“13 Hours” the Movie: Obama White House and CIA Ought to Be F*cking Ashamed

“13 Hours” the Movie: Obama White House and CIA Ought to Be F*cking Ashamed

Author: Jim HoftThe Gateway Pundit

** Note: readers of this site know that we frown on using profanity. But we would be doing a disservice to the heroes and victims of Benghazi if we were to blanket over our emotional response to this incredible movie.
“13 Hours” the Movie: Obama White House and CIA Ought to Be F*cking Ashamed

“13 Hours” the movie opened in theaters nationwide this weekend.

“13 Hours” the Movie: Obama White House and CIA Ought to Be F*cking Ashamed

“13 hours” is shocking and heartbreaking. “13 Hours” is infuriating and captivating. “13 Hours” is a true story – we finally get to see the truth.“13 Hours” the Movie: Obama White House and CIA Ought to Be F*cking Ashamed

The clear takeaway from the movie that cannot be refuted is that no one came.

The Obama administration abandoned Ambassador Stevens and all of the Americans on the ground in Benghazi.

Islamic fighters showing off the ambassador’s dead body in the Benghazi morgue after his death on 9-11-2012.

You also learn from “13 Hours” that the CIA officer in charge, “Bob,” gave the Benghazi security forces a stand down order.

“Bob”, who is now retired, would not be interviewed for the book “13 Hours” or the film, but this weekend he anonymously spoke to the far left Washington Post to defend himself and his actions in Benghazi. And, he lied. He said (anonymously) he never gave the stand down order. Yet, it is clear by the authors and several men who were on the ground that the stand down order was given while Americans were dying in a massive terrorist attack less than one mile away.

What is also very disturbing from the movie is the way the CIA treated the security personnel on the ground in Benghazi. In this day and age, it is hard to imagine such pompous, elitist, abrasive and abusive men and women in such high level positions of power at the Central Intelligence Agency. The male and female agents in Benghazi, as depicted in the movie, could not have been more offensive and ignorant to the men who reported to them. They were mean, condescending and arrogant assholes. If this behavior is even remotely accurate the CIA ought to be ashamed and apologetic. And classes and training on basic communication skills should be made a priority at Langley.

We also discover from “13 Hours” that the Obama administration created a huge lie to cover up their failures. There was no YouTube video and there was no protest.

That was all just a big lie to put Obama back in the White House. Benghazi attack was a carefully planned and organized terrorist attack on the US.

Today we know that Al-Qaeda is on the run – all over the Middle East. We know that Hillary Clinton is still lying about Benghazi. And, we know that no one was ever held accountable for the failures. We still have no idea what Obama was doing as the men sat on a rooftop in Benghazi for 13 Hours.

13 Hours is much more than a statement on failed leadership. It is a statement on dysfunctional government. It is a statement on abusive assholes in the CIA.

But 13 Hours is also statement of heroics and skill and professionalism. Thank God for the heroes of Benghazi. It would have been much worse without their courage, talent and prowess.

Pray for the heroes of Benghazi and for the brave men and women who protect this great nation. Pray that American leaders learn to value our heroes again.
And, pray that truth and justice will be served.

Never forget the heroes of Benghazi.

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“13 Hours” the Movie: Obama White House and CIA Ought to Be F*cking Ashamed

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