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Thread: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

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    Default Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    Obama Administration Orders Public Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms and Locker Rooms Of Their Choice

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    The Obama administration's directive Friday that every public school provide transgender access -- or face the loss of federal funds -- drew swift and strong condemnation from conservatives, with one public official blasting it as presidential "blackmail."

    The administration’s directive -- citing Title IX in telling schools to give transgender students access to all activities and facilities consistent with their gender identity -- effectively touched off a national debate that could well extend into the next president’s term and reverberate through the courts.

    Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, speaking to reporters Friday, said his state “will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States.”

    "This goes against the values of so many people," he added. "This has everything to do with keeping the federal government out of local issues."

    White House spokesman Josh Earnest later defended the letter as “guidance” that was requested by schools across the country and said it “does not add any additional requirements under the law.”
    He also pushed back on Patrick’s comments that the letter was “blackmail.”

    “This does underscore the risk of electing a right-wing radio host to statewide office,” Earnest said, referring to Patrick’s talk radio show.

    Patrick -- highlighting the impact of a growing debate that has centered on who should or should not use gender-specific bathrooms, but could extend well beyond that -- called this the "biggest issue facing families and schools in America since prayer was taken out of public schools.” The guidance could open a Pandora’s box of related issues, from whether colleges would be forced to consider gender identity in student housing assignments to how administrators handle preferences for sports teams and locker rooms, and more.

    The letter the administration sent to school districts was signed by officials at the Justice Department and the Department of Education. A copy was posted on the Department of Justice’s website.

    While the letter does not have the force of law, it does warn that schools that do not abide by the administration’s interpretation of civil rights under the Title IX law may face lawsuits or loss of federal aid.

    "There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex," Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a statement.

    Patrick scoffed at the threat, saying the feds can keep their "30 pieces of silver."

    Officials say the letter is meant to clarify expectations of school districts that receive funding from the federal government. Educators have been seeking guidance on how to comply with Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities that receive federal funding, Education Secretary John B. King said in a statement.

    “No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus,” King said. “We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.”

    Under the guidance, schools are told they must treat transgender students according to their chosen gender identity as soon as a parent or guardian notifies the district that that identity "differs from previous representations or records."

    There is no obligation for a student to present a specific medical diagnosis or identification documents that reflect his or her gender identity, and equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable, according to the directive.

    "As is consistently recognized in civil rights cases, the desire to accommodate others' discomfort cannot justify a policy that singles out and disadvantages a particular class of students," the guidance says.
    But Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, says the federal government needs to butt out of state matters.

    “What the president needs to do is focus on his job and his job is not to intervene in state and local affairs under our constitutional scheme so frankly I think his involvement in this is unwelcomed,” Cornyn said. “This ought to be a choice made by local officials at the local level held accountable by their own voters.”

    The administration also released a separate 25-page document of questions and answers about best practices, including ways schools can make transgender students comfortable in the classroom and protect the privacy rights of all students in restrooms or locker rooms.

    The move was cheered by Human Rights Campaign, a gay, lesbian and transgender civil rights organization, which called the guidelines "groundbreaking."

    "This is a truly significant moment not only for transgender young people but for all young people, sending a message that every student deserves to be treated fairly and supported by their teachers and schools," HRC President Chad Griffin said in a statement.

    Earlier this week, the Justice Department and the state of North Carolina filed dueling lawsuits over the state’s controversial “bathroom” law, which had been at the center of the national debate.

    In their suit, the DOJ alleged a “pattern or practice of employment discrimination on the basis of sex” against the state over the law requiring transgender people to use bathrooms that correspond with the sex on their birth certificate.

    Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, in his lawsuit, accused the administration of a “baseless and blatant overreach” in trying to get the policy scrapped.

    "This is an attempt to unilaterally rewrite long-established federal civil rights laws in a manner that is wholly inconsistent with the intent of Congress and disregards decades of statutory interpretation by the Courts," the state’s suit, filed in U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of North Carolina, said.

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    Default Re: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    Obama’s directive on transgender bathrooms, locker rooms is already the law in Washington state

    Posted 4:46 PM, May 13, 2016, by Hana Kim, Updated at 05:43pm, May 13, 2016

    WHITE CENTER, Wash. -- President Obama’s directive to allow transgender students use the bathroom they identify with will have minimal impact in Washington. That’s because state law already requires schools to abide by this rule.

    Students at Cascade Middle School requested a gender neutral bathroom and they recently got one.

    “Highline school students are used to diversity and I think they embrace each other,” Highline Public Schools spokesperson Catherine Carbone Rogers said.

    The district’s policy allows any student to use the bathroom or locker room they identify with so Obama`s directive Friday is nothing new here.

    It may not change much in our state but the instructions are fanning the flames of conflict over whether the government has the right to pull federal funds if schools don`t comply.

    “It`s the government evening out the playing field, I don`t feel this is an overreach,” said one parent.

    “This to me is bullying; this is saying, 'You do it my way or I will take your livelihood.' This is taxpayer money he`s talking about, using it against the taxpayers,” Kaeley Trilley Haver said.

    Haver is a mother of two and supports the I-1515 movement. It’s looking to repeal the state`s current law allowing transgender people to use the bathroom they identify with.

    “If it`s a single stall, that`s wonderful, but we are talking about locker rooms and that`s what a lot of people aren`t talking about."

    Haver says the current rules are too broad and she feels it puts women and children at risk.

    “We’ve been called this conservative zealot but I cannot tell you how many liberal liberals, especially women, who are on our side,” Haver said.

    Other parents like Misty Brunner says she`s on the fence.

    “It’s hard to see what side I want to be on,” Brunner said.

    But if you ask Highline Public Schools there are no problems with the current rules now.

    “I am not aware of a single instance where a student has expressed they are uncomfortable with a transgender student using a restroom that they are in,” Carbone Rogers said.

    Cascade Middle School is not the only school with a gender neutral bathroom.

    Seattle Public Schools says nearly half of its 98 schools already have gender neutral bathrooms for transgender students.

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    Default Re: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    BREAKING: Obama admin. forces transgender bathrooms, locker rooms, on schools as condition of funding

    obama administration , public schools , title ix , transgender , transgenderism

    URGENT: Tell Obama to rescind his extreme transgender school mandate. Sign the petition here.

    WASHINGTON, D.C., May 13, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The Obama administration has issued a “guidance” to all public schools telling them to allow students of either biological sex to use the showers, locker rooms, and restrooms – and stay in the same hotel rooms during field trips – designated for the opposite sex or risk losing federal funding.

    A joint letter from the Departments of Education and Justice, released Friday morning, states that students who identify as "transgender" must be allowed to use the private facilities that match their gender identity.

    The letter clarified that schools should not require a “medical diagnosis or treatment” before accepting a student's transgender self-identification. The moment a child's parent or guardian says the child identifies as a member of the opposite sex, the school must recognize that and act accordingly “as a condition of receiving federal funds,” the eight-page letter says.

    A school also cannot require a transgender student to use separate facilities, although it may choose to allow students who object to the new arrangement to use individual restrooms or changing facilities.

    The guidance also states that members of one biological sex must be allowed to stay overnight in the same rooms or dormitories as members of the opposite sex, if the former identify as transgender.
    URGENT: Tell Obama to rescind his extreme transgender school mandate. Sign the petition here.

    “A school must allow transgender students to access housing consistent with their gender identity and may not require transgender students to stay in single-occupancy accommodations or to disclose personal information when not required of other students,” the letter says.

    In a blog post announcing the new guidelines, the letter's authors say their recommendations “show that equality for transgender students is not only required by law but achievable through common-sense approaches that foster safety and a positive learning environment for all students.”

    Officials say the president's approach is justified under Title IX, a 1972 law designed to eliminate chauvinistic sexual discrimination. The Obama administration has decided this “encompasses discrimination based on a student’s gender identity,” although the wording of the law contains no such provision.

    Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America says, under the proposal, schools “may be forced to violate the privacy of other students and perhaps even create trauma for the very kids Obama pretends to protect.”

    "The Left always uses children to accomplish it's goals of social reengineering. The adults closest to these children should decide what's best for all the children in the school,” Nance said


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    Default Re: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    Obama 'obsession' allows men to choke girls in bathrooms

    Limbaugh unloads on president's 'bizarre' fixation with transgenders

    Bob Unruh

    Amid the Obama administration’s “obsession” with allowing men into girls’ restrooms, shower rooms and locker rooms, there’s appearing a horrifying side effect: Men who have assaulted, or tried to assault, girls while both are in those areas of privacy.

    Obama’s latest on the White House bathroom fetish came this week with his demand to public schools across the country that they allow students to say they are transgender and to use the facilities of their choice, completely disregarding the privacy rights of other students.

    Administration officials are casting it as a civil-rights issue, claiming that Congress, in its 1964 Civil Rights Act, envisioned not only authorizing but requiring permission for men to enter women’s locker-room facilities.

    The move was condemned immediately by conservatives, such as Gov. Mike Huckabee, who said it reveals “a lot” about Obama and his priorities.

    The latest tragedy of having men in women’s bathroom was reported by the Chicago Tribune on Friday.
    Sign the petition demanding an end to the madness! No men in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms or showers! Just say no!
    The Tribune reported a West Town man was accused of choking an 8-year-old girl until she passed out inside a store bathroom in a South Loop neighborhood.

    Reese Hartstirn

    “The girl went into the store’s bathroom. At some point, Reese M. Hartstirn, 33, came into the bathroom and started choking the girl with his hands, causing her to become unconscious,” the report said. “He then picked up the unconscious girl and carried her into a bathroom stall, closing the door so she couldn’t leave.”

    The girl was hospitalized, and Hartstirn was charged with aggravated kidnapping and felony aggravated battery to a child.

    “Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech and conscience by homosexual activists

    Talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh immediately launched into a commentary he called, “Obama’s transgender obsession.”

    “Remember when a lot of people took their kids out of schools to start teaching them at home, and remember how they were called a bunch of fruitcakes and extremists and paranoids and all kinds of names? How do they look to you now? They look somewhat prescient, do they not?” he started out.

    “I mean, you look at what’s going on in the American public school system. But what is it with this transgender push? I know that most of the story is that the gay movement has realized its agenda, so they’ve gotta they’ve gotta transfer that energy somewhere and transgenders is the next.”

    The comments recalled his own sarcastic conclusions back in 2009, when he was blasting Obama’s plans to police the fine print on consumer products.

    What do YOU think? Sound off on Obama’s transgender bathroom decree

    “You could legalize rape and call it the consumer something, and it would pass,” he ridiculed. “You’re protecting consumers. Likewise, you could legalize rape and call it the Civil Rights Act of 2009, it would probably pass because who would have the guts to vote against something with civil rights in it?”

    On Friday, he openly wondered, “What the heck? Why is this so important to Obama?”

    He cited the work of Johns Hopkins psychiatrist Paul McHugh, who “said that transgenderism is a ‘mental disorder’ that merits treatment, that sex change is ‘biologically impossible,’ and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.”

    He noted McHugh is author of six books and “at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles.”

    “[McHugh] also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people. Dr. McHugh further noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70 percent to 80 percent spontaneously lost those feelings,” Limbaugh said.

    “A-ha. We may be on to something here. Dr. McHugh and his boys have studied all this, and young kids, 70 to 80 percent of them, eventually grow out of this confusion. Maybe that’s what they don’t want to happen is for kids to outgrow it.”

    Sign the petition demanding an end to the madness! No men in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms or showers! Just say no!

    Limbaugh also pointed out how extreme Obama is.

    “It affects every public school in the country, and as you sit around … you know, I analyze people’s ideology, and I know leftists and liberals like the back of my hand. But I still want to throw this out because this is way, way over the top. This … I mean, this is … You want to talk about Trump or anybody on the right wing being extreme? What the hell is this? This is so far out of the mainstream.”

    Related stories (Story continues below):
    Family advocate: Impeach Obama over bathrooms
    Obama ‘has no legal authority’ to make bathroom decree
    Ruth Bader Ginsberg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary
    Obama orders schools to open bathrooms to transgenders
    ‘We will not sell out our children to the federal government’
    Pentagon tackles ‘practical issues’ of transgender troops
    Related columns:
    Why I’m thankful for Obama’s bathroom edict by Joseph Farah
    Obama jumps the shark on bathroom insanity by Matt Barber

    The Chicago case is not the only one.

    A woman was sexually assaulted in a public restroom in a park in Los Angeles, and police were searching for the male attacker.

    Police “said the rapist was a Hispanic man between 25 and 30,” the Daily News reported.

    And a Davis, California, man, Dennis Lee Azevedo, was arrested and jailed for “oral copulation with a minor and engaging in the act of sodomy with a minor” after an attack on a teen victim in the bathroom of the Yolo County Library.

    LifeSiteNews reportedly recently on the constituency the Obama administration is overlooking: women who have been raped and assaulted.

    A powerful video released by the Alliance Defending Freedom outlines their views:

    “Gretchen Flores remembers how, as a 10-year-old girl, her male swim coach talked her into letting him ‘help’ massage the cramps out of her legs in the locker room. His assistance turned into sexual abuse, and a secret that burned a hole in her memory. “As far as I know, he was never arrested,” Flores says.

    The report continued, explaining Emory University psychiatrist Dr. Gene Abel found that the average male pedophile who abused girls “had victimized 52 girls over the course of his lifetime. Another study discovered that pedophiles harm 12 victims before being caught.”

    The Daily Signal reported that sexual assault survivors have little concern over the motives for a male in a women’s room, whether he identifies as transgender or not.”The presence of a male of any variety, whether he’s somebody who identifies as a trans or not, whether he has deviant motives or not, that’s irrelevant to the reality that for survivors of sexual trauma to just turn around and to be exposed to that is an instant trigger,” said Kaeley Triller, a sexual trauma survivor.

    Earlier this year in Washington state, a man was reported to have disrobed in a women’s locker room while little girls were present.
    “As long as the person says, ‘I identify as a woman,’ and they’re not doing something criminal like actually assaulting somebody, this rule gives them the legal right to be present,” Joseph Backholm of the Family Policy Institute of Washington explained at the time.

    Obama has escalated the issue to the point it’s one of the highest profiles in the nation right now, with not only the mandate to public schools, but lawsuits against North Carolina and other points where lawmakers have adopted statutes that protect women and children in restrooms and locker rooms.

    “Obviously, they’re trying to bring it in and make it the mainstream,” Limbaugh said. “This is bizarre. Don’t tell me, for example, that somebody like Trump is not presidential when this kind of stuff is going on. Obama is presidential as defined by this kind of stuff?

    Ordering open bathrooms in schools and demanding that a new bathroom is a little bit different than what’s going on in the states of North Carolina, for example. They are actually – in the schools – demanding that the districts build a third bathroom: One for boys, one for girls, and the other for whatever you think you are today, I guess.”

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    Default Re: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Obama 'obsession' allows men to choke girls in bathrooms

    Limbaugh unloads on president's 'bizarre' fixation with transgenders
    Well, he is apparently married to a tranny so...

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    Default Re: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    Transgender shot to death in Colorado bathroom

    By George Drivas - May 14, 2016 142 28782

    Tragedy struck this morning when a 39-year old transgender woman was shot to death in the women’s restroom of Bradford’s Department store in Colorado.

    The woman, Donna Wright (born Donald Wright), was shot after an altercation with fellow Bradford’s customer, 55-year old Kathleen Workman in the department store’s restroom.

    According to statements issued to authorities by Kathleen Workman, the conflict began when Donna Wright started following Mrs. Workman into the women’s restroom. According to Workman, she had politely asked Ms. Wright to use the proper restroom (referring to the men’s bathroom) and asked her to please stop following her into the women’s restroom.

    Though no witnesses were available to corroborate Mrs. Workman’s account of the incident, she told authorities that Ms. Wright became confrontational and combative immediately upon being asked to stop following her into the restroom and to use the ‘proper’ restroom.

    According to Mrs. Workman, the transgender woman began raising her voice and using explicit language towards her while continuing to follow her into the restroom. Once both women were inside the otherwise empty restroom, Mrs. Workman told authorities that Ms. Wright continued to curse at her and started to display what Mrs. Workman considered aggressive body language.

    Kathleen Workman told authorities that fearing for her safety, she retrieved a handgun from her purse and once again asked Donna Wright to exit the restroom. According to Mrs. Workman, once she retrieved the concealed weapon from her purse it angered Wright and she began walking towards her in an aggressive manner.

    According to police reports, it was at this point within the altercation that Kathleen Workman, fearing for her safety, shot Donna Wright 3 times with her Kimber 1911 Ultrap

    Donna Wright had stopped breathing and was pronounced dead upon arrival of emergency respondents. According to police reports, Kathleen Workman was in fact licensed to carry and conceal the handgun used to shoot Ms. Wright. According to police reports, due to a lack of witnesses and/or security footage, charges have not been brought against Mrs. Workman and the incident is being ruled as a shooting in self-defense pending further investigation.

    It was in fact within the transgender woman’s right to utilize the restroom as the Bradford’s management team displays a sign between the women’s and men’s restroom that reads “At Bradford’s we encourage all guests to use the restroom in which they identify with. Thank you, Sincerely, The Bradford’s Management Team.” According to the store manager, senior leadership had requested the sign be created and posted in the restroom area last month after Target announced their new restroom policy.

    According to police reports, though the transgender woman was well within her right to use the women’s restroom per the department store’s restroom policy, Mrs. Workman was within her right to utilize her concealed weapon if she was in imminent danger and self-defense was deemed necessary.

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    Default Re: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Well, he is apparently married to a tranny so...

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    Default Re: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    Obama’s Bathroom Decree Unburdens Us All From Reality

    Derek Hunter
    Posted: May 15, 2016 12:01 AM

    Hi, I’m Derek Hunter and I’m a straight, white male. I’m 6 feet 5 inches tall, have brown hair and two different color eyes. At least, that’s how I actually am. But thanks to an insane group of pandering, division-loving progressive leftists, I am now free to claim to be, or “identify” in the current socially acceptable parlance, as anything I want.

    It’s good to know the president has enough free time to worry about such things as people’s right to use whichever bathroom they want. I was afraid he’d be bogged down with the fight against ISIS or his sputtering, failed economy. Nope.

    Since instructing the Justice Department, which also finds itself unburdened by pesky job-related obligations such as investigating Fast and Furious, the IRS being sicced on Americans because of their political beliefs, or the timely conclusion of looking into a former secretary of state treating classified material like junk mail, is finally addressing the civil rights issue of our time.

    Since the administration has decreed public schools can’t deny anyone’s “right” to use any facility – bathroom, shower, sports team – simply because of the fact of their biology, lest they risk losing federal funding, gym class is going to be a lot of fun when hormone-raging guys realize they’re one meaningless, un-disprovable, non-binding declaration away from showering with cheerleaders. Oh, to be 16 again.

    This is the world Barack Obama and the Democratic Party is constructing for us – the denial of basic biology. Someone more cynical than I might point out the disconnect between those who’ve morphed “climate change” into a religion through the deification of science now denying the undeniable scientific fact that some people have “innies,” while others have “outies.”

    Mocking euphemisms aside, females of our species have two “X” chromosomes and males have an “X” and a “Y.” This fact is not in dispute. What it means in terms of which bathroom to use is.

    I don’t care how you live your life – if you want to be a productive member of society or a worthless junkie, knock yourself out. Just don’t ask me to subsidize or cheer your choices, and I’ll extend the same courtesy to you. That is no longer permissible in 2016.

    The problem isn’t transgendered people using either bathroom; they’ve been around a long time and rarely have been noticed (unless they’ve always been holding it). If you’re a man who lives as a woman and uses the women’s bathroom, you’ve probably never been stopped. There’s no one outside public restrooms with a clipboard and velvet rope frisking you before you enter, and most people don’t pay attention to others going in and out of bathrooms. That’s not the issue. The issue is the people who do pay attention to who goes in and out of bathrooms.

    In a nation of 330 million people, there are quite a few sick people out there who don’t simply subscribe to the “live and let live” philosophy. If a pervert gets off on being in the ladies room while women do their business he’d be arrested. If some sicko wants to be around young girls doing whatever women do in there, he would be arrested. What the Justice Department is doing is offering each and every one of them cover now.

    Since being transgendered is undefined, all these perverts can simply claim they’re transgender, and suddenly every dad of an 11-year-old girl is a bigot.

    In short, the Obama administration is offering cover to any weirdo with a bathroom fetish. And it’s using your tax dollars to enforce it.

    There is an upside. If the federal government is going to impose this nebulous standard on schools under the Civil Rights Act, it won’t be able to deny the same rights to prisoners. So if you’re a man facing any sort of federal prison term, declare yourself trans and…well, you can do the math.

    There literally would be no justification for gender-segregated prisons if the Civil Rights Act were applied this way. The state can’t justify discrimination anywhere, especially when they’re “fighting” the exact same kind of it elsewhere.

    In fact, why stop there? If the federal government is going to negate the fact of biology when it comes to public restroom usage, it can’t use it anywhere. If gender can be ignored, why can’t other biological facts be ignored?

    They are, actually.

    Remember Rachel Dolezal? The white woman who “identifies” as black? That’s just an accepted part of life now. As is Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s lie about being Native American.

    Rather than being shunned for their proven lies, Dolezal was rewarded with a book deal; Warren not only got a Senate seat out of the deal, but the media praise her every utterance and urge her to join the Democratic ticket as vice presidential candidate.

    And here we are, being ourselves like suckers.

    Perhaps we should all claim to “identify” as whatever will best help us at any given moment. Jam the system. If government is going to demand gender is whatever you want it to be at any given time, game on.

    Applying for college? Claim every ethnicity and gender, go after every dime of scholarship available to everyone. All you have to do is “identify” as such. Who are they to judge?

    A lot of people, myself included, have pets we jokingly refer to as our children. Who’s to say we’re joking? I don’t have kids yet, for all I know the way I feel about my pets is exactly how parents feel about their kids – hello tax deduction! The government can’t tell me I’m wrong; it’s how I feel on the inside.

    There is literally no end to the possibilities, and by the standard set by the Obama administration on gender in public schools, no way to disprove any of it. Everyone is free to be anything, which means we’re all everything or nothing.

    Thanks to this asinine ruling by this administration, we’re all free to ignore what we are and declare ourselves whatever we want to be, whenever it suits our needs. It’s stupid, it’s crazy, but apparently it’s our civil right. I just don’t know how we missed it for all these years.

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    'Toilet terrorists' get U.S. military hero canned

    Lt. Gen. Boykin targeted for comments on president's bathroom order

    A revered military leader, retired Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, has been dismissed from his teaching post at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia for comments he made responding to President Obama’s order to public schools to allow boys who “identify” as girls to use girls restrooms and changing facilities.

    In a Facebook statement, Boykin confirmed the college’s move.

    “Let me make it official and let you all know that I have been terminated from teaching at Hampden-Sydney College after nine years there. Hampden Sydney is the 10th oldest college in America and is one of the two men’s colleges left in ‪#‎America‬. Let me begin by saying that it is a fine school with some very good young men who give me hope for the future. There are also a few very good faculty members who I consider to be good friends and true patriots. They stood with me through this whole situation as the school made the decision to terminate me and I appreciate everything that these friends at the school did to try and help.”

    Boykin once commanded the Army’s elite Delta Force and currently is vice president of Family Research Council. He’s also a WND board member.

    He was targeted by radical LGBT activists who, through emails, telephone calls and social media, demanded the college part ways with Boykin.

    Boykin said the “bottom line is that I oppose these so called ‘‪#‎Bathroom’ bills that let men go into women’s locker rooms, showers, and toilets and I have been very public about it.”
    “When I said in Orlando that ‘… the first man who goes in the restroom with my daughter will not have to worry about surgery,’ the LGBT community once again came after me, claiming that I was calling for violence against ‪#‎transgender‬ people.”

    Sign the petition demanding an end to the madness! No men in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms or showers! Just say no!

    Boykin said “that is simply not the case and I have never called for violence against anyone.”
    He explained he was “referring to perverts who will use these policies to get into locker rooms with girls and women, and I object to that.”
    “My statement was meant to be humor and not a call for violence, which everyone in my audience understood as humor,” he said.
    “Nonetheless, I gave the LGBT community just what they needed to pressure the college leadership to terminate me and they did.”

    At Richard Viguerie’s ConservativeHQ website, the attackers were dubbed “Toilette Terrorists.”
    “Through tweets, emails and phone calls some 150 radical gender fluidity activists bombarded the college mischaracterizing Boykin’s remarks as a call for violence against homosexuals and ‘transgendered’ people and demanding that Gen. Boykin be fired,” a commentary said. “And like Target, Starbucks, and other supporters of Obama’s bathroom edict, Hampton-Sydney College caved in to political correctness and complied with the radicals’ demands – even though they were based on a gross mischaracterization of Boykin’s remarks.

    “We use the broader French ‘toilette’ because Obama’s rules aren’t limited to sharing the toilet in the restroom. They extend to any place one might engage in personal hygiene or the process of washing oneself, dressing, and attending to one’s appearance: the shower, the locker room, restroom, etc.”

    Boykin asserted that “PC rules” in America are smothering free speech. He said the blunt talk he learned in the Army causes problems in today’s society, “and it has cost me a job.”

    “But I have not and will not change my position on men in women’s showers and locker rooms.”
    The ConservativeHQ commentary said: “Attempting to intimidate Jerry Boykin is obviously a fool’s errand. With a distinguished career in the military and public service behind him – in addition to commanding the Army’s elite Delta Force he also served as United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence – he long ago proved he is immune to intimidation.”

    The article said Americans are the targets of “the far-left’s intimidation tactics.”

    “What they want to do is intimidate moms and dads out in Real America; they want you to be afraid to oppose allowing men into the women’s restroom, locker room and shower and to sit down, shut up and accept their remaking of American society and culture because you’re afraid of losing your job,” the commentary said.
    “And this battle is not and never has been about those few individuals in our society that have ‘transitioned’ from one sex to another. Courts and society have determined that people have the civil right to control their own bodies and appearance, thus changing one’s sexual appearance is allowed, if not universally embraced or recognized as a choice a mentally healthy person would make,” ConservativeHQ said.

    “This battle is about the dangerous predators that will use this mandate to accept gender fluidity to enter any place where a woman has the right to expect privacy and security,” it continued.

    “This is not about what happened to Gen. Jerry Boykin at one small college in Virginia. The real issue is stopping the insanity that endangers the women and girls that we care about in our lives and standing up to the attempts to normalize the abnormal through the vicious imposition of political correctness in speech and thought.”
    Boykin concluded: “Folks, this is immoral and dangerous to allow predators to enter any place where a woman has the right to expect privacy and security. I hope that all who read this will take a stand to protect our wives, mothers, and daughters/granddaughters. This is not about what happened to me at the college. I am done there and the school will not miss me. It is a good school but it is changing like all colleges. Focus rather on the real issue of stopping the insanity that endangers the women and girls that we care about in our lives.”

    Sign the petition demanding an end to the madness! No men in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms or showers! Just say no!
    He pointed out FRC has a petition offering an opportunity to voice opposition to Obama’s bathroom policy.

    If people don’t speak up, he said, “there’s no limit to what President Obama’s administration, or future liberal presidents, will be emboldened to do.”
    A number of commentators have described Obama’s campaign for open bathrooms as an “obsession.”

    Other prominent leaders have been given a pass by activists and media when they “joke” about killing people.

    Obama said during a 2010 speech, “The Jonas Brothers are here. They’re out there somewhere. Sasha and Malia are huge fans. But, boys, don’t get any ideas. I have two words for you — predator drones. You will never see it coming. You think I’m joking.”
    The video:


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    Default Re: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    Obama to force women’s shelter to admit men who feel transgendered : Report

    Ben Johnson

    Tue Aug 16, 2016 - 5:15 pm EST

    WASHINGTON, D.C., August 16, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Barack Obama is set to finalize a federal rule requiring many women’s shelters to admit men who identify as “transgender,” potentially placing abused women and children at risk of being victimized again.

    If enacted, all homeless shelters – including battered women’s shelters – that receive federal funding would have to allow people to use the homeless shelter of the sex with which they identify, regardless of their appearance, anatomy, or the “complaints of other shelter residents.”

    Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julián Castro proposed the so-called “Equal Access Rule” last October. Media outlets say it will become final next month.

    “[T]he provider may not ask questions or otherwise seek information or documentation concerning the person's anatomy,” nor refuse to allow anyone a bed “because the client's appearance or behavior does not conform with gender stereotypes,” it reads.

    Although the shelter “may consider...whether a particular housing assignment would ensure health and safety” on a “case-by-case basis,” it may not base its decisions solely on the “complaints of other shelter residents.”

    “It is likewise prohibited to deny appropriate placement based on a perceived threat to health or safety that can be mitigated some other less burdensome way (e.g., providing the transgender shelter seeker the option to use single-use bathing facilities),” the proposed measure says.

    David Stacy, government affairs director at the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBT lobbying group, said the regulation is necessary to preserve the mental health of transgender people. "If you're a transgender woman and you walk into a homeless shelter and they treat you like a man, it's traumatizing,” he told The Hill.

    But pro-family advocates say the proposal endangers the physical safety of biological women.

    “This is yet another example of the Obama administration's bizarre obsession to force women to be unwilling participants in a radical social experiment. Sadly, more and more women have to sleep in homeless shelters because of the Obama administration's abysmal economic performance,” Gary Bauer, the president of American Values, told LifeSiteNews. “Now Obama's HUD bureaucrats are putting those women at risk for abuse and worse by men claiming to be women.”

    Not merely hypothetical
    Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council, told LifeSiteNews the policy could harm “vulnerable women and children who may have already been victims of physical or sexual abuse."

    "The 2012 assaults committed by Christopher Hambrook while posing as a transgender woman in two Toronto shelters show that this is not merely a hypothetical concern,” he said.

    After saying he identifies as a female, Christopher Hambrook abused multiple women in a Toronto shelter for women. He previously molested a five-year-old girl and, while out on bail for that crime, raped a 27-year-old woman with cognitive delays.

    Hambrook, whom court documents described as “hypersexual,” peered at yet other women while they showered. A court sentenced him to be jailed “indefinitely” in 2014.

    Those involved in homeless shelter ministries say that the proposed rule has eased sexual predators’ path to voyeurism or sexual assault.

    John Ashmen, president of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, said that, already, “that idea is out there” that homeless men can hide behind gender identity while abusing women.

    “One of the guests at a rescue mission overheard someone on the street saying, ‘Dude, if you go down to the rescue mission and tell them you’re transgender, you can sleep in the women’s dorm and even shower with them,’” Ashmen, whose Christian organization would be affected by the rule, said. “No one is trying to make transgender people feel awkward, but we’re concerned about the well-being and safety of everyone in our rescue missions.”

    “How ironic that the president who claims to be a feminist is so committed to a war on women's privacy, whether it is our daughters' school bathrooms or homeless women already at risk,” Bauer told LifeSiteNews.

    He added that “since many shelters, are run by religious groups” such as Catholic Charities USA, “the proposed rules threaten religious liberty.” Catholic Charities did not respond to The Hill’s requests for comment.

    Legislating from the White House
    The executive branch regulation endangers women and the democratic process, according to Sprigg.

    Although Congress has never enacted a law deeming homosexuals or transgender people as specially protected classes, the Obama administration has reinterpreted civil rights laws as though they had. HUD announced it would interpret the Fair Housing Act’s prohibition of sex discrimination to cases of gender identity in 2009.

    The Obama administration held that court precedents prevented discrimination on the basis of failing to meet “gender stereotypes,” broadening its application to the lack of appropriate reproductive anatomy. The administration then unilaterally applied this standard to a host of federal agencies, most publicly its controversial federal guidance to public schools and universities.

    "The Obama administration is trying to shoehorn 'sexual orientation' and 'gender identity' into as many federal regulations as it can in the remaining months Mr. Obama will be in office," Sprigg told LifeSiteNews. "Just as judges should not be legislating from the bench, President Obama should not be legislating from the White House or from executive agencies. That is the job of Congress alone."

    “I urge the administration to abandon its ideological attack upon common sense and leave shelters free to set their own policies regarding sleeping, bathroom, and shower facilities," Sprigg told LifeSiteNews.

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    Default Re: Obama Orders Schools To Let "Transgender" Students Use Bathrooms Of Their Choice

    President Obama: Homeless Women In Shelters Must Shower With Men

    by WARNER TODD HUSTON16 Aug 2016

    "New rules by President Barack Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will require officials at homeless shelters to let men who say they are transgender into the same bedrooms, toilets and showers as homeless women.

    The rules are being lauded by gay-advocacy organizations who support the transgender ideology, which insists that government must use its power to minimize legal and civic recognition of the differences between men and women.

    According to David Stacy, government affairs director at the Human Rights Campaign, the new rules maintain that, “Transgender women are women regardless of whether they were born male,” The Hill reports.

    “If you’re a transgender woman and you walk into a homeless shelter and they treat you like a man, it’s traumatizing” for the man-who-wants-to-be-a-woman, the activist added. “These people are already vulnerable, they’re homeless, they don’t have a job. To face discrimination the entire time they’re there is a real problem.”

    The new homeless shelter rule comes on the heels of Obama’s new Fair Housing Act which ruled that felons can’t be denied a rental apartment based on their criminal history.

    But the housing act also notes prospective renters cannot be denied because of race, religion or gender. So despite the lack of any clarification from Congress or the courts, many of Obama’s deputies are declaring that a group’s refusal to accept a person’s claim about their preferred sex is legally equivalent to discrimination against people because of their actual biological sex. And so, regulators now want to extend the transgender coverage to government-funded homeless shelters.

    Operators of shelters worry that being forced to treat transgender men as women will create a dangerous situation for the homeless women who seek out the shelters to escape abusive relationships.

    In fact, John Ashmen, president of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, said he’s already heard that the new rules are creating a problematic situation.

    “One of the guests at a rescue mission overheard someone on the street saying, ‘Dude, if you go down to the rescue mission and tell them you’re transgender, you can sleep in the women’s dorm and even shower with them,'” Ashmen told the paper. “So that idea is out there, but I don’t know of any missions that have called the police because of it.”

    Supporters of the rules change point out that HUD does warn that the rules shouldn’t be warped for illicit desires. David Stacy noted that the rules some worry are ripe for abuse won’t be a “get-out-of-jail-free card” for men who might seek to prey on women who are already vulnerable.

    Stacy points out that in its proposal for the rules HUD said, “Nothing in this proposed rule is meant to prevent necessary and appropriate steps to address any fraudulent attempts to access services or legitimate safety concerns that may arise in any shelter.”

    Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association also criticized the rule, calling it all about politics. “Why do you have to force other people to feel really uncomfortable, and in some cases unsafe, just to make your political point?” he asked.

    Wildmon also worried that the rules would be too easily abused and would likely put women seeking a safe place to sleep in danger of being harassed — or worse — by sexual predators.

    Critics also worry of violence breaking out among those seeking shelter. Indeed, in May a man claiming to be a transgender woman was attacked in a Vermont homeless shelter and later died from his wounds.

    Ultimately, since Congress has not passed any specific transgender-friendly laws, these new rules would apply only to shelters that receive federal funding for their operating budget and would not affect wholly private shelters.

    Fewer than 1 in 2,500 adult Americans have changed their name to the other gender, according to a study of the 2010 census.

    In general, the transgender ideology says the state should require every American to validate every person’s choice of created “gender identity,” even though a man who wants to be a woman is still a man by every known scientific measure of evolutionary life. For example, an Oregon law recently allowed a jury to award $60,000 t0 a transgender teacher because other teachers declined to use the teacher’s preferred pronoun, which is “they” rather than “him” or “her.” New York City has also established similar forced-speech rules.

    The ideology’s claim that the state must enforce a new right to “gender identity” also means that the state must ignore and often dismantle many civic rules that evolved to help the two distinct sexes — men and boys, women and girls — meet their legally equal, but different and complementary, needs. For example, the transgender ideological demand means that single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms must opened up to people of the opposite sex, regardless of age, and without any verification of created “gender identity.”

    As a result, it is now an offense in Washington State to ask a man in a woman’s bathroom if he thinks he is male or female. Similarly, Obama and gay advocacy groups have slammed a popular North Carolina law, dubbed HB2, because it requires people to undergo medical procedures before they can use a bathroom reserved for the opposite sex. Teenage boys who say they are girls are also allowed to compete against girl athletes — and to bump them off the winner’s podium.

    Students in at least two schools have protested the new ideology, which are being imposed on children in Oregon, Washington and several other states. Recent polls show the public strongly opposes the federal gender-identity ideology in schools."

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