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Thread: Why The Clintons Belong in Prison

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    Default Why The Clintons Belong in Prison

    Why The Clintons Belong in Prison
    Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Melrose Larry Green, the author of the book Why The Clintons Belong in Prison. He is a frequent contributor to and has been a regular guest on the Howard Stern Show. He is a graduate of Brandeis (B.A.) and Cornell (M.B. A.) universities. His website is and he can be contacted at

    FP: Melrose Larry Green, welcome to Frontpage Interview

    Green: Thank you. I am taking a break from reading David Horowitz's book "The Professors" to chat with you. David is one of my heroes. Let's get into "Why the Clintons Belong in Prison."

    FP: Ok, well it’s good to see you are reading the right books. So what made you write your book?

    Green: I was on a trip to New York City about 8 years ago, when a friend handed me some articles about the death of Ron Brown. The author was a fellow named Christopher Ruddy, whom we all know from Well, one thing led to another, and I became obsessed with the many crimes committed by the Clintons. But the greatest crime of all is that they are not now behind bars. Mind you, I am a former Democrat, and I admit that I voted for Bill Clinton in 1992. I wrote the book because there is a myth that Bill Clinton was a great President, and I must set the record straight. Furthermore, Hillary Clinton is right now on a direct path to the White House, and I want to do my part to keep her out of the White House in 2008.

    FP: Why did you vote for Clinton in 1992? Please explain the mindset as this is very mysterious and foreign territory for me.

    Green: I voted for Clinton in 1992 because I didn't know any better. I had never heard of Bill Clinton before, and he sure looked and sounded great. Little did I know about his scandal-filled years as Governor of Arkansas.

    FP: You talk about a "gentleman's agreement" that was made between Bush and the Democrats when the President entered office. Can you comment on this?

    Green: This story has been running around Washington D.C. for years. The gist of it is the following: in January 2001, top Senate and House Democrats allegedly told President Bush that if he sought an indictment of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Democrats would vote for none of Bush's legislative agenda. Of course this story is purely hearsay, but it makes perfect sense to me. As an investigative reporter, I am obliged not to divulge the names of the reporters who told me this story. Suffice it to say that they are household names and highly credible sources.

    FP: What exactly was the Chinagate scandal?

    Green: Chinagate was one of the most serious scandals of the Clinton Administration. It involved treason, in my opinion, on the part of Bill Clinton. Clinton sold military secrets and technology to the Chinese, in exchange for political contributions from the Chinese to his campaign. There were so many other scandals associated with the Clintons, that Chinagate received very little coverage from the "mainstream" media. My book "Why the Clintons Belong in Prison" goes into great detail to explain Chinagate.

    FP: Clinton sold military secrets and technology to the Chinese communists and nothing has been done about it? Why?

    Green: Good question. I have very little faith in the prosecutorial abilities of the Dept. of Justice under the present or former Attorneys General. They should have done their homework and done some of the research that Chris Ruddy of Newsmax has done. Check out his book "Bitter Legacy".

    FP: You state that Hillary is probably the "dirtiest person" in the history of American politics. Why do you say this?

    Green: Hillary is all about herself and the acquisition of power by destroying anyone who gets in her way. To say that she has ice in her veins is an understatement. There are countless incidents in my book which document her contemptuous attitude toward the Secret Service, the military, and the Arkansas State Police. She would often use the vilest form of profanity while addressing her co-workers. And Hillary loves to use dirty tricks in politics. She makes the Nixon Watergate team look like choirboys. Hillary is more of a man than Bill ever was.

    FP: When you say that Hillary is all about the acquisition of power, then can we presume that that is what her marriage to Clinton is all about? Is that why she never really cared about all his affairs? In other words, she was only concerned if he got caught but didn’t really care about the matters of the heart?

    Green: The Clinton marriage was just a business deal. I believe that Hillary has had her eyes set on the White House ever since Bill first became Governor of Arkansas- back in 1978.

    It is common knowledge that Hillary is bi-sexual. According to Bill's long-time ex-girlfriend Gennifer Flowers, Hillary enjoyed performing oral sex on other women. On p.41 of Flowers' autobiography "Passion and Betrayal", Gennifer asked Bill if there was any truth to the rumor that Hillary was having an affair with another woman. Bill laughed and said (referring to Hillary): "Honey - she's probably eaten more p---y than I have."

    What upset Hillary is not that Bill messed around. What upset her is that he got caught so many times.

    FP: Tell us about Hillary's anti-Semitic slurs.

    Green: Several books have documented that when Bill lost an election back in Arkansas, Hillary lashed out at one of the campaign managers by calling him "a f--kin Jew bastard." Hillary would often lace consultant Dick Morris with anti-Semitic barbs. It has been reported in several books that when Bill and Hillary would argue, they would insult the other by calling one another anti-Semitic epithets.

    FP: Please enlighten me here about these anti-Semitic slurs on the part of the Clintons. Why would they use them? What was the background and the belief system?

    Green: According to Jerry Oppenheimer in "State of a Union”, Hillary's grandmother, Hannah Rodham had a "violent antipathy to both Catholics and Jews." (p.155.) Hillary's maternal grandmother had gotten re-married to a Jew by the name of Max Rosenberg. Hillary's mother Dorothy (Max's step-daughter) was a vicious anti-Semite. According to Hillary's cousin Oscar Dowdy, Hillary's mother would say: "Oh, all those damn Jews are so cheap" and "That Jew has to watch every dime, that kind of thing." Hillary's grandmother Della even referred to her husband Max as "a cheap Jew bastard."

    FP: In your book you discuss Bill and Hillary's criminal use of the IRS and how absolutely no one has ever done anything about it. Can you comment on this for us?

    Green: Many of Bill's girlfriends were audited by the IRS. Practically every conservative organization that had an unkind word to say about the Clintons was audited by the IRS. For several years during Clinton's presidency, the IRS Commissioner was their buddy from their days at Yale, Margaret Milner Richardson. Bill Clinton's use of the IRS against his political enemies is so blatantly criminal, that even a grade-school student could pick it out. Why the Clinton impeachment staff didn't go after Clinton for use of the IRS against his enemies is something I wonder about to this day.

    FP: Illuminate for us what the Clinton goon squad was (and is).

    Green: Bill Clinton's goon squad consisted of a team of private investigators who systematically intimidated, harassed, and tried to discredit many of the women who alleged to have had sexual relationships (both wanted and unwanted) with Bill Clinton. Anthony Pellicano and Jack Palladino are two of the most prominent members of the Clinton goon squad. But there were many other people who helped out to give the First Pervert a free pass to stay in power for eight years.

    FP: What are the top crimes perpetrated by the Clintons for which they deserve to be in prison? Why are they not in prison?

    Green: I feel that Bill Clinton committed treason when he sold American military secrets to the Red Chinese government. I think that Bill Clinton is guilty of rape (of Juanita Broaddrick). I think that there are numerous examples of bribery committed by Bill and Hillary Clinton during the final round of Presidential pardons (especially the case of Marc Rich and his ex-wife Denise Rich.) Let's not forget the dozens of unexplained deaths surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton - Ron Brown, Vince Foster, Mary Mahoney – for which there have been no proper investigations.

    I can go on and on about crimes committed by the Clintons, but you should just read my book. The Clintons are not in prison because they are clever lawyers who amassed a team of lawyers, public relations spinners, and media consultants to con the American people. The very fact that Ken Starr was vilified by the Clintonistas for simply doing his job, while Bill Clinton turned the White House into his personal house of sexual infidelity says it all.

    FP: How do you think the Clintons hurt this country? Did they jeopardize our national security? For instance, did they leave us vulnerable to 9/11?

    Green: I think the Clintons have terribly hurt this country, by eliminating basic standards of morality to millions of American youth, and by leaving America vulnerable to the Al Qaeda and the attacks of 9-11. The Clintons despised the military and the police. Under Bill Clinton, terrorism was treated as a criminal matter, just like the pursuit of a bank robber. Clinton cared more about the civil rights of terrorists than the security of the American people. The Clinton

    Administration was soft on terrorism - under Clinton's watch the World Trade Center was hit the first time (in 1993), the Khobar Towers, the U.S.S. Cole was bombed, 2 embassies in Africa were bombed - and Bill Clinton did virtually nothing. Furthermore, Bill Clinton had several opportunities to take out Osama Bin Laden, and he blew it. See Richard Miniter's book "Losing Bin Laden" for all the details.

    FP: What if Hillary Clinton became President? Is it a nightmare scenario?

    Green: It would definitely be a disaster if Hillary Clinton became President. To borrow from the playbook of Alec Baldwin, I will move out of the country- probably to Israel.

    FP: Melrose Larry Green, thank you for joining us today.

    Green: Thank you Jamie.

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why The Clintons Belong in Prison

    1. James McDougal – Convicted Whitewater partner of the Clinton's who died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.
    2. Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown (Washington, D.C.). The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment by Clinton in the White House.
    3. Vince Foster – Former White House Councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law Firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide. (He was about to testify against Hillary related to the records she refused to turn over to congress.) Was reported to have been having an affair with Hillary.
    4. Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the Air Traffic controller committed suicide.
    5. C. Victor Raiser, II – Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
    6. Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock on September 1992. Described by Clinton as a "dear friend and trusted advisor".
    7. Ed Willey – Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day His wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.
    8. Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.
    9. James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a "Black Book" of people which contained names of influential people who visited Prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas
    10. James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to the Clinton's' Whitewater deals.
    11. Kathy Ferguson – Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones Lawsuit, and Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
    12. Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancée of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancée, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancée.
    13. Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassiter, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client, Dan Lassiter, was a convicted drug distributor.
    14. Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot Wounds.
    15. Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General.. Died Of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a Suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.
    16. Paula Grober – Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.
    17. Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter who was Investigating the Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.
    18. Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise" was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death. (May have died of poison)
    19. Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August 15,1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.
    20. Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.
    21. Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.
    22. Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and Brother.
    23. Barry Seal – Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident.
    24. Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.
    25. Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.
    26. Hershel Friday – Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.
    27. Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as "The boys on the track" case. Reports say the two boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. The initial report of death said their deaths were due to falling asleep on railroad tracks and being run over. Later autopsy reports stated that the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.
    28. Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88.
    29. Keith McMaskle – Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov 1988
    30. Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.
    31. Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989. (Coroner ruled death due to suicide)
    32. James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to natural causes"?
    33. Jordan Kettleson – Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.
    34. Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989.
    35. Major William S. Barkley, Jr.
    36. Captain Scott J . Reynolds
    37. Sgt. Brian Hanley
    38. Sgt. Tim Sabel
    39. Major General William Robertson
    40. Col. William Densberger
    41. Col. Robert Kelly
    42. Spec. Gary Rhodes
    43. Steve Willis
    44. Robert Williams
    45. Conway LeBleu
    46. Todd McKeehan
    47. Walter Scheib
    Then of course, there’s the 15 persons in Libya who were attempting to cooperate with the FBI investigation who are also all now dead too. Isn’t that convenient? Don’t forget to add them to the list.

    Nope, these make 67....

    1. John Ashe (6/22)
    The first in this most recent string of Clinton associate deaths was that of John Ashe, the former president of the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 and 2014.
    Ashe died Wednesday, June 22nd while awaiting trial in a bribery scandal that was closely tied to the Clinton Foundation.
    OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Traumatic asphyxia and suffered laryngeal fractures while lifting.
    TRANSLATION: His windpipe was crushed by a barbell.
    2. Seth Rich (7/10)
    Seth Conrad Rich’s unsolved murder on a Washington D.C. street has sparked a flurry of conspiracy theories because he was a staffer and self-described data analyst for the Democratic National Committee. Rich, 27, who worked for the DNC on voting issues, was shot and killed in Washington D.C., and his murder remains mysterious. “Police have found little information to explain his death,” said The New York Daily News.
    Perhaps the reason for the “conspiracy theories” has something to do with the fact that Rich allegedly had access to the voter database and would have known about specific instances of voter fraud. Furthermore, in addition to being shot multiple times, including the back, nothing was taken from his person. His assailants didn’t take his phone, his watch, or his jewelry, and in addition to being shot multiple times, he was badly beaten.
    It’s also worth noting that Julian Assange has hinted that his source might have been someone inside the DNC, and Seth certainly had access.
    OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Shot and beaten to death
    3. Joe Montano (7/25)
    Aid to Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine
    OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Heart attack at age 47 on the day the DNC began, and immediately after the Wikileaks announcement was made.
    TRANSLATION: Why is this not being investigated?
    4. Victor Thorn (8/1)
    Famously wrote books about Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults
    Also wrote books about the Clinton’s increasing trail of dead bodies
    OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound (On his birthday)
    5.Shawn Lucas (8/2)
    Most famous for being the one to serve the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a nationwide class action lawsuit for defrauding Bernie Sanders and all his voters. Lucas famously said, “You’ve been served.”
    OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Details nor released but there are conflicting reports he died in his sleep or he died on the bathroom floor.
    TRANSLATION: Don’t even think about suing us

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    Default Re: Why The Clintons Belong in Prison

    BREAKING—- George Soros’s Open Society Hacked and Information Leaked Online

    Jim Hoft Aug 13th, 2016 4:24 pm Leave a Comment

    The mysterious DC Leaks website today posted documents from George Soros’s Open Society.

    Soros documents are posted from operations in Latin America, Eurasia, Asia, the US, Europe and the World Bank.

    Billionaire George Soros’s Open Society organization was infiltrated by hackers.

    The hackers reportedly had access to internal network, sensitive docs, and programs.

    Open Society Foundation compromised by Russian hackers, had access to internal network, sensitive docs, programs
    — profdeibert (@RonDeibert) August 11, 2016

    DC Leaks wrote this on Soros:

    George Soros is a Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, political activist and author who is of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry and holds dual citizenship. He drives more than 50 global and regional programs and foundations. Soros is named as the architect and sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years.

    Thanks to him and his puppets USA is thought to be a vampire, not a lighthouse of freedom and democracy. His slaves spill blood of millions and millions people just to make him even more rich. Soros is an oligarch sponsoring Democratic party, Hillary Clinton, hundreds of politicians all over the world. This website is designed to let everyone take a look at restricted documents of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and related organisations. It represents workplans, strategies, priorities and other activities of Soros. These documents shed light on one of the most influential network operating worldwide.

    The website also has files on:



    Oh my.

    Bloomberg reported:
    Weeks before the Democratic convention was upended by 20,000 leaked e-mails released through WikiLeaks, another little-known website began posting the secrets of a top NATO general, billionaire George Soros’ philanthropy and a Chicago-based Clinton campaign volunteer.

    Security experts now say that site,, with its spiffy capitol-dome logo, shows the marks of the same Russian intelligence outfit that targeted the Democratic political organizations.

    The e-mails and documents posted to the DCLeaks site in early June suggest that the hackers may have a broader agenda than influencing the U.S. presidential election, one that ranges from the Obama administration’s policy toward Russia to disclosures about the hidden levers of political power in Washington.

    It also means the hackers may have much left in their grab bag to distribute at will. The subjects of the DCLeaks site include a former ranking intelligence official who now works for a major defense contractor and a retired Army officer whose wife serves on the USS Nimitz, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Some of the e-mails go back years.

    Open Society Foundations, the Soros group, reported the breach to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in June, said spokeswoman Laura Silber, who added that an investigation by a security firm found the intrusion was limited to an intranet system used by board members, staff and foundation partners.

    ================================================== ==

    George Soros (Hillary's primary financer) instructing Hillary on what policies to carry out as Secretary of State:

    Top contributors for Hillary Clinton page:

    Leaked Soros Document Archive:

    Soros admits creating the European migrant crisis:[/QUOTE]

    Soros tells Europe to take in 'at least a MILLION' refugees every year:

    Soros finances 'Handbooks' to spur EU-bound immigration:

    Soros urges giving Ukraine $50 billion of aid to foil Russia:

    Hacked emails expose George Soros as Ukraine puppet-master:

    George Soros funds Ferguson Black Lives Matter protests:

    Soros funds paid "protestors" to spur civil unrest:

    Soros funds MoveOn and Media Matters:

    Soros funds Black Lives Matter:

    Globalists Unite: Hillary Clinton Running Mate Tim Kaine Dines with George Soros' Son as Donald Trump's Rise Terrifies World Elite:

    Globalists Unite: Hillary Clinton Running Mate Tim Kaine Dines with George Soros’ Son as Donald Trump’s Rise Terrifies World Elite

    Globalists Unite: Hillary Clinton Running Mate Tim Kaine Dines with George Soros’ Son as Donald Trump’s Rise Terrifies World Elite


    by Matthew Boyle12 Aug 2016Washington, D.C.

    Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton’s running mate, dined exclusively with the son of progressive billionaire George Soros on Thursday evening, according to a photo posted on Alexander Soros’ Instagram on Friday afternoon.

    “Love this man!” Alex Soros wrote along with a photograph of him with the vice presidential hopeful. “Was great to have dinner with a man we need to call one day #vicepresident @timkaine last night! He is definitely the real deal!”

    The fact that Alex Soros, who was inspired in his own progressivism by his controversial father, has unfettered access to Kaine—Hillary Clinton’s running mate—is unsurprising. The Clinton apparatus has long come under scrutiny for their closeness with high dollar donor class figures, some of which has prompted federal law enforcement to fight for an official criminal investigation into the “Clinton Cash” narrative—one the Department of Justice (DOJ) under Attorney General Loretta Lynch has reportedly shut down. That being said, reports have surfaced that the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara is in fact investigating—along with the FBI—the Clinton Foundation for such donor class proclivities with the Clinton apparatus.

    Even more troubling than the Clinton Cash narrative though is the fact that Hillary Clinton’s tax returns—the 2015 returns were released on Friday—show that she and Bill Clinton have made a whopping $240 million since leaving the White House when George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election. That’s a long way from “dead broke,” which they said they were at the time, and it’s all from their governmental connections and paid speeches.

    Alex Soros’ Tim Kaine summit comes after a litany of other high-profile meetings he has had with top Democrats. In fact, during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Philadelphia, he got a coveted meeting—and photograph—with Hillary Rodham Clinton herself.

    “There can only be one #womancrushwedensday today and that is of course @hillaryclinton, not just for being the first woman to run for president from this nation’s two largest political parties, but I believe the best presidential candidate this nation could have today! Looking forward to seeing her crush it tomorrow! #wcw #hillaryclinton,” he wrote about his meeting and photograph with Clinton herself.

    In the past few months, he’s gotten at least a couple of meetings with the sitting president of the United States—Barack Obama—photos of which he posted on Independence Day, July 4, and June 14. In the July 4 posting, Soros bashed the United Kingdom’s decision to vote to “Leave” the European Union—called Brexit.

    “A special #july4th #mancrushmonday for president @barackobama! Had European leaders and voters taken his advice they wouldn’t be in this current mess,” Soros wrote with the July 4 Obama picture. “After this farce called #brexit, I have never been more grateful to be American and for the institutions of #federalism, a written constitution, and a leader who doesn’t runaway from his obligations! #independenceday #obama #mcm”

    Alex Soros has also got photos with his father, George Soros, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)—the likely next Democratic leader in the U.S. Senate since Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is retiring—House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, Muslim congressman Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and the highly controversial Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett.

    Perhaps more importantly here than just donor class globalist access to the Clinton apparatus, this Soros-Kaine summit for Hillary Clinton’s campaign highlights how over the past few weeks this presidential election has become a true referendum for the major issues that Donald Trump wants the campaign to be about.

    First off, despite her claims to now oppose the mega-trade deal she once supported as the “gold standard” of trade deals, the fate of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will be decided by voters in November. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to eviscerate the TPP, and all deals like it, as he made clear in his rally in Erie, Pennsylvania on Friday afternoon.

    After Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), made a surprise introduction for him, Trump pitched himself as America’s “Secretary of Keeping Jobs In the United States.” He hammered the TPP, which is now dead and buried until after the election thanks to House Speaker Paul Ryan’s primary challenger GOP businessman Paul Nehlen forcing the Speaker to take a position by which it cannot be resurfaced until at least the next president takes office.

    While Hillary Clinton says she opposes it now, everyone knows that she would simply make a few minor changes to it, repackage it and force it through Congress on the fast-track Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). Trump, meanwhile, would nuke it entirely and offer Americans a whole new approach to trade policy that puts Americans first.

    “Did you see her yesterday?” Trump asked the rallygoers in Erie of Hillary Clinton. “She has no clue what we’re talking about. She has no clue. She has no clue. Crooked Hillary—she doesn’t know anything about it, and by the way if she did she couldn’t do it anyway because the donors don’t want to do it.”

    Trump noted that “We’ve lost thousands and thousands of companies and we’ve lost millions and millions of jobs” thanks to the Clinton-backed trade policies, like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Pennsylvania, Trump said, has “lost one in three manufacturing jobs since NAFTA.”

    “Massive—that’s massive,” Trump said. “Since NAFTA. NAFTA was signed by Bill Clinton.”

    It’s worth noting that Hillary Clinton still supports her husband’s administration’s major trade deal, NAFTA, and has not specified what exactly she would do on trade policy—so her history on the issue must be trusted.

    George Soros, Alexander’s father, supports the Trans Pacific Partnership on the condition that it add China into the mix—something Hillary Clinton has not ruled out, while Trump has.

    “The Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic Partnerships, which are currently being negotiated, could offer an excellent opportunity for a two-pronged strategy but the current approach is all wrong,” George Soros wrote of the TPP and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP). “At present China is excluded; indeed the partnerships are conceived as an anti-Chinese alliance under U.S. leadership.”

    In addition to trade policy, on immigration policy, Soros supports mass amnesty for every illegal alien in America—something Hillary Clinton has promised to do within her first hundred days in office. Trump, meanwhile, opposes amnesty for illegal aliens and supports securing the U.S. border with Mexico once and for all with a wall.

    Soros also backs the free flow of “refugees” from the Middle East—among other places—into the United States and Europe, despite the obvious risks and threats they pose to the local communities as evidenced by what happened to a 5-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho, who was raped brutally by a group of “refugees.” The local police department there, as Breitbart News has reported, has been filled with many of these “refugees”—in fact, 10 percent or seven of the 72 officers are “refugees.”

    Hillary Clinton wants to increase the number of refugees the United States is bringing in from everywhere in the world, including specifically 550 percent more from Syria—where the Islamic State is on the rise and Bashar Al-Assad’s regime is oppressing people. Donald Trump wants to stop the flow until people are actually vetted, and use the power that the U.S. Constitution and federal law grants to the president of the United States to stop the flow.

    Progressives and the leftist media have been befuddled as to how, despite a certainly rough past few weeks that really stretches back a couple months, Donald Trump is still standing. Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and her allies in the media, thought Trump would be gone by now.

    Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) made this point on the Fox News Channel earlier on Friday.

    “Donald Trump has had everything including the kitchen sink thrown at him,” Sessions said. “And he’s still standing in key battleground states. He’s neck and neck with Clinton and I think as his message continues to roll out and the American people realize they have a chance to change the direction from this failed status quo, to a growth agenda that can make their lives better, he’s going to move forward in the polls. He’s leading in states that we haven’t carried in 12 years. You can’t win in this race without doing well in Ohio and Pennsylvania and some of these other states and he’s doing very well there. He was leading in a poll recently in Iowa. This is strong even though it’s been a rough, rocky week or 10 days here.”

    Soros Backing Black Lives Matters Revolutionaries
    BLM leader lives in home owned by George Soros’ Open Society board member

    July 12, 2016
    By Ryan Girdusky

    Shares 45.3K

    #BlackLivesMatter leader DeRay Mckesson may claim to be leading a grassroots revolution for racial and economic justice, but he has close connections with the privileged and elite.

    Mckesson lives in a home owned by philanthropists James and Robin Wood in Baltimore, Maryland.

    It’s the same address he used when declaring his residency on his campaign committee registration form for his failed mayoral run in the city’s Democratic primary earlier this year.

    The Woods have owned the home since 1996 and are wealthy donors to the Baltimore chapter of George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

    Robin is so active that she was made a board member of the far-left non-profit back in 2008, according to the OSI’s website.

    The OSI site describes the Williams:

    They moved to Baltimore in 1995, when Jimmy had the opportunity to return to his hometown to become director of the orthopedic faculty practice at Sinai Hospital. For the past five years, he has been chief of orthopedics at Harbor Hospital and Robin threw herself into nonprofit work in Baltimore, first with the Community Law Center. She has served on the boards of Associated Black Charities, Safe and Sound, the Baltimore School for the Arts and the Baltimore Community Foundation boards. In 2008, Robin joined the OSI-Baltimore board of directors.
    She is also now attending the University Of Maryland School of Law.

    Soros groups have had several connections to #BlackLivesMatter organizers and activists.

    According to Politico, the Soros backed group The Democracy Alliance donated to several race-based movement organizations that ally with the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
    Internal documents from Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, a group organizing the protests in Ferguson after the death of Michael Brown, showed activists being paid.

    ******** reported:

    …MORE was one of the groups that received a share of the $33 million invested into the #BlackLivesMatter movement by billionaire George Soros.

    On Monday, the Balimore Sun reported the 31-year-old agitator Mckesson is making a handsome salary courtesy of Baltimore school district taxpayers.

    In his new role, Mckesson is earning a salary of $165,000 as the district’s third chief of human capital in two years, and manage of a budget of $4 million and 56 employees.

    After being appointed last month, Mckesson said he was ready to get to work.

    “At its core, this role is about finding great people, matching them to the right role, and helping them to develop and experience careers in the service of our kids,” he said. “I am excited to return to city schools … and to continue doing the work to ensure that every child in Baltimore City receives a world-class education.”

    Who Is Black Lives Matter?

    8 08 2016

    With Law Enforcement Officers dying in America’s streets, simply for wearing the uniform, we have entered a new era. While it is reminiscent of the 1960’s-70’s radical revolutionary movement which paralleled, then infiltrated and co-opted a legitimate civil rights movement, this is even more serious, more deadly, and more dangerous than that. More dangerous in that the radicals have been allowed to infiltrate every institution, and are now in the chief seats of power. More serious because during the 50’s and 60’s there was legitimate need for civil rights reform in both American society and in government. More deadly in that the stability of American society has been successfully fragmented over the last 40 years due to multi-culturalism and pluralism, and recently with unchecked immigration policies, and the great “melting pot” of American culture has become a TV dinner, divided, cold, and hardened to critical thinking and introspection.

    Particularly, in matters of race relations, the election of our first black President, has resulted in deeper wedges being driven, and some of those by the President himself. Mind you, it’s not simply because the man happens to have dark skin, but wholly as a result of his ideology which cannot be contained.

    For anyone who doubts that ideology is supreme in today’s America, and racism is an over used word which has gotten lost in it’s wreckless and wanton use by demagogues in identity politics, just consider this. When was the last time anyone in the mainstream media celebrated, or even took seriously, a black (or white for that matter) American man or woman in office or position of influence, who has taken a politically conservative or Christian based moral position on any issue? Let me name a few: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Ambassador Alan Keyes, Congressman Lt. Col. Alan West, Congresswoman Mia Love, Senator Tim Scott, former Congressman J.C. Watts, US Appeals Court Judge Janice Rogers Brown (whom Democrats refused to confirm for 2 years), Professor, author, Thomas Sowell, Journalist, Professor, author Walter E. Williams, politician and Former Secretary of State Condelleza Rice. All great conservative Americans of African descent. Out of the 10 names, I doubt the average person will recognize half of them. These are all people of great influence due to either elected positions, or hard work and dedication to the betterment of all American society; not just one specific shade of color. These are the kind of people who, if possible are ignored by media.

    Conversely, you will recognize immediately names such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Elijah Cummings, Oprah Winfrey, Louis Farrakhan, and outlaws like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray.

    The origin of Black Lives Matter

    #1) The hashtag # Black Lives Matter movement was co-founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. Garza is a Marxist political activist who’s heroes include the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur for her contributions to the “Black Liberation Movement.” Garza is likewise a great admirer of Angela Davis (Communist Party USA and former Black Panther). Cullors has ties to the 60’s revolutionary terrorist group, Weather Underground, and led 600 Black Lives Matter protesters to Ferguson, MO in 2014 following the death of Michael Brown after he struggle with a police officer trying to take his weapon. Those protests resulted in 400 arrests, 20 civilian injuries, 37 St. Louis County police officers injured, 12 civilian cars burned, 2 police cruisers burned, and 29 buildings burglarized or vandalized all totaling about $5 Million.

    All three BLM founders share a Marxist ideology and work for front groups of the “Freedom Road Socialist Organization” (FRSO), a self proclaimed

    revolutionary socialist and Marxist-Leninist organization” which touts itself as a “new Communist movement” with its roots in the 60’s and 70’s revolutionary groups; groups like the League of Revolutionary Struggle, the Revolutionary Union, the Communist Labor Party, the October League, the Communist Workers Party, the Black Workers Congress, just to name a few.

    The FRSO website is wide open about its intentions, nothing covert there, and touts Communist revolutionaries including Mao Zedong, arguably the worst mass murderer in history killing 70 million in his takeover of China.

    #2) In BLM’s short history they have inspired riots in several US cities, and protests in many more with provocative chants such as “What do we want? -DEAD COPS!! When do we want it? -NOW!!”, and “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry ’em like Bacon!!”. “No Justice; No Peace”, just to hit the most popular ones. For 3 Years this has developed.

    #3) Every generation has its rebels, but these are being funded by people like George Soros, who has given over $7 Billion to other radical Leftist groups like: ACORN, Apollo Alliance, National Council of La Raza, Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Soujourners, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization for Women, and Soro’s also funded the protesters in Ferguson, Missouri marching for #BLM, who burned those businesses, rioted and created havoc for the entire city, under the false narrative that Michael Brown was an innocent teenage boy who had his hands up and was gunned down in the street by a white racist cop. Soros and his Progressive friends would like nothing better than to see massive civil unrest in America’s streets. However, we cannot allow justification of terrorist activities from these revolutionaries any more than we can allow justification for Islamic terrorism. The desired culmination of these efforts will be bloody anarchy which will end in total and complete martial law, and the people will demand it.

    #4) The protest in Dallas was indeed peaceful, up until the killing of 5 police officers and wounding 7 more, yet some of the protesters did, and one even confessed afterward on a call in radio program, that he and others had attempted to provoke police officers by various means of disrespectful behavior.

    #5) Just less than 4 hours before the Dallas shooting, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam (an American black cult version of Islam) had posted a call for blacks to rise up in violence against whites saying, “…don’t let this white man tell you that violence is wrong.” “Every damn thing that he got, he got it by being violent — killing people, raping and robbing and murdering. He’s doing it as we speak, and then he has the nerve to come and tell us that violence and hatred won’t get it. Don’t buy that!…He is worthy to be hated.”

    The Next Phase

    BLM has now just recently formed with 30 other member organizations a new, broader organization of groups, and endorsed by another nearly 40 such groups, to form “The Movement for Black Lives” or “M4BL”, which codified it’s platform in conjunction with the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia. M4BL‘s platform reads like the Communist Manifesto demanding, among other things: Reparations, consisting of not just full and free access to all public education facilities including colleges and universities, but make it a “Constitutional Right”, not just for American blacks but for “all undocumented” as well as “formerly and currently incarcerated” and full retroactive forgiveness of all student loans, and a “guaranteed minimal livable income”.

    M4BL goes on in their demands to “Divest-Invest“, in which funds for policing/incarceration would be diverted to education/employment programs. “Economic Justice” which demands “radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth” and a Communistic “End of exploitative privatization of natural resources” and demands “democratic control over how resources are preserved”.

    Verbatim it reads:

    • Because land is treated as a commodity, a minority of wealthy corporations and families disproportionately owns land in the U.S. and the resources on top of it. 60 percent of land is privately owned, with the wealthiest half-a-percent owning 35.6 percent of this land and the wealthiest 10 percent owning nearly 80 percent of it.

    The lost little fact among these stats is the United States Government owns/controls over 1/3 of the land mass of the United States. That would, I think, fall under the category “democratically controlled”, according to the context of the statements hereto. This demand is right out of the Communist Manifesto’s 1st plank of abolishing private property ownership.

    The M4BL ‘s “End the War on Black People” plank proclaims “We demand an end to the criminalization, incarceration, and killing of our people.” This entails and end to capital punishment, “ending the use of past criminal history to determine eligibility for housing, education, licenses, voting, loans, employment, and other services and needs.” It also requires the “repeal of the 1996 crime and immigration bills, an end to all deportations, immigrant detention, and Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) raids, and mandated legal representation in immigration court.”

    The Progressive Left has successfully used America’s black citizen’s for years. The BLM movement has been fully embraced by the Marxist Barack Obama. His Marxist/Progressive party successor Hillary Clinton will continue to use these communities and continue to keep them in the bonds of “social justice”, marching and working on behalf of those slave-masters who benefit from the people’s own labor. Every inner city disaster where the poor and oppressed black Americans are continuing to languish is, and has been run by these very Progressives for 50 years.

    The Bolsheviks are in control here. This entire movement has been initiated by them.

    But alas, the answer to this entire problem is not political. It is not finance, education, or government which holds the answer. The answer to this problem is spiritual. Until people, black, white, brown, or otherwise get a grasp on who God is and who we are before him, this problem will not find relief. To the contrary, the very God has warned us that perilous times shall come.

    He also warned that nation who does not live by His standard, the Bible, is doomed to fail.

    I agree that our country is more corrupt than we would like to admit. We have sown to the wind; now we shall reap the whirlwind. Nothing short of national revival of Biblical proportions will stay this judgement we have brought upon ourselves. But the people will not have it.

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    Robin Hood in Reverse: The Clinton Foundation under Fed Scrutiny

    August 14, 2016
    By Clarice Feldman

    This week, the Daily Caller News Foundation’s star reporter Richard Pollock revealed that

    Multiple FBI investigations are underway involving potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement official.

    The investigation centers on New York City where the Clinton Foundation has its main offices, according to the former official who has direct knowledge of the activities.
    Prosecutorial support will come from various U.S. Attorneys offices -- a major departure from other centralized FBI investigations.

    Such an investigation is long overdue and the American experiment in representative democracy may well depend on its success. It appears to have been underway for some time as FBI director James Comey earlier declined to comment on whether the investigation into Clinton’s emails also involved an investigation into the foundation.

    Heading up the investigation is U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for New York’s Southern District, who is known for his aggressive and successful prosecutions.
    We’ve long been aware that foundation is a “slush fund” that pays out far more in salaries and expenses to its officers and employees than it does for charitable ends.

    But the present focus is on the coordination of the foundation and Hillary as Secretary of State to benefit her friends and contributors.

    The story is of interest, however, not just because Hillary is the Democratic presidential nominee. The story of the foundation, so well documented by Charles Ortel over the past year, illustrates the corruption of the political process and the out-of-control operations of massive funds by this tax-exempt foundation.

    The Clinton foundation has collected over $2 billion in the 15 years it has been in existence. More than 1,000 of these contributions are reported to come from foreigners and their names and contribution figures are not being disclosed.

    Last week [mid-April] we learned "the New York Times examined Bill Clinton’s relationship with a Canadian mining financier, Frank Giustra, who has donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and sits on its board. Clinton, the story suggests, helped Giustra’s company secure a lucrative uranium-mining deal in Kazakhstan and in return received 'a flow of cash' to the Clinton Foundation, including previously undisclosed donations from the company’s chairman totaling $2.35 million.”

    Peter Schweitzer, author of Clinton Cash, revealed even more about Giustra and the Foundation:

    • The same Canadian company, renamed Uranium One, bought uranium concessions in the United States;
    • The Russian government came calling and sought to buy that Canadian company for a price that would mean big profits for the Canadian investors;
    • For the Russians to buy that Canadian company, it would require the approval of the Obama administration, including Hillary’s State Department, because uranium is a strategically important commodity;
    • Nine shareholders in Uranium One just happened to provide more than $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation in the run-up to State Department approval;
    • Some of the donations, including those from the Chairman of Uranium One, Ian Teler, were kept secret, even though the Clintons promised to disclose all donations;
    • Hillary’s State Department approved the deal;
    • The Russian government now owns 20 percent of U.S. uranium assets.

    In short, here was what you might call a radioactive scandal. It included secret donations, the Russian government, foreign financiers, more than $145 million, and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

    It is widely believed that the main reason Hillary did not use the government email system and why she shredded thousands of her email records was to hide the pay-to-play scheme she headed as Secretary of State. This is made clear in the latest revealed Hillary email cache.

    Charles Ortel has for some time now been analyzing the publicly available records of the foundation and arguing that it is engaged in massive fraud with many violations of legal, tax and standard accounting procedures:

    State, federal, and foreign laws bar public charities from being run for private gain in interstate commerce -- which means, by using the mail, telephones or the internet. The Clinton Foundation’s complex operations (it is not just one entity but a web of them) do not comply with this requirement. Nor does the Clinton Foundation ever seem to have submitted its financial records to an independent, properly certified audit by a qualified accounting firm.

    Overall I consider the Clinton Foundation to be a charity fraud network. I base this conclusion on my review of extensive data about its operations including the activities of the Clinton family and their friends in Haiti, a nation that has suffered many disasters, both natural and manmade.

    What possesses powerful, wealthy, and educated persons to prey on the most desperately poor humans on earth as they posture as "philanthropists”? And why has there been no government oversight?

    Expect an increased flow of detailed disclosures centering upon Exhibits 1 through 40 through this website, and continued reaction to breaking developments via my twitter account (@CharlesOrtel).

    Haiti, a Case in Point

    On the foundation website, it was announced that:

    “In 2008, President Bill Clinton issued a call to action to address the pressing challenges Haiti faced in the aftermath of four devastating hurricanes, resulting in the formation of the Haiti Action Network. In response to the January 2010 earthquake, the network intensified their efforts toward long-term development in Haiti by addressing issues such as agriculture, cultural preservation, education, energy, enterprise development, health, and shelter, as well as water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).

    Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) members have made more than 100 Commitments to Action focused on Haiti, which will be valued at $500 million when fully funded and implemented. Now in its eighth year, the Haiti Action Network has a significant focus on creating sustainable jobs and encouraging investment in the country.”

    Instead of this high-minded sounding claim, the example of Haiti is an exemplar of the total failure of the foundation to use its power and money to help Haitians

    The National Review’s Dinesh D’Souza detailed the scope of the corruption and the disastrous results of the Clintons’ Haitian relief project, in which millions of dollars for Haitian relief were funneled from the foundation and the U. S. Treasury ostensibly for Haitian relief but in actuality for their friends who failed to deliver the promised relief projects.

    The extent of the corruption of the Clintons and their foundation in the case of Haiti is truly mind-boggling. I urge you to read it all and see why D’Souza concludes, “The Clintons seem to believe in Haitian reconstruction and Haitian investment as long as these projects match their own private economic interests. They have steered the rebuilding of Haiti in a way that provides maximum benefit to themselves.’

    • Here are just a few examples D’Souza details:
    • With no competitive bidding an outfit owned by Warren Buffet’s company was awarded money to build “hurricane-proof trailers” and, instead built such shoddy, unsafe trailers they had to be abandoned.
    • Without requiring InnoVida, headed by a Clinton donor, to provide the required financial statement, $10 million of U.S. funds were loaned to them to build housing.

    The company, however, defaulted on the loan and never built any houses. An investigation revealed that Osorio had diverted company funds to pay for his Miami Beach mansion, his Maserati, and his Colorado ski chalet. He pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money laundering in 2013, and is currently serving a twelve-year prison term on fraud charges related to the loan.

    USAID funds were directed to other Clinton cronies to build schools in Haiti. None were built; the funds went to “an Earth Day celebration and tree-building activity”.

    Millions went from the U.S. Treasury funds to provide cell phones to Haitians to another crony who used them to create a lucrative near monopoly on phone service and another grant of $45 million went to him to build a hotel, which employs few Haitians and is largely unoccupied.

    And then there is Hillary’s brother, Hugh, who profited from a “finder’s fee” from a company awarded one of the two gold-mining permits granted by the Haitian government.
    Ortel has detailed his findings to various news outlets, and has categorized the foundation as “Robin Hood in reverse”:

    The Clintons are out there holding themselves out as if they are charitable philanthropists, and in reality... I argue they are really Robin Hood in reverse. They are stealing from the poor to reward the rich, and I find that reprehensible behavior.”

    How much money has the Clinton Foundation raised globally? Ortel says it’s a “$100 billion criminal conspiracy” and goes on to say, “I think it is a disgrace. To put that number into perspective, depending on how you look at the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme, that was either $40 billion to $60 billion. This is $100 billion, and maybe more.”

    How much Clinton Foundation money actually makes it to charitable causes? Ortel says, “It’s impossible to tell from the filings. You are supposed to tell from the filings, and it’s impossible to tell. One of the biggest expenses in the recent period in the Clinton Foundation is for pharmaceuticals for supposedly fighting HIV Aids. If this were a well-run charity, you would provide a detailed breakdown of what pharmaceuticals by type and at what price. There is none of that disclosure. You don’t know if that pharmaceutical number is completely made up or not. You have no way of telling, and the auditors have never done their work. This is why I say this is a text book case study in global charity fraud. It needs to be exposed as such.”

    How did this so-called charity get so far off track? Ortel explains, “When you look at any foundation, and the Clinton Foundation in particular, you have to check and see what its authorized tax exempt purposes are. Because this entity raises money from the public continuously... they have to be very specific. Their authorized tax exempt purpose, stated in their application dated 23 December 2007, was just supposed to be Presidential archival research facility in Little Rock. They never have been authorized as far as I can tell from the public filings... they have never been authorized to fight HIV Aids, fight climate change, convene meetings in New York and set up these various initiatives. None of them has been validly authorized, which means they have been raising money with materially false and misleading public filings. They have been doing it using the mail, using the Internet and using telephones, all of which is a federal crime.

    This abuse of the charity and Hillary’s government position is exactly the sort of thing Peggy Noonan described this week.

    She was talking about the detachment of the world’s elites from their countrymen when she wrote about open borders, “From what I’ve seen of those in power throughout business and politics now, the people of your country are not your countrymen, they’re aliens whose bizarre emotions you must attempt occasionally to anticipate and manage.” But she could as well have been talking about how the Clintons manage under the guise of humanitarian concerns to further and further beset those below them on the ladder: “The detached, who made the decisions and bore none of the costs, got to be called “humanist,” “compassionate,” and “hero of human rights.”

    I do not know where the present FBI investigation into the workings of the Clinton Foundation will lead or even when or if the prosecutors will act (a prior probe into the foundation was quashed earlier this year, according to CNN) but it does seem to me that whether you call this “crony capitalism”, “corporate welfare” or “fascism”, we must fight it or end up like Argentina or even Haiti.

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    Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden ratlines in Bosnia: Clinton is a hypocrite!

    May 4, 2011

    Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden ratlines in Bosnia: Clinton is a hypocrite!

    Lee Jay Walker

    Modern Tokyo Times

    Ex-president of America, Bill Clinton, welcomed the news that Osama bin Laden was killed and he gave quotes to the “blinkered media.” This is the same Bill Clinton who welcomed the forces of radical Islam in the Balkans by giving Islamists the green light.

    It could be stated that Bill Clinton would prefer a dead Osama bin Laden because dead men do not speak. However, the Bosnian Muslim leadership, alongside radical Islamic organizations and several nations, had a shared policy which met the objectives of Clinton’s administration. Therefore, thousands of passports were given to international terrorists by the Bosnian Muslim leadership and given the connections of the Afghan civil war against communism; then natural networks were already in place and Clinton’s administration utilized all means possible.

    It did not matter at all to the Clinton administration if Islamists were slitting the throats of Orthodox Christian civilians. Nor did Clinton think about the long term policies and how he was enabling international jihadists to get a major foothold into Europe.

    Even after September 11 the Bosnian connection did not get the press that it warranted because several Islamists had used Bosnia in order to further their jihadist ideology.

    It is factual that in all conflicts that you will have many distortions and massacres are committed on all sides during intensive civil wars. Bosnia was no different and innocents were killed by all sides irrespective of religious or ethnic identity.

    However, the distortion of the Bosnian civil war was beyond the pale because how would America like it if thousands of international Islamists were given a free-reign in order to kill innocent people in America?

    Yet this is what happened in Bosnia and the Bosnian Serbs were abandoned to the most psychopathic Islamic jihadists in the world. Therefore, not surprisingly the Bosnian Serbs adopted a siege mentality but to the international media this was ignored.

    In fact, you had shameless British politicians like Paddy Ashdown claiming that the Muslims had no military arms to defend themselves. However, the USA, under Clinton, enabled Islamists to break the no-military-arms embargo. Therefore, by the end of the Bosnian civil war it was clear that Bosnian Muslim forces had gained in power and the same applies to Croatia which blew away the Serbs of Krajina.

    The ethnic cleansing, like the media liked to mention, appeared to be negative when the Bosnian Serbs got the upper hand. Yet true to events on the ground, then when the Serbians were being ethnically cleansed it was fine and language manipulation backed by a potent media campaign could easily manipulate events.
    Clinton would talk about the moderate Muslim leadership and others would mention the pluralism of Bosnia in history. Therefore, not only were modern events being distorted but the reality of Islamic rule in Bosnian history was being brushed under the carpet.

    Suddenly, the reality of dhimmitude; taking the eldest Orthodox Christian son from his parents and converting him to Islam; pogroms against Christians; slavery; discrimination in law; and control of all power mechanisms into the hands of Muslims in the Balkans was being “whitewashed.”

    This now all meant pluralism, because the media would create a new Bosnia in its own image but very far from the historical reality of the region.

    Of course you will have found moderates on all sides, irrespective of religion. However, while the “darkness” of what the Serbs did was shown the “Islamic darkness” of beheading innocent Orthodox Christians and countless massacres was hidden in order to maintain the myth that one side was pluralistic and modern.

    Therefore, you had a major collusion between democrats, radical Islamists, national self interests, secret agencies, the mass media, and others, in order to distort the “real picture.”

    In an earlier article that I wrote I stated that “Sky News has obtained clear and proper evidence of a major cover-up and footages of massacres against Serbian Christians have been seen. According to the investigation and footages which were shown, it is abundantly clear that thousands of radical Islamists from all over the world were given a free-reign in Bosnia.”

    “This free-reign meant that innocent Serbian Christians were to meet terrible and disturbing deaths at the hands of radical Islamists who celebrate openly while cutting the heads off innocent civilians. The same Islamic forces which unleashed September 11th and which stone people to death in order to create “year zero,” were welcomed openly by ex-President Clinton and by people within his administration.”

    If you check then this link highlights the Republican Policy Committee and the findings are damning, to say the least.

    On Page 2 of the House Subcommittee it states that “The Administration’s Iranian green light policy gave Iran an unprecedented foothold in Europe and has recklessly endangered American lives and US strategic interests.”

    ” . . . The Iranian presence and influence [in Bosnia] jumped radically in the months following the green light. Iranian elements infiltrated the Bosnian government and established close ties with the current leadership in Bosnia and the next generation of leaders. Iranian Revolutionary Guards accompanied Iranian weapons into Bosnia and soon were integrated in the Bosnian military structure from top to bottom as well as operating in independent units throughout Bosnia. The Iranian intelligence service [VEVAK] ran wild through the area developing intelligence networks, setting up terrorist support systems, recruiting terrorist ’sleeper’ agents and agents of influence, and insinuating itself with the Bosnian political leadership to a remarkable degree. The Iranians effectively annexed large portions of the Bosnian security apparatus [known as the Agency for Information and Documentation (AID)] to act as their intelligence and terrorist surrogates. This extended to the point of jointly planning terrorist activities. The Iranian embassy became the largest in Bosnia and its officers were given unparalleled privileges and access at every level of the Bosnian government.” (Page 201)

    The findings of this report, alongside other information from other sources, certainly highlights how Islamists like Osama bin Laden were given a free-reign to spread radical Islam and to create Islamic terrorist cells in Bosnia.

    Bill Clinton fully understood that Islamists were entering Bosnia from so many countries and he not only understood this but he would manipulate this in order to further his objectives in Bosnia.

    The former president of America can state openly that he is happy about the death of Osama bin Laden because the media is either not allowed to ask important questions or media screening is already in place.

    Osama bin Laden took much to his grave and for Bill Clinton this will be music to his ears. After all, dead men can not testify and this will help to maintain the silence of the ratlines which existed between Clinton’s administration, international terrorists, and the elites within the Bosnian Muslim leadership.

    In the book called The Revenge of the Prophet by the acclaimed Vojin Joksimovich, he comments that Osama Bin Laden saw a great opportunity in Bosnia and established a base of operations in Europe against Al Qaeda’s true enemy, the U.S. The Afghan Jihad and the Gulf War combined to produce fertile ground for 9/11. However, Bosnia became the direct springboard for 9/11, the Madrid train bombings and probably London.” Page 298 – The Revenge of the Prophet

    John R. Schindler who is the author of Unholy Terror, comments that “Although Sarajevo’s supporters went to great lengths to deny it, there was no avoiding the reality that after 9/11, as al-Qa’ida attacks multiplied across the world, a disturbing number of the terrorists involved had close ties to Bosnia and the holy war waged there. The dedicated cadres bin Laden had first nurtured in Afghanistan and brought to fruition in Bosnia were ready for the all-out confrontation with the “apostates” and “infidels” that al-Qa’ida had promised.” Page 296 – Unholy Terror

    John R. Schindler continues by stating that “The role of the West in the fate of Bosnia cannot be underestimated. The willful blindness of Western elites, the dishonest and mendacious representations of Bosnia and its war presented by intellectuals, academics, entertainers and journalists, decisively influenced the course of the conflict, to the benefit of radical Islam.” Page 324 – Unholy Terror

    It is therefore abundantly clear that while Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden had different objectives; it is also apparent that Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden“shared the same pie.”

    After all, obstacles which should have been nigh impossible, for example thousands of Islamists being allowed into Europe and then obtaining military weapons; became not only feasible but was part and parcel of the American administration under Bill Clinton.

    Vojin Joksimovich highlights the international nature of Islam in Bosnia because he comments that “The jihadists, from their bases and support facilities in Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere, did not come to Bosnia only to fight against the ‘Serbian aggressor,’ but for the first European religious state at large, for the establishment of the only faith among the European Muslims.” (Page 145)

    This comment highlights the reality of Izetbegovic and the pan-Islamic card. Vojin Joksimovich continues by stating that the “Creation of Islamic states, so-called Jamahirya states, was the ultimate objective of all these movements. With the Koran in their hands the jihadists did not distinguish between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, only between believers and unbelievers.” (Page 145)

    The murky past of Bill Clinton should be investigated and this applies to his administration. After all, if America really wants to know how September 11 happened then part of the answer lies in Bosnia and the Republican Policy Committee testifies to this.

    Therefore, the Bosnian Muslim leadership and Bill Clinton will sleep well knowing that Osama bin Laden is dead. After all, if Osama bin Laden had the chance to speak then the “Bosnian Islamic terrorist chain with Clinton’s blessing” could have come back to haunt them.

    Yet true to Bill Clinton, he made comments about how pleased he is about the death of Osama bin Laden but in history he once was pleased that he was alive because it enabled the Clinton-Bosnian Muslim jigsaw to be completed.
    Vojin Joksimovich – The Revenge of the Prophet
    John R. Schindler – Unholy Terror

    Posted in BALKANS, EUROPE, ISLAM, ISLAMIC TERRORISM, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden ratlines in Bosnia: Clinton is a hypocrite!
    Tags: al Qa’ida and bosnia, Alija Izetbegovic and radical Islam, Bill Clinton and al-Qa’ida, Bill Clinton supported islamic terrorism in bosnia, christian persecution in bosnia, CIA and Islamic terrorism, clinton and islamic terrorism, clinton supported radical islam in bosnia, clinton’s islamists, Clintons radical islamists, dedicated to Liz Milanovich,,, islam in bosnia, islamic brutality in bosnia, islamic charities and radical islam, Islamic growth in the Balkans, islamic jihad and izetbegovic, izetbegovic supported islamic jihad, jamahirya states, John R. Schindler and Islam in Bosnia, John R. Schindler and radical islam, John R. Schindler is the author of Unholy Terror, Lee Jay Walker, media cover up in bosnia, media lies in bosnia, modern tokyo times, Muslims and terrorism in bosnia, Muslims supported Nazism, osama bin laden and bill clinton, Osama Bin Laden and Bosnia, osama bin laden is dead, Radical Islam in Bosnia, radical Islam in the Balkans, september 11 and islamic jihad in bosnia, september 11th and bosnia, September 11th and Islamic jihad in Bosnia, slitting the throats of christians, The Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich, Vojin Joksimovich and Bosnia, Vojin Joksimovich and terrorism, western bias towards islam in bosni

    The forgotten Orthodox Christians of Bosnia and Kosovo

    December 1, 2010
    The forgotten Orthodox Christians of Bosnia and Kosovo

    Lee Jay Walker
    The Modern Tokyo Times

    Bosnian Islamic fighters during their Jihad
    which was blessed by President Bill Clinton

    I come from a member state of the European Union which is meant to uphold the rights of all religions, political ideologies, acknowledge national and cultural rights, and is meant to spread “European brotherhood.” However, it appears that this does not apply to the Orthodox Christians of Bosnia and Kosovo respectively because not only have they been abandoned but outside Islamic powers are stepping up their Islamization agenda in both Bosnia and Kosovo.

    In Kosovo the de-Christianization of the Orthodox Christian community continues and hundreds of Orthodox Christian churches have been destroyed but little was done to protect this community. It should be remembered that the Christian Serbs helped to preserve the shared European identity in history from the marauding Islamic Turks who enslaved countless numbers of Christians throughout the Balkans during the Ottoman Empire.

    Yet in modern times it is clear that Iran, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other non-European nations, are intent on creating an Islamized Balkans and this applies to Albania, Bosnia, the Sandzak in Serbia, northeastern Bulgaria and the Rhodope Mountains region, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro. At the same time increasing Islamic immigration in Greece is creating tensions and Turkey is intent on preserving its armed forces in northern Cyprus.

    The above mentioned places may sometimes have a continuous border line or they may be divided by geography and thinking because you have many branches within Islam. However, for pan-Islamists in Bosnia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and a host of other nations, it is a dream and clearly the European Union alongside America supported the “green flag of Islam” during the collapse of Yugoslavia.

    In my article called Islam in Bosnia is the new stepping stoneI stated that Alija Izetbegovic stated that “… Muslim nations will never accept anything that is explicitly against Islam, because Islam here is not merely a faith and the law, Islam has become love and compassion. He who rises against Islam will reap nothing but hate and resistance. …”

    Izetbegovic was a pan-Islamist and he allowed thousands of Islamic terrorists from all over the world to join his Islamic jihadist campaign by allowing them to slaughter innocent Orthodox Christians in Bosnia. At the same time he played the “Muslim victim card” in front of the Western media. However, Izetbegovic shared the same global jihadist ideals and pan-Islamic thought patterns because he stated … In one of the thesis for an Islamic order today we have stated that it is a natural function of the Islamic order to gather all Muslims and Muslim communities throughout the world into one. Under present conditions, this desire means a struggle for creating a great Islamic federation from Morocco to Indonesia, from the tropical Africa to the Central Asia. …”

    Vojin Joksimovich who is the author of “The Revenge of the Prophet” highlights the international nature of Islam in Bosnia because he states that “The jihadists, from their bases and support facilities in Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere, did not come to Bosnia only to fight against the ‘Serbian aggressor,’ but for the first European religious state at large, for the establishment of the only faith among the European Muslims.” (Page 145)
    This comment highlights the reality of Izetbegovic and the pan-Islamic card. Vojin Joksimovich continues by stating that the “Creation of Islamic states, so-called Jamahirya states, was the ultimate objective of all these movements. With the Koran in their hands the jihadists did not distinguish between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, only between believers and unbelievers.” (Page 145)

    However, Islamic jihadists and pan-Islamists from Bosnia and other parts of the world had only a short period to enact their Islamic jihad via the sword and this applies to when war broke out in Bosnia and Kosovo respectively. Yet the military battlefield and “Muslim victim card” image would lay the foundation for future political and religious ambitions in the Balkans and of course Bosnia would be the stepping stone that would help the ambitions of people like Izetbegovic.

    In an article written by Bojan Pancevski in The Sunday Times newspapers which is published in the United Kingdom he comments (Saudis fund Balkan Muslims spreading hate of the west – March 28, 2010) that SAUDI ARABIA is pouring hundreds of millions of pounds into Islamist groups in the Balkans, some of which spread hatred of the West and recruit fighters for jihad in Afghanistan”.

    The article continues by stating that According to officials in Macedonia, Islamic fundamentalism threatens to destabilize the Balkans. Strict Wahhabi and Salafi factions funded by Saudi organisations are clashing with traditionally moderate local Muslim communities.”

    Sources also reveal that “Classified documents seen by The Sunday Times reveal that Macedonian officials are also investigating a number of Islamic charities, some in Saudi Arabia, which are active throughout the Balkans and are suspected of spreading extremism and laundering money for terrorist organisations.”

    The article also highlights the sinister reality of Saudi Arabia by stating that “Hundreds of millions have been poured into Macedonia alone in the past decade and most of it comes from Saudi Arabia,” said a government source. “The Saudis’ main export seems to be ideology, not oil.”

    “The West has put considerable political and financial efforts into helping build democracy in Bosnia following its civil war in the 1990s. Saudi organizations have also asserted considerable influence, giving more than £450m to build more than 150 mosques and Islamic centres.”

    Therefore, while Muslim nations and radical Islamic charities are spreading radical Islam in the Balkans you have the reality of Serbian Orthodox Christians in Kosovo being abandoned and clearly the Bosnian Serbian entity is not desired by America, the European Union or important Islamic nations.

    In my article called Radical Islamic Charities and Jihad in the BalkansI highlight Vojin Joksimovichagain because he states thatBosnia established a successful model for embattled countries around the world: organizing, arming, and funding mujahideen units, skimming money from humanitarian charities, linking up with crime bosses including narco-terrorists, etc. Islamism both produces and profits from mayhem. Albeit to a much lesser magnitude, the Bosnian model was replicated later on in Kosovo, Southern Serbia and Macedonia. Al Qaeda and the Taliban found a route for the heroin trafficking from Afghanistan into Europe via the Balkans.” Page 150

    I also commented in the same article that….just like the rise of the Taliban and radical Islam in modern day southern Thailand and Pakistan, it is the role of the Islamic madrasas which must be eliminated and not merely contained. The role of Islamic charities must also be tackled because many are a gateway to spreading radical Islam and if this “gateway” is not stopped and challenged, then alongside religious Islamic educational institutions which are sponsored by Saudi nationals and others; then the spread of radical Islam will not be defeated.

    It is clear that America and the European Union desires a unified Bosnia and Islamic elites within the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are hoping that the Republic Srpska will be swallowed up.

    Currently you have a Christian majority within all of Bosnia but the majority is slender and given the higher Muslim birthrate and the reality of what happened to the majority Christian population of Kosovo in history then the future looks bleak. In truth, if you look at history then it is nigh impossible to find a stable Muslim democratic nation where democracy flourished and where religious minorities also grew and had full equality within the legal system.

    De-Christianization in Kosovo is a modern day reality when it applies to the Serbian Orthodox Christian community and this applies to the decreasing Serbian population, destruction of Christian churches, the eradication of Serbian architecture, and constant persecution and marginalization by the majority Muslim Albanian population.

    The late Patriarch Pavle who sadly passed away in November, 2009, stated ( that This humble publication is our cry and appeal to the Christian and civilized world. It is distressing to learn that in the year of the greatest Christian Jubilee, at the end of two millenniums of Christianity, Christian churches are still being destroyed, not in a war but in the time of peace guaranteed by the international community. We hope that these photos of the destroyed and desecrated Orthodox shrines will awaken the conscience of those who are able to stop the crimes and believe that they who already stood up against one evil will not remain just passive witnesses of another evil happening now in their presence.”

    However, the same mass media which distorted the conflict is now the same mass media which is mainly silent about current events in Kosovo. Also, the Bosnian Serbian leadership in Republic Srpska is marginalized by the international community because Western nations prefer the Muslim elites in Sarajevo.

    Maybe one day the Serbian Orthodox Christian community in Bosnia will face the same fate which befell their co-religionists in Kosovo. After all, Islamic nations and organizations are funding many Islamic institutions throughout the region and added to the higher Muslim birthrate and pro-American policies towards the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo then this could become a future reality.

    What is clear is that time is not on the side of the Republic Srpska because either it will join with Serbia or become an independent state whereby Serbians will be guaranteed their freedom. Or it will be swallowed up by the American backed unitary Bosnian state under the Muslim elites of Bosnia and with the full backing of many Islamic nations.

    If the latter happens and with the reality of the higher Muslim birthrate then in time the Serbian population will be further marginalized. Or at worse the Bosnian Serbs will face their “Kosovo Golgotha” and given the events of past history and the ongoing reality of de-Christianization of the Serbian Orthodox Christian community in Kosovo then this scenario is a clear possibility.

    Lee Jay Walker
    ( This article is dedicated to Liz Milanovich who cares deeply about the plight of Christian Serbs in Kosovo and throughout the former Yugoslavia. Liz Milanovich helps me greatly by providing daily information.)

    Posted in BALKANS, EUROPE, ISLAM, ISLAMIC PERSECUTION, PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS, Uncategorized | Comments Off on The forgotten Orthodox Christians of Bosnia and Kosovo
    Tags: Alija Izetbegovic and radical Islam, Alija Izetbegovic and the Islamic Declaration, alija izetbegovic was a pan-islamic, Bojan Pancevski highlights radical islam in macedonia, clinton and islamic terrorism, clinton supported radical islam in bosnia, clinton's islamists, de-Christianization in Kosovo, dedicated to Liz Milanovich, islamic charities and radical islam, Islamic growth in the Balkans, izetbegovic supported islamic jihad, jamahirya states, Kosovo and destruction of churches, Macedonia and islamic funding, Macedonia and radical Islam, media cover up in bosnia, media cover up in kosovo, muslim birthrate, muslim charities and terrorism, muslim charities in bosnia, orthodox christians in bosnia, orthodox christians in kosovo, Radical Islam in Bosnia, Republic Srpska may end up like Kosovo, Republic Srpska needs support, saudi arabia is funding islam in bosnia, saudi arabia is spreading hatred in the balkans, The Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich, Vojin Joksimovich and Bosnia, Vojin Joksimovich and terrorism, vojin joksimovich and the bosnian cover up

    Terrorism: the Bosnian connection
    New Statesman ^ | August 2, 2004 | Brendan O'Neill
    Posted on 12/31/2004, 4:58:23 PM by Destro

    Terrorism: the Bosnian connection

    New Statesman, August 2, 2004 by Brendan O'Neill

    According to the 9/11 commission report, Iran allowed at least eight of the "muscle hijackers", the young men, most of them Saudis, who barked instructions and wielded box-cutters on the flights of 11 September 2001, to travel across Iranian territory to Afghanistan between the preceding October and February. The report does not cite this as evidence that the Iranians had prior knowledge of 9/11. But that has not stopped some commentators from drawing conclusions. "Did we invade the wrong country?" asked Charles Kraut-hammer in the Washington Post.

    A longer-term link between Iran and 9/11 is being ignored. Between 1992 and 1996 Iran illegally armed the Bosnian Muslims in the former Yugoslavia, flying in military advisers and mujahedin fighters to take on the Serbs.

    UN Resolution 713, adopted on 25 September 1991, ruled that member states must suspend "the delivery of all weapons and military equipment to Yugoslavia". Yet in 1992 and 1993 Iran armed the Bosnian Muslims, using Boeing 747s to fly weapons, ammunition, anti-tank rockets, communications equipment, uniforms and helmets to Zagreb airport. In late 1993, roughly 30,000 soldiers were armed and equipped by Iran, and by Turkey.

    The Bosnian Muslims stopped receiving arms near the end of 1993, when there was heightened conflict between Muslims and Croats. But after the federation of Croatia and Bosnia was formed in March 1994, the Clinton administration, according to Professor Cees Wiebes of the University of Amsterdam, author of Intelligence and the War in Bosnia 1992-95, gave "a green light to the arms supplies from Iran to Croatia". This opened the floodgates. According to the US House Republican policy committee, in a statement of 26 April 1996, "eight flights a month packed with thousands of tons of arms and ammunition either originating in Iran or purchased and shipped with Iranian backing" arrived in Zagreb. Not only that, but Iran "stationed from 3,000 to 4,000 revolutionary guards [mujahedin] in Bosnia". Mujahedin forces set up training camps: some were financed by Osama Bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

    Under the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords, the foreign mujahedin units were required to disband and leave. Yet in 2000, the State Department raised concerns about "the hundreds of foreign Islamic extremists" still in Bosnia. In October 2001, Bosnia's interior minister, Muhamed Besic, said that scores of Bin Laden's associates were trying to flee Afghanistan with the intention of "seeking refuge among militant sympathisers in Bosnia". America discovered that it is one thing to give the "green light" to the movement of such forces but quite another to rein them in again.

    The link between Iran and 9/11, via Bosnia, is not a directly collaborative or operational one. The link goes deeper than that. It appears that the Bosnia operation, supported by Bill Clinton, played a vital role in globalising the mujahedin mentality, just as western intervention against the Soviets in Afghanistan helped to create it. Many Arabs, as the journalist James Buchan put it, were left stranded in Afghanistan "with a taste for fighting but no cause". Bosnia provided some of them with a new cause.

    Brendan O'Neill is assistant editor of Spiked (
    COPYRIGHT 2004 New Statesman, Ltd.
    COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group

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    Default Re: Why The Clintons Belong in Prison

    How Bill Clinton Caused 9/11

    Published on Feb 19, 2011

    Bill Clinton for years ignored blatant acts of terrorism like the bombing of the USS Cole until his administration was plagued with scandal. Then he decided to fight terrorism by bombing Al Qaeda and a asprin factory in the Sudan owned by Osama Bin Laden because it was suspected of producing VX gas (weapons of mass destruction)

    Amid cries of "wag the dog" none other than Newt Gingrich urged his fellow Republicans to support the president for finally taking action on terrorism regardless of the reason. Clinton never followed thought after the attacks on Al Quida once he got the headlines he was looking for and Newt Ginrich dismissed the Monica Missile strikes as "pinpricks". This whole situation was completely mishandled by the Clinton Administration leading to a escalated war.

    When the Sudanese offered to arrest Bin Laden Clinton declined and Bin laden was then allowed to escape to Afghanistan. UN weapons inspectors said there was no evidence of WMD at the Al Shifa pharmacuticals factory which was the primary source of pharmacuticals for Kenya. Clinton refused to apologize for the bombing and now we have a president of Kenyan decent who's family has been linked to Al Quida.

    All those years Clinton's response to terrorism was weak, then Clinton fled Somalia after American soldiers were killed Moghadishu. After the 9/11 attack Al Quida members were quoted as saying they were suprised by the ferocity of the American attack, they had no reason to expect anything but more weak responses. If Al Quida had thought for 1 second that Bush would respond to the attack on the World Trade Center with daisy cutters this tragedy would never have happened. And i think this is why we have never had a attack like this since.

    Bill Clinton Melts Down When Asked if he Could Have Done More to Prevent 9/11

    Published on May 19, 2013

    Many twisted points from BC. Clinton was not accused of being obsessed with Bin Laden, he was accused of bombing Iraq and Afghanistan to get Monica off the headlines.

    Despite the fact that Clinton timed airstrikes with the Monica Lewinsky scandal, House Speaker Newt Gingrich still recognized that Clinton was finally taking action on the issue of terrorism and regardless of the reasons still appealed to his fellow Republicans to get behind the President.

    Clinton went on to bomb Bin Laden's pharmacutical factory in the Sudan because it was suspected of making WMD that could fall into the hands of Al Qaeda terrorist. But after the attack UN weapons inspectors said there was no evidence of WMD and Gingrich dismissed what was later dubbed the Monica Missile Strikes as"pinpricks".

    After the bombing of the Al Shifa aspirin factory, the panicked Sudanese offered to arrest and deport Bin Laden and send him back to Saudi Arabia to get the US to stop the bombings and economic sanctions (the factory was the primary source of pharmacuticals for Sudan and Kenya). The Saudis refused to accept Bin Laden and Clinton then declined to have to him arrested and brought to the US because he said there was a "lack of evidence". Later Clinton retracted that statement and said he "mispoke".

    Because there was no evidence of WMD the Sudanese demanded an apology from the Clinton Administration for mistakenly bombing thier country. But Clinton refused to apologize and just out of sheer coincidence we now have a president of Kenyan descent who's family was associated with Al Qaeda.

    Regarding Somalia, G.H.W Bush sent in 50,000 troops, Clinton cut the troop number back to 5,000. After the troop reduction the Somali's then decided they wanted to fight. Colin Powell asked Clinton for armored back up in the form of Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles as well as AC-130 gunships. Clinton denied that request because he did not want the appearance of a military escalation and he referred to a Pakistani armored unit that was already there as part of the UN force.

    When the armor units were needed to rescue the soldiers in the downed Blackhawk helicopter the Pakistani's refused to move because they were not really trained to fight, and many American soldiers were killed and their dead bodies were dragged through the street of Mogadishu.

    Clinton responded to this by pulling all US troops out of Somalia. Bin Laden saw the withdraw of American forces and took it as a military retreat and concluded the battle had shifted to inside the United States and started working on the 9/11 attack.

    "I came closer to killing Bin Laden that anyone since," means he had a opportunity to kill him and let him escape to the vast and lawless wilderness of Afghanistan. After Bin Laden relocated it would have THEN required an invasion of Afghanistan to go after him and the need for "basing rights in Uzbekistan". And even after the US did invade Afghanistan, Bin Laden simply slipped away to Pakistan. This was a major opportunity that Bill Clinton had thrown away.

    All of this could have been avoided if Clinton had simply followed through with his war on terror he took up during Monicagate and dealt with Bin Laden either overtly or covertly.

    Clinton had already set himself up for disaster by making a point of choosing a man for Secretary of Defense named Les Aspin who was hands down the worst possible person for the job that he could find. Because Clinton so loathed the military he literally chose a man in the league of Barney Frank for Secretary of Defense to advise him on military issues. I repeat, Clinton deliberately chose the worst possible man for Secretary of Defense to make of point of how he loathed the military.

    Christopher Hitchens wrote an epic article "They Bomb Pharmacies Don't They?"accusing Clinton of just needing to look "presidential for a day" during the Monica Lewisnky scandal. The LA Times wrote a article claiming "Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize", so this is all actual history, not a hit job by Fox News as Clinton states in this interview.

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    Hannity: FBI Knows They Are About to Be Exposed By WikiLeaks

    Posted By Tim Hains
    On Date October 30, 2016

    Sean Hannity said on his radio show Friday that he doesn't believe reports from 'The New York Times' that the FBI's latest investigation into the Clinton Foundation is related to Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner. Instead, Hannity suspects that the FBI is protecting itself because they know that WikiLeaks is about to drop proof that Hillary Clinton should have been indicted in July.

    SEAN HANNITY: If you believe The New York Times, they have a new story that just broke. “New emails in Clinton case came from Anthony Weiner’s electronic devices. Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that new emails uncovered in closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server discovered after the FBI seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, and aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband Anthony Weiner. The FBI told Congress that they had uncovered new emails.”

    Let me tell you how... I am going to say something that I know is true. This story is total bull. I don't believe this for a minute. “Hannity, it's The New York Times.” I have no doubt the New York Times got on-the-record leaks that this is related to Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin's emails. I have no doubt -- maybe Huma didn't take a sledgehammer to her devices the way Hillary Clinton did. But this is not what resulted in the reopening of this case. No way, shape, manner, or form. They know Julian Assange -- there's too much in WikiLeaks that is coming, that has tipped them off that they're dead. That they're about to be exposed. And that is, more than anything else, this is about preservation now.

    Because James Comey, and and now we get back to... this this guy Andrew McCabe who was the FBI deputy director supervising the investigation of Clinton not long after Terry McAuliffe through a PAC gave $675,000 dollars to Jo McCabe, the wife of the chief the FBI deputy Director looking into the investigation into Clinton for a long shot bid, and that $675,000 came from Hillary, who went out there and raise money for the Super PACs so that McAuliffe could give it to her.

    The wife of the guy doing the key investigation here. Now if that doesn't impress you, I don't know what does..

    Now let's go back to Trey Gowdy grilling James Comey. What did he say?

    Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received classified information over a private email server, is that true? "Comey: Our investigation found there was classified information sent."

    Stop right there. Comey is admitting a crime is committed. That raises the question why did Comey then make a determination on his own not to send this to or grand jury or special prosecutor or anybody else? In other words, the statute requires, she doesn't even have to be negligent. I'm sorry the statute requires negligence or gross negligence, yet Hillary was knowingly, purposefully, and WikiLeaks proves this, in her decisions and actions setting up a server under her control.

    Here's the question Comey has to ask: Why did you give all these people immunity? Why did you destroy evidence in the case as part of a proffered deal, why under any circumstances do you close this case down when the evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible and had sent numerous other people to jail for a far lesser offenses? That's called a two-tiered Justice system, that's a problem...

    Hillary knowingly and purposely hurt decisions and actions set up a server under her exclusive control and possession in order to control (violate the law) in ordered to control information that was available to the American public and Congress regarding actions as Secretary of State.

    Furthermore, she took those government-owned communications into our own personal possession after leaving her position, knowingly and willingly attempted to destroy them, by the way that's obstruction of justice, violation of the law, penalty of which a minor offenses you never get a government position for the rest of your life. And was so nefarious in her actions, could never be known used as evidence...

    This gets more curious day by day. Now there were reports out today that FBI agents were reportedly close to revolting over the treatment of Clinton, they're so disgusted, and every FBI special agent I know is saying "why did he do this?" Nobody has a good answer because they don't understand why.

    New emails tied to discovered-- I don't believe the New York Times, and I think the the FBI did this because they know what is coming. That's my take.

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    EXCLUSIVE: Resignation letters piling up from disaffected FBI agents, his wife urging him to admit he was wrong: Why Director Comey jumped at the chance to reopen Hillary investigation

    By Ed Klein For
    06:47 EST 30 Oct 2016, updated 13:15 EST 30 Oct 2016

    New York Times bestselling author Ed Klein has just published his fourth book about the Clintons since 2005, Guilty as Sin.

    Klein had told how Bill Clinton enjoyed foot rubs, massages and romps in his presidential library with female interns and has described new details about Hillary's medical crises. Guilty as Sin is available in bookstores and for order from Amazon.

    James Comey's decision to revive the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server and her handling of classified material came after he could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI, including some of his top deputies, according to a source close to the embattled FBI director.

    The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn't recommend an indictment against Hillary,' said the source, a close friend who has known Comey for nearly two decades, shares family outings with him, and accompanies him to Catholic mass every week.

    'Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,' said the source. 'They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.'

    According to the source, Comey fretted over the problem for months and discussed it at great length with his wife, Patrice.

    He told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents. The letters reminded him every day that morale in the FBI had hit rock bottom.

    He's been ignoring the resignation letters in the hope that he could find a way of remedying the situation,' said the source.

    'When new emails that appeared to be related to Hillary's personal email server turned up in a computer used [her close aide] Huma Abedin and [Abedin's disgraced husband,] Anthony Weiner, Comey jumped at the excuse to reopen the investigation.

    'The people he trusts the most have been the angriest at him,' the source continued. 'And that includes his wife, Pat. She kept urging him to admit that he had been wrong when he refused to press charges against the former secretary of state.

    'He talks about the damage that he's done to himself and the institution [of the FBI], and how he's been shunned by the men and women who he admires and work for him. It's taken a tremendous toll on him.

    'It shattered his ego. He looks like he's aged 10 years in the past four months.'
    But Comey's decision to reopen the case was more than an effort to heal the wound he inflicted on the FBI.

    He was also worried that after the presidential election, Republicans in Congress would mount a probe of how he had granted Hillary political favoritism.

    His announcement about the revived investigation, which came just 11 days before the presidential election, was greeted with shock and dismay by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the prosecutors at the Justice Department.

    'Jim told me that Lynch and Obama are furious with him,' the source said.

    As I revealed in my latest New York Times bestseller Guilty As Sin Obama said that appointing Comey as FBI direct was 'my worst mistake as president.'

    'Lynch and Obama haven't contacted Jim directly,' said the source, 'but they've made it crystal clear through third parties that they disapprove of his effort to save face.'

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    Default Re: Why The Clintons Belong in Prison

    The Clinton Pedophilia Connection

    Published on Nov 1, 2016
    Learn about the Clinton's connection to Anthony Weiner, Larry Silverstein's "Lolita Express," and more.

    Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger

    Steve Pieczenik has gone dark for his safety his website was probably ripped down for his own safety Its happening PEOPLE HAVE HAD IT!

    0 –
    Dragged Back From The DarkNet

    Not a cool guy but sweet!

    3m3 minutes ago
    0 ‏@0HOUR1___
    peter kadzik deleted his social media profiles another one hits a hole of shame

    3m3 minutes ago
    teamerica ‏@teamerica777
    @NYPDSVU Is Bill Clinton under investigation for sex crimes against minors? I trust you'll keep us abreast of your findings. @0HOUR1___

    6m6 minutes ago
    Ben Kraptapon ‏@benkaldwurse
    @NYPDSVU Can You confirm that You are Not investigating @billclinton for Child Sex Crimes?

    Roxanne MAGA ����
    5m5 minutes ago
    Roxanne MAGA ���� ‏@Roxanne_swcf
    @NYPDSVU @0HOUR1___ is former president, Bill Clinton, under an investigation for crimes against children? Please respond.

    5m5 minutes ago
    HillaryTheCriminal ‏@CLEisBack
    @NYPDSVU Is Bill Clinton under investigation for crimes against a child or children? @0HOUR1___ #RallyTogether #WorldSeries #Indians

    Pres. Bill Clinton
    5m5 minutes ago
    Pres. Bill Clinton ‏@BrokeBClinton
    . @NYPDSVU Is Bill Clinton under a investigation for crimes against children @0HOUR1___

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    Default Re: Why The Clintons Belong in Prison

    This is alleged leaked information and rumors until more corroborating information comes forth.
    Insiders Threaten to Expose Hillary's Pedophile Sex Ring!!!


    All of the following information was given to us by our insiders who have specific first-hand knowledge of the Hillary Email scandal. It seems that things are about to heat up. We are told that of the 662,871 emails lifted from Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are Huma… and pay to play- including Saudis and Israeli’s. Meaning Huma was the one Hillary USED to communicate with foreign leaders via email for inside information and deals via Huma’s computer.

    It has been established through many avenues, but mainly through Wikileaks, that the Clinton Foundation was just a farce set up in order to perform Pay-to-Play games with multiple entities, including foreign nations. Pay-to-play nations include: Israel, Saudis, Turks, Qatar, kazakhstan, and the Ukraine.

    Futhermore, we are told by one of our insiders that one email unequivocally confirms Isis was created by CIA and Israeli Secret Intelligence service, with help from Joe Lieberman, John McCain and Lindsay Graham!

    An NYPD insider said the content they viewed did include State Department TOP SECRETemails. One file was called “Life Insurance”. The second email was titled “DNC Nuclear arsenal”.

    A third file, I’m sure Hillary definitely DOES NOT want released was a file labeled “Intimate” … according to this NYPD insider, this file contained x rated photos of Huma and Hillary with a TEENAGER.

    NYPD detectives were sickened by what they saw, according to our insider, and they have threatened FBI field agents that they would leak this information, if the FBI did not “step up and take off the kids gloves”. At that point, 13 of the FBI agents in NYC are also threatening to leak the information.

    As you can imagine, the scandal has the entire Obama Administration in full panic. We are told there are emails that could send Loretta Lynch to prison, as well as Bill and Hillary.The Twitter post to the right, our sources sent us, verifying it is all true:

    Even MORE!

    The following information comes straight from an FBI Anonymous source, who is the senior analyst who posted on 4chan in early July of this year:

    Jim Comey learned that some of his own investigators were tipping off both Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, thus making his job impossible.

    Comey sent a letter to congress knowing that ultimately, it would expose Loretta Lynch as a dirty actor and the bread crumbs would lead directly to Obama. The State Dept is terrified now.

    He has assembled a small team of 40 agents, whom he has declared the “Untouchables” after the famous federal agent, Eliot Ness. Comey has clamped down on all FBI agents and he expects a full scale war between FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ), the White House and the State Department.

    He has confirmed and understands that many sitting senators, congressmen, lobbyists and power players are going to be indicted and prosecuted. One of the main targets of the probe is the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. Among the targets under investigation are Podesta, Huma, Cheryl Mills, CNN, ABC, NBC, etc.

    As it turns out, Weiner, Huma’s husband, had been forwarding Huma’s emails each time she came home and left her computer open. Huma appears to have been in touch with Saudi actors, and therefore, ESPIONAGE is strongly suspected.

    Comey and his 40 “Untouchables” are now preparing to take down the largest corruption ever witnessed in American History… which, is what I think MUST happen if Comey is planning to stay part of the FBI. He lost so much respect and so much credibility with the first Hillary investigation, it would take something of this magnitude to allow him to face the public again.

    The Pentagon has internal players and outside players they call “creatives”. Creatives are civilians who tend to be geniuses, malcontents, extreme hackers, or otherwise demonstrate brilliance in other useful areas. A Pentagon program called Cicada 3301, which we have reported on previously, was created by several of these talented civilians.

    The program is now used to allow thousands of honest Government people to report on their corrupt superiors, using what is called a DEAD BOX whistle blower encryption method so the non-corrupted Government officials can report corruption and still remain safe. I’ve heard it said “A vagina almost took down Bill, now will a Weiner take down Hillary?”

    LOL! Again, thank you to all of the insiders, the whistleblowers, the good FBI agents, the good CIA agents, the good NYPD officers and the non-corrupted government officials who want to see the truth exposed! Without these brave, wonderful and morally erect individuals, our country would still be in the corrupted darkness.
    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    Vistors to Epstein’s St James Island include

    • Ehud Barak, the former Prime Minister of Israel (1999-2001) – pedophile being pandered underage girls by Epstein. Former Israeli Minister of Defense and also deputy Israeli prime minister under Binyamin Netanyahu from 2009 to 2013.
    • Prince Andrew – British royalty – Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell pandered Epstein sex slave Virginia Roberts to Prince Andrew multiple times. The victim girls say Prince Andrew was very sexually sadistic; they despised this sick, twisted creature.
    • Kevin Spacey – actor in House of Cards. People tell me Spacey is gay and my response is “Have you ever heard of the word bisexual?” Spacey very good friends with 2 bigtime pedophiles: Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton. Spacey, big Hollywood star, has 3.78 million Twitter followers.
    • Alan Dershowitz – longtime friend of Epstein as well as one of his defense lawyers. Dershowitz was the one who negotiated that absurd plea bargain for Epstein that gave him a 13 months (served) sentence and a 16 hour/day day pass so he could spend most of his time in his mansion. Epstein sex slave Virginia Roberts has said that Epstein made her have sex with Dershowitz numerous times. The real question is how many other underage girls was Dershowitz having sex with? Virginia Roberts says Dershowitz also witnessed Epstein’s pedophilic activities.


    EXCLUSIVE: How Hillary Clinton massaged 'embarrassed' Huma Abedin's shoulders at an intimate Chappaqua get-together and jealous Chelsea treats Huma with undisguised contempt (when her mother isn't around)
    • New York Times bestselling author Ed Klein has just published his fourth book about the Clintons since 2005, Guilty as Sin
    • Huma Abedin becomes a 'shy little girl' when 'Hillary displays interest in her'
    • Chelsea Clinton's relationship with Abedin is 'remote and cold' and they have what appears to be a sibling rivalry
    • Clinton once called FBI director James Comey an 'a**hole', saying he'd 'been after' her for years
    • Said Bernie Sanders 's**t' all over her presidential nomination
    • She also called Sanders a 'weasel' after he vowed to take the fight for a socialist 'revolution' all the way to the DNC in late July

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    Kent Dunn: * "BREAKING NEWS" * about * "INTELLIGENCE COUP"

    From Video:
    Intelligence Community has had enough of Hillary and are the ones who's behind the Wiki Email Leaks.

    Intelligence Community has sent a message to those in politic, that anyone who helps her get elected into office, will have their political careers ruin.

    Peter Kadzik will be in charge of Justice Dept. probe of Huma Abedin emails, Kadzik friend of John Podesta, Ties to Clinton administration, Another example of the Clinton campaign’s “cozy relationship” with the Obama Justice Department. More:


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    Default Re: Why The Clintons Belong in Prison


    Jim Hoft Nov 1st, 2016 8:51 pm 209 Comments

    The FBI released documents from their Clinton Email Investigation.

    From the FBI website:
    Hillary Rodham Clinton served as U.S. Secretary of State from January 21, 2009 to February 1, 2013. The FBI conducted an investigation into allegations that classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on a personal e-mail server she used during her tenure.
    The FBI released the documents in four sections, linked below:

    Part 1—
    — Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) November 2, 2016

    Part 2—
    — Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) November 2, 2016

    Part 3—
    — Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) November 2, 2016

    Part 4–
    — Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) November 2, 2016
    Hillary R. Clinton: Hillary Rodham Clinton served as U.S. Secretary of State from January 21, 2009 to February 1,…
    — FBI Records Vault (@FBIRecordsVault) October 30, 2016
    David Howell Petraeus: This release concerns an investigation into the compromise of classified material. The dat…
    — FBI Records Vault (@FBIRecordsVault) October 30, 2016

    FBI released Clinton Email Investigation Documents:
    FBI — Hillary R. Clinton Part 01 of 04

    1353814-0 - LHM.PDF — PDF document, 2,568 kB (2,629,920 bytes)

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    FBI Releases FOIA Docs On Vince Foster


    From document 3 of 4:

    Pg. 68: Medical diagram of the entry and exit wound of the gunshot

    Pg. 135: "I then spoke with an unidentified male who stated the following: That the Whitewater case, which was being investigated in Washington and an individual involved in this, identified as Vince Foster, who had reportedly committed suicide was not, in fact, a suicide but a murder victim. He indicated that there was a van involved, no color given, with the first three numbers of the tag being '227'".

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    FBI Unexpectedly Releases Documents Related To 2001 Probe Into Clinton Foundation

    In what appears to be an unexpected, and very surprising, disclosure, moments ago the FBI released 129 pages of heavily redacted records from its 15-year-old investigation into the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton's 11th hour pardon of financier Marc Rich
    (less than a week before the election).

    by Tyler Durden
    Nov 1, 2016 2:19 PM
    FBI Records Vault @FBIRecordsVault
    William J. Clinton Foundation:
    This initial release consists of material from the FBI's files
    related to the Will... …
    11:00 AM - 1 Nov 2016
    According to the FBI, "this initial release consists of material from the FBI's
    files related to the William J. Clinton Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3)
    organization. The bulk of these records come from a 2001 FBI investigation
    into the pardon of Marc Rich (1934-2013), aka Marcell David Reich,
    by President Clinton in 2001; it was closed in 2005

    The material is heavily redacted due to personal privacy protections and grand jury
    secrecy rules."

    The commentariat is, in a word, shocked by what this symbolic, and impromptu release
    means, with some wondering if it is payback for Clinton’s blasting of the FBI.
    Tom Fitzgerald @FitzFox5DC
    A day after #HillaryClinton blasted the @FBI, the bureau releases
    129 documents from it's 2001 probe into #BillClinton's Marc Rich pardon …
    12:33 PM - 1 Nov 2016

    Some are even calling it the first November surprise:As the Washington Examiner notes, it was not immediately clear what prompted
    the FBI to publish the files Tuesday. However, the bureau posted the documents
    on the section of its website dedicated to records released through the Freedom
    of Information Act.

    Is this the FBI engaging in a covert mutiny against the Clintons and the political
    affiliated Department of Justice? We hope to find out soon.

    The full document is shown below:


    Ian56‏@Ian56789 Oct 30 Doug Band To John Podesta: "If This Story Gets Out, We Are Screwed" …

    10:13 AM - 30 Oct 2016

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    Huma Abedin Never Had Security Clearance & Secretary Clinton Allowed Her Un-authorized Access


    November 1, 2016 Dr. Larry Kawa Leave a comment

    * In documents disclosed to Citizen Researcher Dr. Larry Kawa by the US State Department, Huma Abedin signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (SF-312) for classified information under penalty of perjury.

    * In the agreement Abedin is advised against “negligent handling of classified information” could cause “irreparable injury” to the United States.

    * In addition Abedin agrees that “unauthorized disclosure of classified information by me” could result in the violation of several intelligence and security laws, including the espionage act.

    * Disclosure of classified information to Anthony Weiner through “negligent handling of classified information” would be a violation of this agreement, and a felony. Aiding and Abetting Huma Abedin to commit this crime or cover it up would also be a felony.

    * The Non-Disclosure & the Separation Agreement also reveal significant deficiencies at the State Department as several sections were never counter signed by the State Department.

    * The Separation Statement (OF-109) affirmatively states that she has returned all classified material to the State Department and does not have access to any classified information.

    * The Anthony Weiner email scandal revealed that Huma Abedin still had access to classified information on her Yahoo! account, which was accessed from Weiner’s laptop.

    * In other document releases, it was revealed that Hillary Rodham Clinton typically sent classified emails to Huma Abedin’s unsecure Yahoo! account to be printed. This would be a felony on the part of Hillary Rodham Clinton for illegally transferring classified documents through an insecure system, ultimately exposing them to individuals who did not have security clearance and potentially exposing them to hostile actors.

    * On Sept. 22 2016, according to CNN and other sources, more than 500 million Yahoo! accounts were hacked. Hackers likely gained access to Huma Abedin’s Yahoo account.

    * This raises the question that in addition to classified information existing electronically within Clinton servers, Huma Abedin has printed files of classified information that have yet to be accounted for. Such as revelation would require that a search warrant be issued for her home and business to search for classified material.

    Statement by Dr. Larry Kawa

    Initial access to these documents was sent to me by deputy assistant secretary of state Margaret Grafeld after my mail was tampered with in regards to a FOIA request I did for Hillary Clinton separation statement. There is still an open Senate investigation regarding a Mail temperature charge.

    The first document known as an SF – 312 is a nondisclosure agreement for classified information. Huma Abedin signed onto the binding terms and conditions under threat of perjury. Please note condition number seven makes her potentially guilty under the espionage act… 18 USC 793 and 1924. She did not sign onto the required line swearing that she had a security briefing. That is a necessary condition in order to have top secret security clearance, a condition which was never met.

    She also was not accepted under the acceptance line since she was never briefed. The SF-312 is a document that every state employee signs on the on ramp as they begin their tenure at the state department.

    The OF – 109 separation statement is a document they sign up on the departure to be sure that security clearance has been cut off. The state department under the watch of the Obama administration is also supposed to have a DS – 1904 form signed from someone at the state department to ensure that classified access has been cut off. The DS – 1904 form apparently was never signed in the state department has been unable to produce. Such is the case with with many if not most of their employees.

    The separation statement for Abedin reflects that she had knowledges that she swore under the threat of perjury that she she not only had her classified access cut off but that she would not communicate or transmit any data to any person without security clearance, coincidentally she didn’t have security clearance herself. Ever.

    Furthermore in regards to her separation statement, the terms of her departure would never excepted by anyone at the state department as evidenced by the lack of acceptance into the signature line in the acceptance box.

    Additionally, under section 6 she criminally violated the espionage act under 18 USC 1001.

    Incidentally it is a requirement of the law for all employees of the state department to sign a separation statement under 12 FAM (Foreign Affairs Manual) 564.4. No such document appears to exist for Hillary Clinton. There also is no DS – 1904 available for Hillary Clinton either which would suggest that classified access has been cut off upon her departure from State.

    It is worth noting that in these documents executive order 12958 was later replaced with executive order 13526.

    Furthermore, Hillary Clinton violated sections 1.5 and 1.6 of executive order 13526, and executive order delineating protocols for classification and national security. It is also worth noting Vent on the Executive Order 13526 section 5.5 D there is a specific sanction delineating that at the very least, based on extremely careless actions in regards to failure to classify documents, Hillary Clinton’s security clearance should be promptly revoked by the then head of the agency, being John Kerry. That means that HRC should not be getting security briefings at this time as it is in violation of this executive order.

    Lastly, as a point of interest, while Executive Order 13526 was signed by Barack Obama to replace Executive Order 12958, it is worth noting that executive order 12958, referenced in the NDA’s for Clinton, Abedin, and Mills, was signed by President Bill Clinton. All three of these individuals violated this executive order without being sanctioned.

    Filed under: Anthony Weiner, Dr. Larry Kawa, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, NDA, SF-312

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    Huma Abedin Never Had Security Clearance
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury

    Posted on
    by admin

    New York Police Department detectives and prosecutors working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner have turned over a newly-found laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources told True Pundit.

    NYPD sources said Clinton’s “crew” also included several unnamed yet implicated members of Congress in addition to her aides and insiders.

    The NYPD seized the computer from Weiner during a search warrant and detectives discovered a trove of over 500,000 emails to and from Hillary Clinton, Abedin and other insiders during her tenure as secretary of state. The content of those emails sparked the FBI to reopen its defunct email investigation into Clinton on Friday.

    But new revelations on the contents of that laptop, according to law enforcement sources, implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top secret emails, sources said. NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:

    Money laundering
    Child exploitation
    Sex crimes with minors (children)
    Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
    Obstruction of justice
    Other felony crimes

    NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.

    What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

    The NYPD Chief said once Comey saw the alarming contents of the emails he was forced to reopen a criminal probe against Clinton.

    People are going to prison,” he said.

    Meanwhile, FBI sources said Abedin and Weiner were cooperating with federal agents, who have taken over the non-sexting portions the case from NYPD. The husband-and-wife Clinton insiders are both shopping for separate immunity deals, sources said.

    “If they don’t cooperate they are going to see long sentences,” a federal law enforcement source said.

    NYPD sources said Weiner or Abedin stored all the emails in a massive Microsoft Outlook program on the laptop. The emails implicate other current and former members of Congress and one high-ranking Democratic Senator as having possibly engaged in criminal activity too, sources said.

    Prosecutors in the office of US Attorney Preet Bharara have issued a subpoena for Weiner’s cell phones and travel records, law enforcement sources confirmed. NYPD said it planned to order the same phone and travel records on Clinton and Abedin, however, the FBI said it was in the process of requesting the identical records. Law enforcement sources are particularly interested in cell phone activity and travel to the Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Islands and other locations that sources would not divulge.

    The new emails contain travel documents and itineraries indicating Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, Weiner and multiple members of Congress and other government officials accompanied convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein on his Boeing 727 on multiple occasions to his private island in the U.S Virgin Islands, sources said. Epstein’s island has also been dubbed Orgy Island or Sex Slave Island where Epstein allegedly pimps out underage girls and boys to international dignitaries.

    Both NYPD and FBI sources confirm based on the new emails they now believe Hillary Clinton traveled as Epstein’s guest on at least six occasions, probably more when all the evidence is combed, sources said. Bill Clinton, it has been confirmed in media reports spanning recent years, that he too traveled with Epstein over 20 times to the island.

    Laptop Also Unveiled More Classified, Top Secret Breaches

    According to other uncovered emails, Abedin and Clinton both sent and received thousands of classified and top secret documents to personal email accounts including Weiner’s unsecured campaign web site which is managed by Democratic political consultants in Washington D.C.

    Weiner maintained little known email accounts that the couple shared on the website Weiner, a former seven-term Democratic Congressman from New York, primarily used that domain to campaign for Congress and for his failed mayoral bid of New York City.

    At one point, FBI sources said, Abedin and Clinton’s classified and top secret State Department documents and emails were stored in Weiner’s email on a server shared with a dog grooming service and a western Canadian bicycle shop.

    However, Weiner and Abedin, who is Hillary Clinton’s closest personal aide, weren’t the only people with access to the Weiner’s email account. Potentially dozens of unknown individuals had access to Abedin’s sensitive State Department emails that were stored in Weiner’s email account, FBI sources confirmed.

    FEC records show Weiner paid more than $92,000 of congressional campaign funds to Anne Lewis Strategies LLC to manage his email and web site. According to FBI sources, the D.C.-based political consulting firm has served as the official administrator of the domain since 2010, the same time Abedin was working at the State Department. This means technically Weiner and Abedin’s emails, including top secret State Department emails, could have been accessed, printed, discussed, leaked, or distributed by untold numbers of personnel at the Anne Lewis consulting firm because they can control where the website and it emails are pointed, FBI sources said.

    According to FBI sources, the bureau’s newly-minted probe into Clinton’s use and handling of emails while she served as secretary of state, has also been broadened to include investigating new email-related revelations, including:

    • Abedin forwarded classified and top secret State Department emails to Weiner’s email.
    • Abedin stored emails, containing government secrets, in a special folder shared with Weiner warehousing over 500,000 archived State Department emails.
    • Weiner had access to these classified and top secret documents without proper security clearance to view the records.
    • Abedin also used a personal yahoo address and her address to send/receive/store classified and top secret documents.
    • A private consultant managed Weiner’s site for the last six years, including three years when Clinton was secretary of state, and therefore, had full access to all emails as the domain’s listed registrant and administrator via Whois email contacts.

    Because Weiner’s campaign website is managed by the third-party consultant and political email guru, FBI agents are burdened with the task of trying to decipher just how many people had access to Weiner’s server and emails and who were these people. Or if the server was ever compromised by hackers, or other actors.

    Abedin told FBI agents in an April interview that she didn’t know how to consistently print documents or emails from her secure Dept. of State system. Instead, she would forward the sensitive emails to her yahoo, and her email linked to Weiner.

    Abedin said, according to FBI documents, she would then access those email accounts via webmail from an unclassified computer system at the State Dept. and print the documents, many of which were classified and top secret, from the largely unprotected webmail portals.

    Clinton did not have a computer in her office on Mahogany Row at the State Dept. so she was not able to read timely intelligence unless it was printed out for her, Abedin said. Abedin also said Clinton could not operate the secure State Dept. fax machine installed in her Chappaqua, NY home without assistance.

    Perhaps more alarming, according to the FBI’s 302 Report detailing its interview with Abedin, none of the multiple FBI agents and Justice Department officials who conducted the interview pressed Abedin to further detail the email address linked to Weiner. There was never a follow up, according to the 302 report.

    But now, all that has changed, with the FBI’s decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation and the husband and wife seeking immunity deals to testify against Clinton and other associates about the contents of the laptop’s emails.


    EXCLUSIVE: Anthony Weiner has checked into a SEX ADDICTION treatment center after his sexting relationship with a 15-year-old girl triggered FBI investigation of him, wife Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton

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    Secret Recordings Fueled FBI Feud in Clinton Probe

    Updated Nov. 2, 2016 10:04 p.m. ET

    Agents thought they had enough material to merit aggressively pursuing investigation into Clinton Foundation

    Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements as worthless hearsay, people familiar with the matter said.

    Agents, using informants and recordings from unrelated corruption investigations, thought they had found enough material to merit aggressively pursuing the investigation into the foundation that started in summer 2015 based on claims made in a book by a conservative author called “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” these people said.

    The account of the case and resulting dispute comes from interviews with officials at multiple agencies.

    Starting in February and continuing today, investigators from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and public-corruption prosecutors became increasingly frustrated with each other, as often happens within and between departments. At the center of the tension stood the U.S. attorney for Brooklyn, Robert Capers, who some at the FBI came to view as exacerbating the problems by telling each side what it wanted to hear, these people said. Through a spokeswoman, Mr. Capers declined to comment.

    The roots of the dispute lie in a disagreement over the strength of the case, these people said, which broadly centered on whether Clinton Foundation contributors received favorable treatment from the State Department under Hillary Clinton.
    Senior officials in the Justice Department and the FBI didn’t think much of the evidence, while investigators believed they had promising leads their bosses wouldn’t let them pursue, they said.

    These details on the probe are emerging amid the continuing furor surrounding FBI Director James Comey’s disclosure to Congress that new emails had emerged that could be relevant to a separate, previously closed FBI investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement while she was secretary of state.

    On Wednesday, President Barack Obama took the unusual step of criticizing the FBI when asked about Mr. Comey’s disclosure of the emails.

    Amid the internal finger-pointing on the Clinton Foundation matter, some have blamed the FBI’s No. 2 official, deputy director Andrew McCabe, claiming he sought to stop agents from pursuing the case this summer. His defenders deny that, and say it was the Justice Department that kept pushing back on the investigation.

    At times, people on both sides of the dispute thought Mr. Capers agreed with them. Defenders of Mr. Capers said he was straightforward and always told people he thought the case wasn’t strong.

    Much of the skepticism toward the case came from how it started—with the publication of a book suggesting possible financial misconduct and self-dealing surrounding the Clinton charity. The author of that book, Peter Schweizer—a former speechwriting consultant for President George W. Bush—was interviewed multiple times by FBI agents, people familiar with the matter said.

    The Clinton campaign has long derided the book as a poorly researched collection of false claims and unsubstantiated assertions. The Clinton Foundation has denied any wrongdoing, saying it does immense good throughout the world.

    Mr. Schweizer said in an interview that the book was never meant to be a legal document, but set out to describe “patterns of financial transactions that circled around decisions Hillary Clinton was making as secretary of state.”

    As 2015 came to a close, the FBI and Justice Department had a general understanding that neither side would take major action on Clinton Foundation matters without meeting and discussing it first. In February, a meeting was held in Washington among FBI officials, public-integrity prosecutors and Leslie Caldwell, the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division. Prosecutors from the Eastern District of New York—Mr. Capers’ office—didn’t attend, these people said.

    The public-integrity prosecutors weren’t impressed with the FBI presentation, people familiar with the discussion said. “The message was, ‘We’re done here,’ ” a person familiar with the matter said.

    Justice Department officials became increasingly frustrated that the agents seemed to be disregarding or disobeying their instructions.

    Following the February meeting, officials at Justice Department headquarters sent a message to all the offices involved to “stand down,’’ a person familiar with the matter said.

    Within the FBI, some felt they had moved well beyond the allegations made in the anti-Clinton book. At least two confidential informants from other public-corruption investigations had provided details about the Clinton Foundation to the FBI, these people said.

    The FBI had secretly recorded conversations of a suspect in a public-corruption case talking about alleged deals the Clintons made, these people said. The agents listening to the recordings couldn’t tell from the conversations if what the suspect was describing was accurate, but it was, they thought, worth checking out.

    Prosecutors thought the talk was hearsay and a weak basis to warrant aggressive tactics, like presenting evidence to a grand jury, because the person who was secretly recorded wasn’t inside the Clinton Foundation.

    FBI investigators grew increasingly frustrated with resistance from the corruption prosecutors, and some executives at the bureau itself, to keep pursuing the case.

    As prosecutors rebuffed their requests to proceed more overtly, those Justice Department officials became more annoyed that the investigators didn’t seem to understand or care about the instructions issued by their own bosses and prosecutors to act discreetly.

    In subsequent conversations with the Justice Department, Mr. Capers told officials in Washington that the FBI agents on the case “won’t let it go,” these people said.

    As a result of those complaints, these people said, a senior Justice Department official called the FBI deputy director, Mr. McCabe, on Aug. 12 to say the agents in New York seemed to be disregarding or disobeying their instructions, these people said. The conversation was a tense one, they said, and at one point Mr. McCabe asked, “Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?’’ The senior Justice Department official replied: ”Of course not.”

    Fmr. FBI Asst. Director Kallstrom on Hillary Probe: We Shot People at Firing Squad for Disclosing This in WWII

    Jim Hoft
    Nov 2nd, 2016 8:12 am


    Former FBI Asst. Director James Kallstrom told Lou Dobbs they used to shoot careless leakers like Hillary Clinton by firing squad.

    Lou Dobbs: So you would agree with those who say it would take something substantial for Comey to have gone this far. He’s not sitting here looking at a pig in a poke.

    Former FBI Asst. Director James Kallstrom: No I don’t think so but I don’t really think he knows how big the pig is or how big the poke is. And when you look at it this way could there be anything more important than the stuff they didn’t look at the first time. You know, top secret, SAP, Special Access Program. We shot people at firing squad for disclosing this information in World War II.

    Former FBI Asst. Director James Kallstrom: They Used to Kill People Like Hillary by Firing Squad

    1:07 run time

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    Exclusive: Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for U.S. intelligence - sources
    TECHNOLOGY NEWS | Tue Oct 4, 2016 | 9:27pm EDT
    By Joseph Menn | SAN FRANCISCO

    Yahoo Inc last year secretly built a custom software program to search all of its customers' incoming emails for specific information provided by U.S. intelligence officials, according to people familiar with the matter.

    The company complied with a classified U.S. government demand, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest of the National Security Agency or FBI, said three former employees and a fourth person apprised of the events.

    Some surveillance experts said this represents the first case to surface of a U.S. Internet company agreeing to an intelligence agency's request by searching all arriving messages, as opposed to examining stored messages or scanning a small number of accounts in real time.

    It is not known what information intelligence officials were looking for, only that they wanted Yahoo to search for a set of characters. That could mean a phrase in an email or an attachment, said the sources, who did not want to be identified.

    Reuters was unable to determine what data Yahoo may have handed over, if any, and if intelligence officials had approached other email providers besides Yahoo with this kind of request.

    According to two of the former employees, Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer's decision to obey the directive roiled some senior executives and led to the June 2015 departure of Chief Information Security Officer Alex Stamos, who now holds the top security job at Facebook Inc.

    "Yahoo is a law abiding company, and complies with the laws of the United States," the company said in a brief statement in response to Reuters questions about the demand. Yahoo declined any further comment.

    Through a Facebook spokesman, Stamos declined a request for an interview.

    The NSA referred questions to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which declined to comment.

    The request to search Yahoo Mail accounts came in the form of a classified edict sent to the company's legal team, according to the three people familiar with the matter.

    U.S. phone and Internet companies are known to have handed over bulk customer data to intelligence agencies. But some former government officials and private surveillance experts said they had not previously seen either such a broad demand for real-time Web collection or one that required the creation of a new computer program.

    "I've never seen that, a wiretap in real time on a 'selector,'" said Albert Gidari, a lawyer who represented phone and Internet companies on surveillance issues for 20 years before moving to Stanford University this year. A selector refers to a type of search term used to zero in on specific information.

    "It would be really difficult for a provider to do that," he added.

    Experts said it was likely that the NSA or FBI had approached other Internet companies with the same demand, since they evidently did not know what email accounts were being used by the target. The NSA usually makes requests for domestic surveillance through the FBI, so it is hard to know which agency is seeking the information.

    Alphabet Inc's Google and Microsoft Corp, two major U.S. email service providers, separately said on Tuesday that they had not conducted such email searches.

    "We've never received such a request, but if we did, our response would be simple: 'No way'," a spokesman for Google said in a statement.

    A Microsoft spokesperson said in a statement, "We have never engaged in the secret scanning of email traffic like what has been reported today about Yahoo." The company declined to comment on whether it had received such a request.


    Under laws including the 2008 amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, intelligence agencies can ask U.S. phone and Internet companies to provide customer data to aid foreign intelligence-gathering efforts for a variety of reasons, including prevention of terrorist attacks.

    Disclosures by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and others have exposed the extent of electronic surveillance and led U.S. authorities to modestly scale back some of the programs, in part to protect privacy rights.

    Companies including Yahoo have challenged some classified surveillance before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a secret tribunal.

    Some FISA experts said Yahoo could have tried to fight last year's demand on at least two grounds: the breadth of the directive and the necessity of writing a special program to search all customers' emails in transit.

    Apple Inc made a similar argument earlier this year when it refused to create a special program to break into an encrypted iPhone used in the 2015 San Bernardino massacre. The FBI dropped the case after it unlocked the phone with the help of a third party, so no precedent was set.

    "It is deeply disappointing that Yahoo declined to challenge this sweeping surveillance order, because customers are counting on technology companies to stand up to novel spying demands in court," Patrick Toomey, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union, said in a statement.

    Some FISA experts defended Yahoo's decision to comply, saying nothing prohibited the surveillance court from ordering a search for a specific term instead of a specific account. So-called "upstream" bulk collection from phone carriers based on content was found to be legal, they said, and the same logic could apply to Web companies' mail.

    As tech companies become better at encrypting data, they are likely to face more such requests from spy agencies.

    VIDEOExclusive: Yahoo secretly scanned emails for U.S. government
    Former NSA General Counsel Stewart Baker said email providers "have the power to encrypt it all, and with that comes added responsibility to do some of the work that had been done by the intelligence agencies."


    Mayer and other executives ultimately decided to comply with the directive last year rather than fight it, in part because they thought they would lose, said the people familiar with the matter.

    Yahoo in 2007 had fought a FISA demand that it conduct searches on specific email accounts without a court-approved warrant. Details of the case remain sealed, but a partially redacted published opinion showed Yahoo's challenge was unsuccessful.

    Some Yahoo employees were upset about the decision not to contest the more recent edict and thought the company could have prevailed, the sources said.

    They were also upset that Mayer and Yahoo General Counsel Ron Bell did not involve the company's security team in the process, instead asking Yahoo's email engineers to write a program to siphon off messages containing the character string the spies sought and store them for remote retrieval, according to the sources.

    The sources said the program was discovered by Yahoo's security team in May 2015, within weeks of its installation. The security team initially thought hackers had broken in.

    When Stamos found out that Mayer had authorized the program, he resigned as chief information security officer and told his subordinates that he had been left out of a decision that hurt users' security, the sources said. Due to a programming flaw, he told them hackers could have accessed the stored emails.

    Stamos's announcement in June 2015 that he had joined Facebook did not mention any problems with Yahoo. (

    In a separate incident, Yahoo last month said "state-sponsored" hackers had gained access to 500 million customer accounts in 2014. The revelations have brought new scrutiny to Yahoo's security practices as the company tries to complete a deal to sell its core business to Verizon Communications Inc for $4.8 billion.

    (Reporting by Joseph Menn; Editing by Jonathan Weber and Tiffany Wu)

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    FBI now has ‘avalanche’ of evidence in Clinton Foundation probe

    By Dan Calabrese, November 3, 2016

    I’m not sure how we got from Loretta Lynch stonewalling the whole thing to . . . this. In two days.

    But here we are:

    The FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation that has been going on for more than a year has now taken a “very high priority,” separate sources with intimate knowledge of the probe tell Fox News.

    FBI agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The FBI’s White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation.

    Even before the WikiLeaks dumps of alleged emails linked to the Clinton campaign, FBI agents had collected a great deal of evidence, law enforcement sources tell Fox News.

    “There is an avalanche of new information coming in every day,” one source told Fox News, who added some of the new information is coming from the WikiLeaks documents and new emails.

    FBI agents are “actively and aggressively pursuing this case,” and will be going back and interviewing the same people again, some for the third time, sources said.
    Keep in mind, the investigation into the Clinton Foundation is seperate from the investigationn of her schlock, homebrew e-mail server. The two are obviously related, but the July announcement by James Comey that Hillary would not be charged - which might now be null and void anyway - covered only the e-mails. The Foundation probe is the one we’ve been telling you for the last several days the Justice Department is doing everything it can to obstruct.

    Apparently, Loretta Lynch didn’t put up enough resistance. We’re told there’s at least one source who claims indictments are likely.

    Needless to say, this is all trickling out now in a very unusual manner because of the timing. We’re six days away from an election in which one of the main targets in this probe might be elected president. The investigators may or may not be able to finish the investigation and make an official report of their findings in time to stop us from electing a criminal under indictment, but they can leak things to the press.

    Bret Baier makes sense as a leak recipient because you know Fox won’t bury the story, but at the same time Baier’s reputation is not that of a partisan shill. The first 11 minutes of last night’s Special Report have lots of detail:

    [ video here ]

    What we’ve learned the last few days obviously makes clear that Loretta Lynch is lying in the above clips every bit as much as we suspected. Andrew McCarthy as usual does a great job of explaining why the procedures in this case are unlike what happens in any other case.

    And yet it doesn’t seem to be stopping the avalanche of evidence from ending up in the hands of the FBI.

    Will this be enough to turn the election in Trump’s favor? I’ve told you before that my political prognostication skills are not good. My sense of it is that all this information is washing over people quickly and it’s making them reconsider which of these two candidates is really the safe choice. That’s a lot to try to digest in the final few days, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it results in a Trump wave on Election Day that hadn’t been reflected in any poll, simply because the pollsters didn’t have time to detect it.

    It’s not as if the electorate didn’t know before today that Hillary is corrupt. But maybe the idea of electing a woman who is actively under multiple FBI investigations and seems likely to be under indictment before Inauguration Day is finally the line American voters aren’t willing to cross.

    Or to put it another way: I have no idea.

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    Default Re: Why The Clintons Belong in Prison

    0Hour 1 is Tweeting documents left and right!!

    WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks 9m9 minutes ago

    Two terrabyte drive with Clinton White House emails missing, presumed stolen from National Archives

    Look at all the documents here!!!

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