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Thread: Putin Former Aide Says No Strategic Plans

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Putin Former Aide Says No Strategic Plans

    Former Aide Says Putin Has No Strategic Plans

    President Putin at the Great Kremlin Palace in Moscow on May 7, 2012, during his inauguration ceremony. Alexey Druzhinin—AFP/Getty Images
    An oligarch now living in exile in London tells TIME the Russian President can't imagine life without power

    At times during the past year Russian President Vladimir Putin has appeared to make somewhat sudden changes in policy as he has confronted the West over Ukraine and Russia’s influence in Eastern Europe. Earlier this year, for example, he publicly insisted the uniformed troops who began taking control of the Ukrainian region of Crimea in February had no connection to Russia. Later he acknowledged Russian troops had, in fact, been in Crimea. During the conflict in Eastern Ukraine he has moved Russian forces back and forth — in Russia and in Ukraine — in ways that suggest he is improvising rather than adhering to a careful gameplan. If Putin sometimes appears to be making up policy on the fly, maybe that’s because, according to a close former aide speaking to an American news organization for the first time, he is.

    “Putin is not someone who sets strategic plans; he lives today,” says the former aide, Sergei Pugachev, a Russian businessmen once so well connected in Moscow that he was called the “Kremlin’s banker”. Pugachev, whose wealth at its peak was estimated by Forbes magazine to be $2 billion and who now lives in London, knew Putin when the Russian President was still working as an adviser to the mayor of St. Petersburg. They stayed close when the future President moved to work for the central government in Moscow, often meeting every day.

    Pugachev had founded a bank in the dying days of the Soviet Union and in 1992, after the communist system had collapsed, he set up a new bank called Mezhprombank (International Industrial Bank) in Moscow. It’s unclear how this apparently unconnected, provincial figure managed to become a Kremlin powerbroker but by 1996 he was helping then President Boris Yeltsin win re-election and was acting as an adviser inside the Kremlin, which is how he met Putin.

    “He’d always have well-sharpened pencils, a clean sheet of paper and a newspaper,” Pugachev says, remembering Putin from those days. “There were no documents, nothing. I had been in politics about 10 years and seen everyone. They’d have tons of documents. They’d always be doing something. But with him it was just quiet, no one there, no meetings, everything quiet. He’d sit there, or watch TV. He really likes watching TV.”

    Pugachev did not think his new associate was particularly ambitious. “He had no plans, he didn’t aim to become President. He hadn’t thought of that. He didn’t plan to remain in the government at all.”

    In 2008, Forbes rated Pugachev the 605th richest man in the world. He reportedly owned shipyards in St. Petersburg, a coal mine, luxury goods companies and acres of prime real estate. He was building a prestigious hotel in Moscow. And he was a senator in Russia’s upper house of parliament.

    Pugachev’s position in Moscow collapsed in 2010, when the Kremlin began to forcibly purchase his businesses, causing him to flee to Britain in 2011.

    In July a London court froze his bank accounts, following a request from Russia, allowing him a limit of £10,000 ($16,000) spending money per week.

    Russian prosecutors allege Pugachev siphoned money out of Mezhprombank, allowing it to go bankrupt. Pugachev denies the debts were his, saying he had surrendered control of the bank in 2001. He said Russia effectively invented the debts as an excuse to expropriate his assets. Russia is now attempting to seize more of his assets in return for what prosecutors say are unpaid debts. By way of retaliation he has decided to speak publicly about his former boss.

    Putin, according to Pugachev, lives entirely from day to day. His enthusiasm for projects — such as the luxury hotel Pugachev was building — can be all-encompassing, but can also suddenly evaporate, with no explanation given. Putin cancelled the hotel project, according to Pugachev, despite having previously been so excited that he helped draw up the specifications for individual suites. Kremlin guards prevented Pugachev’s team even from retrieving their computers from the building site, which remains unfinished to this day.

    Pugachev said such behavior was not out of character, and neither was Russia’s sudden annexation of Crimea earlier this year. “He was a black box, no one knew what was inside. I spoke to him almost every day probably, and if someone had asked me then whether what we have now is possible, I would have said no,” says Pugachev. “But there wasn’t some evil genius who thought this all up — this is just how he is.”

    Pugachev said there were two main reasons why the Kremlin team chose Putin to be Yeltsin’s successor in the 2000 election. First, there weren’t any other options — almost everyone else had abandoned the ailing, alcoholic Yeltsin. Second, Putin was associated with the glamour of his former boss, Anatoly Sobchak, the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg who had a reputation as a courageous reformer and a democrat.

    Putin’s accession came as a surprise to Russia’s big businessmen, who were nervous about the ex-KGB man’s intentions. Pugachev says he persuaded Putin to meet them in summer 2000, a few months after his election. Putin had been reluctant, but eventually agreed, provided he could specify the venue.

    “I only found out about it two hours before the meeting,” Pugachev recalls. “I rang up and asked, ‘Where’s the meeting? In the Kremlin, or where?’ And he said: ‘No, I’ve decided to do this informally.’ The meeting was at Stalin’s dacha. That was very symbolic.”

    The home of former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin — at Kuntsevo on the outskirts of Moscow — has been left almost unchanged since the dictator’s death in 1953. Pugachev says Putin had not been to the dacha before, so would appear to have chosen it purely for its symbolic value. Stalin was responsible for the deaths of millions and epitomised tyrannical leadership — facts not lost on the newly rich oligarchs. Oil tycoon Roman Abramovich — who has managed to preserve good relations with Putin to this day, unlike several of his fellow guests — presided over a barbecue. Conversation failed to flow.

    “Afterwards I said: ‘Why didn’t you ask him anything?'” Pugachev says. “They replied: ‘What could we have asked? He’s a KGB agent. He took us to Stalin’s dacha. It’s enough that he let us leave. What else were we going to ask for?’”

    Over the past 15 years, Putin has weakened most institutions in Russia that could act as blocks to his power: political parties, the media, the courts, the civil service, regulators and police. Putin gradually side-lined all the individuals he inherited from Yeltsin’s Kremlin. He is now surrounded by close friends, mostly from St. Petersburg and the security services, such as Vladimir Yakunin (head of Russian Railways) and Igor Sechin (head of the Rosneft oil company), who have reportedly become wealthy during his time in office.

    If they want something, they get it, Pugachev said: from a Russian shipyard to a Ukrainian province.

    “If Putin says he wants to buy something, you cannot say that you do not want to sell. If he says ‘I want to buy something’ then you say, ‘Thanks for saying you want to buy it, and not just taking it,’” Pugachev says.

    The authorities’ light-fingered approach to private property has been one of many reasons why investors have been reluctant to leave their money in Russia. Capital flight is due to hit $85.3 billion this year this year, partly as a result of Western sanctions on Russian business. The rouble has lost around a fifth of its value against the dollar since the summer.

    Russia’s economic problems do not worry the President, however, according to Pugachev. “Vladimir Putin does not understand economics. He does not like it. It is dry. It’s boring to hear these reports, to read them. He likes clear things: Russia’s moving ahead; how great everything is. He does not have a deep understanding of what is happening,” Pugachev says. “Putin’s close circle understands that he likes good news, so they always bring him good news. Whatever is happening, it’s good. For him, it’s enough to be in a good mood.”

    Putin has now acquired a taste for power, Pugachev says, and warns that his former boss shows no signs of departing the political scene in the near future.

    “It has become clear Putin does not intend to go to some island, to lie down and spend his money somewhere,” says Pugachev. “After all that has been done in the last 15 years, he cannot imagine life without Russia or power.”
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Putin Former Aide Says No Strategic Plans

    Reading this... it occurs to me now, Russia and the United States are run by men who believe they are powerful, in charge and don't give a shit about anything anyone else in the world thinks.

    They are arrogant, narcissistic megalomaniacs neither of whom have yet come into their prime.

    Obama has two legal years left in office. He has his pen and his cell phone.

    Putin has innumerable years left (I have no idea when he is supposed to leave or even their rules there in Russia) and he has his television and his nukes.

    Both of these men see themselves as significantly larger than life and whine (in Obama's case) or threaten (in Putin's case) when things aren't going right.

    Putin lives for the moment. Obama lives for basking in the glory of his supplicants.

    What the fuck happened to real men of substance, bearing and honesty?

    Even Gorbachev was more honest with the world than Putin, and Clinton was at least someone who understand that even he couldn't stand against public opinion.

    Obama simply IGNORES public opinion or calls everyone names. Putin threatens his enemies (or perceived enemies) with death or worse, nuclear annihilation.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Avvakum's Avatar
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    Default Re: Putin Former Aide Says No Strategic Plans

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Reading this... it occurs to me now, Russia and the United States are run by men who believe they are powerful, in charge and don't give a shit about anything anyone else in the world thinks.

    They are arrogant, narcissistic megalomaniacs neither of whom have yet come into their prime.

    Obama has two legal years left in office. He has his pen and his cell phone.

    Putin has innumerable years left (I have no idea when he is supposed to leave or even their rules there in Russia) and he has his television and his nukes.

    Both of these men see themselves as significantly larger than life and whine (in Obama's case) or threaten (in Putin's case) when things aren't going right.

    Putin lives for the moment. Obama lives for basking in the glory of his supplicants.

    What the fuck happened to real men of substance, bearing and honesty?

    Even Gorbachev was more honest with the world than Putin, and Clinton was at least someone who understand that even he couldn't stand against public opinion.

    Obama simply IGNORES public opinion or calls everyone names. Putin threatens his enemies (or perceived enemies) with death or worse, nuclear annihilation.
    The difference lies with the countries. Russia (or rather, Moscovy) has never been free, except during times of absolute war and anarchy, as during the 'time of troubles' in 1612 AD. America has always been free during her existence as a Nation. For Russia, tyranny and despotism have been preferred to war and revolution, whereas with America, war and revolution have been preferred to tyranny and despotism.

    We know if all else fails, Obama will be out of office in 2016. In Russia, the Presidential elections are scheduled for 2017. Putin still has to listen to public opinion to an extent, but unlike many other times and countries that have endured tyranny and absolutist government, Russia's people are MORE Totalitarian-minded than their politicians. They LOVE 'Big Brother', which is why things never grow into a true Republic/Representative Democracy there. If they had a choice between Putin and Stalin in 2017, they'd vote Stalin in....

    People get the leaders they deserve. Of course in fairness to the Russians, The Bolsheviks really did a number on them and their collective psyche, it's not like I have no hope for the Russians at all
    Last edited by Avvakum; November 5th, 2014 at 21:13.
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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Putin Former Aide Says No Strategic Plans

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Former Aide Says Putin Has No Strategic Plans

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    Default Re: Putin Former Aide Says No Strategic Plans

    /chuckles @ Baghdad Bob and Ryan
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    Senior Member Avvakum's Avatar
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    Default Re: Putin Former Aide Says No Strategic Plans

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Exactly, one 'former' Bolshevik lying about another Bolshevik, so that if and when Putin is replaced, we'll be sure to kiss the ass of the next 'bold liberal reformer trying to bring democracy and capitalism to Russia' and send them lots of money and make militarily favorable treaties with them....
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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    Default Re: Putin Former Aide Says No Strategic Plans

    You can trust me. Really.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Avvakum's Avatar
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    Default Re: Putin Former Aide Says No Strategic Plans

    Quote Originally Posted by MinutemanCO View Post

    You can trust me. Really.
    That's really what it boils down to; lying crooks. It's that simple, and only people besotted with materialism who have their heads up their hedonist posteriors refuse to see it.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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