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Thread: 2016 Election

  1. #681
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Clinton Campaign Now Outspending Trump on Ads -- $52 Million to 0

    August 9, 2016

    Nearly $100 million has been spent on general-election TV advertisements in the presidential race since the primary season ended, but Donald Trump's campaign still hasn't spent a single cent on one of them.

    This lack of advertising is all more striking given Trump's deficit in the polls -- as well as the recent influx of campaign contributions he's reportedly raked in.

    Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has now spent $52 million on ads, and pro-Clinton outside groups have chipped in an additional $39 million, according to ad-spending data from Advertising Analytics. (That's the new name of the company NBC News partners with on this data.)

    By comparison, the Trump campaign itself has spent $0, with pro-Trump outside groups adding $8 million over the airwaves.

    In total, that's $91 million for Team Clinton, versus $8 million for Team Trump.

    What's more, the Trump campaign ($0) is also being outspent on ads by Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson ($15,000) and the Green Party's Jill Stein ($189,000).

    Total Team Clinton: $91.1 million

    Clinton campaign: $52.3 million
    Priorities USA Action: $37.1 million
    Vote Vets: $1.1 million
    Women Vote!: $616,000

    Total Team Trump: $8.2 million

    Trump campaign: $0
    Rebuilding America Now: $5 million
    NRA Victory Fund: $3.2 million

    I have literally heard more Gary Johnson ads on talk radio and seen more Clinton ads on TV than Trump on either (as in none) in the last month. Now I know why...

  2. #682
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Hillary Clinton Likely Has 273 Electoral Votes Already In Her Column: CNN Projection

    Network moves 3 states from ‘battleground’ to ‘lean’ Democratic

    August 19, 2016

    CNN on Friday updated their election forecast, moving three states previously classified as toss-ups into the leaning-Democrat column: New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

    All three of those states went into Barack Obama’s column in both the 2008 and 2012 elections.

    Under the news network’s projections, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton needs only to sweep all the states CNN presently considers leaning or solidly Democratic to win the presidency with 273 electoral votes, three more than the majority of 270.

    Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio and North Carolina are the five remaining “battlegrounds,” the first four of which Mr. Obama won in 2012. North Carolina narrowly went for Republican businessman and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with 50.6 percent of the vote.

    CNN’s projection comes on the heels of Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s resignation and one day after the Trump campaign announced its first TV ad buy of the general election, a $4.8 million ad buy for the rest of August targeting Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

    Mr. Trump’s ad buy focuses on immigration and national security.

  3. #683
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Polls Show Trump Only Slightly Ahead Of Clinton In Texas

    Video from FNC at the link. Can't embed.

  4. #684
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    So touchback amnesty is now just turning into plain old amnesty. Great...

    Don't hear much about that wall anymore do we?

    Trump To Introduce Reforms To Legalize Some Undocumented Immigrants

    Sources tell Univision that the announcement is coming this week. The Republican candidate spoke Saturday at a meeting with Hispanic leaders where he also said he regrets comments about Mexicans.

    August 20, 2016

    Mario RodrÃ*guez, head of the Hispanic 100 group in California, and Jovita Carranza, who worked in George W. Bush's administration, with Donald Trump.

    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump plans to present an immigration plan in Colorado Thursday that will include legalizing millions of undocumented immigrants, according to three people present at a meeting the candidate attended Saturday with Hispanic leaders at Trump Tower in New York.

    "I really liked that Trump acknowledged that there is a big problem with the 11 million [undocumented] people who are here, and that deporting them is neither possible nor humane,” said Jacob Monty, a Texas immigration lawyer who attended the meeting.

    “The candidate also said he would announce a way to give them [legal] status that wouldn't be citizenship but would allow them to be here without fear of deportation." said Monty, adding that Trump told the group that he planned to announce the plan this week.

    Trump's plan stands in stark contrast to his previous statements about immigrants during his campaign. During the primaries, the New York property tycoon promised to build a wall along the border with Mexico and to create a deportation force to expel all undocumented immigrants. The Republican candidate has repeatedly shifted his position on a variety of issues during his campaign.

    Republican National Committee spokesperson Helen Aguirre was also present at the meeting and confirmed that the candidate is working on unveiling a plan. "Trump was very categorical in saying that he's seeking a fair immigration reform," Aguirre said. "He wants to listen to everyone and announce his conclusions in the coming days."

    When he launched his presidential campaign in June last year, Trump linked immigration and crime. "When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people," he said at the time.

    According to one of the meeting's attendees, Trump said Saturday that he regretted having made those comments.

    The meeting lasted an hour and a half and among those also present were his two top campaign staff, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway, who joined Trump this week following a shake-up of his team.

    Also present were members on Trump's Hispanic advisory council: a group that includes state representatives, evangelical pastors and executives such as Javier Polit, chief information officer at the Coca-Cola Company.

    According to sources who were present at the meeting, Trump spoke in a conciliatory tone. He began by welcoming everyone, then asked attendees what they thought he should do for the Hispanic community. He took notes during the whole meeting.

    The Republican candidate said that his main priority was how to handle the 11 million undocumented immigrants who are now in the country, the sources said.

    “Trump is aware that he cannot deport 11 million people,” says Lola Zinke, wife of Ryan Zinke, a Republican congressman from Montana, who is a former Navy Seal.

    Zinke, the daughter of a Peruvian, is a San Diego lawyer familiar with illegal immigration issues, who says she believes deportation is not the solution. “It doesn’t make sense to force undocumented [immigrants] to go back to their countries to regularize their situation. Trump himself mentioned a possible solution: let them do it at the embassies or consulates of their countries,” she said.

    Other people present at the meeting backed that idea, explaining that the candidate said he did not like the idea of forcing undocumented immigrants to go back to their countries to regularize their immigration status, and that it would make sense to allow them to do so without leaving the United States.

    “No one wants criminals or rapists here,” Zinke said. “But it’s impossible to deport 11 million people. Trump realizes the contributions the Hispanic community has made to our military. He understands Hispanic values and the contributions of our community,” she added.

    Official details of the Trump plan remain unknown. But those who were present at the meeting said it would include some form of legalizing the status of some undocumented immigrants.

    “Being eligible will require that people haven’t committed serious crimes or aren’t recently arrived,” Monty said.

    The plan would need the support of Congress, but Monty said he had faith in Trump as “someone who has made deals.”

    He added: “Trump is capable of sitting down with his party to negotiate and his opponent isn’t. Congress is controlled by Republicans. How will Hillary Clinton move forward with reform?”

    Upon exiting the meeting, evangelical pastor Mario Bramnick said he had spoken with Trump about immigration on three occasions and that he always believed that Trump wanted to come up with a detailed plan to address undocumented immigrants in a humane way.

    “He’s always understood the problems of the 11 million people that are here and are good people,” Bramnick said. “The first thing is to establish the safety of this country and make it clear that criminals cannot stay. But there are good people and we have to propose reform to discuss what to do with these people,” he said.

    Several Hispanic leaders told Trump that Hispanics weren't happy about his more aggressive comments. "He told us that what he'd said was one thing and what he'd meant to say was another," said Jovita Carranza, a Hispanic businesswoman and deputy administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration under President George W. Bush.

    "What he meant to say is that there's a lot of crime involved in these difficult situations that Hispanics go through on the border,” said Carranza, who attended Saturday’s meeting in New York.

    “They pay money to cross [the border] and along the way women are raped and they let others die in trucks. Trump said he was referring to that type of crime and to people who are criminals who shouldn't be part of our society," she added.

    Carranza said Trump knows the Hispanic community because many of his employees are of Mexican origin, and that he values their contribution to the economy and how much they care about education.

    I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

  5. #685
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    More on Manafort's Russia connection...

    How Trump Adviser Manafort Revived His Career — And Business Fortunes — In Ukraine

    August 18, 2016

    Paul Manafort, known to his friends as having a pricey lifestyle with tailored suits, choice seats at Yankee Stadium and a house in the Hamptons, appeared to experience some turbulence in 2004.

    A Florida horse farm he owned with his wife faced the threat of foreclosure, according to property records, and he used his Virginia house as collateral for a quarter-million-dollar loan. After bursting on the Washington scene in the 1970s and 1980s working for the likes of Gerald R. Ford, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, his political consulting career had largely disappeared from view.

    In 2005, Manafort’s fortunes seemed to improve.

    He signed on as an adviser to a Ukrainian steel magnate, who, according to people who worked there with Manafort, connected him with one of the country’s most powerful politicians, Viktor Yanukovych. Back home, corporations linked to Manafort purchased a unit in Trump Tower for $3.7 million and then two other high-priced apartments in New York, while Manafort and his wife bought a new house in Florida.

    This spring, Manafort returned to the U.S. spotlight from the wilderness of Eastern European politics and business to run Republican Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Manafort was considered a steady professional who could stabilize the chaotic operation, while the campaign offered him a chance to reclaim a major role in U.S. politics. Manafort’s reentry sputtered this week as Trump diminished his role, selecting two other strategists to take charge even as Manafort retained his title of chairman.

    The campaign shake-up followed reports this week that Manafort’s name had surfaced in an inquiry by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.

    The agency has been investigating claims that Yanukovych, who won the presidency with Manafort’s help in 2010, and others aligned with his Party of Regions stole up to $100 billion in assets before Yanukovych fled to Russia in 2014.

    Investigators said this week that they discovered a “black ledger” showing that $12.7 million had been designated for Manafort between 2007 and 2012 by Yanukovych’s party. The anti-corruption agency published a list Thursday on its Facebook page of the alleged payments, showing 22 installments assigned to Manafort.

    Manafort issued a strong denial this week in response to reports of the alleged payments, saying that he never received “a single off-the-books cash payment” and that he never represented the governments of Ukraine or Russia. He said his firm received payments for political work in the country, and called the alleged secret cash payments, first reported by the New York Times, “unfounded, silly and nonsensical.”

    Neither Manafort nor his attorney responded to requests for further comment.

    The discovery of the ledger could trigger scrutiny of Manafort’s connections to Ukraine by FBI officials, who have been on the ground in Kiev working under a June agreement with the anti-corruption agency.

    FBI officials declined to comment on the specifics of the agency’s involvement. Peter Carr, a spokesman, said that “we remain committed to helping recover stolen assets on behalf of the people of Ukraine.”

    Manafort’s 2005 entry into Ukrainian politics and finances came when he signed on as an adviser to the steel magnate Rinat Akhmetov, one of Ukraine’s richest oligarchs and a key supporter of Yanukovych and the Party of Regions, according to interviews with Ukrainians and Americans who worked with Manafort.

    Manafort’s first job was to burnish the local and international reputation of a company owned by Akhmetov based in the Russian-speaking industrial Donetsk region.

    Akhmetov was one of several oligarchs involved with the Party of Regions, which was led largely by men who made a quick fortune after the Soviet Union dissolved and Ukraine became a financial free-for-all.

    The report said that a third of the 50 wealthiest oligarchs in Ukraine belonged to the party and together had an estimated wealth of $35.4 billion, according to a report by the private intelligence firm Stratfor.

    Over time, Manafort’s role with the party expanded. He was tasked with rehabilitating the image of the party’s leader, Yanukovych, who had been imprisoned twice, according to people familiar with Manafort’s work there.

    It was, in the words of John E. Herbst, the U.S. ambassador at the time, “an extreme makeover,” according to a cable he sent Washington that was subsequently published by the WikiLeaks organization.

    Manafort and half a dozen businessmen, lawyers and political analysts involved in Ukraine at the time brought discipline and focus that the Yanukovych-led campaigns had lacked.

    He got Yanukovych to comb his hair better, to stay on message during public appearances and to adopt the kind of sharp rhetoric that had worked so well for Manafort’s mentor, Republican strategist Lee Atwater.

    “Paul gave the team a belief in victory,” said Hanna Herman, a former press secretary and close adviser to Yanukovych. “That was his higher purpose. Then all the professional American tactics he brought also helped.”

    Taras Chornovil, a former member of the Party of Regions, recalled in an interview how Manafort provided image consulting to Yanukovych and members of his party during the parliamentary elections of 2006 and 2007, seeking to soften the edges of politicians from the rough industrial cities in Ukraine’s southeast.

    He drilled them on talking points and told them what suits to wear.

    “He tried to control everything,” Chornovil recalled. “How people who represented the party would be dressed, the words they said, their makeup and the stylists. Every small detail.”

    Yevgen Kopachko, a pollster who worked with Yanukovych on parliamentary and presidential campaigns, said that Manafort had a “phenomenal ability to work with sociological information.”

    Ukrainian political consultants said that Yanukovych grew to trust Manafort, and that Yanukovych’s victory in the 2010 presidential election was considered proof that Manafort’s approach was successful.

    “Since Yanukovych became president, that means he worked pretty effectively,” said Boris Kolesnikov, a former Party of Regions lawmaker and Yanukovych ally.

    In Washington, Manafort and his team met with State Department officials and other opinion leaders to convince them that Yanukovych was a pro-Western democrat who supported NATO and was willing to work more closely with Washington, said several colleagues and former U.S. officials. “Manafort tried to influence U.S. officials into thinking that Yanukovych was redeemable, a guy who could be oriented toward the West,” said one former senior State Department official who met with him at the time and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

    Manafort did not, however, register as a foreign agent or as a lobbyist in Washington for his work with Ukraine. Two well-known Washington firms that helped with the Ukrainian lobbying effort — Mercury LLC and the Podesta Group — registered as lobbyists but not as foreign agents.

    Although it is common for U.S. political consultants to work for overseas candidates and political parties, ethics experts say that anyone who is directly paid by a foreign government or political party for work in the United States must register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Officials at Mercury, a Republican-leaning firm, and Podesta, a Democratic-oriented firm led by Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton adviser John D. Podesta, said they received signed assurances that the money they received came from a Brussels-based nonprofit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, not from any government or political party. The two lobbying firms, whose work linked to Manafort was first reported by the Associated Press, registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act rather than the Foreign Agents Registration Act on the advice of an attorney. Had the firms been advised that the foreign-agent registry was appropriate, “we would have gladly registered under FARA,” said Kimberley Fritts, chief executive of the Podesta Group.

    As Manafort built a political consulting practice in Ukraine, he also developed financial connections with wealthy figures in the region, some of whom face ongoing scrutiny from the Justice Department.

    In 2008, he tried to develop an $850 million Manhattan luxury apartment project with Dmitry Firtash, a Ukrainian energy tycoon with a history of legal trouble. U.S. prosecutors charged Firtash in 2013 with money-laundering and bribery as part of a broad international corruption investigation and have sought his extradition, although Firtash’s attorneys have called the effort politically motivated.

    Manafort’s alleged role in the deal was detailed in documents submitted as part of a 2011 New York lawsuit that accused Firtash of working with Manafort and others to invest ill-gotten profits from energy transactions in Ukraine. Manafort denied wrongdoing, and the case against Manafort and Firtash’s energy company ultimately was dismissed.

    In another business venture, Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminum magnate, accused Manafort in a court in the Cayman Islands of taking nearly $19 million intended for investments, then not accounting for the money, returning it or responding to numerous inquiries about exactly how the money was used.

    In his legal filing, Deripaska said he expected that the money would be used to make acquisitions in Russia, Ukraine and other countries in eastern and southern Europe. Instead, the petition argues, the partnership made only one purchase: buying a stake in Ukrainian cable television and Internet ventures. Deripaska, squeezed by the 2008 credit crunch, asked for the partnership to be liquidated and his money returned, according to Deripaska’s petition. But the filing said it was unclear who was controlling the Ukrainian cable TV and Internet assets and what happened to the money Deripaska initially provided. Richard Hibey, Manafort’s attorney, did not respond to repeated Washington Post requests for comment on the current status of the dispute.

    Manafort’s financial connections to the region, along with those of other top Trump advisers, have fueled concerns among U.S. national security experts about Trump’s foreign policy positions, which included praising Russian President Vladimir Putin and expressing some doubt about the U.S. commitment to NATO countries that have not paid their share of defense costs.

    As the controversy regarding Manafort and Ukraine swelled this week, Manafort said he had cut his ties with his Ukrainian client in 2014.

    But colleagues in Kiev and Moscow said he continued to work for the Party of Regions, now called the Opposition Bloc, led by Yanukovych’s former chief of staff, and was seen in the country as recently as last year.

    “He was with the Opposition Bloc,” said one colleague who said he saw him in Kiev in October, adding that Manafort said he was in Kiev to negotiate for money he was owed for consulting with the new party.

    Ukrainian business registration records reviewed by The Post show that Manafort did not officially close his business in Kiev until April 2016, the month after he joined the Trump campaign.

    Quite the coincidence that a Putinista like Manafort would join the Trump campaign and all of the sudden the campaign takes on a decidedly anti-NATO bent.

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  8. #687
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    So touchback amnesty is now just turning into plain old amnesty. Great...

    Don't hear much about that wall anymore do we?

    Jesus Christ! This is even worse than what Univision published!

    We are now literally talking about immigration policy identical to Rubio's or even Jeb's!

    Thanks a million you retarded 40% of the Republican party (and crossover, sabotaging Democrats in open primaries) for saddling us with such a shit sandwich!

    Even more sickening are the crowd of Trump supporters cheering now for the exact opposite of what Trump campaigned on. This is what a true cult of personality looks like.

  9. #688
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    These just never get old and this is probably the best one I've seen in a while!

    I'm totally sure Trump will be rock solid on the Second Amendment! His sons hunt!

    This election is totally dildos.

    Solid gold dildos.

    By the truckload.

    Fucking us all in the ass.

  10. #689
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    What are you worried about? You keep posting that he can't win, therefore, no big deal.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  11. #690
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    We're doomed.

    The Nightmare of Hillary, coming to destroy us soon.


    The nation is a proverbial derriere hair away from the deluded, twisted, hell on earth world of a Hillary Clinton Presidency.

    Make no mistake about it. Hillary Clinton isn’t just another Democrat, a political rival of Republicans. She is a lying criminal who exhibits sociopathic traits. Hillary Clinton is a dangerous, reckless narcissist who believes the world owes her the Presidency and who bows to globalist policies and operatives like the demonic, George Soros.

    Let us hope that the nightmare scenario below never develops:

    Donald Trump rallies in the polls the last 75 days of the election. He and Hillary Clinton are neck and neck by Election Day. The Clinton campaign conducts widespread voting fraud and is able to secure victory on the night of November 8th. Trump files numerous lawsuits, but they are stalled in federal courts and will never see the light of day.

    President Hillary Clinton’s first act as President is to turn the Clinton Foundation back on. Instead of shutting its doors, it is running at full speed, turning the Oval Office into a casino for pay to play schemes, where the house always wins and the dealer is Bill Clinton.

    You can’t have the Clinton Foundation without a couple private, non-secure servers. This time the servers are set up in the bathroom stall of a Fairfax, Virginia, Starbucks.

    President Hillary Clinton chooses a radical, left wing socialist judge to replace Judge Scalia on the Supreme Court. With a combination of executive orders, a Democratic run Congress and the Supreme Court tilted toward the left, the Second Amendment is eviscerated in a matter of weeks. Universal gun control is now the law of the land, a law that many Americans on the right refuse to obey. A pro-gun resistance group called 1776 gains popularity and begins to push back against the gun control laws. Pockets of patriot resistance begin to dot the land from Maine to Alaska.

    The stock market continues to be nothing more than a chimera, representing only the speculative trades of too big to fail investment banks, while the hopes and dreams of the average American are crushed under the weight of globalist economic policies that outsource American jobs and companies.

    The Coal Industry is shut down; thousands lose their jobs and join the ranks of over 130 million Americans who are out of the workforce. Seventy million Americans are now on food stamps and 75 million Americans live under the poverty level.
    Jorge Ramos is chosen as the first Secretary of Open Borders, becoming the man who throws away the key to America’s national security, subsequently allowing tens of millions of undocumented Hispanics and Muslims into the country.
    Obama Care rolls along with its obscene premiums and lousy health care companies. Any reputable health insurance companies are long gone from this government monstrosity. It is a horrendously expensive train wreck, a gigantic facade that offers insurance for all and provides for none.

    Across the land, veterans continue to wait for treatment and die. All calls for privatizing the VA are laughed at and silenced. The VA hospitals become more corrupt and inefficient, sucking millions out of the government that line the pockets of criminally inept VA officials.

    Planned Parenthood operates 24/7, conducting late term abortions, selling body parts and organs and dealing in death like a modern day Nazi Concentration Camp Medical Clinic run by modern day Dr. Mengeles.
    A Black Lives Matter anarchist is named head of the Department of Homeland Security. Other Black Lives Matter members regularly meet with Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office.

    Blackmailed for years by the Chinese and Russians, Hillary Clinton operates at the whim and fancy of President Xi and Putin. They have her by the proverbial long johns. She inadvertently becomes the first communist agent to sit in the White House since Harry Hopkins.

    FBI Counter-Intelligence has damning evidence that Huma Abedin is a Saudi Intelligence officer, who has been passing on top secret information to the Saudis for years, while posing as Mrs. Clinton’s faithful all around gopher. The evidence and the investigation disappear like Vince Foster and his files at the National Archives.

    Obama’s disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal marches on. Iran continues to finance terrorism across the world, taking more US hostages and harassing a severely weakened US Navy in the Persian Gulf.
    ISIS goes on a rampage across the world, knowing there is no one to stop them. Bombs explode from Berlin to London to Miami. Meanwhile, President Hillary Clinton still refuses to say the words, “Radical Islamic Terrorism.”
    The feminist destruction of the military is now a done deal. The US military looks great on a power point presentation, but in actuality is a feckless paper tiger and simply incapable of winning any wars. A Berkeley professor and four star female Coast Guard Reserve admiral becomes the Chairwoman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    Common Core continues unabated, educating no one, frustrating teachers and costing the US government millions in wasted funds.

    Breitbart, Drudge and ******** are shut down by the government under false charges of tax evasion and inciting hate and violence. Matt Drudge, Alex Jones and Stephen Bannon sit in federal prison, awaiting trial.
    President Hillary Clinton’s health becomes more of a mystery. Rumors seep out of the White House about her seizures, bed wetting, dementia and violent outbursts. President Hillary Clinton has not conducted a press conference for 708 days. She does call Anderson Cooper regularly from her Oval Office couch though, and conducts weekly fireside chats by Skype audio to a perplexed nation.

    This country is at a tipping point. There has simply been no election in recent history that is as important as the current one. If Hillary Clinton is elected, it will be a victory for the globalist criminals that fund her campaign, direct her every action and more importantly, who seek to bring America to its knees, by weakening our economy, our national security, our family structure, our churches, our military and our way of life.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  12. #691
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    What are you worried about? You keep posting that he can't win, therefore, no big deal.
    Well, there was always the chance that Hillary could step on her big, swinging johnson somehow (like maybe one of her famous tantrums in public) and hand Trump a win...

    Trump seems to be doing his best to throw even that option out the window though.

  13. #692
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    What are you worried about? You keep posting that he can't win, therefore, no big deal.
    I kind of made my last post on the run and wanted to expand on it some more...

    I think what infuriates me the most about this whole election is that it didn't have to be like this. Even if Ted Cruz was not the nominee!

    We had a great bench of candidates of whom, at least, a half dozen I and a lot of others wouldn't have had any problem voting for. Maybe not as enthusiastically as I would have for Ted Cruz but I could have very easily voted for Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and yes, even Marco Rubio.

    Hell, we're getting Rubio's (old) immigration plan anyway, we might as well have nominated someone who polled against Clinton immeasurably better and actually had a chance to win!

    And on top of that, more than half of those candidates were ones who could have handily taken the racist or sexist cards out of play for the Dems.

    Instead the cult of personality/WWE crowd wins out and we allow open primaries to be sabotaged by Dems.

    A lot of people like to say, "Well, Trump is a wild card. You may not know what you're going to get with him but we know how bad Hillary is!"


    Trump is not a wild card. He has a clearly demonstrable past and track record that we are seeing play out right now in this immigration flip flop, just like many, many people warned over and over he would.

    To add insult to injury, we now have the personality cultists pissing down our necks and expecting us to believe it's just raining, explaining away this immigration flip flop, instead of just admitting they were hoodwinked by a snake oil salesman and saddled us with a real loser who seems to be doing everything he can to throw the election to his long time buddies, the Clintons.

    That's why this election is dildos.

  14. #693
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    You do understand why he is popular? People aren't dimwitted. Some are, sure, but most aren't.

    People simply are FED UP. Everyone who posts here has been fed up with the political system for years, but it has finally sunk into the country at large. Those folks who flip the channel when the latest political scandal is on the news have finally started to pay attention.

    They are listening for someone who says the system is broken. Few people give a shit that the constitution isn't being followed. Right, wrong or otherwise, it's a small issue for the electorate at large. However, when someone says "The system fucked you, and I'm the answer", they listen. Ted Cruz was the former, Trump is the latter. Would I have voted for and preferred Cruz, yes, because by going back to the constitution we could right the course. The problem is that the message does not resonate with the non-political people. They don't want solutions, they want pitchforks and torches. Pro tip: Don't stand in front of a crowd with pitch forks and torches, grab a fork, a torch, raise your voice and join the crowd. Is it right? Probably not, but it is what it is.

    Will he win? I dunno, he's drawing amazing crowds, while the criminal can't fill a coffee house. Will he burn it down if he wins? Maybe, but we know Hillary will break SCOTUS for the rest of our lives and probably bring the country to the edge of a coup. She's so Venal and has been at it so long, she will peddle influence to heights the world has never seen. It will probably lead to another impeachment and the Senate won't remove her. I can only hope she really is as sick as she seems and we get 3-7 years of that idiot from Virginia.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  15. #694
    Forum General Brian Baldwin's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    You do understand why he is popular? People aren't dimwitted. Some are, sure, but most aren't.

    People simply are FED UP. Everyone who posts here has been fed up with the political system for years, but it has finally sunk into the country at large. Those folks who flip the channel when the latest political scandal is on the news have finally started to pay attention.

    They are listening for someone who says the system is broken. Few people give a shit that the constitution isn't being followed. Right, wrong or otherwise, it's a small issue for the electorate at large. However, when someone says "The system fucked you, and I'm the answer", they listen. Ted Cruz was the former, Trump is the latter. Would I have voted for and preferred Cruz, yes, because by going back to the constitution we could right the course. The problem is that the message does not resonate with the non-political people. They don't want solutions, they want pitchforks and torches. Pro tip: Don't stand in front of a crowd with pitch forks and torches, grab a fork, a torch, raise your voice and join the crowd. Is it right? Probably not, but it is what it is.

    Will he win? I dunno, he's drawing amazing crowds, while the criminal can't fill a coffee house. Will he burn it down if he wins? Maybe, but we know Hillary will break SCOTUS for the rest of our lives and probably bring the country to the edge of a coup. She's so Venal and has been at it so long, she will peddle influence to heights the world has never seen. It will probably lead to another impeachment and the Senate won't remove her. I can only hope she really is as sick as she seems and we get 3-7 years of that idiot from Virginia.

    Couldn't have said it any better myself!
    Brian Baldwin

    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.... For I am the meanest S.O.B. in the valley.

    "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out." - Tony Blair on America

    It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

    It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    -Father Denis O'Brien of the United States Marine Corp.

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  16. #695
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    You do understand why he is popular? People aren't dimwitted. Some are, sure, but most aren't.

    People simply are FED UP. Everyone who posts here has been fed up with the political system for years, but it has finally sunk into the country at large. Those folks who flip the channel when the latest political scandal is on the news have finally started to pay attention.

    They are listening for someone who says the system is broken. Few people give a shit that the constitution isn't being followed. Right, wrong or otherwise, it's a small issue for the electorate at large. However, when someone says "The system fucked you, and I'm the answer", they listen. Ted Cruz was the former, Trump is the latter. Would I have voted for and preferred Cruz, yes, because by going back to the constitution we could right the course. The problem is that the message does not resonate with the non-political people. They don't want solutions, they want pitchforks and torches. Pro tip: Don't stand in front of a crowd with pitch forks and torches, grab a fork, a torch, raise your voice and join the crowd. Is it right? Probably not, but it is what it is.

    Will he win? I dunno, he's drawing amazing crowds, while the criminal can't fill a coffee house. Will he burn it down if he wins? Maybe, but we know Hillary will break SCOTUS for the rest of our lives and probably bring the country to the edge of a coup. She's so Venal and has been at it so long, she will peddle influence to heights the world has never seen. It will probably lead to another impeachment and the Senate won't remove her. I can only hope she really is as sick as she seems and we get 3-7 years of that idiot from Virginia.
    The part in red is where I think our disagreement stems from and I think, whether you realize it or not, the rest of your post goes on to demonstrate the opposite of it.

    2 Obama terms should have disabused you of any notion otherwise of some semblance of intelligence left in the electorate. Just look around! When you have people like Hank Johnson who thinks Guam can flip over or Sheila Jackson Lee who thinks men landed on Mars representing huge swaths of the population term after term or, people like the Kardashians are idolized with a show with some of the highest viewership on TV, how can you honestly think otherwise? The examples are endless...

    I've quit counting how many times in my line of work that I have to dumb things down when customers start getting glassy eyed on what should be basic and rudimentary elements of their service call. Damn near have to break out the paper and crayons sometimes. Do you know how many bank tellers (men and women) have no idea how to activate their two button hold up buttons? You know, that little thing that could make a life or death difference in the event of a robbery? Can't be bothered to learn something as basic as that but you can damn well be sure they know what happened on their favorite reality show or the latest gossip on Facebook.

    I certainly don't claim to be the smartest guy in the room but I'm smart enough to know that people like you and I are heads and shoulders above most of the idiots out there thanks to a couple generations of liberal infection of the public education system working to dumb down the population into good little drones and, for the most part, they've succeeded.

    What Donald Trump has managed to do is be a blank canvas and use empty rhetoric to whip up the dumb herd of people to paint whatever picture of him they want with a splash of Alinsky tactics to tear down his opponents, just like Obama. Remember the Obamaphone lady? The other lady who said Obama was going to pay her rent and gas with his Obama stash?

    Yeah, just like that but this time it's our side with vast, empty promises of walls, deportation forces, banning Muslims, burning down the establishment, and self funding a campaign that would be beholden to no one.

    And unfortunately that dumb herd of people made up enough Republican voters (and sabotaging Dem crossovers), combined with a massive field of candidates that diluted the remaining 60%, to form a perfect storm for Trump to win the nomination.

    (As an aside, there are certainly some of that group that voted for Trump in the primary that aren't abject morons. They're merely guilty of the cardinal sin of believing a politician's promises when they had no track record to back it up.)

    The shit icing on this whole shit cake with creamy shit filling is that unfortunately for Trump and us, the number of people that are going to vote for free shit make up an even bigger number and, with his being the nominee may have actually polarized enough people that hate him, who otherwise would likely have been apathetic enough to sit out a Clinton vs _________ race, that he'll lose badly. Clinton was one of the weakest candidates the Dems have put forward in a long time and this entire election should have been a cake walk. As Steven Crowder pointed out in his video I've posted too many times to count, all we had to do was nominate someone more popular/likable/favorable than the second least popular/likable/favorable candidate and instead we're stuck with the only one who was worse.

    And that isn't helped when you have Trump, for all appearances, attempting to throw the election by having no ground game or infrastructure, spending nothing on advertising, abandoning the foundation of what won him the nomination, and having a campaign consisting of him doing nothing but traveling around spewing empty rhetoric to those dumb herds of Kool Aid drinking followers.

    Instead now we've not only nominated the candidate with the worst chances of winning against her, we've nominated one that sufficiently alienates enough people that what were solid red states are now potentially in play for the Dems and we run a very, very high chance of losing the Senate (remember what branch is responsible for approving SCOTUS nominees?) and even a chance of losing the House.

    At this point, I barely give enough of a fuck about what happens to this nation of idiots to go and vote to try to salvage the down ballot candidates.

    The only silver lining to this is that when Clinton wins, maybe it will be enough impetus to unite just enough people that didn't wholeheartedly get behind either of these two clowns to either break this country up into something more manageable (yeah, I know I'm ignoring the Axis threat) or better still force an Article V convention and really rip power from the establishment, not just backing a con man that claims he's going to while surrounding himself with establishment drones and working hand in hand with that establishment to oust actual conservatives and solidify the foothold the establishment has via back room deals.

    If not, I'll see you guys in the gulag (if they manage to take me alive)!

  17. #696
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    I have to agree with Malsua... People aren't dimwitted.

    There is a faction of people though, in this country who did indeed give us Trump as the candidate, and NOT Cruz. There are a shit load of people who absolutely HATE Trump. I never liked him and never really knew (and honestly don't know now) why.

    But, as Mal said, there are smart people out there who understand the country is broken. Our government is full of fucktards who can't even impeach a lying sack of shit, let alone Obama. What the hell do we think is going to happen when Clinton gets in there. NOTHING. Or worse than nothing.

    Trump pulls chains, pisses people off, and knows shit is broken, and whether he can fix it or not remains to be seen... but the chances are slim to none he'll get anything accomplished because Congress won't work with him at ALL. They are so fucking worried about losing seats right now, they have nothing to help with.

    We need to evict every last one of them from the Capitol building, throw Obama and Clinton (all of the Clintons) in the fucking jail and fumigate the various buildings. On top of that, then entire SES program needs to be rethought, and appointees need to be fired too. (Killing is too good for some of them)...

    America is broken, not the government. The government employees, corruption and the feckless, incaring attitudes about this country is what is wrong.

    People think the Right Wing, the Preppers, the Second Amendment people, we're all "anti-government". That's not true. WE're anit-big government, and anti-corrupt government. We've been made fun of, lied about, lied too and we're sick and tired of it.

    I don't like Trump, but I damned sure want to see Hilary in Jail and NOT the White House at this point.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  18. #697
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Then there's this God Damned piece of shit.

    Biden Admits Scheme To Socially Engineer White Americans Out Of Existence

    Posted on August 27, 2016 by Rick Wells

    We remember the refusal of Hussein Obama to participate in a symbolic condemnation of Islamic Terrorism in Paris, the hand-holding and largely unproductive march in Paris by many world leaders. Obama preferred to bring the world to him, holding his own official substitute for action, a blather fest at the White House. The affair offered him what he needed, protection for his Islamic ideology and protection for his own exacerbating and failing to respond to the threat. Obama dubbed it the so-called “White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism.

    Joe Biden led off the pageant with the so-very important Hussein Obama popping in later to dispense nuggets of tolerant, don’t blame Islam for Islamic terrorism, wisdom. In handling the propaganda orchestration duties on day one, Biden had some interesting things to say about what he and the regime have in mind for white people in what used to be their country. It’s born out in the months since with the accelerated rate of invasion across the southern border and from the Middle East and Africa.
    Biden addresses the different “communities” that are flooding in to change who we are, dismissing the idea that we can do anything to stop the regime offenders. He says, “And the wave still continues. It’s not going to stop, nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact it’s one of the things I think we can be most proud of.” Apparently Biden hates white people or at a minimum dislikes what we represent to him and his masters.
    What Was Wrong With America The Way It Was, Biden? Too Good, Too Tempting Of A Target?

    Biden revealed that the regime has a black box of dirty tricks and some of its contents as part of his dangerous, demented drivel. He says, “There’s a second thing in that black box – an unrelenting stream of immigration; non-stop, non-stop. Folks like me who are Caucasian of European descent, for the first time in 2017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority.”

    He adds, “Fewer than fifty percent of the people in America, from then and on, will be white, European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.”
    According to the tenets of the dollar worshiping globalist fascists, the strength he speaks of is not the strength of the American people but the strength of the ruling oligarchy. They have no loyalty to any nation, including our own. It’s an erroneous assumption to make, one that is commonly made, that because they are our rulers they act in our interest and respect their oaths.
    Making America a microcosm of the rest of the world doesn’t make it better, it only makes it more equal. That is exactly what the social model of Marxism they are using to implement the change demands.
    Their objective is to destroy America’s standing in the world and to degrade us to the point that we are just another country under their global dictatorship. A direct attack on the composition of our society is underway with whites, including those of the Biden stock, the prime target. His ancestors must be spinning in their graves, wishing they had used protection or practiced abstinence when it came to sustaining the Biden lineage. As we watch their descendants and the rest of us being socially engineered out of existence and into an endangered minority we share their regrets.
    What Biden was acknowledging is not happening by accident. It’s simply the fundamental transformation going according to plan. It’s a plan that Hillary Clinton will accelerate if allowed to take the office of president.

    Last edited by American Patriot; August 29th, 2016 at 00:15.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  19. #698
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    Well, clearly you guys have a lot more faith in and far less disdain for your fellow countrymen than I do.

  20. #699
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Not precisely, Ryan. I have a LOT of disdain for this whole election. The problem is not the process. It's worked fine, as long as we;ve have intelligent people working to put good men in office.

    When Clinton was elected... that's when shit started to go south. And when Carter was elected.... he was put in almost by accident. It was a "test" I think of the system, and then they waited for Reagan to clear out, Bush to get himself (of course, there was Mondale to contend with, so whatever) and then Clinton beat out Bush for his second term. I knew back then something was wrong. Then Waco happened, and Janet Reno, then the Murrah Building in OKC.... and they went after the militias. The laid everything that happened with Waco and OKC on the heads of White American Gun toting Militia members.

    Why the fuck did they chose them? Bible reading people? Gun Owners?

    It's fucking OBVIOUS NOW... but wasn't back then. People like Alex Jones beat the fucking antigovernment drum and called on the "militia groups" to stand up. Made them a target. When did that fucker come out of the woodwork???? In the 1990s..... and when Clinton got in office that asshole went ballistic.

    America is screwed because the CLINTONS set us up. And Alinsky. And all the Left Wing fucks in the colleges. we've been duped.

    So - American's aren't stupid. They might be SLOW to anger, but they've finally begun to wake up, perhaps a bit too late. I have disdain for them sitting on their asses this long and LETTING Clinton get in office, and then putting Obama in there. I hate that people are so politically correct and cry when someone calls them a racist, instead of kicking the teeth in of the fucker that said it.

    America is now on borrowed time. Cruz ain't coming in on a white horse, and that Johnson fella hasn't a chance in hell of being President. It's Trump, or it's Clinton.

    Crying over spilled milk, or not voting is exactly what they want.

    America is going to put Trump in office, or die. Because if Clinton gets in office, we're all dead.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  21. #700
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2016 Election

    The latest from RCP...

    Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia, Missouri are all tossups. All states Romney won, 3/4 which were solid wins (NC was a bit of a squeaker).

    Texas now as a leans Republican state when it was Romney +16. Same with Utah (which was a massive Romney +48) and South Carolina (Romney +10).

    And 2012 was a 332-206 race...

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