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Thread: Voter Fraud (General Thread)

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    Default Re: Voter Fraud (General Thread)

    If illegal aliens weren’t counted in the U.S. census, Democrats would lose dozens of House seats

    11/05/2018 / By Vicki Batts

    It’s no secret that illegal immigration has had disastrous effects on the United States, but the ramifications of mass migration are more far-reaching than the mainstream media has let on. Even if illegal aliens do not explicitly vote in our elections (though many do), their presence still has a major impact on our elections — especially when it comes to the House of Representatives. Waves of illegal immigrants, which are counted in the U.S. census, are taking away the voice of legitimate American citizens, by skewing the way in which House seats are distributed among the states.

    This is a problem that the mainstream media would never dare mention: If more Americans knew that illegal immigration has a direct effect on the way their states are going to be represented in Congress by simply being in the country, the Left’s real agenda to upend the United States as we know it would be revealed. The radical Left encourages illegal immigration not because they care about the plight of immigrants, but because they want to take over.

    How does illegal immigration effect representation?

    As Ammoland explains, there are only 437 seats in the House of Representatives. With an estimated 320 million people in the U.S., each seat represents approximately 800,000 people.

    With at least 20 million illegal immigrants who get counted in the U.S. census, this means that an increasing number of those 437 seats do not represent American citizens, but rather illegal aliens. As Ammoland reports:
    States like CA where upwards of 20% of the population are illegal aliens get a BIG boost in their representation in the House of Representatives based on population size. Traditionally Southern states with large African American populations get shorted. Just for fun let see how many house seats are represented by the 30 million illegal aliens in our country? The answer is 37.5. Now spread these around judiciously across the country. How many Democrats owe their house seat to the votes of Illegal aliens? You can spread these illegal aliens around and swing 60 or more house seats to the Democrats.

    The Center for Immigration Studies ( reported on this phenomenon more than ten years ago. In 2005, CIS Director of Research Steven A. Camarota provided testimony on the impact non-citizens have on congressional apportionment, both in the House and in the Electoral College.

    Illegal immigration silences American citizens

    “Overall we found that the presence of non-citizens caused a total of nine seats to change hands. Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin each lost a seat that they had prior to the 2000 Census while Montana, Kentucky and Utah each failed to gain a seat they other wise would have gained, but for the presences non-citizens in other states,” Camarota wrote in his report. At that time, it was estimated that two-thirds of the seats redistributed by non-citizens went to California.

    Camarota notes that while it is popular to assume states that lose seats are declining in population, the truth is that this is not usually the case. It’s just that immigration is causing certain states to grow exponentially faster.

    And it’s not just the House of Representatives people should be worried about. Illegal immigration affects the distribution of Electoral College votes as well, which ultimately means that even if illegal immigrants don’t go out and vote, they are still affecting our elections — by ensuring that our most liberal states get more influence.

    Camarota states that ultimately “immigration takes away representation from states composed almost entirely of U.S. citizens so that new districts can be created in states with large numbers of non-citizens.”

    Illegal immigration is just another tool being used by the radical Left to silence American citizens. Without rampant illegal immigration, radical leftists could kiss their place in our government goodbye. See more coverage of stories about elections at

    Last edited by vector7; November 13th, 2018 at 01:50.

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    Default Re: Voter Fraud (General Thread)

    Gingrich: Democrats have long tradition of election dishonesty

    Fox News
    Published on Nov 12, 2018

    Amid another recount in Florida, the former House speaker says the Democrats care about power over the system.

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    Default Re: Voter Fraud (General Thread)

    Nearly 200,000 Florida Voters May Not Be Citizens

    By Pamela Geller - on

    Voter Fraud

    Sickening. No wonder the Democrats are yelping for the “caravan” invasion. It would insure their despotic future. Now is the time to get to the bottom of the decades-long escalation of Democrat vote fraud. This is the opportunity to drill down on the Democrats’ war on free and fair elections. Trump cannot do this alone. And it’s not just about Florida, Arizona and Missouri. The Democrats have been doing this for years. They wail about voter suppression, but their voter fraud crimes are the ultimate suppression of the American voter.

    Photos: A “caravan” of more “Democrat voters” enroute to the USA.

    Nearly 200,000 Florida Voters May Not Be Citizens

    Tens of thousands of voters could be dropped from the rolls this election year

    By Gary Fineout, NBC News, Nov 10, 2018:

    Florida officials are now saying that nearly 200,000 registered voters may not be U.S. citizens.

    Earlier in the week, state election officials announced they had identified more than 2,600 people who are in Florida legally but ineligible to vote.

    The Department of State is asking county election officials to verify the information. Election supervisors are contacting voters and if someone is not a citizen, their name will be dropped from the voter rolls.

    But an initial list drawn up by the state — and not widely released — shows that a comparison of voter lists and driver’s license information turned up a list of nearly 182,000 people who may not be U.S. citizens.

    State officials, however, note that some of those on list may have become citizens after first getting their driver’s licenses. Still, the decision to screen the voter rolls for non-citizens could result in tens of thousands voters being dropped in the middle of a critical election year.

    President Barack Obama won Florida four years ago, but recent polls have shown that he is neck-and-neck with likely GOP nominee Mitt Romney. The 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore was decided by just 537 votes in the Sunshine State.

    “The Department of State has a duty under both state and federal laws to ensure that the voter registration rolls are current and accurate,” said Chris Cate, a department spokesman.

    There are currently more than 11 million active registered voters in the state.

    Florida law requires voters to be a U.S. citizen residing in the state. Florida also does not allow someone to vote if they are a convicted felon and have not had their civil rights restored.

    State officials said they did not know yet if any of the people on the list voted illegally in past elections.

    The state has been responsible for helping screen voters since 2006 when it launched a statewide voter registration database.

    Prior to the launch of the database, Florida had come under fire for previous efforts to remove felons from the voting rolls, including a purge that happened right before the 2000 presidential election. An effort to remove felons back in 2004 was halted after it was discovered that the list drawn up by the state had problems.

    The state database is supposed to check the names of registered voters against other databases, including ones that contain the names of people who have died and people who have been sent to prison.

    Driver’s license numbers had been used to verify the identity of someone who had registered to vote but apparently the state was not checking citizenship status prior to last year. The state does not give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, but it does grant them to legal visitors.

    Cate said the list of 182,000 people was drawn up by checking first and last names, date of birth and either a driver’s license number, a Social Security number or an address. Most of the matches had identical driver’s license numbers, names and birthdates. A state document shows that out of the nearly 182,000 identified that more than 172,000 were active voters, meaning they had cast ballots in recent elections or registered recently.

    The state is taking the matches using other databases to try to confirm if the voter is not a U.S. citizen. Florida has asked for access to a federal database maintained by the Department of Homeland Security but so far the U.S. government has turned the state down.

    The initial list of more than 2,600 voters given out by the state to supervisors shows the names of people who registered all the way from the late ’50s to as recently as 2011. One Hillsborough County man on the list registered to vote in 1959.

    Some have questioned the timing of the state’s push to remove voters from the rolls. It comes while Florida is still in court over a 2011 law that curtailed early voting hours and tightened rules for groups registering voters. Legislators said the law was needed to protect the integrity of the state’s elections, but the U.S. Department of Justice has questioned some of the changes.

    “Of course, Floridians are entitled to have confidence in the integrity of the voter rolls, and anyone not eligible should be removed and not permitted to vote,” said Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida. “But the ‘potentials,’ ‘possibles,’ ‘might-bes’ that are the basis for this initiative by the Secretary of State don’t yet add up to voter fraud. Based on Florida’s regrettable experience with voter purges, it would be a mistake to rely on the accuracy of the state’s data.”

    Republican Party of Florida chairman Lenny Curry defended the state push.

    “To now learn that thousands of illegal votes could be cast across our state is chilling and threatens the confidence people need to have in our elections,” Curry said in a statement.” Any amount of fraud or illegality in this system is too much.”

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    Default Re: Voter Fraud (General Thread)

    ALL OF ORANGE COUNTY Turns Blue After Democrats Find Thousands of Votes Post Election Day

    by Cristina Laila November 18, 2018 473 Comments

    Orange County, a traditionally conservative enclave in Southern California turned all blue after Democrats found tens of thousands of votes post election day.

    Just two years ago in 2016, only 2 Congressional districts in Orange County voted blue–now just two years later every single district voted blue.

    Democrat blue wave? More like Democrat election fraud.

    The 39th district was officially called for Democrat Gil Cisneros over Republican Young Kim who was up by 3 points on election night and was set to be the first Korean-American Congresswoman. The Democrats stole this race with ‘late votes.’

    Young Kim was up by 3,900 votes on election night with 100% of the precincts reporting according to AP and she ended up losing by 3,000 votes 11 days after the election.

    Republican Congresswoman Mimi Walters in California’s 45th district was also ahead on election night then was magically defeated by Democrat Katie Porter several days after the election.

    Democrat Katie Porter was trailing Mimi Walters on election night then jumped ahead by hundreds of votes after the Democrats produced thousands of ballots after the election.

    There may be something more sinister happening in Orange County, California.

    The Gateway Pundit spoke to two concerned voters in California’s 45th district who said when they went to vote, they were told they weren’t on the roster so they were given provisional ballots.

    Two registered Republicans in California’s 45th district told this reporter that they have been voting for over 20 years in Orange County and what happened this midterm has never happened to them–EVER.

    “I’ve been a registered Republican and an active voter for over 20 years and when I went to vote on election day, I was told that I wasn’t on the roster so I was given a provisional ballot,” a Republican voter told The Gateway Pundit.

    Was this an isolated incident or is this more widespread?

    One America News reporter Jack Posobiec spoke to a pollworker in California on election day.

    The pollworker told Jack Posobiec, “I have received a very large amount of voters whose registration was changed to vote by mail without their consent and then not mailed their ballots. I’m allowing provisional voting. My registrar is giving me the runaround about this and just saying don’t worry. This is not my first election. I have not seen this problem before.”

    Report in from CA:
    — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 6, 2018

    The Drudge Report featured the story about the stunning losses in Orange County and the responses by concerned voters in Southern California raised eyebrows as well.

    One woman who lives in Newport Beach in California’s 48th district said she hasn’t missed a vote in 43 years and was forced to fill out a provisional ballot on election day; her vote still hasn’t been counted.

    “I was made to fill out provisional ballot after voting in the same precinct in OC consistently 20 years said I was mail in never have been My vote still has not been counted I check daily. Same with red friends. I’m ind. never missed a vote n 43 yrs,” tweeted a Newport Beach resident named Vanessa Butler.

    I was made to fill out provisional ballot after voting in the same precinct in OC consistently 20 years said I was mail in never have been My vote still has not been counted I check daily. Same with red friends. I’m ind. never missed a vote n 43 yrs

    — vanessa butler (@nessincharge) November 18, 2018

    Where the hell is the GOP??

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    Default Re: Voter Fraud (General Thread)

    Wisconsin election commissioners refused to remove 209,000 people from voter rolls. Now a judge has found them in contempt of court

    'I can't be any clearer than this. They need to follow my order.'

    JANUARY 13, 2020

    Wisconsin election commissioners refused to remove 209,000 people from voter rolls. Now a judge has found them in contempt of court.

    A Wisconsin judge found the state's election commission and three of its members in contempt of court Monday for refusing to comply with his court order to remove more than 200,000 individuals from voter rolls.

    Judge Paul Malloy fined the commission $50 a day until it begins removing people from the rolls and is fining the three Democratic members who fought his previous order — Ann Jacobs, Julie Glancey and Mark Thomsen — $250 a day, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported.

    "I can't be any clearer than this," Malloy said. "They need to follow my order."

    What's the background?
    In December, Malloy ordered the immediate removal of individuals from voter rolls who were flagged as having potentially moved and who subsequently failed to respond within 30 days to a deactivation notice sent by the elections commission.

    In October, the deactivation notice had been sent to 234,000 residents. By the end of the year, 209,000 voters had yet to respond asking for their voter status be continued.
    But the election commission — made up of three Democrats and three Republicans — has been deadlocked and has failed to comply with the court order.

    Cleaning up the voter rolls in the state had become a partisan issue, with Democrats in the key battleground state fearing that a voter roll purge would hurt their chances of defeating President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. Trump won the state in 2016 by just over 20,000 votes.

    Republicans, on the other hand, have argued that removing the voters is a necessary measure aimed at eliminating fraud. This way, the voter rolls would not be full of people who should not be voting.

    In late December, Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, a conservative law firm, filed a lawsuit against the commission, asking Judge Malloy to find the commission in contempt and fine its members.

    What happens next?
    As a result of the new ruling, the commission is set to meet again on Tuesday to decide whether to begin removing people from the rolls, a process that takes about three days.

    Ann Jacobs, one of the Democratic commission members, maintains that Judge Malloy's initial findings are incorrect and desires to continue appealing the court order.

    "If we are going to treat voting as the central component of our democracy, we need to be far less cavalier about taking people off the rolls," she said, according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.

    Robert Spindell, a Republican who was recently added to the commission, hoped the new ruling would prompt bipartisanship moving forward on the voter purge.

    "I am pleased with the decision and I hope all six of us on the Elections Commission follow the law and follow the judge's order. I know at least three of us will," Spindell said.

    Spindell had reportedly encouraged Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty to file its lawsuit before he was appointed to the commission.

    Rich Esenberg, president of the firm, responded to the ruling, saying in a statement: "Court orders are not, and have never been, optional. It is our hope that today's decision will cause the Wisconsin Elections Commission to finally follow state law."

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    Default Re: Voter Fraud (General Thread)

    Democrat Voter Fraud in Minnesota.

    Voter Fraud in Minnesota, and one can presume elsewhere, is practiced almost entirely by Democrats, who have waged a relentless campaign to block any attempt to block ineligible voters from voting, or eligible voters from voting more than once as “voter suppression.”

    It’s actually technically incorrect to say that there is large voter fraud in Minnesota, because what you and I would consider voter fraud is in fact legal in Minnesota. The Democrats euphemistic phrase for voter fraud is “ineligible voting” but the manipulation of the voting system is still fraudulent and so it’s still voter fraud. Most voters of either party are totally unaware of what’s going on.

    Voter fraud In Minnesota is practiced almost entirely by Democrats through a two-part process. First, they construct election laws that are designed to tolerate ineligible voting and, second, they don’t enforce even the weak constraints in those statutes. Most voters of either party are totally unaware of what’s going on.

    Here is how it works.

    Self-certification. In Minnesota, you are supposed to be prohibited from voting if you (1) have a court order stating that you are incompetent to vote, (2) are not a citizen, (3) are a felon on parole or probation, or (4) live outside the precinct.

    In all cases, you can still vote in Minnesota by self-certifying to the election judge that you are eligible to vote. Nothing more is needed, just your statement. For instance, if the election judge knows that you are ineligible to vote because he personally knows that you just got out of prison and that you are on parole, you can still vote by self-certifying. Even if the poll roster has a notation that the state has found you ineligible, you can vote. Just tell the election judge you want a ballot.

    Despite no help from the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office, the Minnesota Voters Alliance painstakingly confirmed that 1,000 felons illegally voted in the 2008 senatorial election that Al Franken, a Democrat, won by 312 votes.

    In March 2018, the Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA) released its review of Minnesota’s election system and revealed that more than 26,000 individuals whose status was marked “challenged” prior to the election voted in November 2016.

    Same day registration. This is where the majority of voter fraud takes place. In Minnesota, 500,000 people typically register to vote on election-day in presidential election years. No verification of their eligibility is done prior to irretrievably counting their ballots. After the election, counties send a postcard to the address that the voter claimed on election-day. Following the 2008 election, the state couldn’t confirm the addresses of 17,000 voters and 31,000 other voters were marked “challenged” because they failed one or more eligibility checks. The ballots of all 48,000 of these questionable voters counted in the election Al Franken won by just 312 votes.

    Social Security Number. There is no photo-ID requirement In Minnesota. In fact, if a person claims they do not have a driver’s license or other valid ID, they can register and vote simply by supplying their name, date-of-birth, and the last four digits of a Social Security Number. The Legislative Auditor found that thousands of voters registered in this manner in 2016 and could not subsequently be found in the Social Security Administration database.

    Vouching. In Minnesota on election-day, a person can establish residence by having another voter “vouch” for his address. A voter may vouch for as many as eight other persons.

    Most states have “provisional” ballots for same day voters and self- certified voters and then check out the legitimacy of the voter before the vote is counted. Minnesota counts all votes as valid, even if it’s later proven that an individual voted illegally. The illegal vote still counts in Minnesota. The Minnesota Secretary of State is in charge of elections, and that office has been in Democratic hands for 30 years. Provisional ballot legislation, which would fix this problem, always gets killed by Democrats in the legislature or vetoed by a Democratic Governor.

    Physical assistance in marking ballots. In Minnesota, any voter who claims a need for assistance because of inability to read English, can obtain help from anyone the voter chooses. Currently, no person may assist more than three people but Democrats are fighting in court right now to eliminate that restriction.

    There are documented cases of exploitation of mentally challenged adults in healthcare facilities who were “assisted.” When caught, the manager of one residential home in Brainerd said that voting gave his residents a feeling of importance and was good for them. The mentally challenged son of a friend of mine was put on a bus and driven to a voting place where, he later said, he voted for George Washington.

    Power plays. Over the last three years, Minneapolis and St. Paul have created ordinances that compel landlords to hand out voter registration applications and other materials to new tenants, without any regard to the tenants’ citizenship or legal status. Both cities have declared themselves to be “sanctuaries” for ineligible persons.

    The good news here, though, is that the Federal District Court for Minnesota has just ruled in favor of the Minnesota Voters Alliance that both ordinances are unconstitutional because they violate the landlords’ First Amendment speech rights.

    Coverup. For the last two years, the Minnesota Voters Alliance has been in a lawsuit against Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon to force him to release public data from the statewide voter registration database. Ramsey County District Court and the Minnesota Court of Appeals have both ordered Simon to release the data but he refuses to comply, instead appealing those judgments to the Minnesota Supreme Court which should issue its opinion soon. The data are needed to assess ineligible voting in Minnesota, and the performance of election officials in carrying out their constitutional duty to provide ballots only to eligible individuals.

    It is especially pathetic that in light of all the evidence for potential and actual voter fraud in Minnesota, the Secretary of State has done exactly nothing to assess or report on any of it. And why should he, it is working well for him and his party.

    Early voting. Democrats use taxpayer money and their authority to regulate to further their own elections. During 2018, the City of Minneapolis spent $1.2 million setting up two early voting stations in Somali neighborhoods that vote almost exclusively Democratic. One consequence of these taxpayer funded early voting sites was the election of the controversial Ilhan Omar to the U.S House of Representatives. Democrats using taxpayer money, to further their own elections. Early voting is just another way that Democrats abuse the system.

    Bottom line - Minnesota voter statistics

    5,576,000 is the population estimate for 2017.

    Of these 653,000 are under the legal voting age.

    Thus 4,923,000 is the maximum number of eligible voters.

    3,260,000 is the total on the current voter list at the Secretary of State.

    In addition there 2,150,000 names on the inactive voter list at the Secretary of State.

    Consequently 5,410,000 is the total number of voters according to Secretary of State.

    If we deduct 4,923,000 which is the maximum number of voters.

    We get 487,000 non-existent Minnesota voters.

    This calculation doesn’t count people in prison or on parole who can’t vote, illegal aliens who vote, or court ordered incompetents who can’t legally vote.

    These categories are small but important in close elections like the election that elected Al Franken senator by a few hundred votes.

    Absentee Ballots There are expected to be nearly one million absentee ballots cast in the 2020 elections. And, because of an illegal tule created by Steve Simon, Minnesota’s Secretary of State, all of the absentee ballot board members doing the accepting and rejecting of ballot envelopes are hand picked by the appointing authority and not taken from the lists submitted by the major political parties as the law requires. Thus, there is no party balance oversight of the absentee ballot process.

    The Loophole. Steve Simon The Secretary of State is sending a letter to challenged voters - voters who voted illegally and may not vote again until the challenge is cleared up - that they can still vote as absentee voters.

    It’s not rocket science to have a fair and honest election. 1. Have paper ballots; 2. Have a Democrat and Republican election judge at each polling place. 3. Have provisional ballots. Don’t count the vote if the voter is not legitimate. 4. Have photo I.D.’s. 5. Eliminate early voting.

    6. Eliminate vouching, where one person “vouches” for the legitimacy of another without any other identification.

    Democrats block all efforts, to establish these easy fixes to ensure a fair election. What we see here is a situation ripe for abuse and manipulation by Democrats. That is why Democrats win all close elections in Minnesota.

    What most people would call voter fraud is actually legal in Minnesota elections. Self certification; abuses of same day registration and vouching are all legal under Minnesota law and explain how Democrats use the legal system to win elections.

    In 2016, Trump lost Minnesota to Hillary Clinton by a mere 44,000 votes. It’s my opinion Trump would have won Minnesota had the election been fair. Trump will probably lose Minnesota again in 2020 because of the fraudulent Minnesota voting system.

    *For additional information on Minnesota Voting fraud: Minnesota Voters Alliance.

    Bruce Hendry is a retired businessman who began from humble origins to become a highly successful investor and captain of industry. He embodies the American dream having earned his way to becoming the president and chairman of the Erie Lackawanna Railroad and Kaiser Steel. He is one of the leaders of the economic revolution that has made America the envy of the world, and also the target of resentful and spiteful leftists who want to destroy it.

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    Default Re: Voter Fraud (General Thread)

    BREAKING: Ballot Chaser Reveals MASSIVE Voter Fraud To Elect @JoeBiden

    'Some of my Republicans are precinct chairs that cannot be known…They want to help Biden' “For the entire team I’m looking at…$55,000" “$55k for 5k votes, top of the ticket, Hegar/Biden” #RiggedElection

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    We’ll so weaken your
    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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