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Thread: Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    Freedom Outpost
    March 25th, 2013

    by Dean Garrison

    “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” -Patrick Henry

    About 45 days ago I wrote an article entitled “If They Come for Your Guns Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight?” At the time this article, from an obscure blogger, changed my world. Within days I had become part of something much bigger than I could have ever imagined. The post was featured on literally hundreds of websites, and to date has received millions of readers.

    How did it happen? Well on January 3rd, people were still not saying what needed to be said and I suppose I was one of the first to say it. It is not about deer hunting and we are all covered by a second amendment which is about our rights to protect ourselves from tyranny. So I said it. If they come for your guns it is not only your right but your responsibility to fight. Yes, that includes firing upon them. It’s not about hunting deer. The second amendment is about hunting tyrants.

    Since pushing the “publish” button, I have had literally hundreds of conversations with people who believe that tyranny is an unchecked virus within our own federal government. I get so many messages every day that I can literally not respond to all of them. So, today I want to talk about where we go from here.

    It is a growing conception that we cannot wait. While we sit and wait, our government continues an all-out assault on our rights as free men and women of the United States of America. Many people believe that there is no peaceful alternative. Many people believe that we must organize and fight. Today I can offer no concrete set of actions but I do want to lay out some thoughts that I think need to be discussed.

    First I need to tell you that I sincerely believe that the government is, in a twisted way, hoping that a small group of Patriots will organize and start a half-cocked rebellion. I think they realize that this can happen and also realize that it can strengthen their case for gun control. I would not put it past them to stage such an event.

    I believe that a small, poorly planned rebellion will do us more harm than good. It will be easily suppressed and it will give the powers that be even more ammunition for a declaration of martial law. It is my belief that martial law, or a “police state,” is the end goal of this administration. You don’t have to look hard to see that they are preparing for it. As recently as two weeks ago the Reverend Jesse Jackson was even asking for it in his home town of Chicago.

    We must understand that there are literally millions of people who have concluded that letters, petitions, peaceful demonstrations and elections are not working. They are in agreement that revolution is the only way to potentially fix this problem. But if a small group of 50 or even 500 people start the revolt, it is likely to go nowhere. We must develop a united front and we must go through proper channels. We cannot skirt the law to try to uphold it.

    The problem I see, once again, is the same problem that I witnessed 45 days ago. Everyone is waiting for someone to take the lead. So today I am going to offer to do that. With that said, I want to tell you that I am nothing more than a blogger. I don’t have any grand visions of being elected to any office. I am not a skilled military strategist. I am not an advanced “prepper” or survival expert. I am nothing special. I suppose the only thing truly special about me is that I am not afraid to speak my mind. I still understand that this is my God-given right as an American citizen.

    I know full well that the first amendment in this country is currently an illusion. I know that writing this could get me arrested or killed. If you were to ask me if I was afraid I would simply answer that yes I am afraid, but I am more afraid of what will happen to our country if people do not begin to speak up.

    I understand and follow the methods our current administration and lawmakers are using to take away our most basic rights. They can detain me indefinitely. If they choose to see me as an enemy of the state they can do worse. There will be no due process. It will not matter how many people support me. I can be made to disappear and become a non-factor. So why am I speaking about this?

    Once again, it’s because someone has to. Until someone starts to speak of these things we have zero chance to change anything. We can’t fight the destruction of America with splintered cells of people who are afraid to raise their voices. We must be united. This is not negotiable.

    I will not endorse an open attack (violent or non-violent) upon the federal government unless and until I feel like we have given them one last chance to represent us.

    The first thing that “We the People” must do is set forth a list of our demands. This is our country. We need to pinpoint every change that we wish to see made and we must deliver these to the lawmakers. I am offering today to be that messenger. That is one thing that I can do, but I cannot do it alone. I will need massive response. The only way that will happen is if this post goes viral like the post from 45 days ago. I cannot guarantee that will happen, but I can guarantee it will happen if millions of people are truly in support of this revolution. Time will tell.

    If we get little response then I will assume that my theories are wrong. The people will decide. I’ve been wrong before. It would not be the first time.

    Here is what I need. I need people to list executive orders and laws that are in violation of our constitutional rights (list everything in the comments below). We will be demanding that these laws and executive orders be repealed.

    I need open discussion of what we need to do with the people currently in office. Do we call for new elections? Can we literally remove them all? We are talking about more than Obama here. We have to understand that many people have been compliant (Republicans and Democrats) with the policies and actions that we too easily credit to Obama. This is not a problem isolated to one person. My thought is that they should keep their jobs if they start to work within the framework of the constitution. But if they do not then we will have to forcibly remove them.

    Make no mistake the constitution is the law of this land, not public opinion.

    We need to discuss policies (foreign and domestic) and cabinet appointments as well. We need to literally make a list of everything that needs to change. We can’t expect everything to change
    immediately but we must address the issues that are important to freedom. We must list things that are constitutionally based. In other words, I don’t like everything about my government but my major concerns are the things that blatantly violate the constitution. I have to focus on these things and not merely on my opinions. Unless we can constitutionally support our arguments we have no credibility.

    What I would like to do is first gather volumes of ideas and then start putting them into a format that we can use. We can’t just start shooting politicians. That will get us nowhere but dead or in jail.

    Let’s get our ideas out in the open. We will then gather again to vote on the constitutional relevancy of certain opinions before we submit them to the White House and both branches of our legislature. If they have our “constitutionally based” demands in print and choose not to respond in a manner that we feel conducive to change, then we will move forward to our only remaining option. It will be time bear arms against our government.

    I feel like we have no grounds to call for the revolt until we first present our conditions to our elected officials.

    I am simply offering to be the messenger but ultimately the success or failure depends on you. If this post falls dead in the water with 5 or even 50 comments then we are going nowhere.

    This is the time for people of America to speak up if they really want to make changes in this government. Once we have all the terms and conditions ironed out we will formally petition our government. If that goes no where then we will look toward full use of our second amendment rights.

    For now you must reject any new attempts to try to infringe on your second amendment rights and if you want to be involved in this “Think Tank” you must do three things for me:

    By all means I need to your ideas and comments below. Keep them constitutionally based. If you have no ideas or comments, at least let us know that you support us.
    I need you to join us on Facebook. Why is this important? Well did you notice that this is the first post on a brand new site? We have already been censored once and I need people to gather where we can inform them of developments.
    If you believe in this cause then you need to help us spread the word. Share it on your social networks or however you possibly can.

    I will be watching the development of this post in regards to traffic and comments. I’m all in. I have made the offer. But again, if this ends up being a group of 5 or 50 people trying to push a revolution, we have nothing. The only way this works is if people unite right here and now. On an average blog post, it takes about 150-200 readers to generate 1 comment. If people can’t open their mouths this time then they will simply get what they deserve. I am putting myself out on a limb here. I will not fight for people who will not fight for themselves.

    If you agree that this is the only way then you have to come out of hiding and get really loud now. You are allowed to disagree as well. This is America and I support your right to free speech. We have to know where we stand before we can make a decision to move forward.

    “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.” -Noah Webster

    I put myself out on a limb once before and people responded. Make no mistake, this is a frightening place to be. I have three beautiful girls and twins on the way. I am afraid for my safety and theirs, but my biggest fear is that they will have to live with the results of an American public resolved to cowardice. America must wake up. Apathetic no more! We must do something.


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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    No one posted to this thread, though several hundred hits were on it.

    I find that funny.

    I also found this, and I'm going to post it. Pay particular attention to what is stated in RED, please.

    Anti-Gun Columnist Asks If It’s Time for the Government to Kill “Gun Nuts”

    Posted on June 26, 2014 by Land & Livestock Interntional, Inc.

    Just yesterday I was attacked by a left wing pervert who had stumbled upon some of the FlyoverPress posts to Google+. He simply went down the list of our publications over the past few weeks and issued a rant on each of them. This included multiple threats as he made it plain that all of “you tea partiers,” “gun nuts,” “Bundy supporters” etc are terrorists and need to be killed.

    Boys, it has been time for a long time but now it looks like it may be forced upon us in a way we never suspected.

    Remember, our main job after the collapse will be preventing the indoctrinated morons from writing another constitution and forcing it on us. — jtl, 419


    Here is an excerpt from a column by Susie Madrak over at,

    But Perlstein doesn’t mention the big honkin’ elephant in the room: Namely, at what point does the federal government literally go to war with its own citizens?

    Because we’re not talking about bank robbers here, we’re talking about (mostly) non-criminal cranks — scofflaws and political malcontents. So what line has to be crossed in the good old U.S. of A. before we start mowing them down to make our point? Because you can’t talk about the Bundy ranch without talking about Ruby Ridge, and Waco.

    So here’s the political corner into which we’ve painted ourselves.

    Do we have the ATF and BLM agents roll up in armored tanks? Do we use drone strikes? I can see the administration’s reluctance to have that confrontation — after all, it’s not as if gun control advocates were flooding the White House switchboard, screaming to ‘take them out!’ And then we do have the militia types all over the country, just waiting for an excuse to start their own local uprising. These assholes want a civil war so bad, they can taste it.
    Um, first off, what the hell is a “gun nut” exactly? Is someone who agrees with you on all of your other political issues but happens to have a collection of 10+ firearms a “gun nut”? Is the Libertarian who owns a handgun for self defense a “gun nut”? Is it only people who disagree with your other political stances?

    Second, most gun owners are not sitting around waiting for the second civil war. Most gun owners are people you interact with every single day and you never have any idea that they have a gun safe at home and enjoy going to the shooting range on the weekend. Most gun owners are just like you, we want to provide for our families, enjoy life and work hard. Guns just happen to be an interest for us as well as a tool.

    It’s extremely ironic that those who hate guns the most apparently want nothing more than the government to use guns to advance their political ideology. Scary stuff really.

    Madrak seems to be talking in general terms about the incident at the Bundy Ranch. She also mentions drone strikes. I guess Madrak doesn’t realize there were counter protestors at the Bundy Ranch as well as people who were protesting for reasons very different from gun rights that probably didn’t have anything to do with the armed protestors. I guess they would just be collateral damage for Madrak.

    I guess this is the ideology of those who would outsource their personal safety

    Dan Cannon Founder & Editor at GunsSaveLives.netDan has combined his background in technology with his passion for shooting and personal rights to create one of the most read Second Amendment news websites online. Dan holds a B.Sc. degree in Information Technology and Criminology. His articles are also syndicated in The Daily Caller’s “Guns and Gear” Section.

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    When the time comes, we won't need a leader as one will organically appear. The time has not come yet.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  4. #4
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    However, the time is "at hand" as the Bible says.

    I have thought for months now something is about to "pop". Whether it is the Administration, America or the Leftist bozos in this country - I'm not sure, but something bad is going to happen soon.
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    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    When you're on the leading edge, everything looks close.

    The crowd has to arrive before the fireworks begin and they are still at home playing Xbox one.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    Well, the ones still home playing Xbox are the sheep. They won't be attending the party ANYWAY. lol
    Libertatem Prius!

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  7. #7
    Literary Wanderer
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    Default Re: Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    Can't call it yet, but time is short...

    Tick, tick, tick

  8. #8
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by samizdat View Post
    What's yard farming?
    I wasn't familiar with that term either. My guess is something like "bring the rain" to your backyard where ordinance from a stand off aerial platform turns your soil regardless what is on top or beneath it.

    Here's an idea of what they're describing if they were to ban firearms under Martial Law, coupled with "Molon Labe" 2nd Amendment resistors.

    Imagine what Ruby Ridge and Waco could have been like with this more efficient technology.

    Less survivors to tell tales.

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Aerial Ownage

    Taking Out Terrorist With 30mm

    Engaging 3 terrorist in a field

    30mm Cannon takes Out terrorist and their truck

    Aerial footage of air strikes conducted on boaters with guns

    The Coming American Revolution with Greg Evansen_Part1

    The Coming American Revolution with Greg Evansen_Part2

    This is why the "Oath Keepers" are considered so dangerous by this Administration now!

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    Told ya... should have started it ourselves.

    The American Revolution and its Constitution Has been competely Usurped

    By Shoebat Foundation on June 30, 2014 in General

    By Keith Davies political commentator

    First Review the wisdom of our founders which today most Americans ignore

    It’s not tyranny we desire; it’s a just, limited, federal government.
    Alexander Hamilton

    The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
    Samuel Adams

    Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.
    Thomas Jefferson

    Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
    George Washington

    Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.
    John Adams

    Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power.
    James Madison

    Liberty without virtue would be no blessing to us.
    Benjamin Rush

    Those who own the country ought to govern it.
    John Jay

    He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
    Thomas Paine

    We the People have been defrauded of our freedom by an elected despotism.

    This has happened as a result of allowing the Federal government to acquire powers that it has no right to have based on the Founding Fathers intent and the Constitutional document that today is just a historical document that has been usurped by the political class both on the “left” and the so called “right.”
    The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
    Samuel Adams
    We the People need to rebel against the tyranny of the Federal government and restore the constitutional principals as per our founders.

    Rebellion should and can be successful without the need for violent uprising as the main cause of the corruption of our system of government is that of money. If we can through civil disobedience and withholding (put in escrow) our taxes in 2014/15 by the at least one million tax payers who would be in the top 5% of earners in this country, the government would not be able to imprison that amount of people and would cause the government to be short of at least a trillion dollars for fiscal 2015. The Federal government would not have the ability to fund government unless the necessary reforms are made to stop the tyranny.

    The final straw for the American people have been the abuses of power both by Democrats and Republicans. The IRS scandal has both parties in the hall of shame. The Democrats have clearly abused power by allowing and conspiring with the IRS to target We the People who may have a political contrary view which is a right according to the first amendment, the basic essence of our freedom. The Republicans should hang their heads in shame, as they have not followed up on their obligation as the loyal opposition to fully investigate the IRS. They have deliberately ignored the scandal of Malik Obama and not followed up in a timely manner on the “missing emails.” If it were not for Judicial Watch a non partisan conservative charity, the “missing emails” issue would not have been even in the public forum.

    An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among the several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others.
    James Madison No 58, Federalist Papers 1788
    The original IRS in itself was an unconstitutional agency set up in 1864 to pay for the Civil war and later in 1894 the IRS was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme court and not until 1913 when Woodrow Wilson was able to get over 75% of the states to ratify a national federal income tax to be collected by the IRS in the enactment of the 16th amendment. 101 years later we have now seen what a major mistake this was. The Federal Income tax has now made us serfs and abused the people by unconstitutional power of the federal government. Let us remember our founders went to war with Great Britain over taxation without representation. The IRS is an unelected body and we have all seen that they have abused their power and acted in a tyrannical fashion egged on by senior Democrat politicians with the Republicans knowingly not offering opposition.

    The IRS needs to be abolished (16th amendment) and the taxing authority should be left only to the States with negotiated revenue for federal business by each state or by a new constitutional amendment, which will remove direct taxing of We the People by the Federal Government. Much of the Federal government needs to be made smaller and the States should take on the responsibility for the shortfall in administrative departments that will have been abolished if We the People rise up. This includes the abolishment of the EPA, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy and the Department of Health and Human Services just to name some for an instant axe.

    Social security is insolvent if not today then within 5 to 10 years. The money stolen to fund other government programs, mismanaged by the corrupt political class in Washington DC, needs to corrected fast. It is time for We the People to have Social security managed by each state, which is transferable or payable if a retiree moves to a different state. The social security paid in by any worker belongs to that worker and not to the government. The States should only be responsible for social services for its residents and not the Federal government. If income taxes were leveraged only by the states then taxes would be lower for everybody as if some states were to have high taxes many of the top earners would move to other states so the need to have competitive tax rates would be imperative for each states’ economic growth and prosperity. We have already seen this in action as many top earners are fleeing California and heading to Texas. The state of California is an economic basket case; while Texas is thriving, this makes the point.

    Washington DC is awash with money. Sadly it is the only large city that is expanding just as is our federal government, the reverse should be the case. Washington is one of the few places where one can make big money as a lobbyist, lawyer or federal bureaucrat. We need to turn Washington DC into a Detroit with thousands of vacant homes and at the same time we need to turn Detroit back to an industrial powerhouse as it once was. When this happens then we will know America is back on track.
    We need a new political party simply called “We the People” so that our government serves us the people, and we can return to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Democrats and Republicans should join forces and be the opposition because they are part of the problem not the solution.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?

    Yet we do not fight : TL Davis

    Posted on October 1, 2014 | Leave a comment

    What is the United States? It is not a republic as it follows no semblence of its Constitution, the very foundation of its power, of its authority. It is a system of terror, with the power to destroy lives with contrived charges; offhandedly encumbering citizens with debt and criminal charges on a whim. This is the very system our forefather’s fled and risked everything to resist. In effect, they have taken our citizenship, robbed us of our birthright.

    Yet, we do not fight.

    Freedom? They watch us as if we are all suspects. Cameras are everywhere; software tracks us; our new vehicles and cell phones will tell them where we are at any given moment. Our writings are recorded and available as evidence against us though no charges have been filed. The result of these intrusions into our lives will become the evidence upon which they will seek a warrant. That cannot be more backward from the intent of the Constitution.

    Yet, we do not fight.

    Enemies of the people are encouraged to roam free among us, often at the informal invitation of the government. Our borders are not secure, there is no will to discriminate between honest immigrants seeking a better life and those intent on victimizing legal and legitimate citizens of the United States.

    Yet, we do not fight.

    Our economy, the very power that denies enemies to risk war on these shores, is no better than it was in 2009. Every figure compiled by the government is a ruse, it is fraud to mollify the people. Politicians lie and contrive to further the fraud to secure their own power with no regard for the dangerous waters they have navigated at our expense.
    Yet, we do not fight.

    “The tax-paying citizens of this nation intent on doing right and living within the laws have been targeted by the very government they support. They have become the villains while true enemies have been coddled and encouraged. Every aspect of their lives have come under attack; their budgets, their religions, their privacy, their pastimes and their associations. Anything that will undermine the society of the typical American has become taboo, while all manner of deviance and decadence has been promoted; cheered on to success.

    Yet, we do not fight.

    If the ideals of life, liberty and property are not worth defending with our lives, we deserve none of them and have proved it with our inaction over the past ten years. There is not a single representative, senator, president or supreme court justice in office today who has not committed treason. Not one.

    Vote? Are you kidding me? There is no reason, beyond societal suicide, to vote for anyone willing to seek the office. It is a vote to destroy yourself; to forfeit your wealth; to eliminate your job; to incur the wrath of a jealous and vengeful government, because a government unloosed from those noble principles upon which this nation was founded can become nothing more than an evil among us and those seeking office its willing demons.

    The only thing left to do is fight. Though it is much easier to believe in unicorns and watch TV.”

    Cheer up TL, a purposeful Ebola outbreak might change that.
    Libertatem Prius!

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