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Thread: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

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    Default Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Fair warning.

    I'm posting this mainly for historical reasons.

    If this proves true, I want it saved.

    I have yet been unable to find what I consider an ultra-reliable source for this.

    Use your own logic and reasoning here.

    I'll post Part 2 when it's available.

    I deleted all the pics from the article; they added nothing of value.

    White House Insider: The Obama Plan – Part One
    Posted by loverboy on August 12, 2011

    Author’s Note: This interview is the first face to face sit down in months with our longtime D.C. political operative we have come to simply call “Insider”. They offer up a unique perspective and insight based upon their decades-long experience as a political operative working at the highest levels of government – including helping to elect Barack Obama in 2008. Here now are the words of Insider, unedited and published in their entirety per their request. This is part one of the interview. WARNING: Adult Content


    Ulsterman: It’s been a while hasn’t it? Face to face that is.

    Insider: Yes it has. Been busy. Tired. Loving it though. I really do love this. All of this. Gonna miss it. And we have made so much progress. Incredible progress.

    Ulsterman: How so? Eric Holder remains at the DOJ. Barack Obama remains president.

    Insider: Really? That’s how you put it to me? Holder is at the DOJ – for now. For now, right? Open your eyes. Holder is getting absolutely slammed at every turn. We got people in Congress calling for full investigations now. Calling for Holder to step down. Calling for fucking justice! You didn’t see that last year. You didn’t see that before we started all of this. Something like that doesn’t happen in days or weeks, or even a month or two. It takes fucking time. Who else pointed to the DOJ and said THERE IS THE SCANDAL. Who else? Nobody but me. I gave you that. On a fucking platter I gave you that. So don’t come here now on my invite and point at me and say there hasn’t been any progress. ERIC HOLDER IS GOING DOWN. Ok? It’s happening. Right before our fucking eyes. And like I’ve always told you, Holder is the Obama firewall. Holder is the stop-gap to everything. Every fucking thing. You head up the DOJ you can pretty much stamp out 99% of anything coming at a president. Do you understand that? I know—

    UlstermanInterrupts) …I understand what you’ve told me. You were right on about the DOJ. I’ll give you that, deservedly so. And you’re also right, at least from what I can recall, that nobody was honing in on a DOJ scandal before you were. And that’s where we are at now – a significant DOJ scandal. But after months of the scandal first breaking, Eric Holder remains the Attorney General. And the Gunrunner story seems stalled. And I worry it’s gonna go away. Just like the New Black Panther case did.

    Insider: First off…the Black Panther thing…(long pause) We, I…I fucked that up. Not just me, but I am to blame for that in part. We showed our hand way too early…we got caught flat footed on it. That case had the potential to be much bigger. We fucked it up. The launch was all wrong. Looking back – whataya gonna do? Spilled fucking milk. But let me make this clear to you right now – Gunrunner is way bigger than the NBP scenario. Way bigger. It is an operation that has gone into full government cover up at the highest levels. THE HIGHEST LEVELS. You got that? I told you months ago that “we got them”. They fucked up. They took the bait and ran with it. And they know it now. But you gotta understand here…you gotta realize, that once we reach a certain stage, we become almost totally dependent on certain people in certain positions of power to now take the ball and run with it. That is almost always the case. And if they drop the ball, if they back off, if they make a deal – it’s over. Done.

    Ulsterman: Issa?

    Insider: Yeah, he’s certainly a very critical part of this. Initially he was among the most critical. To his credit he seems to have pushed this thing out there as best he can. But I remain cautious of his ultimate intent. Will he allow a secondary figure to take the fall? That could still happen. I haven’t heard that confirmed yet, which is a very good sign, but it could still happen. It’s beyond just Issa now though. Congress – all of Congress, is engaged on this Gunrunner thing, though under the radar where most the deals go down. There is some positioning, posturing, all the same fucking bullshit these clowns do on this stuff, a deal here, a promise there, nod and wink, handshakes, threats, break-ups, it’s pretty incestuous on that hill you know? People have no fucking clue. We’ve all been rode hard and put away wet at one time or another up there—

    Ulsterman(interrupts) —Staying with Congressman Issa. Can you just say straight on if you believe he will follow through on bringing a special prosecutor to investigate Gunrunner? Just a simple yes or no on that please…

    Insider: That kind of thing will take more than just Darrell Issa. Good news is, it’s forming right now. I’ve told you that already and you have no reason to doubt it. The negotiations are currently underway for a special prosecutor and the signs are looking very-very good on that, which is a huge development for all of this – for what we have been working toward. But let’s not get into more details on that just yet – I don’t intend to help fuck this one up. Just rest assured it’s moving along, and at a much faster pace than I would have thought possible just a month ago.

    Ulsterman: Let’s say Holder resigns and what you keep referring to as “Obama’s firewall” is removed. What then?

    Insider: (Smiles) What then? Oh…I think you would be satisfied with the result.

    Ulsterman: That’s too vague. What then? It makes sense to me that Eric Holder in his position as Attorney General has significant powers – almost unlimited powers it would seem, to protect Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and anyone else needed in order to keep President Obama in power. Even if Holder goes though, couldn’t they simply install someone else in his place to continue that protection?

    Insider: Finally you are asking the right questions! And that is EXACTLY what the Obama machine is already attempting to prepare for – Holder’s replacement. Issa and others are watching this stuff right now, with a strong assist from a certain Democrat senator. The problem is, there will be a gap between the protection Eric Holder provides now, and the protection his replacement could provide. Information can then be uncovered that is currently tucked away behind the cloak of the Obama Department of Justice. When Holder is on his way out, the truth is gonna move in. We just need that window of opportunity to make it happen. It’s gonna happen. Just give it a bit more time.

    Ulsterman: And then back to Chicago?

    Insider: Yes…Chicago. Maybe Hawaii too. (winks)

    Ulsterman: You know, there was a time not so long ago where you mocked me for the Birther stuff. Now you keep hinting at something being there. Did you read the book? The Corsi book?

    Insider: You keep sinkin’ your teeth into that leg don’t you? A goddamn rabid dog for the Birther shit. Look, I ain’t no expert investigator. That’s not my thing. But I do hear things from time to time. And I know for a fact Nancy Pelosi made mention of a file on the subject. You remember that? When she was heading out the door as Speaker. When her and Obama were not so fucking simpatico? Before whatever deal she struck with him?

    Ulsterman: Yes.

    Insider: And the last time I sent you a message I mentioned that this Corsi had been brought up by somebody high up in the political food chain, right? That something seemed to be forming on that? Whatever is there it has people concerned. If he wanted to get their attention, it seems he got it. I would still recommend you don’t cozy up to it too close though. I will just say this about your Mr. Corsi…I don’t think he’s entirely right, but there’s a lot of chatter out there indicating he’s not entirely wrong either.

    Ulsterman: You keep stringing me along on this thing. You once didn’t want to hear anything related to questions about Obama’s birth record and now you seem more willing to entertain the possibility. Why the change? What do you know?

    Insider: Hell – I think I…I think I more than entertain the possibility. I have read some of the stuff you sent me. How much is true or not I can’t say. I really can’t. I have access to what-what some people are saying, or what they are worried about, or what they might be planning. And I have years of experience that helps me put one and two together to try and figure out what is coming down the political pike. And I have associates with access to their own information who agree with me that Barack Obama was a huge fucking mistake for the party and for America. But I don’t have some super secret Obama file. If I did I would most likely already be dead. I don’t know if it’s about his place of birth or if it’s something else that those records could reveal, but what I do know is that Barack Obama is covering something up related to that stuff. The guy is hiding something there. I am sure of that. Everything points to that being the case. The stuff you send me…look, a lot of it I just trash. I admit that. I’ve looked over some of it though, and some of it sounds…possible. Maybe even probable. But I don’t have a hand in any of that. Getting Eric Holder out of the DOJ, defeating Barack Obama in 2012 – that’s my thing. If somebody else wants to prove Obama isn’t who he says he is – more power to them…and join the fucking club.

    Ulsterman: If your move to get Eric Holder to step down is not accomplished before the elections, do you think Obama can be defeated?

    Insider: Absolutely. And that’s a big change from what I used to say to you isn’t it? I told you and told you Democrats were disgusted over Obama. You remember that? Nobody else was saying that. And now look at what is being reported - Democrats disgusted over Obama. Whispers of Hillary heading out the door. A push to have her run against Obama – something that sadly I have been told she won’t do. More whispers of some other Democrat challenging the president. That information I sent you about the debt ceiling…Obama walking out and threatening Democrats. Threatening to fucking veto Democrats! You messaged me saying I got it wrong. That it was the Republicans he walked out on…right? That’s what you said – that I got it wrong.

    Ulsterman: Yes, but in my defense, that is what was reported. That Obama walked out on the Republicans not the Democrats. There was no mention of him walking out on the Democrats, so it did seem—

    Insider: (Interrupts) —Seemed? Do you think? Do you think the media wanted to portray the Democrats as clawing out their own eyes? Hell no! If I give you something that detailed you take it to the fucking bank. Got it? President Obama walked out on the Democrats. He threatened to veto them. A veto I told you was complete bullshit. And what did he do – he signed whatever they sent him. Just like I said he would. And after the fact – days after the fact, is when the reports finally came out that Obama left a meeting with the Democratic and Republican leadership, and that he was threatening to veto what they were putting together. I was able to tell you what happened, told you what happened, because I got it from the room. Understand? From the fucking room. If I give you something that specific, it’s the real-time deal. Don’t ever doubt me on that.

    Ulsterman: Fair enough. How about you tell me how Obama is defeated in 2012? Let’s assume Holder is still Attorney General – how does Obama lose?

    Insider: First, Holder won’t be Attorney General by November 2012. But I’ll leave off on that and talk politics with you. The simple, in it to win it, get your hands dirty with the shit up to your balls politics. My world.

    Ulsterman: Absolutely – let’s hear it.

    Insider: Hold on then – here we go…The Obama team has already initiated a comprehensive plan of attack for 2012. Just a bit of that has leaked out already. They are developing campaign scenarios based upon the most possible Republican nominees. Now at this point, and here’s one of those specifics you can bank on that I just told you about, so try and pay attention…at this point, Mitt Romney has received the brunt of the Obama team’s focus. And they still believe he will be the likely nominee, which at this point I would agree with. The funding organization the Romney people put together is fucking fantastic. The involvement of Perry – Governor Perry, has them scrambling now though. I don’t believe they actually thought he was going to go for it this time around. I was told the Perry people had leaked to them – the Obama operatives, that Governor Perry was actually not considering a run until 2016. If true, good for them. Classic head fake that has left the Obama machine now doing catch-up to prepare for a possible run against Perry. You want to make those Chicago Obama boys stain their drawers? Tell them the South is about to rise again! (laughs)

    None of this is beyond the norm though. Where it gets different for the Obama campaign is what I’ll just call the Obama Plan. They are going way beyond simply working up your typical campaign scenarios against potential opponents. The president – I was told of this about a week ago, maybe two weeks ago…(pause)… the president actually considered quitting. He really did. But now he’s going on the attack. He wants to give a big F-You to White America – that’s actually one of his primary motivations. You think the race card has been played up before? Just wait. 2012 is gonna be the most brutal political cycle we have ever witnessed. Ever.


    COMING SOON: The Obama Plan – Part Two. How the Obama campaign intends to win re-election in 2012, and how far Barack Obama is willing to go to make it happen.

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Here's the supposed Part 2.

    I'll post Part 3 when I can find it.

    White House Insider: The Obama Plan – Part Two
    Published by Ulsterman on August 15, 2011 in US Politics

    Author’s Note: This interview is the first face to face sit down in months with our longtime D.C. political operative we have come to simply call “Insider”. They offer up a unique perspective and insight based upon their decades-long experience as a D.C. insider working within the highest levels of government– including helping to elect Barack Obama in 2008. Here now are the words of Insider, unedited and published in their entirety per their request. This is part two of the interview. WARNING: Adult Content


    Insider: None of this is beyond the norm though. Where it gets different for the Obama campaign is what I’ll just call the Obama Plan. They are going way beyond simply working up your typical campaign scenarios against potential opponents. The president – I was told of this about a week ago, maybe two weeks ago…(pause)… the president actually considered quitting. He really did. But now he’s going on the attack. He wants to give a big F-You to White America – that’s actually one of his primary motivations. You think the race card has been played up before? Just wait. 2012 is gonna be the most brutal political cycle we have ever witnessed
    Ulsterman: Hold up there. Obama – the president…he actually considered quitting? Where did you hear that?

    Insider: Yes he considered it. How seriously I don’t know, but he was chirping about it to some people for a bit. Before uhh…before summer. He was considering…told the president described the idea as “cool”. That’s how he put—

    UlstermanInterrupts) —Where did you hear that? There has been nothing said about Obama quitting anywhere that I know of. Nothing.

    Insider: That’s about right. Why would there be? But that’s what he was saying. Basically wondering out loud…something along those lines, about just quitting after one term. Then that talk went away – just like that, and now the president seems very-very motivated to kick some ass. Obviously somebody had a sit down with him and…modified the president’s way of thinking on that subject.

    Ulsterman: Jarret?

    Insider: Maybe. I’m sure she was involved on some level. She’s always there. Somewhere. Somehow. She can’t afford to have Obama just up and quit. None of them can. The tactics used to obtain the position of president are now being protected by the position of president. Sold his soul for a job he can’t stand. Get it? Obama put himself in a fuckin’ corner of his own making. His own and the makings of those who placed him there, and there ain’t no way they allow him to just quit it. Way too much invested in this cluster-fuck. Billions. Trillions. Who the fuck knows?

    Ulsterman: Ok, so you say Barack Obama considered not running for re-election. But now he is running hard to do just that – and the campaign is going to be…what’s the word you used?

    Insider: Brutal.

    Ulsterman: How so? How brutal?

    Insider: How brutal? Very, that’s…that’s what—

    Ulsterman (Interrupts) —No, I mean, how is it going to brutal? Any more brutal than a typical presidential campaign?

    Insider: Ah…well, I’ll first say there is nothin’ typical about any presidential campaign. They are all Frankensteins. The very worst of human behavior is par for the course. Ugly-ugly-ugly. Your boy Reagan – his people were about the toughest, meanest sons-a-bitches I ever seen run a presidential campaign. All smiles and jokes and positive messaging on the outside, and kick ‘em in the fucking teeth behind the scenes. As tough as those guys were, Barack Obama is gonna be much-much worse.

    Ulsterman: How? What’s the plan? What’s going to be different from all the other campaigns?

    Insider: You’ve already seen it. A taste of it. Race. The race card. Racism. Race-race-race. It’s all they fucking got to run on these days.

    Ulsterman: Race? Hasn’t Obama played that one out already? It’s become a joke.

    Insider: Played it out? No, not…you might think so but no…his people are going to raise the issue of race to a level this country hasn’t seen since the Civil Rights movement. White guilt got Barack Obama the nomination. White guilt got Barack Obama into the White House. At least it was a big part of it…they are not sure they can run on the economy by summer of 2012. Motivation is way down – the people on the ground. Many of them will be sitting this one out. The campaign conducted over five internals in the last few months. Each time the one issue that came back favorably for the president was the color of his skin. People are not comfortable…white people are not comfortable going against a person of color. At least not a whole lot of them. Those studies – those kinds of studies…they were first incorporated by the Hillary campaign back in 2007 and 2008. It scared the hell out of her – she was so afraid of being called a racist. So she attacked Obama on his lack of experience, she just touched on some of the Chicago garbage…but in the end, the race issue kept her from really engaging in all out political war. The Clinton machine was handcuffed. When Obama used race to get America to forgive the fact he spent some 20 years sitting in the church of a proven anti-American fascist fucking racist – what could they do? It was game over. I told you a bit of that already…at the start of all this. Right?

    Ulsterman: Yes – how you were stunned Obama survived the Jeremiah Wright scandal.

    Insider: Nobody should have survived that. No candidate…I don’t care how good…nobody survives something so – they had the videos for fuck’s sake!

    Ulsterman: But he did survive it – and rather easily. He gave that speech, and the media praised him for it and the issue was dead.

    Insider: EXACTLY. Don’t you understand it then? How race – that very thing that pulled his ass out of the fire back in 2008 – that’s the plan for 2012. But even more of it. They got an entire plan to utilize it. Targeting certain states. A media campaign. Use it as a weapon against prospective opponents – the Romney people better be ready because he’s gonna get his ass kicked with the race issue and he won’t even see it coming. They better have their boy prepared for that…

    Ulsterman: States? Media campaign? For the race issue?

    Insider: Yes. It’s in place and underway – being developed. Further developed. It’s gonna – gonna tie it in with the unions somehow. I don’t know exaclty how – just that’s included in it. It will be an all out campaign on race. The goal is to completely mobilize the Black vote while shaming an even greater number of white voters into not opposing a second Obama term. They are gonna get out the guilt vote man. The guilt vote!

    Ulsterman: Obama…Democrats in general, already get the Black vote – most of it.

    Insider: They want all of it. Every last one. Then bring in the Hispanic vote, tie them up in this race issue as well. Republicans want to toss you out. Obama wants to bring you in. They hate the color of Obama’s skin just like they hate the color of yours. Hey White America, you aren’t part of that group who hates non-whites are you? If not, you better get out and vote for Barack Obama.

    Ulsterman: That sounds overly simplistic and insulting to voters. You really think something like that would actually work?

    Insider: Hell yes-yes… it can work. It’s not gonna come so easy as it did in 2008, but that’s why they plan to ramp it up – the race issue. Look, you got generations of voters in this country who have been hammered with guilt for being white. Schools, television, movies…decades of this racism shit coming at them from all sides. White guilt is very real. I’ve used it-done it myself… countless times in an election campaign. And for Barack Obama…his re-election team – they are banking on it bringing victory in 2012. Even if it means the threat of race riots. They are willing to go that far – go down that road if need be. If the Obama team can’t guilt enough of White America into voting for them in 2012 – they are just fine with trying to scare the shit out of them to do it. And you need to know that there are a lot of Democrats who are hearing about this and are not on board. We’ve always used the race issue to our advantage – but what the Obama team has planned is something…it’s something else altogether. Off the charts stuff. Remember when I said that Obama ain’t no Democrat? That’s as true now as it’s ever been. And he’s on some kind of collission course now with everybody scrambling to get out of the way, and then some of us trying to do what we can to stop it before it’s too late. He’s already destroyed the party…much of it. Gonna take a long time to recover. Daley can’t stop this from within. He’s moderated the damage, but he’s wearing down. Now it’s the country we are worried about. My kids and grandkids will do all right without a Democratic Party around. They need to have an America though. The whole world does.

    Ulsterman: You really believe Barack Obama would go that far to win in 2012? He would be willing to engage in that kind of tactic? Just how far would he go?

    Insider: (Pauses)… As far as it takes. We’re preparing for it. I sure as hell hope America is too. Like I told you…this election coming up…Brutal.

    COMING SOON: The Obama Plan – Part Three

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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    I'd agree with you Backstop. Posting this for historical purpose and see what pans out. Any 'deep throat' character whom is not sourced has to be taken with some wide breadth. Still, it's ok to dream. True story or not.

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Gotta say the "race riot" "white guilt" ideas concern me most.

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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    hmm. This link gives a synopsis of the 'Ulsterman - Insider' interviews over time with article links.

    One such summary from 2010 states this:

    September 21st, 2010: In an email, the White House Insider shifts from giving generalized accounts of what is going on within the Obama White House to sharing very specific revelations regarding political power plays within the Democratic Party.
    White House Insider: The Clintons Are Going For It
    Of particular interest here is not only the news of a move by the Clintons to apparently test the waters for a possible challenge to Obama in 2012, but also indications of Democrats from within the party working to remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker regardless of the November elections outcome. Within days of this report, the mainstream media produces very similar accounts regarding infighting within the Democratic Party and House Speaker Pelosi.
    The above did happen in the news cycles. Interesting, no?

    The synopsis link.

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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Quote Originally Posted by Backstop View Post
    Gotta say the "race riot" "white guilt" ideas concern me most.
    Agreed. It really was part of the last cycle. As I am not one who regards race as an issue, because I see people as individuals, it was very apparent that race was at play.

    If I were to venture a guess, the way it seems to be right now, if any individual who is white and considered conservative does any stupid move at violence, the Presidents recent statement about Lone Wolf's is made valid and will be used as a keynote for reelection. It is almost as if O told us what he expects to happen and as matters worsen, we will continue to see people doing extreme things in extreme circumstance.

    In a race bait way, only the 'lone wolf' white person will matter though. Never mind matters as have occurred in Wisconsin at the state fair, for example. The media tried very hard initially to paint that as simply youths fighting.

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    The constant drum beat of black on white crime can and will trigger a Bernie Goetz event that the media will seize on as proof positive that whitey is still very racist and shame people into voting for the black man.

    There was yet another "teens gone wild" beating on the front page of google today.

    It was black teen girls beating and kicking a lone white girl. One of these days, the "lone white" is going to have some teeth.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Your post #5: yes, that is interesting. Later, I'll see what history I can dig up on Ulsterman/Insider.

    Your post #6: Short version: If this entire thing is believable, is smacks of a set-up.

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Insider: Ah…well, I’ll first say there is nothin’ typical about any presidential campaign. They are all Frankensteins. The very worst of human behavior is par for the course. Ugly-ugly-ugly. Your boy Reagan – his people were about the toughest, meanest sons-a-bitches I ever seen run a presidential campaign. All smiles and jokes and positive messaging on the outside, and kick ‘em in the fucking teeth behind the scenes. As tough as those guys were, Barack Obama is gonna be much-much worse.
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Having BEEN THERE and DONE that... myself, but not having been directly involved in a re-election personally except as a communications guy, but I DID deal with many of the campaign folks from time to time. I can't say as I recall any of them being a group of mean sons-a-bitches. Mrs. Reagan was the meanest I recall, and even Mrs. Bush during her time as First Lady was pretty testy even for a sweet old lady.

    So, I question the veracity of this guy based solely on this.
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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    My kids and grandkids will do all right without a Democratic Party around. They need to have an America though. The whole world does.
    And this... gives me pause, because it's truer than anyone actually realizes.
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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Actually Rick, that statement you point out is one that struck me as well. It is truer than most anyone would comprehend. It is not about parties anymore but a nation in peril with few options to correct it.

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    The people on the left who are hell bent on making this country "like Europe" have a rope around the neck of Liberty and she's about to fall off her pedestal.

    The people on the RIGHT who continue to push big government (as my example in the other thread, in the letter, the City Councilman - now former - who is Conservative and still thinks it's OK for a city to simply BILL someone for something they made up without tax payer approval) are the ones PUSHING Liberty off the Pedestal...
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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    I'm gonna go out on a limb here - maybe even prematurely.

    But I think this Ulsterman Insider thing is BS.

    I Googled "Ulsterman Insider", and got About 58,000 results (0.20 seconds)

    Here's the first hit:

    Many, many of those hits state it's fiction.

    Who really knows though.

    I'll keep updating this as time permits.

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Well, remember Backstop, if you want something to be "Fake" you keep saying "It's Fake".

    And if you want something to be TRUE, you keep saying "It's TRUE!"

    It works both ways.
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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    I still agree with Backstop's original premise. Post it and see what pans out. No belief required. It was stated as fact with no proof of fact, so its a wait and see.

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Agreed - to both of you.

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    One of these days, the "lone white" is going to have some teeth.
    Holy hell - the sun will fall from the sky, aliens will bring back all the abductees, Christ will make an appearance and order a BigMac, and Elvis will schedule another show.

    Basically - the MSM will have a meltdown of epic proportions.

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    I'm just not buying the "white guilt" thing.

    Nobody I know has even a thread of it, and threatening any of us with - and causing - race riots would backfire most spectacularly.

    I haven't looked, but are there any articles that "seem" to support that?


    I Googled "america's white guilt" and got About 10,600 results (0.17 seconds)

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    Default Re: Skeptic Alert: The Obama Plan – Part One

    Quote Originally Posted by michael2 View Post
    ...but the things he says about 'white guilt' and fear of angry black people re-electing Obama in 2012 have the ring of truth. It's what i've been saying for some time.
    What is this "white guilt" you and Ulsterman/Insider refer to?

    Just what exactly are white folks supposed to feel guilty about?

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