Iraqi and Egyptian Nationals Caught After Sneaking Across Open Border

File Photo: Al Henkel/NBC NewsWire via Getty Images


One Iraqi national and one Egyptian national were apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol agents after the individuals from terror-hotbeds had illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed the concerning apprehensions to Breitbart Texas in a statement. CBP declined to confirm that the foreign nationals were men, though a source operating under the umbrella of their agency claimed they were both males to Breitbart Texas.

“USBP agents [U.S. Border Patrol agents] from Lordsburg Station apprehended two individuals, one Iraqi national and the other from Egypt, while on patrol Saturday at 2:15 p.m. local time along Arizona State Route 80. Records checks and interviews produced no derogatory information and the two individuals were placed into removal proceedings,” wrote a spokesperson for the agency.

Breitbart Texas asked CBP again to specify the gender, as fighting-age males from terror-hotbeds penetrating the U.S. border would clearly be more of a concern than elderly females, but the agency would not enlighten the public to these important details.

The exact location of the apprehensions is unclear, as the Border Patrol agents were from the Lordsburg, New Mexico, station, according to CBP.

Arizona State Route 80 runs in both New Mexico and Arizona, due to the location of the highway in New Mexico, the CBP statement would indicate that the foreign nationals had made it more than 15 miles into U.S. territory before being apprehended. Had the apprehensions been in Arizona, Lordsburg agents would likely have not been present. The stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border south of the apprehension area is open and without sufficient barriers of any sort.

The area immediately south of the U.S.-Mexico border from the apprehensions, therefore being the most likely crossing point for the foreign nationals, is controlled by criminal group factions operating under the banner of the Sinaloa Federation or cartel. The Sinaloa has long been known as much more professional than other Mexican cartels operating in the border regions and therefore less likely to allow potential terrorists to cross in their territory.

The Sinaloa’s reluctance to cross illegal aliens from terror-hotbeds has changed. Over the past two years, Breitbart Texas has reported on multiple cases where the Sinaloa clearly allowed and aided individuals from terror-hotbeds to cross into the U.S. — as any unapproved activity in Sinaloa corridors on U.S. soil is met with brutal retribution. A previous Breitbart Texas report revealed that one person traversing an Arizona Sinaloa corridor without permission was brutally assaulted. In that instance, a cartel scout noticed the trespasser and called a four-person cartel strike team in to teach the person a lesson. The man spent hours in a U.S. hospital having shards of wood surgically removed from his rectum after the cartel team sodomized him with sticks and possibly other items (or body parts).