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Thread: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards)

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    (1) Ukrainian military intelligence offical: Russia has deployed an additionnal 100 new combat aircraft in Crimea. These include SU-27 and SU-30, these can cover the Black Sea Region and almost the entirerety of the Ukrainian territory. #Ukraine #Crimea

    — Mikhail D. (@Eire_QC) December 14, 2018

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

  3. #863
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Russia-Ukraine War: Moscow Could Launch Armed Attack Over Christmas While the World Is Distracted, Experts Warn

    December 24, 2018

    As people in Western Europe and the United States get comfortable for the holidays, the chances increase that Russia will take advantage of the distraction to launch attacks against its neighbor Ukraine, experts said.

    On Monday, when the millions of Christians who follow the Gregorian calendar celebrate Christmas Eve, the Russian foreign ministry warned “it is quite possible” that Ukraine will launch military action against Russia in the next few days. Kremlin spokeswoman Maria Zakharova even suggested that Kiev was planning to stage chemical weapons attacks in eastern Ukraine as a pretext for launching an attack.

    But experts and Western military analysts said it was Russia that was likely to launch an attack on Ukraine.

    “Moscow likes to commit aggression when the world is not paying attention. It invaded Afghanistan during the Christmas season in 1979 and attacked Georgia during August vacation season,” ambassador John Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine from 2003 to 2006, told Newsweek.

    The conflict between the two neighbors has been simmering for exactly five years, but the past month has been especially tense after Russia seized three Ukrainian naval ships and detained 24 sailors on November 25. The Ukrainian detainees still have not been released.

    Ukraine has since instated martial law in parts of the country believed to be vulnerable to Russia and warned of an imminent ground invasion by Moscow. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko warned in early December that Russia had around 80,000 troops stationed in parts of occupied Ukraine.

    The international community, meanwhile, accused Russia of aggression and called on Moscow to obey international law. But experts said that the holidays, combined with the recent resignation of Secretary of Defense James Mattis in Washington, could create the perfect scenario for a Russian offensive.

    “The weak Western reaction to Moscow’s escalation of its war against Ukraine by seizing its ships also raises the odds of a further Kremlin strike," said Herbst. "So does the disarray in Washington, with the Mattis resignation and early departure."

    On Saturday, Russia sent additional warplanes into the Crimean peninsula, which it annexed from Ukraine in 2014. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s navy signaled over the weekend that it would be ready to fight back if Moscow once again tried to stop Ukraine from using key ports around Crimea. International law dictates that Russia and Ukraine must share access to the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea, and analysts said that Moscow was determined to solidify its control of the waters around the Crimean peninsula.

    “The Russians are seeking complete dominance over the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov, and the Ukrainians aren’t willing to surrender control of their territorial waters or freedom of passage through the strait, as is their right. So the potential for escalation is high,” Michael Carpenter, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense in charge of Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, told Newsweek.

    “I worry the Ukrainian navy is far too small to assert its rights in the face of the much larger [Russian] Black Sea fleet, so if I were advising Ukraine I wouldn’t attempt another passage through the strait right now,” Carpenter continued. “The creation of the mosquito fleet, as foreseen in Ukraine’s naval development plan, is the right strategy, but it will take years to get all the assets in place, and meanwhile a crisis is looming in the coming weeks and months.”

    Some analysts also warned that Russia may be aiming to unite some of the territories that surround Ukraine in order to create a Russian-controlled protectorate north of the Black Sea that resembles a military frontier once held by the Russian Empire. The new attack jets sent to Crimea and the deployment of Russian ground troops along the border with Ukraine are signs of such military ambitions, analysts said.

    “This is consistent with pervasive rumors of a military operation by Russia to establish a land ‘bridge’ from the Russian-controlled territory along the coast of the Sea of Azov into the Crimea. I also heard a discussion of Russia reviving the 2014 ‘big war plan’ and going all the way to the borders of Moldova, connecting to the Transnistria pro-Russian exclave, which is legally a part of Moldova,” Ariel Cohen, a senior fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based Atlantic Council, told Newsweek.

    Moldova, a tiny country located between Ukraine and Romania, gained independence from the Soviet Union and was formally recognized by the international community in 1992. But the people of Transnistria, a strip of land with around 500,000 Russian-speaking inhabitants, fought Moldova for a country of their own.

    Moscow continues to support Transnistria's independence, and Russian troops have been stationed there since the 1990s. Russia's military presence there makes Ukraine even more vulnerable to a ground invasion, military experts noted.

    “Taking into account the resignation of the secretary of defense, Mattis, and the isolationist mood in the White House, Russia may decide that the time to act is now, to accomplish what they call the Novorossiya [New Russia] program, which includes the dismemberment of Ukraine,” said Cohen.

    The threat of armed conflict did not appear to have dampened the holiday spirit, however. Over the weekend, in Ukraine's southern port city of Crimea, people dressed as Deda Moroz, the Russian equivalent of Santa Claus, marched along the seafront.

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    Default Re: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Leaked Memo Proves Soros Ruled Ukraine In 2014:
    Minutes From “Breakfast With US Ambassador Pyatt”

    by Tyler Durden
    Aug 20, 2016 1:07 PM

    Submitted by Alex Christoforou of The Duran
    We noted in a previous post how important Ukraine was to George Soros,
    with documents from DC Leaks that show Soros, and his Open Society NGO,
    scouring the Greek media and political landscape to push the benefits of his
    Ukraine coup upon a Russian leaning Greek society.

    Now more documents, in the massive 2,500 leaked tranche, show the immense
    power and control Soros had over Ukraine immediately following the illegal
    Maidan government overthrow.

    Soros and his NGO executives held detailed and extensive meetings
    with just about every actor involved in the Maidan coup:
    from US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, to Ukraine’s Ministers of Foreign
    Affairs, Justice, Health, and Education.

    The only person missing was Victoria Nuland, though we are sure
    those meeting minutes are waiting to see the light of day.

    Plans to subvert and undermine Russian influence and cultural ties to Ukraine
    are a central focus of every conversation. US hard power, and EU soft power,
    is central towards bringing Ukraine into the neo-liberal model that Soros champions,
    while bringing Russia to its economic knees.

    Soros' NGO, International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) plays a key role in
    the formation of the “New Ukraine”…the term Soros frequently uses
    when referring to his Ukraine project.

    In a document titled,
    "Breakfast with US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt",
    George Soros, (aka GS), discusses Ukraine’s future with:

    Geoffrey Pyatt (US Ambassador to Ukraine); David Meale (Economic
    Counsellor to the Ambassador); Lenny Benardo (OSF); Yevhen Bystrytsky
    (Executive Director, IRF); Oleksandr Sushko (Board Chair, IRF); Ivan
    Krastev (Chariman, Centre for Liberal Studies); Sabine Freizer (OSF);
    Deff Barton (Director, USAID, Ukraine)
    The meeting took place on March 31, 2014, just a few months
    after the Maidan coup, and weeks before a full out civil war erupted,
    after Ukraine forces attacked the Donbass.

    In the meeting, US Ambassador Pyatt outlines the general goal for fighting a PR war
    against Putin, for which GS is more than happy to assist.

    Ambassador: The short term issue that needs to be addressed will be
    the problem in getting the message out from the government
    through professional PR tools, especially given Putin’s own
    professional smear campaigns.

    GS: Agreement on the strategic communications issue—providing
    professional PR assistance to Ukrainian government would be
    very useful.
    Gave an overview of the Crisis Media Center set up by IRF
    and the need for Yatseniuk to do more interviews with them that address
    directly with journalists and the public the current criticisms of his decision
    Pyatt pushes the idea of decentralization of power for the New Ukraine, without moving
    towards Lavrov’s recommendation for a federalized Ukraine.

    GS notes that a federalization model would result in Russia gaining influence over
    eastern regions in Ukraine, something that GS strictly opposes.

    Ambassador: Lavrov has been pushing the line about constitutional
    reform and the concept of federalization in Russia.

    The USG reaffirmed it will not negotiate over the heads of the Ukrainians
    on the constitutional reform issue and that Ukraine needs to decide on this
    issue for itself. He noted that there are templates for devolution that can be
    used in this context but that the struggle will be to figure out how to
    move forward with decentralization without feeding into Russian

    GS: Federalization plan being marketed by Putin to Merkel and Obama
    would result in Russia gaining influence and de facto control over
    eastern regions in Ukraine.
    He noted Lavrov has clear instructions from
    Putin to push the line on federalization.

    Ambassador: Secretary Kerry would be interested to hear GS’s views
    on the situation directly, upon return from his trip.

    SF: There is no good positive model for federalization in region, even
    models of decentralization are very poor because the concept is not very
    common. The institutions need for decentralization do not yet exist and
    need to be built.

    YB: Ukraine should pursue a decentralization policy based on the Polish
    decentralization model. IRF funded the development of a plan based
    on this model previously and those involved are now advisers to
    government on this issue.
    Noted it is also important to encourage the
    constitution council created by government to be more open and involve
    independent experts.

    Ambassador: Constitutional reform issue as the most urgent issue facing
    Ukraine—there is a need to decentralize in order to push democracy down
    to the local level and break the systemic corruption that results from Kiev’s
    authority over the local governments.

    Ambassador: Russian propaganda machine telling Kharkhiv
    and Donbass residents that the government in Western Ukraine
    is looking to take away their resources and rights through
    decentralization process, feeding into Lavrov’s line that the
    Ukrainian government is dysfunctional and not successful
    as a unitary state, making it a necessity to have federalization.
    The participants cannot stop fixating on Russia and Putin throughout the meeting.
    The Ukraine project seems to be more about sticking it to Russia, then about
    saving a country about to fall into the abyss.

    US Ambassador Pyatt hands over full control to George Soros, and point blank
    asks him, “what USG should be doing and what the USG is currently doing.”

    Soros’ response is stunning, “Obama has been too soft on Putin.”

    Ambassador: Asked GS for a critique of US policy and his thoughts on what
    USG should be doing.

    GS: Will send Ambassador Pyatt copies of correspondences he previously
    sent to others and his article in NY Review of Books. Obama has been
    too soft on Putin, and there is a need to impost potent smart sanctions.

    He noted the need for a division of labor between the US and the EU
    with the US playing the bad cop role. The USG should impose sanctions
    on Russia for 90 days or until the Russian government recognizes
    the results of the presidential elections.
    He noted that he is most
    concerned about transitional justice and lustration.

    Ambassador: USG will organize conference with the British at the
    end of April on financial crimes that will bring together senior level
    government officials and representatives of the international
    community to discuss where money went.

    He noted his worries about the complete implosion of the Party of Regions
    and will be speaking to IRI and NDI about offering assistance to reconstruct
    the party for the post-Yanukovych era.
    US Ambassador Pyatt decides to take out Tymoshenko from the New Ukraine equation.

    She served her purpose as a poor and sick political prisoner while Yanukovich was
    in power, saying that “Tymoshenko is associated with everything undignified”…

    Ambassador: Personal philosophy on the greatest need for Ukraine right
    now is the need for national unification. This will not happen under
    Tymoshenko because she is perceived as a hold over of the old
    regime and a very divisive personality. He calls the revolution
    a “revolution of dignity” and Tymoshenko is associated with
    everything undignified.

    GS: Need to cleanse the “original sin” that all of the current presidential
    candidates are marked with in order for Ukraine to move forward.
    Concern over the Pravy Sector, and how to disarm, or integrate, the muscle that
    was used to instigate much of the violence during the Maidan is debated.

    Soros even throws out his suspicion that the Privy Sector has been infiltrated,
    and now is working under Russia’s FSB.

    GS: Belief that the Pravy Sector is an FSB plot and has been funded
    to destabilize Ukraine

    Ambassador: Agreed that this was at least partly true, but the
    problem now is that Pravy Sector has become organic and is still
    armed. There is a need for the government to figure out how to
    demobilize and disarm the Pravy Sector.

    GS: How can we defend against Putin’s attempts to destabilize
    the May elections?

    Ambassador: The international community should send in a flood of
    observers from the OSCE and other institutions. The US Embassy is also
    currently working with the local intelligence agencies to monitor
    the situation and they have already found Russian agents. He noted that
    a second ambassador, Cliff Bond, will be brought into the embassy to focus
    on the longer term questions such as decentralization, lustration, e-governance,
    and anti-corruption and will be coordinating with the donor community
    on these issues.

    Obama has instructed the embassy to focus primarily on economic
    support and assistance for Ukraine, avoiding military support or assistance.

    GS: Hopes that going forward there will be close contact and cooperation
    between the US Embassy and the IRF.
    The Full PDF of the 2014 George Soros minutes can be downloaded
    here: - Ukraine Working Group 2014-gs ukraine visitmarch 2014note.

    The meeting minutes documented present a clear and conclusive case that George
    Soros and his International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) manipulated
    Ukraine into moving towards an untenable and self destructive direction.

    In one meeting under the title, Civil Society Roundtable Meeting, Crimea fifth column
    schemes are advanced as viable solutions to those participating in the discussion.

    Likewise we see how involved Soros was in making sure a Ukraine under federalisation
    is completely undermined at the highest levels, influencing Merkel and Obama to
    reject such initiatives.

    In hindsight it has now become clear that the only way Ukraine was going to survive
    the coup in one piece was to move towards a federalised model of governance.
    He [George Soros] noted that Ukraine is in grave danger because
    Putin knows he cannot allow the new Ukraine to succeed. He reiterated
    his points about the conversations Putin has had with Merkel
    and Obama about federalism and his concerns surrounding that

    He noted that he hasn’t had direct feedback yet regarding this issue
    and is basing his worries on second hand information about the reactions
    of Merkel and Obama. But he reiterated the need for the Ukrainian
    government to respond loudly and immediately.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    “F**k the EU!”: US diplomat’s Ukraine phonecall leaked via Youtube

    Washington is accusing Russia of capturing the conversation and uploading it to the site.

    9 hours ago 13,348 Views 42 Comments
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    US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland
    Image: Vadim Ghirda/AP/Press Association Images

    THE US GOVERNMENT is trying to defuse a potential row with its European allies after the leak of an embarrassing phone call in which a top US diplomat cursed the EU response to the Ukraine crisis.

    The leak of the bugged conversation came as Ukraine’s embattled president, Viktor Yanukovych, flew to Sochi, Russia late last night for crisis talks with Russian counterpart and ally Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics.

    Washington and Brussels have engaged in a diplomatic standoff with Kiev and Moscow over mass pro-EU protests that erupted in Ukraine when Yanukovych in November rejected a pact with the EU under Russian pressure.

    But the leaked phone call appears to reveal US frustration with the EU over handling Ukraine, which is torn between leaning to the European Union and its past master Russia.

    Washington’s new top diplomat for Europe, Victoria Nuland, has apologised to EU counterparts after she was caught cursing the European response to the crisis in Kiev.

    (Youtube: datboi5000)

    “F**k the EU,” Nuland allegedly says, in what appeared to be a recent phone call with US ambassador to Kiev, Geoff Pyatt, which was somehow intercepted and uploaded onto YouTube. The original video was accompanied by Russian captions.

    US officials, while not denying such a conversation took place, refused to go into details, and pointed the finger at Russia for allegedly bugging the diplomats’ phones.

    “Let me convey that she has been in contact with her EU counterparts, and of course has apologised,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

    While Psaki said she had no independent details of how the conversation was captured and uploaded onto the social networking site, she added: “Certainly we think this is a new low in Russian tradecraft.”

    Klitschko offer

    Nuland, who took over late last year as assistant secretary for European affairs, and Pyatt appear to discuss Yanukovych’s offer last month to make opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk the new prime minister and Vitaly Klitschko deputy prime minister. Both men turned the offer down.

    Nuland, who in December went down to Independence Square in Kiev in a show of support for the demonstrators, adds she has also been told that the UN chief Ban Ki-moon is about to appoint a former Dutch ambassador to Kiev, Robert Serry, as his representative to Ukraine.

    “That would be great I think to help glue this thing and have the UN glue it and you know, f**k the EU,” she says.
    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    U.S. Diplomat’s F-Bomb Overshadows Russia’s Warning on Ukraine

    February 7, 2014 - 4:39 AM
    By Patrick Goodenough
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    Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

    ( – A media furor over a leaked phone conversation between senior U.S. diplomats discussing the Ukraine crisis is overshadowing a Kremlin adviser’s accusations of U.S. interference in Ukraine – and his warning that Russia could intervene to maintain its security.

    Administration officials are implying that the Russian authorities intercepted and posted on YouTube of an audio recording of a purported phone conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the U.S. Ambassador in Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt. The State Department is not disputing its authenticity.

    The kerfuffle over the leaked conversation – in which Nuland says, “f*** the E.U.” -- has diverted attention from a newspaper interview published Thursday in which Sergei Glazyev, an adviser to President Vladimir Putin, accused the U.S. of “unilaterally and crudely interfering in Ukraine’s internal affairs.”

    Glazyev told the Kommersant daily’s Ukraine edition that the U.S. was funding and arming the Ukrainian “opposition and rebels” trying to oust embattled President Viktor Yanukovich.

    Asked whether Russia would actively intervene if the crisis worsened, Glazyev told the Kommersant daily’s Ukraine edition that America’s interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs was a clear breach of a 1994 document Ukraine’s security after Kiev surrendered its nuclear arsenal inherited from the Soviet Union, which had dissolved three years earlier.

    Under that 1994 memorandum, he continued, “Russia and the U.S. are guarantors of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and, frankly, they are obliged to intervene when conflict situations of this kind arise.”

    Glazyev’s comments were quickly eclipsed by the leaked Nuland-Pyatt recording, with most attention not surprisingly focused on Nuland’s use of an obscenity in relation to the European Union’s stance on Ukraine.

    But the conversation more broadly will also feed Russian allegations of U.S. meddling in the crisis, which erupted when Yanukovich reversed course last November on closer ties with the E.U. in favor of stronger links to Russia.

    In a bid to end the turmoil, Yanukovich late last month offered two opposition leaders, Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Vitali Klitschko, the posts of prime minister and deputy prime minister respectively. Both declined.

    In the leaked conversation, Nuland and Pyatt are heard to favor a role for Yatsenyuk, but to agree that Klitschko should not to be brought into the government.
    “I don’t think it’s necessary [for Klitschko to have a role in government],” Nuland is heard to say. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

    Pyatt agrees: “In terms of him [Klitschko] not going into the government, just let him sort of stay out and do his political homework and stuff.”

    Nuland goes on to mention that U.N. Secretary-General Ben Ki-moon is about to appoint an envoy to Ukraine.

    “That would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and have the U.N. glue it – and you know, f*** the E.U.” she says.

    “Uh, exactly,” replies Pyatt. “And I think we’ve got to do something to make it stick together, because you can be pretty sure that if it does start to gain altitude the Russians will be working behind the scenes to try to torpedo it.”

    ‘Small frustrations’

    State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki at a daily press briefing did not dispute that the leaked recording was authentic, saying that Nuland has apologized to her E.U. counterparts for the “reported comments.”

    “Certainly we think this is a new low in Russian tradecraft in terms of publicizing and posting this [online],” she said. (White House press secretary Jay Carney separately also raised questions about “Russia’s role”.)

    A reporter suggested that the recording – with two senior officials apparently discussing brokering a new government for Ukraine, determining its makeup and getting the U.N. to seal the deal – would be seen as demonstrating U.S. interference in a sovereign state’s affairs.

    “This is more than the U.S. making suggestions,” the reporter said. “This is the U.S. midwifing the process.”

    “Of course these things are discussed,” Psaki replied. “It doesn’t change the fact that it’s up to the people on the ground, it is up to the people of Ukraine, to determine what the path forward is.”

    Asked about Nuland’s evident frustration with the E.U., Psaki said, “I wouldn’t overanalyze one – a couple of words that were used on a phone call as to having larger meaning about some sort of ongoing issue.”

    “There are, of course, moments in every diplomatic relationship where you have small frustrations, where you agree, you disagree, you work through the issues, you talk about what the best step to take is, and that certainly has been the case here, which should be no surprise.”

    The U.S. and E.U. have not always seen eye-to-eye over Ukraine, with the E.U. uneasy about U.S. proposals considering imposing sanctions on Kiev.

    Psaki went on to suggest that Nuland may have learned to swear while working on a Russian fishing boat as a young woman.

    “You all know Toria pretty well. You may know the story of how she lived on a Russian boat for about eight months when she was 23, and she learned how to perfect perhaps certain words in a couple of languages.”

    When Secretary of State John Kerry conducted her assistant secretary swearing-in ceremony last September, he said, “As some of you may know, she worked on a Soviet fishing trawler in the Pacific, an incredible undertaking.”

    “She has also served in some of the most challenging and demanding foreign policy positions in the U.S. government,” he added, “some of which I am sure made her feel like she wished she would be back on that fishing trawler at times.”

    Nuland told the New York Times in 2012 that she “learned to drink aboard a Soviet fishing trawler in my early 20s, so my favorite summer beverage is still an ice-cold Stoli with an ocean view.”

    Obama, the Bidens, the Clintons, the IMF and Others Pillaged Ukraine Then Forced Its Citizens to Pay Excessive Natural Gas Prices at 50% Above Market

    by Joe Hoft September 24, 2019


    President Obama, his Vice President Biden and his son, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, Mueller, the Podestas, the IMF and others all pillaged the Ukraine and then delayed loans to the country before forcing Ukrainians to pay grossly inflated natural gas prices. Now these vultures claim they are innocent.

    More than a year ago we reported that Robert Mueller was charging Paul Manafort for actions that Mueller committed himself.

    The Gateway Pundit reported in August last year that Paul Manafort sits in solitary confinement for crimes he allegedly committed stemming from his work as a lobbyist in Ukraine years ago before Donald Trump ran for president.
    For a little back story, Yulia Tymoshenko runs for reelection in Ukraine, she loses, and just like Hillary, Tymoshenko fails to lose gracefully and promises to #Resist. Her victorious opponent, Viktor Yanukovytch, throws her in jail for what many claim to be bogus charges.

    Of course Mueller never recused himself from the Trump-Russia sham investigation due to his activities in the Ukraine. Meanwhile, Manafort rots in prison for his actions in the Ukraine working with Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager John Podesta. Mueller even gave Podesta’s brother Tony immunity during his corrupt ‘witch hunt’.

    But this was just a small part of the corruption and pillaging of the Ukraine by the Democrat Party leaders.
    Via the Markets Work, the far left New York Times reported how the Clintons pillaged the Ukraine:

    Victor Pinchuk, a steel magnate whose father-in-law, Leonid Kuchma, was president of Ukraine from 1994 to 2005, has directed between $10 million and $25 million to the [Clinton] foundation. He has lent his private plane to the Clintons and traveled to Los Angeles in 2011 to attend Mr. Clinton’s star-studded 65th birthday celebration.
    We also reported that Oligarch Victor Pinchuk may have helped divert IMF funds to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

    The Markets Work noted:

    In addition to being a Clinton Foundation donor, Pinchuk is also on the International Advisory Board of the Atlantic Counsel
    The Atlantic Counsel has been historically active in Ukraine through their Ukraine in Europe Initiative. More recently, on January 19, 2017, the Atlantic Counsel announced a partnership with Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Group.
    Hunter Biden, former VP Joe Biden’s son, sits on Burisma’s board.

    As we reported previously:

    Also serving on the International Advisory Board of the Atlantic Council is James Clapper, who served as Obama’s Director of National Intelligence. Funnily enough, Bongino discovered that the Chief Technology Officer of “the only company that investigated the hacking of the DNC’s servers and quickly determined it was the Russians, is a nonresident senior fellow in cybersecurity” at the Atlantic Council. His name is Dmitri Alperovitch (owner of CrowdStrike).”

    So the Clintons, Obama, the Bidens, Mueller, the Podestas and the Atlantic Council all were involved in the Ukraine. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The IMF also had shady dealings with the Ukraine related to these same Democrats.

    According to Wikipedia

    On 28 July 2010, the IMF approved a 29-month $15.15 billion loan to Ukraine.[7] Among others this led to a 50 percent increase on household natural gas utility prices in July 2010 for

    Ukrainian consumers (a key demand of the IMF in exchange of the loan).[8][9]
    By December 2013, the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Mykola Azarov, stated “the extremely harsh conditions” of a renewed IMF loan (presented by the IMF on 20 November 2013), which included big budget cuts and a 40% increase in natural gas bills, had been the last argument in favor of the Ukrainian government’s decision to suspend preparations for signing the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement on 21 November 2013.[11][12][13] The decision to put off signing this EU-Ukraine Association Agreement lead [sic] to massive protests in Ukraine.[14][nb 1]

    Then on December 10, 2013, President Yanukovych stated “We will certainly resume the IMF negotiations. If there are conditions that suit us, we will take that path”.[22] However, Yanukovych also (once again) stated that the conditions put forward by the IMF were unacceptable “I had a conversation with U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, who told me that the issue of the IMF loan has almost been solved, but I told him that if the conditions remained… we did not need such loans”.[22]

    In February 2014 Yanukovych and Azarov were forcibly removed from power (as a result of the pro-EU-Ukraine Association Agreement coup) and replaced by the Yatsenyuk Government.[24]

    In March 2014 the IMF required the Ukraine to reform natural gas price subsidies in order to provide it with an aid package worth about $15 billion.[25] One of the expected effects was a 50% price hike on natural gas sold to domestic Ukrainian consumers.[25]

    The Markets Work reported that Hunter Biden was placed on Burisma’s board after Obama’s State Department employee Victoria Nuland and the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt held a phone conversation regarding installation of Arseniy Yatsenyuk in place of then-President Yanukovych. This call occurred on or before February 4, 2014.

    On February 22, 2014, Yanukovych was removed as President of Ukraine and on February 27, 2014, Yatsenyuk was installed as Prime Minister of Ukraine. (Yatsenyuk would resign in April 2016 amidst corruption accusations.)

    On April 18 2014, Hunter Biden was appointed to the Board of Directors for Burisma – one of the largest natural gas companies in Ukraine. Then on April 22, 2014, Obama’s Vice President Biden traveled to the Ukraine and offered support and $50 million in aid for Yatsenyuk’s shaky new government.

    As a result of all this activity, the Bidens got a place on the Board of one of the largest natural gas companies in the Ukraine, the Clintons received millions from a Ukrainian Oligarch, the IMF got billions in loans with the Ukraine, and the people of the Ukraine were burdened with excessive natural gas prices.

    And there it is.

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    REVEALED: White House Has Warned European Allies To Prepare For A Russian INVASION Of Ukraine With Further Border Military Build-Up And Tensions Over Gas Supplies

    November 11, 2021

    • The warnings are based on information the US hasn't yet shared with allies
    • Russia sent more tanks and artillery to its border with Ukraine last month, prompting CIA Director Bill Burns to express the US's 'serious' concerns to Putin
    • Ukraine's military claims Russia broke a ceasefire agreement 5 times in one day
    • Kremlin officials denied the accusations but expressed anger over American warships in the Black Sea that it says sailed too close to its territory

    A military invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces could be imminent, the White House warned its allies in Europe on Thursday.

    The United States is concerned that Russia may take aggressive action amid tensions over the Belarusian-Polish border and an increasingly tenuous situation with Europe's natural gas supply.

    Fears of a possible military operation were partially sparked by a buildup of Russian firepower at its border with Ukraine, Bloomberg first reported.

    US officials have briefed their European counterparts but their assessment is also based on insights they haven't yet shared with EU allies, people close to the story told the outlet.

    A coordinated collective response wouldn't be possible until all that information is shared amongst them.

    Russia denied the accusations but expressed anger over American warships in the Black Sea that it says sailed too close to its territory.

    A source reportedly linked to the Kremlin said Russia isn't looking to start a war with Ukraine but indicated it was prepared to if necessary.

    A Kremlin official noted that an overt Russian attack would invoke public outrage in Ukraine and among the global community. But they have a plan to respond to the smaller country's 'provocations,' they said.

    Over the last few weeks Russia has moved tanks and artillery to its border with Ukraine, an analysis by Bloomberg earlier this week showed.

    That prompted CIA Director Bill Burns to fly to Moscow and have a rare one-on-one with President Vladimir Putin.

    There he shared the US's 'serious' concerns over the military buildup, sources told CNN. reached out to the State Department for comment but was referred to comments made on Wednesday by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, when he echoed similar concerns in a press conference with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

    'We’re concerned by reports of unusual Russian military activity near Ukraine. We’re monitoring the region very closely, as we always do, we’ll continue to consult closely as well with allies and partners on this issue,' Blinken told reporters.

    'And as we’ve made clear, any escalatory or aggressive actions would be of great concern to the United States. We continue to support de-escalation in the region and diplomatic resolution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine.'

    The report comes as fighting between Russian-backed groups and Ukrainian forces heats up. It began in 2014 after Russia illegally annexed the Crimean peninsula following a revolution that overthrew Ukraine's former president who was widely seen as another mouthpiece of Putin's.

    [img] equipment_and_-a-14_1636671862377.jpg[img]
    Satellite images taken on November 1 show armored equipment and a large ground force deployment near Russia's border with Ukraine

    Ukraine's Joint Forces Operation, a militarized force created in 2018 to defend the country in the ongoing conflict in the Donbas region, accused Russia of violating the ceasefire agreement five times over a 24-hour period on Monday.

    In a statement posted to Facebook the JFO accused Russia of 'armed aggression,' though the Kremlin has consistently denied involvement in the conflict.

    Tensions in Europe have been inflamed by a gas shortage, with Russian company Gazprom, the continent's top energy supplier, having decreased its daily outflow in October in order to meet the needs of Putin's domestic replenishment campaign.

    Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Putin of intentionally engineering the gas crisis and urged western Europe to act swiftly with punishment.

    But Gazprom increased its output to Europe earlier this week after Russia' stockpile was deemed full.

    But the burgeoning refugee crisis on the border between Poland and Russia's neighbor Belarus is threatening to further complicate the situation, which could grow more dire going into winter.

    Much of Russia's oil supply to Europe runs through Belarus and Poland.

    Over the last week western democracies have accused Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko of 'weaponizing' migrants from Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East by enabling them to fly to his country before seeking to break into the EU.

    Devastating scenes have emerged from the region of desperate migrants getting brutal treatment from soldiers on both sides. Some even froze to death in the harsh Eastern European climate this time of year.

    In response to threats of expanded sanctions, Lukashenko threatened to shut down the oil supply coming in from Russia to the rest of Europe.

    Migrants gather for getting humanitarian aid spread by Belarusian militaries at the camp at the Belarus-Polish border on November 11. Belarus's strongman dictator threatened to choke off Europe's gas supply from Russia if the west follows through on its promise of sanctions over the growing refugee crisis in the region

    Russia has also been accused of helping engineer the crisis, which the West has called a 'hybrid attack'

    'I would recommend the leadership of Poland, Lithuanians and other empty-headed people to think before speaking,' he said.

    Among the countries vowing sanctions over the conflict are NATO and EU member states, as well as the US.

    Russia has also been accused of escalating the crisis, and the EU is reportedly in talks to target national airline Aeroflot as part of a new sanctions package.

    The Kremlin said on Thursday that Russia had nothing to do with the migrant crisis on the Belarus-Poland border and rejected the suggestion as 'crazy.'

    It instead blamed the EU itself, claiming the international body was trying to 'strangle' Belarus.

    However, two supersonic Tu-22M3 nuclear bombers were seen performing 'tasks of combat alert for air defense' in support of the Belarus leader, the Russian defense ministry said in response to the rising tensions on the border.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a joint news conference with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makei that he hoped responsible Europeans would 'not allow themselves to be drawn into a spiral that is fairly dangerous'.

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Russia Planning Massive Military Offensive Against Ukraine Involving 175,000 Troops, U.S. Intelligence Warns

    December 3, 2021

    As tensions mount between Washington and Moscow over a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. intelligence has found the Kremlin is planning a multi-front offensive as soon as early next year involving up to 175,000 troops, according to U.S. officials and an intelligence document obtained by The Washington Post.

    The Kremlin has been moving troops toward the border with Ukraine while demanding Washington guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO and that the alliance will refrain from certain military activities in and around Ukrainian territory. The crisis has provoked fears of a renewed war on European soil and comes ahead of a planned virtual meeting next week between President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    “The Russian plans call for a military offensive against Ukraine as soon as early 2022 with a scale of forces twice what we saw this past spring during Russia’s snap exercise near Ukraine’s borders,” said an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information. “The plans involve extensive movement of 100 battalion tactical groups with an estimated 175,000 personnel, along with armor, artillery and equipment.”

    The unclassified U.S. intelligence document obtained by The Post, which includes satellite photos, shows Russian forces massing in four locations. Currently, 50 battlefield tactical groups are deployed, along with “newly arrived” tanks and artillery, according to the document.

    While Ukrainian assessments have said Russia has approximately 94,000 troops near the border, the U.S. map puts the number at 70,000 — but it predicts a buildup to as many as 175,000 and describes extensive movement of battalion tactical groups to and from the border “to obfuscate intentions and to create uncertainty.”

    The U.S. analysis of Russia’s plans is based in part on satellite images that “show newly arrived units at various locations along the Ukrainian border over the last month,” the official said.

    Details of the U.S. intelligence provide a picture that Secretary of State Antony Blinken began to outline this week on a trip to Europe, where he described “evidence that Russia has made plans for significant aggressive moves against Ukraine” and warned there would be severe consequences, including high-impact economic measures, if Russia invaded.

    Biden said he is preparing measures to raise the cost of any new invasion for Putin, who has dismissed the U.S. warnings as rumors and said Russia is not threatening anyone.

    “What I am doing is putting together what I believe to be, will be the most comprehensive and meaningful set of initiatives to make it very, very difficult for Mr. Putin to go ahead and do what people are worried he may do,” Biden said Friday.

    The Russian military moves come as Moscow has raised eyebrows in Washington with a sudden mobilization of reservists this year and a dramatic escalation of its rhetoric regarding Ukraine.

    Russian officials have defended the reserve mobilization as a necessary measure to help modernize the Russian armed forces. But the administration official raised concerns about the “sudden and rapid program to establish a ready reserve of contract reservists,” which the official said is expected to add an additional 100,000 troops to the approximately 70,000 deployed now.

    The intelligence about a potential surge in forces bolsters a warning earlier this week from Blinken that Putin could quickly order an invasion of Ukraine and helps explain why Biden administration officials have been sounding alarms about the threat of imminent invasion for weeks.

    “We don’t know whether President Putin has made the decision to invade. We do know that he is putting in place the capacity to do so on short order should he so decide,” Blinken told reporters in Europe a day before meeting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “We must prepare for all contingencies.”

    Lavrov, in public comments this week, echoed Putin’s warnings about U.S. military equipment and activity encroaching on Russia’s borders and said, “The nightmare scenario of military confrontation is returning.”

    The intelligence document also suggests that Russian forces may be leaving equipment behind at training facilities to allow an attack on Ukraine to commence quickly.

    “Equipment may be left behind at different training ranges to enable a rapid, final buildup,” the document adds.

    Separately, a Ukrainian government official said that Russian military exercises conducted earlier this year near Ukraine’s borders helped Russian forces essentially rehearse an invasion.

    “The Russian troops worked out the issues of creating strike groups near the borders of our state, mobilization measures, logistical support of groups, [and] transfer of significant military contingents, including by air,” from Russia to the border with Ukraine, the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive analysis.

    While laying the groundwork for an invasion, the Russian government has also been waging a propaganda campaign, the U.S. administration official said.

    “Additionally, in the past month, our information indicates Russian influence proxies and media outlets have started to increase content denigrating Ukraine and NATO, in part to pin the blame for a potential Russian military escalation on Ukraine,” the official said.

    “Recent information also indicates that Russian officials proposed adjusting Russia’s information operations against Ukraine to emphasize the narrative that Ukrainian leaders had been installed by the West, harbored a hatred for the ‘Russian world,’ and were acting against the interests of the Ukrainian people.”

    In his comments in Latvia, Blinken cautioned the Ukrainians not to give Russia a pretext for military action.

    “We’re also urging Ukraine to continue to exercise restraint because, again, the Russian playbook is to claim provocation for something that they were planning to do all along,” he said.

    Putin has demanded the United States and its allies provide signed assurances excluding any expansion of NATO to include Ukraine and Georgia and limiting military activity near Russia’s borders, most notably in and around Ukraine.

    The demands for a new European security pact come after Putin has suggested for months that U.S. and allied military activities in Ukraine and near Russia’s borders are crossing a red line for the Kremlin.

    Russia needs “precise legal, judicial guarantees because our Western colleagues have failed to deliver on verbal commitments they made,” Putin said in a speech at the Kremlin this week, suggesting the start of “substantive talks on this topic.”

    Putin has long railed against NATO expansion into former Warsaw Pact states as a disrespectful encroachment on Moscow. He said a concrete agreement must “rule out any further eastward expansion of NATO and the deployment of weapons systems posing a threat to us in close proximity to Russia’s territory.”

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki rejected out of hand the idea that Washington would provide a guarantee that Ukraine will not enter NATO.

    “NATO member countries decide who is a member of NATO, not Russia,” Psaki told reporters during a White House briefing Friday. “That is how the process has always worked and how it will proceed. I think it’s important to remember where the provocative action is coming from. It’s not the United States. It’s not Ukraine.”

    U.S. and Ukrainian officials and military analysts believe Russia would mount a far larger-scale invasion now than it did in 2014, when the country annexed Crimea and fueled a separatist uprising in Ukraine’s east. The plan, the officials and analysts believe, could be to force Ukrainian troops to fight on multiple fronts, seeking not so much territory but rather a capitulation by Kyiv and its Western backers that results in the security guarantees Putin wants. Military analysts have compared that strategy to Moscow’s 2008 invasion of Georgia.

    In comments this week, Putin said drills with U.S. nuclear-capable strategic bombers flying over the Black Sea posed a threat to Moscow, along with U.S. missile defense systems in Poland and Romania. He also expressed concern about NATO deploying missiles on Ukrainian territory that could have a flight time of seven to 10 minutes to Moscow — though no such plans have been announced.

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    A must watch interview below, about 40% through the interview JRN gets into the many different developments why Russia and China are now fully prepared for America's fall.

    End Game: Interview with ‘Man in America’

    Posted on February 2, 2022
    The last three months it is organized by both sides … with a clear division of labor. Good cop and bad cop…. This campaign stated that Putin is preparing to activate troops for a full-scale invasion to a big war, for a big war to conquer a substantial portion of Ukraine, with encirclement of major Ukrainian cities. And now we can see that many Western medias are publishing maps showing all these arrows of Russian troops moving into Ukraine territory and conquering that territory that there will be a huge war. Mr. Putin has decided to reinforce these claims. But Putin’s forces are insufficient for what is needed.
    Andrei Illarionov
    I would be cautious about describing the Russian mobilization as an “empty threat.” It is not “empty.” This is the largest mobilization of Russian forces since the end of the Cold War. It is a real threat made with tanks, troops, aircraft and missiles. In his interview with Frank Gaffney, Illarionov’s arguments regarding the Russian deployments were not well-informed or well-considered.

    Illarionov had no clear idea of the extent of the Russian mobilization. The exercise underway is not merely a 100,000-man troop exercise. It is much larger and includes units of the Belarussian Army (involved in their own “drills”). The Russian deployments now form a double envelopment, with Russian troops being positioned on the territory of four former Soviet Republics (Russia, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine). And this mobilization is continuing — with implications for other military theaters (i.e., the Far East and Middle East). In fact, Putin’s meeting with Xi may well underscore a consequential shift in the global balance of power. I am sorry, but this is NOT about calling Russia’s bluff. This is about Russia and China calling America’s bluff. And we have been bluffing, as our inadequate defense measures indicate.

    The fiasco in Afghanistan is only a foretaste of things to come. And we should be more reserved when it comes to praising Ukraine’s fighting spirit; for Ukraine has not mobilized her reserves, which may well signal that Kiev’s is ripe for a new union treaty with Moscow. Setting aside Zelensky’s “statesmanlike” unreadiness for war — what valiant name shall we give NATO’s unwillingness to mobilize man for man what Russia has been mobilizing? What accounts for America’s unwillingness to match China and Russia as we fall further and further behind? Is the received wisdom of today, in every crisis, to balk mobilization as alarmist? But then, with regard to Russia, complacency has long been considered a virtue even as underestimating Moscow is been accounted wise.

    Here is my interview, as of yesterday, with MAN IN AMERICA’s host, :
    The COVID Narrative Is Dead—Is WW3 Next? (1hour)
    Feb 1, 2022

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Hey vector, just an official thanks for keeping this updated with current events despite this place being as dead as it seems. Lots of great info here I don't intend to see get lost.

    Have been passing current info along other channels as I can.

    Just seems like the older I get the less free time there is to go around.

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    Default Re: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine (Formerly: Democratic Malaise Draws Ukraine Eastwards

    Obama-Era Pentagon Chief Who Helped Destroy Libya Wants Fighter Jets for Ukraine

    Ukraine needs more advanced US weapons, including F-16 fighter jets, former Obama-era Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has said.

    “I’m in favor of sending weapons that Kiev needs for defense, and I think the F-16 is something that the United States should seriously consider,” Panetta said in an interview with an Italian newspaper on Wednesday.

    Training Ukraine Soldiers - here's the danger - Col. Doug Macgregor.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    HillaryClinton: Ukraine's war-fighting "is so inspiring to me. I hope it is inspiring to every American, particularly those in positions to make decisions. Because we have to continue, and I would even argue, increase the military support that we give the Ukrainians"

    "[That] includes air cover, long-range missiles ... They're on the frontlines of freedom .. & we have to provide the humanitarian assistance that's so desperately needed for the Ukrainian people, both in the country & .. those who are displaced temporarily outside of the country"

    Is it as inspirational as being under fire in Bosnia?

    She wants to turn Ukraine into another Libya/Benghazi?

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    BREAKING: Saudi Arabia and Iran announce restoration of ties in deal brokered by Xi Jinping

    (Stolen/Fortified) sElections have consequences. Nice work Biden State Department.

    WW3 stepping stone. What’s N. Korea up to???

    Biden just lost the middle east...officially. US went from great Saudi relationship to an end in 2 short years.

    Pray for Taiwan. They're next.

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    Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson discuss Biden sending F-16s to Zelensky and the "pro-Ukrainian group" that sabotaged the Nord Stream pipeline:

    "It is so obvious at this point that the United States and NATO are responsible for this act of sabotage and act of war attacking and destroying this Nord Stream pipeline... The reality is that they are responsible for this, and there are short-term and long-term serious implications for this action."

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    Head of Britain's Defence Committee: "We are in direct warfare with Russia" – Shock statement (vid)

    "We must move to a war base"

    09/03/2023 - 19:21
    War News 24 / 7

    Tobias Ellwood, head of the UK's Special Defence Committee, argued that Britain is now at war with Russia and should deal with it directly."

    "We are now at war in Europe, we have to go to a war base, we are participating in this, we have mobilized our procurement processes, we are giving equipment to Ukraine.

    We need to deal with Russia directly instead of letting Ukraine do all the work,"
    he said in an interview with a British television network.

    The recent revelations by Western top officials give the whole truth behind the efforts of NATO allies to conceal the fact that they have not already become involved in the military conflict in Ukraine.

    German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock also confirmed that Germany, along with western countries, is at war with Russia.

    Undeclared war

    He was later forced to retract. but it did not change the fact that the Ukrainian army is trained, equipped and coordinated by NATO forces on the battlefield, while the Kiev regime fully obeys its Western patrons.

    Brussels, London and Washington are at war, which they have not declared and in which their population does not want to fight.

    Citizens of Western countries are currently paying for this conflict, in which Ukrainian and Russian soldiers and some trained Western fighters are still fighting.

    However, while Western elites publicly declare that they are at war and continue to incite conflict, their citizens should be ready to be sent to fight on the battlefields.
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