Got an email newsletter about this beer from one of the number of places I get them from and was very eager to find this when I read the description.

Sure enough, found a bottle at Jungle Jim's earlier today and just had to try it out tonight.

This one is Clown Shoes' Rexx

We like dinosaurs. We especially like Rexx, our prehistoric pal who wears clown shoes, drinks bourbon, and spends his doomed days in exile from the other Tyrannosauruses, choosing to romp with friendlier beasts. Rexx, we dedicate this Imperial Red Ale aged in Heaven Hill and Four Roses bourbon barrels to you buddy.
Poured a very dark red-brown into a Snifter with almost no head. Given the style and 12% ABV, let this warm up a bit. A very nice dark fruit and bourbon scent with some caramel and vanilla. Very appealing! Great bourbon taste up front with sweet caramel, fruits, a little oak and a very slight bitterness on the finish. Quite boozy thanks to the 12% ABV. Honestly, this is a lot more complex and there's a lot more going on but I'm not good enough to pick it all out. VERY good brew! Another great offering from Clown Shoes.