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Thread: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    Christians and Tea Party Members Are “Enemies To The Nation”/ Donors Will Be “Punished”

    Posted on October 24, 2013 by RightyPunditry

    Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. A soldier who attended the Oct. 17th briefing told me the counter-intelligence agent in charge of the meeting spent nearly a half hour discussing how evangelical Christians and groups like the American Family Association were “tearing the country apart.”

    Michael Berry, an attorney with the Liberty Institute, is advising the soldier and has launched an investigation into the incident.

    “On the very base that was the site of mass murder carried out by a radicalized Muslim soldier, it is astonishing that it is evangelical groups that are being identified as a ‘threat.’”

    “The American public should be outraged that the U.S. Army is teaching our troops that evangelical Christians and Tea Party members are enemies of America, and that they can be punished for supporting or participating in those groups,” said Berry, a former Marine Corps JAG officer. here
    The country is being torn apart, alright . . . and those gnarling, gashing teeth come from Liberalism, the true “enemy” of America: individual freedom and liberty. This hyped up rhetoric, grounded in complete unabashed hatred is the sort of rhetoric which comes directly from the enemy of man, the devil himself.

    As Barack Hussein Obama, touted “civility”, after the 2011 shooting of a Arizona Senator and others, he and his regime have continued to slander Americans who have a differing political view. Obama has been clear: these Americans are his “enemies”. The same statements were published by the defunct DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, after she took office in 2009.

    Still, it is staggering to read this trash coming from the ‘leadership’ at Ft. Hood — where a radicalized Muslim, left unchecked and to his own devised for year by the American government, committed mass murders. And yet, these hate mongering fools, call Christians and Patriots “enemies” and a “threat”.

    No person can be that stupid, without specific intent and orders from Superiors.

    Barack Obama and the Chicago style thugs he’s embedded in his regime, do consider Christians and Tea Party members their enemy. After all, these are the Americans willing to stand against and speak out against his “fundamental transformation” of a Free Republican in a Socialist dictatorship.

    We’ve seen example after example of his division of America, since Barack Hussein took office. It’s a disgrace, just as he is disgraceful. It will be up to America to take back her moral, civilized Foundation from these radical individuals, in this fascist regime. Only time will show whether that proves possible or not. Once a nation enters the barred path imposed by a dictatorial leadership and Socialism, it can be extremely difficult to ever recover.

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    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on a conference call organized by Karl Rove’s Crossroads organization for large donors and their advisers on Oct. 30 that the Tea Party movement, in his view, is a “nothing but a bunch of bullies” that he plans to “punch … in the nose.

    On the call, according to a donor who was on it, McConnell personally named Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) as Tea Party conservatives he views as problematic for him. “The bulk of it was an attack on the Tea Party in general, Cruz in particular,” the source, a prominent donor, said in a phone interview with Breitbart News.

    But the most memorable line came at the end of the call.
    “McConnell said the Tea Party was ‘nothing but a bunch of bullies,’” the source said. “And he said ‘you know how you deal with schoolyard bullies? You punch them in the nose and that’s what we’re going to do.’”

    Rove, as well as American Crossroads President and CEO Steven J. Law who also serves as the president of sister group Crossroads GPS, were also on the call. Rove “talked in a slightly gentler way, or let’s say, a more diplomatic way,” the source said. “But the message was pretty well the same: That if we’re going to save this thing, we have to back real Republicans.”

    Pointing to how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just invoked the “nuclear option,” breaking 225-year old Senate rules to slip through President Obama’s liberal nominees, an aide to a Tea Party lawmaker said that McConnell’s focus on trying to go after the Tea Party has jeopardized Senate Republicans’ chances at actually beating Democrats. “Under Sen. McConnell's watch, Republicans today just got rolled over by Democrats who pushed the button on the nuclear option, destroying years of well-established Senate order,” the aide said in an email to Breitbart News. “Perhaps if he focused less on destroying the Tea Party and more on defeating Democrats, he'd have more to show for his leadership.”

    Rove spokesman Jonathan Collegio denies that anything was said about Cruz, Lee, or the Tea Party in general but admits the call did take place and that “some discussion” about the government shutdown and the Senate Conservatives Fund took place.

    “Your source is ascribing things to the call that simply were never said,” Collegio said in an email. “There was no ‘anti-tea party donor call.’ There was a call, and there was some discussion about the government shutdown and the Senate Conservatives Fund (note this was one day after SCF launched a dishonest ad about McConnell), but nothing about the Tea Party or Sens. Cruz or Lee.”

    Collegio declined to provide a transcript or recording of the call to Breitbart News. McConnell’s office has not commented on the matter.

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    McConnell will have second thoughts when his ass is out on the streets in 2014.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Louie Gohmert is talking about that call on Hannity now.

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    Louie is a damned good man.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Yes he is. He's done a lot on the 2nd Amendment front.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Mitch McConnell: Time for GOP Establishment to 'Stand Up to' Tea Party

    December 1, 2013

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican up for re-election in 2014, told the Washington Examiner in an interview published Friday that he believes it is time for the GOP establishment to stop conservatives and Tea Partiers.

    McConnell argued it is “utter nonsense” for groups like the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), which has endorsed his primary challenger businessman Matt Bevin, to argue that Republicans like him in Congress are not fighting hard enough to defeat Democrats. In the interview, McConnell focused on deriding Tea Partiers for leading the effort to defund Obamacare—something that, coupled with the Democrats’ refusal to compromise on the soon-to-fail Obamacare, resulted in a government shutdown.

    “The Senate Conservatives Fund is giving conservatism a bad name,” McConnell told the Examiner for the piece titled “The Establishment Fights Back: Mitch McConnell leads GOP battle against Tea Party insurgents.”

    “They’re [SCF] participating in ruining the [Republican] brand,” McConnell said. “What they do is mislead their donors into believing the reason that we can’t get as good an outcome as we’d like to get is not because of a Democratic Senate and a Democratic president, but because Republicans are insufficiently committed to the cause—which is utter nonsense.”

    McConnell had not only personally opposed, during the shutdown, the effort from Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) to defund Obamacare, he actually whipped votes against them, according to a Congressional source. Cruz and Lee had staked their battle on a key cloture vote that would have, if McConnell had united the Republican Party to deliver 41 votes against the use of taxpayer money to fund Obamacare, stopped Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid from using a procedural ploy to fund Obamacare with just 51 votes.

    McConnell voted with the Senate Democrats in favor of cloture and reportedly whipped the Senate GOP conference to join him. While a majority of Senate Republicans—25, including McConnell—voted to allow Reid to procedurally fund Obamacare with just 51 votes cloture, 19 stood with Cruz and Lee. Those 19 Republicans included senior GOP senators like Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Jim Risch (R-ID), and Jerry Moran (R-KS).

    McConnell made an argument for what he termed “electable” candidates that he deems necessary to win back the U.S. Senate for the GOP. “To have the kind of year we ought to have in 2014, we have to have electable candidates on November ballots in every state—people that don't scare the general electorate and can actually win, because winners make policy and losers go home,” McConnell said in his interview with the Examiner. “We can't just turn the other cheek and hope for the best. It didn't work in 2010 and 2012 so we're going to try something different in 2014.”

    McConnell is now, according to Bloomberg News, getting financial backing from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in his reelection campaign against Bevin.

    “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is pouring money into a television advertising campaign defending Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, whose primary fight against a Tea Party-backed rival is shaping up as a test of establishment efforts to reclaim the Republican Party,” Bloomberg reported last Wednesday. “The business lobby will spend about $180,000 on a 10-day statewide blitz beginning Dec. 2 on behalf of McConnell, a five-term Republican, said a person familiar with the plans who asked not be identified because the ad buy hasn’t been announced.”

    The Chamber of Commerce is leading the GOP establishment's efforts to undercut the Tea Party movement and is the tip of the spear—along with Crossroads GPS's Karl Rove—of the establishment's efforts to strike back against the surging grassroots conservatism across America.

    Bevin has been gaining steam lately, partly due to McConnell’s mistakes in attacking conservatives and also by wrapping up a series of key grassroots support elements like an 85 percent victory in the Boone County, KY, GOP straw poll right before Thanksgiving. In an interview last weekend with Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon on Breitbart News Sunday, Bevin described his primary challenge against McConnell as a "microcosm" of the national fight between the Tea Party movement and the GOP establishment.

    Rather than embracing conservatism, McConnell’s strategy has been to attempt to isolate and excoriate SCF for backing Bevin. McConnell has been largely unsuccessful in doing so, as his actions have garnered him attention and criticism from other Tea Party-minded organizations who say attacking SCF is attacking the entire conservative movement.

    Tea Party Patriots national coordinator Jenny Beth Martin and Tea Party Express chairwoman Amy Kremer both say it is unfair to attack SCF and try to separate the organization, which was founded by Heritage Foundation president former Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) and whose help has directly led to the elections of Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT), among many others.

    McConnell’s latest slip-up, as it is being portrayed by Bevin, is a quote that appeared in the Bowling Green Daily News, in which McConnell said that he would be open to allowing Obamacare to remain the law of the land provided significant changes were made to it.

    McConnell said “he is not averse to talking about changes [to Obamacare], provided they are significant ones,” the paper reported.

    “I'm just not going to throw somebody a lifeline (by extending the deadline for signup) just to get someone through the election,” McConnell said.

    In response to that comment, Bevin held a conference call with reporters both in national and in Kentucky media to point out the Senate Minority Leader has essentially abandoned his previous promises to repeal Obamacare “root and branch.”

    “We really want to call attention to the fact that there really is nothing conservative about his approach and there is really nothing with respect to what the American people want, which is a repeal,” Bevin said on the call, according to the Courier-Journal newspaper in Louisville, Kentucky.

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    Mr. McConnel needs to go away. Him and McCain need to go fishing somewhere.

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    Default Re: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    Companion Threads:

    New York Governor Cuomo: ‘No Place’ in New York for Conservative Republicans

    (News Max) – Conservative Republicans have no place in New York with their right-wing views because “that’s not what New Yorkers are,” Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo says.

    “Who are they?” Cuomo said on Albany’s The Capitol Pressroom radio show Friday, reports the New York Post.

    “Right-to-life, pro-assault weapons, anti-gay — if that’s who they are, they have no place in the state of New York because that’s not who New Yorkers are,” he continued.

    Cuomo said his words don’t extend to moderate Republicans, such as those in the state Senate, who he believes “have a place in their state.”

    Further, Cuomo complained that Republicans with “extreme” view create an identity crisis for their own party, and give people more to worry about than himself or other Democrats.

    “Their problem isn’t me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves,” said Cuomo.

    Further, he said conservative Republicans’ views are out of step with most New Yorkers’ and said the GOP needs to back moderates to win seats this fall.

    “You have a schism within the Republican Party,” Cuomo said. “They’re searching to define their soul. That’s what’s going on . . . It’s a mirror of what’s going on in Washington.”

    Michael Long, who heads the state Conservative Party, told The Buffalo News that Cuomo’s rhetoric went too far.

    “For him to try to paint people who have different points of view that they are odd and extreme, I think is bad language for the governor of the state of New York,” said Long.

    He said he also thought it was curious that Cuomo’s comments concerned internal strife, when Democrats are also facing infighting.

    Cuomo officials said the governor’s remarks were aimed at “extremist” conservative candidates and not the general population, the Buffalo paper reports.

    The officials also noted that Cuomo said in his interview that it is “fine” if conservative Republicans oppose abortion, gun control, and gay marriage — but their positions are out of step with 70 percent of New Yorkers.

    “I guess the governor believes if you don’t believe the way he does, there’s not room in what he thinks is his state,” said Long.

    “I believe this state is made up of men and women from Niagara Falls to Montauk Point who have all sorts of views, some who believe in the Second Amendment, some who believe in traditional marriage, some who believe government, especially in New York State, spends too much money and taxes are too high.”

    And even though Cuomo didn’t name names, Buffalo’s Carl Paladino, who ran unsuccessfully against Cuomo in 2010, has threatened to campaign against moderate Republicans in Albany as well as against Cuomo.

    Paladino Friday called Cuomo’s remarks the thoughts “of a liberal elitist … who thinks New York is his little play toy.”

    Further, Paladino accused Cuomo of being “narcissistic,” saying the governor was illustrating what kind of person he is.

    “He doesn’t believe in debate or opposition,” Paladino said.

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    Default Re: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    There's no place in the world for people like Cuomo.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Sure there is.

    It's a small room with padded walls.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    True I guess... I didn't consider that place. LOL
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    Hannity was on fire about this today.

    He's said that, for now, he's contractually obligated to stay in NY through 2016 but come 2017 he's gone.

    We'll see if he follows through...

    I can't really recall ever hearing Cuomo publicly speak except for his "10 bullets to kill a deah" rant (or I just blocked it out because of the stupidity) so Hannity playing the audio of this was a first. Does anyone else find his sing-song manner of speech just really creepy? How in the hell can so many people vote for someone that looks like Joseph Goebbels and sounds like he belongs in the loony bin, heavily medicated?

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    Default Re: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    Because the people belong in the looney bin and most of them are heavily medicated.

    He looks normal to them.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    Quote Originally Posted by american patriot View Post
    because the people belong in the looney bin and most of them are heavily medicated.

    He looks normal to them.

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    Default Re: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    Good an explanation as any...

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    Rev. Jeremiah Wright at MLK Breakfast: Tea Party Is “2.0 Upgrade of Lynch Mobs” (Video)

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 11:06 AM

    Obama’s former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, gave a speech to a largely black crowd in Delaware on MLK Day. The vile Chicago pastor said the Tea Party is “a 2.0 upgrade of the lynch mobs.”

    Reverend Wright spewed his toxic nonsense in Delaware yesterday at the 30th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Breakfast in Wilmington, Delaware.

    Rather than rejecting his hate speech the crowd gave him a standing ovation.:

    The crowd loved it and gave him a standing ovation.

    Delaware Online reported, via The Last Tradition:
    The controversial Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright told a crowd celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday at the Riverfront that there is more to do in the civil rights fight.

    “Tell your children we have some unfinished business on the agenda with the voting rights bill gutted by a right-wing dominated Supreme Court … with mass incarceration robbing black and brown communities of any positive future … with jobs being shipped overseas … with one branch of the tea party being nothing but a 2.0 upgrade of the lynch mobs … with some folks doing everything they can to get that black man out of their White House.

    Many in the largely black crowd of more than 400 people gave Wright a standing ovation and dozens swarmed him afterward to take pictures and get him to sign their programs.

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    Default Re: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    The real enemies of America...

    Communists and Islam.

    Put the "Muslim Brotherhood" at the top of the list. I wonder how many young women have "vanished" in connection with these fucks too?

    South Carolina Smuggling Ring Linked to Muslim Brotherhood

    Posted on

    A similar case occurred in the 1990s where the Hezbollah terrorist group was financed through the illegal sale of cigarettes.
    By Ryan Mauro:

    A mosque in South Carolina that is linked to a cigarette smuggling ring has links to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Clarion Project has found.

    Authorities have unsealed an indictment charging the president of the Central Mosque of Charleston, Nasser Alquza, with illegally selling cigarettes after being caught in a sting operation. Ten other individuals were also charged.

    The investigation began in 2009 when the government learned that one of the defendants was trying to buy cigarettes in the Carolinas below their regular price. The suspected objective was to sell them for profit at other states with higher sales taxes without paying the government as required.

    According to the indictment, Alquza paid $7.5 million to undercover government agents for almost 7,000 boxes of cigarettes. The conspirators used businesses to hide the money they earned from the illegal sales. If it would have been a legitimate sale, the defendants would have received over $15 million.

    The Investigative Project on Terrorism points out that there was a very similar case in Charlotte, N.C. in the 1990s where the Hezbollah terrorist group was financed through the illegal sale of cigarettes.

    The website of Nasser Alquza’s Central Mosque of Charleston shows it has linkages to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Article XVII of its published bylaws states that if the mosque is dissolved then “all remaining assets of the mosque shall be turned over to the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) or such other Islamic Center…”

    The North American Islamic Trust describes itself a “historical Islamic equivalent of an American trust or endowment.” The organization says it holds the titles of over 325 properties in 42 states.

    NAIT was identified as a Muslim Brotherhood entity by the FBI as early as 1987. A 1991 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood memo confirmed that NAIT is one of “our organizations and the organizations of our friends” and stated that the network’s goal is to wage a “kind of grand jihad in America … by eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within …”

    Read more at Clarion Project
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    Hmmm... Seems Mitch has a bit of an unhealthy obsession with the Tea Party. Wonder why?

    Tea Party Pushes Back Against McConnell

    March 10, 2014

    The leaders of some national tea party groups aren't taking kindly to tough talk by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

    The top Senate Republican, who's running for re-election this year, said over the weekend that he's not concerned about facing a tea party supported primary challenger back home in Kentucky.

    "I think we are going to crush them everywhere," McConnell told the New York Times in an interview. "I don't think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country."

    McConnell is one of 12 Republican senators running for re-election this year and half face primary challenges from the right. McConnell's words were directed at the conservative groups supporting those candidates and attacking incumbents up for re-election.

    Tea party groups, as expected, were blistering with their responses.

    "It is shameful that the Senate minority leader would make such comments. He is talking about the base of the party, so he must not want the tea party vote in the general election and that is why he should be removed. The GOP needs a uniter, not someone that is there because they have seniority," Amy Kremer, the Tea Party Express chair, told CNN.

    "The days of the good ole boy club are coming to an end. This seat doesn't belong to Mitch McConnell or to the Republican Party. This seat belongs to ‘We the People’ and we will have our voices heard," Kremer added.

    "Grassroots voters will not be bullied by self-anointed senators for life," said Matt Kibbe, president and CEO of FreedomWorks. "Mitch McConnell and his cronies still serve the people back home, and his hostile comments only provide more motivation to send new leadership to Washington."

    "Does Senator McConnell have a political death wish? There was some division within tea party groups about whether to support him or support Matt Bevin and I think he just settled the issue," chimed in Judson Phillips, founder of the Tea Party Nation, told CNN.

    McConnell's Real Target

    McConnell, who's running for a sixth term, launched a hard hitting radio ad Friday against Bevin, a Louisville businessman who is his primary challenger. The spot also slammed the Senate Conservatives Fund, a Washington-based organization that's one of the groups backing Bevin and trying to oust McConnell.

    "As Sen. McConnell has said repeatedly, he is a big fan of the Tea Party and is proud to count many members, both in Kentucky and across the country, as his friends and allies. His comments were limited strictly to the Senate Conservatives Fund who have proven time and again to be bad actors more interested in attacking Republicans to raise money than actual conservative governance," Allison Moore, spokeswoman for McConnell's campaign, told CNN.

    Since the birth of the tea party movement in 2009, many primary challenges from the right backed by these groups have produced major headlines and headaches for Republicans and hurt their chances of recapturing the Senate in the past two election cycles.

    Some in the GOP say the party effectively gave away five Senate seats in 2010 and 2012 because of candidates who weren't capable of winning in November.

    A veteran Republican strategist assessed McConnell's comments.

    "This debate isn't about the tea party movement which has been a positive force in re-focusing much needed attention on the serious fiscal challenges facing our country. It's about the D.C.-based groups that have been propping up weak candidates and attacking Republicans under the banner of conservative purity so they can line their own pockets and expand their own power and influence in Washington," GOP strategist Brian Walsh told CNN.

    "Groups like the Senate Conservatives Fund have misled grassroots voters across the country and cost Republicans several critical Senate seats the last two cycles so Senator McConnell and other Republicans are right to expose them as the snake oil salesmen that they are," added Walsh, who served as communications director for the National Republican Senatorial Committee the past two cycles.

    Matt Hoskins, who heads the Senate Conservatives Fund, dismissed the criticism and says McConnell's tough talk is a sign his group's actions were working.

    "Mitch McConnell is on the attack because Matt Bevin is gaining broad support in Kentucky and across the country. Bevin's hard work, along with the efforts of local Tea Party groups and national organizations like FreedomWorks and Madison Project, are beginning to show real results," Hoskins told CNN.

    Where The Challenges Stand

    Polls indicate McConnell far ahead of Bevin in the May 20 primary. Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Senate Republican, easily defeated a group of challengers from the right, including controversial conservative Rep. Steve Stockman, in last week's Lone Star State primary.

    Sens. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Pat Roberts of Kansas also face conservative primary challenges.

    "The establishment is off to a good start with John Cornyn's victory in Texas, but it's far too early to declare all of Republican senators Safe in their primaries. I think you're hearing an emboldened McConnell because he must be feeling more confident about his own primary. But that doesn't mean that his colleagues in Mississippi, Kansas, or South Carolina are in the same position," Nathan Gonzales, deputy editor of the non-partisan Rothenberg Political Report, told CNN.

    CNN Chief National Correspondent John King said two things stood out from McConnell's comments.

    "Mitch McConnell is one of the most disciplined politicians in America. This tells me, number one, that he's reached his boiling point, not only with his own primary challenge back home but with his friends being primary challenged by these tea party and conservative challengers. Number two, it also tells me McConnell wouldn't say that if he not convinced he's going to beat them, crush them," King said.

    General Election Repercussions?

    While polls indicate McConnell far ahead of Bevin in the primary, he faces a much more difficult Democratic opponent in November, in Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes.

    Phillips, the head of Tea Party Nation, says McConnell's tough talk now could come back to bite him come November.

    "The grass roots, such as the Tea Party, does the heavy lifting in a campaign. If we don't show up in the general, not only to be the boots on the ground but also to vote, McConnell will see his 30-year Senate career come to an end," Phillips warned.

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    Default Re: Punish Christians and Tea Party Members! Enemies To The Nation

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    The real enemies of America...

    Communists and Islam.

    Put the "Muslim Brotherhood" at the top of the list. I wonder how many young women have "vanished" in connection with these fucks too?

    South Carolina Smuggling Ring Linked to Muslim Brotherhood

    Posted on
    A similar case occurred in the 1990s where the Hezbollah terrorist group was financed through the illegal sale of cigarettes.
    By Ryan Mauro:

    A mosque in South Carolina that is linked to a cigarette smuggling ring has links to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Clarion Project has found.

    Authorities have unsealed an indictment charging the president of the Central Mosque of Charleston, Nasser Alquza, with illegally selling cigarettes after being caught in a sting operation. Ten other individuals were also charged.

    The investigation began in 2009 when the government learned that one of the defendants was trying to buy cigarettes in the Carolinas below their regular price. The suspected objective was to sell them for profit at other states with higher sales taxes without paying the government as required.

    According to the indictment, Alquza paid $7.5 million to undercover government agents for almost 7,000 boxes of cigarettes. The conspirators used businesses to hide the money they earned from the illegal sales. If it would have been a legitimate sale, the defendants would have received over $15 million.

    The Investigative Project on Terrorism points out that there was a very similar case in Charlotte, N.C. in the 1990s where the Hezbollah terrorist group was financed through the illegal sale of cigarettes.

    The website of Nasser Alquza’s Central Mosque of Charleston shows it has linkages to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Article XVII of its published bylaws states that if the mosque is dissolved then “all remaining assets of the mosque shall be turned over to the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) or such other Islamic Center…”

    The North American Islamic Trust describes itself a “historical Islamic equivalent of an American trust or endowment.” The organization says it holds the titles of over 325 properties in 42 states.

    NAIT was identified as a Muslim Brotherhood entity by the FBI as early as 1987. A 1991 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood memo confirmed that NAIT is one of “our organizations and the organizations of our friends” and stated that the network’s goal is to wage a “kind of grand jihad in America … by eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within …”

    Read more at Clarion Project
    I'm beginning to think that the Moslem Brotherhood is the new threat to civilization, much as the Bolsheviks were in 1917, in fact i'm tending to think that as time goes on the Leftists will become 'born-again' Moslem, much as most of them did in Iran in 1979. It's that Statist Totalitarian streak in them. Wonder if Bill Ayres is Moslem now?
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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