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Thread: The Insider Threat Program

  1. #1
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default The Insider Threat Program

    Something you ALL should be aware of.

    The “Insider Threat” has become a major focus in ALL the agencies. Being inside tells me that they no longer trust ANYONE to do the job they are hired to do….. trust is gone, people are considered to be “untrustworthy” even with clearances… because, you know, they “might go off”. It has become absurd, ridiculous and childish. And who drives this? High up muckity-mucks who won’t want to LOSE THEIR POWER. They hate whistle blowers, they hate people who question authority, they HATE it when you point out a program is wasteful and fraudulent….

    The “Insider Threat Program” and the Government’s War on Whistleblowers

    25 Friday Jul 2014
    Posted by Mary W. in Big Brother, FBI, NSA, Police State, Surveillance State, Tyrannical Government, United States, Whistle-blowers

    The Obama Administration’s Orwellian government employee snitch network, dubbed the “Insider Threat Program,” first made headlines about a year ago. I found it to be so disturbingly significant I wrote a post about it titled: The 3 Key Takeaways from the Ridiculous “Insider Threat Program. Those 3 key takeaways were that it…

    1. Creates a horrible and counterproductive work environment where everyone distrusts everyone else.
    2. Solidifies the fact the government is not interested in solving problems, but rather is focused on continuing the cronyism and criminality and merely covering it up.
    3. Exposes how completely hopeless and terminal the status quo is.

    Fast forward a year, and it appears that several members of Congress are also becoming increasingly concerned. Some are starting to ask questions, but as usual, the “most transparent administration in history” is entirely nontransparent. We learn from the Washington Post that:

    In early April, Sen. Charles E. Grassley summoned FBI officials to his Capitol Hill office. He said he wanted them to explain how a program designed to uncover internal security threats would at the same time protect whistleblowers who wanted to report wrongdoing within the bureau.
    The meeting with two FBI officials, including the chief of the bureau’s Insider Threat Program, ended almost as soon as it began. The officials said the FBI would protect whistleblowers by “registering” them. When Grassley’s staff members asked them to elaborate, the FBI officials declined to answer any more questions and headed for the door.

    “We’re leaving,” said J. Christopher McDonough, an FBI agent assigned to the bureau’s congressional affairs office, said Senate staff members who attended the meeting.

    The episode infuriated Grassley (Iowa), a leading advocate for whistleblowers in Congress and the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Any effort to register whistleblowers, he said, would “clearly put a target on their backs.”

    The Insider Threat Program and a continuous monitoring initiative under consideration in the intelligence community were begun by the Obama administration after the leaks of classified information by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, and the Navy Yard shootings by Aaron Alexis, who used his security clearance to gain access to the base.

    The programs are designed to prevent leaks of classified information by monitoring government computers and employees’ behavior.

    Grassley said the episode with the FBI illustrates how federal agencies are setting up internal security programs without giving careful consideration to whether they could dissuade whistleblowers from coming forward.

    “The Insider Threat Program has the potential for taking the legs out from underneath all of the whistleblower protections we have,” Grassley said in a recent interview.

    Greg Klein, the head of the FBI’s Insider Threat Program, and McDonough, the congressional affairs agent, did not return calls seeking comment. An FBI spokesman said the bureau does not plan to register whistleblowers. He said there was a misunderstanding about the nature of the briefing with staff members for Grassley, Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) and a law enforcement official who is assigned to the Senate panel. The spokesman noted that the FBI has a whistleblower training program for employees and a whistleblower protection office.

    Of course not. Why would a federal police force have to answer to Congress or the media? It’s not like this is a democracy or anything.

    Furthermore, of course there was a “misunderstanding,” your representatives stormed out of the meeting like petulant toddlers.

    Grassley is part of a growing chorus of lawmakers on Capitol Hill and attorneys for whistleblowers who warn that the Insider Threat Program and the potential intelligence community initiative threaten to undermine federal workers’ ability to report wrongdoing without retaliation.

    Together, the programs cover millions of federal workers and contractors at every government agency.

    “I think it’s time to put up the caution light here,” said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

    “This really has the potential for abuse, and I think it could have a chilling effect on the public’s right to know and effective oversight of our government,” Wyden said.

    Michael German, a former undercover FBI agent and whistleblower, called the Insider Threat Program a “dangerous” initiative.

    “These agencies have long treated whistleblowers as security threats and this makes things even worse,” said German, now a senior national security fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law.
    Read more at Liberty Blitzkrieg
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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Insider Threat Program


    However, the program is more aimed at, say, people like ME who have worked with the government for 30+ years, am white, old, and "possibly a threat" because I own guns, I'm a Conservative, I believe in the Constitution, I'm a Veteran and I'm outspoken.

    U.S. Citizen Killed Fighting Beside Islamic Extremists

    By Angela Greiling Keane August 27, 2014

    The U.S. said an American citizen was killed while fighting alongside Islamic extremists in Syria, highlighting concerns that foreign combatants involved in the conflict pose an increasing global threat.
    Douglas McAuthur McCain, 33, who was raised in Minnesota, died last weekend while fighting with the Islamic State group that seeks to establish a strict Islamic caliphate spanning the Muslim world. NBC News reported his death earlier, and the White House National Security Council confirmed it yesterday.
    “We were aware of U.S. Citizen Douglas McAuthur McCain’s presence in Syria and can confirm his death,” Caitlin Hayden, a National Security Council spokeswoman, said in an e-mailed statement. “We continue to use every tool we possess to disrupt and dissuade individuals from traveling abroad for violent jihad and to track and engage those who return.”
    U.S. and European officials have reported a surge in their citizens traveling to fight in Syria. U.S. officials estimate that more than 7,000 foreign fighters, including hundreds of Europeans and dozens of American, have gone there seeking to join IS or other groups.
    The confirmation of a U.S. casualty fighting for Islamic extremists may escalate the conflict for which President Barack Obama authorized surveillance flights over Syria. The flights could be a precursor for air strikes similar to those the U.S. is waging against Islamic State fighters in Iraq.
    “We have to use our power wisely,” Obama said yesterday in remarks to the American Legion, the nation’s largest veterans service organization, in Charlotte, North Carolina. “History teaches about the dangers of overreaching.”
    Assisting Family

    The State Department is providing assistance to McCain’s family, spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.
    “We are in contact with the family and are providing all possible consular assistance,” she said. “Out of respect for the family we’re not going to be adding any more comment at this time.”
    McCain graduated from high school in 1999 in a Twin Cities suburb before moving to the San Diego area, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. In Minnesota, McCain was convicted for minor drug possession, theft, disorderly conduct and driving after his license was revoked, the newspaper reported.
    Kenyata McCain told the Star Tribune that McCain’s mother received a call yesterday from the State Department reporting his death in Syria. Kenyata McCain said she was in touch with Douglas McCain as recently as Aug. 22, and “he was telling all of us he was in Turkey,” the newspaper reported.
    ‘Several Dozens’

    Senator Jack Reed, a Rhode Island Democrat and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told CNN that McCain was one of “several dozens” of Americans fighting in Syria and Iraq.
    “They’re another aspect of the complicated problem here, not so much ISIS itself,” Reed said, using an alternate name for the Islamic State group, “but individuals who are radicalized and then have American or European passports and don’t fit the stereotype of a jihadist radical but then can come back into Europe or the United States,”
    They would be able to travel more to Western countries given their citizenship, he said.
    Obama will be leading a meeting at the United Nations General Assembly next month in New York on the threat posed by foreign fighters returning from battlefields in the Middle East to attack targets in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere.
    At least 100 Americans have gone to Syria to join Islamic extremist groups such as the al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State, Republican Representative Peter King of New York, chairman of the U.S. House Homeland Security subcommittee on counter terrorism, said at a congressional hearing last month.
    At least one American has died as a suicide bomber after spending two months in a training camp operated by al-Nusra Front in Aleppo, Syria, King said. He was Moner Mohammad Abusalha, 22, who was born and raised in Florida, reportedly traveled to Syria in late 2013, and blew himself up in an attack in Syria on May 25, 2014.
    THIS is what the TRUE threat is:

    Jul 16 2012
    Black Muslims, the NOI and American Prisons…

    [COLOR=#]6 Votes[/COLOR]

    In 1961, Time Magazine published an article about what they saw as a terrifying trend: the increasing number of black prisoners who were converting to Islam, joining the Nation of Islam, and then turning to violence inside correctional facilities:
    Armed guards now patrol the catwalks over the mess hall in California’s maximum-security Folsom prison—the result of two riots early this month. At San Quentin, wardens and guards have new instructions not to attempt to break up any gathering of Negro convicts without assistance. At the Reformatory for Males in Breathedsville, Md., last week, three inmates had a total of 14 months added to their sentences for savagely beating a guard. In a Washington, D.C.. prison, 38 prisoners in punitive segregation became so noisy, rattling cell doors, throwing food into the corridors, and talking and praying through the night, that tear gas was threatened to restore quiet and order.
    The incidents were related. In every case the troublemakers were Black Muslims, members of the brotherhood of Negro supremacists that is dedicated to the extinction of the white race (TIME, Aug. 10, 1959). While their leaders, protected by shaved-head honor guards, are preaching cold hatred to growing crowds in principal U.S. cities, lesser Muslim agents are at work in many a U.S. prison, spreading fanatical doctrines and recruiting new brethren among Negro prisoners. A California law officer estimates that Muslims do 50% of their recruiting in prisons. The Muslim movement behind prison walls, says James W. Curran, Maryland’s superintendent of prisons, has become “steadily stronger and more troublesome. They are vicious fighters, quick to take offense and, in their self-sacrificial way, they don’t care what happens to them.” Source: Recruits Behind Bars. Time, 0040781X, 3/31/1961, Vol. 77, Issue 14
    The rise of Black Muslims within the penitentiaries of America starting in the late 1940s was primarily perceived as a threat to law and order. Time Magazine particularly singles out Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad as prominent examples of prisoners who were Nation of Islam converts but they were only two of thousands. The article also tries to analyze the appeal of Islam for black prisoners:
    Since most prisons have a large Negro population, prisons are a natural breeding ground for the hate group. Some of the leaders of the Muslim movement have criminal records. Elijah Muhammad (whose “slave-master name” was Elijah Poole), high priest of the Muslims, served three years for draft dodging in World War II. Malcolm X (ne Little), leader of Harlem’s Muslims, is a former pimp, who has been arrested for larceny in two states. Says Dr. C. Eric Lincoln, professor of social philosophy at Atlanta’s Clark College and an authority on Muslims: “The prisons are made to order for Muhammad. Nine times out of ten, the potential convert was arrested by a white policeman, sentenced by a white judge, directed by a white prison guard under a white warden. The prison chaplain was white, and he knew when he got out that he could not go to a white church for help. The Negro church was not interested, but there was Elijah waiting.”
    As Claude Andrew Clegg (2001) points out, Elijah Muhammad’s four year imprisonment in the Federal Correctional Institution at Milan, Michigan “made him more sympathetic to the plight of incarcerated members of his race and permanently reserved for them a place in his heart (p.56).”
    Clegg (2001) continues:
    “Additionally, his detention during World War II also taught him that prisons were fertile recruitment grounds for the Nation of Islam. For simply showing compassion and concern for their well-being, the movement would eventually succeed in transforming hundreds of convicts into loyal, and sometimes lifelong, dues paying members. The Nation benefited from the increased membership, and the inmates profited from the moral empowerment of the teachings which helped them shed the vices and criminal behaviors they had picked up while floundering in the grave (p.56).”
    Many reasons have been advanced for black prisoners’ historical attraction to Islam including the overt expression of racial pride that is evident in Black Muslim ideology. In fact, Black Puerto Rican political prisoner Martin Sostre who converted to Islam while incarcerated wrote: “Its Black Nationalist tenets appealed to me; it was similar to the Black Nationalism I had picked up in Harlem as a kid” (Sostre, 1968: 4). Some black prisoners have also likely been attracted to the language of social protest that infuses much of the Nation of Islam’s ideology. Black Muslim prisoners have been very active in filing lawsuits to ensure their rights to worship, to have appropriate food, and to generally oppose mistreatment inside the penitentiary.
    The Nation of Islam (NOI) continues to have significant reach inside American prisons. A 1996 article in the Christian Science Monitor examined NOI’s appeal for contemporary black prisoners. The reasons that these men join the NOI are consistent with Sostre’s explanation from the 1960s. The article quotes a prisoner named R. Khalil who explains what attracted him to the NOI:
    A lean, light-skinned black man sits upright on a metal folding chair. Decked out in a pressed shirt, a cable-stitched sweater, and a bow tie, R. Khalil hardly fits the image of an inmate housed here at the high-security Maryland House of Corrections.
    Mr. Khalil, whose rap sheet ranges from robbery to attempted murder, is aware of the contradictory picture he presents. He used to run with a tough crowd in Baltimore’s blighted inner city, where drug dealing and violence figured prominently in his past. A clean-shaven look and impeccable diction were foreign.
    “Black men didn’t have any images we could draw from,” Khalil says.
    But while serving time for his first conviction, he learned about the Nation of Islam and its leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan.
    “I joined the Nation of Islam during my first time in prison,” Khalil says, leaning forward, his arms braced on his knees, his hands folded. “The time [here] and conditions wear you down…. [We're] grasping for better ways of living life.”
    “The Nation of Islam made me feel like a person of worth more than any time in my life,” Khalil adds. “Mr. Farrakhan was the closest representation of manhood.”
    Like a growing number of the black men who are serving time, he is drawn to Farrakhan’s powerfully articulated message of black pride. Source: Nation of Islam extends its reach behind prison walls. By: Kaslow, Amy, Christian Science Monitor, 08827729, 5/20/96, Vol. 88, Issue 122
    Incidentally, the role of evangelical Christianity inside American prisons also deserves attention and scrutiny. I hope to focus on that in a future post. Later this week, however, I will continue with this discussion of the role of NOI’s ideology in the penitentiary by featuring Eldridge Cleaver’s critique of Black Muslims from his book, Soul on Ice.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  3. #3
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Insider Threat Program


    However, the program is more aimed at, say, people like ME who have worked with the government for 30+ years, am white, old, and "possibly a threat" because I own guns, I'm a Conservative, I believe in the Constitution, I'm a Veteran and I'm outspoken.

    U.S. Citizen Killed Fighting Beside Islamic Extremists

    By Angela Greiling Keane August 27, 2014

    The U.S. said an American citizen was killed while fighting alongside Islamic extremists in Syria, highlighting concerns that foreign combatants involved in the conflict pose an increasing global threat.
    Douglas McAuthur McCain, 33, who was raised in Minnesota, died last weekend while fighting with the Islamic State group that seeks to establish a strict Islamic caliphate spanning the Muslim world. NBC News reported his death earlier, and the White House National Security Council confirmed it yesterday.
    “We were aware of U.S. Citizen Douglas McAuthur McCain’s presence in Syria and can confirm his death,” Caitlin Hayden, a National Security Council spokeswoman, said in an e-mailed statement. “We continue to use every tool we possess to disrupt and dissuade individuals from traveling abroad for violent jihad and to track and engage those who return.”
    U.S. and European officials have reported a surge in their citizens traveling to fight in Syria. U.S. officials estimate that more than 7,000 foreign fighters, including hundreds of Europeans and dozens of American, have gone there seeking to join IS or other groups.
    The confirmation of a U.S. casualty fighting for Islamic extremists may escalate the conflict for which President Barack Obama authorized surveillance flights over Syria. The flights could be a precursor for air strikes similar to those the U.S. is waging against Islamic State fighters in Iraq.
    “We have to use our power wisely,” Obama said yesterday in remarks to the American Legion, the nation’s largest veterans service organization, in Charlotte, North Carolina. “History teaches about the dangers of overreaching.”
    Assisting Family

    The State Department is providing assistance to McCain’s family, spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.
    “We are in contact with the family and are providing all possible consular assistance,” she said. “Out of respect for the family we’re not going to be adding any more comment at this time.”
    McCain graduated from high school in 1999 in a Twin Cities suburb before moving to the San Diego area, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. In Minnesota, McCain was convicted for minor drug possession, theft, disorderly conduct and driving after his license was revoked, the newspaper reported.
    Kenyata McCain told the Star Tribune that McCain’s mother received a call yesterday from the State Department reporting his death in Syria. Kenyata McCain said she was in touch with Douglas McCain as recently as Aug. 22, and “he was telling all of us he was in Turkey,” the newspaper reported.
    ‘Several Dozens’

    Senator Jack Reed, a Rhode Island Democrat and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told CNN that McCain was one of “several dozens” of Americans fighting in Syria and Iraq.
    “They’re another aspect of the complicated problem here, not so much ISIS itself,” Reed said, using an alternate name for the Islamic State group, “but individuals who are radicalized and then have American or European passports and don’t fit the stereotype of a jihadist radical but then can come back into Europe or the United States,”
    They would be able to travel more to Western countries given their citizenship, he said.
    Obama will be leading a meeting at the United Nations General Assembly next month in New York on the threat posed by foreign fighters returning from battlefields in the Middle East to attack targets in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere.
    At least 100 Americans have gone to Syria to join Islamic extremist groups such as the al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State, Republican Representative Peter King of New York, chairman of the U.S. House Homeland Security subcommittee on counter terrorism, said at a congressional hearing last month.
    At least one American has died as a suicide bomber after spending two months in a training camp operated by al-Nusra Front in Aleppo, Syria, King said. He was Moner Mohammad Abusalha, 22, who was born and raised in Florida, reportedly traveled to Syria in late 2013, and blew himself up in an attack in Syria on May 25, 2014.
    THIS is what the TRUE threat is:

    Jul 16 2012
    Black Muslims, the NOI and American Prisons…

    [COLOR=#]6 Votes[/COLOR]

    In 1961, Time Magazine published an article about what they saw as a terrifying trend: the increasing number of black prisoners who were converting to Islam, joining the Nation of Islam, and then turning to violence inside correctional facilities:
    Armed guards now patrol the catwalks over the mess hall in California’s maximum-security Folsom prison—the result of two riots early this month. At San Quentin, wardens and guards have new instructions not to attempt to break up any gathering of Negro convicts without assistance. At the Reformatory for Males in Breathedsville, Md., last week, three inmates had a total of 14 months added to their sentences for savagely beating a guard. In a Washington, D.C.. prison, 38 prisoners in punitive segregation became so noisy, rattling cell doors, throwing food into the corridors, and talking and praying through the night, that tear gas was threatened to restore quiet and order.
    The incidents were related. In every case the troublemakers were Black Muslims, members of the brotherhood of Negro supremacists that is dedicated to the extinction of the white race (TIME, Aug. 10, 1959). While their leaders, protected by shaved-head honor guards, are preaching cold hatred to growing crowds in principal U.S. cities, lesser Muslim agents are at work in many a U.S. prison, spreading fanatical doctrines and recruiting new brethren among Negro prisoners. A California law officer estimates that Muslims do 50% of their recruiting in prisons. The Muslim movement behind prison walls, says James W. Curran, Maryland’s superintendent of prisons, has become “steadily stronger and more troublesome. They are vicious fighters, quick to take offense and, in their self-sacrificial way, they don’t care what happens to them.” Source: Recruits Behind Bars. Time, 0040781X, 3/31/1961, Vol. 77, Issue 14
    The rise of Black Muslims within the penitentiaries of America starting in the late 1940s was primarily perceived as a threat to law and order. Time Magazine particularly singles out Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad as prominent examples of prisoners who were Nation of Islam converts but they were only two of thousands. The article also tries to analyze the appeal of Islam for black prisoners:
    Since most prisons have a large Negro population, prisons are a natural breeding ground for the hate group. Some of the leaders of the Muslim movement have criminal records. Elijah Muhammad (whose “slave-master name” was Elijah Poole), high priest of the Muslims, served three years for draft dodging in World War II. Malcolm X (ne Little), leader of Harlem’s Muslims, is a former pimp, who has been arrested for larceny in two states. Says Dr. C. Eric Lincoln, professor of social philosophy at Atlanta’s Clark College and an authority on Muslims: “The prisons are made to order for Muhammad. Nine times out of ten, the potential convert was arrested by a white policeman, sentenced by a white judge, directed by a white prison guard under a white warden. The prison chaplain was white, and he knew when he got out that he could not go to a white church for help. The Negro church was not interested, but there was Elijah waiting.”
    As Claude Andrew Clegg (2001) points out, Elijah Muhammad’s four year imprisonment in the Federal Correctional Institution at Milan, Michigan “made him more sympathetic to the plight of incarcerated members of his race and permanently reserved for them a place in his heart (p.56).”
    Clegg (2001) continues:
    “Additionally, his detention during World War II also taught him that prisons were fertile recruitment grounds for the Nation of Islam. For simply showing compassion and concern for their well-being, the movement would eventually succeed in transforming hundreds of convicts into loyal, and sometimes lifelong, dues paying members. The Nation benefited from the increased membership, and the inmates profited from the moral empowerment of the teachings which helped them shed the vices and criminal behaviors they had picked up while floundering in the grave (p.56).”
    Many reasons have been advanced for black prisoners’ historical attraction to Islam including the overt expression of racial pride that is evident in Black Muslim ideology. In fact, Black Puerto Rican political prisoner Martin Sostre who converted to Islam while incarcerated wrote: “Its Black Nationalist tenets appealed to me; it was similar to the Black Nationalism I had picked up in Harlem as a kid” (Sostre, 1968: 4). Some black prisoners have also likely been attracted to the language of social protest that infuses much of the Nation of Islam’s ideology. Black Muslim prisoners have been very active in filing lawsuits to ensure their rights to worship, to have appropriate food, and to generally oppose mistreatment inside the penitentiary.
    The Nation of Islam (NOI) continues to have significant reach inside American prisons. A 1996 article in the Christian Science Monitor examined NOI’s appeal for contemporary black prisoners. The reasons that these men join the NOI are consistent with Sostre’s explanation from the 1960s. The article quotes a prisoner named R. Khalil who explains what attracted him to the NOI:
    A lean, light-skinned black man sits upright on a metal folding chair. Decked out in a pressed shirt, a cable-stitched sweater, and a bow tie, R. Khalil hardly fits the image of an inmate housed here at the high-security Maryland House of Corrections.
    Mr. Khalil, whose rap sheet ranges from robbery to attempted murder, is aware of the contradictory picture he presents. He used to run with a tough crowd in Baltimore’s blighted inner city, where drug dealing and violence figured prominently in his past. A clean-shaven look and impeccable diction were foreign.
    “Black men didn’t have any images we could draw from,” Khalil says.
    But while serving time for his first conviction, he learned about the Nation of Islam and its leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan.
    “I joined the Nation of Islam during my first time in prison,” Khalil says, leaning forward, his arms braced on his knees, his hands folded. “The time [here] and conditions wear you down…. [We're] grasping for better ways of living life.”
    “The Nation of Islam made me feel like a person of worth more than any time in my life,” Khalil adds. “Mr. Farrakhan was the closest representation of manhood.”
    Like a growing number of the black men who are serving time, he is drawn to Farrakhan’s powerfully articulated message of black pride. Source: Nation of Islam extends its reach behind prison walls. By: Kaslow, Amy, Christian Science Monitor, 08827729, 5/20/96, Vol. 88, Issue 122
    Incidentally, the role of evangelical Christianity inside American prisons also deserves attention and scrutiny. I hope to focus on that in a future post. Later this week, however, I will continue with this discussion of the role of NOI’s ideology in the penitentiary by featuring Eldridge Cleaver’s critique of Black Muslims from his book, Soul on Ice.
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    Default Re: The Insider Threat Program

    Let me explain my posts above.

    A while back in the facility where I work they went through some drills. You know, typical duck-and-cover bullshit. Active shooter stuff. Run and hide. Lock the doors. Fight if you gotta... blah blah. The general population wasn't involved. Just a few security folks from what I gather, on the outside of the building.

    Of course the postulated, imitation shooter was a "disgruntled former worker, White male, age 50-something, armed with an assault rifle and moving from building to building shooting personnel." (words to that effect anyway).

    ok, fine. No biggy.

    Yet here in this building we have a dozen or more Muslims.

    Mostly black males. MOST of them are fine individuals, who have the mission at heart.

    At least... one would think.

    Taqiyya - Saying something that isn't true.

    Kitman - Lying by omission. An example would be when Muslim apologists quote only a fragment of verse 5:32 (that if anyone kills "it shall be as if he had killed all mankind") while neglecting to mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined cases of "corruption" and "mischief."

    So - why do we have such people in the system, with clearances, with the ability to walk into a secured compound with a weapon if they chose to do so. Or walk in with a backpack loaded with explosives? We all carry backpacks into the facility. Checks are made (I'll point out there are certainly holes in any system, and I won't give details of how things are checked, when or by whom) but suffice it to say I get checked rarely.

    Why am I saying all this?

    We have Muslims "in the system".

    Men are going to fight and die for a bunch of BAD GUYS.

    ISIS is "here".

    ISIS is nothing more than a whole lot of radical muslims who are falling into line with a "strong group". Muslims follow the strong horse, not the weak. ISIS appears strong. America appears weak.

    While I'm certain the easy targets are malls and schools - there are places, military installations, churches, companies and corporations FULL of these people who hide their radical tendencies just awaiting the day they can do something.

    They lie by omission or they flat out lie about their loyalty.

    Those at risk will be you and I.

    9-11 approaches
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    Default Re: The Insider Threat Program

    ISIS is nothing new. It is simply Islam asserting itself.

    I don't think these monkey dicks will be able to pull off anything spectacular. They may shoot up a mall or blow up an elevator or something to that effect, but I don't believe they can pull off any mass casualty events.

    As to "the inside", any white male who would take the people's side in a war of the government vs the people, is a target of these government probes.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: The Insider Threat Program

    Which is my point.

    The "People" in this country ARE the government and the government is in the wrong. Not the "white male".

    And the Muslims are here, already, inside, outside, everywhere and they are ALL radical.

    It will be the "white male" that defends America against Islam.
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    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Insider Threat Program

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post

    It will be the "white male" that defends America against Islam.

    “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
    - Barack Obama.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  8. #8
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    You make my point for me....
    Libertatem Prius!

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  5. NY lawyer gets 3 years for insider trading
    By American Patriot in forum Financial
    Replies: 2
    Last Post: August 19th, 2011, 22:37


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