Test Pilot : MiG -41 must reach a speed of Mach 4.3

February 28, 2014 , 20:37

Speed ​​of the new Russian fighter-interceptor MiG -41 , developed on the basis of the MiG-31 , exceed Mach 4 , said test pilot Anatoly Kvochur .

" This upgrade was to take place just 20 years ago. However, this did not happen, so now demands increased. They are including the ( increasing ) speed interceptor to Mach 4-4.3 , "- said Kvochur , RIA " Novosti " .

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He commented on the State Duma deputy Alexander message Tarnaeva that in Russia , a new fighter, the MiG -41 on the basis of heavy fighter - interceptor MiG-31 , the rate of which was 2.8 Mach .

For comparison: the strategic supersonic reconnaissance USAF Lockheed SR- 71 can reach speeds of Mach 3.2 .

Tarnaev experts said at a meeting of aerospace defense that the Chief of Staff , signed an order of deep modernization of Soviet fighter- interceptor MiG-31.

Fighter-interceptor MiG-31 was developed in the USSR in the first half of the 1970s . The aircraft is capable of speeds up to three thousand km / h , and its combat radius of 720 km .

Aircraft armed with six-barreled gun, 23 mm gun with 260 rounds , and is equipped with six suspension points for missiles " air-air " of various types. A group of four MiG- 31, depending on the version can control the air space over the front length of 900-1200 km . Upgraded MiG-31BM can detect targets at ranges of up to 320 km and hit them , closer to 280 km .

Total number of MiG-31 different versions of the Air Force of Russia is about 190 units . Production interceptors was discontinued in 1994, but only recently started upgrading these aircraft to the MiG- 31BM version .

New MiG should have a speed of 1.5 times the stated test

19:0028.02.2014 (updated : 28.02.2014 19:07 ) 16967501

In Russia , a new fighter, the MiG -41 on the basis of heavy fighter - interceptor MiG-31 , whose speed was Mach 2.8 .

MOSCOW, February 28 - RIA Novosti. The newest Russian fighter - interceptor MiG -41 should have a speed of at least Mach 4-4.3 , told RIA Novosti Russian hero , test pilot Anatoly Kvochur .

He commented on the State Duma deputy Alexander message Tarnaeva that in Russia , a new fighter, the MiG -41 on the basis of heavy fighter - interceptor MiG-31 , the rate of which was 2.8 Mach . Tarnaev experts said at a meeting of aerospace defense that the Chief of Staff , signed an order of deep modernization of Soviet fighter- interceptor MiG-31.

" This upgrade was to be held even twenty years ago. However, this did not happen, so now demands increased. They are including in the ( increasing ) speed interceptor to Mach 4-4.3 ," - said Kvochur .

Currently, the Russian fifth generation fighter developed the T-50 . Its serial production is scheduled for 2016 .

RIA Novosti http://ria.ru/defense_safety/20140228/997594625.html # ixzz2uyIliezP