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Thread: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

  1. #41
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Tuesday, October 24, 2006

    Feature: Robert Pastor's Center for North American Studies and North American Forum on Integration advance Soviet agenda of world government

    At Once Upon a Time in the West we have endeavored to tie together the separate strands of communism's ultimate objective--a world federation of socialist republics ala Vladimir Lenin and the "old" Communist International--with the impending restoration of a "new" friendlier(?) Soviet Union under the leadership of the continuing Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the European Union as Mike ("I'll Always Be a Communist") Gorbachev's "new European Soviet," and the North American Union under the guise of the Security and Prosperity Partnership. The CPSU, as this blogsite has demonstrated, is alive and well in the 21st century, to wit chairman Oleg Shenin's visit in May 2004 with President Igor Smirnov of the internationally unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic:

    In the afternoon the President [Igor Smirnov] met with Oleg Shenin, the Chairman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The goals of the communist movements of the Russian Federation, PMR and RM [Republic of Moldova] were discussed in the course of the meeting with the guest from Moscow. In Oleg Shenin’s opinion, they should combat the expansion of imperialism on the post-Soviet territory retaining the best ideas of communists of the Soviet Union and increasing the prestige of the party among people. (Official Press Release, Government of PMR, May 28, 2004. See News/News in Brief/May 2004.)

    The Soviet communists are waiting to hijack the formation of a North American Union, just as Moscow and the Eurocommunists hijacked the European Common Market and transformed it into the EU. The SPP, like the United Nations, was spawned by the communist-friendly Council on Foreign Relations, as well as the Center for North American Studies and the North American Forum on Integration, both under the directorship/codirectorship of Robert Pastor, the "father of North American union" (pictured above). The mission statement of the CNAS, published at the CNAS homepage, lends credibility to this linkage:

    The Center for North American Studies (CNAS) at American University aims to educate a new generation of students to begin a North American journey comparable to that begun in Europe five decades ago. The center examines the differences and shared characteristics of Canada, Mexico, and the United States; compares the North American experiment with Europe's; and challenges students and faculty to imagine a continental future.

    Here Pastor et. al. advocates that North Americans embark on a "journey comparable to that begun in Europe five decades ago." Where, indeed, do Europeans presently find themselves after that 50-year trek? Why, sitting in the maw of a soon-to-be resurrected Soviet bear!

    New links to NAU-related sites are found in this blogsite's right column under "Red World Order." One of these links is to the Minuteman Project's Stop the Security and Prosperity Partnership site. There Jerome Corsi and Jim Gilchrist contend that the White House's disinterest in defending the US-Mexican border against the illegal alien invasion is a direct result of the Bush Administration's covert support for North American integration. Is this contention correct? We prefer to approach the subject of treason amongst our government officials cautiously. However, the old axiom runs: actions speak louder than words. Watch what they do and not what they say!

    In addition to the globalist assault on the sovereignty of nations, the in-your-face, on-the-ground leftist rabble is violently agitating for the downfall of the "American Empire" via uncontrolled immigration. On October 5 Corsi and Gilchrist spoke at Columbia University, where their presence was opposed by communists, such as the representatives of the Trotskyist Internationalist Group (pictured above), and other protesters who support the illegal alien invasion and dismemberment of the USA.

  2. #42
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Congressman: Superhighway about North American Union
    Paul says goal is common currency,borderless travel, bigger bureaucracy
    Posted: October 30, 2006
    12:41 p.m. Eastern

    © 2006

    Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas
    WASHINGTON – Rep. Ron Paul, a maverick Republican from Texas, today denounced plans for the proposed "NAFTA superhighway" in his state as part of a larger plot for merger of the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a North American Union.

    "By now many Texans have heard about the proposed 'NAFTA Superhighway,' which is also referred to as the trans-Texas corridor," he said in a statement. "What you may not know is the extent to which plans for such a superhighway are moving forward without congressional oversight or media attention."

    Paul explained that most members of Congress are unaware of the plans because only relatively small amounts of money have been spent studying the plans and those allocations were included in "enormous transportation appropriations bills."

    "The proposed highway is part of a broader plan advanced by a quasi-government organization called the 'Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America,' or SPP," he explains. "The SPP was first launched in 2005 by the heads of state of Canada, Mexico, and the United States at a summit in Waco."

    No treaties were involved, and Congress was not included in discussions or plans, he says.

    "Instead, the SPP is an unholy alliance of foreign consortiums and officials from several governments," according to Paul. "One principal player is a Spanish construction company, which plans to build the highway and operate it as a toll road. But don't be fooled: The superhighway proposal is not the result of free market demand, but rather an extension of government-managed trade schemes like NAFTA that benefit politically connected interests."

    Paul says, however, the real issue raised by the superhighway plan and the SPP is national sovereignty.

    "Once again, decisions that affect millions of Americans are not being made by those Americans themselves, or even by their elected representatives in Congress," says Paul. "Instead, a handful of elites use their government connections to bypass national legislatures and ignore our Constitution – which expressly grants Congress the sole authority to regulate international trade."

    The ultimate goal, he says, is not simply a superhighway "but an integrated North American Union – complete with a currency, a cross-national bureaucracy and virtually borderless travel within the union. Like the European Union, a North American Union would represent another step toward the abolition of national sovereignty altogether."

    Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., has introduced a resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the U.S. should not engage in the construction of a NAFTA superhighway, or enter into any agreement that advances the concept of a North American Union.

    "I wholeheartedly support this legislation and predict that the superhighway will become a sleeper issue in the 2008 election," says Paul. "Any movement toward a North American Union diminishes the ability of average Americans to influence the laws under which they must live. The SPP agreement, including the plan for a major transnational superhighway through Texas, is moving forward without congressional oversight – and that is an outrage. The administration needs a strong message from Congress that the American people will not tolerate backroom deals that threaten our sovereignty."
    Last edited by falcon; October 31st, 2006 at 15:19.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Joey Bagadonuts's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    I think I like this guy. (Ron Paul). I don't know his stand on other issues but he's correct on this one.

    Who knows?...I may not have any objections to a North American Union....AFTER I've seen all the plans and rules laid out for the American people....but it seems like this is being railroaded through.

    By WHO?...and WHY?
    Let them take their case to the American people and to Congress FIRST.

    THAT is the way it's done in the USA.

    ...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Joey; here is the kicker to all of this is a Soviet agenda of world government and Robert Pastor is running the whole opeation. By what authority was he given this task? My guess is it is someone high up in our gov't.

    Feature: Robert Pastor's Center for North American Studies and North American Forum on Integration advance Soviet agenda of world government

    At Once Upon a Time in the West we have endeavored to tie together the separate strands of communism's ultimate objective--a world federation of socialist republics ala Vladimir Lenin and the "old" Communist International--with the impending restoration of a "new" friendlier(?) Soviet Union under the leadership of the continuing Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the European Union as Mike ("I'll Always Be a Communist") Gorbachev's "new European Soviet," and the North American Union under the guise of the Security and Prosperity Partnership. The CPSU, as this blogsite has demonstrated, is alive and well in the 21st century, to wit chairman Oleg Shenin's visit in May 2004 with President Igor Smirnov of the internationally unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic:

  5. #45
    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Earlier in this thread a notation was made of the 10 universities that take part in yearly exercises that similate issues of an NAU.

    One thing mentioned was a news type paper from this group out of Canada.

    "The TrilatHerald"

    I looked it up. The website is NOT accessible to me here and my browser reports this, however Google cache is like magic sometimes. Note in teh following the Main Objectives. The first one reads to me with a recollection of that song, "we believe the children are our future, let them lead the way".

    The web address I cannot reach is, but speciifcally i was trying for the the link to the 2007 agenda,

    Being that I could not go there, I tried the Google cache and voila!

    Shape North America’s future!

    The Triumvirate is a unique parliamentary exercise that annually brings together a hundred university students, from Canada, Mexico and the United States, in order to simulate, during five days, a parliamentary meeting between North American national and sub-national parliamentarians, joined by journalists and lobbyists. This year, the event will take place in the United States from the 20th to the 25th of May 2007.

    The simulation offers participants a unique opportunity to live an experience rich in apprenticeship, emotions and outcomes. During the event, students will participate as a legislator, journalist or lobbyist.
    The week’s work takes place in plenary sessions, political commissions, caucus and even in the corridors!
    Each day a conference speaker from the political, economic or academic milieu will interact with participants on one of the event’s themes.

    To raise awareness among future North American leaders regarding regional integration issues
    To allow participants to familiarize themselves with the functioning of democratic institutions
    To help participants better understand NAFTA’s political, economic and social realities
    To develop their sense of a North American identity
    To encourage intercultural exchanges and to promote the creation of North American academic networks
    To inform the current decision makers of the priorities and the concerns of North American youth.

    In May 2007, the themes will tackle notably the creation of a customs union, environmental issues and telecommunications. For more information on the 2007 Triumvirate edition please refer to the presentation document “Triumvirate 2007”, available under the “Work Documents” section.


    Participants will be assigned one of the three following roles: legislator (representing a country other than their own), journalist or lobbyist.
    Triumvirate legislators will have to face the challenge of representing a country other than their own. Given that all the legislative levels are affected by NAFTA, the Triumvirate has incorporated both the federal and federated legislative levels. Basing themselves on their research, regarding the characteristics of the federal or federated entity they represent, participants will have to develop a personal position. Each participant will debate one of the four draft resolutions within their assigned political commission and will vote on all four resolutions during the plenary session.
    A team of journalist will produce a daily newsletter during the simulation. The TrilatHerald will cover the development and evolution of the debates and will offer interviews with conference speakers, legislators and lobbyists. The newsletter will be distributed each morning to the participants as well as to Triumvirate partners, via Internet.

    Lobbyists will have to ensure that the amendments to the draft resolutions respect the interests of their organization as well as the mandate they will have received from NAFI. Each lobbyist will have to: present a memoir within one political commission; comment that commissions work during a plenary session; publish, in the TrilatHerald, one open letter exposing his or her opinion concerning the debates surrounding draft resolutions and transmit a final report to the Triumvirate secretariat.
    The registration and payment deadline for participants and universities is February 15th 2007. Participating students must fill out a registration form available under the “Triumvirate 2007 Registration” section, contact us at “” or call us at (514) 844-8030. For further information on how to participate, please click on
    The North American Forum on Integration (NAFI)
    4519, Saint-Denis, Montréal (Québec) Canada, H2J 2L4
    Tel. : (514) 844-8030 | Fax : (514) 844-2030 |
    © copyright The North American Forum on Integration All rights reserved.
    fina -
    info@fina - |

  6. #46
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    This has the smell of NAU! Who gave the right for foreigns to own our roads and highways and then have them charge us to drive on our US soil this sucks? I guess the next thing we will heard that this is the way Capitalism is to work, sorry that don’t play in the book.

    Truckers call for boycott of foreign-owned road
    Union opposes tollway, Trans-Texas Corridor, Mexican drivers
    Posted: November 10, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    By Jerome R. Corsi
    © 2006

    Truckers are being called on to boycott a decision by Indiana to lease a highway to foreign investment groups.

    Todd Spencer, executive vice president of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, OOIDA, has called for truckers to bypass the Indiana Toll Road, which has been leased to a consortium composed of Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transport, S.A., a Spanish investment consortium with ties to Juan Carlos and the ruling family of Spain, and the Australian investment firm Macquarie Infrastructure Group.

    In an article on the OOIDA website, Spencer argues, "This is a way to send the message that as more and more roads are converted to toll roads the secondary highways get more and more of the traffic. If that's the life they want to live, they ought to be willing to embrace it right now."

    Spencer told WND the OOIDA is strongly opposed to converting U.S. freeways to toll roads owned by foreign entities. The group's opposition includes the Trans-Texas Corridor, the four-football-field-wide NAFTA Superhighway parallel to Interstate-35 which Texas Gov. Rick Perry plans to begin next year.

    "The Bush administration is bending over backwards to accommodate Mexican trucks coming into the United States," Spencer said. "The whole goal is to get the absolute lowest cost of transportation, without worrying about important safety and security issues using Mexican trucks and Mexican truck drivers creates."

    Spencer believes one of those security issues is terrorism.

    "Worldwide trucks are the weapons of choice of terrorists," he emphasized.

    The Bush administration, Spencer contends, is not taking seriously enough the risk of opening the U.S. to Mexican trucks.

    "Who's going to check to see what's really in that truck? Nobody is going to check. That's the problem," he said.

    Responding to the Kansas City SmartPort plan to establish a Mexican customs office in Kansas City, Spencer said: "We evidently have a lot of people in the U.S. who have lost their minds."

    Spencer stressed that once a Mexican truck crosses the border, there is no real way to control where that truck ultimately goes.

    "Just because you have a Trans-Texas Corridor and a Mexican customs office in Kansas City doesn't mean Mexican trucks have to stay on this route," he explained. "There won't be anything meaningful to stop a Mexican truck from going wherever the driver wants, once the truck is across the border."

    When asked about enforcing a 20-mile commercial zone limiting where Mexican trucks can go in the U.S., Spencer was dismissive.

    "There's never been any 20-mile commercial zone in Texas that the Texas Department of Public Safety enforces," he said. "Once a truck clears the Mexican border with Texas, that truck is free to go wherever the driver wants to go in Texas. The U.S. Department of Transportation's Inspector General's office has conducted numerous investigations which show that Mexican trucks go right on from Texas to other states throughout the U.S.

    Spencer stressed that U.S. law enforcement will have no way to enforce U.S. law for Mexican trucks or drivers.

    "In Mexico, there's no computer system at all to track commercial drivers," he noted. "If a Mexican commercial driver's license is suspended, there's no way to track it, here or in Mexico."

    Spencer pointed out Mexico does not have the same medical requirements for getting a commercial driver's license.

    "There are no hours-in-service regulations for commercial drivers in Mexico," he stressed. "There are no drug-testing regulations in Mexico.

    The U.S. government says Mexican drivers crossing into the U.S. will have to comply with regulations, but Spencer believes the demand is not practical without a system in place with Mexico to verify enforcement.

    "Who is going to do a background check on a Mexican driver?" Spencer asked. "All the Bush administration cares about is working with the international business owners who want the cheapest cost of truck drivers possible."

    Spencer believes the tolls planned for the Trans-Texas Corridor amount to a new tax.

    "The toll that the Texas Department of Transportation has been suggesting for a truck is 40 cents a mile," Spencer notes. "This is the equivalent of about $2.40 in new fuel taxes. What happened to free-ways? That was the whole point of the interstate highway system. Motorists were to get the benefit of freeways, not new toll roads."

    The TTC toll for an automobile will be just over one-quarter of the truck tolls.

    "These are tremendous new costs, and the toll revenue will be going to Spain," Spencer said. "The end result will be a drag on the U.S. economy with further damage done to the middle class."

    Spencer agrees the Texas Department of Transportation will try to entice trucks to use the TTC by establishing high speed limits, maybe as high as 75 or 80 miles per hour. But he cautioned the state's DOT would force traffic onto the TTC once the highway is built.

    He points to the "no compete" clause in the Cintra contract, barring the Texas DOT from making significant upgrades to parallel routes.

    "You better believe that highway users will be forced to use the TTC toll roads even if Texas has to close down lanes on existing highways," Spencer said.

    He stressed that the only winners to the TTC would be the "investment bankers who get fees up front, just like the politicians get their campaign contributions first, before any toll road is built."

    Who will be the losers? The U.S. taxpayer, Spencer contends.

    "The Mexican truck drivers will not be paying U.S. income or Social Security taxes, and Mexican trucks won't generally pay U.S. road taxes that U.S. truck drivers pay," he points out.

    Spencer said his union sees the TTC as a one-way street.

    "Don't expect American drivers will ever want to operate south of the border," he said. "Mexican law still currently prohibits American trucks from entering Mexico. No U.S. trucking company has suggested a desire to send U.S. trucks or drivers into Mexico."

    The OOIDA currently has 145,000 members from all 50 states. Owner-operators in the trucking industry are independent small business people who own, maintain and drive commercial trucks they generally own. OOIDA members are typically small business truckers defined as companies operating six or fewer trucks, a segment that comprises close to 90 percent of the motor carrier industry.
    Last edited by falcon; November 10th, 2006 at 15:18.

  7. #47
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    Default North American Union & the SPP

    Here is my first attempt to delv into the world of politics.
    I had heard rumors that the United States was getting ready to enter into this entity called the NAU, but tossed the idea out the window until I started doing some digging....

    This is what i found tonight -
    Here are the links...

    To show it is real -

    To stop it -

    Our own politicians are scared of this -

    These are our friends -
    Rep. Virgil Goode [R-VA]
    Rep. Walter Jones [R-NC]
    Rep. Ronald Paul [R-TX]
    Rep. Thomas Tancredo [R-CO]

    White House Comment Line -

  8. #48
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: North American Union & the SPP

    Welcome Aramus! falcon has been doing a good job keeping tabs on this very thing in a thread in the U.S. Border Security forum - 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD.

  9. #49
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: North American Union & the SPP

    Welcome Aramus. Nice first post!
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  10. #50
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    Default Re: North American Union & the SPP

    I think it's a great idea. Should have been done in the 70's, but a late try is better than calling it quits. US "America" has neighbors- north and south, also Americans, and dialog, progress and cooperation is vital, particularly in the face of commie convergence, various potential embargoes, economic and terrorist attacks. No man is an island.

    The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) was launched in March of 2005 as a trilateral effort to increase security and enhance prosperity among the United States, Canada and Mexico through greater cooperation and information sharing.
    This trilateral initiative is premised on our security and our economic prosperity being mutually reinforcing. The SPP recognizes that our three great nations are bound by a shared belief in freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic institutions.
    The SPP provides the framework to ensure that North America is the safest and best place to live and do business. It includes ambitious security and prosperity programs to keep our borders closed to terrorism yet open to trade.
    The SPP builds upon, but is separate from, our long-standing trade and economic relationships. It energizes other aspects of our cooperative relations, such as the protection of our environment, our food supply, and our public health.
    Looking forward, President Bush, Prime Minister Harper and President Fox have identified emergency management; influenza pandemics, including avian influenza; energy security; and safe and secure gateways (border security and facilitation) as key priorities for the SPP. The Leaders also announced the creation of North American Competitiveness Council to fully incorporate the private sector into the SPP process.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  11. #51
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    Default Re: North American Union & the SPP

    Can this tread be move and coupled with the orginal NAU thread. Thanks

  12. #52
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    Default Re: North American Union & the SPP

  13. #53
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: North American Union & the SPP

    That's probably a good idea. Merging the threads...

  14. #54
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    London stock trader urges move to 'amero'
    Says many unaware of plan to replace dollar with N. American currency
    Posted: November 28, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    By Jerome R. Corsi
    © 2006

    In an interview with CNBC, a vice president for a prominent London investment firm yesterday urged a move away from the dollar to the "amero," a coming North American currency, he said, that "will have a big impact on everybody's life, in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."

    Steve Previs, a vice president at Jefferies International Ltd., explained the Amero "is the proposed new currency for the North American Community which is being developed right now between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."

    The aim, he said, according to a transcript provided by CNBC to WND, is to make a "borderless community, much like the European Union, with the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso being replaced by the amero."

    Previs told the television audience many Canadians are "upset" about the amero. Most Americans outside of Texas largely are unaware of the amero or the plans to integrate North America, Previs observed, claiming many are just "putting their head in the sand" over the plans.

    CNBC asked Previs whether he thought NAFTA was "working and doing enough."

    He replied: "Until it created a lot of illegal immigrants coming across the border. I don't know. You get the pros and cons on NAFTA. For some people it is a good thing, and for other people it has been a disaster."

    The speculation on the future of a new North American currency came amid a major U.S. dollar sell-off worldwide that began last week.

    Yesterday, the dollar also reached new multi-month low against the euro, breaking through the $1.30 per euro technical high that had held since April 2005.

    At the same time, the Chinese central bank set the yuan at 7.0402 per dollar, the highest level since Beijing established a new currency exchange system in 2005 that severed China's previous policy of tying the value of the yuan to the U.S. dollar.

    Many analysts worldwide attributed the dramatic fall in the value of the U.S. dollar at least partially to China's announcement last week that it would seek to diversify its foreign exchange currency holdings away from the U.S. dollar. China recently has crossed the threshold of holding $1 trillion in U.S. dollar foreign-exchange reserves, surpassing Japan as the largest holder in the world.

    Barry Ritholtz, chief market strategist for Ritholtz Research & Analytics in New York City, in a phone interview with WND, characterized today's downward move of the dollar as "wackage," a new word he coined to convey that the dollar is being "whacked" in this current market movement.

    Ritholtz told WND that yesterday's downward move "was a major market correction that points to the risk of subsequent downside to the dollar."

    Asked whether he would characterize the dollar's downside move as signaling a possible collapse, Mr Ritholtz told WND, "Not yet."

    Ritholtz pointed out market professionals had long looked at a dollar collapse as a "low probability event," but the recent fall suggests "the probabilities have increased of a major dollar correction, or even of a collapse."

    U.S. trade imbalances with China have hit a record $228 billion this year, largely reflecting a surging flow of containers from China with retail goods headed for the U.S. mass market.

    Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez is in Bejing leading a trade delegation of more than two dozen U.S. business executives.

    "The future should be focused on exporting to China," Guiterrez told reporters in Bejing, noting that this year, U.S. exports to China are up 34 percent on a year-to-year basis, surpassing last year's gain of 20 percent.

    One way to improve the U.S. trade imbalance may be to ease up on restrictions of exporting high-tech products and allowing technology transfers to China, a move likely to be politically charged in the U.S.

    The decline in value of the dollar will also make U.S. exports more attractive and Chinese exports to the U.S. more expensive.

    In February 2007, a virtually unprecedented top-level U.S. economic mission is scheduled to travel to China. Included in the mission are Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Jr., Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

    Previs declined to be interviewed for this article, telling WND in an e-mail he did not want to be quoted directly in any article that may express a political point of view

  15. #55
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Now we will loose our currency along with our national sovereignty, our cherished American freedoms, the United States Constitution, American independence, retaining the American standard of living, and keeping English as the "real" language of our country. So we fought all the wars for nothing, to give up this country to the liberal left (Commies), I am sorry not on my watch, you take my rights I take action/s. Keep the power dry folks.

  16. #56
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Selling out America.

    Is America for Sale?
    Conservatives believe that private industry does a better job than government; right? Conservatives are for divesting some government functions so private industry can run them more efficiently; right? Many state and local governments take this idea seriously and, unnoticed by the American public, have been selling off some of our infrastructure to foreigners. Then suddenly the news hit the fan about the proposed sale of 22 East and Gulf Coast port operations to Dubai Ports World, a maritime company controlled by a Middle East government. When devotion to private enterprise ran up against American sovereignty and national defense, not only conservatives but the American people opted for the latter. The anti-Dubai uproar swept across all party and economic lines because there is a limit to whom we want to sell our essential transportation systems.
    A federal agency known as CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States) is supposed to be guarding our national interests when foreigners seek to buy U.S. properties. CFIUS operates in secret, so the public is in the dark about its procedures. CFIUS is apparently also in the dark about what the American public thinks and didn't foresee that the Dubai Ports deal would be controversial. The foreign purchase of U.S. infrastructure has been proceeding at a rapid pace, both before and after the Dubai Ports flap.
    The scholar Frank Gaffney discovered that "out of more than 1,500 cases of foreign acquisitions reviewed since 1988, CFIUS has only formally rejected one." Homeland Security admits that 80% of our 3,200 terminals nationwide are operated by foreign companies and countries.
    In June, a Spanish firm paid $1.3 billion for a 50-year lease to operate a 10-lane toll road through the heart of Texas. The same month, an Australian company bought a 99-year lease on Virginia's Pocahontas Parkway. Also in June, an Australian-Spanish partnership paid $3.8 billion to lease the Indiana tollroad for 75 years. Last year, Chicago sold a 99-year lease on the eight-mile Chicago Skyway to the same buyer for $1.8 billion, and the tolls are expected to double. Almost weekly, we learn about other American properties that have been sold or leased-long-term to foreign companies. The tolls from the U.S. side of the tunnel between Detroit and Windsor, Canada, belong to an Australian company.
    Why the rush to sell our transportation systems to foreigners? Like most actions that are hard to understand, "follow the money" explains all. State and local governments pocket the money up front and get to spend it here and now, so politicians can cover their runaway budget deficits and enjoy the political rewards of spending for new facilities. They ignore the fact that U.S. citizens must pay tolls to foreign landlords for the next two or three or even four generations.
    The foreigners like the deals because they know that, unlike the rest of the world, American law enforces contracts and the U.S. government doesn't nationalize industries. The foreign companies can raise the tolls without having to cope with objections from local customers.
    These deals leave a lot of unanswered questions. Texas ranchers are concerned about the use of eminent domain to cut a wide swath through their properties in order to build a very-limited-access corridor on which foreign trucks and trains will transport Chinese goods in sealed containers, uninspected until they reach Kansas City. The Texas governor is already talking about more toll roads through Texas.
    Indiana legislators are concerned that the Spanish firm could rake in $133 billion over the 75-year life of the Indiana toll road lease for which Indiana received only $3.8 billion. The Indiana Governor is now seeking an I-69 toll road from Evansville to Indianapolis which critics claim will destroy vast Hoosier properties: 5,100 acres of farmland, 1,600 acres of forest, 140 acres of wetlands, 400 homes, 76 businesses, and 135 existing roads. A foreign company could collect tolls for decades into the future.
    Orange County, California, was burned by its contract with a French company that bought part of state Route 91 for $130 million. When Orange County found that the fine print in the contract prohibited it from building more roads, it had to buy back the lease for $207.5 million.
    The U.S. government blessed this rush to sell off American infrastructure on April 30, 1992, when the first President Bush signed Executive Order 12803 called "Infrastructure Privatization." It directed federal departments and agencies to encourage state and local governments to "privatize infrastructure assets." Infrastructure assets were defined to include "roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling and wastewater treatment facilities, solid waste disposal facilities, housing, schools, prisons, and hospitals."
    Bush's order didn't put any restrictions on who the purchasers could or should be, American or not, or friend or foe. The second President Bush is now acquiescing in European demands to open up U.S. airlines to foreign ownership.

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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    After reading all of this, I conclude this is nothing more than a Conspiracy Theory, and it's a bag of bullshit.
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    London stock trader says plans afoot to replace dollar with “amero”

    posted at 10:17 am on November 29, 2006 by Allahpundit
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    It’s the latest moronic twist in the moronic North American Union conspiracy theory. And yes, I’m sad to say, we’ve already gotten credulous e-mails about it.
    In an interview with CNBC, a vice president for a prominent London investment firm yesterday urged a move away from the dollar to the “amero,” a coming North American currency, he said, that “will have a big impact on everybody’s life, in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.”
    Steve Previs, a vice president at Jefferies International Ltd., explained the Amero “is the proposed new currency for the North American Community which is being developed right now between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.”
    The aim, he said, according to a transcript provided by CNBC to WND, is to make a “borderless community, much like the European Union, with the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso being replaced by the amero.”
    Previs told the television audience many Canadians are “upset” about the amero. Most Americans outside of Texas largely are unaware of the amero or the plans to integrate North America, Previs observed, claiming many are just “putting their head in the sand” over the plans.
    We wouldn’t want anyone to have their heads in the sand about the imminent collapse of American sovereignty. Go forth, then, and behold the amero conspiracy in its full, sinister flower!
    And even if it’s true, look on the bright side — it’s got to be an improvement over the dollar, right?
    Meanwhile, Jeb Bush is calling Tom “North American Union” Tancredo’s comments comparing Miami to a Third World country “disappointing” and “naive.”
    Exit question: is the Trilateral Commission directly overseeing the development of the amero? Or is that a task they’ve farmed out to the Illuminati?
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