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  1. Americans Will Work More than 6 Months to Pay Cost of Government in 2012 (1 replies)
  2. Brandon Raub: Why is this Marine in Jail? (28 replies)
  3. Barbaric Muslim Tyranny (1 replies)
  4. Virginia vintners taste the police state (3 replies)
  5. JPMorgan CEO Hits Breaking Point on Gov’t Regs: ‘It’s a Free. F**king. Country’ (3 replies)
  6. Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes (360 replies)
  7. How Did Harry Reid get rich? A National Review article (3 replies)
  8. Vet Investigated for 'Jump the WH Fence' Remark (7 replies)
  9. Obama: Anti-Colonial President, Plans for the next term (148 replies)
  10. Obama Backs Race-Based School Discipline Policies (2 replies)
  11. NBC Uses D+11 Poll to Find Obama Up by 6 (0 replies)
  12. Buckyballs: Another company the Government is trying to put out of business (1 replies)
  13. Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day (15 replies)
  14. Mayor Bloomberg at it AGAIN! (12 replies)
  15. Attacking Sheriff Joe Arpaio (1 replies)
  16. Facebook (1 replies)
  17. Home raided for Bible Studies.... (8 replies)
  18. Holder tells NAACP Texas voter ID law 'harmful' to minorities (5 replies)
  19. Obama threatens veto of bill combining tax cuts for middle class, top earners (0 replies)
  20. New robot may replace humans, say scientists (0 replies)
  21. Obama signs another EO: Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions (1 replies)
  22. Mark Steyn: American Twilight (0 replies)
  23. IRS Steps Up Scrutiny Of Tax-Exempt Political Groups (0 replies)
  24. Newspeak Phrases for the 21st Century (3 replies)
  25. Police State Archives (6 replies)
  26. Desperation: Obama Surrogate Calls to Make Voting Mandatory (1 replies)
  27. MSNBC Host: 9/11 Gave America ‘PTSD’, ‘Muslim Terrorists’ ‘Imagined Racial Enemy’ (1 replies)
  28. Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white (125 replies)
  29. Why Does Ethiopia Want to Give People 15 Years in Jail for Using Skype? (1 replies)
  30. blogger Martha Payne school dinner photo ban lifted (1 replies)
  31. Teen set on fire: 'I felt like I was going to die' (3 replies)
  32. NYC Principal Bars Students From Singing 'God Bless The USA' (2 replies)
  33. ACORN Official Grabs $445 Million Grant From Obama Admin (12 replies)
  34. Marine Corps Unit Abandons ‘Crusaders’ Nickname (1 replies)
  35. Warren Buffett and a 5 minute plan to fix the budget? (1 replies)
  36. Will the Boy Scouts Reverse Its Anti-Gay Policy? (24 replies)
  37. As goes Russia, so goes Amerika (2 replies)
  38. Schools - the new Fascist State (3 replies)
  39. More Evidence the "Greenies" are out to destory America (16 replies)
  40. Barnes and Noble join Police State (Stupidity!) (0 replies)
  41. More Police State BS (15 replies)
  42. YouTube: Zoning vs. Eminent Domain - How Ventura County Shut Down Pine Mountain Inn (1 replies)
  43. Obama Awards Medal of Freedom to Democratic Socialists of America Chair (0 replies)
  44. Teen Says She Was Punished For Trying To Stop Bullying (2 replies)
  45. Van Jones: Tea Party Out To Destroy America (2 replies)
  46. Revealed: Hundreds of words to avoid using online (14 replies)
  47. MSNBC's Chris Hayes: I'm 'Uncomfortable' Calling Fallen Military 'Heroes' (5 replies)
  48. Indoctrination 101: Teaching Chicago Students to Protest (0 replies)
  49. Nurse Refuses Student Inhaler During Asthma Attack (1 replies)
  50. Killing Outside War Zones Focused in White House (0 replies)
  51. Was Columbus a Jew? (35 replies)
  52. Iran threatens legal action against Google (5 replies)
  53. Minorities now surpass whites in US births, census shows (1 replies)
  54. Pilot who violated Obama's airspace arrested (0 replies)
  55. Pentagon condemns 'war on Islam' US training class (3 replies)
  56. NJ Town Tickets For Texting While Walking (5 replies)
  57. JetBlue makes no-fly list mistake, removes toddler (4 replies)
  58. U.S. sues controversial Arizona sheriff for discrimination (1 replies)
  59. United Nations (6 replies)
  60. Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring International Law for the United States (8 replies)
  61. May Day 2012 Violence (12 replies)
  62. Obama bypasses Congress to give the Palestinian Authority nearly $200 million (1 replies)
  63. Hundreds Of 5-Year-Old Municipal Vehicles (Toyota Priuses) Found In Miami, Never Used (3 replies)
  64. NBC's Curry Rants: It's 'Fundamentally Unfair' Some Have More Money Than Others (2 replies)
  65. Rural Kids, Parents Angry About Labor Department Rule Banning Farm Chores (3 replies)
  66. "If I Wanted America To Fail..." (4 replies)
  67. WHAT is "Scytl" & WHY Should You Be VERY, VERY Concerned? (6 replies)
  68. LEAKED STRATFOR EMAILS: Democrats Manipulated The 2008 Election Results (0 replies)
  69. Americans Renouncing Citizenship Over High Taxes (31 replies)
  70. Socialism in America (19 replies)
  71. Obama signs Executive Order Power Grab for Natural Gas (1 replies)
  72. Maine Rep tweets threatening slam against Cheney (2 replies)
  73. Cerabino: Congressman West goes on the commie hunt (1 replies)
  74. Iowa:'Republicans need not apply' at state's law school (0 replies)
  75. STORM: Marxism attack on America Handbook (3 replies)
  76. Obama ordered to respond to 5th Circuit Court immediately (10 replies)
  77. Obama is NOT LEGALLY PRESIDENT! (probably) (4 replies)
  78. GSA head resigns: Junket gone wild (3 replies)
  79. Welcome to Colorado Springs, UK.... (6 replies)
  80. Key charges dismissed against Michigan militia group (3 replies)
  81. Docs show NYPD infiltrated liberal groups (0 replies)
  82. US Intelligence to keep tabs on Americans with no ties to terror (1 replies)
  83. Progressive ‘Mission Accomplished,’ Now on to Phase II — Communism (22 replies)
  84. Breaking: Obama Signs Anti-Free Speech Bill into Law (10 replies)
  85. Obama raises eyebrows with executive order revising authority to nationalize resource (3 replies)
  86. “I will not comply” (4 replies)
  87. UN rights council delves into US voter I.D. laws (3 replies)
  88. Number of Right Hate Groups in U.S. on the Rise, Report Says (2 replies)
  89. Wind Farms In Pacific Northwest Paid To Not Produce (1 replies)
  90. South Boston Military Helmet Maker Shut Down Over Complaints (0 replies)
  91. FCC Seeks Comment on Shutting Down Cell Service per Government Edict (1 replies)
  92. Japan invents speech-jamming gun that silences people mid-sentence (2 replies)
  93. Iowa makes it crime to lie to record animal abuse (1 replies)
  94. VIDEO: John Stossel's Illegal Everything (2 replies)
  95. Regulators To Require Rearview Cameras In All New Cars By 2014 (7 replies)
  96. The Perversion of Rights (0 replies)
  97. Reversing Obama’s ‘Soft Despotism’ (1 replies)
  98. Supreme Court Will Hear Case On Affirmative Action At Colleges (0 replies)
  99. How To Save A Tree House From A Zoning Board (1 replies)
  100. Reports: Media Matters Head Coordinates With White House, Builds Super PAC (3 replies)
  101. Michigan Education Official, Teachers Know What's Best For Kids, Not Parents (2 replies)
  102. Big Brotherism Technology (3 replies)
  103. Dependency Index Surges 23% Under President Obama (0 replies)
  104. Judge Sentences Man to Take Wife Out on Date Night (2 replies)
  105. Trendnet security cam flaw exposes video feeds on net (0 replies)
  106. Homeland Security: You’re All ‘Militia Extremists’ Now (4 replies)
  107. Justice Ginsburg Causes Storm Dissing The Constitution While Abroad (11 replies)
  108. DHS Report Compares Terrorism To “Ordinary Crime,” Omits Islamists (1 replies)
  109. New U.S. Ambassador to Russia: We Support ‘Universal Values’ Not ‘American Values’ (0 replies)
  110. DHS Plans to Merge With Local/State Law Enforcement with the use of Drones (34 replies)
  111. How To Destroy A Country (12 replies)
  112. Obama picks La Raza executive to head his Domestic Policy Council (3 replies)
  113. The Corruption of America (0 replies)
  114. Government Statistical Agency Helping NC Democrat (1 replies)
  115. 1957 vs 2011 (3 replies)
  116. It won't happen in America, yeah, well it just did (4 replies)
  117. Feds Demand Customer Lists From Mormons (24 replies)
  118. FEMA Camps (85 replies)
  119. POLICE BRUTALITY: Family Says Police Killed Their Dogs and Slammed Grandma to Ground (13 replies)
  120. How many more Executive Orders will he sign? (11 replies)
  121. More Taxes being levied on us (3 replies)
  122. Madison County, Florida Officials Arrested For Voter Fraud (2 replies)
  123. Four Members Of Georgia ‘Fringe Militia Group’ Arrested (21 replies)
  124. Solyndra - Obama Administration Scandal (49 replies)
  125. Protect IP act...legislation to let business censor the internet (5 replies)
  126. Re: Homeland Security moves forward with 'pre-crime' detection (4 replies)
  127. Thousands Rally In DC For Easier Access To Jobs (0 replies)
  128. Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in Household Receiving Government Benefit (0 replies)
  129. One Occupy Wall Streeter that I mostly agree with (5 replies)
  130. FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service (11 replies)
  131. Homeland Security moves forward with 'pre-crime' detection (0 replies)
  132. Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Up Obama’s Presidential Records (0 replies)
  133. Obama assassinates 2 Americans and nobody cares (23 replies)
  134. Obama marched with New Black Panthers (6 replies)
  135. FEMA'S Use Of Term 'Federal Family' For Government Expands Under Obama (0 replies)
  136. Tennessee Police, Mother in Dispute Over 10-Year-Old Child Riding Bike to School (0 replies)
  137. Three North Carolina Democrats Admit Voting Twice For Obama (0 replies)
  138. Schakowsky: Americans Don't Deserve To Keep All Of Their Money (0 replies)
  139. Tyrants Feeling Threatened By The Will Of The People (2 replies)
  140. Why Young Americans Can’t Think Morally (0 replies)
  141. California Is Why You Can’t Get The Boss Mustang TracKey (0 replies)
  142. Poverty Pervades The Suburbs (27 replies)
  143. Max Motors Targeted By ATF, Banks And General Motors (4 replies)
  144. Gibson- A Very Dirty Story (10 replies)
  145. Website to Report attacks on O. (21 replies)
  146. New video game slaughters Conservatives and Tea Party Zombies (2 replies)
  147. The Left's new threat to silence the right (0 replies)
  148. Feds trying to close public lake in Idaho (5 replies)
  149. Face Book Privacy Issues (14 replies)
  150. The Imperial Presidency (312 replies)
  151. Feds Charge Idaho Man For Killing Grizzly Bear (4 replies)
  152. Obama Orders New Plan To Diversify Federal Workers (11 replies)
  153. Colorado Springs Storm Water Enterprise (25 replies)
  154. Air Force Discharging 'Birther' Staff Sgt. (2 replies)
  155. UK man arrested for planning water pistol fight. (2 replies)
  156. Silicon Valley billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands (4 replies)
  157. San Francisco Cell Shutdown: Safety Issue, or Hint of Orwell? (25 replies)
  158. Super Committee (19 replies)
  159. Scientists develop tattoo-like monitoring device (1 replies)
  160. ‘U.S. Day of Rage’ Being Orchestrated for ‘Worldwide Democracy’ (185 replies)
  161. "Keep Working... (230 replies)
  162. Silencing the Right - the constant battle (3 replies)
  163. Air Force Suspends Christian-Themed Ethics Training Program Over Bible Passages (0 replies)
  164. Do Americans have a Civil Right to own a cell phone? (6 replies)
  165. Joe Biden likened tea partiers to terrorists (19 replies)
  166. EXPLOSIVE REPORT - 2011 Chicago Elections - 59% Ballot Boxes Unsealed (3 replies)
  167. Walter Reed closing (7 replies)
  168. Chrysler - A Very Dirty Story (6 replies)
  169. VIPR - A Violation Of The 4th Amendment (10 replies)
  170. Obama Administration to probe Murdoch's company over hacking allegations (19 replies)
  171. Michelle Obama Didn’t Know U.S. Troops Were Still in Iraq (0 replies)
  172. Durbin: Maybe Illegal Alien Will Become President Someday (3 replies)
  173. Obama tries to stop execution in Texas of Mexican killer via the UN (16 replies)
  174. Cornyn: Obama Bypassing Congress on Debt Limit is 'Crazy Talk' (2 replies)
  175. Sixth Circuit Strikes Down Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (0 replies)
  176. Time Magazine Cover Features Shredded U.S. Constitution, Asks If It Still Matters (1 replies)
  177. Obama Administration Reportedly Considering 56.2 MPG Fuel Economy Standard (0 replies)
  178. CFR Role in Govt/Media Merger (1 replies)
  179. U.S. Accuses New Berlin Of Racial Bias In Housing Decision (2 replies)
  180. U.S. Veteran Faces Legal Action For Flying American Flag (1 replies)
  181. George Soros making a move to control food and grain production (0 replies)
  182. Nation Building America (49 replies)
  183. Dutch Parliament Passes 'Net Neutrality' Rules (0 replies)
  184. Obama Signs 'Agenda 21' Related Executive Order - A Plan for World Government (19 replies)
  185. Obama cutting public access to half the Federal Government websites next year (3 replies)
  186. How Free Is Your State? (9 replies)
  187. F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds (2 replies)
  188. Calif. Senate Votes Itself Exempt From Gun Laws (4 replies)
  189. Jose Guerena Killed: Arizona Cops Shoot Former Marine In Botched Pot Raid (10 replies)
  190. TSA orders Texas to give up lawsuit or have ALL flights canceled. (11 replies)
  191. There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says (15 replies)
  192. Facebook founder Zuckerberg tells G8 summit: don't regulate the web (11 replies)
  193. Judge Voids Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law (1 replies)
  194. White House Creates Liberal Damage Control Position (6 replies)
  195. U.S. Won't Pay For Ferrari Wrecked By FBI Agent (0 replies)
  196. Pro-Life Group Accuses MTV of Pro-Abortion Agenda for Yanking Group's Ads (0 replies)
  197. Is GM becoming China Motors? (10 replies)
  198. Are You Ready to Pay $50 for a 100-Watt Bulb? (7 replies)
  199. Who is John Galt? (16 replies)
  200. Obama Courts Latinos on Immigration Reform (0 replies)
  201. Government Can Force You To Buy Wheat! (0 replies)
  202. Obama Assumes Ultimate "Texting" Powers (23 replies)
  203. MSNBC Asks Tancredo: ‘Would You Have Preferred Then, the Death of the President..." (11 replies)
  204. Justice Department Pursues 'Strange' Probe of Execution Drug (5 replies)
  205. Union Thuggery and Intimidation (30 replies)
  206. Three Convicted in Terror-Related Cases Later Granted U.S. Citizenship by Obama Admin (0 replies)
  207. San Francisco May Vote on Banning Male Circumcision (3 replies)
  208. Obama trying to destroy America's essence (6 replies)
  209. Obama's formation of Oil & Gas Price Taskforce (6 replies)
  210. New Black Panthers Target Jews, Conservatives and Tea Partiers (2 replies)
  211. The Largest Detention Camp in World History is Almost Complete (13 replies)
  212. 911 Responders To Be Warned They Will Be Screened By FBI's Terrorism Watch List (5 replies)
  213. Subversive plan to "transform" America exposed (0 replies)
  214. Protesters 'sing' heckling song to Obama (0 replies)
  215. Senate Introduces Safe Chemicals Act of 2011 (3 replies)
  216. Obama pulling back on Nuclear Power while reducing Oil and Coal (8 replies)
  217. Taking Data from your Smart Phone (13 replies)
  218. President Obama's Deficit (106 replies)
  219. Another "Email Alert" (18 replies)
  220. George Soros Events Aim: Remake the Financial Order and the Media (9 replies)
  221. GA - Lawsuit Seeks Dissolution Of Cities Of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek... (1 replies)
  222. New Rules Would Label Millions of American Workers as Disabled (1 replies)
  223. ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal' (2 replies)
  224. Taxing your driving miles..... (17 replies)
  225. Brawl Between Territorial Pa. Cops Caught on Camera (0 replies)
  226. Taking Liberties: Montana Lawmaker Wants Feds to Alert Sheriffs on Arrests (0 replies)
  227. SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan to Crash Stock Market & Redistribute Wealth in US (4 replies)
  228. Obama wishes America was run like China (5 replies)
  229. GOP Lawmakers Target $105B in Spending Found in Health Care Law (3 replies)
  230. Etiquette: Bowing (10 replies)
  231. Chivalry Was Murdered by Zero Tolerance (7 replies)
  232. Feds Launch New Crackdown Against Nissan Skyline Owners (2 replies)
  233. Un-seen self defense stories (1 replies)
  234. Obama Says Tea Party is Racist (2 replies)
  235. U.S. Government Software Creates ’Fake People’ to Spread Message via Social Networks (9 replies)
  236. Obama cuts off VOA funding for China; gives it to NPR (1 replies)
  237. Obama Administration urges cable companies to carry Al-Jazeera (14 replies)
  238. Obama Signs 4-Year Patriot Act Extension (4 replies)
  239. Airborne Disease Tests Not a Threat (1 replies)
  240. Canadian Court: Marriage Officials Must Marry Homosexuals, etc etc. (3 replies)
  241. Too Religious to Home-School? (3 replies)
  242. Police turn to Drones for Domestic Surveillance (2 replies)
  243. Eavesdropping Laws Mean That Turning On an Audio Recorder Could Send You to Prison (0 replies)
  244. Call Congress: REPEAL OBAMACARE (2 replies)
  245. Columbia, South Carolina George Washington Statue Hidden In Box By NAACP (1 replies)
  246. Anti-Gun Laws and "Shut up" laws (0 replies)
  247. More Fallout from Tucson (8 replies)
  248. Submitted For Your Consideration - The Left's Playbook (48 replies)
  249. Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover? (14 replies)
  250. The Missing Link in the Evolution of Barack Obama (1 replies)