Elizabeth Warren Mulls U.S. Senate Run

By Joe Deaux 08/19/11 - 11:31 AM EDT


NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren launched an exploratory committee for a possible run at the U.S. Senate seat held by Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown.

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The Harvard Law School professor and a former assistant to President Barack Obama filed paperwork for the committee and launched a Web site that simply asks for donations.
Consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren considers run at U.S. Senate.
"As a native of Oklahoma, the anointed candidate of the Washington establishment, and someone who has spent many years ensconced in the hallways of Harvard, it's a good idea for Professor Warren to learn more about her adopted state of Massachusetts as she prepares to compete in a crowded Democrat primary," Brian Walsh, National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman, said in a statement.
Warren chaired the Congressional Oversight Panel after it oversaw the Troubled Assets Relief Program installed under former President George W. Bush as financial markets crumbled in late 2008.
Warren has served on the Harvard Law faculty since 1995, while her husband, Bruce Mann, joined the school in 2006.
Should Warren choose to run and receive the Democratic nomination she would face Republican Sen. Scott Brown, who was the surprise special election winner to fill the late Sen. Teddy Kennedy's seat in 2010.
-- Written by Joe Deaux in New York.