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Thread: 2016 Election

  1. #41
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    I seriously hope Chris Christie runs. Yeah, I know, he's somewhat of a rino, but he's fiscally conservative and socially liberal. He's neutral-evil on guns, but he knows better than to go there. In the overall picture, I'd take him before McLame or Mittens or some other milquetoast knob job run up the flag pole by the RNC.
    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    The problem with that guy is that he has to get the votes of a millions latte sipping, tree hugging, flush out the baby abortionists, who want gays everywhere and energy nowhere.

    It can't be done unless the Russians launch in 2015 Titor style and clean 'em all out.
    Honestly Mal, the fact that we are even at the point where it's a choice between "huge government" and "leviathan government" shows we're already fucked.

    I truly believe our only two options of maintaining any semblance of liberty will be a Convention of the States to peacefully rip the reigns of power from the Federal Government or a separation between Liberal and real America. And my opinion is that a Convention is a long shot and a separation is one that is more likely to happen violently than peacefully. My preference is of course a successful Convention or peaceful dissolution.

  2. #42
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    I still kinda like nuking DC with Congress and the President at home..... and starting over.

  3. #43
    Literary Wanderer
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    Nuke em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

  4. #44
    Literary Wanderer
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    No one knows the movie reference? C'mon Ryan. Thought you would for sure.

  5. #45
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    No clue.....(Unless it's Starship Troopers, sounds like something said on there)

  6. #46
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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  7. #47
    Literary Wanderer
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    You got it... Aliens.

  8. #48
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinutemanCO View Post
    No one knows the movie reference? C'mon Ryan. Thought you would for sure.
    I thought it was so obvious, no mention need made.

    I use it all the time, by the way.

  9. #49
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    I only saw it a couple of times. I rarely memorize (read: remember) lines from movies. lol

  10. #50
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Looks like the mud started flying and it's shit. lol

    New York

    Christie Aide: 'Time for Some Traffic Problems'

    Top Christie Aide Told Port Authority Executive That It Was 'Time for Some Traffic Problems in Fort Lee' Before Lane Closures

    By Ted Mann And
    Heather Haddon

    Updated Jan. 8, 2014 9:57 a.m. ET
    A top aide to Gov. Chris Christie told an executive at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey it was "time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" before the authority closed lanes onto the George Washington Bridge in September, triggering a week of massive traffic jams, documents show.

    The aide, Bridget Anne Kelly, sent the email, dated Aug. 13, to David Wildstein, a political ally of the governor who was the authority's director of interstate capital projects.

    Mr. Wildstein, replied: "Got it."

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    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie during an event on Jan. 7. AP

    The email exchange is the clearest sign that a series of lane closures on the bridge in September were carried out at the behest of high-ranking members of Mr. Christie's administration. It is in contrast with the original explanation for the closures — that they were part of a mishandled traffic study by Mr. Wildstein, a career political operative and friend of Mr. Christie's for years.

    Democrats have suggested the lane closures were a political gesture from allies of the governor, aimed at Fort Lee's Democratic mayor, who had declined to endorse Mr. Christie for reelection.

    The email exchange is contained in a trove of documents subpoenaed from the authority, Mr. Wildstein, and others as part of a Democrat-led investigation of the incident by the New Jersey Assembly Transportation Committee. The documents were reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

    In the past, Mr. Christie has dismissed the inquiry and the traffic incident, once joking that he himself had moved the traffic cones to close off the lanes usually dedicated for local traffic coming onto the bridge.

    But the controversy has deepened since then. Mr. Wildstein and Bill Baroni, the deputy executive director and Mr. Christie's top managerial appointee at the authority, both resigned, though Mr. Christie suggested their resignations weren't directly linked to the bridge flap.

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    David Wildstein at a Port Authority meeting on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012. Kevin R. Wexler/The Record

    Mr. Wildstein and Ms. Kelly, a deputy chief staff for Mr. Christie, couldn't immediately be reached for comment. A spokesman for Mr. Christie didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

    The emails and text exchanges are among records supplied to the committee by Mr. Wildstein, in compliance with a subpoena for records related to the bridge flap. The committee chairman, Assemblyman John Wisniewski, has said the committee received thousands of pages of documents from those it has subpoenaed, including executives at the Port Authority and Messrs. Wildstein and Baroni.

    The documents also show Mr. Wildstein discussing the controversy with Bill Stepien, Mr. Christie's campaign manager, after the flap was reported in The Wall Street Journal.

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    Bill Baroni testifying at a hearing with lawmakers about the bridge lane closures. Peter J. Smith for The Wall Street Journal

    "It's fine. The mayor is an idiot, though," Mr. Stepien wrote to Mr. Wildstein after a Journal story on the controversy in September. "[Win] some, lose some.

    "I had empty boxes ready to take to work today, just in case," Mr. Wildstein wrote. He added, in an apparent reference to Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich: "It will be a tough November for this little Serbian."

    In the documents, Mr. Wildstein assures Ms. Kelly in an email that he will keep her informed of "how Fort Lee goes."

    The documents also show Mr. Wildstein and Mr. Baroni declining to return calls from Mr. Sokolich on the first morning of the closures, in which he complains about "an urgent matter of public safety in Fort Lee."

    "Did he call him back?" Ms. Kelly writes to Mr. Wildstein in an email, after Mr. Wildstein forwarded Mr. Sokolich's message left with Mr. Baroni.

    "Radio silence," Mr. Wildstein replied, adding a reference to the mayor of Jersey City, with whom the Christie administration has tussled. "His name comes right after mayor Fulop."

    Ms. Kelly replied one minute later: "Ty," a shorthand for thank you.

    The documents include a series of text exchanges sent during the lane closures, which were provided to the committee by Mr. Wildstein's attorney and contained large blocks blacked out text.

    The text exchanges show Mr. Wildstein conversing with various individuals, whose identities aren't always clear.

    "I feel badly about the kids," one text reads, sent at 8:05 a.m. on the second morning of the closures. Fort Lee officials have said that school buses were severely delayed by the traffic jams.

    "They are the children of Buono voters," someone replies. Barbara Buono was Mr. Christie's Democratic opponent in the race for governor.

  11. #51
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Yes, the slimes is already in full battle mode.

    I for one, want the head of the asshole that did it, on a pike, welded to the George Washington Bridge.

    Traffic here in NJ is already abysmal, adding to it harms people, not some democratic dickhead in Ft Lee.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  12. #52
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    So it affected you? Geez.

  13. #53
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    No, not directly. What it did do is jam up nearby roads as people were trying to avoid the area. I'm in the "nearby roads" to Ft Lee. It's about 5 miles from here, but during that time, commuting home was an epic disaster.

    I travel Rt 4(the affected road but several miles), Rt 17 daily and Interstate 80. Screw up one and the traffic reverberates out to the others. It's not uncommon to have 5 mile jams around here.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  14. #54
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    ick. I hate traffic jams, I hate traffic cone zones, I hate DOT, I hate the US government... oh, sorry, that was my OUTSIDE voice speaking.

    Seriously though, that whole area there and what I remember of NYC, Newark and those areas and driving in them - made me wish I lived in the 18th century and could just take a horse.

  15. #55
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    I seriously dislike this part of NJ. It's either highway or just house after house after house after house, town, house after house after house, town, etc.

    There are so many towns around here, I can't keep them straight. This side of the street is Maywood, that side of the street is Lodi but two blocks down it's Hackensack, or two blocks the other way it's Saddlebrook, unless you're over there and it's Paramus or Rochelle park, or Elmwood park, etc. It's maddening.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  16. #56
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    ick. That sucks. I thought Detroit was bad. But it was just a huge assed city that stopped at 8 mile road and turned into suburbs - which are now basically absorbed into the hate and discontent of Detroit.

    Last time I was there and actually stayed right outside of the city we stayed in Southfield - which in the olden days (1970s) was a very rich, white and well-to-do area was taken over by rich-black-well-to-do, well-dressed uppity black women who seems to all be connected to this or that church or some "Reverend" or another.

    They seriously "looked down" on my whole family (the majority of them from Colorado, including the Grand Kids were there for a reunion).

    Cities suck.

  17. #57
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    Ad launches first strike at Scott Brown in N.H.

    Scott Brown isn't running for Senate in New Hampshire — so far — but an ad against him is.

    The Senate Majority PAC, supporting incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, begins airing an ad today portraying Brown, the former Massachusetts senator, as a friend of Wall Street and big banks.

    The ad, which the PAC says will run for 10 days, hits Brown for successfully supporting the elimination of fees on banks in the Dodd-Frank financial reform regulation of 2010 and for supporting exceptions to the "Volcker rule," which prohibits banks from making certain investments with their capital.

    Brown "delivered for Wall Street, saving big banks $19 billion in taxes,'' the ad says, and "wrote legislation that would help big banks make risky investments ...That's good for Wall Street and great for Scott Brown, but it doesn't make sense for New Hampshire.''

    The Democratic PAC has money to spend even on undeclared rivalries: Last week it received a $2.5 million gift from departing New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, Politico reported.

    Last month Brown moved into his vacation home in New Hampshire full time, selling his Massachusetts home. He has made more than a dozen appearances at events with New Hampshire Republicans. And he hasn't quashed speculation that he might run: After headlining a GOP holiday event last month in Nashua, he said only that he had "nothing to announce" about a possible candidacy.

    The ad also calls Brown "the senator from Massachusetts'' three times, just in case anyone in New Hampshire has forgotten. Brown won an upset victory in 2010 in a special election to fill the remaining term of the late Sen. Edward Kennedy and was then was ousted in 2012 by Democrat Elizabeth Warren. Last year, he passed on running for the seat opened up by former senator John Kerry's appointment as secretary of State.

  18. #58
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    This says a lot

    Christie appointee pleads the Fifth before state committee in bridge fiasco

    An appointee of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at the center of an apparent plan to engineer a monster traffic jam as an act of political payback refused to answer questions Thursday from state lawmakers.
    The appointee, David Wildstein, invoked the Fifth Amendment, which offers protection against self-incrimination.
    “On the advice of counsel, I assert my right to remain silent,” he said repeatedly at the hearing, convened by the transportation committee of the state Assembly. His lawyer said that Wildstein intended to invoke the protection for every question.
    The committee is investigating why lanes that funnel traffic from Fort Lee, N.J., to the George Washington Bridge were closed in September.
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    Assemblyman John Wisniewski, the Democrat who heads the committee, asked Wildstein questions anyway — including about an email from Christie’s deputy chief of staff to Wildstein last August that said: “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee.”
    Wildstein declined to answer every time, saying either himself or through his lawyer that he had a constitutional right not to.
    Wildstein, who went to high school with Christie, was director of interstate capital projects for the Port Authority, the agency that runs the bridge. He resigned in December, saying that growing questions about the traffic jam had become a distraction.
    Emails published Wednesday by The Record newspaper and other news organizations show Wildstein mocking concerns that school buses were stuck in the gridlock that resulted.
    “They are the children of Buono voters,” he texted to an unnamed person, referring to state Sen. Barbara Buono, whom Christie trounced two months later to win a second term as governor.
    Earlier in the day, Wildstein lost a bid in court to avoid testifying before the state committee. His lawyers had argued that the committee was exceeding its authority, that Wisniewski had a conflict of interest, and that there were questions about the validity of Wisniewski’s signature on subpoena papers.
    One assemblyman, Thomas Giblin, went out of his way to praise Wildstein’s reputation, and encouraged him not to be a “fall guy.”
    “You deserve better,” Giblin said. “You have a reputation that precedes you here today, and I think you want to build on that reputation by being candidate with this committee. All we’re looking for is some type of solutions and answers.”
    Again Wildstein’s lawyer invoked the Fifth.
    Christie, at a press conference Thursday morning, apologized to the people of New Jersey and said he was embarrassed by his staff. He fired a top aide, Bridget Kelly, and said that she had lied to him about the bridge fiasco.
    He also played down his relationship with Wildstein and said that they were not friends in high school.
    The mayor of Fort Lee, Mark Sokolich, a Democrat, had declined to endorse Christie, who is believed to be considering a run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 and who has crafted an image of transcending partisan politics.
    In one email published Wednesday, Wildstein refers to the mayor, who is of Croatian descent, as “this little Serbian.”

    This story was originally published on Thu Jan 9, 2014 11:31 AM EST

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