Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
I seriously hope Chris Christie runs. Yeah, I know, he's somewhat of a rino, but he's fiscally conservative and socially liberal. He's neutral-evil on guns, but he knows better than to go there. In the overall picture, I'd take him before McLame or Mittens or some other milquetoast knob job run up the flag pole by the RNC.
Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
The problem with that guy is that he has to get the votes of a millions latte sipping, tree hugging, flush out the baby abortionists, who want gays everywhere and energy nowhere.

It can't be done unless the Russians launch in 2015 Titor style and clean 'em all out.
Honestly Mal, the fact that we are even at the point where it's a choice between "huge government" and "leviathan government" shows we're already fucked.

I truly believe our only two options of maintaining any semblance of liberty will be a Convention of the States to peacefully rip the reigns of power from the Federal Government or a separation between Liberal and real America. And my opinion is that a Convention is a long shot and a separation is one that is more likely to happen violently than peacefully. My preference is of course a successful Convention or peaceful dissolution.