal, and 1% for Susana Martinez. (NOTE: PPP made an error not listing Paul Ryan in their tweet above.) Paul also led the last time we polled New Hampshire with 28% to 25% for Rubio and 14% for Christie.

Marco Rubio had led the way when PPP polled Iowa in February, but has dropped 5 points since then even though his favorability rating is basically unchanged (54/13 then, 54/14 now). Candidates rising since then are Christie (up 4 points and also from 36/33 to 45/27 on his favorability), Paul (up 3 points and from 55/19 favorability to 60/15), and Ryan (up 5 points and from 63/16 favorability to 68/12).

Paul is leading based on his appeal to the furthest right segment of the GOP. With ‘very conservative’ voters he’s at 25% with no one else polling above 13%. Paul is also particularly strong with men (getting 21% to 17% for Christie) and younger voters (getting 32% to 26% for Ryan). Christie has a big advantage with moderates, Bush leads with seniors, and Ryan is up with women.


Paul #1 and Christie #2. Guess it really shows how divided the Republican party is.