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Thread: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Hillary Clinton prioritizes outlawing criticism of Hillary Clinton

    By Denis Keohane
    July 17, 2016

    Orlando, Dallas, Nice, terrorism, dangerous levels of deficit, lowest workforce participation in decades as millions give up even trying to find work, Putin auditioning for Tsar Vlad the Terrible, the bonds that hold a civil society together coming apart at an accelerating rate...and Hillary Clinton announces her intent to seek to alter the Constitution within a month of being sworn in as president. For what grand purpose would that prioritization be?

    CNN reports:

    Hillary Clinton will pledge on Saturday to introduce an amendment to the Constitution to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizen United decision within the first 30 days of her administration, an aide said Saturday.

    No matter how much CNN and other water carriers for the Democratic Party try to frame the Citizens United decision as having "opened the floodgates for outside money in politics," that decision determined that it was not in fact illegal for an incorporated organization of citizens to make, advertise, and distribute a documentary film critical of – Hillary Clinton!

    That documentary was not peripheral to that case. It was what the case was about. From the first page of the Court's decision:
    In January 2008, appellant Citizens United, a nonprofit corporation, released a documentary (hereinafter Hillary) critical of then-Senator Hillary Clinton, a candidate for her party's Presidential nomination. Anticipating that it would make Hillary available on cable television through video-on-demand within 30 days of primary elections, Citizens United produced television ads to run on broadcast[.]

    Clinton's name appears eighteen times in the sixty-four pages of the Court's Opinion.

    No self-awareness or sense of irony here! The congenital lying becoming unhesitatingly more routine. Not even an attempt is made to hide the cravenness now. She signals that the reins of the executive branch will be used for personal aggrandizement and fully expects that her political and media allies and her supporters will simply fall in line behind the Protecting Hillary Clinton Amendment to the Constitution.
    And she is probably right.

    Hillary's Abuse of Power

    A more seasoned film that made a sprinkle amid Clinton's battle for president and after – Among the assertions outlined in the narrative:

    — Bill and Hillary Clinton requested money from Peter F. Paul, a universal legal counselor and agent, even after Hillary Clinton's battle chief told The Washington Post she would not take cash from him;

    — FBI operators and U.S. lawyers connived with the Clintons to keep Paul, who confessed in March 2005 to one number of securities extortion, tangled up in the criminal courts for a considerable length of time;

    — The Clintons verified Paul was kept in a Brazilian jail for 25 months from 2001 to 2003, incorporating 58 days in a most extreme security cellblock nicknamed the "Passage of Death," while the Justice Department held up to remove him;

    — Hillary Clinton still hasn't recorded reports to the FEC identifying Paul's over the top commitments to her 2000 Senate.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton

    Posted June 30, 2013 on Patriot or Traitor

    Hillary Rodham Clinton is a traitor.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton is a traitor.

    There is much speculation whether or not Hillary Rodham Clinton, will run for president in 2016.

    The former co-president with her lying, cheating husband, Bill Clinton, received enormous support in 2008, but those who really call the shots decided a bi-racial, constitutionally ineligible candidate, Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, would be the better choice to continue the planned destruction of America. Hillary Rodham Clinton carries a lot of old, dirty baggage. Perhaps wait eight more years to install Comrade Clinton.

    Much of Hillary Rodham’s support comes from ignorant women who have no facts other than the carefully polished image built to portray Comrade Clinton as a friend of women. By championing murdering unborn babies using clever propaganda like “protecting women’s reproductive rights”, Comrade Clinton is lauded by women who kill their unborn babies as some sort hero. By championing the filth of sodomy and promoting AIDS/HIV by supporting sexual deviants, Comrade Clinton assured herself a nice fat bankroll for her run for the senate and president. Bushels of money from sexual deviants in Hollywood.
    Tens of millions of ignorant women have been played by the one of the most skilled, consummate liars ever to hold public office. And, quite frankly, they don’t care just as long as Comrade Clinton continues to promise them your paycheck to pay for things like their sexual activities. In February 2011, I wrote a column titled, Get My Wallet Out Of Your Vagina. Oh, how the “feminists” squealed on their web sites because they can’t stand the truth:

    “How many times have we heard female politicians bleat about “women’s issues” during elections? How many times have we heard the old chant about “empowering women” from female members of Congress? The feminization of Congress and our state legislatures is destroying constitutional government, running America into oceans of unpayable debt and breeding generations of helpless women, whining for mother government to take care of them and their every need…

    “The legions of females out there are herded in the desired direction with promises of stealing from the people’s treasury for their wants and needs. All those “independent, strong women” are nothing but whiners demanding the fruits of your labor. Real women take care of the babies they bring into this world. Real women know that family planning means keep your panties on and being a responsible adult. Strong, independent women do not demand mother government steal from taxpayers to fund their personal lives. Strong and independent? Horsecrap. Strong, independent women do not demand someone else pay their way whether it’s health care, day care or “basic family planning.”

    Such concepts are alien to millions of women under the age of 50. They have gone through the government’s indoctrination centers called pubic schools. They “look up to” hard core feminists from the Hollywood crowd. Female political figures are their toxic role models. All who tell those “empowered” women it’s their right to steal your paycheck to pay for their bad choices in life. Her success is why Comrade Clinton became so important to the masters of the game who own Washington, DC.

    The nauseating accolades bestowed upon Comrade Clinton for her failed and unlawful stint as Secretary of State is simply more propaganda fed to ignorant sycophants who haven’t a clue about world events. I say unlawful because Hillary Rodham Clinton usurped the office of Secretary of State. Prior to her confirmation, members (both parties) of the joke called the Senate Judiciary Committee were told by Judicial Watch a lawsuit would be filed to stop Comrade Clinton from holding that office because it violated the emolument clause of the U.S. Constitution. What is that?

    Article I, section 6 of the U.S. Constitution provides: “No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been encreased during such time….This provision, known as the “Emoluments” or “Ineligibility” clause is an absolute prohibition and does not allow for any exceptions. The “Ineligibility Clause” is interpreted by most as designed by our Founding Fathers to protect against corruption and ensure the separation of powers among the three branches of government. On January 29, 2009, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against newly confirmed Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on the ground that she is constitutionally ineligible to serve as Secretary of State under the Ineligibility Clause. The “emoluments” or salary of the U.S. Secretary of State increased at least three times during Mrs. Clinton’s most recent U.S. Senate term. That term, which began on January 4, 2007, does not expire until January 2013, regardless of Mrs. Clinton’s recent resignation.”

    “….there is another lawsuit that has run its course, meaning denied for hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court, you might find of interest: Rodearmel v. Clinton. That lawsuit was filed in January 2009 on behalf of a 19-year veteran of the Foreign Service Officer under the State Department, David Rodearmel, a retired Lt. Col. in the U.S. Army Reserve Judge Advocate General Corp. While I support and respect Judicial Watch in their pursuit of making sure no one is above the law, I simply did not understand why they didn’t use the Quo Warranto for Rodearmel’s case.

    “The defendants (mother government) moved to dismiss and in their filing, there is an important footnote; number 6 at the bottom of page 25:

    “The D.C. Court of Appeals has observed that a plaintiff who seeks to directly attack the appointment of an official (as opposed to attacking an action of that official) will rarely if ever have standing. See Andrade v. Lauer, 729 F.2d 1475, 1496-97 (D.C. Cir. 1984). In the same case, the court suggested that the only proper way to assert such a direct attack is through an action for a writ of quo warranto. See id. at 1497 (citing cases). A quo warranto action may only be brought by the Attorney General of the United States or the United States Attorney or, if these Executive Branch officials decline a request, by a private party who has obtained leave of court. See D.C. Stat. §§ 16-3502-3503; see also Rae v. Johnson, 1993 WL 544295, at *1″

    As I said, to this day I don’t understand why Judicial Watch did not file a Quo Warranto to get Comrade Clinton removed. It was a no brainer as far as standing for Rodearmel; he absolutely qualified under Newman v. United States ex Rel. Frizzell. In the end, the case was dismissed. The gutless cowards (both parties) on the Senate Judiciary Committee thumbed their noses at the U.S. Constitution once again with disastrous results. Benghazi comes to mind with Rodman’s now famous outburst revealing the ugliness that has always been Hillary:

    “What Difference Does It Make?” whether or not U.S. Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans were slaughtered because of an act of terrorism or some silly Internet video no know ever heard of? video here. If the U.S. Congress would ever seriously press for the truth, Hillary’s finger prints are all over what happened September 11, 2012. Stop the tap dancing. Obama’s enforcer, Eric Holder, has been jerking around congressional committees for two years over ‘Fast and Furious’. It’s now been nine months since the disaster in Benghazi. The families are still waiting for answers. Get a special counsel appointed and ram this down Clinton and Obama’s throats. We the people are sick and tired of traitors walking free of their crimes.

    Make no mistake about it: Hillary Rodman Clinton is a valuable asset to those working to destroy this country. She is a dirty traitor right along with that pathetic piece of work she’s been married to for 38 years. A partnership, not a marriage. Millions who support Comrade Clinton are too young to remember Whitewater, Fostergate and the litany of scandals that plagued the co-presidents and destroyed lives forever.

    While insiders and the controlled “mainstream” media know the truth about the Clinton’s, few Americans were interested when the duo ran for the presidency both times. It was all just a “right-wing conspiracy” by Republicans. The Clinton duo played the American people like a fine tuned fiddle. The FBI knows all about the Clinton’s and who they give their money to: The Marxist Influence and the IPS:

    1. IPS has firm ties to anti-American terrorists and militant Marxists worldwide; and IPS has firm ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

    2. IPS is described as a Washington-based ‘Think Factory’ which helped train extremists who incite violence in the United States

    3. Clinton’s appointment of Derek Shearer as his top economic advisor was no fluke. Shearer’s sister, Brooke, is Hillary’s traveling companion. As this booklet shall document, Clinton’s close friend Derek Shearer has not only been a member of the subversive IPS, but is also a prolific advocate of Marxist socialism and is ardent in his open praises for life in communist lands. Shearer has long proposed that America’s free enterprise system be dismantled and that businesses be controlled by powerful socialist planners instead.

    4. Page 2: FBI Warns of IPS Infiltrating U.S. Government with Subversives.
    Millions of her supporters have no idea what happened during the phony impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton. It was a set up orchestrated by prominent Republicans. One only need read David Schippers book, Sellout: The Inside Story of President Clinton’s Impeachment:

    “While no one came out of the Monica Lewinsky scandal looking good, David Schippers, the chief investigative counsel for the Clinton impeachment, wants to be sure Americans know just who contributed to the debacle and how. A trial attorney and a Democrat, Schippers was hired by Republican congressman Henry Hyde to lead an oversight investigation of the Justice Department, then was redirected to handle the impeachment. The quintessential honest man, Schippers was shocked, not so much by Clinton’s actions (which he calls a far-reaching conspiracy to obstruct justice with perjury, lies, and witness tampering), but by Republican and Democratic politicians who sold out the impeachment process.

    “If you ever want to vote again, you might not want to know what went on behind the scenes in the Capitol Hill meat grinder leading up to and during the impeachment proceedings against William Jefferson Clinton…. Lies, cowardice, hypocrisy, cynicism, amorality, butt-covering–these were the squalid political body parts that, squeezed through the political processor, combined to make a mockery of the impeachment process.

    “Of course, Schippers does want you to know what happened, and he also wants you to vote–against those who made the mess. And so he names names–of Republican senators who refused to allow evidence on the floor, of the five Democratic congressmen who never examined the evidence, of the GOP senator who said, “You’re not going to dump this garbage on us,” and also of the politicians who did an honest job, or at least asked reasonable questions (such as Joseph Lieberman). Schippers also reveals the evidence he was building against the Clinton administration regarding illegal INS actions and Chinagate, but that he was forced to drop. He reviews the successful struggle to get a full hearing in the House and the “flat-out rigged ball game” in the Senate. He discusses the president’s pattern of abuse and intimidation of women, including some highly disturbing information regarding Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, and Dolly Kyle Browning.”

    I saw Schippers speak at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. I think it was the year 2000. It was an event put on by Judicial Watch;

    Schippers was the keynote speaker. Instead of going after Bill Clinton for treason (read the Cox Report), the stupid Republicans went after him on a sex charge.

    Anyone old enough who has followed the Clinton duo surely knows who has always worn the pants in that “marriage”. What self-respecting woman would get in bed with a husband like Bill Clinton who screws anything over legal age with or without their consent? It was reported that during the impeachment process, Democrats went into “the vault” area and viewed documents not available to you and me. Those reports also said a couple of the Democrats (in the House) came out visibly upset because they now believed Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. Yet, that didn’t bother Comrade Clinton because her climb to power was not going to get derailed by a serial cheating “husband.”

    Comrade Hillary was a Republican until she decided to attach her loyalties to the Democratic/Communist Party USA. It would be her ticket to fortune and fame. Her treachery has been well rewarded. On December 19, 1998, the U.S. House impeached Billy. The gutless U.S. Senate failed to impeach on Feb. 12, 1999. In December 1998, Comrade Hillary visited Switzerland: “On 31 December 1998, Hillary Clinton visited Brunnen. She arrived from the Lake Lucerne and drives with a car to the railway station.”

    According to press reports at the time, Comrade Clinton made one unscheduled stop outside Zurich. Funny how you catch a blurb on the radio news that perks up your ears. I filed a Freedom of Information Act request at the time with the Secret Service. They refused to release her full itinerary to me citing national security. Bull. I believe she met with the real money masters and power brokers who are above the Bilderberg group.

    I wish I had my old research from back then, but I’ve had two major computer crashes since then and it’s gone. Comrade Hillary moved aside to allow the impostor now squatting in the White House to get the Democratic/Communist Party USA nomination in 2008. How it must have galled her, but make no mistake: Hillary Rodham Clinton is a tough old bird who knows how to play the game of revenge.

    One other thing during that time period: September 4, 1998, Bill Clinton speaking in Ireland: “You know, by the time you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions – you just sign your name.” The only honest thing he said while in office.
    The public persona of Comrade Hillary Clinton, much like that of militant Marxist, Michelle Obama, is nothing but lies and illusions. Hillary Rodham is a very dangerous woman who is willing to do ANYTHING in her climb for power.

    Rodham was a complete failure as Secretary of State. While the most traveled (one million miles) and pampered in the history of this nation, the world is more dangerous now than when she unlawfully took over; Benghazi the worst example. One need only read this piece: Secretary Clinton on American Leadership at the Council on Foreign Relations, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Washington, D.C., January 31, 2013:

    “I’ve come to think of it like this: Truman and Acheson were building the Parthenon with classical geometry and clear lines. The pillars were a handful of big institutions and alliances dominated by major powers.”

    I would again remind people Harry Truman worked for the globalists or he would never have become president: “When Franklin Roosevelt died during the closing days of WWII, it fell to Truman to end the war and formulate policies for the new world order.” The Smithsonian Treasury: The Presidents (1991), pg 72. Truman was instrumental in founding the communist controlled UN. He signed the unconstitutional Marshall Plan, stealing $13 BILLION dollars from we the people for the economic and technical assistance recovery of European countries. No where in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize Congress or a president to steal the fruits of our labor to give to any foreign country for any reason. But, it was just another step in building a one world order.

    Comrade Clinton goes on to say this in her CFR speech:

    “Now, of course, American military and economic strength will remain the foundation of our global leadership. As we saw from the intervention to stop a massacre in Libya to the raid that brought bin Ladin to justice, there will always be times when it is necessary and just to use force. America’s ability to project power all over the globe remains essential.”
    Our global leadership? More endless wars, more sticking our military in where it doesn’t belong, like Libya. It was not our government’s job to assist in murdering a head of state. Necessary and just to just to use force? Bullying the world is what she really meant. Remember what former Secretary of State, the equally vile, Madeleine Albright said?

    “Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it? Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.” –60 Minutes (5/12/96). And, people wonder why we are so hated in the Middle East?

    Going back to Comrade Clinton’s speech:

    “We’re also working more than ever with invigorated regional organizations. Consider the African Union in Somalia and the Arab League in Libya, even sub-regional groups like the Lower Mekong Initiative that we created to help reintegrate Burma into its neighborhood and try to work across national boundaries on issues like whether dams should or should not be built.

    We created? American troops are in Africa; another mission “creep” that will cost precious American blood. YOUR paychecks are going to fund this global world order. Where is your outrage, America? It would not be possible without the cooperation of the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives headed up by John Boehner. All of our money spent has to originate in the house. The Republicans have done NOTHING to stop the funding of a one world government where OUR country will be subordinate to others and just another region. I do encourage you to take the time to read all of Clinton’s speech to the CFR. It is a blueprint of what’s planned; we have no say whatsoever because those in Congress no longer represent we the people, only their global masters.

    I believe Hillary has serious health problems she’s trying to hide from the world. I don’t know if she will be chosen by the masters of the game to run in 2016, but I do know, we must never let that happen. The only way to stop her and those working to destroy our beloved republic is to expose their real agenda – AND Hillary’s past. Americans need to have a refresher course on that evil woman. I highly recommend the books below. If Amazon doesn’t have a copy left, use a search engine with the exact title and other vendors should pop up:

    Hillary Rodham Clinton: What Every American Should Know by Christian Josi
    Big Sister Is Watching You: Hillary Clinton and The White House Feminists Who Now Control America – And Tell The President What To Do

    Bill and Hillary Clinton have been tied at the hip for 38 years. What he knows, she knows. I also recommend these books because what he knows and did, she knows and approved:
    Bill Clinton: Friend or Foe by Ann Wilson
    The Clinton Chronicles Book
    The Secret Life of Bill Clinton – The Unreported Stories by Ambrose Evans-Prichard

    (Among other things: the cover up in the death of Vince Foster and Bill’s connection with the underworld of drugs in Arkansas)

    Hillary Rodham Clinton is a blue blood Marxist. Those who go ballistic when they read that either have done zero research on her entire life or they support Marxism. It’s one or the other.
    Written by Devvy Kidd .

    UPDATE: January 14, 2014Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2013.

    Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

    On January 23, 2013, outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified to congressional committees regarding the terrorist attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, which led to the murder of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American citizens. At times evasive, at other times defensive and aggressive, Clinton delivered her version of events in the days before and after the murders in Benghazi. And, in the end, the Secretary of State pretended to take “responsibility,” but gave a predictable response regarding who is to blame: “…the level of responsibility for the failures…was set at the Assistant Secretary of State level and below,” Clinton said, referring to an investigation of the incident. In other words, this was not my fault.

    At one point in her testimony, in what is, perhaps, the epitome of Obama-era contempt for accountability, Clinton yelled “What difference does it make?” in response to a reasonable question about why the attack transpired and why the administration told an obvious lie about an obscure Internet video as the cause of the attack.

    If the mere mention of the contrived video scenario triggered Clinton’s emotional outburst, it is certainly understandable. Remember, it was Clinton herself who was instrumental in advancing the false narrative that the video sparked the attacks. For example, at a September 14, 2012, event honoring the victims, Clinton said, “We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen the rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful video that we had nothing to do with.” To this day, she has not set the record straight.

    In addition to Hillary Clinton’s apparent cover-up of the role she played in the Benghazi tragedy and its aftermath, she left office in another ethical cloud about conflicts of interest in the activities of her longtime top aide Huma Abedin. Abedin left the State Department in February 2013, and in May 2013, Politico broke the story that, since June 2012, she had been working as a “special government employee” (SGE), a consultant position allowing her to represent outside clients while continuing as a top adviser at State. While working as an SGE, Abedin’s outside clients included Teneo, a strategic consulting firm co-founded by former Bill Clinton counselor Doug Band. According to Fox News, Abedin earned $355,000 as a consultant to Teneo, in addition to her $135,000 SGE compensation.

    And compounding the corruption scenario were the potential for conflicts of interest between Hillary Clinton’s role as Secretary of State and Bill Clinton’s international ventures, which grew increasingly controversial in late 2008 when the former president released a list of donors to his library and foundation in what he termed “a deal between” Obama “and Hillary.” According to an Associated Press wire story, “Saudi Arabia gave $10 million to $25 million to the foundation. Other government donors include Norway, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman …”

    UPDATE: April 1, 2014Bill Whittle looks at the lawlessness, the arrogance, and the unmasked contempt that Hillary Clinton for the American people.

    UPDATE: April 17, 2015
    Once one breaks through all the partisan DNC news media propaganda and adoring Hollywood worship continuously shielding the Clintons from any and all actual scrutiny to examine the facts and evidence for themselves, it becomes unmistakably clear that Hillary Clinton is a corrupt and ruthless career-criminal without boundaries, who personally destroys anyone who gets in her way…often while somehow managing to play the victim. She could not be more unfit for public office.

    Here are the top ten reasons she should not even be considered for president in 2016:

    10) The left’s trademark of ploy of silencing all dissent with diversionary ad hominem smears like “you’re racist” has already taken its Hillary-era form, with liberals frivolously condemning gender-irrelevant controversies as “sexist.”
    9) She has accomplished absolutely nothing.

    8) In the 1990s, she helped mastermind a fraudulent land deal with Clinton crony James McDougal, who owned the extremely shady bank used in the scam, which was illegally used to pay off Clinton campaign debts…and witnesses in this scandal (Whitewater) were openly intimidated, silenced, and had their careers brutally destroyed when they remained in the way.

    7) She illegally seized hundreds of FBI files, suppressed countless incriminating emails, and leaked Privacy Act-protected information to silence and smear Democrat activists sexually harassed by her husband (see here).

    6) She blatantly lied under oath to deny inventing bogus criminal charges against seven White House employees to get them out of the way (to replace them with Clinton friends and cronies). From the LA Times: “There is ‘substantial evidence’ that First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton lied under oath in denying that she played a role in the 1993 White House travel office firings, independent counsel Robert W. Ray reported Thursday.” That would be the same Robert Ray that the bought-and-paid-for Clinton propagandists at Media Matters lyingly misrepresented as having exonerated her.

    5) She was caught completely fabricating a story out of thin air about coming under fire in Bosnia, which she was later forced to admit to lying about.

    4) She was fired from the “Watergate” investigation by life-long Democrat Jerry Zeifman for being “an unethical, dishonest lawyer” who “conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee and the rules of confidentiality,” as he put it.

    3) She took bribes from communist China in the form of illegal campaign contributions, in exchange for influential seats on Commerce Department trade missions

    2) She incompetently enabled a preventable terrorist attack in Benghazi and then silenced witnesses, staged phony “investigations,” and lied through her teeth to cover it up…deliberately and repeatedly misrepresenting it as a “spontaneous demonstration” sparked by Americans having the right to disagree with Islam in public–a position so blatantly dishonest that card-carrying Democrat whistle-blower Gregory Hicks testified: “I’ve never been as embarrassed in my life, in my career, as on that day,” when Democrats began blatantly misinforming the public about why this happened.

    1) She is an open and enthusiastic enemy of the Constitution on virtually every issue (i.e., she’s a treasonous liberal).

    28 Pages Suggest Huma-Connected Group Funded Terrorism

    by Lee Stranahan 15 Jul 2016

    The declassified “28 Pages” released by Congress Friday afternoon concerning 9/11, terror funding, and Saudi Arabia contains a bombshell piece of information: The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) is specifically named as having connections to terror funding and support for a number of worldwide terror groups.

    As Breitbart News has reported exclusively, the “Abedin family business” is an academic group called the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs that is based in the London offices of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth and its parent organization, the Muslim World League.

    Huma Abedin, born in the United States but raised in Saudi Arabia, has worked closely with Hillary Clinton since 1996 and is now Hillary Clinton’s closest aide and the vice-chairwoman of her presidential campaign. Abedin, who is married to disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, is also at the heart of the Clinton email scandal.

    Page 24 of the 28 Pages report discusses Osama bin Laden’s half-brother and says in part:
    According to the FBI. Abdullah Bin Ladin has a number of connections to terrorist organizations. He is the President and Director of the World Arab Muslim Youth Association (WAMY) and the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Science in America. Both organizations are local branches of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    According to the FBI, there is reason to believe that WAMY is “closely associated with the funding and financing of international terrorist activities and in the past has provided logistical support to individuals wishing to to fight in the Afghan War.” In 1998, the CIA published a paper characterizing WAMY as a NGO that provides funding. logistical support and training with possible connections to the Arab Afghans network, Hamas, Algerian extremists and Philippine militants.
    Although the 28 Pages make no mention of Abedin at all, the information in the 28 Pages lays out a timeline of events during the planning and execution of the 9/11 terror attack that shows that, at all times, Huma Abedin was working for both Hillary Clinton and the WAMY organization the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs.

    In the past, all efforts to vet or ask basic questions about Abedin have been shut down by the mainstream media and politicians on both sides of the aisle, including Republican Sen. John McCain and Democrat Congressman Keith Ellison.

    A footnote on page 24 of the 28 Pages is inconclusive but doesn’t rule out the possibility that WAMY’s senior leadership may have supported terrorism.
    According to the FBI’s November 8th, 2002 response, although several officials in WAMY support Al-Qa’ida and other terrorist groups, the intelligence is insufficient to show whether the organization as whole and its senior leadership support terrorism.
    Although the footnote makes it clear that the depth of WAMY’s full support for terrorism wasn’t fully known in 2003, the matter is clearly a subject that should have been both investigated and discussed, especially given the connection between New York Senator Clinton, and one of her top aides at the time, to the group.

    Further, it’s very clear that WAMY supports the Wahhabist strain of Islam that is both the state religion of Saudi Arabia and is behind nearly every terrorist group today, including al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, and the Taliban.

    As Breitbart News previously reported exclusively, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she even admitted that Saudi Arabia was using the Muslim World League and WAMY to fund terrorism, writing in a 2009 memo:
    Saudi Arabia has enacted important reforms to criminalize terrorist financing and restrict the overseas flow of funds from Saudi-based charities. However, these restrictions fail to include &multilateral organizations such as the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), Muslim World League (MWL) and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY.) Intelligence suggests that these groups continue to send money overseas and, at times, fund extremism overseas.
    For decades, the Saudis have spent millions of dollars promoting Wahabbism through organizations like WAMY, its parent the Muslim World League, and other “charities” that promote Da’wa or Islamic evangelism throughout the world via activities such as building mosques.

    The mainstream media has either ignored these clear connections between Huma Abedin and Saudi NGOs or, worse, smeared the people making the charges, most notably the Center for Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

    Further, the fact that the Bush administration’s compliance with the Saudi’s request to bury the information that is damaging to The Kingdom raises new questions of what influence the Saudis has on President Bush.

    Breitbart News reported exclusively that just a month after 9/11, Newsweek claimed that the Muslim World League — the parent organization of WAMY with connections to Huma Abedin — was removed from a list of terror funders under pressure from Saudi Arabia.

    The 28 Pages were available to members of Congress to read, although only under the right security conditions.

    It is not known whether Sec. Clinton, then the Senator for New York, ever read the 28 Pages.

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Hillary Invites Mother Of Michael Brown, Convenience Store Robber And Attempted Cop Murderer, To Speak

    AP Photo/Nati Harnik

    Hank Berrien
    July 18, 2016

    While police officers are getting murdered in Dallas and Baton Rouge, while others are under assault in Missouri, Georgia and Tennessee, while supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement attempt to justify the murders of police officers, the Democratic National Convention, AKA Hillary’s Coronation, will feature the mothers of black men who died in confrontations with police, thereby perpetuating the myth that there is systemic racism in police departments across the nation.

    One mother who will speak will be Lezley McSpadden, the mother of Michael Brown, the “Gentle Giant” who burgled a convenience store, then attempted to grab the gun of officer Darren Wilson before Wilson shot and killed him. Barack Obama then referred to Brown’s death as “Walking while black,” as Ben Shapiro noted in a video explaining the incident. Brown’s death catalyzed the Black Lives Matter Movement that has engendered calls for murdering police officers.

    Other mothers the DNC will feature include Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, who was shot by George Zimmerman after Martin repeatedly slammed Zimmerman’s head on the pavement, and Gwen Carr, the mother of Eric Garner, who was massively overweight and died when police administered a hold when he resisted arrest, and Geneva Reed-Veal, the mother of Sandra Bland, whose death was viewed by Black Lives Matter members as a murder that was covered up, although that, too has been debunked.

    Hillary Clinton’s polling in the black community vis-*-vis Donald Trump is nearly as dominant as Barack Obama’s was against Mitt Romney in 2012; according to last week’s NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll, Clinton got 88% of the black vote in Ohio, Trump gather exactly 0%; in Pennsylvania, Clinton got 91% of the black vote; Trump again got 0%.

    Hillary’s Coronation, will feature the mothers of black men who died in confrontations with police, thereby perpetuating the myth that there is systemic racism in police departments across the nation.
    But the Democratic Party is taking no chances; by appealing to the Black Lives Matter movement, they expect to gin up their support in the black community, even if doing so means that they must implicitly target the police to do so.

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Wikileaks Dismantling of DNC Is Clear Attack by Putin on Clinton

    By stepping into the middle of our Presidential race, the obvious Russian front has outed themselves

    By John R. Schindler • 07/25/16 8:35am

    The recent Wikileaks dump of 20,000 emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee has caused political sensation and scandal on a grand scale. These internal communications reveal nothing flattering about the DNC or Hillary Clinton, who is set to be anointed as the Democrats’ presidential nominee at their party convention in Philadelphia that gets underway with fanfare today.

    Wikileaks has thrown an ugly wrench into Hillary’s coronation. DNC emails reveal a Clinton campaign that’s shady and dishonest, not to mention corrupt. Its secret dealings with Hillary’s opponents—whether Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump—have been distasteful and possibly illegal. To say this is an unflattering portrayal of Team Clinton is like saying the Titanic had issues with ice.

    The ramifications of this massive leak are already serious. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the embattled DNC chair, has been forced to tender her resignation in advance of the party conclave in Philadelphia, while Senator Sanders, who’s been revealed as the target of much aggressive DNC attention during the Democratic primary campaign, stated he was “not shocked but I’m disappointed” by the Wikileaks revelations. The Democrats are anything but united now as they prepare to take on Donald Trump and the Republicans.

    On the eve of the four-day Democratic convention extravaganza, this data-dump could not have been timed better to damage Hillary and her efforts to move back into the White House this November. Although it’s doubtful that leaked RNC internal emails would make any more pleasant a read for the public, Clinton will emerge from this tarred with the indelible brush of corruption and collusion with her party’s leadership to fix the Democratic presidential nomination.

    Wikileaks has delivered as promised on its public threats of damaging Team Clinton with hacked emails. Although the DNC can’t deny that many of the leaked messages appear authentic—they wouldn’t have forced the chair’s resignation if they were fake, obviously—there remains the important question of how the vaunted “privacy organization” got its hands on them.

    It turns out there’s hardly any mystery there. It’s no secret that the DNC was recently subject to a major hack, one which independent cybersecurity experts easily assessed as being the work of Russian intelligence through previously known cut-outs. One of them, called COZY BEAR or APT 29, has used spear-phishing to gain illegal access to many private networks in the West, as well as the White House, the State Department, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff last year. Another hacking group involved in the attack on the DNC, called FANCY BEAR or APT 28, is a well-known Russian front, as I’ve previously profiled.

    These bears didn’t make much efforts to hide their DNC hack—in one case leaving behind a Russian name in Cyrillic as a signature—and Kremlin attribution has been confirmed by independent analysis by a second cybersecurity firm.

    The answer then is simple: Russian hackers working for the Kremlin cyber-pilfered the DNC then passed the purloined data, including thousands of unflattering emails, to Wikileaks, which has shown them to the world.

    This, of course, means that Wikileaks is doing Moscow’s bidding and has placed itself in bed with Vladimir Putin. In response to the data-dump, the DNC has said as much and the Clinton campaign has endorsed the view that Moscow prefers Donald Trump in this election, and it’s using Wikileaks to harm Hillary. This view, considered bizarre by most people as late as last week, is being taken seriously by the White House—as it should be.

    In truth, to anyone versed in counterintelligence and Russian espionage tradecraft, Wikileaks has been an obvious Kremlin front for years, and it’s nice to see the Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media suddenly come around to this view—which I’ve stated publicly since 2013, based on my long experience working against Russian security agencies in the SpyWar.

    Wikileaks came to international prominence in 2010 when it released online a quarter-million classified State Department cables that had been stolen by disgruntled Army Private Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning. This was a huge black mark for then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and unleashed a global scandal.

    Wikileaks was founded in 2006, ostensibly as a “privacy organization” and in reality as a vanity project by the Australian hacktivist Julian Assange, who has been hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since mid-2012, on the run from rape charges in Sweden. It’s unclear when the group’s ties to the Kremlin were forged, but it’s obvious they existed by the time Wikileaks took center stage in the Edward Snowden case in mid-2013.

    The role of Wikileaks in the Snowden saga would be difficult to overstate, not least since Assange was the one who counseled the American IT contractor to seek sanctuary in Russia. Snowden left Hong Kong for Moscow in June 2013—where he remains—based on Assange’s advice and accompanied by Sarah Harrison, a top Wikileaks official and Assange intimate.

    Why Assange recommended that the NSA contractor on the lam seek Putin’s protection is an important question. As I explained last year:

    Only in Russia would Ed be safe, Julian counseled, because there he would be protected by Vladimir Putin and his secret services, notably the FSB. One might think that seeking the shelter of the FSB—one of the world’s nastiest secret police forces that spies on millions without warrant and murders opponents freely—might be an odd choice for a “privacy organization.” But Wikileaks is no ordinary NGO.

    Why Assange knew Russia would take in Snowden—it could be a big political hassle for Moscow—is a key question that any counterintelligence officer would want answered. Was Julian speaking on behalf of the FSB or did he just “know” Ed could obtain the sanctuary plus protection he sought?

    Then there’s the revealing fact that Assange has wanted FSB protection for himself too:

    While holed up in London, Assange “requested that he be able to choose his own Security Service inside the embassy, suggesting the use of Russian operatives.” It is, to say the least, surpassingly strange that a Western “privacy advocate” wants Russian secret police protection while hiding out in a Western country.

    There’s no doubt that Assange considers Putin’s highly unsavory secret services to be his friends. Why is a very good question that anybody who’s looking into Wikileaks ought to ask.

    All the same, Assange’s affection for the Kremlin and its intelligence agencies is nothing new and was something I wrote about fully three years ago, as the Snowden story was breaking. This revolved around Israel Shamir, an anti-Semitic nutcase who’s been in the Wikileaks orbit for many years, serving as a close confidant to Assange and his go-to guy on Russian matters. As I elaborated back in July 2013:

    So who is Israel Shamir? That’s not an easy question to answer with much certainty. His official biography states that he was born in the Soviet Union in 1947 and emigrated to Israel in 1969, but little of his curriculum vitae stands up to detailed scrutiny. He admits to having something like a half-dozen different identities, complete with aliases. Of greatest interest here is that, before he became famous for his Wikileaks links, he was best known as a neo-Nazi holocaust denier in European circles. Which is a pretty rare thing for a Jew and Israeli citizen to get mixed up in.

    Shamir, operating under several names, is noted for his anti-Semitic vitriol and is fond of extolling the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and hanging out with Nordic neo-Nazis. His views are so strange and vehement that many have wondered if Shamir’s is actually an agent provocateur on behalf of some intelligence service. Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein, known for his own pro-Palestinian views, who crossed paths with Shamir more than once, called him a “maniac,” adding, “He has invented his entire personal history. Nothing he says about himself is true.” In all, Shamir’s a pretty odd choice as Wikileaks’ go-to guy for Russia.

    Although Wikileaks has semi-denied that Shamir is on their payroll, Shamir himself has been abundantly clear who he works for. The secret services had this oddball pegged as a KGB agent way back in the 1980s, and given Shamir’s pro-Moscow rants to the present day there seems no reason to doubt he’s still friendly with Russian special services.

    Since Assange hasn’t exactly been shy about his pro-Moscow views—including having his own show on RT, the Kremlin agitprop network—why Western reporters haven’t been digging into this mess until about four days ago is an important question. Especially since Assange years ago dropped any pretense of objectivity, slavishly following the Moscow line on a wide array of issues such as Syria which have nothing to do with “privacy.”

    That Assange and Wikileaks are surrogates for Putin is now obvious, and in truth has been for some time, as the media has been gradually noticing. Their operation to take down Hillary Clinton—about whom Assange, in an exclusive interview with the Observer in 2014, said: “it is pretty clear that we are witnessing the birth of a Google-military-surveillance complex”—is merely the final straw.

    I counseled this a year ago: “Wikileaks should be treated as the front and cut-out for Russian intelligence that it has become, while those who get in bed with Wikileaks—many Western ‘privacy advocates’ are in that group—should be asked their feelings about their own at least indirect ties with Putin’s spy services.” It’s better to see the Western media get there late rather than never.

    There’s nothing new about Wikileaks or its key role in the Kremlin’s international propaganda apparatus. Back in 1978 the magazine Covert Action Information Bulletin appeared to expose the secrets of Western intelligence. Its editor was Phil Agee, a disgruntled former CIA officer who had gotten into bed with Cuban and Soviet intelligence (his KGB covername was PONT). CAIB was in fact founded on the direction of the KGB and for years served as a conduit for Kremlin lies and disinformation that seriously harmed Western intelligence.

    While CAIB presented itself to the public as a truth-telling group of “whistleblowers,” in actuality it was a KGB front, though few magazine staffers beyond Agee knew who was really calling the shots and paying the bills. It’s best to think of Wkilieaks as no more than CAIB updated for the Internet age. Since senior Kremlin security officials have recently admitted that Snowden is their agent, and has shared American secrets with them, Ed is merely today’s Phil Agee—though Phil at least had the sense to defect to sunny Havana rather than snowy Moscow.

    The important part of this story is that Russian intelligence, using its Wikileaks cut-out, has intervened directly in an American presidential election. This was something even the KGB was sheepish about doing at the height of the Cold War, but Putin fears nothing in Obama’s Washington, as his increasingly brazen actions against Americans plainly illustrate.

    The most damaging aspect to the DNC leak is the certainty that Moscow has placed disinformation—that is, false information hidden among facts—to harm the Democrats and the Clinton campaign. Disinformation is a venerable Russian spy trick that can be politically devastating to its target.

    Disinformation is most effective when it plays upon essential truths. Since Hillary really is corrupt and less than honest, and the DNC actually has done her bidding in shady ways, lies that amplify those themes will be readily believed by many Americans. It’s obvious that Moscow prefers Trump over Clinton in this election, which ought not surprise given the important role of Putin-friendly advisors in the Trump campaign, and what better way to help is there than to discredit Team Clinton?

    It’s apparent already that some of the most salacious emails in the DNC mega-dump are fake—as is to be expected. It’s normal Russian spycraft to place juicy fake messages among a lot of genuine ones. Here we need rigorous independent analysis of this latest Wikileaks operation to assess what’s real and what’s made up by somebody in Moscow.

    I’m anything but a Hillary fan, as my extensive reporting on her crimes and lies in EmailGate can attest. However, I am far more troubled by the naked interference of the Kremlin and its spy agencies in American democracy, which is a threat to our freedoms beyond anything the Clintons might do. Every American should demand thorough investigation of the DNC leak and it’s well past time for the mainstream media to examine closely what Wikileaks really is—as I’ve been doing for years. It’s satisfying to see my reality-based counterintelligence analysis of Wikileaks finally being endorsed by the media, but I would have preferred if they had paid attention earlier and the current election-year disaster with DNC emails had been avoided.

    Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media.

    John Schindler is a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and
    counterintelligence officer. A specialist in espionage and terrorism, he’s also been a Navy officer and a War College professor. He’s published four books and is on Twitter at @20committee.

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Democrats Rigged Primary, Reveal Extensive Media Collusion

    There are three key findings to emerge from yesterday's dump of leaked DNC emails released by Wikileaks:

    • There had been a plot designed to smear Bernie Sanders and to hand the Democratic nomination to Hillary on a silver platter
    • There has been repeated collusion between the DNC and the media
    • There has been questionable fundraising for both Hillary Clinton and the DNC

    First, a quick recap for those who missed the original report, yesterday Wikileaks released over 19,000 emails and more than 8,000 attachments from the Democratic National Committee. This is what the whistleblower organization reported:

    WikiLeaks releases 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee -- part one of our new Hillary Leaks series. The leaks come from the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC: Communications Director Luis Miranda (10770 emails), National Finance Director Jordon Kaplan (3797 emails), Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer (3095 emails), Finanace Director of Data & Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parrish (1472 emails), Finance Director Allen Zachary (1611 emails), Senior Advisor Andrew Wright (938 emails) and Northern California Finance Director Robert (Erik) Stowe (751 emails). The emails cover the period from January last year until 25 May this year.d

    Subsequently, the Romanian hacker known as Guccifer 2.0 (who has denied he works with the Russian government), who has already released hundreds of hacked DNC emails previously, told The Hill he leaked the documents to Wikileaks.

    An initial read of the thousands of emails in the data dump reveals top officials at the Democratic National Committee privately plotting to undermine Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, confirming a long-running allegation by the Sanders campaign who has claimed that the DNC and Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz had tipped the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton during the party’s presidential primary. They also reveal instances of media collusion as well as various questionable instances of fundraising.


    Twitter Accused Of Suppressing DNC Wikileaks Story

    You had one of those rare occasions where Bernie bots and GOP were joined in disgust at DNC and Twitter both.

    Via Washington Examiner:

    Twitter lit up Friday night with allegations that it tried to suppress news that secret-leaking website Wikileaks exposed thousands of emails obtained from the servers of the Democratic National Committee.

    Friday afternoon, users noted, “#DNCLeaks” was trending, with more than 250,000 tweets about it on the platform. By Friday evening, it vanished completely from the site’s “trending” bar for at least 20 minutes. It returned as “#DNCLeak” after users erupted, though it was too late to quell their rage.

    Keep reading…

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Full List of Hillary’s Planned Tax Hikes

    Hillary Clinton has made clear she intends to dramatically raise taxes on the American people if elected. She has proposed an income tax increase, a business tax increase, a death tax increase, a capital gains tax increase, a tax on stock trading, an "Exit Tax" and more (see below). Her planned net tax increase on the American people is at least $1 trillion over ten years, based on her campaign’s own figures.

    Hillary has endorsed several tax increases on middle income Americans, despite her pledge not to raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000. She has said she would be fine with a payroll tax hike on all Americans, she has endorsed a steep soda tax, endorsed a 25% national gun tax, and most recently, her campaign manager John Podesta said she would be open to a carbon tax. It’s no wonder that when asked by ABC's George Stephanopoulos if her pledge was a "rock-solid" promise, she slipped and said the pledge was merely a “goal.” In other words, she's going to raise taxes on middle income Americans.

    Hillary’s formally proposed $1 trillion net tax increase consists of the following:

    Income Tax Increase – $350 Billion: Clinton has proposed a $350 billion income tax hike in the form of a 28 percent cap on itemized deductions.

    Business Tax Increase -- $275 Billion: Clinton has called for a tax hike of at least $275 billion through undefined business tax reform, as described in a Clinton campaign document.

    “Fairness” Tax Increase -- $400 Billion: According to her published plan, Clinton has called for a tax increase of “between $400 and $500 billion” by “restoring basic fairness to our tax code.” These proposals include a “fair share surcharge,” the taxing of carried interest capital gains as ordinary income, and a hike in the Death Tax.

    But there are even more Clinton tax hike proposals not included in the tally above. Her campaign has failed to release specific details for many of her proposals. The true Clinton net tax hike figure is likely much higher than $1 trillion.

    For instance:

    Capital Gains Tax Increase -- Clinton has proposed an increase in the capital gains tax to counter the “tyranny of today’s earnings report.” Her plan calls for a byzantine capital gains tax regime with six rates. Her campaign has not put a dollar amount on this tax increase.

    Tax on Stock Trading -- Clinton has proposed a new tax on stock trading. Costs associated with this new tax will be borne by millions of American families that hold 401(k)s, IRAs and other savings accounts. The tax increase would only further burden markets by discouraging trading and investment. Again, no dollar figure for this tax hike has been released by the Clinton campaign.

    “Exit Tax” – Rather than reduce the extremely high, uncompetitive corporate tax rate, Clinton has proposed a series of measures aimed at inversions including an “exit tax” on income earned overseas. The term “exit tax” is used by the campaign itself. Her campaign document describing this proposal says it will raise $80 billion in tax revenue, but claims some of the $80 billion will be plowed into tax relief. How much? The campaign doesn't say.

    This proposal completely fails to address the underlying causes behind inversions: The U.S. 39% corporate tax rate (35% federal rate plus an average state rate of 4%) and our "worldwide" system of taxation, which imposes tax on all American earnings worldwide. The average corporate rate in the developed world is 25%. Thirty-one of thirty-four developed countries have cut their corporate tax rate since 2000. The U.S. has not. Hillary's plan moves in the wrong direction.

    ATR is tracking Clinton’s full tax record at its dedicated website,

    See also: "Everyman" Tim Kaine Tried to Raise Taxes on Adult Beverages
    Hillary Opens the Door to a Carbon Tax
    Hillary's Soda Tax Endorsement Violates Middle Class Tax Pledge
    Video Shows Hillary's 25% Gun Tax Endorsement
    Democrat Platform Calls for Carbon Tax
    Tim Kaine Pushed Income Tax Hikes on Working Families Making As Little as $17,000

    Read more:

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    That Look You Get When the Devil Drops By to Remind You That You Own Him Bigtime!

    "Dressed symbolically all in white (as though she were a bride or a monarch enjoying her privilege du blanc), she delivered a speech that was one part It Takes a Village and eleven parts old State of the Union speeches from Barack Obama and her husband.

    Her presentation was her usual hectoring -- she is not capable of speaking in another mode -- and one of her themes was the superiority of collective action to atomistic individualism, as though she were running against Ayn Rand rather than Donald Trump.

    She decried 'mean rhetoric' and then said that people who operate their businesses in ways that displease her are unpatriotic. She suggested that pillaging high-earning individuals and companies with confiscatory taxes could fund an endless goody bag of patronage for her constituents."

    "I.e., the usual Hillary."

    Hillary Clinton TOOK CASH, was DIRECTOR of, company that SPONSORS ISIS

    ByPamela Geller on August 1, 2016

    White House 2016

    The right better get their act together and get behind Trump.

    We have had enough of their toddler foot stomp and infernal temper tantrum.

    The right is imploding while the country goes down in flames.

    Hillary must be defeated.

    Paris strikes astonishing partnership with secret Isis sponsor tied to Hillary Clinton [EXCLUSIVE]

    July 29th, 2016 Nafeez Ahmed Global, Canary:

    The City of Paris has struck a corporate partnership with French industrial giant, Lafarge, recently accused of secretly sponsoring the Islamic State (Isis or Daesh) for profit.

    Documents obtained by several journalistic investigations reveal that Lafarge has paid taxes to the terror group to operate its cement plant in Syria, and even bought Isis oil for years.

    Yet according to the campaign group, SumOfUs, Lafarge is the corporate partner and sand provider to the City of Paris for this summer’s Paris-Plages urban beach event. The project run by Office of the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, will create artificial beaches along the river Seine in the centre and northeast of Paris.

    Lafarge also has close ties to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Apart from being a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton herself was a director of Lafarge in the early 1990s, and did legal work for the firm in the 1980s. During her connection to Lafarge, the firm was implicated in facilitating a CIA-backed covert arms export network to Saddam Hussein.

    Blood money

    An investigative report by the French daily Le Monde revealed in June that the corporation, the world’s leader in construction materials, had paid taxes to Isis middlemen, as well as other armed groups in Syria, to protect its cement business operations in the country.

    But the Le Monde story only covered a fraction of the revelations. Previous investigations by Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news outlet run by elements of the Syrian opposition, revealed that Lafarge had even regularly bought oil from Isis.

    Al-Wasl’s original investigation, which Le Monde appears to have borrowed from considerably, was published in February, and based on internal documents and emails from the company. Al-Wasl reported that the CEO of Lafarge Cement Syria, Frederic Jolibois, had personally instructed his firm to make payments to Isis.

    Under fire

    France has repeatedly been targeted by Daesh, and Daesh-inspired terrorists, over the last few years. The latest mass atrocity occurred in Nice, where 84 people were killed on Bastille Day. On Tuesday, a priest in Normandy was brutally murdered by Isis terrorists.

    Paris itself has been repeatedly attacked by terrorists. On 13 November 2015, Isis coordinated a series of terror strikes in Paris and its northern suburb, Saint-Denis, killing 130 people and injuring 368.

    Yet Paris’ new corporate partner, according to Le Monde, sponsored the Isis terror group in Syria in the preceding years to keep up company profits.

    Profit over people

    Emails discovered by Le Monde reveal that Lafarge – which merged with Swiss cement maker Holcim in 2015 – had made “arrangements […] with the jihadist group to continue production until September 19, 2014.”

    Most of these emails seem to have been first obtained by Zaman al-Wasl. Lafarge’s Syria operations ended on that date when Isis took over the firm’s facility in Jalabiya.

    Documents show that Lafarge’s Paris headquarters were fully aware of the business deal with Isis. The company even sent a representative into Isis territory “to get permission from Isis group to let employees past checkpoints,” reports Le Monde.

    A “pass stamped with an Isis group stamp and endorsed by [Isis] finance chief in the Aleppo region” confirms Lafarge’s deal with Daesh to allow the free circulation of its goods.

    In February 2015, Isis were driven out of the Jalabiya region by Kurdish forces.

    Lafarge has declined to address the allegations, stating only that the firm’s highest priority was to protect the safety of its employees in Syria.
    However, instead of ending its Syrian investments when the conflict began as most other international firms had done, which would have been the safest option, the firm struck a lucrative business deal with the jihadist terror group to maximise profits from its local cement operations.

    Who is buying Isis oil?

    According to Zaman al-Wasl, Lafarge regularly purchased fuel from Isis for its own operations, and even supplied cement for Isis to sell in Syria.

    In one email trail, Lafarge general manager Bruno Pescheux received a warning from his Syria senior plant manager about repercussions due to the firm’s “illegal purchasing of petroleum products from ‘non-governmental organizations’ in areas outside the control of the Syrian government […] there are high expectations about a government action or a resolution against individuals and companies who purchase illegal petroleum products.”

    Pescheux’s response was revealing. Agreeing that this could be a “worrying” issue “in the future” for Lafarge, he suggested the company prepare justifications for its policy, such as:
    – at least the HFO [residual fuel oil] we consume is not smuggled abroad and benefits to [sic] Syria construction activity
    – it is very minimum quantity compared to what is smuggled to Turkey.

    Lafarge is not the only major company implicated in buying Isis oil, though it is perhaps the first case where a deliberate policy of purchasing oil from the jihadist group has been confirmed through the firm’s own internal documents.

    Business partnerships of any kind with terror groups like Isis are criminal actions under international law, and subject to stringent US and EU sanctions.

    What is Paris thinking?

    Adding insult to injury, the Office of the Mayor of Paris has struck a corporate partnership with the very same sponsor of Isis to provide sand for this summer’s Paris-Plages event.

    Outraged by the partnership, nearly 40,000 members of SumOfUs, the international corporate watchdog, have signed a petition demanding that Mayor Anne Hidalgo immediately cut Paris’ partnership with Lafarge.
    Eoin Dubsky, SumOfUS campaign manager, said:

    Terrorists should never be business partners. It is beyond reprehensible for Lafarge to be cutting deals with Isis just for profits’ sake. By enriching the terrorist group’s coffers with payments to continue its operations in Syria, Lafarge is inadvertently supporting Isis worldwide campaign of terror that has left scores killed, displaced and under siege in one of the worst humanitarian nightmares of our time.

    This is a scandalous partnership with the City of Paris that should have never happened. By partnering with Lafarge for this summer’s Paris-Plages event, the City of Paris is whitewashing the company’s obscene show of corporate greed that profits off the war and violence created by terrorists. It is high time to make Lafarge accountable for its support of terror, which is why nearly 40,000 SumOfUs members are calling on Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo to cut ties with Lafarge once and for all.
    The Canary contacted the Parisian mayor Anne Hidalgo to find out how such an appalling partnership could be struck, but received no response.
    Far from being courted by Paris with new contracts, Lafarge executives should be prosecuted in France for sponsoring the terrorist group behind the Paris attacks.
    From Saddam to Clinton to post-war Iraq
    But Lafarge leads quite a charmed existence.
    Among its earliest benefactors was former First Lady and current presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton.
    From 1990 to 1992, Clinton served on Lafarge’s Board of Directors. Under her tenure, Lafarge’s Ohio subsidiary was caught burning hazardous waste to fuel cement plants. Clinton defended the decision at the time.
    Then just before her husband, Bill Clinton, was elected president in 1992, Lafarge was fined $1.8 million by the Environmental Protection Agency for these pollution violations. Hillary Clinton had left the board of Lafarge in spring, just after her husband won the Democrat nomination. A year later, under Bill’s presidency, the Clinton administration reduced Lafarge’s EPA fine to less than $600,000.
    In the late 1980s, according to an archived investigative report in the American Spectator, Hillary Clinton was connected to Lafarge when the firm was involved in facilitating CIA support for Saddam Hussein’s secret weapons programme.
    The American Spectator report from November 1996 cited sources confirming that Hillary Clinton did legal work for Lafarge in the late 1980s before she became a director. The report also claimed that Lafarge’s US subsidiary:
    provided key services for the covert arms export network that supplied Saddam Hussein. To prevent exposure of that secret supply line, and collateral damage to Hillary Clinton – who joined Lafarge board in 1990, just as the arms pipeline was being shut down… the Justice Department was told to bury the investigation… But investigators from other US government agencies who worked on the case say they were ‘waved off’ whenever they got too close to exposing the direct involvement of the intelligence community in the arms export scheme.
    Lafarge remains close to the Clintons to this day.
    In 2013, Lafarge’s Executive Vice President for Operations, Eric Olson, was a ‘featured attendee’ at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting.
    The company is a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation – the firm’s up to $100,000 donation was listed in its annual donor list for 2015. Lafarge is also listed again as a donor to the Clinton Foundation for the first quarter of 2016.
    Lafarge is a major beneficiary of disaster capitalism in Iraq, dominating a market where Iraq’s infrastructure remains in dire need of hundreds of billions of dollars in investment. The company describes itself as “one of the largest non-oil investors in Iraq.”
    The firm is not just an economic juggernaut. Its murky history of intelligence ties, and significant political clout in France and the US – the countries leading the airstrikes against Isis in Syria – raise the question of whether Lafarge believes it can profit from terror without accountability.
    Call to action
    Sign the SumofUs petition demanding that Paris sever its ties with the firm which funded the very terrorists behind attacks on Paris:
    - See more at:

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    WATCH: Crowd Cheers Clinton's Call To 'Raise Taxes On The Middle Class'

    Hillary Clinton called for raising taxes on the “middle class” while campaigning on Monday in Omaha, NE. Joined by left-wing Democrat billionaire Warren Buffett, she received applause from those in attendance.

    “Because while Warren is standing up for a fairer tax code, Trump wants to cut taxes for the super-rich,” said Clinton. “Well, we’re not going there, my friends. I’m telling you, right now - we’re going to write fairer rules for the middle class and we are going to raise taxes on the middle class!”


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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Damn, you beat me to this! Just heard this on the local morning radio show.

    Finally! Some truth on the campaign trail!

  9. #49
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    It is refreshing

    Obama before and after on Hillary Clinton.

    Doesn't matter because the MSMedia is in the tank for every Leftist Democrat.

    CNN Admits to Being "the Biggest Supporters" of Hillary Clinton's Campaign

    Published on Aug 4, 2016
    CNN's Chris Cuomo and Brooke Baldwin ADMIT on live television that they ARE biased!

    Chris Cuomo: "We couldn't help her anymore than we have. You know, she's just got a free ride so far from the media and we're the biggest ones promoting her campaign."

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Dunno if anyone has seen this... but there's the link. Below will be the copy, because I've found that SO many things we copied over to the site over the years have vanished from actual links now.

    Hilary Clinton has brain damage (I know, I know, we already knew that, but this is serious brain damage. )

    PHOTOS=> Hillary’s Handler Carries DIAZEPAM Pen for Patients Who Experience Recurrent Seizures!

    Jim Hoft Aug 7th, 2016 11:02 pm 772 Comments
    As reported earlier by Joe Hoft—

    In recent bizarre events on the campaign trail a strange man was noticed at Hillary Clinton’s side.
    Via Mike Cernovich:
    Hillary’s Handler? Brain washer?
    — Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 7, 2016
    ** Danger and Play has much more.

    The man is dressed like a secret service agent but his actions prove otherwise.

    In a recent campaign stop in a Union Hall in front of a sparse crowd, at about the time when some liberal protesters began to protest, Hillary Clinton suddenly froze. She looked dazed and lost. Seeing this, a group of men rushed to assist the candidate on the stage. One man however gently pats the candidate’s back and then says, “Keep Talking.”
    Secret Service agents walk on stage during Hillary Clinton rally
    — ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 4, 2016
    An expert on Secret Service tactics told TGP Secret Service agents would not touch a candidate in the manner that this individual did and especially Hillary Clinton. It has been widely reported on Hillary’s disdain for the agents who work to protect her. The man who touches Hillary may be a member of Hillary’s close staff – but he is NOT a Secret Service agent.

    Now this…

    Mike Cernovich pointed out that Hillary’s handler carries a Diazepam pen.

    ** Diazepam auto-injector pens are used for for Acute Repetitive Seizures.
    Diazepam is prescribed for patients who experience recurrent seizures!
    Twitter user Azusa posted this earlier.
    The Ralph Retort reported:
    Secret Service agent was carrying an auto-injector with Diazepam
    — Azusa (@PositiveInt) August 8, 2016
    Hillary’s handler was definitely carrying an auto-syringe at the DNC Convention on Hillary’s big night.

    Hillary has a medic carrying diazepam? @TWA2Garp @SoonerGirl000
    — Skip Trace_ (@skiptrace_) August 8, 2016

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Very interesting...So what is he supposed to do if she starts glitching out, harpoon her with that thing and we are not supposed to notice? lol damn

    And if Putin puts her to the test and is going mobile with the big boy launchers she will just glitch out freeze and who will be in charge?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by AGEUSAF View Post
    Very interesting...So what is he supposed to do if she starts glitching out, harpoon her with that thing and we are not supposed to notice? lol damn

    And if Putin puts her to the test and is going mobile with the big boy launchers she will just glitch out freeze and who will be in charge?
    None of it matters to her. She wants to be President, damn you for questioning her.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Julian Assange: “The World Will Now See Hillary’s Ties To Saudi ISIS. Here Are The Emails!”

    admin 2 Comments Assange, email, Hillary, isis, programs, saudiarabia, visa


    To date, there is no one on the face of this earth that can deny Hillary Clinton ’s ties to terrorist and countries that support Sharia law. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable. As WikiLeaks continues to release waves of emails from Hillary Clinton proving she provided arms to ISIS and other terrorist groups, another leak has come out against her.
    To date, there is no one on the face of this earth that can deny Hillary Clinton ’s ties to terrorist and countries that support Sharia law. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable. As WikiLeaks continues to release waves of emails from Hillary Clinton proving she provided arms to ISIS and other terrorist groups, another leak has come out against her.
    Hillary Clinton developed a master plan when she was Secretary of State. She would approve major weapon deals to countries in exchange for large financial contributions to her “Foundation.” This is called “pay-for-play.” That is highly illegal and unethical, but clearly Hillary can operate above the law. In the leak, it is proven that Hillary was allowing Saudi Arabia to manipulate our visa programs.

    There was already strong evidence that Saudi Arabian terrorists exploited the US visa program, but now we KNOW they were granted the opportunity to do so at the behest of Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State.
    The documents PROVE Hillary Clinton doubled the number of visas for Saudi visitors to the US, while helping cut a deal with the Kingdom to waive security procedures for Saudi nationals upon their arrival in the US. So, what does that actually mean?
    There was already strong evidence that Saudi Arabian terrorists exploited the US visa program, but now we KNOW they were granted the opportunity to do so at the behest of Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State.
    The documents PROVE Hillary Clinton doubled the number of visas for Saudi visitors to the US, while helping cut a deal with the Kingdom to waive security procedures for Saudi nationals upon their arrival in the US. So, what does that actually mean?
    It means that Hillary allowed anyone deemed a “higher up” in the Saudi government to come and go into the US without being vetted or screened. As a refresher, Congress unsealed the 28 pages from the 9/11 Commission Report that proved high ranking Saudi officials funded the terrorists that carried out 9/11. These are the people Hillary associates herself with.

    The annual number of non-immigrant visas issued to Saudi nationals soared 93% during Clinton ’s tenure as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, hitting a record 108,578 in fiscal 2013 and reversing a post-9/11 pause in Saudi visa approvals.

    Hillary Clinton was abusing her power as Secretary of State. She was allowing Saudi nationals to come into the US whenever they wanted to buy properties, corporations, and build ties with congressmen so they could have more influence in American politics. In exchange, Hillary has received nearly $25 million from Saudi Arabia alone.
    Before leaving office, Clinton helped negotiate a little-noticed January 2013 administration deal with Riyadh to allow Saudi visa-holders to enter the US as “trusted travelers” and bypass the normal border security process. The next year, the State Department issued an all-time-high 142,180 Saudi visas, consular data show.

    To date, there is no one on the face of this earth that can deny Hillary Clinton ’s ties to terrorist and countries that support Sharia law. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable. As WikiLeaks continues to release waves of emails from Hillary Clinton proving she provided arms to ISIS and other terrorist groups, another leak has come out against her.
    Hillary Clinton developed a master plan when she was Secretary of State. She would approve major weapon deals to countries in exchange for large financial contributions to her “Foundation.” This is called “pay-for-play.” That is highly illegal and unethical, but clearly Hillary can operate above the law. In the leak, it is proven that Hillary was allowing Saudi Arabia to manipulate our visa programs.
    There was already strong evidence that Saudi Arabian terrorists exploited the US visa program, but now we KNOW they were granted the opportunity to do so at the behest of Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State.
    The documents PROVE Hillary Clinton doubled the number of visas for Saudi visitors to the US, while helping cut a deal with the Kingdom to waive security procedures for Saudi nationals upon their arrival in the US. So, what does that actually mean?
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    Hillary Clinton Vows to Speak ‘Directly to White People’ to Stop Racial Police Shootings

    by Charlie Spiering 20 Sep 2016

    Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton vows she’ll tackle the racism in the nation’s law enforcement system.

    “We gotta tackle the systemic racism, this horrible shooting again, how many times do we have to see this in our country?” she said in an appearance on the Steve Harvey show. Clinton was specifically referring to the police shooting of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, saying he had his “hands in the air” when he was killed.

    “This is unbearable and it needs to be intolerable,” she said.

    Clinton told Harvey that if the African-American community came out and voted for her, she would work to stop racial shootings by police officers.

    “Maybe I can by speaking directly to white people say, ‘Look this is not who we are,’” she said. “We’ve got to do everything possible to improve policing, to go right at implicit bias.

    Clinton was careful to specify that there many “good honorable cool-headed” police officers, citing the ones that successfully apprehended the New York City terrorist suspect in New Jersey on Monday.

    But she restated her belief that something had to be done to fix police departments around the country.

    “We can do better,” she said. “We have got to reign in what is absolutely inexplicable.”

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    WikiLeaks Bombshell: Hillary’s Brain Injury Caused By ‘Near Fatal Plane Crash’

    Mac Slavo
    September 23rd, 2016

    >>Secretary Clinton who was reportedly unconscious and “bleeding profusely.”<<
    If an unclassified email leaked by WikiLeaks is any indication, it appears that there may be much more to the story of what happened to Hillary Clinton back in 2012.
    We’ve been told that she suffered a concussion… but was that just diplomatic cover for something else?
    Bill Clinton himself publicly claimed that her 2012 concussion – supposedly from a simple fall – took a full six months to recover from:
    Bill Clinton did more today than defend his wife, Hillary Clinton, from recent accusations leveled by GOP strategist Karl Rove that she suffered brain damage after falling in December 2012.
    “They went to all this trouble to say she had staged what was a terrible concussion that required six months of very serious work to get over,” he said. “It’s something she never low-balled with the American people, never tried to pretend it didn’t happen.”
    The alleged incident claimed in this story overlapped with Hillary’s admitted illness, concussion and time off from office that precipitated her resignation as Secretary of State less than two months later on February 1, 2013.
    Wikileaks released this chain of emails forwarded between various ranking military officials, and eventually to State Dept. and top Hillary confidant Jake J. Sullivan who laughed it off when he forwarded it to “H” herself, citing a conspiracy story written by Sorcha Faal – whose reports are widely dismissed as disinfo – claiming that Hillary sustained serious injuries in a crash during a secret diplomatic meeting with the then-president of Iran.
    If such a secret meeting did happen, it remains top secret and there is no publicly available information to confirm or deny that such a meeting even took place – let alone that there was a plane crash.
    However, Capt Les Horn, USN (Ret), who was in the chain of emails, noted that “The report appears to be credible” in a message he sent to Anthony Milavic, a retired Marine major.

    Presumably his assessment is based upon detailed military knowledge of the circumstances under which such a secret diplomatic mission would have taken place, including details about the aircraft and route, and possibly includes first hand knowledge of events. But that remains unclear.
    According to the original story:
    A new Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was injured, and a top US Navy Seal Commander killed when their C-12 Huron military passenger and transport aircraft crash landed nearly 3 weeks ago in the Iranian city of Ahvaz near the Iraqi border.
    Upon the C-12 Huron landing at Ahwaz, however, this report says it encountered “extreme turbulence” causing it to leave the runway where its main landing gear then collapsed causing it to crash.
    Within seconds of the C-12 Huron crashing, this report continues, Iranian emergency and security personal responded freeing the victims, including Secretary Clinton who was reportedly unconscious and “bleeding profusely.”
    The death of SEAL Team 4 Commanding Officer Job W. Price adds additional reason to think that a cover story may be at work. Price was reportedly escorting Hillary on the plane, and may have died as a result of injuries in the alleged crash.
    The US Navy Seal member reported killed in this bizarre incident, this report says, was indentified as Commander Job W. Price who as a leader of this highly specialized American Special Forces unit protects high-ranking diplomats traveling in Middle Eastern and Asian combat zones.
    This GRU report, however, states that US military flight logs recorded by Russian air and space forces confirm that Commander Price, and other members of US Navy Seal Team 4, left their base in Urozgan Province, Afghanistan on a flight to US Naval Support Activity Bahrain where they met up with Secretary Clinton and all of them transferred to the C-12 Huron that began a flight path to Baghdad, Iraq.
    However, officially Commander Price died by suicide a.k.a. a “non-combat-related injury” on December 22, 2012 while stationed in Uruzgan Province in Afghanistan.
    Was this official explanation just cover for the real cause of his death? What else don’t we know?
    Here’s the full story as released by Wikileaks. The PDF can be downloaded from Wikileaks here.

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    Clinton friend and assassin Larry Nichols: Hillary is a satanist

    Posted on August 21, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn

    Larry Nichols in 2009

    Larry Nichols is a former Green Beret and a longtime associate of Bill Clinton. The two men first met in the late 1970s when Bill was an up-and-coming politician. When Bill was Arkansas governor, Nichols was the marketing director of the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, an Arkansas state agency that was one of the entities investigated by the Senate Whitewater Committee.
    On the Pete Santilli radio show of September 24, 2013, Nichols admitted that he had killed people as the Clintons’ hit man or murderer-for-hire. (See “Bombshell: Long-time Clinton associate says he killed people for Bill & Hillary“)

    On June 24, 2015, interviewed by Alex Jones for ********, Nichols dropped another bombshell. He said, beginning at the 28:44 mark in the audio above:
    “Back when Hillary was first lady, she would go home on the weekends to California with Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and some of the [inaudible] women, and they went to a church for witches. Witches,witches, witches…. You know that lady that was tryin’ to run for the Senate and sometimes she’d gone to some place where they did witch stuff? Hillary went to a church and worshiped Satan.

    Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, 68, is a television producer who, with her husband Harry Thomason, is best known for creating, writing, and producing the TV series, Designing Women. The couple are notable for their friendship with Bill and Hillary Clinton, which dates back to Bill’s days as governor of Arkansas.
    The Thomasons created several short-subject political propaganda films for Bill, the most famous of which was The Man from Hope that introduced Bill at the 1992 Democratic Convention. The Thomasons did similar propaganda films for Hillary’s run for the U.S. Senate and for other candidates, such as General Wesley Clark’s presidential bid. (See “Obama-supporter Gen. Wesley Clarke: Disloyal Americans should be put in concentration camps”)
    To this day, despite the series of video exposés on Planned Parenthood (PP) selling aborted baby organs and tissue harvested from late-term babies, in some cases, still alive, Hillary Clinton continues to support PP and taxpayers’ funding of PP’s evil practices, to the tune of $500 million last year. See “Planned Parenthood horror: Baby’s heart beats during harvesting of his brain“.
    See also a confessional by former “wizard” and satanist Zachary King, “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics“.

    The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection

    July 26, 2016, 1:00 am

    The devil is in her details.

    In his speech at the Republican convention last week, Ben Carson made a statement that raised some eyebrows. “Now, one of the things that I have learned about Hillary Clinton is that one of her heroes, her mentors, was Saul Alinsky,” said Carson. “And her senior thesis was about Saul Alinsky. This was someone she greatly admired….”

    So far so good. Nothing most political junkies haven’t heard before.

    “And let me tell you something about Saul Alinsky,” continued Carson. “He wrote a book called Rules for Radicals. It acknowledges Lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom. Now think about that.”

    That certainly got a lot of people thinking.

    “This is our nation where our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our Creator, a nation where our Pledge of Allegiance says we are ‘One nation under God,’” added Carson. “This is a nation where every coin in our pockets and every bill in our wallet says, ‘In God We Trust.’ So are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges Lucifer? Think about that.”

    In response, the liberal media predictably went bonkers.

    “Ben Carson rails against Hillary Clinton, Lucifer,” howled the headline in USA Today.

    “Ben Carson Ties Hillary Clinton to Lucifer as GOP Swaps Campaign for Witch Trial,” scowled the Daily Beast.

    “She’s one-degree of separation from a devil-lover!” wailed the Daily Mail.

    I must say that I shouldn’t be too critical of the liberal media’s apoplectic reaction, because I was likewise incredulous the first time I heard this claim.

    It was 2007, and I was finishing a book on the faith of Hillary Clinton. One morning I heard a local radio talk-show host make an amazing claim: that Alinsky’s 1971 classic Rules for Radicals began with a dedication to Satan. Oh, I can’t believe that, I said. I was angry at the host. This kind of hyperbole gives conservative talk-radio a bad name!

    And yet, it couldn’t be hard to check. I had better do so as author of a biography of Hillary Clinton in which I had a section on Hillary and Saul Alinsky. As part of the promotion for the book, I would likely appear on this same talk-show, and the host surely would ask me about the Lucifer acknowledgment.

    I quickly emailed one of the staffers at our library at Grove City College. Did we have a copy of Rules for Radicals on our shelves? We sure did. Please pull it, I said. I’ll be right there.

    I opened the book and couldn’t believe my eyes. Alinsky offered this acknowledgment:
    Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.
    Yes, there it was. Saul Alinsky commenced his magnum opus — the one for which he is hailed by the left, a book not only read by Hillary Clinton but used as a text by Barack Obama as a teacher of community organizing — with an acknowledgement of the Devil.

    Like Ben Carson, the reaction I’ve had when pointing this out to liberals has been one of hysterical disbelief. And if I’m able to get them to look at what Alinsky wrote, they retreat to handy excuses. “Oh, that was tongue-in-cheek,” one liberal confidently told me.

    Really? I asked her. How did she know that? She didn’t.

    Now, a crucial clarification: I don’t think it’s technically accurate to say that Rules for Radicals is “dedicated” to Lucifer, as is often claimed by Alinsky’s detractors.

    (It’s also hard to criticize them for making that assumption.) Looking at the book carefully, it appears to be dedicated to one person: There is a page that says simply “To Irene,” and nothing else. On the page prior to the Irene dedication is a list of “Personal Acknowledgements,” where Alinsky lists four friends: Jason Epstein, Cicely Nichols, Susan Rabiner, and Georgia Harper. Following the Irene page is another page, the controversial one, in which Alinsky offers three quotes, the first from a Rabbi Hillel, the second from Thomas Paine, and the third from Alinsky himself, giving his nod to Lucifer. One well-known fact-checker source (Snopes) describes this as “three epigraphs on an introductory page.” I suppose that’s an acceptable way to characterize it. And the third of the three is an “epigraph” (if you will) to Satan.

    But we shouldn’t let Alinsky off the Lucifer hook so easily.

    Alinsky, for one, was asked about the Lucifer acknowledgment in his March 1972 interview with Playboy magazine near the end of his life, a swan-song that every Alinsky aficionado knows about. Here’s the exchange, which came at the very end of the interview, with Playboy apparently judging it a fittingly provocative close to the extremely lengthy interview:

    PLAYBOY: Having accepted your own mortality, do you believe in any kind of afterlife?

    ALINSKY: Sometimes it seems to me that the question people should ask is not “Is there life after death?” but “Is there life after birth?” I don’t know whether there’s anything after this or not. I haven’t seen the evidence one way or the other and I don’t think anybody else has either. But I do know that man’s obsession with the question comes out of his stubborn refusal to face up to his own mortality. Let’s say that if there is an afterlife, and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell.

    PLAYBOY: Why?

    ALINSKY: Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I’ve been with the have-nots. Over here, if you’re a have-not, you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in hell, you’re short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there.

    PLAYBOY: Why them?

    ALINSKY: They’re my kind of people.
    “They’re my kind of people,” said Alinsky. “Hell would be heaven for me.

    Tongue-in-cheek again? Yuk, yuk, yuk. Hilarious, just hilarious.

    For the record, when I googled the Alinsky-Playboy interview this week I found the aforementioned excerpt posted at (among other places) a Satanist website. There, the author, in an article titled, “Saul D. Alinsky: A role model for left-wing Satanists,” writes of the exchange: “I’m not sure whether Alinsky really was a Satanist/Luciferian of some sort or whether he was just joking. He may well have been just joking.”

    Maybe. Pretty funny, eh?

    When fact-checking Ben Carson’s statement on this, PolitiFact added this caveat: “The rest of the book [Rules for Radicals] includes no real discussion of Lucifer or Satan, though it does talk about the way people demonize political opponents so that others see their opponents as ‘devils.’”

    Indeed it does. And that isn’t particularly amusing either. One of Alinsky’s most infamous rules is to isolate the target and, in effect, demonize it. (The talk-show host I mentioned also used the word “demonize.”) This was the thrust of Alinsky’s final and most egregious rule for radicals (no. 13): “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” He advised cutting off the support network of the person and isolating the person from sympathy. He cruelly urged going after people rather than institutions because people hurt faster than institutions.

    Get out the torch, dear tolerant progressive, rain hellfire on thy enemy!

    To be sure, Rules for Radicals sometimes gives mixed signals to many Christians. The book is interspersed with a sprinkling of Biblical/church references (some neutral, some not) beyond its hefty radical politics and juvenile profanity. My Grove City College colleague Lee Wishing interprets this as Alinsky’s method of trying to reach the younger ’60s generation. “He wanted to give them meaning,” says Wishing. It was as if Alinsky had penned the radical’s version of a purpose-driven life. On the last page of Alinsky’s manual, the godfather of community organizing imparts his wisdom on his army of organizers: “The human cry… is one for a meaning, a purpose for life — a cause to live for and if need be die for…. This is literally the revolution of the soul.” Alinsky said that the young “are searching for an answer, at least for a time, to man’s greatest question, ‘Why am I here?’” In short, observes Wishing, Alinsky was telling his followers to find life’s meaning and salvation in a “conflict-based community organizing” (Wishing’s description).

    Wishing’s take is that Alinsky was actually a “metaphysical rebel, a spiritual man who, whether he realizes it or not, was trying to address man’s fallen nature.” Thus, Alinsky gets his opening acknowledgment (to Lucifer) wrong. Says Wishing: “Jesus is the kingdom winner, the real revolutionary…. The fatal flaw of Alinsky’s book is literally the fatal flaw of mankind: failure to recognize that Jesus has defeated Satan and, that although this world is fallen, our hope is in Him — following Him faithfully, the True Radical, not Satan.”

    Wishing’s take is insightful, and also charitable to Alinsky.

    That said, Rules for Radicals is not a charitable book. Any Scripture references are deep-sixed by far more frequently used words like target, weapon, threat, pressure, tactic, revolution, rebellion, enemy, the devil (albeit not in a Satan-worshipping way), and, most of all, attack, attack, and attack. It’s damned sure not an epistle of forgiveness and grace. This isn’t the Peace Prayer of St. Francis.

    What Alinsky advised, no matter how many Biblical quotations he sprinkled it with, certainly wasn’t the Christian gospel.

    Speaking of which, and bringing this back to Hillary Clinton, it’s thus very ironic how Hillary Clinton met Saul Alinsky. Ben Carson would not know this, nor would most fact-checkers and Hillary fans.

    A young Hillary Rodham was first introduced to Alinsky in Chicago by the Rev. Don Jones, the liberal “social justice” Methodist youth minister who was a mentor to her in the early 1960s in Park Ridge, Illinois at Park Ridge United Methodist Church. He’s the one who started tugging Hillary to the left and away from her father’s “Goldwater Girl” roots. Hillary would later describe Alinsky as a “great seducer” of young minds, as did Jones, which was apparently the reason that Jones brought his wide-eyed teens to meet with the radical whose politics Jones liked. Jones succeeded. Hillary was taken in.

    The Rev. Jones’s point in bringing the youngsters to Alinsky could not have been religious, since Alinsky was a well-known and committed agnostic who proudly declared his “independence” from any affiliation, including Christianity. The youth minister’s goal was social-political. Like Jones, Alinsky was dedicated to advancing the interests of the Proletariat, or what Alinsky called the “Have-Nots.”

    For Hillary, that first encounter was just the beginning.

    Hillary Rodham headed off to the Northeast for college, where her conservative father paid handsomely for her left-wing indoctrination. In 1968, Hillary wrote her undergraduate thesis at Wellesley on — of all subjects — Saul Alinsky and his tactics. She quite literally studied Alinsky, and not merely distantly from the pages of a book.

    At Wellesley, Hillary sought out Alinsky. She was thinking about her place in the world. She envisioned greater things, and thus decided that she needed more than a bachelor’s degree — namely, a degree in law. She shared that opinion with no less than Saul Alinsky himself, directly asking his advice. And her outreach paid dividends. Quite remarkably, the veteran radical offered Hillary a job in the spring of 1969 as a community organizer. He also that year re-released his classic manifesto, Reveille for Radicals, updated with a new introduction and afterword.

    Hillary decided against the job, informing Alinsky that she felt law school was the better choice for the moment. She told Alinsky that she saw a “real opportunity” at Yale Law.

    Alas, these are things we’ve known about Hillary and Alinsky for a while now, as reported by biographers (myself included) and with a few details by Hillary herself, though she has been very tightlipped. In her 2003 book, Living History, Hillary mentioned Alinsky, but only surrendered one paragraph, keeping a political safe-distance as she sought elected office. But what she said in that one paragraph is telling. “We had a fundamental disagreement,” she wrote. “He [Alinsky] believed you could change the system only from the outside. I didn’t.”

    Correct. Hillary is changing it from the inside.

    In September 2014, however, came somewhat of a biographical game-changer, a small but meaningful revelation in our knowledge of Hillary and Alinsky, one that the fact-checkers still haven’t caught up to. The Washington Free Beacon obtained two previous Hillary-Alinsky letters that hadn’t been published before.

    Here was the context:

    It was July 1971, and Hillary Rodham was interning in the law offices of communist rabble-rousers Robert Treuhaft and his British-born wife Jessica “Decca” Mitford, the one-time muckraking journalist.

    Treuhaft and Mitford had married in 1943, several years after Mitford’s previous husband died fighting for the Soviet Comintern in the Spanish Civil War.

    They eventually moved to San Francisco and lived near Saul Alinsky. Both Treuhaft and Mitford had joined Communist Party USA, and for many years were denied passports and investigated by government officials.

    Yes, this was Hillary’s big internship — working for two notorious Bay Area communists.

    Her father must have been appalled. Saul Alinsky, a self-described democratic socialist who proudly admitted working with communists, must have been pleased. (“Anybody who tells you he was active in progressive causes and never worked with the Reds is a goddamn liar,” Alinsky once said.)

    And so, on July 8, 1971, Clinton reached out to the aging Alinsky in a letter she marked “Personal” and sent via airmail adorned by two stamps with the face of Franklin Roosevelt.

    “Dear Saul,” she began warmly, on a first-name basis. “When is that new book coming out — or has it come and I somehow missed the fulfillment of Revelation?”

    The new book of Revelation that Hillary was excited about was Rules for Radicals.

    Hillary told Alinsky that she had just had her “one-thousandth conversation about Reveille” (his other classic) and “need some new material to throw at people.” She was hopeful that Rules for Radicals would be providing that material.

    She also informed the father of community organizing that she (Obama-like) was pumped up to do some community organizing, telling him that she had “survived law school, slightly bruised, with my belief in and zest for organizing intact.”

    The letter says more, including the intriguing disclosure that Clinton and Alinsky had kept in touch regularly since she entered Yale Law School.

    "If I never thanked you for the encouraging words of last spring in the midst of the Yale-Cambodia madness, I do so now,” said Clinton. She told Alinsky, “I miss our biennial conversations,” and asked him, “Do you ever make it out to California?”

    The future Democratic Party presidential nominee wanted to see Alinsky. “I am living in Berkeley and working in Oakland for the summer and would love to see you,” Clinton wrote. “Let me know if there is any chance of our getting together.”

    Alinsky, it turns out, happened to be on a trip to Southeast Asia at the time, where America was mired in war.

    But that did not stop Alinsky’s secretary from opening the letter and responding to Hillary on his behalf.

    Why would the secretary take that liberty?

    Because, she explained to Hillary: “Since I know [Saul’s] feelings about you I took the liberty of opening your letter because I didn’t want something urgent to wait for two weeks,” the secretary, Georgia Harper, wrote back to Clinton on July 13. “And I’m glad I did.”

    She informed Hillary that Saul’s new book, titled Rules for Radicals, had just been released.

    She included several copies of reviews of the book.

    Harper also informed Hillary that Alinsky was indeed coming to San Francisco.

    He would be “staying at the Hilton Inn at the airport on Monday and Tuesday, July 26 and 27.

    I know he would like to have you call him so that if there is a chance in his schedule maybe you can get together.” She suggested Hillary call first thing Monday morning.

    Did Hillary call?

    Did she and Saul get together in San Francisco?

    She has never told us.

    It’s hard to imagine they didn’t.

    What was that meeting like, if it occurred?

    Did Saul hand her a copy of the book she wrote to him about, Rules for Radicals, maybe with an inscription to Hillary on the dedication page, or acknowledgments page?

    Dare we ask?

    I don’t know that anyone has, or has recorded Hillary’s answer.

    Nonetheless, this much we can certainly say: Saul Alinsky clearly had an influence on the future Democratic nominee for president.

    And further, we must add that Alinsky’s influence was not only on the current Democratic nominee. He impacted the previous nominee as well. As noted, a young man named Barack Obama would read and teach Alinsky’s tactics during his community-organizing days in Chicago — Saul’s haunting grounds.

    Alinsky’s influence on the Democratic Party today is so pronounced that his son, David, boasted eight years ago that the “Democratic campaign in 2008… is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky.”

    He beamed: “the Democratic National Convention had all the elements of the perfectly organized event, Saul Alinsky style.”

    The 2016 Democratic National Convention likewise will owe something to Saul Alinsky.

    Hillary and crew may not give an open acknowledgment to Lucifer, but they ought to give an admiring nod to the lingering presence of Saul Alinsky.

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    The only thing Hillary Clinton worships besides herself is money and power.

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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton : The Rise of HildaBeast

    Hillary reportedly asked, ‘Can’t we just drone this guy?’ Wikileaks tweets about Assange’s concerns

    October 3, 2016 | Carmine Sabia
    A report that Hillary Clinton wanted to drone Wikileaks founder Julian Assange could be the reason that he cancelled his live press conference scheduled for Tuesday.

    On Sunday, it was reported by MSNBC that due to “security concerns” Assange cancelled the appearance, where he was allegedly going to reveal damaging information about Clinton.

    Wikileaks itself did not mention any reveal of documents pertaining to Clinton, despite MSNBC’s insistence since Sunday that those documents would be the subject of the announcement.

    “On the opening day of Wikileaks’ ten year anniversary period this press conference will announce new initiatives and provide updates on publishing and legal events. Looking over the decade long body of work staff and experts will speak of lessons learnt and future plans,” Wikileaks said in its announcement of the conference.

    Assange has stated recently that he has more damaging information on Clinton that he plans to release at the appropriate moment.

    On Monday, Wikileaks revealed how big Assange’s security concerns could be when it promoted the theory that Clinton wanted to have Assange killed during her time as secretary of state, according to an article from True Pundit.
    “Can’t we just drone this guy?” Clinton openly inquired, offering a simple remedy to silence Assange and smother Wikileaks via a planned military drone strike, according to State Department sources. The statement drew laughter from the room which quickly died off when the Secretary kept talking in a terse manner, sources said. Clinton said Assange, after all, was a relatively soft target, “walking around” freely and thumbing his nose without any fear of reprisals from the United States. Clinton was upset about Assange’s previous 2010 records releases, divulging secret U.S. documents about the war in Afghanistan in July and the war in Iraq just a month earlier in October, sources said. At that time in 2010, Assange was relatively free and not living cloistered in the embassy of Ecuador in London. Prior to 2010, Assange focused Wikileaks’ efforts on countries outside the United States but now under Clinton and Obama, Assange was hammering America with an unparalleled third sweeping Wikileaks document dump in five months. Clinton was fuming, sources said, as each State Department cable dispatched during the Obama administration was signed by her.
    Hillary Clinton on Assange “Can’t we just drone this guy” — report
    — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 3, 2016

    To Silence Wikileaks, #HillaryClinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange — report
    — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 3, 2016

    Assange will not be appearing on the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Tuesday but he will make an announcement via a video appearance at a Berlin press conference on Tuesday morning.
    According to @wikileaks, Julian Assange will appear via video link at Berlin press conference on Tuesday AM
    Former Trump aide Roger Stone believes the Tuesday announcement will involve Clinton documents and thinks it will mean the end of the Democrat presidential nominee’s campaign.

    Read more:

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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