You Have Been Drafted

I have no cards, or orders to offer you, but you cannot avoid the fact that if you are reading this blog, you have been drafted into a war you don't necessarily understand or even agree with. It is not your choice and like all drafts, it is instituted by the government, the government of years past.

Patrick Henry said, at end of a long and wonderful address: Give me liberty, or give me death.

The war is against us, by the usurpers and pretenders in the government. We did not choose this future, they did. We did not force our hands, they did. From the GOP, who do not understand their role in the resistance to the active Marxists in the DHS and TSA, we are under attack.

The single most important fight of our republic is happening now. The enemy has taken control of the government by support of those seeking favor in the new system. Their whole lives are dependent upon the success of the new regime. All benefits flow from the government in one way or another, either through actual gifts or a waiver from the worst the government will enact.

The GOP is useless. They are terrified of the Obama Administration and I honestly believe that many of the GOP representatives are afraid of being targeted by gang members if they stand against this president in any way. It is the same old corruption that has gripped every dead government from Rome on.

The point is the government is dead, it refuses to serve the whole people and has devolved into paybacks for those who have supported them. The NRA did not support Barack Obama: many members of the church did not support Obama. So, who did? Easy, unions, government employees, rich white folks eager to be marked down as sympathizers in the hopes of not being targeted by a government willing and able to bring about their destruction.

In order to support America, one must turn against the government as it is corrupt and dedicated to the eradication of liberty. Their lies and dismissed oaths are not lost. They are recorded in history as their stance against us, the true authority behind the crown.

So, if you believe in America, of the values it represents, you have been drafted into a war you did not want, perhaps don't even understand. You are in good company. How many young men went off to war in WWII without really knowing why or where they were going or what would happen to them. How many of them died, leaving wife and young children at home? Are you better than them because there is not the threat of imprisonment if you decline their offer? No, you are not.

See, when Marxism takes hold, even here in America, any true patriot who would hold their values of nationality above those of the state is an enemy. They may not be pulling you off the street and demanding your papers, yet, but they are willing to do so. They are not afraid. They have the media to spin it any way they want. Imprisonment is how they get what they want. They will intimidate and persecute your family, if that's what it takes, to get information from you about those you communicate with in the liberty movement.

I am not a leader. I do not see myself as vital to anything. But, I cannot look on the graves in Arlington Cemetery and betray their lives by allowing everything they died defending to be obliterated by audacious presidents. I will not sell their lives short by being unwilling to fulfill my role in the war. I will honor them with my actions.

You, the drafted, must come to terms with your fate. You were born in this time and no other. As others before you, it is your turn to offer your lives in exchange for the future of the nation, or would you roll over and deny those who have gone before you the honor they are due? When called, they came.

Square it any way you can in your own mind if you refuse to stand up for liberty, for the nation. There is no judgement here, it is within your heart, or it is not.