Michael Medved blows a gasket

Posted: January 3, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

An old adage came to mind while reading Michael Medved's latest blog entry: "Me thinks he doth protest too much."

I'm going to rebut what I consider to be Medved's vicious, unrelenting, personal attacks on me and my news service without resorting to the over-the-top insults he employed in his recent commentaries on plans for a North American Union.

"Today I spent a few minutes listening to another nationally syndicated talk radio show and felt outraged and embarrassed to hear the guest host (an otherwise bright and well-informed conservative) facilitating the twisted, ignorant mounting public hysteria over the looming menace of a 'North American Union,'" he wrote in his blog last Thursday.
In all the years I've known Michael Medved, I've never seen him quite this upset about any other topic. Talk about twisted, ignorant hysteria! He seems determined to deny – despite overwhelming evidence, which I will recap briefly – that there is no well-funded, well-heeled political movement promoting a merger of the United States, Mexico and Canada.

More at the link above.