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  1. Obama Stops Wearing Flag Pin (0 replies)
  2. Sarkozy to visit US in November: US official (0 replies)
  3. How Federal is Star Trek's Federation? (2 replies)
  4. Ahmadinejad should NOT visit Ground Zero (30 replies)
  5. What if Moveon.org existed 65 years ago? (3 replies)
  6. Giuliani: Illegal Immigration No Crime (0 replies)
  7. Sweet Hillary (1 replies)
  8. Edwards: Americans should sacrifice their SUVs (2 replies)
  9. Hillary's Thesis (1 replies)
  10. Ted Nugent Might Run For Governor Of Michigan (0 replies)
  11. Primary May Show Muslims' Influence (0 replies)
  12. William Koenig for President 2008 (12 replies)
  13. Greenspan arrested! (4 replies)
  14. Rewind: Gore Blasts G.H.W. Bush for Ignoring Iraq Terror Ties (0 replies)
  15. The Brand Of Shame And Infamy (0 replies)
  16. MSM In No Rush to Reveal Hillary Flunked Bar Exam (1 replies)
  17. Bush Suffering Stomach Ailment At G-8 Summit (0 replies)
  18. My Bush Epiphany (10 replies)
  19. A World Without America (2 replies)
  20. Bush has torn the conservative coalition asunder. (0 replies)
  21. Fred Thompson (63 replies)
  22. Hillary Clinton Openly Advocates Marxism/Communism on Campaign Trail (1 replies)
  23. LVPD beatdown of Iraq-bound Soldier..... (5 replies)
  24. The GOP Presidential Debates (14 replies)
  25. House fails to overturn Bush veto: NOTE SOURCE! (2 replies)
  26. Reagan - The Greatest President of the 20th Century (21 replies)
  27. Old foes unite against Real ID (0 replies)
  28. Federal Partial-birth Abortion Ban Upheld (0 replies)
  29. Obama (0 replies)
  30. My Email To The RNC/Mel Martinez Finally Went Through (12 replies)
  31. Dear Second Amendment People – Newt Gingrich's Take on the 2nd Amendment (0 replies)
  32. Giuliani Firm Has Venezuela Ties (2 replies)
  33. Support grows for Fred Thompson White House run (2 replies)
  34. A question of Peace or War in Europe (3 replies)
  35. UN council on human rights gets told off (7 replies)
  36. Everyone wants to claim Indian Blood.... (0 replies)
  37. Axis of Idiots (1 replies)
  38. Death to America - Movie (0 replies)
  39. Tables turned on Fahrenheit 9/11’s maker (1 replies)
  40. Duncan Hunter for President 2008 (53 replies)
  41. Hillary in '08 - Ummm NOT! (0 replies)
  42. I'm a terrorist sympathizer? (2 replies)
  43. Dems Target Free Speech -- Again (0 replies)
  44. Conservative Candidates for the 2008 Presidential Election (6 replies)
  45. Did The 9/11 Commission Receive All The Documents It Requested? Davis Releases Berger (4 replies)
  46. The WAR IS OVER! (According to Dems) (1 replies)
  47. Democrats Push Climate Change To Front Burner Strategy (0 replies)
  48. Opponents of new Kosovo must be stopped (0 replies)
  49. Special Report: The Plan To Silence Conservatives (1 replies)
  50. Democrats Declare Martial Law (6 replies)
  51. Democrats To Start Without GOP Input (2 replies)
  52. US Senate To Get First Socialist Ever (0 replies)
  53. CNN Apologizes for Mistaken Headline (0 replies)
  54. Libya: Medics Sentenced To Death (137 replies)
  55. In Iowa, Hunter Touts Strong Defense (2 replies)
  56. Judge Roy Moore: Muslim Ellison Should Not Sit In Congress (41 replies)
  57. Brand new Political Party Forming: The Loyalist Party (13 replies)
  58. Kofi Annan The Liar Blasts U.S. (1 replies)
  59. Jimmy Carter (8 replies)
  60. Russia Ready To Neutralize U.s. Economy (1 replies)
  61. Gates and Byrd on Iran and Syria (1 replies)
  62. With Friends Like This …Uncivil Indian nuclear cooperation. (0 replies)
  63. John Bolton calls it quits (6 replies)
  64. Vasko Kohlmayer: Democrats, terrorists and 'brotherly way' (0 replies)
  65. Feds Quietly Assign Terror Risk Scores to Millions of Americans (0 replies)
  66. The Beast on the East River: The UN Threat to America’s Sovereignty and Security (0 replies)
  67. Miss Brussels in Dire Straits (1 replies)
  68. Rumsfeld Up, Romney Down (0 replies)
  69. The Rioters And Their Admirers --- On The Right And The Left (1 replies)
  70. Islamic translations (4 replies)
  71. Which bipartisanship will Bush choose? (0 replies)
  72. Political Defination Thread (4 replies)
  73. An Incalculable Electoral Error (7 replies)
  74. Dearborn, Michigan Elects A Muslim Judge (6 replies)
  75. Kerry's "Botched" Joke (23 replies)
  76. Hillary Clinton On Abortion And Guns = What I've Learned (0 replies)
  77. The Inexplicable Sandy Berger (6 replies)
  78. The Rape of Europe (1 replies)
  79. Clinton Administration WHOPPERS (2 replies)
  80. Ted Kennedy's Ties to the KGB (5 replies)
  81. Infighting among the Mullahs (0 replies)
  82. Sen. Kennedy promise the America people? (0 replies)
  83. Mubarak: Muslims must revamp image (0 replies)
  84. Active Appeasement (13 replies)
  85. America's Problem Within Our ENTIRE Political Establishment (1 replies)
  86. Supremes to reconsider landmark abortion case (4 replies)
  87. Socialism-Communism-Democratism - What's the difference? Part I (5 replies)
  88. Bill Clinton: Failed President and bald-faced LIAR EXTRAORDINAIRE (18 replies)
  89. America's Enemies at the U.N. (0 replies)
  90. Ghosts Of Nikita Khrushchev (0 replies)
  91. US Federal Judge Declares Boating Illegal In All US Navigable Waters (19 replies)
  92. Neo-Nazis Set To Win Seats In Deprived Eastern Germany (1 replies)
  93. Anatomy of a Delusion (0 replies)
  94. CAIR’s Congressional Candidate (4 replies)
  95. Busybody Politicians, Get off our Backs (0 replies)
  96. 'Somthing terribly wrong' about aiding enemies in time of war (0 replies)
  97. Rumsfeld: U.S. is fighting "new type of fascism" (0 replies)
  98. Tehran calls for face-to-face TV debate with Bush (2 replies)
  99. Carterpalooza! (0 replies)
  100. Just Say No to Khatami (11 replies)
  101. No better place to hide from American justice than China (0 replies)
  102. Reagan architect declares war on GOP (0 replies)
  103. Is there a Secret Syrian-Iranian-Russian Alliance? (2 replies)
  104. Marine Names Murtha in Defamation Suit (1 replies)
  105. The Bungle Factor; Islam or Radical Islam? (0 replies)
  106. Dump Condi: Foreign policy conservatives charge State Dept. has hijacked Bush agenda (2 replies)
  107. The Fatal Befuddlement (0 replies)
  108. Anti-Communist Rally (4 replies)
  109. Small Protest Outside 'NY Times' Targets Bank Records Story (4 replies)
  110. Free Trade Agreement with Oman Disregards Best Interests of US (1 replies)
  111. Is Patriotism Obsolete? (0 replies)
  112. The end of deterrence (0 replies)
  113. House Lifts Offshore Drilling Ban (0 replies)
  114. Lt. Tom Cotton writes in response to the New York Times. (1 replies)
  115. Backing DeWine (0 replies)
  116. Executive Order: Protecting the Property Rights of the American People (0 replies)
  117. 9th Circuit judges "Tear down that cross" (0 replies)
  118. House Approves Watered-Down Line-Item Veto (1 replies)
  119. Unfinished Business, Then and Now (0 replies)
  120. Ann Coulter Banned In New Jersey? (0 replies)
  121. Bin Laden Family Gave $1 Million To Carter (0 replies)
  122. "Hadji girl" (23 replies)
  123. Letter from a Sleeper Cell Terrorist in America to Osama (0 replies)
  124. Berlinski's Europe by J. R. Nyquist (0 replies)
  125. The Other Nation (2 replies)
  126. Rep. Kennedy's Car Crashes Near Capitol (0 replies)
  127. Going Nowhere (0 replies)
  128. Dollar too unstable to be reliable (0 replies)
  129. GOP Candidate's Wife pressured to resign (0 replies)
  130. Why The Clintons Belong in Prison (50 replies)
  131. France (12 replies)
  132. "Bush Was Right" New song (0 replies)
  133. "Washington's 2006 National Security Strategy (0 replies)
  134. Dhimmi-busting (41 replies)
  135. Carter Seeks Vote in U.N. Against U.S. (5 replies)
  136. Hillary Clinton Rips Bill's Panama Ports Deal (1 replies)
  137. United for Peace and Justice intends to overthrow the US gov't (4 replies)
  138. Congressman pushes draft (0 replies)
  139. Al Gore Event Funded by Bin Laden's Family (2 replies)
  140. Ken Blackwell - Ronald Reagan’s Unlikely Heir (12 replies)
  141. Americans Deserve No Less - By Robert McCallum, Assoc Attorney General, Justice Dept (3 replies)
  142. Muslim Rioting Around The World (13 replies)
  143. House GOP Drops Plan To Split 9th Circuit (0 replies)
  144. Firebrand Tancredo Puts Policy Over Party Line (12 replies)
  145. Who Are These Anti-War/Anti-Bush Activists? (5 replies)
  146. House Panel OKs Provision To Divide 9th Circuit Court (0 replies)
  147. Liberals Furious Over New Children's Book (0 replies)
  148. Michael Moore Owned Halliburton, Defense Stocks (0 replies)
  149. Should the Sedition Act be revived? (0 replies)
  150. Before "New Deal", Mutual-Aid Societies Ubiquitous, Effective (0 replies)
  151. Should Democratic Party Merge with Communist Party? (2 replies)
  152. Mao More Than Ever (0 replies)