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Thread: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    Is anyone really surprised?

    As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of Former Columbia University ROTC Office

    September 30, 2012

    As a freshman at Columbia University in 1970, future Attorney General Eric Holder participated in a five-day occupation of an abandoned Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) headquarters with a group of black students later described by the university’s Black Students’ Organization as “armed,” The Daily Caller has learned.

    Department of Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler has not responded to questions from The Daily Caller about whether Holder himself was armed — and if so, with what sort of weapon.

    Holder was then among the leaders of the Student Afro-American Society (SAAS), which demanded that the former ROTC office be renamed the “Malcolm X Lounge.” The change, the group insisted, was to be made “in honor of a man who recognized the importance of territory as a basis for nationhood.”

    Black radicals from the same group also occupied the office of Dean of Freshman Henry Coleman until their demands were met. Holder has publicly acknowledged being a part of that action.

    The details of the student-led occupation, including the claim that the raiders were “armed,” come from a deleted Web page of the Black Students’ Organization (BSO) at Columbia, a successor group to the SAAS. Contemporary newspaper accounts in The Columbia Daily Spectator, a student newspaper, did not mention weapons.

    Holder, now the United States’ highest-ranking law enforcement official, has given conflicting accounts of this episode during college commencement addresses at Columbia, but both the BSO’s website and the Daily Spectator have published facts that conflict with his version of events.

    Holder has bragged about his involvement in the “rise of black consciousness” protests at Columbia.

    “I was among a large group of students who felt strongly about the way we thought the world should be, and we weren’t afraid to make our opinions heard,” he said during Columbia’s 2009 commencement exercises. “I did not take a final exam until my junior year at Columbia — we were on strike every time finals seemed to roll around — but we ran out of issues by that third year.”

    Though then-Dean Carl Hovde declared the occupation of the Naval ROTC office illegal and said it violated university policy, the college declined to prosecute any of the students involved. This decision may have been made to avoid a repeat of violent Columbia campus confrontations between police and members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in 1968.

    The ROTC headquarters was ultimately renamed the Malcolm X lounge as the SAAS organization demanded. It later became a hang-out spot for another future U.S. leader, Barack Obama, according to David Maraniss’ best-selling ”Barack Obama: The Story.”

    Holder told Columbia University’s graduating law students during a 2010 commencement speech that the 1970 incident happened “during my senior year,” but Holder was a freshman at the time. “[S]everal of us took one of our concerns — that black students needed a designated space to gather on campus — to the Dean [of Freshmen]’office. This being Columbia, we proceeded to occupy that office.”

    Holder also claimed in his 2009 speech that he and his fellow students decided to “peacefully occupy one of the campus offices.” In contrast, the BSO’s website recounted its predecessor organization’s activities by noting that that “in 1970, a group of armed black students [the SAAS] seized the abandoned ROTC office.”

    While that website is no longer online, a snapshot of its content from September 2010 is part of the database.

    In a December 2010 GQ magazine profile of Holder, one of his Columbia friends confirmed that he and Holder were both part of the ROTC office takeover.

    Holder particularly “connected with four other African-American students” at Columbia, correspondent Wil S. Hylton wrote. “We took over the ROTC lounge in Hartley Hall and created the Malcolm X Lounge,” said a laughing Steve Sims, one of those students.

    Hylton described Sims as “the attorney general’s closest friend” and “a man Holder describes as his ‘consigliere.’”

    The SAAS was part of a radicalized portion of the Columbia student body whose protest roots were hardened in the late 1960s. Its members collaborated with the SDS to stage a series of protests on the New York City campus in 1968, the year before Eric Holder arrived on campus.

    Those earlier protests culminated in a separate armed takeover of Dean Henry Coleman’s office in which students held him hostage and stopped the construction of a gymnasium in the Morningside Heights neighborhood, near the campus.

    The BSO reported on its website as recently as 2010 that those students were “armed with guns.”

    Emboldened by their successes, SAAS leaders continued to press their demands, eventually working with local black radicals who were not college students. A young Eric Holder joined the fray in 1969 as a college freshman.

    The SAAS also actively supported the Black Panthers and the Black Power movement, according to Stefan Bradley, professor of African-American studies at Saint Louis University and author of the 2009 book “Harlem vs. Columbia University.” He has described the Columbia organization as being separatist in nature.

    “In 1969, SAAS has taken up a new campaign to establish a Black Institute on campus that would house a black studies program, an all-black admissions board, all-black faculty members, administrators and staff and they wanted the university to pay for it,” Bradley told an audience in 2009.

    Though Columbia never met all of the black militants’ demands, it brought more black students to campus through its affirmative action program, introduced Black Studies courses and hired black radical Charles V. Hamilton — co-author of “Black Power” with Black Panther Party ”Honorary Prime Minister” Stokely Carmichael (by then renamed Kwame Ture).

    “The university hadn’t thought of all of this by itself,” said Bradley. “It took black students [in the SAAS] to do this.”

    In March 1970 the SAAS released a statement supporting twenty-one Black Panthers charged with plotting to blow up department stores, railroad tracks, a police station and the New York Botanical Gardens.

    The SAAS, along with the SDS and other radical campus groups, staged a campus rally on March 12, 1970 featuring Afeni Shakur — one of the Panthers out on bail and the future mother of rapper Tupac Shakur.

    The rally’s purpose, The Columbia Daily Spectator reported, was to raise bail money for the twenty other Panthers and to call on District Attorney Frank Hogan to drop the charges. All 21 defendants would later be acquitted after a lengthy trial.

    The April 21, 1970 SAAS raid on the Naval ROTC office and Dean Coleman’s office came one month after the Black Panther arrests. The Columbia Daily Spectator released a series of demands from the student leaders on April 23 in which they claimed to be occupying the ROTC office for the purpose of “self-determination and dignity.” They needed the space, they said, because of “the general racist nature of American society.”

    In their statement, the SAAS leaders also decried “this racist university campus” — in particular its alleged “involvement in the continued political harassment of the Black Panther Party” — along with what they called a “lack of concern for Black people whether they be students or workers” and a “general contempt towards the beliefs of Black students in particular and Black people in general.”

    “Black students recognize the necessity of not letting the university set a dangerous precedent in its dealings with Black people,” the statement read in part, “that is letting white people direct the action and forces that affect Black people toward goals they (white people) feel are correct.”

    Among the black professors who publicly supported Holder and the SAAS during this period was Black history teacher Hollis Lynch, who is one of four professors Holder later said “shaped my worldview.”

    Entering Columbia Law School in September 1973, Holder joined the Black American Law Students Association. Less than a month later, that organization joined other minority activist groups in a coalition that demanded the retraction of a letter to President Gerald Ford, signed by six Columbia professors, that argued against affirmative action and racial quotas.

    “Merit should be rewarded, without regard to race, sex, creed, or any other external factor,” the professors wrote to President Ford. Following a campaign marked by what two of those professors called “rhetoric and names hurled” at them, they changed their position and denied they actually opposed affirmative action.

    The Columbia Spectator’s editorial page later argued against affirmative action as a factor in university admissions, touching off another controversy with the coalition that included the Black American Law Students Association. “Affirmative action is just a nice name for a quota, and quotas are just a nice name for racism,” the editorial board wrote.

    In response, the minority students’ coalition responded that “traditional academic criteria have a built-in bias” that leaves many minority students “automatically excluded.”

    “[A]ffirmative action is neither racist nor sexist,” they wrote. “Rather it is opposition to it, which fails to provide alternative means for eradicating bias, that supports the racist and sexist status quo.”

    As attorney general, Holder has defended the affirmative action policies that are now the status quo. In February 2012, Holder said during a World Leaders Forum at Columbia University that he “can’t actually imagine a time in which the need for more diversity would ever cease.”

    “Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation practices,” Holder said. “The question is not when does it end, but when does it begin. … When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”

    Holder has also come under fire for presiding over a Justice Department that declined to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party who allegedly intimidated white voters outside a Philadelphia polling precinct in 2008.

    Well, I guess we know why the Black Panthers weren't prosecuted for voter intimidation and the like.

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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office



    Harlem vs. Columbia University

    Black Student Power in the Late 1960s

    Awards and Recognition:

    Received the Northeast Black Studies Association's inaugural Phillis Wheatley Prize, 2010.

    A vigorous study of the black activism and civil disobedience that rocked the Ivy League in the 1960s

    In 1968–69, Columbia University became the site for a collision of American social movements. Black Power, student power, antiwar, New Left, and Civil Rights movements all clashed with local and state politics when an alliance of black students and residents of Harlem and Morningside Heights openly protested the school's ill-conceived plan to build a large, private gymnasium in the small green park that separates the elite university from Harlem. Railing against the university's expansion policy, protesters occupied administration buildings and met violent opposition from both fellow students and the police.

    In this dynamic book, Stefan M. Bradley describes the impact of Black Power ideology on the Students' Afro-American Society (SAS) at Columbia. While white students--led by Mark Rudd and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)--sought to radicalize the student body and restructure the university, black students focused on stopping the construction of the gym in Morningside Park. Through separate, militant action, black students and the black community stood up to the power of an Ivy League institution and stopped it from trampling over its relatively poor and powerless neighbors.

    Comparing the events at Columbia with similar events at Harvard, Cornell, Yale, and the University of Pennsylvania, Bradley locates this dramatic story within the context of the Black Power movement and the heightened youth activism of the 1960s. Harnessing the Civil Rights movement's spirit of civil disobedience and the Black Power movement's rhetoric and methodology, African American students were able to establish an identity for themselves on campus while representing the surrounding black community of Harlem. In doing so, Columbia's black students influenced their white peers on campus, re-energized the community's protest efforts, and eventually forced the university to share its power.

    "An excellent analysis of how the black student protests at Columbia were fueled and supported by African Americans in the surrounding community."--The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

    "A valuable and long overdue addition to the historiography of 1960s student protest."--Labour/La Travail

    "An important in-depth look at the racial dimensions of the Columbia student protest."--H-1960s

    "Essential reading for anyone interested in student and community activism, university housing policies in urban areas, the Black Power and New Left movements, and U.S. history in the 1960s."--Journal of African American History
    "This dramatic narrative effectively shows how black students at Columbia, even those from more privileged backgrounds, joined in an alliance of racial solidarity with Harlem's black working-class community. Bradley adds a new dimension to this story by emphasizing the actions and aspirations of the black students."--Wayne Glasker, author of Black Students in the Ivory Tower: African American Student Activism at the University of Pennsylvania, 1967–1990

    "A powerful story that needs to be told. Bradley places the student movement at Columbia in the 1960s within the larger context of local black politics and concerns, exploring the links between campus activism, community protest, and public policy."--Leonard N. Moore, author of Carl B. Stokes and the Rise of Black Political Power

    Stefan M. Bradley is an associate professor of history and African American studies at Saint Louis University.
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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    I wonder if he and "His people" we're carrying heaters and threating to kill whitey.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Different place, but these groups are in many colleges.

    The purpose of the Black Student Union, BSU, is to promote activities of common interest, as well as cultural and educational benefits for the African American student body. In addition, the BSU is the "umbrella" organization of many of the African American student organizations, providing a forum for them to voice their differences, goals, and ideas. Furthermore, BSU encourages cooperation between its member organizations and the African American student body.

    Old School Section
    During the late 1960's and early 1970's, the Black students were experiencing racism from all corners of the univeristy. The only way that the Black students knew how to change their status was to hold protests and rallies that forced the campus to see how passionate they were about getting their respect. Throughout the year, this section will be solely dedicated to the legacy that the Black Student Union has left behind by pictures that will tell a thousand words.

    The Gallery
    The interactive photo gallery displays photos of Black Student Union's active program. View galleries from different events and see what you have been missing or what events you participated in. Click here to a launch.

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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    > Click on a picture to enlarge

    1969 Admissions Office Sit-in

    In January, 1969, two campus events became inextricably linked: the occupation of the Admissions Office by students who strongly advocated that Swarthmore admit more African American students, and, eight days later, the sudden death of President Courtney Smith, the college's popular leader since 1953. The day before the occupation, members of the Swarthmore Afro-American Students Society burned an effigy of the college outside the dining hall. In between, the college community weathered a week of canceled classes, lengthy daily meetings of the faculty and student body, and hunger strikes.

    After President Smith's death, the students ended their sit-in and called for a temporary moratorium on the issue. The next fall's incoming freshman class contained 31 black students, an increase from the eight admitted the previous year. Also in 1970, as part of its efforts to improve relations on campus, the college opened the Black Cultural Center.

    The tumultuous time received national attention, including coverage in Life magazine later in the spring. The Phoenix issued daily supplements during and immediately after the sit-in and reexamined the events in a 2002 article. The March 2005 Bulletin includes a personal account by Clinton Etheridge '69 of his experiences as one of the protest's key figures. It remains one of the most difficult periods in the college's history.

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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    They have the teaparty sites locked out again here at work.
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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    Arizona Lincoln Republicans

    Returning the Arizona GOP to the party of Lincoln

    National Pro-Immigrant Group Demands Obama Fire Eric Holder

    by Bob Quasius, Sr. on Oct. 01, 2012, under Fast and Furious, Obama
    National pro-immigrant group Cafe Con Leche Republicans today reacted to Univisión’s bombshell news report about ‘Fast and Furious’ which aired Sunday night (Link).

    Bob Quasius, President, stated: “President Obama promised the most transparent administration in history. We’ve watched with dismay as the ‘fast and furious’ scandal unfolded. With last night’s bombshell revelations by Univision of dozens of murders in Mexico, it is obvious this scandal is unparalleled in American history.

    Worst of all is the cover-up by Eric Holder, far worse than Watergate. Members of Congress began asking for documents related to ‘Fast and Furious’ in January 2011, yet continued to hit a ‘stone wall’ from the Obama Administration. Even after issuing a proper subpoena in June 2012, the Obama administration continued to obstruct the investigation, claiming executive privilege even when it is apparent the documents requested are not protected by privilege.

    Congress took the unprecedented step of holding Eric Holder in contempt, and yet the Obama administration persists in covering up this scandal. The U.S. attorney refused to prosecute Holder for criminal contempt, although Holder’s cover-up is clearly a criminal act.

    The Obama administration has attempted to spin ‘Fast and Furious’ as a Bush era program, ‘Operation Wide Receiver’, but the two were totally separate programs. ‘Wide Receiver’ worked closely with the Mexican government and actually traced the guns with RFID chips, while Fast and Furious did neither.

    Now it is apparent why the Obama administration is so desperate to cover up this scandal. It’s bad enough that Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and ICE officer Jamie Zapata were murdered by weapons allowed to walk by our own government, but now it turns out that dozens, perhaps hundreds, in Mexico and Central America were murdered with weapons sold by our government to drug cartels, including many innocent children. The Univision documentary is totally shocking.

    It is time for Eric Holder to step down as attorney general, and if he will not step down then President Obama should fire him. To date no one has been fired for their actions in ‘Fast and Furious’ and it’s past time to hold accountable those responsible for both the scandal and the ensuing cover-up.”
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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    They have the teaparty sites locked out again here at work.
    Just curious, any problem going to DU or DailyKOS?

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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    Let me check...
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    Yes. I can get to the site

    But some sites that had news articles were blocked and it said it was because they were "political, activism" etc sites.

    I don't think there is ANY rhyme or reason to what they are doing here any more
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    Of course the latest flap about Romney is he "dyed his face brown to appeal to hispanics".


    You know, sometimes I wish we'd just put the biggest, baddest guys in a cage match and let the winner be the President.

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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    Just in case the man isn't criminal enough....

    September 19, 2012 Eric Holder, 'Hate Crimes,' and 'His People'

    By John T. Bennett

    A group of those whom Eric Holder described as "his people," at least six young men, repeatedly punched a 24-year-old white woman in the face, then proceeded to kick her face over and over when she was on the ground helpless. This occurred in Buffalo, New York last week, but the event has received no attention by the mainstream media because the victim was white and the attackers were black. This was no friendly urban jostling: the woman was left with a broken nose and cracked bones in her face.

    There must have been a little bit of hate in at least one of those kicks to the face, but you can bet it won't be charged as a hate crime.

    Instead, those Eric Holder described as "his people" seem to get a pass on hate crimes charges when they select whites for their blood sport. But is it unfair to suggest that young black criminals are Eric Holder's people? The attorney general didn't say "my people when they are law-abiding," and he didn't say "my people when they are doing good things." The attorney general exclusively, categorically identified, by race, with one racial in-group as "his people." In post-racial America, it doesn't seem right that the chief law enforcement officer is referring to a racial group in such terms.

    In Buffalo, the unidentified woman happened to be caught up in the tail end of a flash mob. Before attacking the woman, the mob first pillaged a convenience store, filling their pockets with nutritious food which society had deprived them of. The video of the looting doesn't look like something that would happen in a developed country. When the young men ran out, the soon-to-be victim just happened to be outside the store. That's when the group of attackers, which included a few teenage girls, attacked the young woman. As the victim described it:
    Within five seconds, [I] was surrounded by a group of boys who just started punching me in the face. And when I fell to the ground they kept hitting me, and I stood up once and they knocked me down again and started kicking me in the face and back.
    According to a local news report, "[s]he was mercilessly beaten by six to ten people." The young lady will require surgery.
    Missing from the reporting on this crime is any mention of the attackers' race. We know their race only because of the video of the looting, which occurred prior to the attack.

    This beating reflected at least some degree of hate. By way of comparison, mean spray-painting gets investigated as a hate crime. Surely the vicious and unprovoked beating of a young white woman by a pack of black teenagers should at least give rise to a few questions. Would this young woman have been selected as a victim if she had been black?

    The fact is that, generally, racial mob violence is not charged as a hate crime. I've catalogued and written about these acts of racial mob violence, which I define as unprovoked beatings committed by a group of four or more "youths" against a defenseless, innocent victim. There have been at least 50 such incidents since 2009, occurring in cities around the country, in every region. With few exceptions, the attackers are black and the victims are non-black. Consider the following examples:

    • A young white lady named Shaina Perry was brutally beaten by a black mob in Milwaukee. After beating her, the group taunted and laughed at her, and one of the attackers remarked, "Oh, white girl bleeds a lot."
    • At the Wisconsin State fair, groups of black teens numbering anywhere from 25 to 100 "were targeting anyone who was white or appeared to look white" and beating them, according to the local police chief. At least 18 people were injured, and 30 of the attackers have been arrested.
    • In Denver, couples leaving restaurants were being attacked by a group of black men with baseball bats.
    • A young white man named Carter Strange had his skull fractured by a mob in South Carolina. He was attacked while jogging.
    • A young white man named Dawid Strucinski was beaten into a coma, for no reason, by a mob in Bayonne, NJ.
    • Anna Taylor and Thomas Fitzgerald were beaten to the ground and stomped in separate Philadelphia flash mobs, each completely unprovoked.
    • "Every weekend in July" of 2011, according to local news, "police have battled large, flash-mob beatings and vandalism" in Greensboro, NC.
    • A white female liberal writer for The Onion named Emily Guendelsberger was attacked by a mob of black teens who broke her leg and beat her. She took to the internet to insist that the attack had nothing to do with race because her boyfriend is "brown" (he is Indian) and he was beaten up as well. The inference here is that a black mob isn't racist if they attack an Indian along with white people.

    Because there is supposedly no proof that the attacks are racially motivated, officials almost always label the attacks "random." There is nothing random about a consistent pattern of group violence by blacks against non-blacks. If the attacks were random, then the victims would be randomly distributed, and there would be numerous black victims of flash mobs. These "flash mobs" represent a social problem, the victims are not chosen randomly, and if whites were committing similar attacks against non-whites, we would be in an officially declared racial crisis.

    The victims' stories must be told, and the attackers' motives and actions have to be understood. With hate crimes, there is an army of experts dedicated to exploring "root causes." If whites were forming groups and beating blacks for sport, then the judicial system would be cracking down, politicians would be bloviating at full force, professors would be calling conferences, and the media would be calling for national soul searching to expiate the racist demons that still lurk within our collective soul. Well, who needs to do the soul-searching after the beating of this white woman in Buffalo?

    A good start would be those responsible for a cult of anti-white resentment named Critical Race Theory. This theory is being taught in schools across the country. Its core ideas are that "racial subordination maintains and perpetuates the American social order," according to Derrick Bell, who was a Harvard and NYU law professor and an ally of the president. "[W]hite society" is guilty of 'spirit-murder' because of the ongoing unwillingness of dominant white society to acknowledge the historical fact and injury of slavery, and the correlative ongoing ordeal for African Americans of living with that unacknowledged legacy," writes Patricia Williams, a Columbia law professor [1]. Minorities have "a shared sense of being under collective assault," according to Kimberle Crenshaw, a UCLA law professor.

    If anyone thinks that kind of incendiary ideology can be taught without inciting violence, then they have no understanding of human nature. It is madness to continue piling historical guilt upon the majority, in the face of widespread racial violence today. In terms of the karmic debt for past sins, we're even.

    The welfare state fosters hordes of selfish and undisciplined young people, their cruel and ignorant culture drives them to violence, and when a pattern of racial violence emerges, a politically correct media does its best to conceal that pattern from public view. Surely this set of social problems should be included in the national conversation that liberals want us to have about race.
    John T. Bennett (MA, University of Chicago, Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences '07; JD, Emory University School of Law '11) is a writer living in Atlanta, GA. Comments, criticism, and news tips are welcome at

    [1] Quoted in Robin West, "Murdering the Spirit: Racism, Rights, and Commerce," 90 Michigan L. Rev. 1771, 1773 (1992) (reviewing Patricia L. Williams, The Alchemy Of Race And Rights: The Diary Of A Law Professor 73; 61-63 [1991]).

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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    Companion Threads:

    “Fast and Furious” – Is Eric Holder Haunted by the Ghost of Timothy McVeigh?

    By: cmndr45 (Diary) | June 13th, 2012 at 11:35 AM |

    History has taught us that what we don’t know CAN kill us. Pearl Harbor. The 9/11 attacks. The election of Barak Obama. And now we have the “Fast and Furious” scandal, which is currently embroiling Obama’s inept and corrupt Attorney General, Eric Holder. But will the “Fast and Furious” calamity eventually evoke a creepy feeling of deja vu?

    In the following excerpt from Rich Sabatini seems to have uncovered some interesting connections between “Fast and Furious” and, of all things, the Oklahoma City bombing. Apparently they had quite a few things in common, including (are you ready?) the direct involvement of the aforementioned Eric Holder:
    Ask any detective: virtually all criminals can be quickly identified by their modus operandi. That is to say, they commit their crimes in a similar fashion – leaving a trail of clues that signify a distinctive methodology or way of operating.

    Take Eric Holder, our beloved attorney general, for example: Remember the horrible bombing of the Alfred E. Murrah government building in 1995?

    Now flash forward to the present day, where Holder is acccused of hiding the details about Fast and Furious; a gunrunning scheme whereby US guns were allowed to cross the Mexican border, to be put into the hands of drug cartels and criminals.

    ALLEGATION: The common denominator in Fast and Furious and the Oklahoma City Bombing is Eric Holder.

    ALLEGATION: Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, managed an FBI operation that provided explosives to Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols just prior to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.

    It seems that quite by accident, documents obtained by Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue (in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit) show then Clinton Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder had authorized members of the FBI to provide explosives to Oklahoma City bombing criminals Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, just prior to the April,1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building.

    Now the common denominator (modus operandi): Holder had authorized the FBI to provide the explosives to McVeigh and Nichols as ”bait” for a Clinton Administration undercover operation called PATCON, an acronym for Patriot Conspiracy.

    As Mr. Trentadue describes it: (quote)…”PATCON was designed to infiltrate/ incite white conservative militias and/or evangelical Christians to violence so that the Department of Justice could crush them.”

    Similarly, one of the allegations that stands out in Fast and Furious is that the Department of Justice’s covert project was designed to make it look like massive gun sales were being made to drug cartels in Mexico, so that the Obama administration could justify getting Congress to pass gun-control legislation in accordance with the Presidents agenda.

    And now, government documents reveal that a similar project was made up to influence legislation and government action against citizen militias.

    Like Fast and Furious, the Oklahoma City Bombing was also a Justice Department project that went awry; that it got away from the government handlers, which resulted in the mass murder at the Murrah building in Oklahoma City.

    Not surprisingly, PATCON has stayed under wraps for nearly 15 years, until it was discovered by attorney Jesse Trentadue, while investigating the murder of his brother Kenneth, who had been an FBI informant who aparently “knew too much”. Thusly, he [sic - may have been] summarily executed at the hands of the Clinton Department of Justice.

    After the bombing, Kenneth Trentadue was arrested, locked up, then found hanged in his cell: The verdict? Suicide.

    Though an official FBI report had listed Kenneth Trentadue as having killed himself, it was obvious that he had been severely beaten and his throat cut, only a day before he was scheduled to talk to the press.

    Now, I cannot personally comment on the veracity of the assertions in this commentary piece, but given that everything stated is from sources that can be investigated, it certainly should give any thinking person pause.

    One would only hope that Senator Cornyn would at some point ask our Attorney General about his role in the PATCON operation…

    Companion Thread:

    Did Muslim group ask DOJ to start enforcing sharia blasphemy law?

    Posted on
    September 4, 2010 by creeping sharia

    Hat tip to The Freedomist for picking up on this one. In a roundabout way, it sounds like a Muslim group that we’ve posted on before (teaching Muslims how to donate money without drawing attention of FBI) has essentially asked the DOJ to enforce Islamic blasphemy laws.
    via ABC News.

    A coalition of faith groups met with Justice Department officials Monday to
    encourage the Obama administration to take a more public stance against anti-Muslim hate speech and hate crimes.

    Farhana Khera, president and executive director of Muslim Advocates, said the community leaders requested the meeting due to an “
    alarming rise in anti-Muslim hate” that has become commonplace as the debate over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” in New York City continues.

    “Unfortunately, this very escalating trend of hate speech in the country has now transformed into actual acts of violence and the attorney general, as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, has an obligation to really enforce the laws, including the hate crime laws and
    holding those that engage in hate crimes responsible,” Khera said.

    “We are a thriving democracy, we appreciate free speech, but when it crosses the line into violence, that’s against the law,” she said. “And the [Justice] Department, the federal government,
    the nation’s chief law enforcement officer is going to prosecute and hold them responsible to the fullest extent of the law.

    She said the groups asked the Justice Department officials to hold people who engage in hate crimes accountable, and “send a message that hate and criminal activity and attacks on houses of worship is un-American.”

    “Our concern is that we believe that there needs to be more attention, more resources put into investigating and prosecuting these cases as well as a higher level of attention to whatever efforts the department may be undertaking as well,” she said.

    The DOJ under Eric Holder has been ignoring crimes committed by Muslims for some time. Just a small sampling:

    Video: Somali Muslim gangs videotape attacks on infidels in Minnesota

    Maine: Muslims beat, rob, and steal from infidels – for the thrill of it

    Muslims videotaped themselves shooting at San Fran gays get just 6 months jail

    Video: Somali Muslim kids in Minnesota assault gay guy

    Video: Muslim leaders agree, death penalty for gays

    NYC: Muslim cabbie kicks gay couple to the curb

    Video: ‘Islam on Capitol Hill’: “Homosexuals Must Be Killed”

    Video: Gay man injured in new D.C. bias attack by Muslims

    Again, the links above provide a small sampling. Further, as we also reported many months ago, FBI data: Hate crimes against Muslims rare.
    Jews, lesbians, gay men and Caucasians, among others, are all more frequently the target of hate crimes, FBI records show. Reported anti-Muslim crimes have declined over recent years, though they still exceed what occurred prior to the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

    Are Muslim Advocates really concerned with freedom of speech? Or are they concerned with protecting Muslims, Islam, and the Ummah?

    Holder Sues So Muslim Teacher Can Make a Pilgrimage to Mecca

    Fire it up 253

    U.S. Sues on Behalf of Muslim Teacher

    Critics of a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit on behalf of a Muslim teacher in Illinois say it is politically motivated.
    U.S. sues on behalf of Muslim teacher

    WASHINGTON, March 23 (UPI) -- Critics of a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit on behalf of a Muslim teacher in Illinois say it is politically motivated.

    Government lawyers filed the religious discrimination suit in December on behalf of Safoorah Khan, The Washington Post reported Wednesday. Khan quit her job in Berkeley, a suburb of Chicago, when she was refused time off to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

    Critics say Khan was requesting a three-week absence, well beyond the usual accommodation to employees' religion, and the Justice Department should not have become involved. They suggest the Obama administration filed the lawsuit in an effort to reach out to U.S. Muslims.

    "It sounds like a very dubious judgment and a real legal reach," said Michael Mukasey, who served as attorney general in the cabinet of former President George W. Bush. "The upper reaches of the Justice Department should be calling people to account for this."

    Thomas Perez, the current assistant attorney general for civil rights, said the department is trying to defend "the religious liberty our forefathers fought for."

    Kamram Memon, Khan's lawyer, said she wanted to make the pilgrimage, which all Muslims are supposed to do at least once in their life, and had been unable to afford it. He said she would have had to wait at least nine years for the period of the hajj to fall during a school break.

    Attorney General Eric Holder Defending Muslim

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of ROTC Office

    ALLEGATION: The common denominator in Fast and Furious and the Oklahoma City Bombing is Eric Holder.

    ALLEGATION: Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, managed an FBI operation that provided explosives to Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols just prior to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.

    If they have this information, it's time to post it publicly.
    Libertatem Prius!

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