This "immigration reform" passes and our fate as a nation is guaranteed sealed.

Poll: Latino Illegal Immigrants Favor Dems 8-to-1

July 22, 2013

A poll released Monday by Pew Research Center shows that Latino illegal immigrants, given the opportunity to vote, would vote Democratic at an eight-to-one clip. 31 percent of illegal immigrants of Latino descent identify themselves as Democrats, compared to just 4 percent who identify as Republicans; another 23 percent lean Democrat, compared with 15 percent who lean Republican.

Over time, illegal immigrants also begin identifying with political parties. For those in the US under ten years, 26 percent identified with Democrats against 9 percent for Republicans; for those who’d been in the US for over two decades, 54 percent identified as Democrats and 10 percent identified as Republicans.

Overall, Latino immigrants eligible to vote identify as Democrats vs. Republicans at a 54 percent to 11 percent clip.