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  1. The United States Smuggled A Russian-Made Pantsir Air Defense System Out Of Libya (0 replies)
  2. The Secret Backstory Of How Obama Let Hezbollah And Iran Off The Hook (0 replies)
  3. Iranian Drone Buzzes F/A-18 Super Hornet During Carrier Landing (0 replies)
  4. Iran Claims Launch Of Satellite-Carrying Rocket Into Space (0 replies)
  5. Qatar's Feud With the Gulf States Reaches New Levels (4 replies)
  6. Russian Spy Ship Liman Sinks Off Turkey After Collision With Freighter (0 replies)
  7. China To Open First Drone Factory In Saudi Arabia (0 replies)
  8. Russia's Rostec To Co-Develop 5th-Gen Fighter With UAE (1 replies)
  9. Houthi Rebels Claim They Blew Up the Former U.S. Navy Ship ‘Swift’ (6 replies)
  10. Iranian Ships Harassing US Ships In International Waters, Now With US Warning Shots (3 replies)
  11. U.S. Sent Cash to Iran as Americans Were Freed (5 replies)
  12. ISIS Chemical Attack In Iraq Kills 3-Year-Old Girl And Wounds 600 People (1 replies)
  13. Iran Captures And Relases 10 US Navy Sailors (15 replies)
  14. BREAKING (11/24/2015): Turkey Shoots Down Russian Fighter (48 replies)
  15. Russian Warships Dock In Iran for War Training (0 replies)
  16. The New Face of Israel’s Hard Right (0 replies)
  17. Iran Fires on Singapore-Flagged Tanker in Strait of Hormuz: U.S. Officials (6 replies)
  18. Houthis Shelling Saudi Arabia (2 replies)
  19. Saudi Nuclear Deal Raises Stakes For Iran Talks (7 replies)
  20. Iran’s New Cruise Missile Could Strike Targets Beyond 2000 km (10 replies)
  21. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia dead at 90 (5 replies)
  22. Five Nuclear Engineers Murdered Near Damascus (1 replies)
  23. Chinese Ships In Iran For Joint Exercises (0 replies)
  24. Obama Declassifies Documents on US-Israeli Agreement on Israel's Nuclear Program (1 replies)
  25. Rome will be conquered next, says leader of ‘Islamic State’ (2 replies)
  26. Obama Surrenders Iraq (161 replies)
  27. Iran’s One-Stop Shop For U.S. Army Gear (0 replies)
  28. ONE bullet. Six dead insurgents in Afghanistan (8 replies)
  29. Why is Iran building a mock US aircraft carrier? (21 replies)
  30. Iran threat: ‘U.S. military bases will be turned into a slaughterhouse’ (1 replies)
  31. Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China (0 replies)
  32. Russia and Saudi Arabia draw closer (0 replies)
  33. U.S. threatened with heaviest damage in history (0 replies)
  34. The New Iraq the US fought and bled for thread (0 replies)
  35. Putin To Offer Advanced Antimissiles To Soothe Iran’s S-300 Grudge (2 replies)
  36. Al-Qaida militants flee Iraq jail in violent mass break-out (2 replies)
  37. Iran building new nuclear site? (0 replies)
  38. United States to provide 1,026 M113A2 to Iraqi Army (0 replies)
  39. Explosions and gunfire heard near Kabul airport (6 replies)
  40. Turkey is beginning to stir (17 replies)
  41. Cutting Edge Israeli Technology (1 replies)
  42. China May Take Winning Role In Afghanistan After NATO Forces Withdraw (3 replies)
  43. Sabotage! Key Iranian nuclear facility hit? (3 replies)
  44. Zahedi memoir taps archives, corrects record on the Iranian people’s Mossadegh (0 replies)
  45. Obama prepares public to accept first Iranian nuclear test (1 replies)
  46. Ahmadinejad in suicidal anti-corruption drive against Khamenei’s establishment (0 replies)
  47. Kissinger on Israel’s coming demise (0 replies)
  48. Moscow to help UAE with region’s largest nuclear energy program. (0 replies)
  49. Report: Iran used Russian Su-25s to intercept U.S. Predator drone. (2 replies)
  50. Hamas military chief killed in Gaza air strike (15 replies)
  51. Arafat's Widow wants his body exumed (15 replies)
  52. War with Iran about to start? (146 replies)
  53. As Obama Admin retreats from Iraq and Afgan leaves military hardware to SCO or ISIS? (6 replies)
  54. US Embassy office in eastern Libya comes under attack (0 replies)
  55. Saudi King Vows To Obtain Nuclear Bomb After Iran (7 replies)
  56. Bomb Pakistan, NOW! (16 replies)
  57. Bolton accuses administration of leaking story on Israeli planning along Iran border (3 replies)
  58. Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani: Execution Order May Have Been Issued (6 replies)
  59. Cardboard Cut Out Ayatollah Khomeini “Inspects” Iranian Military (2 replies)
  60. Egyptians holding Ray LaHood's Son (18 replies)
  61. Russia sells jets to Syria (1 replies)
  62. US sells F-15s to Saudi Arabia, worth $30 billion (1 replies)
  63. China wins $700 million Afghan oil and gas deal. Why didn't the US bid? (0 replies)
  64. Iran ready for military ties with Iraq (6 replies)
  65. Iranian military to practice closing Strait of Hormuz (10 replies)
  66. Chinese Admiral Threatens World War to Protect Iran (7 replies)
  67. Obama Administration Weakens Sanctions Against Iran (7 replies)
  68. Iran capture of US spy drone 'would be significant blow to military' (68 replies)
  69. Iranian Protesters Seize 6 British Embassy Staff (0 replies)
  70. Pakistan closes border to US and it's Afghanistan supply routes. (0 replies)
  71. Report: Huge blast heard in Iranian city of Isfahan (13 replies)
  72. Syria joins UNESCO Human Rights Committee (2 replies)
  73. The Pentagon's Secret Plans to Secure Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal (0 replies)
  74. Trash Talk Behind Israeli Leader's Back (2 replies)
  75. U.S. official: Saudi Crown Prince dies (5 replies)
  76. BRKG Turkish fighters invade Greek air space, Greek fighters to the rescue (38 replies)
  77. Iran Says It Could Deploy Navy Near U.S. Coast: Report (35 replies)
  78. Ex-Afghan president Rabbani killed (4 replies)
  79. Saudi Arabia threatens split with US if Obama vetos Palestinian statehood bid (1 replies)
  80. Iran Claims to be 14% Larger than Previously Thought (1 replies)
  81. Two American Hikers in Iran (11 replies)
  82. Turkish warplanes bomb Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq (3 replies)
  83. Iran Revolutionary Guards' Commander Set to Become President of OPEC (0 replies)
  84. Iranian Nuclear Scientist Killed By Assassin On Motorcycle (2 replies)
  85. Iran Claims It Shot Down US Spy Plane (7 replies)
  86. Iran's incursions into Iraq (1 replies)
  87. Iran begins taking over Iraq (2 replies)
  88. China Transfers Missile Technology to Iran, Syria and Pakistan (0 replies)
  89. Iran elected Vice President of UN General Assembly (3 replies)
  90. Gadhafi threatens attacks in Europe if NATO air war continues (14 replies)
  91. Iran ‘shows Russia downed U.S. drones’ (1 replies)
  92. Ahmadinejad's tenure threatened (0 replies)
  93. US: Libya Troops Issued Viagra, Raping Victims (1 replies)
  94. Bitch Slap to the Muslims. LOL (6 replies)
  95. 470+ Taliban prisoners excape (2 replies)
  96. Activist sets sail to protect Gaza fishermen from IDF (9 replies)
  97. Obama's actions pushing the Saudi Arabia toward Russia and China (15 replies)
  98. Syria (1810 replies)
  99. what the???????? (7 replies)
  100. Iran Unveils Flying Saucer (2 replies)
  101. Yemen in Crisis (92 replies)
  102. Iran to build permanent naval base in Syria (0 replies)
  103. Saudi Arabia Violence (18 replies)
  104. Kuwait Protesters Want PM To Go (1 replies)
  105. Should the US intervene? (28 replies)
  106. Oman's going down (2 replies)
  107. Iran and Turkey's disturbing alliance (25 replies)
  108. Bahrain's Protests (20 replies)
  109. Iranian Warships (10 replies)
  110. Middle East Meltdown (38 replies)
  111. Libya is Beginning to Stir (475 replies)
  112. Iran "Revolution" (21 replies)
  113. Israeli Army Chief Ashkenazi: Prepare For All-Out War (31 replies)
  114. Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi (637 replies)
  115. Lahore court order on U.S. staffer (2 replies)
  116. Pakistan Doubles its Nuclear Arsenal (0 replies)
  117. The Muslim Brotherhood Predicted Arabs Would Topple Leaders Allied With U.S. (16 replies)
  118. Lebanon's Government has Collapsed. (28 replies)
  119. Saudi Arabia now Nuclear? (3 replies)
  120. Turkey-China Military Drill Reveals Deepening Ties (2 replies)
  121. Obama Asks Israel to Halt Settlements for 3 months for 20 F-35s!!! (17 replies)
  122. Russia steps in to help NATO in Afghanistan...for a price (0 replies)
  123. Iran Nuke site might be taken out already (15 replies)
  124. Hezballah mobilizies for a coup in Beirut, backed by Iran and Syria (2 replies)
  125. Iran develops new drones (8 replies)
  126. Russia Writes Off Afghanistan Debt Worth 12 Billion Dollars (0 replies)
  127. Profile: Shahram Amiri (5 replies)
  128. Iran Has Enough Fuel for Two New Bombs (9 replies)
  129. Syria in China’s New Silk Road Strategy (0 replies)
  130. Restoring Russia’s Influence in the Middle East (3 replies)
  131. Israeli Navy blockade of Gaza is met with multinational opposition (21 replies)
  132. Evidence shows Hezbollah missile bases in Syria (0 replies)
  133. Iran - Georgia: New Stage in Relations (3 replies)
  134. Russia Signs $20 Billion Deal for Turkish Nuclear Power Plant (0 replies)
  135. Muslim Student wants second Holocaust (0 replies)
  136. Russia looking to build nuclear power plant in Syria (0 replies)
  137. U.N. Elects Iran to Commission on Women's Rights (5 replies)
  138. Riyadh Mulls Big Russian Missile Buy (0 replies)
  139. Turkish ambassador claims nuclear bombs stored in Istanbul (2 replies)
  140. Iran gets fast sporting powerboat for arming with Russian torpedoes (0 replies)
  141. Bombs Away (0 replies)
  142. Iran ready to accept Japan's nuclear offer (0 replies)
  143. North Korean weapons shipments bound for Iran intercepted (1 replies)
  144. Ahmadinejad Says Iran Is Now a 'Nuclear State' (26 replies)
  145. United states strategically confronted with china-pakistan-saudi arabia triangle (0 replies)
  146. Russia, China, Iran Redraw Energy Map (0 replies)
  147. Saudis Eye Russian Air Defence System (0 replies)
  148. China may build Middle East naval base (1 replies)
  149. Syria, Turkey Seek Strategic Alliance with Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon (9 replies)
  150. Russia Pledges To Continue Arms Supplies to Iran (1 replies)
  151. Russia Set To Modernize Libya's Soviet-Era Tanks (1 replies)
  152. Iraq Set To Buy Russian Weaponry (0 replies)
  153. Is Thermonuclear India a Fizzle? (0 replies)
  154. Hezbollah Gets SCUDS (0 replies)
  155. Significant Quantities’ of Oil Discovered in Center of Israel (2 replies)
  156. Libya To Buy Russian Fighter Jets (0 replies)
  157. China's strategic alliance with Iran is off most radar screens (51 replies)
  158. 'Iranian Cyber Army' hackers take down Twitter in early-morning attack (0 replies)
  159. Iran and Syria sign mutual defense pact (1 replies)
  160. EU to recognize East Jerusalem as capital of Palestinian state (1 replies)
  161. The Silent Spreading Proxy War (26 replies)
  162. China’s Persian Gulf Strategy (0 replies)
  163. Turkey is no longer a dependable strategic ally of Israel (125 replies)
  164. Khamenei Reportedly Dead (9 replies)
  165. Israel names Russians helping Iran build nuclear bomb (8 replies)
  166. Pakistan Seeks Additional Nuclear-Weapon Capabilities (1 replies)
  167. Russian Yakhont Missile to Deploy On Syria's Coastline? (3 replies)
  168. Iraq urges UN to end remaining sanctions (0 replies)
  169. 'I wed Iranian girls before execution' (2 replies)
  170. SCO to hold its massive anti-terror drill in Kazakhstan (3 replies)
  171. Turkey To Buy Russian Night Hunter Helicopters (0 replies)
  172. Russia, Jordan Sign Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (2 replies)
  173. Iranian weapons getting through to Taliban (0 replies)
  174. Iran Launches Airstrikes Into Iraq (7 replies)
  175. Iran, Venezuela Enter Into Military Alliance (0 replies)
  176. U.S. Buys Russian Helos for Iraq (0 replies)
  177. Turkey And Russia On The Rise (2 replies)
  178. China backs Syria's quest to recover Golan (0 replies)
  179. Hizbullah projected to win Lebanese parliament majority (1 replies)
  180. Japan To Help Jordan Introduce Nuclear Power - Kyodo (0 replies)
  181. Iran plans largest air show ever (1 replies)
  182. Pakistan to America: Give Us the Killer Drones (1 replies)
  183. Obama takes aim at Israel (134 replies)
  184. Iranian nuke plot: NY banks unwittingly aided in material transfers, says DA (1 replies)
  185. Obama bows down to Saudi King (10 replies)
  186. Netanyahu Prepared To Go It Alone On Iran (398 replies)
  187. Pakistan seeking membership of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (2 replies)
  188. Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration (93 replies)
  189. Obama 'Moves Towards Abandonment of Israel' guess who's going to take our place? (28 replies)
  190. Clinton offers Iran, Syria, Russia new path with U.S. (2 replies)
  191. Obama's call on moderate Taliban useless (22 replies)
  192. Iranian Missiles Have `Worldwide Reach`: Russia (0 replies)
  193. Afghanistan and Pakistan (78 replies)
  194. Iran intends to become a full member of SCO (8 replies)
  195. Obama preparing to lift sanctions against Syria (3 replies)
  196. Analysis: Kyrgyz base a Kremlin test for Obama (31 replies)
  197. Iran launches first home-made satellite (7 replies)
  198. Russia To Supply Missiles To Syria (0 replies)
  199. War Web Cam Gaza Live (0 replies)
  200. Obama's Atomic Umbrella: U.S. Nuclear Strike If Iran Nukes Israel (0 replies)
  201. Obama spells end of blank cheques for Israel (0 replies)
  202. Turkey, Iran launch consecutive attacks in northern Iraq (6 replies)
  203. Chinese May Join Afghan Mission (8 replies)
  204. Obama working to divide Israel (116 replies)
  205. Report: Iran manufactures new stealth submarine (1 replies)
  206. Israel Plans to Build Temple Over al-Aksa Mosque (1 replies)
  207. Russia, Libya discuss nuclear cooperation deal (12 replies)
  208. Report: Hijacked Iranian Ship Contained 'Dirty Bomb' for Israel (3 replies)
  209. US warns Syria against invading Lebanon (0 replies)
  210. US faces the F-16s it supplied Pakistan (0 replies)
  211. Pakistan order to kill US invaders (0 replies)
  212. Opec plans closer links with Russia to control half of the world’s oil supplies (0 replies)
  213. NATO general says Pakistan chaos emboldens Taliban (1 replies)
  214. Fear of new Mid East 'Cold War' as Syria strengthens military alliance with Russia (3 replies)
  215. Instability in Pakistan? (1 replies)
  216. Kuwait on alert for war in Persian Gulf? (17 replies)
  217. Syria's Liaison Officer To Hizbullah Stops Bullet With Head (Assassination) (2 replies)
  218. Putin: Libya Interested In Buying Russian Weapons (0 replies)
  219. Israeli Prime Minister Olmert to resign in Sept. (1 replies)
  220. ALERT! Iran plans to Nuke US (9 replies)
  221. Mystery Explosions Point To Iran's Secret Arms Shipments To Terrorists (0 replies)
  222. Iran To Get New Russian Air Defences By '09 – Israel (2 replies)
  223. Russia Offers Turkey Direct Sale Of S-400s In Bid Outdo US Competitors (0 replies)
  224. Libya 'halts Swiss oil shipments' (0 replies)
  225. Russia To Supply S-300 Missile Systems To Iran (1 replies)
  226. A Kurdish Man Thanks the US (2 replies)
  227. Tony Blair cancels Gaza trip over death threats (0 replies)
  228. John Bolton demands US support for Israeli strike on Iran (2 replies)
  229. Assad: I am ready to normalize relations with Israel (3 replies)
  230. Iran's missiles may target Canadians (0 replies)
  231. Containers found with radioactive material (0 replies)
  232. Arabs fear fallout of nuclear conflict (0 replies)
  233. Bomb rocks India embassy in Kabul (2 replies)
  234. Want to 'bite the bullet', go to 'Buns & Guns' (1 replies)
  235. Osama Bin Hidin' (1 replies)
  236. Iran Positions Shahab-3B Missiles Into Launch Positions (1 replies)
  237. Muslim Terrorists May Be Trying To Sink the Dollar (7 replies)
  238. U.S. Helicopter Engines Stolen En Route To Pakistan Port (2 replies)
  239. The War In Afghanistan (3 replies)
  240. US Warns China Over Weapon Links In Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan (0 replies)
  241. Afghanistan Copper Deposits Worth $88 Billion Attract Chinese Investors (2 replies)
  242. Hezbollah overruns west Beirut as Lebanon on brink (30 replies)
  243. Israeli Minister: Iran Could Have Nuclear Bomb Technology Within Months (0 replies)
  244. Why Does Ahmadinejad Want Russian Troops in Iran? (5 replies)
  245. Vladimir Putin Found Substitute for Algeria (0 replies)
  246. Now we know...Bombed Syrian reactor was nearly complete (1 replies)
  247. Iran forced to leave defense show in Malaysia for exhibiting missile products (0 replies)
  248. Prepare Now for the Coming Middle East War (390 replies)
  249. Cheney on the Warpath Again? (0 replies)
  250. 'We won't be able to deter nuclear Iran' (4 replies)