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Thread: World War Three Thread....

  1. #521
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    USS Bataan with 1,000 marines to Join Six Other Warships in the Persian Gulf

    June 29, 2014 Qronos 16 Leave a comment Go to comments
    Source: JOHN J. XENAKIS | Breitbart |
    CNN is reporting that the USS Bataan is being sent to the Persian Gulf with 1,000 marines on board. There is no word of a planned invasion. That will make seven warships there — the USS Arleigh Burke, the USS Truxton, the USS Gunston Hall, the USS George HW Bush, the USS O’Kane, the USS Philippine Sea, and the USS Mesa Verde – along with helicopters and warplanes that can be used for an invasion or for an evacuation of US citizens.
    There have been US drones flying over Iraq for several days, but now it’s been confirmed that the drones are armed with Hellfire missiles to provide air support and force protection in case the 180 or so US military advisors currently in Baghdad come under attack. CNN and Politico
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    Cold War Renewed With A Vengeance While Washington Again Lies

    June 29, 2014 Qronos 16 Leave a comment Go to comments
    Source: Paul Craig Roberts | ********.com |
    The Cold War made a lot of money for the military/security complex for four decades dating from Churchill’s March 5, 1946 speech in Fulton, Missouri declaring a Soviet “Iron Curtain” until Reagan and Gorbachev ended the Cold War in the late 1980s. During the Cold War Americans heard endlessly about “the Captive Nations.” The Captive Nations were the Baltics and the Soviet bloc, usually summarized as “Eastern Europe.”
    These nations were captive because their foreign policies were dictated by Moscow, just as these same Captive Nations, plus the UK, Western Europe, Canada, Mexico, Columbia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Georgia, and Ukraine, have their foreign policies dictated today by Washington. Washington intends to expand the Captive Nations to include Azerbaijan, former constituent parts of Soviet Central Asia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia.
    During the Cold War Americans thought of Western Europe and Great Britain as independent sovereign countries. Whether they were or not, they most certainly are not today. We are now almost seven decades after WWII, and US troops still occupy Germany. No European government dares to take a stance different from that of the US Department of State.
    Not long ago there was talk both in the UK and Germany about departing the European Union, and Washington told both countries that talk of that kind must stop as it was not in Washington’s interest for any country to exit the EU. The talk stopped. Great Britain and Germany are such complete vassals of Washington that neither country can publicly discuss its own future.
    When Baltasar Garzon, a Spanish judge with prosecuting authority, attempted to indict members of the George W. Bush regime for violating international law by torturing detainees, he was slapped down.
    In Modern Britain, Stephane Aderca writes that the UK is so proud of being Washington’s “junior partner” that the British government agreed to a one-sided extradition treaty under which Washington merely has to declare “reasonable suspicion” in order to obtain extradition from the UK, but the UK must prove “probable cause.” Being Washington’s “junior partner,” Aderca reports, is an ego-boost for British elites, giving them a feeling of self-importance.
    Under the rule of the Soviet Union, a larger entity than present day Russia, the captive nations had poor economic performance. Under Washington’s rule, these same captives have poor economic performance due to their looting by Wall Street and the IMF.
    As Giuseppe di Lampedusa said, “Things have to change in order to remain the same.”
    The looting of Europe by Wall Street has gone beyond Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Ukraine, and is now focused on France and Great Britain. The American authorities are demanding $10 billion from France’s largest bank on a trumped-up charge of financing trade with Iran, as if it is any business whatsoever of Washington’s who French banks choose to finance. And despite Great Britain’s total subservience to Washington, Barclays bank has a civil fraud suit filed against it by the NY State Attorney General.
    The charges against Barclays PLC are likely correct. But as no US banks were charged, most of which are similarly guilty, the US charge against Barclays means that big pension funds and mutual funds must flee Barclays as customers, because the pension funds and mutual funds would be subject to lawsuits for negligence if they stayed with a bank under charges.
    The result, of course, of the US charges against foreign banks is that US banks like Morgan Stanley and Citigroup are given a competitive advantage and gain market share in their own dark pools.
    So, what are we witnessing? Clearly and unequivocally, we are witnessing the use of US law to create financial hegemony for US financial institutions. The US Department of Justice (sic) has had evidence for five years of Citigroup’s participation in the fixing of the LIBOR interest rate, but no indictment has been forthcoming.
    The bought and paid for governments of Washington’s European puppet states are so corrupt that the leaders permit Washington control over their countries in order to advance American financial, political, and economic hegemony.
    Washington is organizing the world against Russia and China for Washington’s benefit. On June 27 Washington’s puppet states that comprise the EU issued an ultimatum to Russia.The absurdity of this ultimatum is obvious. Militarily, Washington’s EU puppets are harmless. Russia could wipe out Europe in a few minutes. Here we have the weak issuing an ultimatum to the strong.
    The EU, ordered by Washington, told Russia to suppress the opposition in southern and eastern Ukraine to Washington’s stooge government in Kiev. But, as every educated person knows, including the White House, 10 Downing Street, Merkel, and Holland, Russia is not responsible for the separatist unrest in eastern and southern Ukraine. These territories are former constituent parts of Russia that were added to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic by Soviet Communist Party leaders when Ukraine and Russia were two parts of the same country.
    These Russians want to return to Russia because they are threatened by the stooge government in Kiev that Washington has installed. Washington, determined to force Putin into military action that can be used to justify more sanctions, is intent on forcing the issue, not on resolving the issue.
    What is Putin to do? He has been given 72 hours to submit to an ultimatum from a collection of puppet states that he can wipe out at a moment’s notice or seriously inconvenience by turning off the flow of Russian natural gas to Europe.
    Historically, such a stupid challenge to power would result in consequences. But Putin is a humanist who favors peace. He will not willingly give up his strategy of demonstrating to Europe that the provocations are coming from Washington, not from Russia. Putin’s hope, and Russia’s, is that Europe will eventually realize that Europe is being badly used by Washington.
    Washington has hundreds of Washington-financed NGOs in Russia hiding behind various guises such as “human rights,” and Washington can unleash these NGOs on Putin at will, as Washington did with the protests against Putin’s election. Washington’s fifth columns claimed that Putin stole the election even though polls showed that Putin was the clear and undisputed winner.
    In 1991 Russians were, for the most part, delighted to be released from communism and looked to the West as an ally in the construction of a civil society based on good will. This was Russia’s mistake. As the Brzezinski and Wolfowitz doctrines make clear, Russia is the enemy whose rise to influence must be prevented at all cost.
    Putin’s dilemma is that he is caught between his heart-felt desire to reach an accommodation with Europe and Washington’s desire to demonize and isolate Russia.
    The risk for Putin is that his desire for accommodation is being exploited by Washington and explained to the EU as Putin’s weakness and lack of courage. Washington is telling its European vassals that Putin’s retreat under Europe’s pressure will undermine his status in Russia, and at the right time Washington will unleash its many hundreds of NGOs to bring Putin to ruin.
    This was the Ukraine scenario. With Putin replaced with a compliant Russian, richly rewarded by Washington, only China would remain as an obstacle to American world hegemony.
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    ‘We Will Attack’: Ukrainian President Prepares for Offensive

    01 Tuesday Jul 2014
    Posted by Mary W. in Military, Russia, Ukraine, United States, World At War

    Just because they’re not talking about it anymore doesn’t mean it’s over.

    Hundreds have been killed in skirmishes between Ukrainian military forces and pro-Russian separatists in recent weeks and the ceasefire that has kept the Ukrainian (and Russian) militaries at bay and casualties relatively low given the circumstances has now come to a close, according to Ukraine’s western supported President Petro Poroshenko.

    Poroshenko, citing the failure of rebel forces to disarm, says the Ukrainian army is now preparing an offensive to free border crossings and pockets of rebel held territory.
    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he is halting a unilateral cease-fire in the conflict with pro-Russian separatists and says Ukrainian forces will go on the offensive against the rebels.

    A statement from Poroshenko on his website early Tuesday said the cease-fire is being halted and that “we will attack and we will free our country.”

    Rebels did not comply with Poroshenko’s latest push to get them to turn over key border crossings with Russia and permit international monitoring of the cease-fire.
    “The unique chance to put the peace plan into practice was not realized,” Poroshenko said in a speech prepared for delivery to the nation. “This happened because of the criminal actions of the fighters.”

    Poroshenko did not make any claims to the contested region of Crimea, which is currently being presided over by Russian interests.

    What remains to be seen is how Russian President Vladimir Putin will respond to Poroshenko’s military push. There are reportedly over one hundred thousand Russian troops deployed along the Ukranian border and reports as early as last month indicated that those units may be preparing a counter-offensive against the Ukranians in an effort to lend support to separatists in the region. On June 20th reports that Russian tanks had crossed into Ukraine sovereign territory raised fears that Putin was preparing an all out invasion.

    The situation on Russia’s border remains fluid with no clear path to peace having been established. If anything, tensions have left the region at a breaking point. According to the President of Poland, who called up his country’s Army reserves for the first time in its history, the world sits on the brink of war.

    President Obama, in a show of force and solidarity with the Ukranians, deployed several hundreds U.S. troops to Poland in April. The United States also leveled financial sanctions against top Russian diplomats and politicians that included asset forfeiture at western-friendly banks.

    It was rumored that the United States may even go after the personal fortune of Vladimir Putin, a move that many have suggested would inevitably lead to an all out East/West confrontation.

    Just days after that report Russian strategic bombers were spotted flying along the U.S. west coast. Coincidentally, air traffic control system in Southern California and several hundred miles inland were reportedly taken out of service at around the same time.

    It is not clear where the United States stands on Ukraine President Poroshenko’s latest call for military strikes, nor can we see into the mind of Vladimir Putin and how far he is prepared to go to defend Russian interests not just from the Ukraine, but from western influence directly on his country’s border.

    Will Putin invade Ukraine in response to Poroshenko’s call to arms? Or will he, as John Galt FLA noted, become the Obama of Eurasia?

    Perhaps the real question is not whether Putin decides to invade the Ukraine. It’s how will President Obama respond if he does?

    There can be no half measures taken should Russia respond to Ukraine’s halting of the ceasefire.

    Russian and American media have both suggested that a confrontation between east and west would very quickly become a worst-case global scenario, with the end result being widespread thermo-nuclear warfare, an option that neither nation has taken off the table.

    By Mac Slavo of SHTF Plan
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  5. #525
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    ‘ North Korea Fires Short-Range Rockets into the Sea in Violation of a UN Resolution Ban ‘

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    #AceWorldNews – NORTH KOREA (PYONGYANG) – July 02 – North Korea fired short-range rockets into the sea off its east coast on Wednesday morning, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported.

    A South Korean Ministry of Defence official, however, was not able to confirm exactly what kind of weapons were launched but said they were assumed to be 300mm rockets launched from one of North Korea’s many Multiple Rocket Launchers.

    Pyongyag tested two short-range missiles on Sunday in violation of a UN resolutions, that prohibit North Korea from procuring and using ballistic missile technology, but short-range rocket launchers are not included in the ban.

    New tests came one day ahead of a state visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Seoul. Pyongyang is likely to be high on the agenda when Xi meets his South Korean counterpart, Park Geun-hye, Reuters said.

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    Poroshenko refuses to extend ceasefire as Ukrainian Army, National Guard press attacks against Moscow-backed rebels in Donetsk, Lugansk oblasts; insurgents try to down Su-24 Fencer combat plane with missile, kill border guard in mortar attack; acting DM Koval on Monday: Govern- ment forces carried out strikes against 120 rebel positions, “We have to eliminate the fighters who have brought misfortune to the land of the Donbass”; Ukrainian, Russian, German, French FMs to meet in Berlin, talk peace; Moldova tries to escape Russia’s neo-imperialist dragnet, parliament ratifies EU “association agreement,” 34 pro-Moscow Communist deputies leave chamber in protest; Putin, Russian Orthodox Patriarch bestow awards upon Communist Party boss Zyuganov

    Leave a comment Posted by periloustimes1 on July 2, 2014

    source 1 source 2 source 3 source 4
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  7. #527
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    We are officially - well, unofficially - in the middle of World War Three.

    Iraq has become the focal point of the war.

    Russia has sent in planes and there's rumors of "troops from somewhere" showing up.

    Syria has sent planes in to bomb the ISIS people.

    American has sent more than 800 military "advisers" and an undisclosed number of Apache helicopters to Baghdad.

    Iran is apparently HELPING Washington in this fight.... (I wonder what THAT deal entailed?)

    Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish are coming apart at the seams, and if anything getting further apart (if that's possible) than they were to begin with.

    Syria's border has been seized by ISIL/ISIS forces and they control that entire border on the north-wester side of Iraq. They have yet to impinge on the southern Syria border.

    ISIS found Iraqs missing WMD. There's a possibility some nukes might be involved in all this someplace. At the very least, they have long range missiles:

    ISIL displays captured weapons

    Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
    01 July 2014

    The Islamist State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) held a parade in the eastern Syrian city of Al-Raqqah on 30 June to show off weapons captured in Iraq and Syria, including a non-operational 'Scud' ballistic missile.
    The 'Scud' missile that was displayed by ISIL on 30 June. (State of Al-Raqqah)
    The missile was on a static launcher that had been put on a trailer so it could be towed through the streets by members of the Sunni radical group, which recently shortened its name to the Islamic State.
    The launcher was identical to ones found by insurgents when they overran a facility 80 km to the southeast in February 2013. The facility consisted of a large shed containing at least three such launchers, two of them with missiles, that had been built on top of the site of the nuclear reactor that was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike in September 2007.

    The United States is being INVADED from the south, by an overwhelming number of... of all things... children. You can't SHOOT them. They are kids. But they are being used as pawns in something much, much larger, the complete and total economic collapse of America.

    Diseases are being ignored and even thrust upon various cities in the South West (and there's RUMORS FLYING) these people with diseases are being spread around this country by the airplane load.

    And this little tidbit I just pulled from the news...

    Baghdadi, who has assumed the mediaeval title of caliph, used the message to seek to assert authority over Muslims everywhere. He called on them to rise up and avenge the alleged wrongs committed against their religion, from Central African Republic to Myanmar (Burma).

    The group, previously known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), proclaimed the caliphate on Sunday and declared Baghdadi its leader, in a bid to sweep away state borders and redraw the map of the Middle East.
    Big thinking for a few idiots, don't you think?

    I can't see that this whole thing, along with ALL the BS America is going through at this point wasn't all planned. Obama does nothing while the country, no, several countries burn, Marines are in custody in Mexico and a flood of children refugees come into this country. Iraq is blowing up, Iran is helping DC... Congress is on "break" instead of impeaching this lying Muslim poser in the White House.

    It's on us now. It just hasn't gotten big yet.
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  8. #528
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    I agree.

  9. #529
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    I got reports that Saudi Arabia has dropped troops in to defend the Iraqi border:

    Saudi Arabia ‘Deploys Troops To Iraq Border’

    Posted on

    King Abdullah orders “all necessary measures” to protect the kingdom, as 2,500 Iraqi soldiers pull back from the border.
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    Iran has sent aircraft:

    Iranian fighter jets deployed to fight ISIL in Iraq: Report

    There have been reports in the UK that Iranian fighter jets have been deployed to help Iraq in its offensive against Islamist group ISIS.
    Russia has already supplied Baghdad with aircraft.
    This latest development means that the United States, which has also sent drones and helicopters to Iraq, is operating alongside Iran in the conflict.
    Washington has so far pledged 300 mainly special forces advisers to help in the battle against the spread of the Islamist militants in the country. On Monday they said they would send a further 300 troops to help secure the embassy and Baghdad Airport.
    Fighting has been reported in several areas including in the city of Tikrit.
    In the Kurdish autonomous region displaced civilians have started to depart for Turkey.
    The bus terminals in the city of Erbil and other towns have been full with people trying to leave the region.
    It’s also been reported that hotels in the area are full.
    Russia dropped in planes yesterday:

    From the BBC
    By Jonathan Marcus BBC diplomatic correspondent

    A video posted online appeared to show the fighter jets in Iraq
    Struggle for Iraq

    Iran has supplied Iraq with attack jets to help it counter an offensive by Sunni rebels led by the Islamist group Isis, strong evidence suggests.
    Russia supplied an initial delivery of the aircraft just a few days ago.
    But analysts at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London say that a further delivery, on 1 July, originates from Iran.
    This means that the US – which has also sent aircraft to Iraq – is operating alongside Iran in this conflict.
    The US has deployed drones and helicopters to Iraq and is actively gathering intelligence on the advance by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis). Washington is also supplying Iraq’s existing air force with Hellfire missiles.
    In this case adversity has made for strange bed-fellows.

    The IISS says that the serial numbers on the aircraft seen in a video posted online by the Iraqi Ministry of Defence correspond with known serial numbers of aircraft in the Iranian fleet.

    Mr Dempsey of the IISS notes that “the camouflage scheme visible on the three aircraft is also identical to that currently applied to Iranian Su-25s; a scheme not adopted by any other operators.” He says there appear to have been attempts to conceal the original markings “with evidence of key positions being painted over. This includes the location of Iranian roundels on the side of the air intakes along with a large proportion of the tail fin normally occupied by a full serial number, the Iranian flag and the IRGC insignia.”

    Joseph Dempsey, an analyst for the IISS’s Military Balance publication, has carefully studied video of the aircraft released by the Iraqi authorities.

    He told the BBC that he believes that some of the aircraft – Sukhoi Su-25 “Frogfoot” ground attack jets – operating in Iraq are indeed Iranian.

    “Imagery analysis,” he says, “makes this the most logical conclusion. The markings, serial numbers and camouflage all fit with what we know of the Iranian fleet.”

    Iran maintains a small number of Su-25 aircraft, operated by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

    Ironically, the majority of these aircraft used to be part of the Iraqi Air Force – seven Su-25s sought refuge in Iran during the First Gulf War.

    Contrary to Iraqi wishes, these aircraft were retained and later brought into Iranian service.

    Of course it is much harder to determine who is actually flying the aircraft.

    Mr Dempsey says that “while Iraq may retain some capability, having operated the aircraft in the past, any pilots would not have had any flying experience for at least 11 years.
    “So it would strongly suggest that some level of external support is required,” he says.
    The US has sent about 1000 troops, mostly Specials Forces troops to protect the US Embassy in Baghdad, and others for unknown purposes. A handful of Apache choppers are now on the ground there.

    Airport security has been tightened in the UK due to a threat - coming out of Africa. Especially on electronic items coming into Heathrow. The threats are very specific, and today's date: In a statement the embassy said the threat was apparently aimed for "today, July 3rd, between the hours of 2100-2300".

    As I write this, Baghdad security forces are trying desperately to locate sleeper cells known to be in the region. "Zero Hour" approaches for the siege of Baghdad.... and those cells will cause major problems in the city when the siege begins. Iraqis speak of a "Zero Hour" as the moment a previously-prepared attack plan would start to unfold.

    It's beginning to look like America will side with Assad in Syrian and the Iranian leaders shortly.

    Whether this will prevent the Russians and Americans from becoming embroiled in even more shenanigans, I don't know.

    But, in my opinion, Iraq is the trigger point. When the right for Baghdad starts, all bets are off on who is on whose side(s) and the "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" crap is right out the window.
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  10. #530
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    I got reports that Saudi Arabia has dropped troops in to defend the Iraqi border:


    Iran has sent aircraft:

    Russia dropped in planes yesterday:

    The US has sent about 1000 troops, mostly Specials Forces troops to protect the US Embassy in Baghdad, and others for unknown purposes. A handful of Apache choppers are now on the ground there.

    Airport security has been tightened in the UK due to a threat - coming out of Africa. Especially on electronic items coming into Heathrow. The threats are very specific, and today's date: In a statement the embassy said the threat was apparently aimed for "today, July 3rd, between the hours of 2100-2300".

    As I write this, Baghdad security forces are trying desperately to locate sleeper cells known to be in the region. "Zero Hour" approaches for the siege of Baghdad.... and those cells will cause major problems in the city when the siege begins. Iraqis speak of a "Zero Hour" as the moment a previously-prepared attack plan would start to unfold.

    It's beginning to look like America will side with Assad in Syrian and the Iranian leaders shortly.

    Whether this will prevent the Russians and Americans from becoming embroiled in even more shenanigans, I don't know.

    But, in my opinion, Iraq is the trigger point. When the right for Baghdad starts, all bets are off on who is on whose side(s) and the "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" crap is right out the window.
    The 'Islamic State' of 'Caliph Ibrahim' is in my opinion an existential threat to the entire planet, or soon will be, much as the Third Reich of Nazi Germany was. Once more, America and Russia will have to destroy a monsterous and antihuman foe, and this time it will be at a cost at least as great as World War Two was. Again, in my opinion. We will have to drop our rivalries in the face of this new threat, which is the REAL 'Trans-Asian Axis'. Militant Salafist/Wahabbai Islam.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

  11. #531
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avvakum View Post
    The 'Islamic State' of 'Caliph Ibrahim' is in my opinion an existential threat to the entire planet, or soon will be, much as the Third Reich of Nazi Germany was. Once more, America and Russia will have to destroy a monsterous and antihuman foe, and this time it will be at a cost at least as great as World War Two was. Again, in my opinion. We will have to drop our rivalries in the face of this new threat, which is the REAL 'Trans-Asian Axis'. Militant Salafist/Wahabbai Islam.
    Not to be contradictory just for the sake of contradiction...

    It is my opinion that the primary threat, that which terrorizes all on a global scale, is the country, countries or entities responsible for training, financing, supplying and motivating the ISIS group. This group did not come to being in a vacuum.

    And, as far as the 480 million dollar bank job to finance their cause, that's about as phony as... well you fill in the rest.

    It doesn't take an intelligence analyst to review ISIS's seemingly instant timing on the Middle East stage, the fact that much of their equipment is very similar to that used by our own military and the fact that we drew down to virtually zero presence in the theater just in time for their inveiling. Oh, and by the way, where were those analysts when the fanatics were arming and organizing? So we can spot a freighter coming from the east relocating to somewhere in the world, stop it and discover contraband military equipment in the hold out of all the innocuous freighters in the world, and we can't recognize the buildup of a major military force in a region where we keep a constant eye? Nonsense.
    Last edited by MinutemanCO; July 4th, 2014 at 16:42.

  12. #532
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    Not to be contradictory just for the sake of contradiction...
    I don't think it will be.

    It is my opinion that the primary threat, that which terrorizes all on a global scale, is the country, countries or entities responsible for training, financing, supplying and motivating the ISIS group. This group did not come to being in a vacuum.
    Which is why I had earlier identified what I called the 'real Trans-Asian Axis' as being Saudi Arabia and the other Oil Sheikdoms and their servants. Maybe not the 'official' governments, but a network of well-funded and powerful individuals wanting to see a Salafist/Wahhabai Caliphate instead of the corrupt Gerontocracy they presently have.

    And, as far as the 480 million dollar bank job to finance their cause, that's about as phony as... well you fill in the rest.
    I agree, and I suspect that this new Caliphate has much, much more money than that.

    It doesn't take an intelligence analyst to review ISIS's seemingly instant timing on the Middle East stage, the fact that much of their equipment is very similar to that used by our own military and the fact that we drew down to virtually zero presence in the theater just in time for their inveiling.
    Makes one think that the Global Elite WANT this kind of Islam to prevail, as long as they can keep their riches into the New Order. Bill Gates and his liberal plutocratic kind can thrive under Salafism just as well or even better than under the current economic order.

    Oh, and by the way, where were those analysts when the fanatics were arming and organizing?
    Cheering their attacks on regimes that held back the Islamist tidal wave.

    So we can spot a freighter coming from the east relocating to somewhere in the world, stop it and discover contraband military equipment in the hold out of all the innocuous freighters in the world, and we can't recognize the buildup of a major military force in a region where we keep a constant eye? Nonsense.
    Exactly. Our power elite want militant Islam to win, as militant Islam favors their social/economic order and has done so for 1500 years. And, it will control the masses even as it blesses their gaining of more and more wealth.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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    I agree with MMCO. This group came not into existence in a vacuum, they were given money. By the way, the Saudis are sending military forces to defend their own borders. That doesn't strike me as being in league with ISIS.

    The money came from somewhere - and I would almost guarantee it was from Russia and/or China. The Iranians weren't in on this deal or they wouldn't be so keen to help the US suddenly (unless John F-ing Kerry is giving the Ayatollah a blowjob in the back rooms, which surprisingly, I wouldn't put past him and the other Neo-European scum inhabiting the White House).

    By the way, no one has "favored" the Islamic idiots ever. Do you not recall multiple (something like six of them) Crusades against the Muslims? And the various Muslim invasions into Europe, Rome, even into China? I think these people truly believe they are going to take over the world, but they can't do it from their third world hell holes alone. Someone has to be helping this shit storm along.
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    Japan objects as Chinese paper prints mushroom clouds on map

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    Japan’s Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida gives a speech during a seminar in Tokyo

    TOKYO/BEIJING (Reuters) – Japan on Tuesday vowed to make a stern protest to China after a regional Chinese newspaper printed a map of the country with mushroom clouds hovering over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and accused the Japanese of wanting war again.

    The neighbours have a long history of tense relations. Beijing bristles at Japan’s inability to properly atone for its invasion of China before and during World War Two, and its occupation of large parts of the country.

    The newspaper, the weekly Chongqing Youth News from the southwestern city of Chongqing, printed the picture in its latest edition, Chinese media reported, though it appeared later to have been removed from the paper’s website version.

    The picture showed a map of Japan with mushroom clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki – both of which were hit by nuclear bombs at the end of World War Two – and the words in Chinese and English, “Japan wants a war again”.

    A picture of the page was carried on the website of the Global Times, a widely-read tabloid published by the ruling Communist Party’s official People’s Daily.
    “As the butcher of World War Two, the blood on Japan’s hands has yet to dry,” the Chongqing Youth News wrote in an accompanying article that remains available on its website.
    Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said the paper’s comment and the accompanying map were regrettable.

    “As foreign minister of the only country that has suffered nuclear attacks, and as a politician from Hiroshima, I cannot tolerate this,” he told reporters.

    “I issued an instruction to check the facts with the paper in question speedily through the consulate in Chongqing and, if it turns out to be true, to lodge a stern protest.”

    Calls to the newspaper seeking comment went unanswered. Its website says the newspaper is published by the Chongqing branch of the party’s Youth League.

    Japanese leaders have repeatedly apologised for suffering caused by the country’s wartime actions, including a landmark 1995 apology by then prime minister Tomiichi Murayama. Japan’s government, including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, has repeatedly said that Japan has faced up to its past sincerely.

    But contradictory remarks from conservative politicians have cast doubt on that sincerity.

    (Reporting by Kiyoshi Takanaka and Ben Blanchard; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
    Source: Yahoo News - “Japan upset as Chinese paper prints mushroom clouds on map”
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    Close Call As China Scrambles Fighter Jets On Japanese Aircraft In Disputed Territory
    July 10, 2014 · by Fortuna's Corner · in Asia/Pacific Pivot, China, CIA, DIA, foreign policy, Intelligence Community, Japan, military history, national security, US Military · Leave a comment

    Close Call As China Scrambles Fighter Jets on Japanese Aircraft In Disputed Territory

    By Tim Hume, CNN

    updated 3:23 PM EDT, Mon May 26, 2014

    This disputed islands in the East China Sea are known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

    Hong Kong (CNN) — Territorial tensions between China and Japan have flared after a close encounter between their military jets in disputed airspace over the East China Sea.

    The neighboring rivals accused each other of potentially triggering a dangerous incident, after two pairs of Chinese fighter jets were scrambled and flew unprecedentedly close to a Japanese OP-3C surveillance plane and a YS-11EB electronic intelligence aircraft Saturday.

    The fly-bys occurred in airspace claimed by both countries as part of their “air defense identification zones,” while China carried out joint maritime exercises with Russia at the weekend.

    Japan claims the flights were part of a routine reconnaissance mission near a group of uninhabited islands claimed by both nations, known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan.

    Meanwhile, China’s Ministry of National Defense described the move as a justified enforcement of the country’s air defense zone.

    Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said it was the closest that Chinese jets had come to Japanese aircraft — passing about 30 meters from one plane and 50 meters from another.

    “We believe this proximity and behavior does not follow common sense,” he said.

    He said the flight crews reported the Chinese planes were armed with missiles. “The crews were on edge as they responded.”

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters Monday that Japan had lodged a protest to China through diplomatic channels over the incident.

    “This should never happen,” he said.

    Beyond meeting the Japanese aircraft, the Chinese jets took no further action, and the Japanese pilots returned to base.

    In response, a statement from China’s Ministry of National Defense blamed Japan for the incident, saying that the Chinese and Russian navies had issued “no-fly” notices in the area ahead of the maritime drill.

    According to the statement, carried by Chinese state media, the ministry had since lodged a complaint with Japan and called on it to “stop all surveillance and interference activities.” “Otherwise, all the consequences that might be caused will be borne by the Japanese side,” read the statement.

    An image of a Chinese fighter jet released by Japan\’s Defense Ministry after the incident.

    An image of a Chinese fighter jet released by Japan’s Defense Ministry after the incident.

    Tensions in recent years over China’s increasingly assertive stance towards territorial claims escalated in November when it unilaterally declared an “air defense identification zone,” or ADIZ, that included stretches of disputed territory.

    An ADIZ is essentially a buffer zone outside a country’s sovereign airspace, in which nations request that approaching aircraft identify themselves. The United States and Japan have both declared such zones around their territories.

    Both countries immediately challenged China’s declaration of its ADIZ in November, with the United States sending two unarmed B-52 bombers through the airspace without notifying Chinese authorities.

    The disputed island standoff regularly sees the coast guards of China and Japan tail each other around the island chain.

    While the islands are uninhabited, their ownership would allow for exclusive oil, mineral, and fishing rights in surrounding waters, and their status has been a regular flashpoint in Sino-Japanese relations.

    Japan protests China fighter jets’ close brush over East China Sea

    By Nobuhiro Kubo
    TOKYO Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:23am EDT

    Japan’s Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera speaks at a news conference at the Defense Ministry in Tokyo December 17, 2013.

    Credit: Reuters/Yuya Shino/Files

    (Reuters) – Japan protested after Chinese fighter jets flew “abnormally close” to Japanese military aircraft over the East China Sea on Wednesday, Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera said.

    The newest flare up in a long-running territorial dispute between Asia’s largest economies follows a similar incident on May 24, when Japan said Chinese aircraft had come within a few dozen meters of its warplanes.
    The Chinese Su-27s “flew so recklessly that the Self-Defense Forces pilot felt in danger,” Onodera told visiting Australian Defense Minister David Johnston.

    “I would like the Chinese military authorities who allow this kind of dangerous behavior to take place to behave morally.”

    China’s defense ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    China lays claim to Japanese-administered islets in the East China Sea, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. It is also pressing its claim to almost all the South China Sea, brushing aside claims by several southeast Asian states.

    Japan’s Defense Ministry said the Chinese fighters came “abnormally close” to a Japanese OP-3C surveillance plane and a YS-11EB electronic intelligence aircraft between 11 a.m. and 12 a.m.

    The ministry’s statement did not say how close the planes came to each other but added that neither the planes nor the Japanese pilots suffered damage or injury.

    China’s proclamation last November of an air defense zone covering disputed islands and areas in the South China Sea has fuelled concerns that a minor incident could quickly escalate.

    Sino-Japanese ties have long been strained by allegations in China that Japan has not properly atoned for its wartime aggression and by the spat over the uninhabited islands.

    Japan scrambled fighter jets against Chinese planes 415 times in the year ended in March, up 36 percent on the year, while in waters near the disputed islands, patrol ships from both countries have been playing cat-and-mouse, raising fears of an accidental clash.

    Japanese land, sea and air forces joined last month to simulate the recapture of a remote island, underscoring Tokyo’s concerns about the security of the islets.

    Tensions between China and its neighbours have also risen sharply in the South China Sea in recent weeks, following the deployment of a Chinese oil rig in waters also claimed by Vietnam. The deployment sparked anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam.

    The Philippine foreign ministry in May accused China of reclaiming land on a disputed reef in the South China Sea and said it appeared to be building an airstrip.

    (This story was refiled to delete extraneous word in headline)
    (Reporting by Nobuhiro Kubo in Tokyo and Ben Blanchard in Beijing; Writing by Antoni Slodkowski; Editing by William Mallard and Clarence Fernandez)
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    #AceNewsGroup 06:37 on July 10, 2014 Reply | Follow
    ‘ Barack Obama’s Administration Opposes the Adoption of Bill That Would Suspend Nuclear Non-Proliferation Co-Operation with Russia ‘

    #AceWorldNews – UNITED STATES (Washington) – July 10. /ITAR-TASS/. Barack Obama’s administration opposed the adoption of a bill that would suspend nuclear non-proliferation cooperation with Russia.

    The document approved by the House of Representatives "unduly restricts" the US Department of Energy interaction with Russia.

    In fact, the bill passed recently by the lower house of Congress not only limits but bans the use of budget funds on joint projects with Russian Ministry of Energy.

    The reasons for this decision are not listed in the document.

    But all restrictions on cooperation with Russia set by the US lawmakers were related to the situation around Ukraine.

    At the same time, the bill contains a provision allowing to continue contacts with Russia, if the Minister of Energy finds that "such activities in the interest of US national security."

    However, even with this amendment the Obama administration regarded the document as unacceptable.

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    Taiwan Diplomat Fears China-Japan ‘Explosive’ Incident
    July 10, 2014 · by Fortuna's Corner · in China, CIA, DIA, foreign policy, Intelligence Community, Japan, military history, national security, US Military · Leave a comment

    Taiwan Diplomat Fears China-Japan ‘Explosive’ Incident

    Owen Ullmann, USATODAY 7:38 p.m. EDT July 9, 2014

    (Photo: AP)

    China’s territorial dispute with Japan over a chain of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea could lead to an “explosive” confrontation, Taiwan’s top diplomat in the United States warned Wednesday.

    “These little islands could trigger something,” Lyushun Shen, ambassador of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States, said in an interview with USA TODAY. “A small collision of patrol boats could trigger a major incident. It could be explosive.”

    Both countries claim a group of tiny, remote islands known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China. Taiwan calls them Diaoyutai. The United States has not taken sides as to which country owns the islands, but it recently reiterated its mutual defense pact with Japan and has criticized China’s aggressive efforts to protect the waters.

    Shen said the dispute has roots in the deep animosity China still feels from the Japanese brutality and occupation it suffered during the Second Sino-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945. China used Monday’s anniversary of the start of the war to raise nationalistic feelings and arouse public opinion against Japan, Shen said. “There is a ‘Hate Japan’ campaign going on,” he said.

    China has provoked conflicts with several nations in the South China Sea, including Vietnam and the Philippines, over territorial rights to islands there. Shen noted Taiwan originally categorized and named the disputed islands.

    The communist Chinese regime has ruled the mainland since winning a civil war in 1949, when the losing nationalists fled to Taiwan and claimed to be the real Chinese government in exile. The island continues to operate as a politically independent democracy, even as it has fostered closer economic and social ties with the mainland. The communist regime in Beijing is recognized by virtually all other nations as the only legitimate government of China.

    Shen said he hoped continued economic, social and cultural integration of the two systems would lead to a “peaceful” political solution in the future. He noted Taiwan is visited by nearly 3 million mainland Chinese tourists each year, and marriages between island and mainland residents continue to grow.
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    by darcprynce

    Terrorists In Iraq Seize 88 Pounds Of Uranium

    Iraq tells U.N. That ‘Terrorist Groups’ Seized Nuclear Materials – Reuters

    Insurgents in Iraq have seized nuclear materials used for scientific research at a university in the country’s north, Iraq told the United Nations in a letter appealing for help to “stave off the threat of their use by terrorists in Iraq or abroad.”

    Nearly 40 kilograms (88 pounds) of uranium compounds were kept at Mosul University, Iraq’s U.N. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim told U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the July 8 letter obtained by Reuters on Wednesday.

    “Terrorist groups have seized control of nuclear material at the sites that came out of the control of the state,” Alhakim wrote, adding that such materials “can be used in manufacturing weapons of mass destruction.”

    “These nuclear materials, despite the limited amounts mentioned, can enable terrorist groups, with the availability of the required expertise, to use it separate or in combination with other materials in its terrorist acts,” said Alhakim.

    He warned that they could also be smuggled out of Iraq.

    A U.S. government source familiar with the matter said the materials were not believed to be enriched uranium and therefore would be difficult to use to manufacture into a weapon. Another U.S. official familiar with security matters said he was unaware of this development raising any alarm among U.S. authorities.

    A Sunni Muslim group known as the Islamic State is spearheading a patchwork of insurgents who have taken over large swaths of Syria and Iraq. The al Qaeda offshoot until recently called itself the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

    “The Republic of Iraq is notifying the international community of these dangerous developments and asking for help and the needed support to stave off the threat of their use by terrorists in Iraq or abroad,” Alhakim wrote.

    Iraq acceded to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material on Monday, said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The convention requires states to protect nuclear facilities and material in peaceful domestic use, storage and transport.

    “It also provides for expanded cooperation between and among states regarding rapid measures to locate and recover stolen or smuggled nuclear material, mitigate any radiological consequences of sabotage, and prevent and combat related offences,” according to the IAEA.
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    Malaysia Jet Brought Down in Ukraine by Missile, U.S. Officials Say



    The crash site of a Malaysia Airlines 777 carrying 295 people in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Credit Dmitry Lovetsky/Associated Press

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    WASHINGTON — A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 with 295 people aboard was shot down on Thursday by a surface-to-air missile, American officials have confirmed. The plane was traveling at about 30,000 feet, according to tracking information from a military spy satellite. The satellite was unable to detect where exactly the missile was fired.
    Military and intelligence analysts are using mathematical formulas, high-speed computers and other sensors to try to pin down the missile’s point of origin. Other analysts will work with the Ukrainian authorities to recover and analyze pieces of the missile and the aircraft to help determine what kind of missile was fired, the officials said.
    The plane — Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — was carrying nearly 300 passengers and crew when it crashed and burned in an eastern Ukraine wheat field near the Russian border, in an area roiled by fighting between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces. There were no known survivors. Ukrainian officials immediately called the crash an act of terrorism.
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    News on the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 in eastern Ukraine.

    The furiously unfolding investigation centered on Ukrainian separatists or Russian troops as the missile operators. But the reason for the attack — whether it was a deliberate strike or a tragic accident — was unknown.
    “What we still don’t know is what were they thinking,” one official said.
    “This is truly a grave situation,” said Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. of the United States, speaking in Detroit. “It’s important we get to the bottom of this sooner than later because of the possible repercussions that can flow beyond from this, beyond the tragic loss of life.”
    Ukraine’s president, Petro O. Poroshenko, called for an immediate investigation and asked the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, to send Dutch experts to assist. “I would like to note that we are calling this not an incident, not a catastrophe, but a terrorist act,” Mr. Poroshenko said.
    Malaysia’s prime minister, Najib Razak, said, “If it transpires that the plane was, indeed, shot down, we insist that the perpetrators must be brought to justice.”
    Forensics evidence from the site, as well as the satellite data and any intercepted communications, would help analysts and investigators determine who fired the lethal missile.
    Defense Department officials said late Thursday that they were examining the possibility that Ukrainian separatists with Russian advisers had fired a captured Ukrainian Army Buk missile system. The separatists do not otherwise have the technology to shoot down an airliner at such a high altitude, the officials said.

    An armed pro-Russian separatist at the site of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane crash on Thursday in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Credit Maxim Zmeyev/Reuters
    Another possibility, a senior Pentagon official said, was that Russian troops just across the border from eastern Ukraine may have fired the missile. In both scenarios, the senior official said, the missile operator most likely mistook the Malaysian airliner for a Ukrainian military transport plane. A third possibility, the official said, was that the Russians supplied the rebels with the missile.
    Two senior Pentagon officials said military analysts suspected that the missile was either an SA-11 or an SA-20.
    Reporters arriving at the scene near the town of Grabovo described dozens of lifeless bodies strewn about, mostly intact, in a field dotted with purple flowers, with remnants of the plane scattered across a road lined with fire engines and emergency vehicles. “It fell down in pieces,” said one rescue worker as tents were set up to gather the dead.
    One passenger in a black sweater lay on her back, with blood streaming down her face and her left arm raised. The carcass of the plane was still smoldering, and rescue workers moved through the dark field with flashlights. Dogs barked in the distance, and the air was filled with a bitter smell.
    A regional airline official said the plane had been flying at about 33,000 feet when radar lost track of it.
    For months, eastern Ukraine has been the scene of a violent pro-Russian separatist uprising in which a number of military aircraft have been downed. But this would be the first commercial airline disaster to result from the hostilities.
    Despite the turmoil in eastern Ukraine, the commercial airspace over that part of the country is heavily trafficked and has remained open. Aeroflot, Russia’s national carrier, announced that it had suspended all flights to Ukraine for at least three days.
    Continue reading the main story Crash Site Within Area of Rebel Activity
    Published July 17
    Eastern Ukraine has been roiled for months by a violent pro-Russian separatist uprising. A number of military aircraft have been downed. Related Maps and Multimedia »


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    Source: Ukrainian Council of National Security and Defense

    Malaysia Airlines, still reeling from the mysterious loss of another Boeing 777 flight in March, said it had lost contact with Thursday’s flight, MH17, over Ukraine but offered no further details immediately. Mr. Razak said initially in a Twitter post that he was “shocked by reports that an MH plane crashed. We are launching an immediate investigation.”
    President Obama, who one day earlier had announced strengthened sanctions against Russia over its support for the eastern Ukraine separatists, spoke by telephone with Mr. Putin, who raised the issue of the reports of the downed plane, White House officials said. Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said Mr. Obama had been briefed about the plane crash.
    Later Mr. Obama said the United States government was working to determine whether any Americans had been aboard the flight. Russia’s Interfax news agency said there had been no Russians aboard.
    There was no immediate word from the Kremlin about the substance of the Obama-Putin telephone call. The Kremlin put out a short statement saying that Mr. Putin had a previously scheduled telephone conversation with Mr. Obama.
    “The parties had a detailed discussion about the crisis in Ukraine,” the statement said. Mr. Putin repeated the need for an immediate cease-fire and objected to what he said was Ukrainian army fire striking inside Russia.
    Russian news agencies said Mr. Putin also spoke by telephone to the president of Malaysia and offered his condolences.
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    According to Mark Levin, 29 Americans were aboard that aircraft.
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