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Thread: 2016 Election

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  2. #642
    Forum General Brian Baldwin's Avatar
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    A lot of Bikers are planning on patrolling the convention for Trump. If the black panthers show up armed I would imagine it'll be the blood bath Obama desires in his war on guns. The Panthers have already stated they believe it'll get violent which to me shows intent. And since those are Obama's guys; One can only deduce that Obama is quietly encouraging said violence. Because he sure hasn't said they shouldn't do this. But imagine if the KKK had said they were going to the Dem convention armed and fully expected violence... Bet Obama would be all kinds of bent out of shape on that one.
    Brian Baldwin

    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.... For I am the meanest S.O.B. in the valley.

    "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out." - Tony Blair on America

    It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

    It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    -Father Denis O'Brien of the United States Marine Corp.

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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Hillary, the Black Lives Matter Candidate

    Where racist pandering and cop-hatred meet.

    July 19, 2016
    Matthew Vadum

    CLEVELAND -- Hillary Clinton's appalling address to black activists yesterday suggests that she may be an even more fanatical supporter of the dangerous, violent Black Lives Matter movement than Barack Obama.

    Clinton is clearly now the Black Lives Matter candidate. Spewing lies and half-truths, she has become increasingly radical on the issue of race relations in recent months. The former secretary of state, U.S. senator, first lady, and now presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, speaks warmly of those black criminals who kill police, claiming that there are root causes that somehow at least partly justify those murderers.

    In her speech at the NAACP annual convention in Cincinnati yesterday, Clinton said "systemic racism," something that doesn't exist in America, needs to be eliminated. She perfunctorily denounced the recent spate of cop killings that her party has otherwise cheered on by endorsing Black Lives Matter. (A transcript is available here.)

    “This madness has to stop,” she said, while demanding that the prisons be emptied through so-called criminal justice reform.

    But Clinton is not a natural orator.

    Obama, by contrast, is expert at bouncing between rhetorical reverence for nonviolent action and a refusal to condemn violent activism, which is tantamount to endorsing violent activism. Obama pronounces the activist's cause just and the rest follows. No matter how terrible the political violence perpetrated, if Obama agrees with those perpetrating it, he soothingly rationalizes the evil conduct away. For the most part Obama sounds good while lying to your face, at least when he is being guided by a teleprompter.

    Clinton may be a practiced, pathological liar, but she is not the smooth talker that Obama is.

    She is a screamer and an annoying one. When giving speeches she is wooden and shrill even when the coughing fits that signal her poor health shut her down in mid-speech. The fact that professional feminists shriek that calling Hillary shrill is sexist in no way changes the fact that she is shrill. She has trouble modulating her voice, unable to build up to an emotional crescendo. She just suddenly gets angry and strident reading her prepared text and starts shouting. Her voice and her delivery grate on the nerves of normal people.

    In her address yesterday, Clinton wheeled out some of the most cherished myths of the Left, saying we need "to fix the crisis of mass incarceration, eliminate the disparity in sentencing between crack and powder cocaine, dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline that starts in school and diverts too many African-American kids out of school and into the criminal justice system, instead of giving them the education they deserve to have."

    She promised to make it easier for criminals to secure U.S. government jobs by "banning the box," i.e. banning the question about a person's criminal history in federal job applications.
    Clinton robotically pandered to blacks by attacking the police and reassuring blacks that all their fears about police are well founded. At the same time, she pretended to sympathize with the police officers that her friends in Black Lives Matter want dead.

    "We need police officers to help us make progress. These murderers threaten all of that. Killing police officers is a terrible crime. That’s why our laws treat the murderers of police so seriously, because they represent the rule of law itself. If you take aim at that and at them, you take aim at all of us. Anyone who kills a police officer and anyone who helps must be held accountable. And as president, I will bring the full weight of the law to bear and making sure those who kill police officers are brought to justice. There can be no justification, no looking the other way."

    America has come a long way, she said, but it has "so much further to go." She put the murders of police officers on the same plane as the recent police-involved killing of career criminal and convicted pedophile Alton Sterling when he resisted arrest and reached for a cop's gun.

    "We were cruelly reminded of [how far we have to go] with the recent deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two more black man killed in police incidents, this time in Louisiana and Minnesota. And then in Dallas, five police officers killed while serving and protecting peaceful protesters targeted because they were police. And then, of course, yesterday, three police officers murdered in an apparent premeditated ambush in Baton Rouge."

    But it's still cops' fault, she implied.

    Racist cops have made black Americans distrustful of authorities, she said, and this official police racism must end. "And perhaps the best way to honor our police is to follow the lead of police departments across the country who are striving to do better."

    "The deaths of Alton and Philando," Clinton claimed, "drove home how urgently we need to make reforms to policing and criminal justice… how we cannot rest until we root out implicit bias and stop the killings of African-Americans."

    She continued to push the Left's anti-cop, so-called criminal law reform agenda. "We must reform our criminal justice system because everyone is safer when there is respect for the law and when everyone is respected by the law." She demanded the nationalization of policing by urging that "clear national guidelines on the use of force, especially lethal force," be imposed on all police departments.

    She said, "let’s admit it, there is clear evidence that African-Americans are disproportionately killed in police incidents compared to any other group," she said leaving out the fact that blacks commit more violent crimes and that whites are much more likely to be killed by police.

    Clinton pushed government solutions for all problems, promising more taxpayer-funded handouts for African-Americans of both sexes. That blacks tend to be poorer than whites is prima facie evidence of racism, she implied. Redistributing wealth and dictating personal behavior is the answer, she said. "I want to unleash all of the energy and all of that talent," she said. "We need to view these issues also as part of the struggle for civil rights."

    "Rosa Parks opened up every seat on the bus," Clinton said. "Our challenge now is to expand jobs so everyone can afford the fare. And let’s ensure that the bus route reaches every neighborhood and connects every family with safe, affordable housing, good jobs and quality schools."

    Clinton tried to lay a gigantic guilt trip on Caucasian Americans. "We white Americans need to do a better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day."

    "Donald Trump led the movement to delegitimize our first black president, trumpeting the so-called birther movement," Clinton said, leaving out the fact that her previous presidential campaign took the lead in spreading the story that Obama wasn't born in the United States.

    While Clinton was speaking, supporters of the violent Black Lives Matter movement and its dirty, body-pierced, communist, socialist, and anarchist allies marched around the Republican National Convention in Cleveland denouncing presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. At one point in the day, a battalion of Black Lives Matter activists attempted to muscle out other megaphone-wielding radicals in a public park.

    There are reportedly fractures and turf battles going on within the racist left-wing movement that is funded by radical speculator George Soros. Jeff Mixon, president of Black Lives Matter in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, who is also a member of the county Democratic Party Executive Committee, accused a group called Organize Ohio of attempting to hijack the movement.

    “They talk about uniting to end poverty but what they are really interested in is solidifying their political power to advance their agenda,” Mixon said, apparently blissfully unaware of the nature of Black Lives Matter. His local group boycotted an anti-Republican protest here Monday and has reportedly endorsed for reelection incumbent Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio).

    Mixon blamed fellow Democrats for perpetuating injustices. “Black people have bad voting habits. We just vote for anybody who has a ‘D’ next to their name,” he said.

    Meanwhile, the Black Lives Matter-led leftist lynch mob in Baltimore yesterday failed for the fourth consecutive time to convict a police officer in the unusual April 2015 death of black career criminal Freddie Gray, attorney Andrew Branca reports at Legal Insurrection.

    Circuit Judge Barry Williams found Lt. Brian Rice not guilty of involuntary manslaughter, misconduct in office, and reckless endangerment. Two other related charges against Rice were previously dropped.
    Six police officers in total were indicted in connection with the death of Gray who died in hospital of severe injuries a week after his arrest. Three of the cops are white; three are black. One of the six is a woman.

    In addition to Rice, Officers Edward Nero and Caesar Goodson have already been acquitted. Officer William G. Porter will be retried following a hung jury and mistrial. Officer Garrett Miller and Sgt. Alicia White are awaiting trial.

    The decision of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby (D), essentially a female version of Al Sharpton, to prosecute the Charm City cops has been widely ridiculed within the legal community. There is even talk of Mosby -- who has publicly invoked the mantra of the mob, "no justice, no peace," to explain her actions -- being sued for malicious prosecution for moving forward with what amount to political show trials.

    "The state's theory of the case has only grown weaker and more laughable with each successive trial, and there is no reason to believe that the prospects for conviction will be any greater in those trials still to come than they have been previously," Branca writes.

    This fourth non-conviction is yet another stinging rebuke to Democrats whose party has officially endorsed the Black Lives Matter movement. The left-wing narrative that racist killer cops are on a rampage across the nation isn't getting any traction -- because it is a vicious lie and Americans know it.

    And Hillary Clinton will repeat those lies over and over again at next week's Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

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  4. #644
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    That’s Entertainment! More Than 20 TV Shows Attack Trump

    By Sarah Stites | July 18, 2016 | 10:36 AM EDT

    Editor’s Note: This report contains foul language that some readers may find offensive.
    If Donald Trump wants to build a wall, he might consider one around Hollywood. After all, the majority of The Hollywood Reporter’s list of top 100 influencers are progressive liberals who donate to democratic congressman, committees and candidates. Thus it is only natural that these movers and shakers have taken to movies, shows and music to revile Donald Trump in whatever way possible. They know they have a potent platform to incite change. In the words of activist actress Kerry Washington, “We have power in what we do.”
    With that power, these Hollywood influencers have belittled, cursed and attacked Donald Trump on their late night, HBO and broadcast platforms. The presumptive GOP presidential nominee has been labelled a “fascist.” He has also been compared to Hitler by a Nazi-garbed comedian, and even raped and murdered in the animated show South Park. In all, more than 20 TV shows have targeted him.

    Trump on TV: Violent Attacks, Little Tolerance

    Trump has been derided on all the major late night shows since the moment he announced his presidential bid. Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert, Conan O’Brien, James Corden, Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers have taken repeated pot shots at him; however, many have been grossly exaggerated.
    Liberals have called Trump a fascist, although if they looked into the history of fascism, they would discover that it’s actually quite left of center. On Conan, guest comedian Sarah Silverman dressed as Hitler and discussed how Trump’s views were “90 percent” on par with the German dictator’s. Silverman then went on to mock Trump’s penis size. “What kind of person talks about his penis size on national television?” she asked. Similarly, in a Late Show episode following the Orlando tragedy, Colbert drew a swastika diagram to explain Trump's reaction to the shooting.
    On Late Night, Seth Meyers agreed that “calling [Trump] a racist or fascist is important, but doesn’t seem to rattle him.” Instead, Meyers recommended actions or words that “chip away at his ego.” Trevor Noah was happy to do that by inserting Trump’s face in place of Beyoncé’s in the new visual album “Lemonade.” Called “Orangeade,” the parody mocked Trump’s feeling of rejection by the RNC. At the end of the video, a blurb read: “Now available for streaming, except for Mexicans.”
    John Oliver spent over twenty minutes attacking Trump on one segment of Last Week Tonight. In a description of the recorded HBO show, show staff wrote: “Our main story was about Donald Trump. We can't believe we're saying that either.” While covering Trump’s response to the Brexit, Oliver called the candidate “some ridiculously-haired buffoon peddling lies and nativism.”
    Jimmy Fallon has not only called Trump names, but has become an imitation expert. In over ten separate instances, Fallon dressed and spoke like the candidate, performing unflattering sketches that garnered him millions of views. In fact, during a chummy interview with Hillary Clinton, Fallon declared that Trump was “the best thing that happened to our show, I mean he’s in every, every monologue.” The two then laughed like old friends.
    Scripted shows have been even more critical, with mentions or “appearances” on more than 10 shows, including Scandal, The Carmichael Show and The Night Shift.
    On liberal actor Alec Baldwin’s new game show The Match Game, contestants and celebrities were asked to fill in this sentence’s blank: "Donald Trump has created a new Olympic event that he knows he can win. It’s a contest to see who can ______ the most times in 60 seconds." The words “lie,” “fart” and “speak” were chosen by the celebrities participating. Lefty actress Rosie O’Donnell, who had selected “lie,” declared to Baldwin: “You know my feelings of that orange slug.” Boisterous laughter ensued.

    Trump’s habit of plain speaking was also criticized on Lifetime’s UnReal. During one episode, “racist” dating show contestant Beth Ann was reassured when she heard that her Twitter following had skyrocketed in response to her “speaking her mind.” The producer then called her “Donald Trump with boobs.” In a later episode, someone calls Beth Ann’s unborn child a “future Trump supporter.”
    In a new animated Netflix show called “All Hail King Julien,” kids are indoctrinated about the evils of Donald Trump. (Like any liberal propaganda show, they also throw in lessons on the 1 percent, gun control and trigger warnings). One episode, which is set in the jungle, mocks the Republican presidential candidate, and includes references to a wall being built by the lemurs to keep out other animals. Lyrics include: “Don’t touch our stuff” and “We never change and don’t like strange.”
    Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico was also mentioned at the Tony Awards, where the candidate was made the perfect laughingstock. Host James Corden stated that the audience was “so diverse that Donald Trump has threatened to build a wall around this theater.” Later in the evening, a planned skit starred a ridiculous Trump look-a-like in the “Book of Moron” – a take on the award winning musical The Book of Mormon. The actor playing Trump sang: “Hello, my name is Donald Trump. And I would like to build a wall that goes straight through your house.”
    In a similar display of inanity, ‘Trumpo’ danced around pantsless throwing salad greens on an episode of NBC’s Maya & Marty.
    During a Scandal episode called “Trump Card,” Trump-esque presidential candidate Hollis Doyle acted ridiculous, declaring: “I’m giving America back to Americans. No more of these south of the border types with their greedy little hands or these shady fellows with mustaches looking to blow up our buildings!” By the end of the episode, Doyle was out of the race, having been caught revealing that he actually didn’t believe what he told supporters. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Scandal actress and outspoken liberal Kerry Washington discussed Doyle’s character and his overblown statements, saying, “There have been times where we all thought ‘oh, we can’t say that, it’s too outrageous.’” Even so, the show’s writers must not have felt too constrained considering the content they did include.
    Yet, most disturbing of all was the violent treatment which Trump received. In a September 2015 episode of South Park, Trump was raped and murdered by an opposing presidential candidate. In the Netflix show Chelsea, a group of girls was asked which presidential candidates they would “marry, **** or kill.” Every participant in the game unsurprisingly “killed” Trump.

    “**** Donald Trump” sings Rapper YG

    From folk to country to rap, singers have used Trump as a way to be culturally relevant. However, treatment of the presidential candidate has been anything but flattering.
    In a recent and extremely disturbing music video by Kanye West, several waxen figures of celebrities —including that of Trump — were pictured nude in bed together with West and his wife. Actress Lena Dunham, who is notoriously pro-Clinton, called the video “sickening.” However, she also stated: “I’m sure that Bill Cosby doll being in the bed alongside Donald Trump is some kind of statement, that I’m probably being trolled on a super high level. I know that there’s a hipper or cooler reaction to have than the one I’m currently having.”
    Rapper YG and his partner Nipsey Hussle also took to song to express hatred for the real estate mogul. The music video, entitled “**** Donald Trump,” has more than 6 million views and is filled with a seemingly interminable repetition of the title’s words (32 times). Later in the song, YG sings “All the niggas in the hood wanna fight you. Surprised El Chapo ain't tried to snipe you. Surprised the Nation of Islam ain’t tried to find you.” The song went on to predict that, if Trump wins, he’ll probably “get smoked” or killed.
    It’s not just rap. Country band Dixie Chicks have also made no secret of their hate for Trump. During their 2016 World Tour, the trio displayed a large picture of Trump with devil horns, mustache and goatee. The defaced candidate made his appearance during a section of the song “Goodbye Earl,” which centered on the murder of an abusive husband.
    Guitarist Tom Morello went far beyond the "Dixie Chicks." In an intro to the song “Old Man Trump,” originally written about Donald’s father, but adapted to reflect the Republican candidate, Morello announced: "I'm standing up against Old Man Trump, because when it comes to race relations, he's like an old-school segregationist. When it comes to foreign policy, he's like an old-school napalmist. When it comes to women's issues, he's like a frat-house rapist. So let's not elect that guy." Of course, Morello is also a founding member of the band “Rage Against the Machine” – whose lefty songs have condemned American imperialism and the police as well as encouraging seizure of the means of production. As Morello himself stated sarcastically, his songs are “excellent choices to jam out to at Young Republican meetings!”

    From Giving Trump AIDS to the “Art of the Deal”

    Whether in documentaries or traditional movies, anti-Trump sentiment runs high in the film world.
    A 2012 anti-Trump, eco-friendly documentary by Emerging Pictures, entitled You’ve Been Trumped, was re-released in 2015. The film centers on the ugly battle between Trump and Scottish homeowners over a plot of land the former desired to convert into a luxury golf course. The You’ve Been Trumped website describes the film as a “rare and revealing glimpse of the unfiltered Donald Trump.” Unsurprisingly, outspoken liberal TV personality Rosie O’Donnell and PBS host Bill Moyers devoted segments of show-time to airing the film.
    At least Trump actually acted for himself in the above documentary. That’s more than can be said for movies like The Brothers Grimsby, where Director Sacha Baron Cohen has Trump’s character get sprayed with blood from an HIV+ African boy. During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Cohen called the final moments when Donald Trump gets AIDS “a fairy tale ending.”
    Johnny Depp also relished the opportunity to portray Trump in movie called Donald Trump’s Art of the Deal, directed by Jeremy Konner. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Konner stated: “Johnny brought out more [sic] Trump’s inner anger. He’s ruthless, and he’s done a lot of terrible things to a lot of people, and he has no remorse. I think he does have a lot of darkness in him, and Depp really brought that out…” Depp commented on the performance by calling Trump a “brat.”

    Need a Primer on the “Americus Trumpus”?

    When it comes to books, liberals are targeting the youngest among us. From children’s books to comic books to coloring books, Trump the “man-child,” “beasty” and “supervillain” has become the unsavory star of at least four recent written works.
    A Child’s First Book of Trump, which actor/author Michael Ian Black has dedicated to the “haters and losers,” is a primer to help children identify the “beasty” called an “Americus Trumpus.” Some stanzas include: “Now where does it [Trump] live? On flat screen TVs! It rushes toward every camera it sees” and “Its diet is cash, its friends all go-getters. Its poop spells out ‘Trump’ in ten-foot-high letters!”
    Trump also stars in an assortment of adult humor, including coloring and comic books. In the Marvel comic Spider-Gwen Annual #1, supervillain M.O.D.O.K. gets a makeover as Donald Trump, complete with small hands, orange skin and wildly racist comments like “Back on your feet, foreign filth!” Trump 2016: Off-Color Coloring Book, one of many coloring books about the candidate, was featured on CNN and reads “no one is safe from the hubris and political incorrectness of the Donald.”
    In the same way, it seems no one is safe from the liberal agenda which has sought to revile Trump in every way possible, even while glorifying its lady leader – Hillary Clinton.

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  5. #645
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Well, guess it's official, Trump has enough delegate votes to be the Republican nominee.

    Hope you all are ready to start saying "President Clinton" again.

  6. #646
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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  7. #647
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    I will never call her "President"
    Libertatem Prius!

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  8. #648
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    It ain't over yet. There are a lot of people in NY/NJ who won't publicly admit that they will vote for trump but will tell you so in a whisper.

    Again, he ain't my first or second or even third choice, but compared to the lying communist dictator cunt in pantsuit, he's my man.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  9. #649
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    LA Times: Coup Against Trump

    Via LA Times:

    Americans viewing the recent failed coup attempt in Turkey as some exotic foreign news story — the latest, violent yet hardly unusual political development to occur in a region constantly beset by turmoil — should pause to consider that the prospect of similar instability would not be unfathomable in this country if Donald Trump were to win the presidency.

    Trump is the most brazenly authoritarian figure to secure the nomination of a major American political party. He expresses his support for all manner of strongmen, and his campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has actually worked for one: former Ukrainian president and Vladimir Putin ally Viktor Yanukovich.

    At the Republican National Convention here Monday, Manafort put some of the tricks he learned overseas as a dictator whisperer to good use, employing underhanded tactics to avoid a roll call vote on the convention’s rules package and quietly removing language from the party platform expressing support for Ukraine’s democratic aspirations.

    Keep reading…

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  10. #650
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Yeah, if there were any shenanigans at the convention, it was Trump and the Republican establishment teaming up squashing not just the #NeverTrump movement, but what were some really good rules to roll back the games the establishment played in 2012 to shut Ron Paul out (as much as I don't like him..) and consolidate power.

    I heard audio of the proceedings and the way the votes were taken, via voice vote, was very reminiscent of the way the Charlie Rangle jammed the Hughes Amendment through to ban new production on machine guns.

    I'll have to see if I can find the article I read that talks about some of the rules that were going to be proposed and voted on.

  11. #651
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    The purpose of the meeting was to reach a compromise: Priebus would get a quick, clean Rules Committee hearing, and conservatives would get concessions on certain items that were otherwise certain to be voted down. Sources involved in the negotiations explained that Unruh couldn’t get anywhere near the requisite 28 votes without the aid of Cuccinelli — and he, in turn, realized Unruh wouldn’t hit that mark even with him whipping votes on her behalf. Cuccinelli was open to brokering an agreement with Priebus under which he would win some 2020 modifications in exchange for convincing conservative delegates to allow the Rules Committee meeting to proceed smoothly. Specifically, Cuccinelli requested that the first four nominating states in 2020 close their primaries to registered Republicans only. Priebus and RNC leadership balked at the idea. This disagreement, on top of fundamental differences between the two sides, led to the collapse of the negotiations.

    When the Rules Committee reconvened at 1 P.M., it became clear immediately that delegates loyal to Priebus and Trump would show no mercy to the conservative agitators.

    The defeats piled up quickly: No changes to the 2020 primary calendar. No decentralization of power in the Republican party. No elimination of Rule 12. And, of course, no unbinding of delegates or allowing them to vote their conscience on the convention floor.

    Other than efforts to stop Trump, the hot topic heading into Thursday’s meeting — rules and regulations governing the 2020 primary process — produced little in the way of drama. Representatives from the first three nominating states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina were successful in establishing an RNC committee that will study the issues pertaining to 2020 and make recommendations at a later date on the rules and regulations. This maneuver essentially allowed the Rules Committee to vote down all subsequent amendments that were offered to restructure the GOP’s nominating process, with the understanding that such decisions would be punted until a later date. (These amendments included proposals that would have forced the first four states to allocate their delegates proportionally; to award a bonus of 20 percent more delegates to states that hold closed primaries; and to require proportional allocation in all states that vote before March 31, instead of the current cutoff date of March 15. All were rejected in lopsided votes.)

    There were also a host of proposals geared toward decentralizing power within the GOP, in many cases by shifting decision-making authority away from the chairman and toward the RNC body. All of these amendments failed; in fact, none came anywhere near passage.

    Many of the related fights focused on where in the party power should reside — and who should be eligible for official positions within the RNC itself. Indeed, a controversial proposal that would have barred registered lobbyists from serving as RNC members provoked fierce debate inside the committee. And, like other amendments offered by grassroots-oriented delegates, it failed badly.

    More broadly — and perhaps most pertinent to the discussion of power in the party — there was lengthy back and forth over the elimination of Rule 12, which allows the RNC membership to change rules in between conventions with the support of a three-fourths supermajority. Delegates pushing the measure argued that Rule 12 represents an unprecedented power grab in which 168 RNC members can subvert the rules written every four years by 2,472 delegates at the convention. After a lengthy debate, the conservatives arguing for eliminating the rule — including Blackwell and Utah senator Mike Lee, Utah’s committeeman on the panel — were handed yet another lopsided defeat.

    The proceedings were a sweeping and uninterrupted success for what is widely and vaguely described as the party “establishment” — in this case, those GOP officials intent on safeguarding the RNC’s authority and preserving Trump’s nomination based on the results of this year’s primaries. Many of these Republican heavyweights have made clear, and reiterated on Thursday, that Trump was not their preferred candidate, yet they insisted on reflecting the will of the voters and protecting the integrity of the nominating process.


  12. #652
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  13. #653
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    And here's the rule voting...

    Like I said, just like the Hughes Amendment...

  14. #654
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    Cruz Booed At RNC, Does Not Endorse Donald Trump

    July 20, 2016

    Ted Cruz refused to endorse Donald Trump Wednesday while speaking at Trump's own Republican convention, a powerful rebuke that earned boos from the audience. Trump then disrupted Cruz's moment by appearing in the arena at the end of the speech, upstaging the Texas senator.

    Cruz, his party's runner-up, uttered Trump's name just once -- to congratulate him -- and instead pitched the ideological brand of conservatism that endears him to the GOP's base.

    But as it was clear Cruz was wrapping up his speech without endorsing Trump, delegates began to boo and some chanted "We want Trump!"

    "Don't stay in home in November," Cruz said towards the end of his otherwise very well received speech. "Stand and speak and vote your conscience."

    Cruz became the only prominent speaker to not back his party's nominee, a decision that is sure to be criticized by Trump allies yet is likely to cement his position as an anti-Trump leader after November.

    There was perhaps no greater sign of the divided party that Trump now leads than Cruz's choice to all but ignore him.

    "I congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night," Cruz said. "And like each of you, I want to see the principles that our party believes prevail in November."

    As delegates began to protest, Sen. Cruz's wife, Heidi Cruz, was heckled by Trump supporters shouting "Goldman Sachs!" and escorted out by security. Heidi Cruz, who is an employee of Goldman Sachs, declined to answer questions from reporters, saying "I don't talk to the media, thanks."

    HEIDI CRUZ escorted out by security as crowd gets angry at Cruz for his speech. One Trump supporter shouting "Goldman Sachs!" at her
    — Manu Raju (@mkraju) July 21, 2016

    Trump supporters being Trump supporters. Don't blame Ted for not wanting to associate with this shit sandwich if he has aspirations of future office. These people that shout, "Goldman Sachs! Herp! Derp! " and make up the bulk of his supporters are the same reason I don't want to.

  15. #655
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    Hillary has officially announced Tim Kaine as her running mate.

    I'm genuinely surprised she and the Democrats didn't press the advantage Obama has given them after the last 8 years and make a very hard left pick.

    I fully expected Julian Castro to be the one selected. He would have been aselection that checked all the liberal boxes: young, minority, Marxist, close with the Clintons.

    Instead it's another old, white, liberal party establishment hack. I guess their party is almost as dumb as our party... I give them the slight advantage because they did manage to get an ideologue like Obama 2 terms. Our last presidential ideologue was 30 years ago.

  16. #656
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    >>Ted Cruz asked the DNC for $ to help fund his delegate fight in Cleveland.

    Welp, Ted, you're officially the weakest link. goodbye.

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  17. #657
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    Source? I find that beyond hard to believe...

    I looked and saw nothing on Drudge or Breitbart which would be the first to be shouting it from the rooftops.

    I found a thread on FR but it was pulled by JimRob himself as being BS.

    I'm not seeing anything being carried by any reputable sites, just a copypasta list on several no-name websites with a generic link to WikiLeaks. No actual content.

  18. #658
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Wait, I think I found it...

    They are the boilerplate fundraising emails the Cruz campaign sent out daily to their donor list/email list. Someone at the DNC must have been on the list to keep an eye on Cruz emails.

    Some Mangoloid actually thought these were real emails from the Cruz campaign to the DNC!

    Holy shit that gave me a good laugh!

  19. #659
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    Here's another one. Yep, concrete evidence of collusion between Cruz and the DNC!

  20. #660
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Donald Trump Still Isn’t Done Attacking Ted Cruz

    The newly crowned GOP nominee just delivered a string of insults and references to conspiracy theories

    July 22, 2016

    In a striking and unnecessary instance of score-settling, Donald Trump unloaded on vanquished rival Ted Cruz on the morning after being crowned the Republican presidential nominee, leveling insults and repeating conspiracy theories about the Texas senator.

    Delivering a stream-of-consciousness speech to more than 300 friends and campaign supporters at his hotel before departing Cleveland, Trump blasted Cruz as “dishonorable,” and said if the lawmaker decided to endorse him in the future, “I will not accept it.”

    Even as the convention was punctuated by displays of frustration with his candidacy, including Cruz being booed after declining to endorse him, Trump claimed the week put party unity on display. “There wasn’t one person in the room [who wasn’t booing] including the Texas delegation,” Trump said. “Honestly he may have ruined his political career,” he continued. “I feel so bad for him.”

    Trump seemed to leave it there for a moment, as he moved back to more traditional territory for a major party presidential nominee, thanking those involved in putting on the convention. He also previewed the difficulty he says he’ll have watching Hillary Clinton’s speech to the Democratic convention next week. “One, I know her to well. Number two, boring,” he taunted.

    But soon Trump was back attacking Cruz. “Maybe I’ll set up a super PAC if he decides to run [for re-election],” he said, turning to someone off stage with a question. “Are you allowed to set up a super PAC, Mike, as president?”

    Trump also dredged up some of the nastiest moments of the 2016 primary, including incidents in which he retweeted a meme insulting Heidi Cruz and trumpeted a National Enquirer story questioning Cruz’s father’s ties to Lee Harvey Oswald.

    “I didn’t do anything,” he said of the retweet, before suggesting it was merely retaliation for a Ted Cruz-allied PAC sending photos of a scantily clad Melania Trump from her modeling career to voters in Utah. “I didn’t start anything with the wife,” he added. “GQ magazine is not exactly Penthouse.” He added that he thought Mrs. Cruz was beautiful, adding, “I think it’s the best thing he’s got going with his kids.”

    On providing a boost for assertions that Rafael Cruz was involved in the Kennedy assassination, Trump was even less apologetic. “All I did was point out that on the cover of the National Enquirer there is a picture of him and crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast.” He also suggested that the tabloid magazine should have been awarded a Pulitzer Prize for uncovering the John Edwards affair. “I know nothing about his father. I know nothing about Lee Harvey Oswald, but there was a picture on the front page of the National Enquirer of them having breakfast,” he repeated.

    Trump earlier said Cruz getting booed offstage at the Republican National Convention was “a beautiful thing.” “He did get booed off the stage, and I think that’s a good thing as far as I’m concerned, because I let him speak,” Trump told CBS’s Ted Koppel. “The arena erupted in boos towards the end of his speech, because they saw he wasn’t going to endorse. And I thought that was a beautiful thing.”

    The timing of the Friday morning remarks is likely to overshadow the carefully scripted image the Trump campaign hoped to display to American voters at the convention. But it also comes as the media has moved on to Hillary Clinton’s impending selection of a running-mate, and ensures Trump will remain in the news through the weekend.

    Good thing our nominee's got his priorities in order.

    I'm sure Trump will start attacking Hillary any day now... Any day...

    Say, why would a former Democrat and Democrat donor running as a Republican work so hard to try to destroy one of the most staunch Conservatives in the Republican party but not spend any money attacking the Democrat candidate all the while running a piss poor, half assed campaign?

    Things that make you go, "Hmmm..."

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