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Thread: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

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    Default JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

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    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Conspiracy: US Special Forces exercise said to be training for ‘Martial Law, Military Coup’

    Cover act ... Is an upcoming large-scale military special forces training exercise really a cover for a coup in the United States? Some think so. Source: ********.com Source: Supplied

    WHEN the military conducts widespread training exercises, what do you think? Preparedness? Boys’ toys? In the United States it equals civil war.

    The US Army’s Special Operations Command never saw this coming.

    An upcoming exercise codenamed JADE HELM 15 has sparked suspicion among some conspiracy theorists of impending martial law and a US military plot to wage war on the American people.


    “Jade Helm is a challenging eight-week joint military and Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado,” a statement announcing a large-scale military training drill reads.

    Mobilised will be 1200 troops of the Green Berets, Navy Seals and the 82nd Airborne Division. Supporting them will be specialist aircraft and helicopter units from the US Air Force, Navy and Army.

    It’s scheduled to run from July 15 to September 15.

    It’s all for a cause: Special forces have special requirements.

    They’re maintained at a high level of readiness to respond to hot-spots around the world. This involves the need to travel great distances, assess unfamiliar terrain, find targets and choose appropriate means of action.

    The raid in which al-Qaeda kingpin Osama bin Laden was assassinated is one such example.

    To achieve such a goal requires a great deal of coordination between large numbers of men from different elements of the military.
    So “realistic” practice makes perfect.

    But the word “realistic” appears to have some concerning connotations amid the incredibly polarised politics of the United States.

    At least when it comes to a slide show presentation said to be associated with the impending exercise.

    It has “concerned citizens” up in arms.


    At the centre of similar, past training exercises is usually a threatening insurgent action and an objective which either needs to be destroyed or recovered.

    But some of the advanced role-play planning for this exercise appears to have leaked.

    An unverified document circulating online includes a map purportedly labelling parts of Texas and Utah as an “insurgent pocket”.

    It’s titled: “US Army Special Operations Command — Request to Conduct Realistic Military Training (RMT) JADE HELM 15.”

    Jade Helm Martial Law WW3 Prep Document 1

    It a document “detailing the US Army’s plan to wage war on the American people,” screams the far-right blog ********.com.

    “Despite the document’s claims, multiple Army training manuals and studies in the past have specifically targeted such states due to concerns over the growing influence of right-leaning ideologies and groups, such as the Tea Party.”

    The purported training material also mentions coordinating with local police, increased aircraft in the area at night and soldiers wearing civilian clothes and driving civilian vehicles.

    Therefore armed Federal Government suppression of liberty-loving civilians. Right?

    That’s left US Special Forces command scratching its collective head.


    “That notion was proposed by a few individuals who are unfamiliar with how and why USASOC conducts training exercises,” Special Forces Command spokesman Army Lt. Colonel Mark Lastoria told Stars and Stripes.

    The only thing different about JADE HELM 15 was the use of out-of-base “new challenging terrain”, he said, chosen because of its remoteness and similarity to conditions where troops are operational overseas.

    Is your state next?

    Planned cooperation with local law enforcement was to avoid unfortunate misshape or misunderstandings with the general community.

    “This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces,” Major Lastoria reiterates.

    It’s also quite a tame conspiracy, considering allegations President Barack Obama recently sought to have the South Carolina city of Charleston nuked.

    So who’s telling the truth?

    We’ll find out come September 15.
    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Camp Pendleton Marines To Conduct Training In Downtown LA

    December 5, 2014 1:20 PM

    LOS ANGELES ( — Residents in and around downtown Los Angeles could hear helicopters or other military aircraft over the coming days as Marines and sailors from Camp Pendleton train in preparation for a deployment.

    The training is part of a two-week military exercise that starts Friday and extends through Dec. 16 and involves about 2,400 members of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, according to the Associated Press.

    While residents could see as many as six military helicopters buzzing over the downtown area over the next week, raids being held at several undisclosed locations in the city will be off limits to the public for safety reasons, Capt. Brian Block told the Associated Press.

    “It’s not going to look like ‘Apocalypse Now’ by any stretch of the imagination,” Block said.

    Dozens of Marines will raid buildings and shoot paintballs from modified M-15s as part of the exercise, but no residents live in the spots where the pseudo-combat will take place, according to Block.

    The military worked closely with the Los Angeles Police Department and notified property owners so no one will be caught off guard, Block said.

    Commander Blake Chow with the LAPD’s counter-terrorism unit told KNX 1070 NEWSRADIO the exercise was not linked to any local or regional terrorism threat.

    “There’s no terrorism threat out there that would be the reason that these exercises are being conducted, this is something that’s been kind of ongoing for a while,” said Chow. “This is one location amongst many that the Marines are gonna be kind of exposing their people to.”

    Similar exercises will also take place at various California military bases, at a site near Las Vegas, and another site outside Flagstaff, Ariz., according to officials. Block said the Los Angeles portion will take place over a couple of days next week.

    A notification announcing the exercise was sent out Friday morning on the LAPD’s official Twitter account.

    The LAPD teamed up with military special operation forces in January 2012 to conduct multi-agency tactical exercises in the skies above downtown that included a Black Hawk helicopter and four OH-6 choppers.

    At one point during that exercise, choppers were seen hovering just above the US Bank building downtown and later flying low over the Staples Center as the Lakers played inside.

    Marine Corps has held similar training in recent years in Atlanta, Memphis and other cities.

    (TM and © Copyright 2014 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. and its relevant subsidiaries. CBS RADIO and EYE Logo TM and Copyright 2014 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

    Operation Jade Helm- Military trains for Martial Law in American South-West

    Joe McMaster


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    A couple months ago the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) stated that the number one threat to the United States is none other than its own citizenry. This isn’t some small group of spun out nuts or even groups of people that the government feels are too religious such as Waco Texas and The Branch Davidians. As far as Islam, they were not even mentioned in the report. Instead, huge swaths of American culture and people were listed as the most likely threat to our country. These were some of the groups listed; Christians, Home Schoolers, Members of the Tea Party, Constitutionalists, Preppers (people who can food), Militia and the terrorist group they are most concerned about is returning combat veterans of the United States of America.

    As 22-25 veterans commit suicide every day and they struggle with any real medical care, they are thanked by dying while dealing with the VA (Veterans Administration) and then listed as the number one threat to their country. Lately, it has become crystal clear that it’s become a culture in the VA. The directors are willing participants in the scheduling schemes and shell games. When they’re not collecting bonuses, they are making fun of veteran’s committing suicide (See what’s her name….)

    Moving right along, about a month later a reputable polling agency polled Americans and posed a simple, straight-forward question, What is the number one threat to America? The results were decisive loud and clear, The U.S. Government. The economy was second and Islamic terrorists a distant sixth in the poll results.

    In the previous years leading up to the government listing its citizens as its number one threat, they just happened to pass out a few thousand MRAP Armored vehicles of War, along with all kinds of military surplus weapons systems and night fighting optics.

    Then, in April of last year, the government stepped up its pace. They sent Federal SWAT teams to the State of Nevada where cattle were killed, women were assaulted, people were tased and the actions of a police state were right on the television and internet for the entire world to see.

    Fearing another Waco, Texas or Ruby Ridge, Idaho, people from all over the country responded to help Cliven Bundy and his family. The Federal SWAT teams and BLM finally lost their resolve and left, but only after shooting and running a lot of cattle to death and destroying a spring used for water.

    This takes us to the next step, a joint military LEA (Law Enforcement Agencies) exercise. This exercise is called, “Operation Jade Helm.” It is slated to last eight weeks and cover seven states in the American South west; Texas and Utah being listed as Hostile States, New Mexico being mostly hostile, Arizona being mostly Friendly and California, Nevada and Colorado all being friendly states. This exercise is under the command of the American Military’s most elite forces, USASOC (United States Army Special Operations Command). USASOC released an outline of the exercise and the units that will be involved.

    "We have Army Green Berets, Navy Seals, Marine Special Operations Command, the 82nd Airborne Division and we also have some of our inter-agency partners such as the DEA, FBI and the joint personnel recovery agency that will be working with us.”
    As a combat veteran, I find the direction and tone of this administration very disconcerting to say the least. The wounded veterans are looked at with a clear disdain via the leadership at the VA. The ones that were not wounded, were looked at like an enemy and placed on Terror lists. While The United States takes Hezbollah and Iran off the Terrorist list, I find it very hard to even accept what is taking place right in front of everyone, but nonetheless it certainly is.

    I do not see any situation that would call for American Elite Special Forces, Airborne combat units and operators to engage in Martial law in the United States.

    Army Special Operations Command pushes back against alarmist claims about upcoming exercise

    By Jon Harper Stars and Stripes

    Published: March 21, 2015

    U.S. Army Special Operations Command's unit insignia.

    WASHINGTON U.S. Army Special Operations Command is pushing back against alarmist claims that an upcoming U.S. military exercise is a preparation for imposing martial law or subduing right-leaning groups and individuals.

    Conspiracy theories about the exercise, known as JADE HELM 15, appeared online this week. Some commentators railing against the event referred to an online slide show allegedly created by USASOC, which outlined a special operations exercise slated to take place across multiple states, outside the confines of U.S. military bases. In the slide show, a map of the southwest region of the United States labels Texas and other territory as “hostile” or “insurgent pocket.” The document also refers to coordination with law enforcement agencies.

    Officials at USASOCM were not able to immediately verify the authenticity of the slide show because their computer firewalls prevented them from accessing the websites where the document appeared.

    Army Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a USASOC spokesman, confirmed that there is an upcoming exercise called Jade Helm 15 which is scheduled to take place this summer at locations in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, California and Nevada. But he denied the event is preparation for some sort of military takeover.

    “That notion was proposed by a few individuals who are unfamiliar with how and why USASOC conducts training exercises,” he said in an email. “This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment’s notice.”

    He said the only thing unique about this particular exercise, which is slated to take place between July 15 and Sept. 15, is “the use of new challenging terrain” which was chosen because it is similar to conditions special operations forces operate in overseas.

    Lastoria said coordination with local law enforcement is necessary for safety reasons because some of the training will take place outside of military bases where civilian agencies have jurisdiction.

    He said his office has been receiving a lot of calls from people who heard about the exercise and are concerned about “the nature of the training objectives.”

    Jade Helm 15 Is a False Flag Takedown the Power Grid In Order to Quell All Resistance

    by Dave Hodges | March 23, 2015 5:38 am

    In recent months, both North Korea and Iran have threatened to launch separate EMP attacks upon the United States. Is such an attack likely? Would a foreign entity dare to launch such an attack given the threats made by Iran and North Korea? However, the emerging information does not suggest that North Korea or Iran will be the perpetrator. They may get the blame for an upcoming false flag attack. However, the real perpetrator are likely to be the forces connected to JH 15 and the drills are providing cover for such an event. If an attack was launched upon the power grid, what would be the effects? These questions are the subject of this article.

    An EMP Attack Is An Utterly Devastating Event

    Short of a 3 mile-wide asteroid landing in the ocean, I cannot think of a more devastating event than an EMP attack. If anything, the scenarios I present in this article are on the very conservative side.

    I strongly concur with my Congressman, Trent Franks, that an EMP attack is the most devastating event that our country could ever face. Congressman Franks represents a small group of Congressmen who have desperately been trying to attract attention to the possibility that a nation-wide EMP attack would prove more devastating than if a dozen of our cities were to be hit by a nuclear attack.

    Our Power Grid Is Very Vulnerable

    When one considers the total devastation of an EMP attack, the Chinese would be fools to destroy their own assets. The NSA Director is lying and we are being set up for a false flag attack.

    Our power grid is susceptible to hurricanes, flooding, lightening strikes and Corona Mass Ejections (CME). The grid is also vulnerable to Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). Dr. John Casti, author of the book, X Events The Collapse of Everything states that EMP is only something that we have known about since the 1950’s when the United States detonated nuclear weapons in above-ground testing in the South Pacific. When one sets off a nuclear weapon, a pulse is emitted which “short circuits” all electronics and permanently damages them.

    In 2010, an executive summary from the Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission, warned that an EMP would destroy the power grid, or at minimum, would seriously damage it. The most malicious threat would be a High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP). A HEMP attack would have a devastating impact on all the normal channels of government coordination and communication, including intelligence and data gathering assets, and nuclear forensics. Indeed, with a severe societal breakdown, the basic continuity of government agencies would be at risk. Under such circumstances, it is judged unlikely that the source of a HEMP attack, given even a minimal attempt to disguise it, would ever be known.

    The Most Devastating Delivery Method of a HEMP[/h] Most experts agree that the most effective delivery method for a nation-wide EMP, or HEMP attack would be the Club-K Container Missile System.[6] In its advertised versions, it is designed for launching four or six cruise missiles; It could obviously be converted for a long-range ballistic missile. A Scud-D ballistic missile would fit quite easily into this container as well. These delivery devices would be readily available on the open market and a cargo ship could be rigged to launch such missiles. The North Koreans certainly have the capability to carry out such an attack. The Iranians might, depending on how much technological assistance they have received from Russia. Again, these countries are not going to carry out this attack, the coming attack scenario is setting up to blame these countries as a pretext for war. However, the real impetus for what is coming will be from inside the United States.

    This congressman has tried to warn the nation about the coming threat and he has publicly stated that 90% of all Americans would be dead within two years following an EMP attack.

    A Cross-Section of Effects of A HEMP[/h] Nearly all of the commercial sector is not protected. Most data backups of commercial systems are protected from just about every other threat, but not protected against EMP; and most data backups are located within the area likely to be affected by the EMP attack. Computer systems and the information they contain are especially vulnerable. In the old Dark Angel television series used to say, in the first episode of the old Dark Angel television series, ” . . . the electromagnetic pulse turned all the one and zeros into plain old zeros . . .”

    An EMP attack would literally send thousands of small and mid-sized businesses in the United States into bankruptcy in less than a millisecond. Other than your printed statements, the banks would have no records of your ledger sheet. You would lose all of your money in the bank.


    Education records would be destroyed and only hard copies of transcripts would serve as the remnants of an extinct system. If there is a silver-lining, at least Common Core would stop wreaking its havoc on American students before the damage was too widespread.


    America would see catastrophic conditions immediately take place in our hospitals and convalescent centers. Within a few days, old age homes would lack the resources and services of the staff to help preserve the lives of those who are virtually helpless. Patients on the operating table would stand a good chance of not surviving. Hospital backup generating systems would be rendered unusable. Food and water would become a scarce resource. Many hospital personnel would walk off the job by the beginning of the second or third day. The only medical personnel that would stay would be those that live too far away from home to walk. People would not be able to get their life-sustaining medications and services, most of which are electrically powered. Our worst fears would be realized.


    In one of the most dramatic effects, airplanes would fall[8] from the skies. Untold thousands of people would immediately be plunged to their deaths. And their deaths might be considered merciful compared to the fate that the majority of the rest of us would face over the next two years. Most automobiles will not work unless they have all pre-electrical parts. Even then how long would gasoline be available? Many people on the various subways, would be hopelessly trapped depending on the time that an electromagnetic pulse would be released. And we can all be sure, that the release of an EMP, through false flag planning, would occur at the optimal time to ensure the maximum loss of life.

    Schools and Children[/h] One of the most tragic developments arising from an EMP attack with the fate of schoolchildren geographically isolated from their parents who have already commuted to work. Reuniting parents and their children would be next to impossible for the majority of Americans who have a 30 minute commute or more to work (20 miles).

    If you were a teacher, how long would you stay on the job and ignore the welfare of your family?Getting home and reuniting with family will be problematic.


    Your cell phones, your land lines, text, twitter, emails and faxes will not work. Nearly all broadcast stations, especially television stations, would go off the air. Due to the high level of computerized automation, the equipment in most radio and television studios would be so completely destroyed that most commercial stations would be damaged beyond repair.

    According to a statement of Damon Penn, a DHS official,[9] made to a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives on July 8, 2011, a limited number of critical radio stations are being retrofitted with some EMP protection. However, most of us will be without the benefit of mass communication. Smoke signals anyone?
    Somewhere between 250,000 to 500,000 people will die in the first few minutes. Perhaps as many as 1-2 million would be dead within three days.

    Water Borne Diseases: The Number One Long-Term Threat

    The greatest threat to human survival, in the aftermath of HEMP, is the public’s availability to obtain clean drinking water. This access would be greatly imperiled.

    In 2010, when Haiti was hit by a major earthquake which killed over 200,000 people, the misery did not stop with the survivors. Six weeks following the earthquake, Haiti announced its first cholera outbreak in over a century. The cholera outbreak went on to claim 8000 more lives. The disease thrives in places where there is insufficient water treatment, poor sanitation and inadequate hygiene. This is what precisely would happen in most areas following an EMP attack.

    Keeping drinking water clean and separate from human sewage and other contaminates would prove to be humanity’s biggest challenge. Cholera would also prove to be the biggest threat to long term survival. It is likely that in the 24 months following the event, that most people, who will die as a result of this event, would succumb to cholera and other water-borne diseases.

    Cholera is a horrible disease which grants its victims a very painful and agonizing death. In the 20th century, human lifespan in United States increased by 35 years. Thirty of those 35 years was due to improvements in sanitation. Following an EMP attack, effective sanitation would all but disappear.

    Access to Water

    Human beings require approximately 2 Liters of water per day in order to survive. If we do not get that water, we will die in approximately 5 days. With regard to a HEMP attack, our water supplies are especially vulnerable. The power to distribute water is highly concentrated within the United States. Only eight municipalities provide 82% of the drinking water in the United States.

    There are multiple technologies which are used to pump water from the source to its final destination. Some require no electricity, however, most do. And even if your water system was powered by non-electrical means, how would the personnel and staff, who monitors and maintains your water supply, get to work without proper transportation?

    In all of Southern California, the water must make its way over mountains. What will happen when all electricity is gone? The resulting casualty rates stemming from civil disorder and death due to lack of water would be unimaginable.

    In a time of a HEMP attack, the availability of water, as well as the safety of water would come into question for the vast majority of Americans. The availability of clean water supplies would be the most critical threat and would claim the most victims.

    These grim possibilities makes one wonder why T. Boone Pickens is buying up the Ogallala reservoir. What does he know that the rest of us should know?

    Pickens is buying up the water supplies in America’s breadbasket.

    Food The food supply would be imperiled as well. What do crops need to grow? With hydroelectric power gone, where would the water come from for many food-growing regions in the country? Our food supplies would dry up and disappear, thus exacerbating the threat.

    Most people will perish within 30 days of famine, thus, making water shortages the greatest threat to survival.

    Social Chaos[/h] Survivors would undoubtedly form collectives to forcefully procure food and water. The levels of violence would be horrific. Yet, I was unable to locate any government or academic documents which attempted to project how bad it will get. It is safe to say that it will be a waste of time to call 911 and that every person would be under threat of attack 24/7/365.

    Good News! A Nationwide EMP Attack Is Not Likely. It is not likely that our entire nation will be hit by an EMP attack. First of all, the Chinese would never allow their proxy states (e.g. North Korea) or Russia’s proxy states (e.g. Iran) to launch a nationwide attack upon the grid because, for all intents and purposes, China owns a good portion of America’s assets and they are intent on realizing a profit from this ownership of our debt as evidenced by their domination of Inland Ports (e.g. Kansas City) and the newly created Solar Energy Zones (e.g. the Bundy Ranch Affair).

    What is more likely is that the United States will be hit with localized EMP attacks, as needed, in order to subdue more difficult areas, and this will be accompanied by an assault upon most of the regional power plants in the United States but EMP weapons would not be employed. The takedown of a power substation will eventually have the effect of an EMP attack without the devastating aftermath. It is certainly an effective means for the authorities to eliminate all dissent and resistance and believe it or not, that possibility of part of the Jade Helm 15 drill.


    Ex-Green Beret, John Moore and I have had several on-air conversations about how two eight-man Russian commando teams can take down a power grid, the size of the city of Metropolitan Phoenix which has a population of four million people. How does John Moore know the Russians can perform this feat? Because, we have the same capability. Under such a scenario, the temporary takedown of the grid would be recoverable and that would keep the Chinese creditors happy, however, the devastation would be similar to an EMP attack in terms of social chaos and the destruction of the American culture.

    JH 15 is our version of the Reichstag fire and the “Night of the broken glass” event all rolled into one.

    I have learned that the Jade Helm 15 (JH 15) drill is covertly practicing for the suspension of grid services to isolated communities who are hypothetically “resistant” to the takeover of the United States by foreign entities. In other words, although a nation-wide attack upon the grid is not likely, isolated attacks are likely as will be the takedown of most of the power grids of the United States without the use of EMP weapons.

    Further, it was announced that JH 15 would commence on July 15. However, I received credible and multiple reports that JH 15 is already underway and there is a lot about this drill that is not publicly available but the details are beginning to surface through back channels. A phone call to a trusted source revealed that JH 15 is indeed underway and attacks upon the power grid are part of the drill. In the meantime, we need to put all eyes on JH 15 as it relates to the topic of this article. However, there is a lot more that is beginning to surface about JH 15 that is equally devastating. Meanwhile, what is one to do with regard to an attack upon the grid? This will be the topic of a future article along with the JH 15 factor.

    Conspiracy groups question USASOC mission in Texas


    U.S. Army Special Operations Command says that, contrary to reports circulating on conspiracy websites, it has no plans to invade Texas.

    Some fringe websites have paraded a PowerPoint presentation, reportedly from USASOC, as evidence of Jade Helm 15, a series of military exercises across California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Texas. They say it will train the U.S. military to suppress American citizens rebelling in a coming military coup or civil war.

    The Army says Jade Helm is a real exercise and will take place in the Southwest, as the slides indicate. But USASOC spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria said that's the extent of the reports' accuracy.

    "It's a training exercise. Just a regular training exercise," Lastoria said of Jade Helm, which USASOC documentation references as a training exercise in at least one previous year as well.

    Lastoria said more information on the specifics of the exercise would be available Tuesday. He said USASOC could not immediately verify the slideshow, which says the exercises will take place from July 15 to Sept. 15.

    The documentation said the joint unconventional warfare exercise will consist of 1,200 service members, including special forces from all four branches, Marine expeditionary forces and the 82nd Airborne Division.

    Nothing in the presentation (with slides marked "unclassified") contradicts the assertion that Jade Helm is merely a training exercise. It does note that civilian areas could notice some effects; one slide lays out some details of the "increased military presence," including the potential for noise complaints and noting that personnel may be carrying weapons loaded with blanks.

    Conspiracy websites painted language regarding civilian impact as revealing of the true nature of the mission: to prepare for abducting dissidents from their homes.

    Many of the conspiracy sites have focused in on the selection of Texas as a "hostile" territory. To them, a high degree of libertarian support, pro-gun leanings and patriotism make Texas a target. The slides also mark Utah and a pocket in Southern California as "hostile," while New Mexico is "uncertain (leaning hostile)" and Arizona is "uncertain (leaning friendly)."

    The presentation slides say the area was chosen for its large undeveloped tracts of land and low population density. Texas in particular was chosen as the hub of the operation because it has been traditionally military-friendly, easing the impact or alarm the forces' presence might impose on localities, according to the slides. There is also a slide outlining safety measures, including keeping local authorities and communities informed regarding exercises.

    The headline on ******** reads "Feds preparing to invade Texas, list state as 'Hostile.'" Site founder Alex Jones said in a taped segment that it's likely preparation for military actions to follow an imminent financial collapse or the end of Barack Obama's presidential term. In another segment on the site, Joe Biggs — cited as a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq – said the exercises would prepare troops to "throw citizens in FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) camps," citing as evidence the military's desire to train in an environment similar to where they will fight.

    An article on All News PipeLine also connects the reports to what it alleges are "FEMA 'death domes' popping up across Texas," purportedly to house captured American insurgents.

    Domes Popping Up Across Texas Raise Alarm As Jade Helm 15 Invades Southwestern America With Texas Listed 'Hostile'

    By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

    With Jade Helm 15 coming to Texas, Utah, California and 4 more southwestern states for 'summer exercises' between July 15 and September 15 this year, numerous 'FEMA Domes' that are being rushed to completion across the state of Texas in locations such as Lumberton, Brownsville, Pancho Maples and Kingsville are raising alarm with many who view these structures as potential 'FEMA death domes', used to house 'insurgents' following the red and blue list round-up of gun owners, Christians and patriotic supporters of America and the US Constitution.

    "Despite that many will perceive the domes to be cleverly-disguised “FEMA camps” – which could potentially be used to shelter destitute populations during emergencies, such as a financial collapse – they also provide ample opportunities for the feds to weasel into Smalltown, USA and squander its pocketbooks."

    Described by the New York Times as 'dual-use domes', most of the time filled with cheering high school basketball fans (think Hillary Clinton's 'fun camps') but, 'come hurricane season', used as a 'nearly impenetrable shelters from the weather,' the NY Times story tells us that 28 of these buildings are being built and there is nothing standard at all about them: they'll have double-layer cinder-block walls reinforced by heavy-duty steel bars and cement piers that plunge 30 feet into the ground. (Difficult to get out of if the goal is keeping a group of people inside!)

    While evidence PROVING that the use of these fully air-conditioned domes will be used to house 'insurgents' is dubious at best and, according to the mainstream, they'll likely be used as command and control locations during 'emergencies', the urgency with which they are being built and the timing of Jade Helm 15 along with warnings of imminent economic collapse in America and the ever-lasting memory of the govt 'protecting' the residents of New Orleans at the Super-death-dome after Hurricane Katrina as shared in the 4th video below are a combined cause for concern. The 1st video is a new update from Sgt. Joe Biggs and TheAlexJonesChannel about SOCOM's plans to invade a 'hostile Texas' during Jade Helm 15.

    These domes can be inflated quite rapidly as seen in the images and 2nd and 3rd videos below.

    Military 'exercises' Jade Helm 15 have been receiving a lot of attention across the internet and features the states of Texas and Utah as well as a pocket of Southern California as insurgent territories (hostile to the goals of the NWO?)

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    More than just "a lot of attention" here.

    Matt Bracken is ALL Over this stuff on Facebook. He is warning about this one.

    I have heard some rumblings from "within" about this as well. Some government people are VERY unhappy with these exercises for some reason. That's generally not typical of people associated with the military and government to "complain" (yours truly, excepted) and they usually ignore what's happening around them in lieu of getting their jobs done, or avoiding appearing to NOT do their jobs.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Last edited by samizdat; March 24th, 2015 at 22:37. Reason: wronglink:trying to be helpful w/out comment

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    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Bracken: Operation Jade Conditioning

    Posted on March 24, 2015 | 43 Comments

    From Matt Bracken:

    Operation Jade Conditioning

    First, let’s cover what Joint Military Exercise Jade Helm 15 is not: it is not a covert plan for the military to conquer the Southwest and institute martial law. And no, the hundreds of special operations troops and thousands of other military personnel taking part in Jade Helm 15 are not bad guys who are out to establish tyranny in America. Those are straw man arguments, posited to be rejected.

    But the elimination of the straw men does not mean that Jade Helm 15 is benign. Reality check, please: does anybody reading this seriously believe that President Obama is contemplating dropping thousands of American troops across an area as vast as the space covered by Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen and Egypt? If you believe that, then I will give you a special discount when you buy any two of the eleven New York metro area bridges and tunnels that I currently own.

    Many will say, “But the Green Berets have been doing this kind of thing with exercises like Robin Sage for years and years. It’s exactly the same thing. It’s no big deal.” These people are either paid shills, or well-meaning but naïve dupes. Note the motto of Jade Helm 15: “Master the human domain.” From our military to our intelligence agencies to federal law enforcement, Social Network Analysis is a booming field, a field which is now stretched to include imposters and liars paid by the post to influence social media trends. This government-sponsored social media influencing begins in the understandable realm of legitimate foreign counter-terrorism, but today the all-seeing eye is increasingly aimed inward at perceived domestic threats.

    FTX Robin Sage and similar legitimate exercises typically take place across a few counties and involve coordination at the sheriff and state police level. The volunteer role-players are often old Special Forces guys or local farmers. One of them that I know was a decorated MACV/SOG hero who for years after his retirement played a mysterious guerrilla chieftain for the newbie Q-coursers. And in a younger age, I ran with a crowd that that pretended to blow up radio towers, bridges and fuel dumps with simulated demolition charges. We also did cross-country movements and escape and evasion training exercises in and out of uniform with a variety of weapons. This was done with the knowledge of the local authorities, to avoid people getting shot due to misidentification when crossing public and private spaces.

    But Robin Sage and other training exercises were never scaled up to become regional show-stopping extravaganzas spread across six large Western states, requiring real-time coordination between multiple governors, state police departments, county and city law enforcement jurisdictions, federal law enforcement agencies, and active duty military units from all branches of the service. No, Jade Helm is not Robin Sage. It’s not even Robin Sage on steroids.

    Will there be Robin Sage elements to Jade Helm? Of course. Embedded reporters will no doubt be sending back live video, visually establishing the overtly benign and beneficial impact of the exercise as Green Berets and SEALs freefall and fast-rope into their insertion points. An analysis of some of the information gleaned from the Jade Helm 15 informational packet suggests that some of the spec-ops troops will participate in cross-country movements of greater than fifty miles, humping rifles and rucks from Texas into New Mexico among other land routes. But that camo-paint and boot-leather Robin Sage visual is just camouflage for the genuine objectives of Jade Helm 15, which in my opinion are twofold:

    First: conditioning Americans to accept increasingly frequent and intrusive military and paramilitary police actions up close and personal. These will include low-altitude over-flights by military aircraft at all hours, plus roadblocks, checkpoints and denied out-of-bounds areas declared during so-called “realistic military training exercises” in and around Anytown, USA. Some of the military participants might be dressed as civilians, or even as enemy terrorists—foreign or domestic.

    That is to say, the troops will not necessarily be identifiable to John Q. Public as good old G.I. Joe. Instead, they might be dressed up like Jihad John, or even Redneck Jake. We will be told to mind our business, stay indoors, and trust those in authority who can see “the big picture.”

    “Hey Martha, what’s all that noise and commotion? It sounds like World War Three is breaking out across the highway downtown!”

    “Oh, don’t worry, George. The Army is just doing another urban warfare drill. I saw it on TV.”

    Google keywords like “military drill training exercise urban warfare helicopters” and see how many of our cities have already been treated to simulated “Black Hawk Down” battles, complete with booming explosions, midnight helicopters swooping at rooftop level, and plenty of ratatat-tat. Step by step we are being conditioned to living in a battlefield state of mind. Full dress rehearsals for all-out urban warfare are becoming the new normal in the Land of the Free.

    To what purpose? Well, to what purpose does the chef slowly turn up the heat under the frog pot? If and when the time comes that the federal government decides to eliminate some pesky nests of sedition in the name of national security, folks living just a few miles away will simply yawn and change television channels, placid as cows chewing cud. Operation Jade Conditioning: mission accomplished.

    The second objective of Joint Military Exercise Jade Helm 15 is to practice simultaneously operating all of the control levers of armed federal power on American soil, from major military units and federal law enforcement agencies down to the state police and local law enforcement. (Posse Comitatus? Heavens, no. It’s just a training exercise!)

    When the time comes to eliminate those pockets of bitterly-clinging dead-enders standing in the way of social progress that Team Obama seems to hate with far greater vigor than it hates the Islamic State or Al Qaeda, the federal bosses will already know which county sheriffs and chiefs of police are “reliable.” That is, reliable in the KGB or Stasi meaning of the world. Click your heels, Sheriff, and set up the roadblocks as instructed. It’s a federal order! Do it just like we did it last year.

    Again, it’s Operation Jade Conditioning. Ditto for our generals being conditioned to take orders from civilian bureaucrats for military deployments directly into American cities and towns.

    That’s my opinion. Or, you can choose to believe that President Obama is actually getting our military primed and ready for simultaneous spec-ops team insertions across the entire Middle East from Egypt to Iran, and Syria to Yemen, the same geographical area covered by Joint Military Exercise Jade Helm 15.

    It’s your choice to believe that, if you wish.

    43 responses to “Bracken: Operation Jade Conditioning”

    gamegetterII | March 24, 2015 at 08:17 | Reply
    Reblogged this on Starvin Larry and commented:
    Methinks Bracken is spot on with his analysis.

    Joe | March 24, 2015 at 15:19 | Reply

    Read ‘em and THINK.

    SOCOM 2020 Strategy Forging the Tip of the Spear

    (RC#8) US Army Doctrine and Belligerent Occupation Circa 2004


    USAMPS-Civil Disturbance Operations

    REX 84 - US Army - Internment Resettlement.pdf

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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Thanks sami for finding that and thanks vector for posting sami's link to Bracken's stuff!

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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Most welcome guys.

    Green Berets Are Coming to Aggieland

    Posted by Bill Oliver Featured Stories, News Thursday, February 26th, 2015

    Logo of JADE HELM 15, the nickname of the realistic military training exercise.

    This August, Brazos County will be invaded by the Green Berets.

    County commissioners earlier this month approved the U.S. Army’s request to conduct realistic military training.

    Spokesman Tom Mead from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, says it’s part of JADE HELM 15, an exercise involving multiple military branches that will take place in seven states over an eight week period.

    The Green Berets will be freshening up on their skills in unconventional warfare. Mead, who served 20 years in Army special forces, says it’s similar to the United States helping the French Underground after Germany captured France during World War II.

    Mead says training will be based on the Texas A&M Riverside campus. There will also be increased aircraft activity at night in and out of Easterwood Airport.

    Other Texas locations for the mass training includes Caldwell and Bastrop.

    Mead says other participants includes the Navy Seals, Air Force and Marine special operations, and the 82nd Airborne Division.

    Click below to listen to the county commission presentation.

    021015 Realistic Military Training presentation

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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    What is “Jade Helm” And Why Could it Ruin Your Summer

    Rlgrimes 03/20/2015Opinion, Politics
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    Starting July 15th and running through September 15th, the Special Operations Command of the United States Military will be conducting a military training drill. But this is not going to be just any drill, its theater of operations will include much of the Southwestern United States, from California to Texas. So massive is the area of operations, it begs for a closer look at the objectives. On the surface one might think that it was an exercise that was set up in response to the huge maneuvers that Russia held earlier this year, but the fact is that this operation has been planned for much longer than the Russian operations.

    Many people both in and out of the media have assumed that “Jade Helm” was to be a training exercise to test and develop tactics to protect the Southwest from an invasion by a foreign government, drug cartels, or possibly terrorist organization. However, the Operational Plan for the exercise clearly shows that this drill is about the implementation of martial law and the subsequent pacification and subjugation of the American people by their government.
    The pretext of the operation is that the citizens of several states have risen up against the tyranny of their government and are forming their own union. Texas, Utah and Southern California have all told Washington to take a hike. This drill is also about martial law being used as a preventative measure in states which “might” lean towards civil war against the government siding with the other states, (i.e. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico).

    Jade Helm is more than just a military exercise. The operational elements include both military and law enforcement units along with electronic warfare and even DHS and FEMA resources. Within the overall objectives are test cases that deal with the isolation of entire towns, both physically and electronically. Simultaneously cutting off the flow of both goods and services and information in and out of selected areas. Other exercises included in the overall plan concentrate on the removal and detention of high value provocateurs and officials. All this makes Jade Helm the most concerning operation to have ever been conducted on American soil.

    So what is the true purpose of Jade Helm? According to sources inside the Department of Homeland Security, It is an eight week test of current plans to reduce and control events and populations engaged in unconventional warfare against the authority of the government of the United States and to test the working relationships that exists between the armed forces and the law enforcement agencies in the affected areas.

    The use of the words, “unconventional warfare” makes it clear that this exercise is not dealing with a “Red Dawn” style invasion involving foreign subjects, but either one or more of the Southwestern States trying to throw off the yoke of an oppressive government, the Reconquista movement trying to break away from the United States or drug cartels trying to establish a Narco Terrorist State thanks to the unrestricted access given them by the administration. Unconventional Warfare means the guerrilla warfare nature of the anticipated and rehearsed conflict of an out gunned population against a superior force. Therefore, it can be surmised that Jade Helm is not preparing for a foreign invasion, but rather one of American citizens fighting for their rights. Based on all these facts, from both inside and outside the government, Jade Helm, is a massive rehearsal for martial law implementation as well as implementing the proverbial and long rumored Red and Blue List and the “snatch and grab” extractions of key resistance figures from the Independent Media as well as uncooperative political figures.

    The operations planner for the U.S. Army’s Jade Helm realistic military training, Thomas Mead, has publicly stated that “We have Army Green Berets, Navy Seals, Marine Special Operations Command, the 82nd Airborne Division and we also have some of our inter-agency partners such as the DEA, FBI and the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) that will be working with us.” The use of Green Berets, Navy Seals and Special Operations Command forces speaks to the unconventional composition of the overall makeup of this group. Among the many duties for these three Special Operations groups include infrastructure raids, assassination of key enemy personnel, reconnaissance, and extraction of key enemy personnel for detention and/or intelligence gathering. These are just the type of forces that would be used should an operation be ordered to activate the much fabled “RED LIST”.

    This for those that don’t know, is the name given a list with contains the names and whereabouts of key resistance figures that would be kidnapped and “dealt with” in advance of the implementation of martial law. A detailed analysis of the language of Jade Helm has convinced me that we are looking at the implementation of the “snatch and grab” of key resistance figures to the coming marital law. Sources have said that in past drills of this nature, Red List extraction troops are helicoptered in the early morning hours (e.g. 3 AM) land, offload personnel and extract the intended targets, SWAT team style.

    The Jade Helm overview, even has a section entitled What to Expect. Operation planners state that the public should anticipate “increased aircraft in the area at night” and that law enforcement “May receive noise complaints”. Typically helicopters are used to transport troops and extract targets in operations of this type and they are usually conducted at night. In fact, the same section goes on to state that “Role players” will be participating in Jade Helm. “Some individuals (i.e. civilian insurgents) may conduct suspicious activities” What would a “suspicious activity” for the purpose of this drill, be? Would it consist of pretending to be dragged off to a FEMA camp at 3 A.M.? Would it be engaging in simulated insurgency activities associated with guerrilla war strategies? There are so many possibilities and they are all associated with civilian resistance against a tyrannical force.

    The scariest admission of all however, is that JPRA, will be included in these “games”. The Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) maintains a series of training sites whose subject matter includes:

    “Prisoners of war; hostages and detainees; evasion and escape; search and rescue; Prison survival techniques and experiences; geography and cartography, natural science, ethnology, and country studies; terrorism; military and Naval science; natural and emergency medicine.” While most of the topics contained in JPEA training have to do with skills needed by POW’s to survive if captured, one can find an interesting topic called Detainees. Here is an excerpt from their manuals.

    Restricted U.S. Army Internment and Resettlement Operations Manual

    FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations

    In section 1-10 of 3-39.40, “A Civilian detainee is a civilian who is interned during armed conflict, occupation, or other military operation for security reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an offense against the detaining power.”

    In section 3-56 of 3-39.40, the following draconian provisions are applied to “detainees“:

    • “Develops PSYOP products that are designed to pacify and acclimate detainees or DCs to accept U.S. I/R facility authority and regulations (Author’s note: “PSYOP Products” such as the use of torture such as water-boarding and sleep deprivation).
    • Gains the cooperation of detainees to reduce the number of guards needed.
    • Identifies malcontents, trained agitators, and political leaders within the facility who may try to organize resistance or create disturbances.
    • Develops and executes indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes (i.e. brainwashing of detainees).
    • Identifies political activists.
    • Plans and executes a PSYOP program that produces an understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.”

    The use of the word “detainee” is conspicuous and you can see, it has specific meaning with regard to a Red List extraction action. In effect, this is the black site for political dissidents. Both Jade Helm and the FM 3-39.40 are both Army manuals written exclusively on dealing with civilian personnel in martial law settings. Under the NDAA, designating select citizens as a detainee and holding them indefinitely is legal under this unconstitutional legislation.

    In the operations foreword, the States of Utah and Texas are listed as hostile states along with part of Southern California. These states are not geographically contiguous.

    Subsequently, we are looking at Jade Helm as being the suppression of pockets of civil resistance. The use of the 82nd Airborne is also suggestive of the fact that the authorities anticipate that there could be civilian militias rising up, perhaps in combination with veterans groups and possibly military units loyal to the citizens of the United States.

    • - New Mexico is listed as leaning towards being hostile.
    • -California, Nevada and Colorado are listed as being loyal, “permissive”, to military authority and martial law.
    • -Arizona is listed as “unknown”, but leaning toward being friendly.

    In the plan overview, repeated reference is made about the cooperation between the Department of Defense (DOD) and local law enforcement (LEA). After reading this document, Program 1033 started to make a lot of sense. It is the militarization of local police with former military equipment (tanks, machine guns, etc.). It is interesting to note that it was the NDAA legislation that created Program 1033. Obviously, the purpose of this is to turn the local police into a martial law occupation force.

    I am very concerned that DHS, listed as an inter-agency partner, is a part of this drill for the following reasons: I believe a significant number of American military will NOT fire upon American citizens. What seems logical and something that should frighten all Americans is to wonder if DHS will be a part of Jade Helm? Especially with all the ammunition they purchased last year.

    It is clear, that the U.S. military along with the current administration and their minions believes, or hopes, that there is going to be something happen that is so catastrophic that an American Civil War will ensue. The cause of such an uprising is not important at this time, you can pick any number of reasons, and they will probably all be wrong. What is important, is that our military, and the very people that are charged with protecting us from enemies both foreign and domestic, are combining to hold a two month long training exercise whose scope is one of putting down a domestic insurrection against a government gone wild. God knows we have the government, and it is only a matter of time before we have such an uprising.

    JADE HELM 15: Two States Added Exercises to Include ‘Surgical Strikes’ And ‘Extractions’

    Rlgrimes 03/24/2015News, Opinion, Politics

    When we first brought you the information on Operation Jade Helm 15, a lot of people ignored it. But in recent days, interest in just what is going on has risen considerably. With that interest, more information has started to come out that makes it even more threatening than it was before.

    U.S Army Special Operations Command is having to push back against ‘alarmists claims’ that we’re actually witnessing ‘martial law-style’ drills according to Stars and Stripes. Meanwhile, 2 more states, Florida and Mississippi, have had “exercises” added to their states that will include ‘surgical strikes’ and ‘extractions’ according to a news conference addressing Jade Helm 15.

    Interestingly, the US military in general. is unable to view websites reporting on Jade Helm 15 due to their firewall settings which prevents them from accessing ‘truth’, i.e. Conservative Websites. Here is an excerpt from the Stars and Stripes story:

    Officials at USASOCM were not able to immediately verify the authenticity of the (Jade Helm 15) slide show because their computer firewalls prevented them from accessing the websites where the document appeared.

    When Jade Helm 15 originally broke on the internet, government trolls and the uninformed immediate pounced all over the comment sections of websites reporting the story, calling it false, made-up, fiction, and videographer Lorri Anderson addresses the trolls in the video below, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Jade Helm 15 exercises are ‘real’ via the words of Jade Helm Operations Planner Thomas Meade who tells us himself that additional operations will be held in Florida and Mississippi in addition to the other 7 states previously reported.

    Many questions surround Jade Helm 15 such as, why would Texas be listed as ‘hostile’? One answer for that could be that only 2 years ago, over 125,000 people petitioned the White House requesting that Texas be allowed to peacefully secede from the Union, a petition that was unsuccessful.

    Another reason could be that just last month, the judge in the lawsuit against Obama’s Executive Amnesty case issued an injunction against the government and is currently considering sanctions against it for violations.

    Still many wonder why these exercises are only being held at night. According to a several military planners, when such exercises lose the element of surprise, they must be modified or scrapped all together. Operations carried out in the late pre-dawn hours have the best chance of going undetected as this is the time that humans are the least observant.

    There Is Nothing False About This Flag, Troops Movements, Foreign Soldiers And Reports From Military Insiders Indicate The US Government Is Going To War Against It's People

    March 24, 2015

    By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

    A large number of events have occurred over the last few years, all steps leading toward the complete takeover of America.

    We have seen veterans attacked and demonized, religious groups labeled as extremists, conservatives, constitutionalists, survivalists all declared a greater threat than the terror group ISIS, our sovereignty handed over to the UN, foreign troops training on American soil, NATO vehicles brought in to the US, and more recently, military exercises geared toward "uncoventional warefare," to be practiced in America while treating "gun-friendly" states as "hostile terrority."

    That and much more will be shown, with source links, below.


    First and foremost is American sovereignty to which in September 2013 the Obama administration signed on and supported a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation to which Senator Jim Inhofe was quoted as saying "The administration is wasting precious time trying to sign away our laws to the global community and unelected U.N. bureaucrats."

    Under the guise of "protecting" the global community, the Obama administration is willing to sign away America's Second Amendment rights and hand the UN the right to invade US in order to disarm gun-owners.

    The treaty covers battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, large-caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile launchers, and small arms and light weapons.

    Emphasis mine.

    In June 2014, Activist Post ran across a very disturbing UN help wanted ad, stating "These positions are located in field missions of Peace Operations. The DDR Officer typically reports to the head of a work unit or to a senior official responsible for DDR operations in a field location, though this may vary depending on the mission structure. The focus of these jobs is to lead the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of DDR programmes, operations and other related activities in the country or region concerned."

    According to that report there was no other reference to a "country or region concerned" other than the "duty station" in New York which is also the location of U.N. headquarters.

    For those unaware of what DDR stands for, it is clearly stated in the UN header shown below.


    Along with countless eyewitness reports of encounters with foreign troops in America, it was reported in 2013 that for the "first time in history" the Obama administration "invited Chinese troops to train with our military on U.S. Soil," just weeks after Chinese state run media reported that China had nuclear submarines capable of wide spread attacks against the US.

    In August 2013 it was reported that 15,000 Russian troops were requested by the Obama administration for a “training” exercise on US soil to "assist FEMA" during emergencies and disasters. That followed May 2012 news of Russian troops carrying out "joint anti-terrorism drills in America, with Huffington Post stating it marked the "fist time Russians have trained on US soil."

    It is noteworthy that both China and Russia are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to which the Obama administration signed away America's sovereignty to, meaning the UN could request both Chinese and Russian troops invade the US in order to disarm gun owners, using the "small arms and light weapons" language which is part of the UN treaty on arms regulations, shown above.


    For the last five years we have seen countless videos taken by concerned citizens of UN armored vehicles being transported all across America, video after video uploaded and distributed across the Internet, with many asking if they are simply manufactured in America, but no official word where these UN armored vehicles are coming from or where they are being delivered.

    One such example is shown below this article, but anyone can go to the YouTube search page and see the vast amount of proof that they are here.

    There are also eyewitness reports, without images or videos, stating that they saw military vehicles flying a NATO flag as recent as March 2015. Below is an email forwarded to ANP:

    Wanted to let you know what my boyfriend, his brother and I saw Sunday3/21/15. Coming south on hwy 71 from Cleveland back to Loveland Ohio we saw going northbound on 71 approximately 45 camo. and military typevehicles..on one of them a Nato flag was flying..the others had nothing to show what they were..unnerved me..thought i'd let you know

    In addition to multiple reports of encounters with foreign military in the US, a 2013 eyewitness report, with photos, states "I recently received a report being distributed by a "Sherrie Questioning All" of Tennessee. (Full name removed at her request.)She had taken photographs of DHS armored vehicles being delivered from Kentucky to Tennessee. What makes this interesting is that the drivers were not AMERICAN military, but rather FOREIGN military troops driving these vehicles." It continues on to say "When American people spoke to these foreign drivers, they detected they were either Russian or Eastern European/Slavic in background."


    In a recent ANP article titled "The Endgame Is Here! America Surrenders Militarily While Preparing For War Against US Citizens," we went over how the Obama administration has purged hundreds of military commanders, weakened and dismantled out US Military while Russia, China and others are strengthening theirs. Included in that report was a section labeled "US GOV'T PREPARES FOR WAR ON IT'S OWN CITIZENS," where we noted that while defense spending has been decreased, DHS funding has been increased, while recent actions on the part of the Obama administration and associated federal government agencies has turned US citizens into the enemy.

    Via that report:

    DHS has labeled "right wing extremists" a greater threat than the terror organization titled ISIS, who behead journalists and aid workers, kill Christians across the global, burned a Jordanian pilot in a cage, then filmed it all and released the videos to the public. In 2013 it was reported that Army training material listed Evangelical Christians, Catholics and some Jews as "religious extremists," alongside "the Ku Klux Klan, Hamas and al-Qaeda."

    Perhaps one of the most disturbing, visual examples of the type of "targets" our militarized police are being trained to take out, comes from 2013 reports, where it was revealed that law enforcement agencies were using actual targets that represented the threat.... of "pregnant women," and "children."

    Images of those "targets" are provided in the article linked above.

    Which brings us to the present day, where news of the military training exercise set to take place, named "Jade Helm," actually lists US states as hostile as our military trains in "unconventional warfare" against Americans. While the US military is pushing back hard, calling those very concerned about this type of exercise "conspiracy theorists, former military experts are calling this "unprecedented and dangerous."


    Whether it is an economic collapse, a natural disaster or any other scenario which could cause nationwide chaos, the steps outlined above been taken in a carefully orchestrated manner, incrementally as to appear as separate individual events, but which creates the perfect conditions of a UN takeover of America, nullifying the US Constitution and pulling the US into a "one world government" subject to global laws rather than American laws. Those that would stand up against that, fight for American sovereignty, have already been labeled "the enemy."

    Note - Many may see the series of actions shown above, in a different light, we don't ask readers to connect the dots as we have, we DO ask readers to utilize their brain and their serach engines, click the links above or find others, and come to their own conclusions.

    Feel free to debate those conclusions in the comment section below.... we only ask that readers be civil to one another, discuss, debate, or even try to debunk, but do not attack one another.

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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    The 'Big Event' in America: JADE HELM 15

    Published on Mar 29, 2015
    Facebook Page:
    Martial Law training exercises across the country this past week as the REAl ID will become mandatory next year the big event prophecy has now begun.

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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    The question is, how do we KNOW this is "martial law exercises"?

    Can anyone lay that out in a list?
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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Isn't it obvious? If Operation Jade Helm were happening in any other country, it would be immediately labeled a military drill for martial law

    Monday, March 30, 2015
    by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
    Tags: Operation Jade Helm, military drill, martial law

    (NaturalNews) I'm always amazed at how people can be programmed by the mainstream media to ignore the obvious reality happening right in front of their eyes. Right now, America is being lulled into a hypnotic sense of denial while military training for martial law is happening right in their own neighborhoods and city streets. Yet, strangely, no one is allowed to refer to this exercise as training for martial law... even though that's obviously what it is.

    Most Americans remain totally unaware of the fact that a massive military drill spanning 10 U.S. states will soon put military troops, helicopters, armored transports and military weapons directly on the streets of communities across the nation. "Operation Jade Helm begins in July and will last for eight weeks," reports the Daily Mail. "Soldiers will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado where some of them will drop from planes while carrying weapons loaded with blanks in what military officials have dubbed Realistic Military Training."

    The military drill labels Texas and Utah "hostile territory," where military special ops personnel are supposed to try to covertly move among the public, undetected. As reported in the Houston Chronicle:

    "They're going to set up cells of people and test how well they're able to move around without getting too noticed in the community," said Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff's Office. "They're testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover."

    Operation Jade Helm is fully described in this unclassified document which was first publicized by ******** and All News Pipeline. Both sites were heavily criticized for suggesting this martial law drill was a martial law drill... in precisely the same way anyone who says the stock market reflects a massive bubble is also heavily criticized even though the stock market, indeed, reflects a massive bubble (it is wildly overvalued thanks to the Fed's money creation schemes).

    It is notable in America that Brian Williams, the discredited NBC news anchor who lied to the world about his fictitious journalism escapades, was suspended for six months for lying. Had he been caught telling the truth about the real news, however, he would have been fired for life.

    In America today, no truthful analysis or reporting is allowed on any subject that really matters, and the primary function of the news media is to conduct elaborate theater that distracts people from the real world happening around them. Part of this effort involves programming people to psychologically delete from their awareness things which are happening right in front of them. (Is this really possible? Absolutely. Read about the invisible gorilla on the basketball court experiment in which people fail to see a gorilla right in front of them...)

    Mainstream media says there's nothing to worry about when the military infiltrates your local cities and towns

    "Covert warfare coming to Texas sparks some fears of federal takeover," reports the Houston Chronicle. And ********.com, which has been digging into this story better than any other news outlet at the moment, has even more to report. As the Daily Mail recites:

    [Alex Jones] warns that Jade Helm is simply 'an effort to test the effectiveness of infiltration techniques' on the American public.

    'They're having Delta Force, Navy SEALS with the Army trained to basically take over,' Info Wars' Alex Jones said Sunday. 'Texas is listed as a hostile sector, and of course, we are...We're here defending the republic.' predictably calls any concern about the martial drills "alarmist" and insists this is all about national security. "This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment's notice," USASOC spokesman Army Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria said as reported by Stripes.

    Stripes, however, does not explain the peculiar choice of training grounds for the military: the streets, parks and properties of towns and cities across America. Since when did the military declare your local community a covert ops training theater for armed soldiers and war equipment?

    Martial law training already underway on the streets of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

    An important video from DahBoo777 describes capturing a scene of apparent martial law training in downtown Fort Lauderdale just two nights ago.

    As you can see from the still photos taken from the video, soldiers equipped with night vision gear and rifles are now on the streets:

    In this apparent martial law training drill caught on video, "arrested" citizens are rounded up and forced to march single file, led by an armed soldier with night vision gear and a rifle. This marching arrangement is exactly the way prisoners of war are marched into prison camps in a war scenario:

    Here, soldiers are practicing arresting citizens at gunpoint after throwing them to the ground:

    Apache helicopters are conducting landings and takeoffs right in the middle of the city:

    A partial squad of soldiers patrols the street as part of the round-up "practice arrest" of citizens:

    Watch the full video here:

    Reality check: This would be called a "martial law drill" in any other nation

    Let's step back for a minute and ask the question of how the U.S. press would report on exactly the same military operations if they were taking place in a nation like Russia.

    Suppose Russia decided to deploy soldiers, helicopters, tanks and covert operations units in the border near Ukraine, or Georgia or anywhere that it might currently label "hostile territory." The deployment of military personnel in civilian areas to conduct operations in the very back yards of everyday citizens would likely be condemned by the U.S. State Department as a "form of military intimidation of the population."

    If North Korea, China or Pakistan conducted a Jade Helm military drill in their own civilian cities and towns, such activities would be immediately and accurately seen by the West as drills for military-enforced martial law.

    But when such drills take place in America, any person who points out the obvious intent of the activity is immediately branded a lunatic. When martial law military drills happen in the United States, we're told, they really aren't martial law military drills at all. Nope. You're just imagining that you're seeing armed soldiers with night vision gear conducting mass arrests of citizens on the streets of America. (You're not supposed to see the gorilla standing right in front of you...)

    But is it really crazy to point out that the military has no need whatsoever to train among civilian populations unless that same military plans to engage those civilians in a martial law scenario? After all, how is this training more "realistic" if the populations being targeted in the training aren't in the crosshairs of some future planned military action?

    The idea that training among small towns in the USA is supposed to provide "realism" for operating in Afghanistan or Iraq is utterly absurd. For one thing, small towns in America don't have teams of local rebels setting up roadside IEDs to destroy humvees and their occupants. Special Forces operatives are more likely to encounter people hurrying their way to Starbucks than trying to run any sort of armed resistance actions.

    No, military training on the streets of America isn't "realistic" training for fighting wars overseas. It's only "realistic" for military action that takes place on the streets of America itself.

    Jade Helm seems designed to provoke violent conflict with Texas ranchers

    Even worse, this idea that U.S. military special forces operatives are supposed to be sneaking around small towns in Central Texas is almost begging for an escalation of potentially violent conflict with private ranch owners, most of whom are well armed and constantly dealing with illegal immigrants trespassing and stealing valuables from their property.

    The staging of military drills in rural Texas seriously concerns me. Although no Texas rancher would knowingly open fire on U.S. soldiers -- Texans are generally very supportive of the military and especially of veterans -- don't the Pentagon's covert activities raise the risk of a friendly fire shooting incident in places like rural Texas where a squad of soldiers might be mistaken for an armed gang of thieves?

    As a simple matter of fact, Texas ranch owners don't take kindly to strangers tromping across their fields in the middle of the night. Are special forces soldiers seriously going to move cross country through Central Texas, across private ranches in the middle of the night, in firearms range of private property owners who are already have itchy trigger fingers due to the illegal immigration crime wave that's threatening them?

    The Pentagon's choice of central Texas as a covert ops training ground seems to be extremely irresponsible and possibly even intended as a provocation of either accidental friendly fire or direct hostilities between rural Texans and the U.S. military. Anyone familiar with Texas culture can't help but realize the active labeling of Texas as "hostile territory" appears to be a deliberate attempt by the Pentagon to provoke such hostilities in Texas and possibly use such provoked hostilities to justify a heightened military presence in the targeted areas.

    That's how a martial law drill could very quickly become active martial law for real.

    A violation of U.S. law

    Anyone who thinks the U.S. military is training in Bastrop, Texas so that they can fight enemy insurgents in Fallujah is failing to see the gorilla in the room. Operation Jade Helm is, without question, an illegal martial law drill intended to prepare the troops for deployment against civilian populations in America. Its very existence is a direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act which prohibits the U.S. military from functioning as domestic police.

    My analysis? This looks very likely to be part of military readiness training for the social chaos that's likely to follow the inevitable global debt collapse. Come to think of it, when all that hits the fan, you and everybody else will probably BEG the military to take control of the cities and quell the rioting that's sure to follow.
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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Special forces set to swarm Southwest and operate undetected among civilians in massive military exercise

    • Operation Jade Helm will see 1,200 service members including Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines in July
    • Soldiers armed with blank rounds will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado for 8 weeks
    • The so-called Realistic Military Training has some residents fearful the drill is a preparation for martial law

    By Reporter
    Published: 19:41 EST, 26 March 2015 | Updated: 23:56 EST, 28 March 2015

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    Seven Southwestern states will soon be infiltrated by 1,200 military special ops personnel as part of a controversial domestic military training in which some of the elite soldiers will operate undetected among civilians.
    Operation Jade Helm begins in July and will last for eight weeks. Soldiers will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado where some of them wil drop from planes while carrying weapons loaded with blanks in what military officials have dubbed Realistic Military Training.
    But with residents of the entire states of Texas and Utah dubbed 'hostile' for the purposes of the exercises, Jade Helm has some concerned the drills are too realistic.
    Scroll down for video


    Hostile: An unclassified military document reveals the states involved in a controversial multi-agency training exercises that will place 1,200 military personnel into 7 Southwest states--with residents of Utah, Texas and part of Southern California designated as 'hostile'

    Special ops: Operation Jade Helm will involve Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines starting in July and lasting 8 weeks

    Headlines like Freedom Outpost's 'Operation Jade Helm—military trains for martial law in American South-west' abound across the Right-leaning blogosphere and Info Wars warns that Jade Helm is simply 'an effort to test the effectiveness of infiltration techniques' on the American public.
    'They're having Delta Force, Navy SEALS with the Army trained to basically take over,' Info Wars' Alex Jones said Sunday. 'Texas is listed as a hostile sector, and of course, we are...We're here defending the republic.'
    The Houston Chronicle reports that, among the planned exercises, soldiers will attempt to operate undetected among civilian populations.
    Residents, in turn, will be asked to report suspicious activity in order to gauge the effectiveness of the soldiers.
    Military officials say they've gotten the go ahead for the operations from local authorities such as mayors and county commissions.
    And sheriff's deputies told the Houston Chronicle they would ensure residents living near where aircraft were slated to create disturbances and drop soldiers, civilian and military vehicles will barrel through and where blank rounds would be fired.
    Jim Stewart with the Brazos County, Texas Sheriff's Office told the Chronicle that such exercises are far from anything new.
    'Special ops for years have trained off-post for years, where they go out and have folks that are role players out on the economy,' said the Army intelligence veteran. 'They'll have a scenario they'll be following and they'll interact with these role players as if they're in another country.'
    However, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command themselves say Jade Helm is different.
    Texas judge denies Operation Jade Helm is martial law plot

    See more at KEYE-TV


    Reassuring? Sheriff's deputies say they will ensure residents living near where aircraft were slated to create disturbances and drop soldiers, civilian and military vehicles will barrel through and where blank rounds would be fired [FILE PHOTO]


    Texas, which the military has designated as 'hostile' for the purposes of the training, was chosen to be a hub of the unprecedentedly large program because 'Texans are historically supportive of efforts to prepare our soldiers' writes the USASOC

    'The size and scope of Jade Helm sets this one apart. To stay ahead of the environmental challenges faced overseas, Jade Helm will take place across seven states,' the USASOC wrote in a March 24 release.

    'The diverse terrain in these states replicates areas Special Operations Soldiers regularly find themselves operating in overseas.'

    The military has also reacted to widespread fear of the operation by calling some ultra-conservative coverage of the 'martial law' drills alarmist and inaccurate.

    'That notion was proposed by a few individuals who are unfamiliar with how and why USASOC conducts training exercises,' USASOC spokesman Army Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria told Stripes.

    'This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment's notice.'
    Jade Helm Martial Law WW3 Prep Document 2 by All News Pipeline
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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Death Domes Are the End Game for Jade Helm 15

    29 Mar, 2015 by Dave Hodges

    The new dome in Edna, Tex., will also serve as a high school gymnasium. The $2.5 million structure, mostly financed by FEMA, is designed to withstand winds of up to 200 miles per hour. Credit David J. Phillip/Associated Press

    I have been incapacitated for the past 36 hours and am still not able to speak clearly. However, that does not mean that the flow of information regarding Jade Helm 15 has slowed down.

    With regard to Jade Helm 15, there are enigmas upon mysteries based upon false flag events. And the biggest false flag event is tied to the notion that Russians have penetrated the territorial boundary of the lower 48. Yes, it is true that the Russians have a presence inside of the United States courtesy of the Obama administration. However, the notion that the Russians are preparing to arm Texas-based insurgents who favor withdrawing from the United States, is not true. The following does represent accurate reporting in so far of what has been released. However, the following represents a PSYOPS operation. In other words, it is a false flag.

    The False Flag Premise

    According to this scenario, The United States is arming the military forces of Georgia and the insurgents in Kiev. Russia views these actions by the U.S. as an act of war. In retaliation, Russian troops have been infiltrating the United States via Canada and they plan to support a civil war in the American Southwest which will commence in Texas. This premise further states that Jade Helm 15 (JH 15) is designed to stop the Russian attempts to ferment a civil war inside of the United States.
    Jade Helm 15 and Common Sense

    This information is flawed on its face. Geographically, it makes no sense for the Russians to initiate an action by coming in through Canada, which would be thousands of miles from their intended action. It makes infinitely more sense to initiate such an insurgency close to the target, in Mexico, where there is no security to speak of. Further, if JH15 is designed to thwart this Russian action, then why isn’t the drill being initiated at the point of territorial penetration, namely near the Canadian border. Also, Canada and the United States have very strong mutual defense treaties. If Russians were coming through our northern border without the permission of the Obama administration, the Canadians are obligated to act.
    Jade Helm 15 and the “Leaked” Russian Plans to Start a Civil War in Texas

    What we are witnessing here is an attempt on the part of the Obama administration to plant stories which support the Russian intent to wreak havoc inside our country. And they are doing it by hiding their disguised purpose in plain sight.

    No American in their right mind would support a Russian inspired overthrow of the U.S. government, whether it would be in one state or in all 50 and this is exactly what the Obama administration is counting on.

    As this information has been leaked to the alternative media, the reaction was predictable. Most Americans would come to support JH 15 if they were to come to believe that the “drill” was designed to stop such an action.
    Death Domes and Edna, Texas

    A very revealing clue as to the intent of JH 15 comes to us from the growing “coincidental” presence of Death Domes. There are 28 known Death Domes in Texas.

    The New York Times describes Death Domes as “dual use domes”. In the case of Edna, Texas, the local high school graciously accepted one such dome to double as its gymnasium as well as being a shelter against raging hurricanes. Death Domes can house thousands of unsuspecting Americans.

    The Death Domes are nearly escape proof as the steel rods supporting the facility go 30 feet underground. The walls are double layered made of cinder block reinforced by steel bars. The most telling aspect of this death dome is that they are FEMA funded! Funny, I did not think that there was supposed to be any FEMA camps.
    The True Purpose of Jade Helm

    The release of the information that Russians are coming through Canada to start a civil in Texas is a PSYOPS, and not a very clever one at that.

    As this false flag rumor begins to spread, the masses of sheep in this country will come to support any action designed to thwart such an action by the Russians.

    Another revealing aspect of JH 15 is that the operations are to take place at night. When did the Nazi roundups of the Jews take place? The extractions took place at night.

    On Friday March 27, 2015, I was interviewed by Nik Rajkovic, a news reporter for NewsRadio 740 KTRH in Houston. In the course of the interview, Rajkovic informed me that he had interviewed a Sheriff’s Deputy and was told that Jade Helm 15 was practicing “extractions of dissidents”. The extractions will transport the dissidents to the Death Domes for final disposition.

    Following JH-15 will be a formal declaration of martial law.
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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Jade Helm: The Pretend Invasion of Texas That's Driving the Web Crazy


    Sam Biddle


    Sam BiddleFiled to: conspiracies

    Thursday 2:24pm

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    From July 15th to September 15th, over a thousand armed American soldiers will maneuver through the Southwest United States as part of a vast operation with a single motto: "Master the Human Domain." Internet conspiracy theorists wait their whole lives for a moment this rich.
    "JADE HELM 15" is a real military exercise cooked up by the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC). It's also, if you ask a certain cohort of internet dweller who thinks each day will be the one when Barack Obama personally carries away his guns, the first phase of martial law in America. When I was first forwarded this slideshow—apparently a preliminary briefing on Jade Helm marked marked "For Official Use Only"—the conspiracy theorists were the only ones talking about the exercise. considers this the beginning of the end:
    With September of 2015 consistently being warned of as a potential timeframe for the global collapse and World War 3, are these exercises more proof that something huge will happen near that date or just more ongoing drills as posse comitatus no longer applies upon American soil and America turns into a 'no longer' invisible dictatorship?
    The site adds that FEMA-operated "death domes" are already being erected across Texas to prepare for civilian abductions during Jade Helm. ********, the New York Times of right-wing paranoia, notes that "Although nations can benefit from joint drills, the exercises also serve to blur the lines of national sovereignty, slowly leading to the formation of a North American Union." is equally suspicious:
    For years now, our veterans, Christians, patriots, gun owners, constitutionalists, pro-life advocates, small government supporters, small businesses, real journalists in the press, anti-corruption activists, anti-UN Agenda 21 advocates, anti-global warming supporters, anti-war patriots, anti-criminal immigration supporters, have all been targeted by this administration as enemies of the United States, even within government documents. Are we supposed to trust that they have pure intentions now?
    Realizing that ignoring the paranoid will do nothing to quiet them, Army spokespeople are trying to ease everyone's nerves with some military boilerplate. From
    The Army says Jade Helm is a real exercise and will take place in the Southwest, as the slides indicate. But USASOC spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria said that's the extent of the reports' accuracy.
    "It's a training exercise. Just a regular training exercise," Lastoria said of Jade Helm, which USASOC documentation references as a training exercise in at least one previous year as well.
    It's funny how even an extremely mundane denial sounds ominous coming from the Pentagon. Lastoria also spoke to Stars & Stripes:
    "This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment's notice."
    But you don't need to believe in FEMA death domes or an Islamofascist White House to find Jade Helm a little bit unsettling—even if it just a routine exercise meant to simulate a future Middle Eastern war zone inside America. One particular slide, which divides up the Southwest into "hostile" or "insurgent" pockets, has been the epicenter or message board frothing:
    Another slide notes that Jade Helm participants will be blending in with locals wearing "civilian attire," while others will appear armed:

    And this insignia, with that perfect blend of Microsoft Office '98 aesthetics and creeping fascism copy, isn't helping anything:

    You can read the USASOC slideshow below if you'd like to start preparing now.

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    For years now, our veterans, Christians, patriots, gun owners, constitutionalists, pro-life advocates, small government supporters, small businesses, real journalists in the press, anti-corruption activists, anti-UN Agenda 21 advocates, anti-global warming supporters, anti-war patriots, anti-criminal immigration supporters, have all been targeted by this administration as enemies of the United States,
    What a shame none of those guys could get elected to Congress, they might have been able to stop this.

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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    JADE HELM 15: Military Drill Identifying “Hostile” US States Sparks Alarm

    The New American
    March 29th, 2015
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    Editor’s Post: Is this why so many people, especially in the below-mentioned states, are reporting such a heavy increased military presence in the skies over their homes?

    A massive U.S. military drill dubbed “Jade Helm 15” lists Texas, Utah, and part of California as “hostile” or “insurgent pocket” territory. The unclassified information about this drill is causing widespread alarm nationwide, with more than a few analysts suggesting it may be some sort of exercise practicing to impose martial law on Americans fed up with an out-of-control federal government. During the exercises, which will take place over the summer, Special Forces from various branches of the military will work with local law-enforcement in scenarios that, to critics at least, sound suspiciously like they are aimed at subduing rebellious American civilians and states amid a civil war or large-scale unrest. The federal government issued a response dismissing the concerns and saying that the training is to help U.S. forces prepare for overseas missions, but not everyone is convinced.

    The most alarming components of the drills highlighted by concerned citizens and media commentators surround an unclassified presentation about Jade Helm 15’s “realistic military training” that was apparently leaked. In a graphic showing the territory across which the training will take place — essentially the American Southwest — different states are colored based on the fictional status of their loyalty to Washington. Colorado, Nevada, and most of California, for example, are dark blue, indicating that they are “permissive.” Utah and Texas are both shaded red, indicating that they are “hostile.”

    Southern California is also red, with a note reading “insurgent pocket.” Arizona is light blue, which in the legend is listed as “uncertain (leaning friendly),” while New Mexico is brown, or “uncertain (leaning hostile).” Two more states, Florida and Louisiana, have reportedly been added to the exercise.

    According to the presentation, the eight-week training program involves Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces Command (Green Berets), Air Force Special Operations Command, Marine Special Operations Command, Marine Expeditionary Units, the 82nd Airborne Division, and unspecified “interagency partners.” Underneath the logo for the Jade Helm drills, a sword with two arrows crossing it, it reads: “Master the Human Domain.” What exactly that means was not clear, but at least some critics of the exercise have suggested it may be a euphemism for subjugating the population of the United States. Indeed, as other analysts have noted, citing available information, the drill almost certainly has nothing to do with defending the Southern border from invasion. The few details that have been provided, though, are causing concern among analysts.

    On a slide explaining “what to expect” during the two-month training program for “unconventional warfare,” the document warns of “increased aircraft in the area at night,” possible noise complaints, personnel carrying weapons with blank ammo, and more. Especially alarming to critics of the program is that “some individuals may conduct suspicious activities designed to prepare them for complex environments overseas,” and that “some participants will be wearing civilian attire and driving civilian vehicles.” Separately, a slide describing what “realistic military training” means has also raised alarm. The document mentions that it will be conducted “outside of federally owned property” and that it is designed to “ensure proper coordination between DOD representatives and local and regional authorities.” News reports citing military officials said the DEA, FBI, and the “Joint Personnel Recovery Agency” (JPRA) would also be participating.

    Citing other recently leaked U.S. military documents such as “FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations” about interning American civilians in camps, using “psyops” (psychological operations) on those detainees to affect their views, and more, David Hodges with the Common Sense Show said the drill is “undoubtedly the most frightening thing to occur on American soil since the Civil War.” In a widely re-published article about the training program, he said it could be “conclusively stated” that the drill was really about “preparing for a Red, White and Blue invasion.” “This is a massive rehearsal for martial law implementation as well as implementing the proverbial and much rumored Red and Blue List and the ‘snatch and grab’ extractions of key resistance figures from the Independent Media as well as uncooperative political figures,” Hodges added. “The various provisions of Jade Helm make it clear just how dangerous this drill truly is.”

    (Read more at The New American)
    - See more at:
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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Friday, 27 March 2015 Military Drill Identifying “Hostile” U.S. States Sparks Alarm

    Written by Alex Newman

    A massive U.S. military drill dubbed “Jade Helm 15” lists Texas, Utah, and part of California as “hostile” or “insurgent pocket” territory. The unclassified information about this drill is causing widespread alarm nationwide, with more than a few analysts suggesting it may be some sort of exercise practicing to impose martial law on Americans fed up with an out-of-control federal government. During the exercises, which will take place over the summer, Special Forces from various branches of the military will work with local law-enforcement in scenarios that, to critics at least, sound suspiciously like they are aimed at subduing rebellious American civilians and states amid a civil war or large-scale unrest. The federal government issued a response dismissing the concerns and saying that the training is to help U.S. forces prepare for overseas missions, but not everyone is convinced.
    The most alarming components of the drills highlighted by concerned citizens and media commentators surround an unclassified presentation about Jade Helm 15’s “realistic military training” that was apparently leaked. In a graphic showing the territory across which the training will take place — essentially the American Southwest — different states are colored based on the fictional status of their loyalty to Washington. Colorado, Nevada, and most of California, for example, are dark blue, indicating that they are “permissive.” Utah and Texas are both shaded red, indicating that they are “hostile.” Southern California is also red, with a note reading “insurgent pocket.” Arizona is light blue, which in the legend is listed as “uncertain (leaning friendly),” while New Mexico is brown, or “uncertain (leaning hostile).” Two more states, Florida and Louisiana, have reportedly been added to the exercise.

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    According to the presentation, the eight-week training program involves Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces Command (Green Berets), Air Force Special Operations Command, Marine Special Operations Command, Marine Expeditionary Units, the 82nd Airborne Division, and unspecified “interagency partners.” Underneath the logo for the Jade Helm drills, a sword with two arrows crossing it, it reads: “Master the Human Domain.” What exactly that means was not clear, but at least some critics of the exercise have suggested it may be a euphemism for subjugating the population of the United States. Indeed, as other analysts have noted, citing available information, the drill almost certainly has nothing to do with defending the Southern border from invasion. The few details that have been provided, though, are causing concern among analysts.
    On a slide explaining “what to expect” during the two-month training program for “unconventional warfare,” the document warns of “increased aircraft in the area at night,” possible noise complaints, personnel carrying weapons with blank ammo, and more. Especially alarming to critics of the program is that “some individuals may conduct suspicious activities designed to prepare them for complex environments overseas,” and that “some participants will be wearing civilian attire and driving civilian vehicles.” Separately, a slide describing what “realistic military training” means has also raised alarm. The document mentions that it will be conducted “outside of federally owned property” and that it is designed to “ensure proper coordination between DOD representatives and local and regional authorities.” News reports citing military officials said the DEA, FBI, and the “Joint Personnel Recovery Agency” (JPRA) would also be participating.
    Citing other recently leaked U.S. military documents such as “FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations” about interning American civilians in camps, using “psyops” (psychological operations) on those detainees to affect their views, and more, David Hodges with the Common Sense Show said the drill is “undoubtedly the most frightening thing to occur on American soil since the Civil War.” In a widely re-published article about the training program, he said it could be “conclusively stated” that the drill was really about “preparing for a Red, White and Blue invasion.” “This is a massive rehearsal for martial law implementation as well as implementing the proverbial and much rumored Red and Blue List and the ‘snatch and grab’ extractions of key resistance figures from the Independent Media as well as uncooperative political figures,” Hodges added. “The various provisions of Jade Helm make it clear just how dangerous this drill truly is.”
    Responding to widely expressed concerns that the scheme is “preparation for imposing martial law or subduing right-leaning groups and individuals,” as the military publication Stars and Stripes put it, U.S. Army Special Operations Command denied the accusation. “That notion was proposed by a few individuals who are unfamiliar with how and why USASOC conducts training exercises,” USASOC spokesman Army Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria was quoted as saying. “This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment’s notice.” He re-iterated those comments in other interviews as well. Despite being referred to as “routine,” it was not clear whether any similar drill identifying U.S. states as “hostile” had ever taken place — except perhaps amid the Civil War.
    In comments quoted by the Houston Chronicle, which made its bias obvious in the first sentence by claiming that the drills had “stirred some ultra-right-wing fears of a government takeover in the Lone Star State,” local law enforcement officials also shed some light on what to expect. “They're going to set up cells of people and test how well they're able to move around without getting too noticed in the community,” Chief Deputy Roy Boyd with the Victoria County Sheriff's Office was quoted as saying by the paper. “They're testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover.” A former Army Intelligence officer was also quoted downplaying fears about the drill and suggesting that it was largely routine training.
    Separately, the Chronicle attempted to belittle concerns expressed by critics about the program. National radio host Alex Jones, for example — whose audience dwarfs the readership and listenership of many “mainstream” outlets, including the Chronicle — was introduced as part of the “far-right fringe” movement. Jones’ radio show and online portal ******** played a key role in raising awareness about the drills under the headline “Feds Preparing to Invade Texas, List State as Hostile.” The supposed “journalist” at the Chronicle, apparently unable to contain himself or conceal his extreme bias, went on to describe the website Freedom Outpost, which also raised concerns about the drill and suggested it was practice for domestic martial law, as “ultra-libertarian.”
    While local authorities quoted in news reports were aware of the programs and vowed to work with the community to prevent panic or paranoia, it would not be the first time that the Pentagon has alarmed U.S. civilians with its drills. In 2013, a series of “urban warfare” military exercises in major cities including Miami and Houston involving gun fire and black helicopters terrified locals who were unaware of what was going on. As The New American has also reported in recent years, under the Obama administration, military authorities have taken the unprecedented step of bringing troops from Communist China and Russia to do “training drills” with American forces. Other foreign militaries, primarily European, have for decades been practicing citizen disarmament and other drills on U.S. soil, as documented on video by Alex Jones.
    Considering the fact that two-thirds of the American people in polls say the federal government is “out of control” and a "threat" to liberty, it is hardly surprising that many citizens do not trust the Obama administration when it performs military drills with law enforcement that it has been militarizing and attempting to nationalize — especially while identifying conservative states as “hostile” enemies. Obama’s invitation of foreign troops loyal to hostile regimes for military training drills in the United States certainly did not help matters. Nor does the fact that the current commander in chief began his political career in the living room of communist terrorist leader Bill Ayers — a man whose terror spree was backed by the Soviet puppet regime of Fidel Castro when it bombed the Pentagon and murdered police officers. Ayers’ terror group, the Weather Underground, planned to exterminate 25 million Americans in camps across the Southwest after taking over, according to FBI agent Larry Grathwohl who infiltrated the organization. “They were dead serious,” Grathwohl said in an video-taped interview.
    Of course, the federal government’s recent behavior — ranging from Homeland Security stockpiling massive amounts of hollow-point ammunition to the multiple agencies producing propaganda demonizing U.S. military veterans, Christians, and Americans with mainstream political views as potential terrorists — is also unlikely to inspire trust. In fact, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia warned just last year that “you are kidding yourself” if you do not think mass internment of U.S. citizens, as happened with Japanese-Americans during World War II, would eventually return to this country.
    Jade Helm drill may well just be nothing more than training U.S. forces for “overseas missions,” as officials claim. However, considering the known details of the exercise and the accelerating anti-constitutional lawlessness of the federal government, it is hardly unreasonable to express concerns. In fact, anybody who is not concerned by the current state of U.S. affairs is simply not paying attention.

    Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at
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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Breaking!! 100% Proof Jade Helm Not A Drill! It’s Readiness For Russia Retaliation if We Arm Ukraine! Ultimately Leading to Martial Law!

    Thursday, March 26, 2015 21:31

    Huge News!! By now you are aware of the infamous military “drill” known as, Jade Helm, that will be taking place July 15th – September 15th in many U.S. States including: Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Utah, Nevada, and California. While this may seem like business as usually the drill screams preparation for martial law. However I have recently stumbled across some rather shocking information that could prove we may be in for a lot more than we barged for—That is that Jade Helm just might be preparation for a threat from Russia. After all the Chechen parliament has just threatened the US that if we arm Ukraine they will retaliate by arming Mexico so it can gain back land we purchased from them in the Treaty of Guadalupe. Here is the treat made by the Chechen parliament: “It follows that the United States has no right to advise Russia to behave with neighboring friendly people. Supply of arms [to] Ukraine will be perceived by us as a signal to the appropriate actions – we will begin delivery of new weapons Mexico to resume debate on the legal status of the territories annexed by the United States, which are now the US states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. We reserve the right to perform in Russia, Mexico, America conferences with questions raised about the separation of the above-mentioned state of the United States and delivery of weapons to the guerrillas there.” The latest move by our Government has pushed Russia to the breaking point, so much so, that they are treating the United States that if we arm Ukraine they will retaliate by sending arms to Mexico so that it can take back land purchased in the Treaty of Guadalupe. Now here is the kicker, the land that our government is reportedly running the Jade Helm Drills on, just so happens to be the same land that Mexico would be targeting in the event the Russians armed them and we gave arms to Ukraine! In the video below I dive through every detail of the treat and the Jade Helm events and put all the puzzle pieces together. Trust me! This is one video you don’t want to miss! Here is the breaking report….

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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Another explanation.

    The Truth Behind Jade Helm 15

    The conspiracy theories probably aren’t as interesting as the truth.
    By Justin King Follow @Justinkingnews @Justinkingnews | March 27, 2015

    Jade Helm 15 area of operations. Image Source: Department of Defense

    MacDill Air Force Base, Florida (TFC) – There are scores of rumors flying around about Jade Helm 15, a US Special Operations Command operation that will begin on July 15th in the Southwestern United States. It’s time to separate reality from fiction.
    To start out it may be best to clarify what Jade Helm is not. It is not a precursor to martial law. It is not an operation designed to round up American citizens for FEMA camps. It is not a UN ordered invasion. The truth behind Jade Helm is much less conspiratorial, but much more interesting.
    After speaking to several former and active duty soldiers, The Fifth Column can say with almost certainty that Jade Helm is a massive Field Training Exercise (FTX) to enhance the SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) capabilities of American special operations troops.
    The uproar of Jade Helm was triggered by a map that surfaced on the internet labeling some areas of the United States as “hostile.” Had the sites that cast this as some plan for martial law researched the acronyms on the map, they would have quickly realized it was a large scale training exercise involving some of America’s most secretive units. It should have also been immediately evident that there is currently no “insurgent pocket” in Southern California.

    Demystifying the military jargon

    In the hostile area of Texas, there will be a JOAX event and a CRF event. This is the starting point of the exercise.
    JOAX (Joint Operation Access Exercise): This is where the 82nd Airborne Division will parachute into “hostile territory.” An exercise identical to this phase of Jade Helm was recently conducted in North Carolina.
    CRF (Crisis Response Force): This is typically a force that is made up of different units put together to handle a given scenario. The most recent example of a CRF was the group of units sent to the Mideast to protect US facilities. In this case, the CRF appears to be made up of a list of America’s most secretive units. In some cases the units are so secretive that The Fifth Column’s sources were either unaware of their existence or unwilling to talk about them.
    MSOT (Marine Special Operations Team): The Marines have several special warfare units that fall under this acronym. The best known of these units is Force Recon.
    NSWTU (Naval Special Warfare Training Unit): This is a unit dedicated to making SEALs better.There is the possibility that this is in reference to Naval Special Warfare Task Units, which are subgroups of a SEAL Team. This seems highly unlikely given the massive size of the operation.
    ODA (Operational Detachment Alpha): These are Green Berets. This is otherwise known as an “A-Team.” Sometimes identified as SFOD-A
    ODG (unidentified): ODG is so far unidentified, but sources state that it is most likely a designation for another type of Green Beret unit. What most people commonly call “Delta Force” is actually titled Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta (SFOD-D or simply ODD).
    So now the acronyms are explained and America is safe in the knowledge that Texas is being “invaded” by America’s elite fighting forces. Special attention should have been paid to the fact that NSWTU, a training unit, was the Navy’s contribution. If this was an actual operation, the acronym would have been ST-6, ST-4, or something similar (Seal Team Six, Seal Team Four).
    Utah is also listed as “hostile.”
    LSE (Logistical Support Element): These are the men and women that handle the logistics of an operation.

    So what happens after all the players are on the ground?

    The most likely scenario is that at the JOAX and CRF “events” the operation will go terribly wrong and while the large force at the JOAX will likely handle the fake disaster in the area they parachute into, the CRF will have to “escape and evade.”
    So, America’s special forces will most likely have to evade capture by local law enforcement, suspicious citizens, and whatever military unit is turned loose to try to catch them. One source believes the force from the JOAX will become the “bad guys” and try to catch the CRF troops while they attempt to make their way undetected to a safe (blue states on the map) “country.”
    This “survival” and “evasion” portion of the exercise explains Chief Deputy Roy Boyd’s ominous statement:
    “They’re going to set up cells of people and test how well they’re able to move around without getting too noticed in the community.”
    There is no way of knowing exactly what the scenario presented to the troops will be, but it is a certainty that this is not a federal takeover.
    At some point, some or all of the troops will be captured. They will begin attempting to “resist” interrogation and plan their “escape.”

    Why the big secret?

    These exercises are very common. Let’s suppose you were 1000 miles from where you had to be and you had little or no funds to get there. What would you have to do to arrive safely at your destination while avoiding law enforcement and a military detachment?
    These training exercises are not discussed because America’s most elite units will most likely be committing a slew of minor crimes along the way. They will certainly trespass, engage in petty theft, sneak onto a train, hide in the back of an 18-wheeler, they might even steal a car. This training is absolutely necessary for these troops’ survival in extreme situations, however, the public reaction to the above wouldn’t be favorable.

    Why do they need this training really?

    Can’t the US just send a helicopter to pick them up if something goes wrong in real life? In an incident that has become legendary in the Special Operations community, a group of soldiers was tasked with assassinating a terrorist in a foreign country. Initially, the foreign country agreed to the operation and was a “permissive environment.” Moments before the assassination was conducted, the government of the foreign country changed its mind and informed the US government. The news did not reach the soldiers in time, who carried out the assassination as ordered. Suddenly the troops were wanted by the local authorities in a “nonpermissive environment” and had to steal cars, hide away on planes, and do everything they could to get home. When the story is told (I’ve heard it four times from different people), the unit is always different, the target is always different, and the country is always different. The details of the story, including one hilarious anecdote about one of the soldiers hiding out on the boat of gay man, are always the same.


    I never condemn “conspiracy theorists.” Too many conspiracy theories have been proven to be true. A coup d’etat in the United States at some point in the future is not out of the question, but it isn’t happening on July 15th. Never stop questioning, but never take the word of websites or outlets that generate all of the revenue from the ads on articles pushing the most outlandish theories without researching them for yourself.
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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Operation: Jade Helm to train elite forces

    Updated: Sunday, March 29 2015, 11:31 AM CDT Tweet More Sharing Services
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    BASTROP - The United States Army Special Operation Command is planning to train in counties and towns across the Western United States.

    "Jade Helm" is a two-month long exercise with a combination of elite military forces designed offer realistic military training.

    As Adam Racusin reports despite any fears of militarization officials feel there's no need to worry.

    The small and picturesque streets of Bastrop Texas offer an inviting scene to locals and welcome getaway for people trying to escape big city life.

    But in a few months there will be another group moving into the area; members of the United States Military.

    "I don't think people here are intimidated by military operations in our community although it will raise some eyebrows" says Charlie Amos, a Bastrop resident.

    Operation Jade Helm is expected to launch in at least 20 cities across seven states in the South Western US. With more than twelve hundred participants, in Texas alone, ranging from members of the Navy Seals to Army Special Forces, and Marine Special Operations.

    "As long as people know what's going on they will be accepting of it" exclaims Joan Armstrong, a Bastrop resident.

    "Part of me I get it but at the same time part of me with what goes on in the world today is just a little Leary" says Tracy Stamper.

    County Officials report the military pitched them on the idea, with a presentation about what people can expect.

    It says there will be an increased military presence, Personnel may be carrying weapons with blank ammo, and some individuals may conduct suspicious activities.

    "I wrote them a letter and invited them to come," Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape believes there's nothing to the rumors of covert warfare and martial law coming to cities across the country.

    Just a less conventional training exercise to help hone their skills.

    "What I see here is an opportunity for a portion of our military to be better prepared and better trained to do work that has to be done to secure America’s interest around the world and here at home," says Bastrop Judge Paul Pape.

    Some of the training could entail ground and air operations, and Special ops members learning to work within the community without being noticed.

    While the idea might spark skepticism people we spoke with felt mostly at ease.

    "Not knowing the purpose it wouldn't bother me if its specific training because they're here to protect us," I'm Adam Racusin reporting.
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    Default Re: JADE HELM 15 Military training against armed insurgents in Conservative States

    Islamic Republic of Texas? How Jade Helm Could Be a Mock Invasion of Iran

    © Flickr/ DVIDSHUB
    US(updated 23:40 29.03.2015) Get short URL

    The upcoming Jade Helm exercise, conducted by the US military across seven states has been attacked as a preparation for martial law, but could in fact be part of a much more sinister project.
    © Flickr/ DVIDSHUB
    US Special Forces to Swarm Southwest for Massive Military Drills

    In the past several days, leaked plans for seven-state a US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) exercise in which states role-play as countries have made rounds across both news sites and conspiracy theorist circuits, with the latter ringing alarm, calling the drills a preparation for martial law. However, considering layout of the states used in the exercise, as well as their climate and terrain, the intent could be a preparation for an invasion of Iran and a Middle East-wide war. According to the leaked proposal for the operation, service members will practice:
    – Operating outside the normal support mechanisms
    – Adapting to unfamiliar terrain, social and economic conditions
    – Operating in and around communities where anything out the ordinary will be spotted and reported (Locals are the first to notice something out of place)
    – The opportunity to work with civilians to gain their trust and an understanding of the issues
    The main focus of the exercise appears to be Texas, including inhabited areas of Texas. The operation will include Army Special Forces (Green Berets), Navy SEALS, US Marine Corps Expeditionary Unites, US Army 82nd Airborne Division, as well as USAF and USMC SOCOM and "Interagency partners," which together sounds more like a team that would invade a country, rather than a hostage-rescue operation or a plan to build homes for hurricane-devastated children.

    © Sputnik
    A possible layout of the countries that US states that are part of Jade Helm exercises are role-playing as.

    Texas — Islamic Republic of Iran
    Texas, colored red for "hostile," is likely a simulation of an invasion of Iran. Although it does not have the optimal terrain to simulate Iran, the proposal for the exercise appears to have chosen Texas for its Realistic Military Training because local authorities and the population are most receptive
    The simulated invasion appears to be planned with a Central Joint Special Operations Task Force (CJSOTF), the headquarters, as well as the Home Station, where the service members involved in the exercise would likely begin, at the Elgin Air Force Base, across the Gulf of Mexico, in Florida. This could mean that the simulated invasion of Iran is executed from a very remote place, such as in the simulated United States, or across the Persian Gulf.

    © AP Photo/ Iran TV
    Iran Sinks USS Nimitz Life-Size Model in Strait of Hormuz Naval Exercise

    Meanwhile, the local Special Operations Task Force (SOTF) would be based at the nearer Camp Shelby, in Missisippi, possibly a simulated Saudi Arabia, and the island (flight deck) of the USS John C. Stennis, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, likely stationed near the coast of the simulated Iran. Within the simulated Iran, there would be a Joint Operations Access Exercise (JOAX), a US Army Airborne landing, conducted together with other units, deployed inland, likely to plant a force behind enemy lines. In addition, a Contingency Response Force (CRF) would land on the coast and practice the ground invasion.
    The operations in Texas will involve eight Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) US Army Special Forces groups, four unidentified Operational Detachment Groups (ODG), a US Marines Special Operations Team (MSOT) and the Naval Special Warfare Training Unit (NSWUT), among others.
    New Mexico — Iraq

    © Flickr/ Matt' Johnson
    New Mexico, viewed from Amtrak's Southwest Chief

    New Mexico is a state that has vast swathes of desert, like Iraq. Iraq has close ties with Iran, which could be a reason for why it is colored brown for "uncertain, leaning hostile," which Iraq would likely be if Iran was to be invaded.
    However, Iraq does have some US military installations, which could be simulated with the northern and southern Advanced Operational Bases (AOB).
    Utah — Syria

    © Flickr/ Michael Kappel
    Bonneville Salt Flats 361

    Like Syria, which would be considered hostile in case of an Iran invasion, Utah is colored red. In addition, like parts of Syria, Utah has both mountains and flatlands.
    Utah will be home to a Large Scale Exercise (LSE), in USMC terms means fighting the army of a simulated country. The exercise is set in an uninhabited area, suggesting an actual simulated battle against a Syrian Army opposing force. In addition, two unidentified Operational Detachment Groups (ODG) would be dispatched to the capital, which could mean a simulated covert operation in Damascus.
    Colorado — Turkey

    © AP Photo/ Douglas C. Pizac, File
    In this April 20, 2006, file photo, Hildale, Utah, sits at the base of Red Rock Cliff mountains with its sister city, Colorado City, Ariz., in the foreground

    Colorado is a largely mountainous state, like Turkey, and it is colored blue for "permissive," which means that aircraft and troops would be able to move through the state. Turkey as a NATO member would similarly be expected to fulfill such obligations.
    Nevada and Arizona — Lebanon and Jordan

    © Flickr/ US Air Force
    Several C-17 Globemaster IIIs, C-130 Hercules and a B-1 Lancer park on the flightline May 31, 2013, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev

    Phoenix, Arizona will be the site of the Special Forces' Operational Detachment Headquarters (ODH) and a Marine Corps (MC) site, likely simulating Jordan's capital Amman, which has been the site of Marine Corps deployments in recent years. However, although Phoenix is in a largely desert environment, it is also next to a mountain range, unlike Amman.
    In addition, Arizona is colored light blue, making it neutral but leaning friendly, which could be the status of Lebanon when it comes to an operation against Syria, while Nevada is blue, permissive, which could be the status of Jordan. Such an arrangement suggest that the geographic and diplomatic statuses could have been switched to preserve political realism in the situation.
    California — Israel and Palestine

    © AP Photo/ Gregory Bull
    A U.S. Border Patrol vehicle, right, drives along a road running alongside the border structures that separate Tijuana, Mexico, left, from San Diego Thursday, June 13, 2013, in San Diego

    California generally has a soft Mediterranean climate, like Israel, and would be permissive to US military movements, as Israel would be. There are no deployments planned to California, as the simulated invasion of Iran would likely not have much of an impact on the situation there. The "insurgent pocket" likely represents both the inland West Bank and the coastal Gaza Strip, which would be hostile to the operation and would not allow the US military to operate in the area. However, it is also possible that California is a simulation of Lebanon, and the "insurgent pocket" is a Hezbollah-controlled area that would be opposed to a US invasion of Iran.
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    Alert to the Public!

    American Patriot WILL fire on infiltrators on my property. Do NOT attempt to cross my property. Do not attempt to steal my car. Do NOT attempt to steal my food, hide anywhere in Colorado, or move across or within my sights.

    Colorado BELONGS TO ME. I'll shoot you, if I see you sneaking around.

    Don't be a dumbass if you're a military person. This is the United States of American. Not Armenia. Not Iran. Not Iraq.
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