Education Secretary Arne Duncan Proposes Public Boarding Schools For Our Kids

May 13, 2015

Have you heard the one about Arne Duncan's proposed public boarding schools? Actually, it's not a new idea. Authoritarian governments have always known that it is important to mold the young in their ideology. The first Premier of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin, thought of it decades ago. He said, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.” We saw the results of that.

Breitbart reported Tuesday that at the Youth Violence Prevention Summit in Arlington, VA, Education Secretary Arne Duncan proposed government-run public boarding schools which would be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He poses the question of what about the children where there’s not a mom, there’s not a dad, there’s not a grandma, there’s just nobody at home? Who could argue with his reasoning of there being certain kids that we (the government) should have 24/7 to really create a safe environment and give them a chance to be successful?

The event, organized by the Education Department, the Justice Department, and other federal programs and agencies, featured speakers and panels on preventing youth violence. According to CSN News Tuesday, Duncan stated that schools should be more than a place for learning. “I think all of our schools should be community centers,” Duncan said. “Our schools should be open 12, 13, 14 hours a day with a wide variety of after-school programming."

While this all sounds wonderfully benevolent on the surface, Duncan admits that is a controversial concept. As stated Wednesday by Rick Wells from Constitution Rising, one has to consider the costs of staffing, including security, the meals to be provided, the increased costs of electricity, insurance, curriculum and how cash-strapped school districts might be expected to pay those costs. The curriculum would be virtually free of inspection by non-government, independent citizens. Having no parents involved, the children would come to view their school masters and classmates as a substitute family. The state could then relocate those children deemed "at risk" from homeschooling or those who had parents with objectionable political opinions.

It should be noted that the idea is gaining momentum. Supporters claim such a dramatic step is necessary to get some students into an atmosphere that promotes learning. And they say it's worth costs estimated at $20,000 to $25,000 per student per year. The SEED Public Charter School of Washington is a public boarding school for poor and academically at-risk students. Buffalo school board member Carl Paladino envisions a charter boarding school that immerses students as young as first or second grade. While private boarding schools have been around for centuries, public boarding schools are a newer idea.

Hmmm... Where have we heard this before?

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.