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Thread: Tancredo Rising

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    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Tancredo Rising

    Is Tom Tancredo the next governor of Colorado?

    Tom Tancredo, former congressman and anti-immigrant firebrand, is surging in his third-party bid to be Colorado's next governor. Democrat John Hickenlooper's campaign has been 'nondescript.'

    Colorado American Constitution Party gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo responds to questions during a forum in Glendale, Colo., on Oct. 4.
    Ed Andrieski/AP

    By Linda Feldmann, Staff writer / October 27, 2010
    Washington Just a few weeks ago, Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper (D) was coasting to the governor’s office in Colorado.

    His Republican opponent, a tea party-backed businessman named Dan Maes, was imploding, and American Constitution Party candidate Tom Tancredo was in distant third place. Now look at the latest polls. Mr. Tancredo, a former Republican congressman famous for his strong anti-immigrant views, looks to be within striking distance of victory.

    The average of recent polls, as tracked by and, shows Tancredo trailing by just six percentage points. Last week, the Republican firm Magellan Data and Mapping Strategies showed him down just one point. On Monday, the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) had him down just three points. Over the weekend, the Denver

    Post released a survey showing him down by 10.

    Whether this apparent surge is real or not remains an open question. The marquee race in Colorado, for Senate, has turned into a barn-burner, with appointed Sen. Michael Bennet (D) pulling back from a deficit into a statistical tie with Republican Ken Buck. That would seem to weigh in the favor of Mayor Hickenlooper, as it shows Democratic voters “coming home” to their party’s nominees. That’s the explanation for the Denver Post poll, which shows Hickenlooper at 49 percent.

    But if the Tancredo surge is real, then Denver-based nonpartisan pollster Floyd Ciruli is prepared to blame Hickenlooper as much as credit Tancredo.

    “The mayor had been running a campaign that was relatively nondescript, stay out of trouble, with feel-good ads and a pledge not to go negative,” says Mr. Ciruli. “But this may be the year of the angry male, and with Tancredo, you couldn’t get much angrier. He’s a real fighter. He’s getting the full benefit of what’s going on out there.”

    Public support nationwide for Arizona’s crackdown on illegal immigration has fueled the Tancredo brand.

    ONE MINUTE DEBATE: Should America's illegal immigrants be offered legal status?

    But in Colorado, there’s a catch: The state has a large Latino population. Wouldn’t that hurt Tancredo the way it has hurt California Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, after the flap over her illegal immigrant housekeeper?

    You’d think. But this is a midterm election, and in Colorado, Latino turnout is expected to be down – as low as 7 or 8 percent of the electorate, compared with 14 or 15 percent in a high-turnout election, according to Ciruli.

    And there are no high-profile Latinos on the ballot. One might think that the prospect of a Governor Tancredo – the American version of French anti-immigrant activist Jean Marie Le Pen – would scare Americans of foreign origin to the ballot box. Maybe. But “voting against something isn’t the same as voting for,” says Circuli.

    What is certain is that Hickenlooper is on notice – and is taking nothing for granted. Even if he sticks by his pledge to stay positive, that won’t prevent outside groups from running attack ads against Tancredo.

    Tancredo, meanwhile, released a new TV ad Wednesday, in which the somber, dark-suited former congressman and presidential candidate speaks earnestly into the camera about how he’s “fed up with elitist politicians who trash our values and jeopardize our economic future.”

    The tea party is now fully behind Tancredo, as are some well-known Republicans in the state. Colorado may have a second barn-burner on its hands.
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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    Most likely, he will be the next Governor...

    Unless the voter fraud bug hits Denver and the surrounding, Liberal area.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    Polls have Maes at about 5%...

    Colorado voters are being disenfranchised

    Wednesday, 27 October 2010 00:00 Dear Editor:

    In my opinion, conservative Colorado voters are being held hostage by a power-grabbing ex-Congressman — an out-of-work career politician, for cryin’ out loud! — who thinks he knows better than the voters of this state who put our conservative candidate, Dan Maes, on the 2010 primary ticket.

    For starters, Tom Tancredo didn’t even run in the primaries — he declined to participate until it became clear that a constitutional conservative, who wouldn’t be controlled by Tancredo and the rest of the Republican power players, actually had a chance of becoming governor of our great state.

    That’s when Tancredo decided to barge in because of course he “knows better than all of us what this state needs”... huh?

    Other than his signature issue (immigration), I have yet to see any real plan from Tancredo’s campaign for bringing jobs back to Colorado, reigning in big government and its out-of-control spending, or any other issue of importance to Colorado voters. On top of that, as a U.S. congressman, Tancredo preached term limits.... and then went on to run for office two more times. Is this really who we want as governor — someone who says one thing and does quite another? Uh, does this sound familiar?

    I remember sitting in my precinct caucus last March, listening to people talk about backing “the guy that has the best chance of winning”.... in other words, McInnis. Well, look how well that turned out.

    It was in that caucus — the first one I had ever attended — that I realized I have been voting for the “lesser of two evils” for too many years, and I stood up and read Dan Maes’ letter of intent.

    If we are to pull our beautiful state and our country out of the mire, voting for “the lesser of two evils” must stop. I believe there are a lot of Colorado voters who feel the same way — almost 200,000 of us put conservative candidate Dan Maes on the ticket.

    It is up to all of us to stand up and do the right thing in this crucial election. Don’t let a grandstander like Tancredo — a has-been who couldn’t even say on national TV what his own party stands for — steal your conservative vote right out from under you.

    Judith E. Schmalz
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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    Tancredo's quiet rise in Colorado

    By DAVID CATANESE | 10/27/10 5:45 PM EDT

    Most of the resources, attacks and attention focused on Colorado have for weeks been trained on the deadlocked Senate race. National groups had long since abandoned the state's gubernatorial contest — a race in which third-party candidate Tom Tancredo has quietly managed to become a contender.

    The same Public Policy Polling survey this week that showed Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet and Republican Ken Buck tied at 47 percent also revealed a Tancredo surge in the governor’s race, with the American Constitution Party candidate within just 3 points of heavily favored Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper.

    “Voters in the state have warmed up to Tancredo on a personal level as the campaign has progressed,” PPP’s Dean Debnam wrote in a Monday memo.

    Strong name recognition, robust Republican enthusiasm and the complete collapse of the flawed candidacy of Republican nominee Dan Maes has provided Tancredo a surprising opening in the closing days of a campaign that had been all but written off.

    “We’re in a dog race out here. We’re within the margin of error. Four million dollars and he’s gone from 44 to 44,” Tancredo adviser Bay Buchanan told POLITICO, referring to Hickenlooper.

    Neither the Republican Governors Association nor the Democratic Governors Association has been spending money in the state, and Hickenlooper’s television ads have been overwhelmingly positive, factors Buchanan says has only helped Tancredo.

    “Well, let’s just say, I was pleased to see they were sleeping. Has anyone noticed yet? OK, keep your head down,” she said, chuckling. “Maybe it’s brilliant that Hickenlooper has done nothing. But when you’re coming from behind there’s nothing better than having someone who has underestimated your abilities.”

    Some Republicans believe it’s now Maes, the GOP nominee hampered by campaign finance violations and allegations he exaggerated his role as a police officer in Kansas, who could prove to be the spoiler.

    “Tancredo’s campaign has been on an upward trajectory for two months. Several recent polls have him within 1 to 5 points, so he’s very much in the game,” said Rob Witwer, a former GOP state representative. “The X-factor is Dan Maes, who can’t win himself, but could very well keep Tancredo from winning.”

    But even if Tancredo falls short of topping the popular Democratic nominee, his candidacy is likely to bolster overall GOP turnout, said Buck campaign manager John Swartout.

    “Having Tancredo in the race is good for us in terms of getting people out to vote. Most votes for Tancredo are going to be votes for Ken Buck,” Swartout said.

    He also said the peculiar scenario has allowed Tancredo to run a below-the-radar campaign, avoiding the usual barrage of attacks that would have been launched in a race that was considered competitive.

    “What’s the instrument to attack Tancredo?” Swartout said. “They’re coasting to the finish line and Tancredo’s moving. My view is anything can happen. Hickenlooper is well-liked but Tancredo is making a move.”

    Bennet campaign spokesman Trevor Kincaid argued that the Maes-Tancredo rift has torn apart the party and is a drag on the ticket.

    “You have some Republicans making calls for Maes, some for Tancredo. The infrastructure is split. There’s not a concerted effort behind either. The fractured Republican Party helps us,” Kincaid said.

    Buck himself revoked his endorsement of Maes back in August, but Swartout would not say who his candidate planned on voting for when he cast his early ballot Wednesday.
    “He hasn’t stated anything regarding that. He hasn’t endorsed Tancredo. He’s staying in his own lane. He’s just not going to

    comment,” he said.

    The Public Policy Poll taken between Oct. 21-23 showed Hickenlooper leading Tancredo 47 percent to 44 percent, with Maes capturing just 5 percent. The margin of error was 3.4 percent.

    A Hickenlooper campaign spokesman did not respond to an e-mail and call seeking comment.

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    Op-Ed Contributor
    American Patriot Tom Tancredo: Best Choice for Governor of Colorado!

    By John Lillpop

    As a tsunami of conservatism continues to build into an unstoppable wave of political serendipity that will crest Tuesday next, a particularly bit of good news comes from the great state of Colorado. As reported in the media, third-party candidate Tancredo was endorsed for governor by Amy Kremer, Chairwoman of the National Tea Party Express, which represents a huge boost for the candidate.
    Kremer's endorsement was a personal one as the Tea Party Express does not endorse state or local candidates
    More good news for the American hero: According to recent polls, Tancredo is within three points of Democrat John Hickenlooper.

    Dan Maes, the Republican in the race, is third in the polls. Kremer pleaded with Maes to quit the race and clear the way for the Tancredo candidacy.
    Tom Tancredo is, and has been for years, the most articulate and credible politician on the issue of illegal aliens in America.
    He genuinely understands and respects the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, and preservation of American language, values and culture.
    Often a lone voice in years past concerning the outrageous invasion of America by uneducated, impoverished, non-English speaking, and unskilled invaders from south of our borders, mostly Mexico, Tancredo richly deserves the opportunity to serve Colorado and the nation as Colorado's chief executive.
    Coloradoans who really care about their state and America will vote for Tom Tancredo for governor!
    From that post, Tancredo will be able to add force and authority to the national debate about the invasion of America!
    God Bless Tom Tancredo.
    John Lillpop is a recovering liberal, 'clean and sober' since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are considered reasonable! Writing is his passion. He loves creating lively copy with irony and humor!
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    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    October 27, 2010, 11:17 pm Governor Forecast Update: Live, Automated Polls Split on Tancredo Chances

    Perhaps this year’s most intriguing gubernatorial contest is in Colorado, which had once looked safe for the Democratic nominee, Mayor John Hickenlooper of Denver. A series of recent polls, however, have shown sharp gains by Tom Tancredo, the former Republican Congressman, who is running on the ticket of the American Constitution Party.

    Mr. Tancredo’s campaign had once seemed little more than a curiosity, his support starting out in the low 20s in polls, and having dropped to as low as 9 percent in a one survey in late August. Typically, once a third party candidate’s numbers decline into the single digits or the low teens, they have little hope of coming back.

    Mr. Tancredo had the good fortune, however, of being on the ballot alongside an exceptionally marginal Republican nominee in Dan Maes. Mr. Maes had never earned more than 33 percent of the vote in any given survey. About a month ago, the standing of the two candidates crossed in the polls — perhaps as conservative Coloradans realized that Mr. Tancredo’s chances against Mr. Hickenlooper, while not strong, were no worse than Mr. Maes’s.

    What all the pollsters agree upon is that Mr. Tancredo has continued to gain ground since then. They disagree, however, on exactly how much of a threat he represents to Mr. Hickenlooper.

    Six polling firms have been active in Colorado within the last two weeks. Four of them — Public Policy Polling, Pulse Opinion Research (a subsidiary of Rasmussen Reports), Magellan Strategies, and SurveyUSA — use automated scripts to conduct their surveys rather than live interviewers. These surveys show Mr. Tancredo trailing Mr. Hickenlooper by an average of just 5 percentage points.

    But two other polling firms, CNN and Ipsos, conducted traditional polls, and did not find Mr. Tancredo quite so close. They gave Mr. Hickenlooper leads of 14 and 11 percent, respectively.

    I can think of two theories to explain the discrepancy, one of which would be favorable for Mr. Hickenlooper and the other for Mr. Tancredo.

    Automated surveys are associated with lower response rates (indeed, probably very low response rates.) It can feel like a bit of a chore to (literally) push buttons to answer a “robopoll,” particularly in the absence of a live human being to help coax you along.

    The lower the response rate in a survey, the greater the risk that that the people who do complete the poll are not representative of the electorate as a whole — the name given to this is response bias.

    Although response bias can cause several problems, one of them may be that you will get only the most enthusiastic participants to complete your survey. While getting enthusiastic respondents is not a wholly negative thing — at least such people are quite likely to vote – such polls can, in effect, overcompensate for the “enthusiasm gap.” There is some evidence, in fact, that that factor is having a systemic effect on the polling, as automated surveys the year have been around 3-4 points more favorable to Republican candidates than traditional polls.

    But those effects could especially skew polling for a controversial candidate like Mr. Tancredo, who — while garnering enthusiastic responses from those who like his positions — may have support that is deep but not broad. If, for instance, only 37 percent of the electorate would be willing to vote for Mr. Tancredo, those people might be more likely to tout their support to pollsters, and surveys prone to response bias could then exaggerate his standing.

    The argument on the other side has to do with another potential flaw in polling: social desirability bias. When completing a poll, people can sometimes be reluctant to articulate support for a candidate or position that might seem socially undesirable or “politically incorrect.” This may be out of fear of embarrassment, conveying offense to the interviewer, and so forth.

    Purveyors of automated surveys have sometimes suggested that their technique can reduce the impact of social desirability bias, since voters may be more willing to give honest responses when talking to a computer rather than another human being, which can create a greater feeling of anonymity. Mr. Tancredo is nothing if not “politically incorrect” in the view of many. Perhaps some voters are planning to vote for him but are unwilling to say as much to (human) pollsters?

    In this instance, I tend to discount the latter hypothesis for the following reason. The most natural response of someone who was unwilling to disclose their support for a particular candidate because of social desirability bias would ordinarily say they were undecided — rather than going through the trouble feigning support for one of the other candidates. The so-called Bradley effect, for instance, was thought to manifest itself in voters telling pollsters they were undecided rather than recording their opposition to a black candidate.

    If there were social desirability bias at work in the case of Mr. Tancredo’s polling, and the live-interviewer surveys were more prone to it, what we might expect to see is a higher number of undecideds in those polls.

    That isn’t what we see, however. Instead, just 2 percent of voters in the CNN poll, and just 5 percent in the Ipsos poll, failed to choose one of the three gubernatorial candidates. (The automated polls also have a very low rate of undecided voters.)

    So, this seems more likely to be a case where the automated pollsters are getting it wrong. But the race clearly has many singular qualities to it, and the 17 percent chances the model assigns to Mr. Tancredo seems like a reasonable hedge.
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    Colo. can't afford to elect Tancredo

    The inflammatory former congressman is provocative and entertaining, but has a disturbing history of erratic behavior.
    By The Denver Post

    Posted: 10/28/2010 01:00:00 AM MDT

    The gubernatorial bid of Tom Tancredo has definitely livened up the 2010 campaign. The former congressman has a quick wit and an engaging way of telling stories, so much so that it's easy to forget the other Tancredo we have come to know over the years.

    In a new ad, Tancredo criticizes John Hickenlooper for some "elitist" comments the Denver mayor made about rural Coloradans. That's the same Tancredo who casually threw out the idea of bombing Mecca, the most holy Muslim religious site, as retribution for a terrorist attack.

    The Tancredo who advocated a civics literacy test for voters, something that sounds disturbingly similar to the literacy tests used to disenfranchise black voters.

    The Tancredo who called the National Council of La Raza, the largest Latino civil rights group, "a Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses." And who can forget his calling Miami a "Third World country," which prompted then-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush to call Tancredo a "nut"?

    The erratic and extreme musings of Tancredo are suitable for the loony talk radio circuit that has devoted countless hours to his ideas. But we question whether they're appropriate for someone who wants to be Colorado's next governor.

    And while we've disagreed with Tancredo's rhetoric over the years, this election obviously is about much more than bombastic — or, dare we say, backwards? — statements.

    We hope voters think about the skills that make a successful chief executive as they mull their final decision. It's one of the reasons we endorsed Hickenlooper.

    Colorado is facing extremely difficult fiscal conditions, and we think Tancredo's support for two measures that would gut core functions of government is irresponsible.

    Specifically, Tancredo seems to be the lone high-profile politician backing Amendment 60 and Proposition 101, two of three poisonous ballot initiatives that would seriously compromise the state's ability to pay for public safety, prisons, higher education and road improvements.

    Amendment 60 would cut property taxes and Proposition 101 would slash vehicle registration fees back to 1919 levels, along with cuts to income taxes and fees on phones and television service.

    Virtually every responsible politician in the state opposes these measures, including former Gov. Bill Owens, a fiscal conservative who has said the measures would set back the state's progress by decades. (How can Tancredo seal the state border with Colorado patrolmen to protect us from the illegal immigrants that he said are coming "to kill you, and you, and me, and my grandchildren" if we're slashing budgets?)

    Colorado doesn't need a thoughtless slasher. The state does need someone who will think critically about how to best weather this economic downturn while doing the least damage possible to educational institutions, the safety net for the state's poorest residents and other vital government services, such as roads and highways.

    Furthermore, Colorado needs a governor who can work with Democrats and more moderate Republicans — not just those supporting the brand of hard-right conservative politics that Tancredo espouses.

    It's hard for us to imagine that Tancredo, who just this July called President Obama the "greatest threat" to this nation's liberty, its constitution and way of life, will turn into that sort of public servant.

    Tancredo will always be provocative, alternatively entertaining and offensive, but Coloradans cannot afford to elect him to lead us through the difficult times ahead.

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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    Tom Tancredo: It’s time for a 10th amendment revolution!

    Posted by therightscoop on Oct 27, 2010 in Politics | 14 Comments

    Glenn Beck was so excited to hear that Tom Tancredo actually may win the election for Governor of Colorado that he couldn’t wait to get him on the phone for an interview. And it’s a great interview!
    One of the things I really enjoyed hearing was that Tancredo says that one of the first things he’ll do as governor, providing he wins, is that he’ll call Governor Christie and Governor Brewer and hopefully get them to band together with him to create a 10th amendment revolution. Talk about something that is sorely needed! We’ve got to start pushing back against big government on every level!
    They also talk about sanctuary cities and immigration, but I must say that the whole interview is very interesting.

    Btw, I know the clip starts out with the Rolling Stones ‘Angie’, but they transition at about the 1 minute mark to Tancredo only to ask him about the song. That’s what I left it in.

    I can't seem to find any embed for the radio clip. Hopefully the link stays forever.
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    Here is the Kudlis legal immigrant voice:

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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    This is from the Tancredo for Governor Facebook page:

    GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO—Congresswoman Michele Bachmann today endorsed conservative independent Tom Tancredo for Governor of Colorado.

    “This election is too important for partisanship to trump principle,” said Congresswoman Bachmann. "Tom Tancredo is the clear conservative choice, and that's why I support him, and you should too!"

    Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann represents Minnesota's 6th Congressional District, and is the first Republican woman to represent Minnesota in the U.S House of Representatives. Bachmann is a tax litigation attorney, a small business owner, a mother of five, and a foster mother of 23. Bachmann founded the Congressional TEA Party Caucus and is the current Chairman.
    More Republicans and conservative groups throughout Colorado have also endorsed Tancredo. Tancredo’s latest endorsements include:
    Rocky Mountain Gun Owners
    Republican State Senator Dave Schultheis
    Republican State Senator Bill Cadman
    Republican State Senator Mark Scheffel
    Republican State Representative Bob Gardner
    Republican State Representative Carole Murray
    Republican State Representative Mark Waller
    Tommy Holton, Mayor of Fort Lupton
    Gail Fallen, Radio Host, 600 KCOL
    Chris Cruz, Radio Host, 600 KCOL
    Former Republican State Representative Vickie Armstrong
    Edgar Johansson, Republican Candidate for State House District 23
    Janak Joshi, Republican Candidate for State House District 14
    Mary Dambman, Former Adams County GOP Chair
    Concerned Women of America
    Can-Do Conservatives of America
    America's Independent Party

    There are many many more endorsements than this, and today from Twitter:

    Kent Lambert tweeted that: State Sen Lundberg, who nominated Dan Maes at CO Convention, joins stampede to Tancredo. Maes has no legislative backers.
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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    Holy crap - Aplomb doesn't post for a while.

    And today the selector switch is on Full Auto.

    Oh yeah - I'd vote for Tancredo.

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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    I could be here all day with all of the explosion in news media on Tom Tancredo, but let me just get a few more in. Tancredo is THE story in this election in my opinion.

    A new poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP) has American Constitution Party Candidate Tom Tancredo trailing Democrat John Hickenlooper by just three points.

    The poll, which surveyed 818 likely Colorado voters from October 21st to 23rd, showed Hickenlooper receiving 47% of the vote to Tancredo's 44%, with Republican Dan Maes slipping to just 5%. That's a stark contrast to PPP's poll from earlier this month, which showed Hickenlooper with a comfortable 47-33 lead over Tancredo.

    Since that time, Tancredo has continued to benefit from the steady demise of Maes's campaign due to a series of gaffes and distractions. As PPP's Tom Jensen notes, he has also seen his own popularity increase from a 27/50 favorable/unfavorable rating in PPP's August polling to a 45/44 rating in the latest survey.

    The poll has a 3.4% margin for error.

    On Sunday, the Denver Post and 9News released the results of a Survey USA poll that showed Hickenlooper with a ten-point lead.

    PPP also showed Democrat Michael Bennet and Republican Ken Buck tied at 47%. This is the exact same result as the Denver Post/9News poll released on Sunday.
    Last edited by Aplomb; October 28th, 2010 at 17:46. Reason: ad deletions
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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising,6218032.story

    Tanc's Travels: late entrant looking to go all the way

    Eli Stokols Political Reporter
    9:46 PM MDT, October 26, 2010

    DENVER - After more than 40 years in politics, there's not much Tom Tancredo hasn't done or said.

    But until late July, he'd never run for governor. Now, with just a week left in this last-minute campaign, he's got a chance to win.

    "We are right there, we are on the cusp," Tancredo told a crowd of 75 supporters who showed up at the Washington Park Tavern for a meet-and-greet on Monday.

    "I keep thinking back, what was I thinking when I first started this? Did I really think I'd be here at this point and time?" Tancredo said. "It did look possible. It did not look probable, but it did look possible. And now it's probable."

    Polls show Tancredo within a few points of Democrat John Hickenlooper. In less than three months, the former GOP congressman has eaten up nearly all of Dan Maes' support, with the embattled GOP nominee down to just five percent in the most recent poll.

    Tancredo admits, it wasn't easy at first.

    "They had to think about why I did this, you know, Republicans had to come to grips with it," Tancredo said. "Now, they're all saying, we're with you, we're on board, because we understand why you did it."

    Now, with precious days left in this race and more ballots being cast every day, Tancredo is driving all over the state -- unlike the Mayor, who's doing the same in a big bus, Tancredo has only a driver in his entourage -- trying to meet enough people, do enough interviews and shake enough hands to overtake Hickenlooper, the wire-to-wire frontrunner since the general election took shape.

    "There's nothing fancy about our campaign," Tancredo said. "We're going to do exactly what we've been doing. We're going to meet as many people as we possibly can. We're going to be putting as much advertising as we possibly can. Every day we get money in, we put it into new advertising.

    "If we can continue the momentum we have right now, we'll win this race."

    Running on momentum and a heavy dose of adrenaline, Tancredo was heading south Tuesday morning with a full schedule of campaign events taking place in Colorado Springs and Canon City.

    Riding shotgun in a Buick sedan, Tancredo uses the long stretches in the car to do radio interviews, to recline his seat and take a quick nap and, on this day, to think.

    "Every time I see the leaves start to fall, I think of knocking on doors, handing out pamphlets. I've done it for so long," said Tancredo, reminscing about his first statehouse campaign.

    "We had my mother's recipe for tomato sauce on one side of it, and then Tom Tancredo's recipe for good government on the other side," Tancredo said. "Pretty hokey, but that's what we started out with in 1976."

    Now, two years after retriring from Congress, Tancredo can't help but wonder if this will mark the end of his political career or, perhaps, an unexpected beginning; and at the end of a three-month sprint of a campaign, he can't help but hope the next seven days will decide.

    "I have to believe they're really critical so it gives me the energy to get up and do it every day," he said. "You have to say, yeah, this is it, this'll make it or break it. I have no idea, to tell you the truth -- but here we are, on the road again."

    Last edited by Aplomb; October 28th, 2010 at 17:58.
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  16. #16
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    Mr. Kudlis speaks:

    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  17. #17
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    I was voting for Maes.

    But, changed my mind.

    I'd rather have Tancredo in there than Hickyloopy.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  18. #18
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tancredo Rising

    Good deal! Tancredo is the man!

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