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Thread: Judge Roy Moore: Muslim Ellison Should Not Sit In Congress

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    Default Re: Judge Roy Moore: Muslim Ellison Should Not Sit In Congress

    Why We Support Keith Ellison for DNC Chair

    He will address the party’s—and the nation’s—crisis by aligning Democrats more closely with movements for social and economic justice.

    By The NationTwitter

    February 2, 2017

    The right response to this crisis is a retooling of the Democratic National Committee to align it more closely with movements for social and economic justice. The party must make the inside/outside connection that will strengthen immediate resistance to the Trump regime, while improving the long-term electoral prospects of Democrats. Keith Ellison, co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, is prepared to do just that. In an impressive field of contenders for the position of DNC chair—including party leaders that The Nation has often praised, like former labor secretary Tom Perez, as well as energetic newcomers like Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana—it is Ellison who combines the ideals, skills, and movement connections that will revitalize the party.

    That’s why The Nation enthusiastically endorses Ellison in the contest to lead a DNC that must repurpose itself in order to derail Trump, while at the same time speaking to young voters who won’t settle for anything less than an aggressively progressive opposition party. The job of DNC chair is to build a party that can win elections on every ballot line and in every state. But in an age when party loyalties are weakening, and when movements matter more to tens of millions of Americans than partisan labels, Ellison is ready to build an activist party. In fact, the high-energy congressman (who says he’ll quit his House seat if he wins the DNC post) is already doing that: calling for mass rallies to oppose Trump’s Muslim ban, taking part in those rallies, and then appearing on the Sunday-morning talk shows to rip discriminatory policies as un-American.

    Ellison is recognized as a pioneering political figure—the first Muslim congressman, the first African American to represent Minnesota in Washington—who has boldly opposed wars, defended civil liberties, protested racial injustice, and rallied for “$15 and a union.” His leadership bid has excited activists who have marched with him for labor rights, women’s rights, and criminal-justice reform. It has also inspired blowback from some party insiders, who gripe that Ellison is too outspoken in his support for Middle East peace, too close to Bernie Sanders (though he joined Sanders in ardently backing Hillary Clinton last summer), and too passionate in his belief that the DNC must campaign not just for candidates but for justice.
    What makes Ellison’s vision exciting is the fact that he’s already implemented it in Minnesota. As former Minneapolis mayor and DNC vice chair R.T. Rybak says, “I have never seen him campaign only for himself…. Keith has used every campaign to protect every voter’s rights, expand our party’s base, include those left behind, and elevate new leaders. That is exactly what the Democratic Party needs right now.”

    Rybak’s right: What distinguishes Keith Ellison is his experience as a progressive who has won and won and won again—and who knows that Democrats can turn red states blue by transforming their party into a movement.

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    Default Re: Judge Roy Moore: Muslim Ellison Should Not Sit In Congress

    Will a Muslim Become Next Head of Democratic Party?

    By Dave Jolly February 24, 2017

    Subversive groups have learned from history that one of the best ways to conquer a nation and people is over time and from within. They spread their dangerous and destructive ideologies by carefully infiltrating the very structure and organizations that they want to topple and take over.

    For years, Russian communists said that they would destroy America from within and by slow and steady infiltration. Even though communist Soviet Union dissolved, communism is still alive and well in Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Communists, socialists and Marxists have been slowly gaining ground in America and American politics over the past century. America has had several presidents that pushed socialist agendas on America. Among the most notable and ones who made the greatest socialist impact are Franklin Roosevelt, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

    Obama is the first American leader to admit about how much he, his life and his political views have been influenced by socialists and Marxists. He even wrote in his autobiography about all how important these people were to him, especially outspoken socialist Frank Marshall Davis. Under the influence of Davis and others, Obama pushed the first socialist program onto the American people – Obamacare. Most Democrats today hold political views that are more socialist than American.

    Sen. Bernie Sanders became the first openly confessed socialist member of the US Senate and did not hide the fact he was a socialist when he ran against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party nomination.

    Like communists and socialists, Muslims have vowed to convert and conquer America, but to do it little at a time, slowly taking over communities and local politics and then moving to states and federal politics. Once in power, they will force their Islamic ways, including sharia law onto the American people.

    Checkout Dearborn, Michigan if you don’t believe me. Muslims have taken over most of the town and local politics. The high school even holds a girl’s only prom for Muslim students while Baccalaureate programs for graduating seniors are not allowed because they are Christian.

    One of the organizations helping to lead the Islamization of America is CAIR – Center for American-Islamic Relations. According to the FBI, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) both serve as front groups to help funnel money and information to the Islamic terrorist groups.

    Not only does the FBI list them as having ties to terrorists, but the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently listed both CAIR and MAS as being foreign terrorist groups. The UAE has outlawed both groups from operating in their country.

    In 2014, Barack Obama met leaders of CAIR and MAS and agreed to work together to fight the decision of the UAE in listing them as terrorist organizations. In 2009 our own FBI cut all ties with CAIR because they were not an appropriate group to be associated with.

    Prior to that in 2006, CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, in which the Holy Land Foundation was found guilty of funneling millions of dollars to Hamas. The US Department of Justice (before Obama and Holder corrupted it) stated that CAIR was involved in the conspiracy to finance Islamic terrorism and that they took their orders directly from the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Is it a coincidence that the San Diego School Board has partnered with CAIR to come into the public schools to teach about Islam and help count so-called islamophobia and the same school system just protested against a visit by newly confirmed Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos?

    There is also a growing number of Islamic groups and organizations being formed here in the US. Many claim they do not want to change America, but the growing number of reports of Muslim honor beatings and killings and pushing for sharia law continue to increase.

    The Democratic Party just might be taking a giant step toward fulfilling the promise of Muslims to conquer America.

    Currently, the Chair of the Democratic Party is up for grabs and it seems, according to the liberal media, that the front runner is Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim elected to the US House of Representatives. According to a recent report:

    “Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison is the frontrunner to lead the Democratic National Committee in the Trump era. Ellison has a fascinating backstory: He’s the first Muslim elected to the US Congress, and he was the second member of Congress to endorse Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign.”

    “Now Sanders has returned the favor, backing Ellison to lead the DNC. But in an unexpected effort to close ranks, Sen. Chuck Schumer — who does not exactly come from Sanders’s wing of the Democratic Party — has also backed Ellison.”
    One of the things that helped Ellison’s rise in politics was America electing its first Muslim president, Barack Obama. He worked hard to increase the Muslim population in America and to help them have preferential treatment over other religions, especially Christianity and Judaism.

    If Ellison wins the DNC vote to become their new Chair of the Democratic Party, we can be guaranteed an increased push to help Islam convert and conquer America. I would not be surprised to see Ellison follow his DNC chairmanship with a run for the White House.

    Keith Ellison: “Blacks don’t have an obligation” to obey government

    February 24, 2017 11:45 am By Christine Williams 7 Comments

    The Muslim Brotherhood-linked Keith Ellison, the first Muslim to be elected to Congress, also has past ties to the Nation of Islam — a black Islamic supremacist, anti-white, anti-gay, anti-Catholic and virulently anti-Semitic group. He conveniently denounced his involvement with the group when it suited him in 2006, after it became an issue during his first run for Congress.

    It would seem that no matter how much hatred Ellison has spewed against the U.S. and Israel, his documented Islamic supremacist ties, and his facilitating of the crudest divisions in racial politics, he is still a trusted and influential Democratic leader, and likely soon to be the Chair of the DNC.

    “Keith Ellison Once Said Black People Don’t Have ‘Obligation’ To Obey Government”, by Peter Hassan, The Daily Caller, February 23, 2017:

    Democratic congressman and DNC chair front-runner Keith Ellison once said that “black people don’t live in a democracy” and “don’t have an obligation” to obey the government.

    Ellison made the comments at a 1992 protest after white police officers were acquitted in the beating of Rodney King. At least 63 people died in the racially charged riots following the verdict.

    Minnesota newspaper the Star Tribune quotes Ellison as telling a group of protesters in Minneapolis that “Black people do not live under a democracy.”

    “You don’t have an obligation to obey a government that considers you to be less than human,” Ellison said.

    Ellison, the nation’s first Muslim congressman, has come under fire for his history of making racially inflammatory comments, as well as his past association with notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, whom Ellison has since renounced. (RELATED: Democratic Donor: Keith Ellison ‘Clearly An Anti-Semite’)
    Ellison once called for American blacks to have their own nation and called the U.S. Constitution “best evidence of a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples.”

    While speaking to an atheist group in 2007, Ellison compared the Sept. 11 attacks to the Reichstag fire, stopping just short of accusing then-President George W. Bush of having a hand in the attacks.
    “It’s almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that,” Ellison said of 9/11, according to reports at the time. “After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it, and it put the leader [Hitler] of that country in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted.”
    Ellison went on to say he wouldn’t suggest the U.S. had a hand in the attacks because “you know, that’s how they put you in the nut-ball box — dismiss you,” before later walking back his comments…

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