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Thread: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

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    Bush 'super-state' documents sought
    FOIA request filed to expose plans for 'North American union'

    Posted: June 20, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2006

    Author Jerome Corsi filed a Freedom of Information Act request yesterday asking for full disclosure of the activities of an office implementing a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada that apparently could lead to a North American union, despite having no authorization from Congress.
    As WorldNetDaily reported, the White House has established working groups, under the North American Free Trade Agreement office in the Department of Commerce, to implement the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP, signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, March 23, 2005.

    Corsi specifically has requested the partnership's membership lists, constitutive documents, meeting minutes, meeting agendas and meeting schedules as well as all findings, reports, presentations or memoranda.

    He also wants all comments to representatives of the "Prosperity Working Groups" or other working groups, committees or task forces associated with the partnership along with internal and external interagency or intra-agency memoranda of understanding, letters of intent, agreements, initiatives and budgeting documents.

    Corsi believes President Bush effectively agreed to erase U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada when he signed the SPP.

    Geri Word, the administrator in charge of SPP, confirmed in a telephone conversation with Corsi that has not published the membership lists of the working groups or the many trilateral agreements the website documents indicate are being implemented.

    "This is all being done by the executive branch below the radar," Corsi told WND. "If President Bush had told the American people in the 2004 presidential campaign that his goal was to create a North American union, he would not have carried a single red state."

    The president, Corsi maintains, has charged the bureaucracy to form a North American union "through executive fiat ... without ever disclosing his plans directly to the American people or to Congress."

    Attorney Robert A. McGuire, who filed the request on Corsi's behalf and is preparing further requests, says if the president "is creating a new North American union government without the full and complete knowledge of the American people, we are facing a severe constitutional crisis."

    The purpose of the FOIA, he said, is to get the "full facts exposed in the light of day, available for the American people and for Congress to examine and decide."
    Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., is demanding the Bush administration fully disclose the activities of the SPP office.

    Tancredo wants to know the membership of the SPP groups along with their various trilateral memoranda of understanding and other agreements reached with counterparts in Mexico and Canada.

    Many SPP working groups appear to be working toward achieving specific objectives as defined by a May 2005 Council on Foreign Relations task force report, which presented a blueprint for expanding the SPP agreement into a North American union that would merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a new governmental form.

  2. #2
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Hmmm what's wrong with a "North American Union"?

    As long as we're using dollars and not pesos
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    The is the start of the new US border. Still dealing in dollars intesresting how money changes people.

    New 'inland port' in heartland part of international plan that bypasses unions

    Posted: June 20, 2006 8:21 p.m. Eastern

    A Mexican customs office is being built in the U.S. heartland as part of a newly designed "inland port" facility that links with a Mexican seaport, an official in Kansas City confirms.

    Tasha Hammes of the Kansas City Area Development Council wrote to author and WND columnist Jerome Corsi to correct some details of a column on the subject, but she affirmed that a key purpose of the Kansas City Inland Port, or SmartPort, will be to facilitate the movement of containers from the Far East through the Mexican port at Lazaro Cardenas rather than the West Coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

    Corsi also had written that Kansas City Southern had acquired Mexican railroads to create a "NAFTA Railroad" that would link Lazaro Cardenas to the U.S. for container transport.

    Hammes explained that with American consumption of goods from the Far East increasing, U.S. coastal ports are at capacity.

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    Rick Donaldson wrote;
    Hmmm what's wrong with a "North American Union"?

    As long as we're using dollars and not pesos
    If you believe that having Canada and Mexcio as part of America, but not as states as the USA is today then we have lost all we have been fighting for for the past 225 plus years. As far as the money issue is concerned thats is driven by the corporate elite. will give you the details about the SHAWDOW GOVERNMENT Bush is establishing. This is why he does not want any issues raised as far as illegal immagration is concerned. Why do you think Bush is dragging his feet on the border issues, if the borders are closed his SHAWDOW GOVERNMENT plan can not be implemented.

    The NAU establishes something along the lines of the EU and we all know what problems they have.

    The other night I watch the film Alamo on the western channel and boy it drove home the meaning of why we are the nation that we are. All that will be lost once the NAU is established.

    You may want to ask yourself why has GWB started the NAU and not told the American people. What is he hiding?
    Last edited by falcon; June 27th, 2006 at 14:53.

  5. #5
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Docs Reveal Plan For Mexican Trucks In U.S.
    Despite claims to the contrary, a planned Midwest "inland port" with a Mexican customs office will not be restricted to railroad traffic, according to internal documents obtained by WorldNetDaily.

    As WND has reported, Kansas City SmartPort plans to utilize deep-sea Mexican ports such as Lazaro Cardenas to unload containers from China and the Far East as part of the North American Free Trade Agreement super-highway plan.

    The plan would include the hotly contested allowance of Mexican trucks on U.S. roads, WND has reported, but Tasha Hammes of the Kansas City Area Development Council has insisted the port will be restricted to railroad traffic.

    Hammes has argued the railroad link is "nothing new, other than the fact that Kansas City Southern acquired the Mexican railroad serving this port and that major work has been done on the port of Lazaro Cardenas so that it has higher capacity and can handle larger containers."

    But internal e-mails make it clear that officials, hoping to stay below the radar of public opinion, plan to expand from rail to trucks after the Mexican customs facility is operational.

    The Mexican customs facility project was championed by David W. Eaton, president of Monterrey Business Consultants in Monterrey, Mexico, and the former executive director of North American International Trade Corridor Partnership, a non-profit group with the aim of internationalizing U.S. highways to facilitate trade with Mexico and Canada.

    In a Jan. 7 e-mail, Eaton writes:

    They are still going back and forth on the rail and truck focus. However, according to Manuel [Manuel Ruiz, a Mexican customs official], the first stage will most likely be "rail only" with trucking added later. Kenneth Hoffman of the law firm Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin, outside council to KC SmartPort, was copied on Eaton's e-mail. A few minutes later, Hoffman answered, supporting the phase-in strategy:

    My feeling is that we need to get this done in such a way that [the Mexican customs facility] is successful when it opens. If it starts small that is fine as long as there is productive work that we can point to as evidence that the effort was worthwhile. We can expand to trucks after getting the process up and running. The e-mails are consistent with a position paper Eaton authored for the Montreal-based Institute for Research on Public Policy, entitled "Roads, Trains, and Ports: Integrating North American Transport."

    In the paper, Eaton argued railroad transport should be developed as the first mode to bring containers from China through Mexican ports into the U.S., because "one unit train can carry the equivalent of approximately 250 trucks."

    Moreover, Eaton had argued that use of Mexican trucks was impaired by the poor condition of Mexico's roadways and the wear and tear on Mexican trucks resulting from overuse. Eaton had concluded "North America would be well served by linking its rail infrastructure and systems," which has been advanced by Kansas City Southern's acquisition of Mexican railroads.

    An examination of the internal e-mails from Kansas City SmartPort over the last two years shows the development of the city's international "inland port" concept – including the Mexican customs facility – involved an ambitious multi-year process with the aim of tying into the emerging corridor-oriented NAFTA Super-Highway network.

    Development of the KCSmartPort vision included active involvement of the North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition, or NASCO, a non-profit group "dedicated to developing the world’s first international, integrated and secure, multi-modal transportation system along the International Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation Corridor to improve both the trade competitiveness and quality of life in North America."

    Chris Gutierrez, president of KCSmartPort, frequently copied NASCO President George Blackwood on details of the negotiations with Mexican and U.S. officials regarding the Mexican customs office.

    An April 26 e-mail from Gutierrez included Blackwood among the list of recipients. In his message, Gutierrez reported he worked directly with the office of Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., and with Mexican government officials to apply political pressure to influence the State Department and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, or CBP, to move faster in approving the Mexican customs facility application:

    CBP told me that the State Department is reviewing the C-175 [form needed to approve Mexican customs facility]. Bond's office has calls into the State Dept; letter to Gil Diaz [Mexican Secretary of Finance] went out last week asking him to encourage CBP and State Dept to move it along. Here is the draft letter to Minister [Luis Ernesto] Derbez [Mexican Foreign Ministry Secretary]. I was still tweaking it but here it is for your review. In 1998, before becoming NASCO president, Blackwood established the North American International Trade Corridor Partnership while he served as mayor pro tem of Kansas City. The NAITCP has been absorbed into NASCO.

    A NAIPC summit meeting in 2004 was attended by Mexican officials, including Secretary of Finance Gil Diaz, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Geronimo Guiterrez, Deputy Counsel of Mexico Noemi Hernandez, Counsel of Mexico in Kansas City Everardo Suarez. Also in attendance was Kansas City, Mo., Mayor Kay Barnes and the president and CEO of Kansas City Southern railroad, Mike Haverty.

    Photographed on the first page of the summit executive summary is Robert Pastor, an American University professor who has written "Toward a North American Community," a book promoting the development of a North American union as a regional government and the adoption of the amero as a common monetary currency to replace the dollar and the peso.

    Pastor also was vice chairman of the May 2005 Council on Foreign Relations task force entitled "Building a North American Community" that presents itself as a blueprint for using bureaucratic action within the executive branches of Mexico, the U.S. and Canada to transform the current trilateral Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America into a North American union regional government.

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    Campaign seizes on 'super-state' highway
    Opponents of Texas governor point to plan's foreign control

    Posted: July 22, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2006

    Texas Gov. Rick Perry (Tyler Morning Telegraph)
    Challengers to incumbent Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry are seizing on the planned Trans-Texas Corridor as a major campaign issue.
    The 600-mile mega-highway from the Oklahoma border to Mexico is one section of a larger transportation network seen by some critics as part of a movement to integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
    The exact route of the highway has not been set, but it is expected to cut a quarter-mile wide swath through the state, employing as many as six lanes for cars and four for trucks, the Associated Press reports. It also will include railroad tracks, oil and gas pipelines, water and other utility lines, and broadband cables.

    The stretch through Texas, running parallel to Interstate 35, would be the first link in a 4,000-mile, $184 billion network. Supporters say the corridors are needed to handle the expected NAFTA-driven boom in the flow of goods to and from Mexico.
    But as WND has reported, opposition is mounting to a little-publicized effort by the Bush administration to push North America into a European Union-style merger.
    The contractors building the Trans-Texas Corridor have made large contributions to the campaigns of Texas politicians, including Perry.
    The transportation plan, proposed by Perry in 2002, has been a major focus of the campaign as rivals – including Democrat Chris Bell and independents Carole Keeton Strayhorn and Kinky Friedman – call it a "$184 billion boondoggle" and a "land grab" of historic proportions, the AP said.
    Strayhorn calls the plan the "Trans-Texas Catastrophe" and has dubbed Perry's appointees on the transportation commission "highway henchmen."
    "Texans want the Texas Department of Transportation, not the European Department of Transportation," she says to enthusiastic response on the campaign trail, according to the AP.
    Perry's spokesman, Robert Black, says his opponents are spreading bad information.
    "The governor recognizes the concerns that rural Texans have. Remember, he's from rural Texas," Black said.
    Some opponents, including many Texas farmers are concerned about property rights, but many point to the project's foreign control. It's being built and operated by a U.S.-Spanish consortium, Cintra-Zachry. Opponents also point out part of the contract with the firm is secret.
    A state attorney general has ruled the Cintra-Zachry contract be made public, but Perry's administration has gone to court to prevent the disclosure of what is says is proprietary information.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Joey Bagadonuts's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Yep....get ready for the North American Union whether we like it or not. I guess that means the Constitution and US soverignty be damned.

    This is the real reason why I believe Bush has done nothing on illegal immigration.

    Globalization will be rammed down our throats by the New World Order crowd.

    Here's a little map...propaganda for the new highway. I snickered at the PDF file attachment..."NASCO Myths Debunked"....yeah, right.

    I wonder if this "super state highway" was the reason behind the Supreme Court's decision on emminent Domain? We'll see I guess.
    ...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  8. #8
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    I don't understand all the fuss. Where do US folk believe they're gonna get heating oil from if/when the middle east oil is clogged up. Russia will rake it in on Europe's skin and Venezuela will boycot.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  9. #9
    Senior Member Joey Bagadonuts's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Hiya Sami,

    Perhaps you can clarify your statement for me a bit?

    I don't understand all the fuss.
    What is it that we're "fussing" over that you don't understand?
    ...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  10. #10
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    There's a map, an international highway for transporting products and to me- that's fine.

    I could go into a long essay but I'll just hint.
    Anatoly Golitsyn spoke of the false opposition, creating more chaos and confusion, resulting in the weakening of the true opposition. (paraphrase)

    Mexican and US American people are two neighboring partially Christian countries. The Mexican, and to a lesser degree , the Spanish nations are the only survivors after the onslaught of severe communist persecutions. The Soviet Union planned the border war trap, as a means to further divide these two "peoples", tribes or nations if you wish. Red cocaine, gulf cartel v. zeta, all the aso MECHA raza or race groups- all Soviet inventions.
    Most US Americans are fooled into actual disdain of Mexican people, as communist drug dealing, malva truchas smuggling suitcase nukes in backpacks.
    This is due to mass media with a little tweaking from Joe Farah.
    What people don't see is that the US and Mexico must cooperate to survive Soviet and Chinese communism.
    Mexico has oil and tortillas. What will happen if an emp hits lower Coahila? Lights out to Kansas, coast to coast and it's share, charity or hatred and failure.

    But Mexico's almost commie? What about Carter and Clinton? Who's at the bottom of the pile in the drug trade market. Leroy? Unfortunately, neither the US nor the Mexican joke of a constitution are executed. These are not times for paper platitudes. Common sense.

    What's this NWO thing you refer to? Is that from Paul's epistle to the Romans (12,13) (call to a new life and mind of Christ and obedience) or are you dreaming up milk carton kids, concentration camps and pederasty fantasies. Christ is King. Obey governing authorities and respect all nations and god-fearing men. Maybe Bush is "illuminated" about the border war trap.

    Imagine. "Media giants" actually call for war with Mexico (stealing oil). Nobody has exported humans since Eisenhower. Now Bush is the culprit cuz he can't export 10 million?

    Bravo for the engineers who build the highway. Bravo for those who grunt throwing concrete.

    Boo to wnd for headlining Mexican hate prejudice stories. I'm sure some of you saw it. Farah headlined a not so cute story about a man and his dog. What's the agenda?

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  11. #11
    Senior Member Joey Bagadonuts's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Hiya Sami,

    It's nice to meet ya. Now, regarding your post:

    the Spanish nations are the only survivors after the onslaught of severe communist persecutions. Grandma was Ukranian. Were she alive today, I'd love to hear you tell her that. The total number of Ukranian starvation victims under Stalin are estimated to be as high as 30 MILLION. Let's just say I strongly disagree with your statement.

    Most US Americans are fooled into actual disdain of Mexican people, as communist drug dealing, malva truchas smuggling suitcase nukes in backpacks.
    Disdain? drug dealers and nuke-toting smugglers??? HUH?? What do you base your view of Americans on? Who has fed you this line of baloney?
    Again, I strongly disagree. The vast majority of the people I know think Mexicans are hard working folks and they welcome those who enter our country legally. LEGALLY is the key word here.

    What people don't see is that the US and Mexico must cooperate to survive Soviet and Chinese communism.
    I agree with you 100%.

    But Mexico's almost commie? What about Carter and Clinton? Who's at the bottom of the pile in the drug trade market. Leroy? Unfortunately, neither the US nor the Mexican joke of a constitution are executed. These are not times for paper platitudes. Common sense.
    I'm not sure what you're getting at in those first 3 sentences.but I agree with you that the American constitution is not being enforced and yes NOW is the time for common sense.

    What's this NWO thing you refer to? Is that from Paul's epistle to the Romans (12,13) (call to a new life and mind of Christ and obedience) or are you dreaming up milk carton kids, concentration camps and pederasty fantasies.
    You're unfamiliar with the abbreviation for "New World Order"? NWO.
    Again, I'm not sure why you bring up milk carton kids, concentration camps, and pederasty fantasies. If you're trying to insinuate something with pederasty here you better watch your words. You don't know me and how dare you even inject something like that in our conversation! Mind your manners!
    I'm not trying to be rude here but am I correct in assuming from your posts that English is not your native language?

    i'd love to have a conversation with you about illegal aliens, the superhighway, or anything else but lets stick to the subject and keep it civil. You and I can disagee without becoming disagreeable. I'm a Christian who believes in the Bible and Biblical prophecy and I look forward to talking with you again.
    ...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  12. #12
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Perhap's Ukrainian people have kept the faith, and are bouncing back from their oppresion. Once the commie yoke is imposed, spiritual generation occurs, because the spirit, however willing, is subjected to corporal torture and brain wash. The commie yoke still is not shrugged, neither in Mexico (1910-1940) with severe persecutions in the 20's and 30's, nor in the US ( moral and church infiltration from the 20's and successful court sanction since the 50's).

    "Most US Americans" : again perhaps I'm wrong, but gleaning forums of educated amd conservative folk, the rhetoric toward Mexico is to put it light-disdainful. Too bad the maquiladora project didn't work out and the manufacture jobs were sent to brother Mao. Cheaper than corrupt Carlos.

    NWO- It seems you have a mature concept of this. It is described in Romans. In those days, the authorities were more brutal. NWO= rich control a lot ie. CFR, TLC (funny how that is tratado de libre commercio), Bildenburg etc. Sure it's a shadow, cuz they are the philosopher kings or guardians if you will. Perhaps they want to swallow up Mexico, offer statehood or annex. Let God's will be done. They mistook when they headed for Asia with the goodies.

    NWO conspiracy theories abound. Among them are the hidden concentation camps, milk carton kids kidnapped as NWO soldiers, Reagan, Clinton, Hilary etc- all their fabricated sexual exploits, (satanic child abuse)Bush bombed WTC - to get to the oil? to get in on the armageddon battle and decrease population. The latter is likely to happen in our lifetime, and even if "Russia" is swallowed up or burned in the process, Mao's brothers, Hugo and Fidel's offspring will not die out.

    I oppose illegal migration.
    The highway plan seems logical to me. Any port in a storm.

    Yes Ukraine. What little I know of the resurgence of God's people from behind the iron curtain, I was always impressed with Ukraine's spunkiness in resistance. And though little, I've read several reports of devout Christian communities.

    The Mexican variant is unique. Their was no bloody war to speak of. The "Cristeros" were forbidden to "fight for the right to public worship". Many martyrs. Tomorrow, I will honor one who died near the altar of my church in 1931. The imprisonments, murders and confiscation of properties went on for years. Churches were burned, priests tortured.

    One day they killed a very young girl. The people went off- in crowds literally from town to town and reopened churches. No guns, no bombs. That's a hint for preparing underground churches. They met in secret for 20 years, just like the catecombs.

    Hopefully it won't come to that again. But reason- the commies or convergance-commies (same lie) will likely strike with an emp south of the border. No return volley warranted. Too late to grant statehood, annex. Way too late for corporate mergers and friendly partners. 2 nations swallowed up in confusion. Charity and sharing.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  13. #13
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Tried to edit this but my edit was swallowed up. Slow typer. Here's a chapter on Father Angel Dario Acosta Zurita, shot 25 July, 1931 near the altar after baptism, before catechism for 4000 kids, some of whom I still see. His mother came to visit him that day, but they never got to meet. The book was published 5 years ago by a Canadian priest, also tortured and killed a few blocks from me while I translated. There's a better book on the Cristero period, tan books 1987- Mexican Martyrdom by Wilfred Parsons, SJ. (1926-1935)

    Both the chapter and web site are a little geeky and horrendous, but you can copy and paste the text to word from the chapter. Great man, great story if you wish to read the whole book.
    Last edited by samizdat; July 25th, 2006 at 06:25.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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    This is a major victor. I don't know who Dr. Pastor is so I googled and this is part of what was listed on American University web site. All I can say is that Bush seems to be pushing for NAU Dr. Pastor supported all the LEFT Candidates, isn't that interesting, GWB what are you really up too? This supports the fact that GWB is trying to create a shadow type gov't and not telling the American public and not obeying the laws of the USA.

    Dr. Pastor has been a foreign policy advisor to each of the Democratic Presidential Candidates since 1976 and was Chair of the Working Group on North America for the Kerry-Edwards campaign. President Bill Clinton nominated him to be Ambassador to Panama, and he served as the Senior Advisor to the Carter-Nunn-Powell Mission to restore constitutional government in Haiti in 1994. He is the Vice Chair of the Council on Foreign Relations Task Force on North America, and he is also Executive Director of the Commission on Federal Election Reform.

    Senator ditches bill tied to 'superstate'
    Makes decision after WND points out link to 'North American Union'
    Posted: July 25, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    By Jerome R. Corsi
    © 2006

    Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas
    Responding to information from WorldNetDaily, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, has taken steps to ensure the Senate will not act on a bill that would further a plan to create a European Union-style alliance in North America.

    Cornyn made the decision after WND pointed out Friday the legislation – the North American Investment Fund Act – would constitute an attempt to pass a key piece of American University Professor Robert Pastor's plan to create a "North American Union."

    Yesterday, Cornyn's office notified WND the senator had been assured by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that no action will be taken on Senate bill 3622 in the 109th Congress. If the Senate Foreign Relations Committee does not act, the bill will expire at the end of the term in January.

    "Senator Cornyn has no intention of filing the bill again until after we have conducted an internal review and inquiry," a spokesman for Cornyn told WND.

    The spokesman clarified Cornyn "is adamantly opposed to any 'North American Union' being formed like the EU has been formed in Europe."

    Cornyn's office had no explanation, however, for why the legislation was introduced, except to note the senator "continues to believe that if Mexico would adopt free market principles, it would be in the best interest of the United States."

    The spokesman further added that Cornyn will continue "to look for ways to encourage the forces of reform within Mexico."

    WND showed Cornyn's office Friday that a content analysis of the bill demonstrated its similarity to some of Pastor's writings. The correlation was so strong, WND told the senator's staff, a conclusion could be reliably drawn that the person drafting and proposing the legislation drew from Pastor's writings and intended to advance his political agenda to create a "North American Union."

    Pastor's extensive writings repeatedly have called for the creation of a North American Investment Fund, to develop Mexico, as a key step on a road map to a new regional government.

    In his 2001 book "Toward a North American Community," Pastor argued a North American Development Fund would advance the "North American integration" needed to produce the union as a regional super-government along the model of the European Union.

    Pastor was vice chairman of a May 2005 task force report by the Council on Foreign Relations entitled "Building a North American Community." Creating a North American Investment Fund was a key recommendation of the CFR task force report.

    On March 14, 2005, Pastor published a 57 page paper entitled "The Paramount Challenge for North America: Closing the Development Gap."

    The paper is Pastor's most comprehensive statement explaining why a North American Investment Fund is central to his plan to integrate North America as a first step in the creation of a continental union.

    Pastor presented his recommendation that a North American Development Bank should be created in an address to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the House of Commons in Ottawa, Canada, Feb. 7, 2002.

    The three leaders [of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.] should establish a North American Development fund, whose priority would be to connect the U.S.-Mexican border region to central and southern Mexico. If roads were built, investors would come, immigration would decline, and income disparities would narrow. If Mexico's growth rate leaped to twice that of its neighbors, the psychology of the relationship would be changed.

    The language is similar to Senate bill 3622, which in Section 4, "Projects Funded," states as the first purpose of the fund "to construct roads in Mexico to facilitate trade between Mexico and Canada, and Mexico and the United States."

    Section 4, part (b)(2) of the bill further specifies: "PRIORITY – in selecting grantees to carry out projects in subsection (a)(1), priority should be given to projects in the interior and southern regions of Mexico that connect to more developed markets in the United States and Canada."

    When Pastor's proposal surfaced in the May 2005 CFR task force report, the name had evolved to the "North American Investment Fund," identical to the title of Senate bill 3622. On page 14, the CFR report says:

    The United States and Canada should establish a North American Investment Fund to encourage private capital flow into Mexico. The fund would focus on increasing and improving physical infrastructure linking the less developed parts of Mexico to markets in the north, improving primary and secondary education, and technical training in states and municipalities committed to transparency and institutional development.

    The Senate bill in Section 4(a)(2) says a secondary purpose of the fund proposed by Cornyn would be "to encourage the development and improve the quality of primary, secondary, and post-secondary education throughout Mexico," a purpose consistent with the intent and language of the CFR task force report.

    Cornyn's decision, however, effectively kills the bill or any effort this year by his office to introduce or sponsor legislation to form a North American Investment Fund to develop Mexico.

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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Feds finally release info on 'superstate'
    Asked to disclose details of plan that could form 'North American Union'

    Posted: July 26, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2006

    After missing a deadline, the U.S. Department of Commerce finally has granted a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain complete disclosure of a congressionally unauthorized plan to implement a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada that critics say could lead to a EU-style alliance in North America.
    The plan is being implemented through an office within the Department of Commerce called the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America," under the direction of Geri Word, who is listed as working in the agency's North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, office.

    As WorldNetDaily previously reported, the White House has established executive branch working groups documented on the Commerce website The Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP, was issued as a joint press statement by President Bush, Mexican President Vincente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005.
    Granting of the FOIA request comes after the Commerce Department missed a statutory requirement to respond within 20 businesses days.
    The request was filed by author Jerome R. Corsi on June 19.
    Corsi said the Commerce Department's compliance with the request is a major breakthrough.
    "We're now going to get the documentary evidence to determine if the working groups in are creating new memoranda of understanding and trilateral agreements that under our Constitution should more appropriately be submitted to Congress as new treaties or laws," he said.
    Corsi added that if this turns out to be the case, "we're going to present that evidence to the American people and let them make up their own minds."
    Freedom of Information Act Officer Linda Bell mailed the "first interim response" yesterday and promises more response as batches of documents are processed, according to Brenda Dolan, a departmental officer.
    Robert McGuire, attorney for Corsi, e-mailed Commerce July17, notifying the agency of the statutory violation in its failure to respond. He then received an e-mail from Dolan indicating the request was being processed. But McGuire asserted the response was unacceptable, saying the department "skipped a deadline required by law."

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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Say good bye to America,

    Sabotaging US Sovereignty

    USA Alan Caruba
    August 22, 2006
    The problem with the Bush administration is that not enough of its officials have read the U.S. Constitution. Take, for example, Section 2 of Article 2. When dealing with foreign nations, it says that the President “shall have the power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur….”

    So, why is President Bush and his administration seeking to establish a North American Union that would, in effect, abolish the borders between Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America?

    Moreover, it would involve our government in so many common regulatory mandates with these two nations as to render the sovereignty of the United States a memory of what national self-governance is supposed to be.

    The name of this effort is called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) and, guess what, it has not been submitted to the Senate for its oversight or concurrence because, by some magic of governmental definition, it is not a treaty. Instead, its administration is buried in the bowels of the Commerce Department.

    It does have, however, the blessing of the political and corporate elites of all three nations. A visit to the SPP Internet website says it “was launched in March of 2005 as a trilateral effort to increase security and enhance prosperity among the United States, Canada and Mexico through greater cooperation and information sharing.”

    It is an attack on American sovereignty. In the smoothest and most soothing writing you will find anywhere, the website spells out the wonders of SPP. They include the North American Competitiveness Council, the North American Energy Security Initiative, the North American Emergency Management plan, and plans for “smart, secure borders.” And right now there are “working groups” whose purpose is to “improve productivity, reduce the costs of trade, and enhance the quality of life.”

    "Like so many really bad foreign policy concepts, SPP owes its origins to the Council on Foreign Relations; in this case, CFR’s Task Force on North America. Its report, 'Building a North American Community' envisions the elimination of U.S. borders in just five years."
    And if you like snake oil, permit SPP to sell it to you by the barrel, but the boxcar, and by the tanker.

    The SPP didn’t start out as an idea the presidents of the three nations started kicking around on March 23, 2005 in Waco, Texas, but it became the official policy of the United States at a special summit convened by President Bush and joined by then Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin.

    Like so many really bad foreign policy concepts, SPP owes its origins to the Council on Foreign Relations; in this case, CFR’s Task Force on North America. Its report, “Building a North American Community” envisions the elimination of U.S. borders in just five years. Like termites eating away at the sovereignty of the United States of America, this grandiose scheme is a major threat to American security and prosperity.

    The Marxist majordomo of this task force is Professor Robert Pastor who told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee “The best way to secure the United States today is not at our two borders with Mexico and Canada but at the borders of North America as a whole.” Oh, yeah????

    This surely explains why Mexico is doing such a great job of stopping the drug smugglers or the one million Mexicans who each year consider the U.S. border a mere fiction in their pursuit of jobs President Bush keeps telling us Americans won’t take. This is pure bunk and dangerous bunk at that.

    I have many Canadian friends, but it seems to me Canada took too long to discover it had some fanatical Muslims in its midst who were plotting terrible things. Frankly, I want us to cooperate against a common enemy, but I do not want to place the responsibility for America’s security in anyone’s hands, but our own.

    A North American Union promises not only security, says SPP, but prosperity too. Without SPP, however, the three nations already do more than $800 billion in trilateral trade.

    Surely the U.S. needs Mexico’s help to improve our economy? As the economist, Robert J. Samuelson, noted in a June column, “The subtext for the United States immigration debate is Mexico. Why doesn’t its economy grow faster, creating more jobs and higher living standards?” The answer to that has something to do with the endemic corruption that infests all levels of Mexico’s governmental and business sectors. Something is very wrong when Mexico’s economy must literally depend on the billions its illegal aliens send home from the U.S.

    In 2002, the then-Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castanega explained to the local press that destroying the border involved “the metaphor of Gulliver, of ensnarling the giant. Tying it up, with nails, with thread, with 20,000 nets that bog it down: these nets being norms, principles, resolutions, agreements, and bilateral, regional and international covenants.”

    On June 15, U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, Mexican Economy Minister Sergio Garcia de Alba, and Canadian Minister of Industry Maxime Bernier joined North American business leaders to launch the North American Competitiveness Council. The objective is the promotion of “regional competitiveness in the global community.”

    As if the floundering economies of the member nations of the European Union were not warning enough, it is proposed that the United States enter into a similar union.

    A lot of corporations with global interests like this idea. Among those sponsoring the North American Union are FedEx Corporation, Mittal Steel USA, General Motors Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Campbell’s Soup Company, Gillette Inc., Merck & Company, and Wal-Mart Stores.

    Since the United States is already a signatory to NAFTA and CAFTA, why is SPP necessary? Just how many treaties, agreements and protocols are necessary to promote trade and economic growth?

    Just how many nets and norms, traps and snares, will ultimately undermine U.S. prosperity, drive down the wages of America’s middle class, and improve the ability of the Mexican drug cartels to deliver their goods?

    Like termites eating away at the sovereignty of the United States of America, this grandiose scheme, hatched in some darkened cavern of the Council on Foreign Affairs, is a major threat to American security and prosperity.

    It was been introduced by fiat, by executive action, by a “summit” of the three nation’s leaders, and the time is long overdue for the Senate to demand to exercise its Constitutional responsibility and right to determine if it wishes to give its consent to yet another “entangling alliance.”

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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Now foreign companies are controling our Interstate Highway Systems? This all started in Texas Bush country, more of giving away our rights.

    U.S. Supreme Court ruling, the developers intend to exercise the principle of ‘eminent domain’ in land acquisition proceedings on the grounds that they are acting as agents of a public authority.

    Spanish firm to build and run new PFI toll road in Texas

    25 August 2006
    Grupo Ferrovial, Spain’s construction, infrastructure and services giant, had a busy summer acquiring airports in the UK and Peru. Now it has a concession to build and operate a Texas superhighway.
    Construction of the new toll road project, designed to develop an alternative route to Interstate 35 as part of the planned Trans-Texas Corridor is due to start early next year.
    This is has been agreed by the Texas Department of Transport under a comprehensive development deal with the Spanish company Cintra - Concesiones de Infrastructuras de Transporte, a member of the Ferrovial group.
    Cintra’s partner for the five-year road building programme is the San Antonio-based contractor Zachry Construction Corp, but Ferrovial’s construction company Agroman is getting a share in the business.
    Zachry joined with Cintra in a scheme to provide private investment worth $6 billion. The assignment is to design, build and operate a four-lane toll road covering the 500 km distance between Dallas and San Antonio, bypassing the State capital at Austin.
    For this concession Cintra is paying the State of Texas $1.2 billion. It gives them the right to build and operate this initial segment of the intended Trans-Texas Corridor.
    This would be part of the ‘super-highway’ spanning the United States from the Mexican border at Laredo, making its way through Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma and connecting with the Canadian highway system north of Duluth, Minnesota.
    Because it would provide a connection all the way between Canada and Mexico, the project is also described as the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) super highway.
    The project as conceived by Cintra and its partners and endorsed by the Texas transport department is certainly ambitious. They have talked about developing a corridor providing two lanes for high speed trucks and three for passenger vehicles in each direction, plus high speed and freight railway lines, possibly also telecommunication cables and oil, gas and water pipelines in an adjacent utilities corridor.
    But a corridor of this overall width – maybe as much as 360 m - has alarmed people who stand forced to surrender property in land and buildings to the project. This concern has been sharpened by the disclosure that, citing a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, the developers intend to exercise the principle of ‘eminent domain’ in land acquisition proceedings on the grounds that they are acting as agents of a public authority.
    The developers apparently believe that such rights, once established in Texas, could then be applied across the entire 6,500 km length of the NAFTA highway. Whether that proves to be so depends on the outcome of any challenge that might be launched against such a claim.
    The Cintra-Zachry partnership is however in a strong position because they have already secured an agreement granting them the right to develop the new highway in Texas. They have also put money down for the privilege.
    The first concession within the Trans-Texas Corridor has already been awarded to Cintra. According to a statement by parent company Ferrovial, construction is expected to start early in 2007 once environmental and other permits have been obtained.
    These initial contracts, to build two segments of the new toll road 64 km between Austin and Seguin will be performed 50 per cent each by Ferrovial’s construction subsidiary Agroman and Zachry, which has won around $180 million worth of road contracts already this year from the Texas Department of Transport.
    Total construction investment in the new contracts is said to be $1.3 billion.
    “The new highway”, the statement explained, “will offer an alternative to I-35 between San Antonio and north Austin, making it possible to avoid the highly congested area of central Austin on medium and long-distance journeys.
    “The new high capacity road will absorb growth in long-distance truck traffic expected as a result of trade agreements between the United States, Mexico and Canada.”
    Cintra has also recently taken over management of the Indiana Toll Road (ITR) after paying $3.8 billion to the State’s finance authority for the transfer of the asset. In a 50:50 consortium with the Australian bank Macquarie, Cintra now has charge of this 250 km highway which links Chicago with the eastern seaboard of the United States.
    The concession will run over 75 years.
    The company commented: “The project reinforces Cintra’s presence in the U.S., a strategic market for the company: it has a 99-year concession to operate the Chicago Skyway ($1.83 billion) which links with the Indiana Toll Road, and it is a strategic partner of the State of Texas for 50 years to develop the Trans-Texas Corridor, one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects ever undertaken in the United States.”

    Here is more

    Possible rail line concerns farmers
    --See Image(s) Below--

    Published on: August 23, 2006

    Plans to build a large shipping port at Punta Colonet, Baja Calif. — about 130 miles south of Tijuana — could mean that a new rail line would run through Yuma to quickly move cargo from the port to the interior of the United States.

    There have been discussions with landowners in the area about property acquisition, but the details, and whether the line will actually be built, remain up in the air.

    The line would be used to send containers by rail from the Pacific Coast through Mexico and then north to Yuma to tie into the current Union Pacific tracks that run through the city. A right-of-way agent has been speaking to government and private industry in Yuma about the proposed line — to the dismay of some in the agriculture industry.

    The agent declined to comment for the story, directing questions to Chris Peterson, the Union Pacific director of government affairs.

    Peterson said the railroad has conducted preliminary studies, but the project remains very uncertain and therefore he did not have any specifics to offer. "The preliminary study included fact-finding discussions with public and private interests in Arizona," he said.

    Bruce Easterday, owner of Easterday Farms, said the agent spoke with him a month ago. He said the proposed route related to him would cross the border at County 14th Street heading east, traveling on the south side of Marine Corps Air Station Yuma. It would then head north along Avenue 3E, 3-1/2E or 4E to connect with current Union Pacific tracks near Interstate 8.

    Easterday said the agent remained vague about the exact route.

    Laying down the track would divide 220 acres that Easterday Farms owns at County 13th and Avenue 3-1/2E. "For farming, it’s just not a good thing," Easterday said. "Most farmers are against it."

    Easterday said the agent has been approaching landowners about purchasing ground for right-of-ways through a two-year option — which, if accepted, would reserve the land for two years at a fixed price.

    Easterday hasn’t signed anything and doesn’t know of anyone who has. He said the agent alluded to the fact that Union Pacific had the authority to use eminent domain to acquire land for right-of-way.

    "Quite frankly, that irritated me a little bit," he said.

    Peterson declined to comment on the use of eminent domain.

    Union Pacific officials have spoken to the city and to MCAS Yuma about the possible line. City spokesman James Stover directed inquiries to Peterson.

    Capt. Beatriz Yarrish, MCAS spokeswoman, said the base was initially approached by Union Pacific in December 2005 and the company proposed a segment of track as part of the larger project that would cut across air station property. "We are currently looking at how it will impact the station. Once our assessment has been completed, we will provide Union Pacific with a response to their proposal," Yarrish said in a statement.

    Easterday said the agent told him that the Marines were not in favor of bringing the line through the Barry M. Goldwater Range, forcing it to come through farmland and developed areas. Peterson declined to comment on the military’s position.

    Yuma County Administrator David Garcia said the only meeting he had attended where the rail line was discussed was about three weeks ago with the Greater Yuma Port Authority. Board of Supervisors chairwoman Casey Prochaska was also at the meeting.

    Prochaska said no one from the railroad has approached the board to talk about the issue. She hopes to attend meetings of local landowners about it and also contact the railroad because she is not sure how far along the railroad was in its plans.

    "I think this needs to be discussed openly as a community," she said.

    There have been rumors in the city and beyond about the line. Don Pope, general manager of the Yuma County Water Users Association, said the topic was discussed at a recent board meeting because of fears it would harm agriculture in Yuma Valley.

    "I know there’s concern about it," he said.

    Mark Spencer, owner of Associated Citrus Packers Inc., said the railroad would make it difficult to navigate the mesa to harvest produce. The company’s shop is located on East County 14th Street. Also, he said it would run right behind his home.

    "I don’t think it will work at all. It will ruin the mesa and the valley, too," he said.

    Peterson said anyone with concerns about the impacts of a rail line would have plenty of opportunities to make them known. He said whenever new tracks are built there is an extensive public process required to receive federal approval.

    "There certainly would be opportunities for public comment during that process," he said.

    The new port in Mexico and recent expansions to the Ensenada port, which is 60 miles south of Tijuana, are a response to congestion involved in getting shipments in and out of the extremely busy American ports in southern California. An interview request made to Hutchison Port Holdings, which operates Ensenada and has discussed developing Punta Colonet, was not returned.

    Generally, Ensenada receives shipments from Asia, often carrying electronics and other products destined for manufacturing operations in Mexico or for transport to the U.S.

    Spencer, who has spoken to many farmers who have been approached, said the Union Pacific agent has been saying the goal is to avoid the rail bridge next to the Ocean-to-Ocean Bridge because it is only a single track and can’t be increased in size. Union Pacific has been working on an ongoing project to double-track in this area. Peterson declined to comment on why the route would run into Arizona rather than north to California.

    Peterson said there has been a lot of speculation about the Mexican companies that might be interested or what the line might carry, but again he declined to discuss specifics. He said there was also uncertainty as to who might build the line in Mexico.

    "It’s very difficult to talk about the specifics of the project. There are a number of unanswered questions, even for Union Pacific," he said.

    Jim Chessum, administrator of the Greater Yuma Port Authority, said he was aware of the concept, but did not know any specifics.

    Union Pacific has been working on preliminary studies for several months, but the idea itself is relatively new. Peterson said there is a high demand for freight rail service and Union Pacific is hiring across its entire system.

    The company has about 1200 employees in Arizona, with about 100 in Yuma. Peterson said the creation of the line would mean more jobs in this area, but it is far too early to even consider a timeline.

    "There’s a considerable amount of uncertainty that really leaves the door open as to whether a project like this would ever happen," he said.

    A yard engine rolls along a spur that is parallel to Pacific Avenue near 24th Street. If Union Pacific Railroad were to build a proposed rail line from the Pacific coast of Mexico to Yuma, the line could join current tracks in this area. PH
    Last edited by falcon; August 26th, 2006 at 13:10.

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    More on loosing our country. Notice they will not put this whole project in front of the American public, GWB Shadow GOV'T.

    The NAFTA Super Highway
    by Phyllis Schlafly August 23, 2006

    It's not just American ports that are fast slipping into foreign ownership; it's highways, too. A Spanish company, Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A., has bought the right to operate a tollroad through Texas and collect tolls for the next 50 years.

    Called the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC), on which construction is planned to begin next year, this highway would bisect Texas from its border with Mexico to Oklahoma. Hearings held by the Texas Department of Transportation this summer attracted hundreds of angry Texans.

    Plans call for a ten-lane limited-access highway to parallel I-35. It would have three lanes each way for passenger cars, two express lanes each way for trucks, rail lines both ways for people and freight, plus a utility corridor for oil and natural gas pipelines, electric towers, cables for communication, and telephone lines.

    Central to this plan is a massive taking of 584,000 acres of farm and ranch land at an estimated cost of $11 to $30 billion, property then lost from the tax rolls of counties and school districts. After the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. City of New London, no one need worry about the power of eminent domain to take private property.

    The Trans-Texas Corridor will be the first leg of what has been dubbed the NAFTA Super Highway to go through heartland America all the way to Canada. This would be a major lifeline of the plan to merge the United States into a North American Community.

    Plans are already locked in for Kansas City Southern de Mexico Railroad to bring Chinese goods in sealed cargo containers from the southern Mexican port of Lazaro Cardinas direct to Kansas City, Missouri. Mexican trucks will be able to drive more sealed containers up the fast lanes of the NAFTA Super Highway, inspected only electronically if at all, and making their first customs stop in Kansas City.

    In response to recent articles in conservative publications about the sovereignty, freedom and economic dangers that will result from President Bush creating the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) in Waco in March 2005, the SPP has issued an unconvincing rebuttal.

    This SPP document starts by declaring that "our three great nations share a belief in freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic institutions." That's false; Mexico is a corrupt country where a few families control all the wealth while the rest of the people are kept in abject poverty with no hope of economic opportunity.

    The document states that SPP's mission is to make "our businesses more competitive in the global marketplace." That's globalist doubletalk which means producing U.S. goods with cheap foreign labor, thereby destroying the U.S. middle class.

    The document states that SPP wasn't "signed" by Bush at Waco. But when Bush went to Cancun in March 2006, he proclaimed the first anniversary of whatever he had agreed to in Waco in 2005, and he sent Michael Chertoff to Ottawa to take "an important first step" toward whatever Bush did or didn't sign in Waco.

    The document denies that SPP's working groups are secret, but SPP won't release the names of who is serving on them. The document denies that SPP will "cost U.S. taxpayer money" because SPP is using "existing budget resources" (no doubt coming from the fairy godmother).

    Thanks to the internet, we can often find out more about the doings of the Bush Administration from the foreign press than from the U.S. media. An article written in Spanish from a Mexican perspective one year ago fully described the plan for the "deep integration" of the three North American countries.

    Economist and researcher Miguel Pickard explained that although the plan is sometimes called NAFTA Plus, there will be no single treaty text and nothing will be submitted to the legislatures of the three countries. The elites plan to implement their shared vision of "a merged future" through "the signing of 'regulations' not subject to citizens' review."

    Pickard revealed a series of three meetings of a new entity called the Independent Task Force on the Future of North America (ITF). After secretly conniving in Toronto, New York and Monterrey, the ITF called for a unified North American Border Action Plan (i.e, open borders among the three countries), and the three countries then signed "close to 300 regulations."

    The United States was represented at the ITF by Robert Pastor, who has been working for years to promote North American integration. Pickard revealed that Pastor is in "constant dialogue" with Jorge G. Castaneda, Vicente Fox's foreign relations adviser.

    Pickard is convinced that George W. Bush is "vigorously pushing" the idea of a "North American community." Pickard concluded that the schedule calls for beginning with a customs union, then a common market, then a monetary and economic union, and finally the adoption of a single currency (already baptized as the "amero" by Robert Pastor).
    Last edited by falcon; August 26th, 2006 at 13:45.

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    A North American United Nations?
    August 28, 2006
    Globalists and one-world promoters never seem to tire of coming up with ways to undermine the sovereignty of the United States. The most recent attempt comes in the form of the misnamed "Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America (SPP)." In reality, this new "partnership" will likely make us far less secure and certainly less prosperous.
    According to the US government website dedicated to the project, the SPP is neither a treaty nor a formal agreement. Rather, it is a "dialogue" launched by the heads of state of Canada, Mexico, and the United States at a summit in Waco, Texas in March, 2005.
    What is a "dialogue"? We don't know. What we do know, however, is that Congressional oversight of what might be one of the most significant developments in recent history is non-existent. Congress has had no role at all in a "dialogue" that many see as a plan for a North American union.
    According to the SPP website, this "dialogue" will create new supra-national organizations to "coordinate" border security, health policy, economic and trade policy, and energy policy between the governments of Mexico, Canada, and the United States. As such, it is but an extension of NAFTA- and CAFTA-like agreements that have far less to do with the free movement of goods and services than they do with government coordination and management of international trade.
    Critics of NAFTA and CAFTA warned at the time that the agreements were actually a move toward more government control over international trade and an eventual merging of North America into a border-free area. Proponents of these agreements dismissed this as preposterous and conspiratorial. Now we see that the criticisms appear to be justified.
    Let's examine just a couple of the many troubling statements on the SPP's US government website:
    "We affirm our commitment to strengthen regulatory cooperation...and to have our central regulatory agencies complete a trilateral regulatory cooperation framework by 2007"
    Though the US administration insists that the SPP does not undermine US sovereignty, how else can one take statements like this? How can establishing a "trilateral regulatory cooperation" not undermine our national sovereignty?
    The website also states SPP's goal to "[i]mprove the health of our indigenous people through targeted bilateral and/or trilateral activities, including in health promotion, health education, disease prevention, and research." Who can read this and not see massive foreign aid transferred from the US taxpayer to foreign governments and well-connected private companies?
    Also alarming are SPP pledges to "work towards the identification and adoption of best practices relating to the registration of medicinal products." That sounds like the much-criticized Codex Alimentarius, which seeks to radically limit Americans' health freedom.
    Even more troubling are reports that under this new "partnership," a massive highway is being planned to stretch from Canada into Mexico, through the state of Texas. This is likely to cost the US taxpayer untold billions of dollars, will require eminent domain takings on an almost unimaginable scale, and will make the US more vulnerable to those who seek to enter our country to do us harm.
    This all adds up to not only more and bigger government, but to the establishment of an unelected mega-government. As the SPP website itself admits, "The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America represents a broad and ambitious agenda." I hope my colleagues in Congress and American citizens will join me in opposing any "broad and ambitious" effort to undermine the security and sovereignty of the United States.
    Congressman Ron Paul

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    Default Re: 'North American union' THE NEW WORLD

    Quote Originally Posted by Joey Bagadonuts
    I guess that means the Constitution and US soverignty be damned.
    I haven't followed this too closely, but I read something on another board, remembered your post, and the thought hit me.

    Our Constitution will not stand with the NAU. It will be re-written, possibly shit-canned.

    And I'll tell ya RFN, they're not taking my guns.

    Will the American people allow their firearms to be 'illegalized?' As a SWAG, I'd say, "Yes." I figure the momemtum and backing of the NAU will be overwhelming. Once Soros et al clambor on board, it's an E ticket down the tubes.

    Will all Americans turn in their now illegal guns? Not everyone will, but many will. For all the talk, who really will fight to the death when they have family to support or risk imprisonment?

    Anyway, didn't mean to hijack. But it is one of the possibilities.

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