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Thread: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

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    Default Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

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    Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    To better understand the uprising in Tunisia and the crisis unfolding in Egypt, it is necessary to understand the historical context of the situation.

    During World War I, the British manufactured the phenomenon of “Arab Revolt” to breakdown the Ottoman Empire, which controlled most of the Middle East. The so-called Arab Revolt was lead by Lawrence of Arabia, an on-duty British officer. The flag of the Arab revolt bears a triangle.

    But once the Ottoman Empire was dismantled, these regions were not given to “Arabs” or to councils representing Arabs. They were quickly transferred to certain secretive families within the Arabs, who may be neither Arabs nor Muslims (though they do pretend). These families went on the establish some of the most repressive governments in the entire history of the region. A good example are the rulers of Jordan and Libya. The rulers of Jordan now exclusively marry into Western ruling elite. Libya has such close secret ties with the British ruling elite that it seems that the Lockerbie bombing was “outsourced” to Libya instead of the MI6.

    But since this transfer of power was done too fast and over too big a region, the Illuminati in the Western world could not transfer all of Middle East to their cousins in the Middle East. In some cases, they allowed local powers to serve as clients of Western powers.

    Now, the Powers That Be no longer see the necessity of such client states run by local powers and are transferring them to the direct rule of pretend Muslims and pretend Arabs who have secret bloodlines that branch off the Western ruling elite. Is the unrest in Egypt and Tunisia a part of this operation?

    We are observing that the unrest is very region-specific. It does not seem to be spreading to places like Jordan and Libya, which are already under the thumb of the Powers That Be. There is the case of German/Swedish snipers/hunters being caught in Tunisia. The Western media appears to be magnifying the crisis (This is the same media that told you that USA was attacked by Bin Laden on 9-11). Like all revolutions, the mobs only seem to be content in accomplishing a shake up of the existing power structure.

    Who gets to inherit the power is not questioned. In the case of Egypt, Mohamed ElBaradei is already being touted as a new leader for Egypt.

    ElBaradei is a trustee of the International Crisis Group. Another board member of this group is Zbigniew Brzezinski. George Soros sits on the executive committee.

    ElBaradei won a Nobel prize after the Iraq War. Discerning readers will note that Nobel prizes usually recognize those who have done immense service for the Cabal. And what was ElBaradei’s service to the Cabal? Contrary to popular perception, ElBaradei facilitated the Iraq Invasion! This is best described by Gulf News’ Amir Taheri as follows:

    Did ElBaradei facilitate the 2003 US invasion of Iraq through his fishtail reports on Iraq's nuclear program?
    Had Al Baradei, and his overall boss at the time Hans Blix, come out with a clear statement that Iraq did not possess any Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMDs), they might have made it impossible for the US-led coalition to invade Iraq.

    On the other hand, had they reported that Saddam should take specific measures to prove that he had dismantled his arsenal of WMDs, and the political and economic structures that could rebuild them at short notice, they might have persuaded the despot to take the threat of war seriously and transfer power to a caretaker administration in Baghdad. In either case, a clear position from the inspectors might have prevented war.

    Al Baradei and Blix, however, chose the worst option: they equivocated, thus encouraging Saddam in his defiance while leaving the US and its allies no option but war to enforce the UN resolutions.
    In other words, ElBaradei facilitated unwarranted suspicion towards Iraq. Of course, ElBaradei did many “Nobel” things, like dismissing WMD reports that were outright forgeries, and these have been exagerated. But his role in the IAEA being used as a pawn to cast suspicion towards Iraq has been all but forgotten. Prior to the invasion of Iraq, ElBaradei promised he would resign as director of the IAEA if an illegitimate invasion of Iraq was launched. But he didn’t. ElBaradei also insists that the IAEA is not a stooge of the CIA, despite the fact that the IAEA doesn’t seem to mind Israel’s atomic program. Interestingly, ElBaradei’s most recent stint at the IAEA was involved assuaging suspicions about Iran’s nuclear program (Iran is already with the Cabal). If ElBaradei indeed has the blood of the Iraqis on his hands, the violence in Egypt would be picnic in comparative terms.

    Foreign Snipers caught in Tunisia with their equipment. Their bags were full of catridges. We were later told that they were "hunters."

    In the case of Tunisia, we know that countries that are at the forefront of the New World Order, such as France, were quick to deny exile to the former President of Tunisia. Was this inhospitality out of sympathy for the Tunisian people? Those that know the history of French involvement in North Africa know the answer. It is obvious that the Tunisian President was suddenly no longer a preferred client. We are now learning that the United States State Department is now “reviewing” the two billion dollar bakhsheesh that it has been giving yearly to the Egyptian rulers for signing the Camp David agreement that made Egypt the first Arab country to recognize Israel. Is this because the current Egyptian rulers are no longer preferred clients? Are there now better operatives in place to replace these “clients?”

    I am not implying that the rulers of Tunisia and Egypt deserve to be sympathized. To the contrary, one can observe their naiveté in trusting Western powers and Western Intelligence Agencies. Little do they know that being good clients does not exempt them from the predatory designs of their Western counterparts. In fact, the more willingness they show to become the perfect thugocratic client state of Western powers, the more susceptible they become to overthrow by the Powers That Be. I will show two historical cases to demonstrate the same.

    The Iranian Revolution of 1970

    While the Iranian Revolution did represent popular sentiment, it was more on the lines of an Islamicized French Revolution (mob rule, executions, secret courts, destruction and displacement of the former ruling class etc.) The revolutionaries managed to create a powerful police state that now spearheads the clash of civilizations rhetoric prescribed by the Powers That Be. The secret ties of the Western ruling elite with some of the revolutionaries has been documented and needs no repetition here.

    The most tragic part of this revolution was the naiveté of the rulers of Iran.
    Reza Shah, a cavalry soldier, was brought to power by the British to supplant the Qajar dynasty that ruled over Iran (Mossadegh had blood ties to this great dynasty). Reza and his successor, Reza Pahlavi assumed that the continuation of their rule depended upon continued subservience to Western Powers as operators of a client state. Little did they know that the Powers That Be saw them only as temporary placeholders until Iran was consolidated under a new regime that was to play a critical role in advancing the “Clash of Civilizations” agenda. Reza turned over the police, intelligence and economic affairs of his country to his Western “friends” who promptly set out to use them to create the conditions necessary for the revolution. In fact, the revolution would have never succeeded were it not for the measures pioneered by Reza’s Western friends. Once the revolution was underway, Reza was even denied exile in Western countries.

    Apparently, he was no longer a preferred client. The Powers That Be now had Iran. They didn’t need a client anymore. Even in exile, members of the Pahlavi dynasty still saw themselves as likely client candidates for Iran, much to the irritation of the Powers That Be, who secretly opposed them at every turn. One major prince associated with this dynasty has committed suicide in Boston. If only the Pahlavis better understood that Western powers were no longer interested in their client services.

    The 1977 Egyptian Bread Riots

    In 1970, an opportunist, Anwar Sadat, became President of Egypt. He be believed that he could assure his perpetual survival by kowtowing to Israel and the United States. He went to great lengths to ensure just this, even humiliating the entire Arab World by signing the Camp David agreement.

    Little did he know that the same Powers he was kowtowing to were also actively seeking to replace him with their own people. In 1977, Sadat naively assumed that opening up Egypt’s economy to the West would bring in Western capital. The World Bank moved in, insisting that he remove subsidies on food and divert that money towards the World Bank instead, so that he could get loans. Sadat could not comprehend that he was financing his own overthrow, and naively towed along. What followed were the Bread Riots in which 800 Egyptians were killed and Sadat was almost overthrown. Sadat managed to quickly cancel the World Bank policies before he was overthrown. But the Powers That Be never give up. Sadat was assassinated by an Islamist group, although it seems that this event did not bring up the desired shakeup (and therefore the current crisis).

    There is no doubt that those who carried on the assassination were authentic jihadists who had deep grudges with Sadat. But it appears that there were certain secretive and shadowy elements who coordinated the assassination, who at the same time managed to avoid the limelight. One such shadowy operative, Ayman Zawahiri is believed to have procured the weapons used in Sadat’s assassination, although he avoided any involvement in the actual operation. He later infiltrated Bin Laden’s organisation and succeeded in introducing a “clash of civilizations” rhetoric, which jeopardised the operations of Bin Laden. Although it did help bolster the case of Bin Laden being involved in the events of 9-11. After 9-11, Zawahiri released a number of videos gloating how his group carried the attacks, and special messages for his followers. Unlike the Bin Laden gloat videos which were never fully authenticated, Zawahiri’s videos appear to be authentic, suggesting he has survived (or was allowed to survive) the American onslaught and continues to infiltrate Jihadist groups. Such videos serve little purpose other than being a viral marketing campaign for the necessity of the War on Terror. Like a true operative of Western Intelligence, Zawahiri would go globetrotting prior to 9-11 on multiple fake passports, to places as far off as Thailand and Switzerland. He was believed to have also worked for Russian Intelligence (to suppress the Chechen jihad) and Iranian Intelligence (which was an adversary of the Taliban).


    Tunisia and Egypt have always faced real unrest. But the failure of their client rulers to address the unrest has resulted in outside forces hijacking dissent to stampede in their New World Order. I don’t expect the remaining client states in the Middle East to suddenly put their people’s interests before themselves. But at least, in the interest of common sense, they should be able to distinguish between friend and foe. Serving as a client state for Western Powers is no longer as lucrative as it once was. It can be downright dangerous, as Western Powers are now bent on supplanting clients with people straight from their think tanks. If only the client rulers of the Middle East knew that think tanks and intelligence agencies based in Western countries were bigger sources of mayhem than the unarmed protesters on the streets.

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    Egypt is Another Soros "Color" Revolution

    January 29, 2011

    Globalist go'fer Mohamed El Baradei (left) with Colin Powell

    by Henry Makow Ph.D.

    The turmoil in Egypt
    is another contrived, Illuminati backed "color" revolution designed to install puppets more subservient to their London-based masters. Over the last decade, we have seen such "revolutions" in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and recent failed attempts in Burma, Iran and Thailand.

    "Human rights" and "democracy" is always the pretext for these Illuminati gambits, dating back to the French and Russian Revolutions. They take advantage of genuine grievances to hoodwink the public and gain power.

    This time there was no color scheme tip-off but the unanimous support by the Illuminati-controlled mass media was enough. You wouldn't hear about it otherwise. (For example, did you know that real nationalists took over the government of Hungary?)

    The confirmation is the man they are touting to replace Hosni Mubarak.

    Globalist widget, Mohammed El Baradei is a trustee of the "International Crisis Group" an "independent" non-profit group run by bankers to incite revolutions and profit from them. His fellow trustee is none other than the ubiquitous Rothschild front man, George Soros.

    El Baradei, who recently resigned as Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is being groomed by the Illuminati to replace Mubarak. (He and his agency won the 2005 Nobel Prize.) In April, he gave a speech at Harvard saying he was "looking for a job" and wanted to be "an agent of change and advocate for democracy" in Egypt. This is code for local boss in the NWO banker tyranny. (Barack Obama has taught us about "change.")

    In February, El Baradei was part of a new non-party political movement called the "National Association for Change" which included a leader of the banned Masonic Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is a proxy for Britain's MI-6 masquerading as Muslim fundamentalists. In November they were roundly defeated in elections, so this "revolution" seems to be their answer. Mubarak wisely jailed their leaders.

    On Thursday, El Baradei returned to Egypt to lead the demonstrations. Friday he and his supporters were subjected to water canons and batons. Today, he announced: "We are seeking a change of regime. President Mubarak should step down. We should head towards a democratic state through a new government and free democratic elections...The whole world should realize that the Egyptians are not going home until their demands are realized...We are talking about taking down the Pharaonic dictatorship."

    Egypt has accused the US of helping to engineer this revolt by training "activists."

    Is it going too far to say that removing Mubarak would be a victory for Israel in its expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates? Their surrogates are already in Baghdad.

    This article is not intended to garner sympathy for the Mubarak regime but merely to point out that this turmoil is about the Illuminati tightening their grip on Egypt. Imagine a Mafia gang that has been raking off a share of profits for decades. One day it decides to increase its take by eliminating the middle man. At the same time, it can create turmoil which always provides new opportunities.

    One thing is for sure: Our "leaders" care little about human rights and democracy. The Illuminati agenda ultimately is to degrade, disinherit and and enslave us mentally and spiritually, if not physically. The Egyptian turmoil is another step in this direction.

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    February 02, 2011

    Soros blames Israel, encouraged by Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

    Ed Lasky

    The Washington Post shamefully allows George Soros to run one of his op-ed screeds in its pages. This one focuses on the tumult in Egypt and sees a promising future of freedom in the Arab world. This is doubtful. A mere look at the history of the region is enough to reveal the overly optimistic cheerleading. When the Shah fell, Ayatollah Khomeini was described as some kind of saint by Andrew Young, America's Ambassador to the United Nations under Jimmy Carter. Elections in Gaza brought forth Hamas. The Cedar Revolution has been left to wither and now Hezb'allah is in control. Aside from this excursion into reality, is there anything else regarding George Soros's column that might give one pause. How about his gratuitous and anti-Semitic slam on Israel and the Jewish supporters of Israel (he takes on Christian supporters of Israel, too). He is preemptively blaming them -- the Jews -- as being the stumbling block for freedom for the Arab world. Always the Jews.
    The main stumbling block is Israel. In reality, Israel has as much to gain from the spread of democracy in the Middle East as the United States has. But Israel is unlikely to recognize its own best interests because the change is too sudden and carries too many risks. And some U.S. supporters of Israel are more rigid and ideological than Israelis themselves. Fortunately, Obama is not beholden to the religious right, which has carried on a veritable vendetta against him. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is no longer monolithic or the sole representative of the Jewish community. The main danger is that the Obama administration will not adjust its policies quickly enough to the suddenly changed reality.
    In fact, Israel has all but stayed out of this turmoil in the Muslim world. Would Israel be happy if Mubarak is ousted? No. Egypt has had a cool peace with Israel for three decades -- but at least it has been a cold peace. Mubarak has abided by the agreements signed by his predecessor, Anwar Sadat. Israel would not relish the likely ultimate victors in the battle for Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood -- for they are viciously anti-Semitic and anti-American. Leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood have called for Egypt to prepare for war. They would likely remove Egypt's blockade of Gaza that has prevented Hamas from arming even more than they already have been able to smuggle in. They would cut off gas supply to Israel. But Israel has sat this one out.

    The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a pro-Israel group that has become Soros's punching bag, has also been quiet. The other groups that Soros mentions that are "representative" of the Jewish community are groups such as J Street and Jews for Social Justice -- both organizations that he funds. In the case of J Street-a controversial group that is not pro-Israel but has taken position antagonistic to those of AIPAC and Israel-he and the leaders of J Street hid his financial support for years.

    Who are the real culprits responsible for lack of freedom in the Arab world? Autocratic rulers, outmoded royalty, dictators, and a religious theocracy allied with them. The schools would rather teach hatred than liberal values. The Arab leaders (be they government, religious , military, media and educational) prefer to look at their citizens as subjects to be controlled and manipulated. They choose to divert hatred away from them and towards the West and towards Jews who are blamed for the poverty of the Arab world.

    The Arab world is rife with anti-Semitism; the major source of anti-Semitism in the world today comes from the Muslim world (especially from Saudi Arabia and Iran). Those nations propagate and fund it to the rest of the world (Europe, Asia, South America). The Arab world has long blamed the Jews for their immiseration. Now they seemingly have confirmation of their views from a respectable source.

    The Washington Post is one of the world's most respected paper. The fact that it is printed in our nation's capital will carry extra weight in the Arab world. Imagine the way the Arab world will translate this op-ed: Washington Post says Jews are the stumbling block for freedom for the Arabs.

    The Washington Post should be taken to the woodshed for allowing George Soros to spread his "blame the Jews' variety of anti-Semitism in its pages.

    Furthermore, the Democratic Party is beholden to this sugar daddy. He is not only a prominent supporter of many Democratic politicians (and was an early and outsized supporter of Barack Obama) but groups such as J Street also endorse politicians. He is the largest funder of so-called 527 groups (like MoveOn.oRg) who routinely help Democrats. They are being supported by someone who peddles anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

    Will they continue to sup with the devil?

    In a word, yes.

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    We are observing that the unrest is very region-specific. It does not seem to be spreading to places like Jordan and Libya, which are already under the thumb of the Powers That Be. There is the case of German/Swedish snipers/hunters being caught in Tunisia. The Western media appears to be magnifying the crisis (This is the same media that told you that USA was attacked by Bin Laden on 9-11). Like all revolutions, the mobs only seem to be content in accomplishing a shake up of the existing power structure.
    Absolutely INCREDIBLE. There is no credibility in someone writing such an article and making statements like the above........
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    Absolutely INCREDIBLE. There is no credibility in someone writing such an article and making statements like the above........
    Good catch Rick,

    It was early and I just scanned the articles before posting and put that one first because of the heading.

    What inspired me to look for the connection was Ryan's post:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    An interesting blast from the past in light of recent events...

    'Obama Met Muslim Brotherhood Members In U.S.'

    Egyptian newspaper Almasry Alyoum reports president met group's members who live in U.S., Europe

    April 6, 2009

    U.S. President Barack Obama met with members of Egypt's Islamist opposition movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, earlier this year, according to a report in Thursday editions of the Egyptian daily newspaper Almasry Alyoum.

    The newspaper reported that Obama met the group's members, who reside in the U.S. and Europe, in Washington two months ago.

    According to the report, the members requested that news of the meeting not be publicized. They expressed to Obama their support for democracy and the war on terror.

    The newspaper also reported that the members communicated to Obama their position that the Muslim Brotherhood would abide by all agreements Egypt has signed with foreign countries.
    I had forgotten about Obama meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood during his 2009 apology tour.

    Looking at his Administrations actions over the past 2 years some troubling coincidences have emerged.

    Obama turns gulf oil over to Russia

    Obama Administration Imposes Seven-year Drilling Moratorium

    Will the Muslim Brotherhood Close the Suez Canal?

    The Obama Administration’s War on America and Post-American World

    I saw the protests on Tuesday's Hannity show on FOX and the MB were marching with red banners sporting the Hammer and Sickle calling for social justice.

    Why would this Administration trade in Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood?

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    Well, I don't mind reading it - I think my issue is that credibility goes right out the window when people start referring to the US Government or the US Media as a conspiracy incarnate.

    if they leave that stuff out and remain objective, fine, even if the material is on the wishy-washy side. It's when they step over the line and tell a story where the foundation therein has something to do with some incongruous, baseless "factoid" which has nothing whatsoever to do with the original story but is supposed to lend credibility to the writer - when all it does is causes the loss thereof.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?


    Code Pink, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, Community Activists, Marxists, Muslim Brotherhood

    The Emperor’s Pink Burka + Orchestrated Crisis by Marxists and Muslim Brotherhood?


    By Judy McLeod
    January 31, 2011

    Completely missed amid the agonizing cries of human misery in Egypt is that the ending of a United Nations fairytale is being written. The bum’s rush for President Hosni Mubarak has now gone global and from out of nowhere the Muslim Brotherhood-endorsed Mohamed El Bardei has arrived on the protest scene. El Baradei’s got the Nobel Peace Prize. All he’s really missing is the white horse.

    Egypt will be turned over to radical Islam leadership. And it would never have happened without President Barack Obama, who first ran the white flag flying over America up the flagpole—without the permission or knowledge of the American people—on April 6, 2010.

    That’s the day when Obama—without warning—cancelled America’s ability to defend itself and when he announced the bombshell that he will make the world a nuclear weapons free zone.

    Sporting a Chicago White Sox baseball cap on the mound of that day’s season opener, the media completely missed that Obama’s bombshell for no nukes on America’s soil—even in self defense—coincided with the announcement that the leaders of 23 Arab countries launched an unprecedented clarion call to free the world from nuclear weapons.

    There are those watching Egypt’s orchestrated descent into chaos who claim that Obama has lost the Middle East.

    There are others who say he really controls it.

    If there’s any proof that it’s not a president but a strident community activist in the Oval Office, Egypt is proof positive.

    Barack Obama’s friends Code Pink, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, among others, have been fomenting for revolution on trips in and out of Egypt for more than a year. Only Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King at have bothered to write about it.

    A watching world has seen the result of their undercover work as Cairo began its descent into chaos last week.

    In typical Marxist style, the Egyptian protests have been made to look spontaneous rather than orchestrated.

    “Protests are being driven by the April 6 youth movement, a group on FaceBook that has attracted mainly young and educated members opposed to Mr. Mubarak. The group has about 70,000 members and uses social network sites to “orchestrate” protests and report on their activities.” (, Jan. 29, 2011).

    Notice how the word orchestrate describes the protests?

    To the victor go the spoils, and the Muslim Brotherhood, panting like panthers, waits in the wings to take over the administration of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, in a so-called “pro-democracy” new government.

    Is the debut of the Muslim Brotherhood for takeover in Egypt the behind the scenes work of Barack Obama?

    While Code Pink, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and Company were fomenting for Revolution in Egypt for at least a year, Obama never once called off the dogs.

    This is the timeline of The Muslim Brotherhood/Marxist totally orchestrated “Day of Rage” in Cairo:

    On June 4, 2009 Obama delivered his first speech to the Muslim world at Cairo University: “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam. It was Islam—at places like Al-Azhar University—that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment. It was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed.

    Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation. And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

    On Oct. 15, 2009 Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans, who had raised mega funds for him, met with Obama only weeks after meeting the Taliban.

    On Dec. 29, 2009 Ayers and Dohrn joined Code Pink in Egypt. “We hope the Egyptians get so annoyed they just want to get rid of us,” said Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans.

    According to outgoing White House senior adviser David Axelrod, the president’s closest aid, Obama “on several occasions directly confronted Mubarak on Human rights for the past two years”.

    Obama’s Cairo address was during the past two years, and there was not a peep about Mubarak’s Human Rights on June 4, 2009.

    Obama’s personal friends and supporters fomented for the revolution that is happening in Egypt right now.

    In any language, in any country that’s called sabotage.


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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    This might indeed be a manufactured crisis. I wouldn't discount it. You know, Bill Clinton has recently been back to the White House and giving advice. I'd not be surprised that something ELSE is going on we're all missing right now.

    Maybe hidden gun control bills?

    Perhaps the repeal (or lack thereof) of Obamacare?

    New, tighter "security regulations" on American Citizens... in and effort to "crack down" on "terrorism"?

    Hiding the fact that some terrorists have already come into the country and are hiding here now?

    I can't imagine that Barack is like Bill and he's got his favorite Intern in the O office now.... but you know, I suppose it's possible.

    Anything is possible.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    The Socialist Roots Of The Egyptian Protests

    Posted on 29. Jan, 2011 by Brooks Bayne in Articles

    Having been involved in the genesis of a well-known protest, I know how everyone, including the media, gets the facts wrong when they try to ascertain the reason such events occur. The media won’t ever pay the real movers and shakers of protests any notice because they don’t know who any of them are. They need comfy, famous names and faces to do part of their job for them. It’s been almost 2 years after the Tea Party Movement started and our own media still doesn’t know who started it, and in most cases, they still don’t know why!

    On the morning of January 28th, 2011, 3 days after the first day of the Egyptian protests, I was reading through the #Jan25 hashtag stream on Twitter, and I noticed that most of the foreign tweets were in Arabic.

    No big deal… my browser has a “translate this page” feature, just click and voil*, the entire page is translated. The problem is, I started noticing that many of the Arabic #Jan25 tweets were using phrases that sounded like Karl Marx fanboys passing socialist love notes back and forth to one another in class. Since we at The Graph focus on combating the worldview of neo-Marxists, it’s easy for us to spot Marxist propaganda. So, I put on my grassroots protester hat and started digging in the social web streams, because that’s where grassroots protesters work their magic.

    In America, people are concerned that the Muslim Brotherhood are involved in the origination of these protests. In many tweets from Egyptians/Arabs in the #Jan25 stream people were very adamant about the Muslim Brotherhood not being the group responsible for the protests. The Muslim Brotherhood sounds like the Tea Party Express of the Egyptian protests – the western mainstream media is incorrectly attributing them for something they didn’t create.

    I found no tweets in the #Jan25 hashtag stream espousing Islamic extremism. However, most Egyptians still link Sharia with justice.

    These Egyptian grassroots political activists, most of them socialist/Marxist/unionist, used the momentum of the recent “revolution” in Tunisia to kick-off their January 25th protests. But who was behind the protests in Tunisia? Were the same people responsible there? If you look at the people who were appointed to the new Tunisian government, that should be obvious. Socialists. In the first post-Ben Ali government, the following new people were initially selected to serve as part of a 17 member cabinet. The other members were pre-existing members from the old regime:

    • Mustapha Ben Jafar from the Democratic Forum for Labour and Liberties – This party is an advisory member of the Socialist International and is a coalition member with the Communist Party of Tunisian Workers
    • Ahmed Ibrahim of the Movement Ettajdid – A socialist party originally known as the Tunisian Communist Party
    • Ahmed Najib Chebbi of the Progressive Democratic Party – This party was formerly known as the Progressive Socialist Rally
    • And 3 members of the Tunisian General Labour Union – This group is part of the communist-created and global socialist organization, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU). Seems the head of the AFL (now the AFL-CIO) was in a pissing match with the Soviets at the time, otherwise they’d all be part of the WFTU.

    Are you seeing a pattern?

    Gigi Ibrahim

    Once it was decided by the activists in Egypt that protests were a “go”, they presented idea that they should use the January 25th holiday of “Police Day” (ironic, eh?) to launch their protests in Egypt. The activists’ thinking, based on blogs and tweets, was that the police wouldn’t be very motivated to mobilize against their protests on their holiday. Many of the activists have said that they were taken by the momentum of this particular protest, because they’ve organized many in the past that were quick to fizzle out.

    Some of the activists were interviewed on Al Jazeera saying that there was no official party or group control of the protest, but their affiliations were quickly evident when searching them online. Al Jazeera didn’t bother pointing out that these two activists, among those who have been placed front and center by the protesters, are self-described socialists too.

    • Gigi Ibrahim (pictured above left) – socialist activist, Egypt. She lists quotes from Marx among her favorite quotes on Facebook. She has also lived in Anaheim, CA.
    • Wael Khalil – socialist activist/blogger, Egypt

    The BBC World Service also interviewed Ms. Ibrahim, but the BBC didn’t bother pointing out Gigi’s socialism either. If you listen to any of these activists speak, they’re all crying for “democracy”, which, in their case, is apparently synonymous with socialism. Sure, they all despise Hosni Mubarak, but they would’ve protested anyone who wasn’t a socialist in the aftermath of the Tunisian protesters’ success.

    Kamal Khalil, director of the Center for Socialist Studies with Ghazl el-Mahalla labor activist Kamal Mohamed el-Fayoumi, during Socialist Days 2007. (Photo by Hossam el-Hamalawy)

    Here are some of the more well-known socialists groups involved in kicking off the January 25th protests (this list isn’t meant to be exhaustive as I’ve been trying to get up to speed on all this during the last 24 hours):

    • Kafya/Kefaya – “The Egyptian Movement for Change” – Translated to English it means “enough”. It’s made up of socialists, Marxists, (seems ‘Change’ means the same to them as it did to Barack) secularists and Islamists. Some see this group as Mubarak’s primary opposition group.
    • Tagammu – “National Progressive Unionist Party” – a socialist political party in Egypt that rejects religious extremism.
    • Mahalla/April 6th – a large group of unionists/socialists and their youth supporters. They launched a massive strike on April 6th, 2008, in Mahalla, Egypt, now known as the April 6th Youth Movement. Two of the recognized leaders of this movement Kamal Mohamed el-Fayoumi and Tarek Amin are well-known socialists in Egypt. In between the April 6th, 2008 strike and the January 25th, 2011 protests, Kamal participated in Socialist Days 2009 in Cairo, Egypt as a speaker. Socialist Days 2009 is also where Chris Harman, a well-known socialist author, and Marxist propagandist, from the UK, died while lecturing.
    • The Center for Socialist Studies – an Egyptian group in Giza committed to bringing about “revolutionary socialism”. Led by director Kamal Khalil. The picture to the right is of Kamal Khalil and Kamal Mohamed el-Fayoumi (the leader of April 6th, mentioned above) at Socialist Days 2007. You can see the Center’s Twitter stream here.
    • Nasserites – mainly Arab nationalism combined with socialism and secularism. Named after former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nassar. These supporters tended to be older in age and were in much smaller numbers at the protests, but their worldview is mostly consistent with their younger counterparts.

    Another socialist activist, who was heavily involved in getting out the word via blogs and Twitter, said of this Kayfa ( one of the organizations mentioned above) member photographed below, “The best shot I took today.” The Kayfa sticker he’s holding probably says more about his leftist politics than Jihadi mayhem.

    What do the protesters want? Well, originally, they wanted these demands met:

    • To raise the minimum wage limit to LE 1200 and to get an unemployment aid.
    • To cancel the emergency status in the country , to dismiss Habib El-Adly and to release all detainees without court orders. (this is in response to the alleged murder of Khaled Said)
    • Disbanding the current parliament , to have a new free election and to amend the constitution in order to have two presidential limits only.

    Although, now that the violence has escalated, curfews have been implemented, and an Internet blackout was forced by the government, many protesters are calling for a complete and total regime change.

    Mubarak firing his existing cabinet is not enough for some.

    Some of you might say, “But you’re the guy who started The Graph. You guys are anti-Marxist.” That’s true, but you don’t have to take my word for all the above. Take the word of socialist organizations from around the world (just a few of the many articles out there):

    My takeaway from all this is that the Muslim Brotherhood has not been instrumental in this movement to date. The socialists involved in the January 25th uprising do not trust the Muslim Brotherhood politically because they see that group as beholden to Egyptian capitalism. However, the Brotherhood has money, powerful people who don’t mind engaging in murder, and years of organization on their side. If they want to co-opt this movement, they’ll be a force that the Egyptian neo-Marxists have to deal with.

    Based on the people involved in the Tunisian movement, the April 6th Youth Movement/Mahalla Strike, and those involved in the creation of the January 25th protests, it’s clear that the current “revolution” in Africa has more to do with socialism than it does about Islamic fundamentalism, although the latter is playing a strong secondary role within some of the factions. Socialism has very deep roots in the Egypt and the Middle East going back to the era of Salama Moussa who wrote the first Arabic book on socialism in 1912 titled, “Al-Ishtirākiyya (The Socialism)”. Moussa also helped form Egypt’s Socialist Party (later to be renamed the Communist Party in 1923) in 1921 alongside the likes of foreigner Joseph Rosenthal.

    It seems as if there’s no real alternative to dictators or socialist organizations in Egypt and many other countries in the Middle East. The better question to ask is, “Who isn’t a socialist in Egypt?” If you remove a dictator there, you’re bound to end up with some flavor of socialism as a result. Capitalism is evil to Islamic socialists because it’s of the Western non-believer. Socialism is allowed to flourish to a degree, but under dictators it’s mostly just a bone to throw to the masses as appeasement. Arab socialism is different in some ways to the old Soviet communism because of the Islamic influence rejecting the Soviet tenets that were incompatible with the worldview of Muslims. As evidenced by the poll earlier in this post, many of the secular leftists in this region accept Sharia as being generally beneficial.

    Where does George Soros fit into all this? Or does he? I engaged one of the Egyptian socialist activists on Twitter to learn more about the origin of the protests. When I asked who was originally behind the movement, he linked me to GlobalVoices. You can see the tweet here. Who funds GlobalVoices? Soros’ Open Society Institute, of course. It’s interesting that Soros-funded GlobalVoices’ January 25 protest timeline starts with a post on the 23rd asking if the January 25th protests were going to be Egypt’s Intifada.

    Intifada was the word given to the uprising, or shaking off, in the 1987 Gaza/West Bank clash between Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza, and the Israelis. During this First Intifada, Zachary Lockman wrote, “Israeli forces killed an estimated 1,100 Palestinians and Palestinians killed 164 Israelis, Palestinians killed an estimated 1,000 other Palestinians as alleged collaborators, although fewer than half had any proven contact with the Israeli authorities”. How nice of a Soros-funded GlobalVoices to suggest Intifada. I think it’s worth investigating to see if Soros did have a hand in the protests in Tunisia and Egypt.

    Leave it to the mainstream media to get yet another modern historical protest wrong. The Tea Party protests and the January 25 protests have almost nothing in common, save for the fact that the media doesn’t seem too interested in either protest’s precise origin. On behalf of the lamestream media, I nominate the Tea Party Express and the Muslim Brotherhood for the “irrelevant fire-starter” award.

    As I’ve been writing this post, protests have begun in Saudi Arabia (doubt their protesters get too far), Yemen, Albania, and Jordan. Any takers on what ideology is behind the rest these protests? There are already reports of the Socialist Party speaking out in Albania against the current government there.

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    Egypt now fears Obama a 'Manchurian President'

    'They are trying to understand why he is acting against U.S. interests'

    Posted: February 02, 2011
    8:43 pm Eastern

    © 2011 WorldNetDaily

    Top members of the Egyptian government say they feel betrayed by President Obama, charging that he is acting against American interests.

    "Mubarak's regime feels Obama is pushing the advancement of the Muslim Brotherhood against U.S. interests," said WND's Jerusalem bureau chief and senior reporter Aaron Klein. "They are genuinely trying to understand why Obama is seemingly championing the anti-regime protests."

    Klein said that a top Egyptian diplomat with whom he has developed a rapport over the last few years asked him earlier this week to explain Obama's motivation to support the opposition to Mubarak.

    "I told him none of this should be a surprise," said Klein, "that the Obama administration has developed an extensive relationship over the last few years with allies of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    "That my investigating has proven that Obama has been closely associated throughout his political career with radical-left elements who have long petitioned for policies many believe are aimed at weakening the American enterprise both domestically and internationally."

    "The Egyptian diplomat seemed surprised," said Klein. "I told him this material was thoroughly documented in my latest book."

    The diplomat requested 20 copies of Klein's New York Times bestselling book investigating Obama, "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's ties to communists, socialists, and other anti-American extremists."

    The diplomat said he would deliver the book, which was co-authored by Brenda J. Elliott, to senior officials in Mubarak's embattled government.
    Obama in recent days urged Mubarak to give up power in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood forms the main opposition.

    Mubarak has been a staunch U.S. ally and a recipient of billions of dollars in military aid. His regime has long been considered a stabilizing force in the Arab world.

    The Obama administration's support for the unrest is strikingly reminiscent of Jimmy Carter's support of the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, which marked the birth of modern Islamist expansion.

    Some Muslim clerics are already calling the riots in Egypt simply an extension of 1979's Islamist conquests.

    "Thirty-one years after the victory of the Islamic Republic, we are faced with the obvious fact that these movements are the aftershocks of the Islamic revolution," said Iranian cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, as reported by Iran's Radio Zamaneh. "The fate of those who challenge [our] religion is destruction."

    Speaking of media and government leaders, Khatami added, "They want to highlight the labor, liberal and democratic issues, but the most important issue, which is the religious streak of these protests, [is] being denied."

    The leader of Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood, Hammam Saeed, warned that the unrest in Egypt will spread across the Mideast until Arabs succeed at toppling leaders allied with the United States.

    "The Americans and Obama must be losing sleep over the popular revolt in Egypt," Saeed said at a sympathy protest held outside the Egyptian Embassy in Amman. "Now, Obama must understand that the people have woken up and are ready to unseat the tyrant leaders who remained in power because of U.S. backing."

    And on the Internet, the Middle East Media Research Institute reports, prominent Salafi cleric Abu Mundhir Al-Shinqiti issued a fatwa on the website Minbar Al-Tawhid Wal Jihad encouraging the protests in Egypt, claiming Islamist jihadis are now on the verge of a historic moment, an "earthquake" he likened to the Sept. 11 attacks in New York City.

    Obama pushes Egyptian 'reform'

    According to a senior Egyptian diplomat speaking to WND, a former U.S. ambassador to Egypt, Frank Wisner, specifically told Mubarak on Tuesday the U.S. would not continue to support his rule and he must step down.

    Hours later, Mubarak announced he would not seek another term in office.

    The Obama administration dispatched Wisner to Egypt last weekend to report to the State Department and White House a general sense of the situation in the country.

    WND broke the story yesterday that the Egyptian government has information Wisner secretly met earlier this week with a senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Issam El-Erian.

    The Muslim Brotherhood seeks to spread Islam around the world, in large part using nonviolent means. Hamas and al-Qaida are violent Brotherhood offshoots.

    Muslim Brotherhood declares war on U.S.

    Prominent U.S. commentators also have been claiming the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate organization and denying there is any Islamist plot to seize power.

    Last Friday, President George W. Bush's former press spokeswoman, Dana Perino, told Fox News, "Don't be afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. This has nothing to do with religion."

    Bruce Reidel, a former CIA analyst and adviser to President Obama, wrote a Daily Beast article in which he claimed, "The Egyptian Brotherhood renounced violence years ago. … Its relative moderation has made it the target of extreme vilification by more radical Islamists.
    Reidel's assertion the Brotherhood renounced violence, however, is contradicted by its own statements in recent months, including a call to arms against the West.

    In November, the Brotherhood's new supreme guide, Muhammad Badi, delivered a sermon entitled "How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny."

    "Resistance is the only solution," stated Badi. "The United States cannot impose an agreement upon the Palestinians, despite all the power at its disposal. [Today] it is withdrawing from Iraq, defeated and wounded, and is also on the verge of withdrawing from Afghanistan because it has been defeated by Islamist warriors."

    Badi went on to declare the U.S. is easy to defeat through violence, since it is "experiencing the beginning of its end and is heading toward its demise."

    Barry Rubin, director of the Global Research in International Affairs Center, noted Badi's speech showed "the likelihood that more Brotherhood supporters in the West will turn to violence and fund-raising for terrorism."

    Frank Gaffney, president of the American Center for Security Policy, takes it a step further.

    "In short, the Muslim Brotherhood – whether it is operating in Egypt, elsewhere in the world or here – is our enemy," he wrote.

    Obama quietly builds ties to Muslim Brotherhood

    Klein reported for WND yesterday that Obama and top administration officials have troubling relationships with the Muslim Brotherhood and its worldwide allies.

    Muslim Brotherhood members were reportedly invited to attend Obama's 2009 address to the Muslim world from Cairo. Khaled Hamza, editor of the Muslim Brotherhood website, confirmed at the time that 10 members of the Brotherhood's parliamentary bloc received official invitations to attend Obama's historic speech.

    Also in 2009, the Egyptian daily newspaper Almasry Alyoum ran a report claiming Obama had met with U.S. and European-based representatives of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood that year.

    According to the report, the Brotherhood members requested that news of the meeting not be publicized. They expressed to Obama their support for democracy and the war on terror.

    The newspaper also reported Brotherhood members communicated to Obama their position that they would abide by all agreements Egypt has signed with foreign countries, implying that if they took power in Egypt they would continue that country's peace treaty with Israel.

    Besides contact with the Muslim Brotherhood itself, there have been reports the past two years of behind-the-scenes contact with Hamas, which was founded as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas maintains a close alliance with the Brotherhood; the Brotherhood's new leader, Muhammad Badi, serves as a de facto lead spiritual guide for Hamas.

    Top leaders of Hamas in Gaza claimed to WND several times they passed messages to Obama through dignitaries who visited the Gaza Strip, including Jimmy Carter and Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., – both of whom have a close relationship with the White House.

    Kerry, for example, reportedly accepted a letter for Obama from Hamas leaders in Gaza during a February 2009 visit to U.N. installations in the coastal territory.

    U.N. relief agency chief in Gaza Karen Abu Zayd told the BBC the Hamas letter had been received by his agency and passed on to an unnamed American official.

    In November, 2008, WND first quoted Hamas officials stating they would be sending a letter to Obama.

    Immediately after that month's elections, Ahmed Yousef , Hamas' chief political adviser in Gaza, called Obama's win a "historic victory" for the world and told WND that Hamas was sending a letter of congratulation to the president-elect.

    Obama ties to Brotherhood's U.S. allies

    It is not just Obama's reported contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood and the group's allies in the Middle East that are of concern.

    The Obama administration also has evidenced a working relationship with several U.S.-based Islamist organizations that are listed by the Brotherhood as "likeminded" organizations.

    One such group is the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, a radical Muslim group that was an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to raise money for Hamas.

    ISNA was named in a May 1991 Muslim Brotherhood document – "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" – as one of the Brotherhood's likeminded "organizations of our friends" who shared the common goal of transforming countries into Muslim nations.

    The White House relationship with ISNA began even before Obama took office. One week before the presidential inauguration, Sayyid Syeed, national director of the ISNA Office for Interfaith and Community Alliances, was part of a delegation that met with the directors of Obama's transition team. The delegation discussed a request for an executive order ending "torture."

    ISNA President Ingrid Mattson represented American Muslims at Obama's inauguration, where she offered a prayer during the televised event.

    Mattson also has represented ISNA at Obama's annual Ramadan dinners, including the last such event in which Obama announced support for the rights of Muslims to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque two blocks from the site of the 9/11 attacks.

    In June 2009, Obama's top aide, Valerie Jarrett, invited Mattson to work on the White House Council on Women and Girls, which Jarrett leads.

    That July, the Justice Department sponsored an information booth at an ISNA bazaar in Washington, D.C.

    Also that month, Jarrett addressed ISNA's 46th annual convention. According to the White House, Jarrett attended as part of Obama's outreach to Muslims.

    ISNA sponsored a February 2010 question-and-answer session in which Obama's top adviser on counter-terrorism, John Brennan, came under fire for controversial remarks to Muslim law students.

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

    Obama and the Shadow Socialist Group Behind Egypt’s Fall?

    By Michael Savage and Greg Lewis
    © 2011 by Savage Productions, Inc.
    All Rights Reserved

    Barack Obama has been playing a critical role in making sure that Egypt, one of our staunchest allies in the Middle East, is positioned to become the next member of the Union of Iranian Radical Islamist Republics headed by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Every single word out of the president’s mouth, every single move he’s made has had the effect of stabbing Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the back, of opening the door to Islamist radicals taking another step on their way to restoring an unholy caliphate in that region.

    The historical precedent for Obama’s actions can be found in those of another weak liberal Democratic president, Jimmy Carter. In the late 1970s, the Shah of Iran ruled that country in much the same way Hosni Mubarak as ruled Egypt, through maintaining tight control over the population with a strong military and the support of the United States. When Carter withdrew his support of the Shah in the name of “human rights,” he enabled the Ayatollah Khomeini to return to Iran from his exile in Paris and assume leadership of the country.

    It looks very much like Obama is following directly in Carter’s footsteps. The problem is that the situation is much more serious today than it was 30 years ago. Blame that on Jimmy Carter. Carter’s turning over Iran to the mullahs has allowed Islamist radicalism to establish a soon-to-be-nuclear outpost in the region. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is set to expand his influence and power by abetting the overthrow of nations such as Egypt that retain ties with and receive support from the west. There is no doubt that Ahmadinejad sees himself as the leader of an Islamist union that wields power over the entire Middle East and threatens western civilization as well.

    Since the 9/11 attacks on the United States, the left in America has come out on the side of Islamist radicals. They cheered as the Twin Towers fell and American lives were lost. With the election of one of their own as president of the United States, the left moved even closer to realizing its aim of bringing down our country. It is not out of the question that Barack Obama is actually working to insure that our allies in the Middle East, including Egypt and Jordan, follow in the footsteps of Iran in installing a radical Islamist government. It is not out of the question that Obama seeks the demise of our staunchest ally, Israel.

    What is becoming clear is that, like Jimmy Carter, Obama is on the side of Islamist radicals. When Iranian students staged an uprising after the rigged elections in that country insured that the totalitarian government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would remain in power, Obama was on vacation in Hawaii and treated the Iranian insurrection as nothing more than a nuisance.

    Instead of intervening and speaking out strongly in favor of the students and the overthrow of a truly heinous enemy regime, Obama declined to take sides, saying “it is up to Iranians to decide who Iran’s leaders will be.” By not speaking out and taking the lead in denouncing the Iranian regime, Obama revealed where his sympathies lay.

    Only a few weeks earlier, Obama had delivered one of his more insipid speeches. Speaking in Cairo, he had called for America to end torture and close the prison at Guantanamo Bay in order to reclaim its “moral authority.”

    His insistence that “the people of Iran” should decide who their leaders are simply ignored the fact that the Ahmadinejad regime had rigged the election. The point was that there was no way the Iranian people could decide who their leaders would be. By saying what he did, Obama came down solidly on the side of the Muslim dictatorship and rigging elections in
    order to achieve it.

    Less than two years later, the Cairo insurrection against one of America’s staunchest allies, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, provided Obama with another chance to speak out against Islamist radicalism. Instead he’s again waffled and backtracked and stabbed Mubarak in the back by demanding that the Egyptian president step down immediately.

    Nobody is saying that Mubarak’s government is a paragon of democratic rule. What Mubarack has done, though, is to provide a stabilizing influence in the Middle East. He’s the closest thing to a friend that Israel has in the region. He’s helped Israel secure its borders, and he’s kept the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood from gaining power in Egypt by outlawing them. He’s accepted U.S. foreign aid, primarily in the form of military equipment, and used it to maintain his country’s strength.

    Our foreign aid, which Obama has publicly considered withdrawing to punish Mubarack, represents money well spent. We get back much more in increased Middle East security through the sale of military equipment to our ally than can be measured simply in dollars.

    After watching silently for several days as demonstrators overran the streets of Cairo, Obama did what he would not do in the Iranian situation:

    He said that Mubarak must step down immediately in order to pave the way for “free” elections.

    But as it turns out, it’s not quite as simple as that. Obama’s words to the contrary, it’s highly likely that our president had a strong hand in bringing about the riots in Egypt. Beyond that, he was aided and abetted by the very man who engineered the financial meltdown that enabled Obama to get elected in the first place: George Soros.

    The U.S. knew as early as December, 2008, that groups opposed to the Mubarak regime were already developing a plan to overthrow the Egyptian government. They received the information from a young dissident who the U.S. had sponsored to attend a meeting for international political activists that took place in New York City.

    In addition, according to documents exposed by WikiLeaks, U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Margaret Scobey was aware of the plans of the Mubarak opposition group. Leaked documents also show that while the United States publicly supported the Mubarak government, U.S. Embassy officials continued to communicate with the activist in question throughout 2008 and 2009.

    The problem is that in order for a country to hold “free” elections, it must have a democratic infrastructure, a democratic culture. In the most important sense, there is no Middle Eastern country that has this, except for Israel. Even our attempts to establish democracy in Iraq have done little to combat the influence of Iran or to insure that democracy will survive after we leave.

    When you try to establish a democracy in the Middle East, Islamist radicals move in and take over. It’s exactly what happened in Gaza. In the elections of 2005, the terrorist group Hamas was the big winner over Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah Party. By 2007, Hamas had drive the Fatah Party out of Gaza. And when Abbas, still the nominal president of Gaza, called for elections in January of 2009, Hamas said that anyone who participated in the election would be “dealt with by the [Hamas] ministry or by other means.”1

    In other words, if you vote you die.

    That’s what the term “free elections” means in the Middle East. It means that a radical terrorist organization will move in, intimidate the population, and make sure that its candidates are elected. It’s exactly what is likely to happen in Egypt, even if an “orderly” transition to free elections takes place. First, it’s very likely that even if the uprising against Mubarak in Egypt began spontaneously, it’s no longer spontaneous. Ahmadinejad applauded the insurrection loudly when it began, and there is no doubt that his agents are involved on the street and in the backrooms where strategies against Mubarak are being plotted.

    To this point: One of the key figures in opposition to Mubarak is Mohamed ElBaradei. He’s the former International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director. In that capacity, he whitewashed Iran’s nuclear energy program, essentially saying that Ahmadinehad was not pursuing nuclear weapons when it’s clear to everyone that he is. On January 18, before the uprising in Egypt had begun, AlBaradei, in what was a veiled call to action for Islamists, warned that a “Tunisia-style explosion” could occur in Egypt.

    AlBaradei has emerged as a key figure in a “shadow parliament” that has formed in Egypt.2 The shadow parliament consists of opposition leaders who are trying to develop plans for a transition to a new regime through “free and democratic” elections. Included in the group are representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood, the radical terrorist group responsible for the assassination of Egyptian Premier Anwar Sadat in 1981 and the seed group for other Islamist terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda. The Muslim Brotherhood seeks nothing less than a government based on Islamist principles, including the implementation of Shariah Law and waging jihad against the west.

    AlBaradei, given the fact that he looked the other way when inspecting Iran’s nuclear facilities, is very likely a puppet of the Iranian regime. In April, 2009, AlBaradei told the press that “more U.S. engagement with Tehran’s leaders would increase regional security.”3 Although many say he’s unlikely to play a key role in the upcoming elections, he’s nonetheless one of the agents seeking to give Islamist radicals a voice in the Egyptian government.

    It’s no coincidence that AlBaradei showed up in Cairo only two days after the uprising began and was immediately named a negotiator by the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, he had been waiting in the wings for quite a while.

    He’s on the board of an organization headed by George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski called International Crisis Group. Brzezinski is the same man who supervised the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979.

    Another board member of the ICC is one Javier Solana. Solana is one of the most powerful figures in the European Union. Because of his Marxist sympathies and his support for the regime of Cuba’s Fidel Castro, Solana was once on the USA’s subversive list. Former U.S. National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, who once smuggled incriminating documents out of the Clinton White House by hiding them in his clothing is another Board Member, as is General Wesley Clark, once fired from his NATO command.

    Monamed ElBaradei also sits on the ICC’s Board.

    The organization’s stated aim is “working to prevent conflict worldwide.”

    The group promotes itself as “the world’s leading independent, non-partisan, source of analysis and advice to governments, and intergovernmental bodies like the United Nations, European Union and World Bank, on the prevention and resolution of deadly conflict.”4

    The true purpose of the ICC is exactly the opposite of its stated purpose. It seeks nothing less than the political downfall of moderate regimes in Muslim countries which maintain friendly relations with the United States, with the ultimate purpose of destroying our country and promoting Islamist regimes.

    Soros continues to exert a strong influence on the policies and pronouncements of Barak Obama and his administration. His influence includes promoting the Muslim Brotherhood to a position of power in Egypt.

    To that end, Frank Wisner, a former U.S. ambassador to Egypt, met secretly with Issam El-Erian, a senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, at the Obama administration’s request. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the fate of Egypt after Mubarak was deposed.5 It is also reported that Obama himself met with members of the Muslim brotherhood in 2009.6

    While the situation in Egypt is still fluid, with Mubarak proposing to remain in power through the elections scheduled for September, the fact is that Egypt is the key player in what is almost certainly a larger movement to unseat current governments in the region and replace them with Islamist friendly regimes.

    This week, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said that President Obama’s call for an immediate transition from the government of President Hosni Mubarak has incited violence. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki said “What foreign parties are saying about ‘a period of transition beginning immediately’ in Egypt is rejected. He added that such calls “inflame the internal situation in Egypt.”

    Tunisia’s government was dissolved and its president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, fled the country after protests against joblessness and corruption overwhelmed Tunisia’s security forces in a situation that foreshadowed what is happening in Egypt.

    Jordan’s King Abdullah II has also dissolved the parliament in his country in response to protests similar, although not as violent and widespread, to those in Egypt and Tunisia. Abdullah has also promised free elections within six months.

    The situation is ripe for Islamist terrorist organizations to move in and take control of the Middle East. And Obama is their enabler. He is the epitome of a weak liberal president. He mouths utopian leftist platitudes while the governments of our allies in the Middle East are challenged.

    Obama actually said the Muslim Brotherhood “must reject violence and recognize democratic goals” in one interview.

    His lack of understanding of the consequences of this type of rhetoric and of the positions he holds is unfathomable. It may well be that at heart he is true to his Muslim upbringing and is bound to cede the power of the Judaeo-Christian west to Islamic tyrants.

    He supports the demonstrators when there is a chance that his support will lead to the overthrow of our allies, but he keeps his mouth shut when truly dictatorial Islamist regimes are threatened by popular uprising.

    His weakness is having the effect of enabling a new caliphate to be formed in the Middle East. We’re very likely witnessing the formation of a new Islamist alliance led by Iran.

    Reaction from people who understand the true urgency of the situation has universally condemned Obama’s positions. One article about Obama’s “betrayal” of Mubarak was titled “A Bullet in the Back from Uncle Sam.”

    That piece went on to describe “the politically correct diplomacy of American presidents throughout the generations” as “naïve.”7 Israeli lawmaker Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said, "I don't think the Americans understand yet the disaster they have pushed the Middle East into."

    The United States, upon realizing the seriousness of the situation in Egypt, should have immediately come to the aid of President Mubarack and the maintenance of stability in Egypt and the region. We should have deployed naval assets to the Suez Canal in order to protect that channel through which nearly 10 percent of the world’s goods pass on their way to their destinations. We should also have made it clear that we support our allies, Egypt and Israel, and we will do everything in our power to maintain the status quo, even as Egypt moves toward liberalizing its government.

    We should also have made it clear that intervention by other countries, especially Iran, will not be tolerated.

    Obama needed to come down on the side of maintaining our allies in the region. Instead, he sided with Islamists.

    The invitation to hold “free elections” in Middle Eastern countries with no history of democracy and no democratic infrastructure or culture in place is nothing less than a naive invitation to Islamist radicals to step in and take control. Such a transition, if it can be made at all, must be very gradual.

    People with no history of establishing and maintaining democratic institutions must be led into their formation.

    As Murabak supporters clash with anti-Mubarak forces in the streets of Cairo, the country’s fate rests more and more with the Egyptian military and with Omar Suleiman, Egyptian Intelligence Chief who is now Vice President.

    It is just possible that, if the military is able to retain power and if Suleiman is able to take over from Mubarak, that the Middle East can retain its precarious balance. But don’t look to Barak Obama for help.

    1 “Hamas in Gaze elections warning,” BBC NEws, October 28, 2009
    2 Levinson, Charles, and Steve Stecklow, “Inside Opposition’s War Room, Wall Street Journal, February 3,
    2011, p. 1.
    3 Tirone, Jonathan, “Iran Divides Mubarack’s Troubleshooter, Opposition’s AlBaradei,” Bloomberg,
    February 2, 2011 (
    5 Klein, Aaron, “U.S. ‘held secret meeting with Muslim Brotherhood,’” World Net Daily, February 1, 2011
    6 Bar’el, Zvi, and Avi Isacharoff, “’Obama met Muslim Brotherhood members in U.S.,’”,
    April 6, 2009 (
    7 Hamilton, Douglas, “Israel shocked by Obama’s ‘betrayal’ of Mubarak,” Reuters, January 31, 2011
    8 “Some in Israel see Obama administration reaction to Egypt as naïve,” The Western Star, February 3,
    2011 (

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Was listening to Savage on the way home about his commentary above; very disturbing!!!

    Here's the broadcast.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    You know, the longer this drags out and the more information that comes out, the more I am suspecting this might be the Axis lighting another brushfire rather than an actual push for freedom. Savage definitely brought some interesting points to light on his show in regards to this.

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    You know, the longer this drags out and the more information that comes out, the more I am suspecting this might be the Axis lighting another brushfire rather than an actual push for freedom. Savage definitely brought some interesting points to light on his show in regards to this.
    As usual, I can't get real intelligence sitting at work other than text. /sigh

    I have this horrible feeling this was instigated high up in the US and the "Brotherhood" was given money and help to get this started.

    Ruining Egypt is a gem in a crown.

    Egypt has been our ally for a LONG time, and we've trained them, given them massive amounts of money, weapons, munitions, airplanes and training. I've spent some time there (in the late 70s and early 80s so I am not familiar with more modern things first hand).

    Egypt has probably MORE people than all the other middle eastern countries put together - if not more, then pretty close.

    They OWN and CONTROL the Suez Canal. This is a very tight canal, with locks and adds roughly 20 days to countries moving oil and supplies from the Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea.

    The ability to close off those locks is a massive military advantage against pretty much anyone - including Europe, and certainly not forgetting the United States.

    Having Egypt under the control of the Muslims will be a very, very bad thing for the United States, for Europe and for the Israelis.

    If we don't do something soon and we allow this to continue - regardless of Mubarak's "status" as a "dictator" we are going to lose a very important region.

    Do I advocate interfering with "democracy"? Yes, in this case I do.

    Not violently though.

    The people need to stand down and let him finish his term and work to have him ousted at the elections....
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Just got a chance to watch my DVR'd episode of yesterday's Glenn Beck show and he too is doing a great job bringing much relevant information about this to light. My DVR didn't record his show from the day before so I missed that.

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Michael... Michael, come on. This is akin to saying the Illuminati planned this. Or whomever.

    Governments can't keep secrets like this forever, and certainly not in a conspiracy level that is tighter than the NSA.

    The American Government for instance can keep secrets. I know this. But keeping a CONSPIRACY a secret is the most ridiculous concept I've ever heard. Sooner or later someone will spill the beans. People like you and me don't "discover them" like in books - it's not going to happen.

    What IF I told you that I know a certain High Level official for the Russian Government personally and he is a double agent to the US? Would you believe me? Should you believe me? You can bet if I said this in earnest I'd have people asking me questions and wanting to know 1) How I know, 2) WHO I know, 3) am I being truthful.

    The fact is, you, me or anyone can make anything crap up we want - and assume and believe it is true, without a shred of evidence.

    And to keep a conspiracy in motion over 30 years or more (and by the way who the HELL in their right mind is going to agree to do something that eventually will get them assassinated) is completely impossible.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Quote Originally Posted by michael2 View Post
    Look, i'm not saying Sadat planned on getting himself assassinated, that's silly. But I do believe that as a good Moslem, Sadat may have been planning the 'Camp David' accords peace treaty as a truce as prelude to a final war with Israel. Perhaps with Sadat dead, others merely extended the truce period while eventually manuvering a figurehead like El Baradai into position.
    Occam's Razor, my friend. The simplest answer is probably the most correct. Why if Sadat were going to push to a final war would others "merely extend the truce"? Why not go with the flow? Why not advance that end sooner, rather than put it off for three decades knowing full well many of them would be dead in that time period and others might not be so hell bent on the destruction of the Israelis?

    Groups like the Moslem Brotherhood are patient and deal in plans that could be decades long in fulfillment, not months and years. It's not 'conspiracy' as such, but Sun Tzu. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Mubarak would be easier dealt with when he's old and weak like the Shah of Iran was in 1979, and like the Shah, lacking in critical American support from a left-leaning American President....
    Muslims in general don't care when they get control, as long as they eventually gain control. But while I give them credit for having smart men on their side, I do NOT give them credit for being able to manufacture and maintain a long-winded path to the future that includes little in the way of instant gratification.

    Remember, these fools KILL themselves and others with BOMBS just so they can get to Heaven NOW instead of waiting until they die.

    These people are IMPATIENT to get to an end - and you're crediting them with this immense patience it sure as hell doesn't explain the morons killing themselves in the name of Allah.

    And all of these variables have, no doubt, been factored in by our enemies in the larger geopolitical chessgame.
    Micheal, our own bloody government can't see things like "Global Warming" for what it is - absolute NONSENSE. They can't grasp the little things on a timely basis like putting money into anti-ballistic missile defense, but want to "create green jobs" that won't help "save the planet" any more than they create "green jobs".

    Our OWN government thinks they can create jobs by taking money out of MY pocket and giving it to some short term government worker like a Census taker.

    And you expect people out there, in the big, wide world to have sat down and "factored all this in" to a giant chess game?

    No, the chess games are played by China, Russia, the US and right now Iran and North Korea. The rest of them are punk assed losers who can't put their shoes on the right feet half the time, and blow themselves up the other half.

    Sounds more sensible, but more frightening, doesn't it?
    None of your theory is "sensible" or even frightening. What is truly frightening is your thinking on this (and some other subjects I've noted around the site) - you are showing your true colors, Michael. I'm on to you.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Quote Originally Posted by michael2 View Post
    I don't see Nasrallah or Osama bin Laden blowing themselves up, do you? They at least seem patient.
    Osama is likely dead and has probably been dead a long time. As for the rest of those guys... well, Mohammad Atta blew himself up and was apparently the main ring leader of the group. And no, most of the leaders DO NO, but by Allah their followers do. I'd call that a cult.

    And your last comment seems 'conspiracy-minded' more than anything i've ever said on this Forum.
    Are you referring to my remarks about Russia, China and the rest? If so, Michael, you forget where I live, what I do and with whom I'm in daily contact. I KNOW what the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and North Koreans are doing. I don't think, I KNOW. I have seen the spies, I have seen message traffic about various things since I joined the military in 1976. I've watched our own people die because of people like Walker and his gang.

    Look Michael - the Muslims are the BIGGEST threat to the world today. Not nukes, not the Russians, not the Chinese. However the Chinese are a close second and the Russians are right behind them.

    The Russians have a good amount of common sense and aren't going to be the guys to launch that first nuke. The CHinese WILL do it - and if they can't their proxies will do it (North Korea).

    No conspiracy there at all.

    Sometimes i'm long on intuition but short on fact, but that doesn't mean i'm wrong even most of the time-a broken clock is still right half the time!
    I'm wrong often too - but I am wrong when I venture into the arena of speculation and guessing. I'm rarely ever wrong when I have facts at my fingertips and have taken time to study the situation.

    And a broken clock is only right twice a day for one second, unless it is digital and then it is NEVER right.

    If you care to, why don't you take a stab at what I really seem to think or what i'm really about on this Forum and perhaps we can clear the air.
    I'd rather you level with us. I prefer to have conversations with people whom I at least understand where they stand. So far today you've pretty much told me where you stand.

    You're a Left of Center Conspiracy-Beliver, anti-gun, anti-individualism, Palin-hater who is almost certainly a "touchy-feely" "Statist".

    You've admitted all these things through out your tenure here, one piece at a time. The thing that pissed me off was you going after Sarah Palin for no real, apparent reason.

    I'm certainly not 'conservative' if by it you mean the kind of Randroid right-wing libertarianism that passes for it on the internet these days...

    I'm not either. At least we can agree on that. I'm not a libertarian. Period. I'm an American. I am a Conservative America, who has been married to one woman for most of my life, raised five children, and a dozen grand children, served my country for over thirty years... but I don't believe the Government is always right (and they are RARELY RIGHT). I don't believe in conspiracies. I believe is looking at ALL the facts.

    While I DO certainly take into account my gut feelings especially when it comes to up-close-and-personal real life, I don't always trust them about conspiracies or foreign countries.

    On the other hand, the Libertarians are onto something. It's called "Individual freedom". And you know what? If I want to wear my fucking seat belt, I WILL. If I don't want to I WON'T. THAT is what Freedom is about, Michael.

    Not some made up fight like in Egypt right now. Was that a conspiracy to create this unrest? Maybe, maybe not. Probably not. But it could be.

    There's just no evidence for it.

    If you suggest a more sinister motive for my being on this Forum, you could not be more mistaken. I am not asking anyone to believe me, and i'm never so 'married' to my ideas on this Forum that I stoop to ad hominem attacks to defend them.
    I'm not "married" to ideas. I'm married to principles.

    My principles don't apply to me, they apply to everyone.

    Truth, justice, freedom of individuals. I expect - no DEMAND those things here as well.

    You're welcome to keep your freedom here - to speak your mind, as LONG as you adhere to the truth, facts and leave the fiction at the door - or state clearly and specifically it is speculation.

    We all speculation. We all "entertain" conspiracy theories (even me, though I detest them). We do these things because it gives you some latitude to think, some area for discussion.

    I'm merely asking you here in this thread about your conspiracy beliefs (which you can't give me).

    In another thread I'm asking for facts about Palin (which you can't give me).

    Another thread accusing John Paul II of being a commie spy, I ask for facts and as of yet, I still have seen little to prove anything.

    And so on....

    I don't "suspect" you of anything other than behaving with some ignorance on some subjects and especially when you're challenged on something giving some vacuous answer devoid of facts!

    That's not an ad hominem attack either Michael.

    believe me, I've been accused of that MANY times - for questioning where people come up with their beliefs.

    If you can't explain them... then why do you have them?
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Just got a chance to watch my DVR'd episode of yesterday's Glenn Beck show and he too is doing a great job bringing much relevant information about this to light. My DVR didn't record his show from the day before so I missed that.

    Ryan, here is the show you spoke of and the one you missed 2-2-11. Yesterday's show I posted here because he really shows how the Left is tied to Islam.

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    Default Re: Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Iran's Khamenei calls for Islamic regime in Egypt

    AP via Yahoo.


    "...Today's events in North Africa, Egypt and Tunisia and some other countries have different meanings for us," Khamenei said in Persian to thousands of worshippers at Tehran university.

    "This is what was always talked about as the occurrence of Islamic awakening at the time of the Islamic revolution of the great Iranian nation and is showing itself today," he said.

    Khamenei told the cheering crowds who chanted "Death to America! Death to Israel!" that the Iranian revolution has been "inspiring (to Arab uprisings) and a model because of perseverance, stability and its insistence on principles.

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