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Thread: Should Democratic Party Merge with Communist Party?

  1. #1
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Should Democratic Party Merge with Communist Party?

    Should Democratic Party Merge with Communist Party?
    No doubt such a question will immediately raise the hackles of those who belong to the Democratic Party, but I believe this is a valid question considering the Communist Party USA and the Communist Party of Red China endorsed John Kerry for president in the last pretend election. They wouldn't endorse him unless they felt he would continue to further the agenda for world communism via the official Democratic Party.

    As someone who doesn't waste their time playing the blame game (It's the Democrats! It's the Republicans!) – because I know that if you play the game, it plays you – I feel it's more important to look at the big picture. Additionally, as I haven't belonged to any political party since 1996, it gives me the freedom to proudly identify myself as a constitutionalist and not a pawn of some political party.

    The Democratic Party touts it's the party of the working man. Their national platform endorses the toxic and destructive practice of sodomy and encourages women to commit sexual abominations with each other. Their national platform, led by a certifiable maniac named Howard Dean, endorses and encourages women to fight to "protect their reproductive rights" by killing their unborn babies.

    Since the turn of the 20th century, the Democratic Party has worked diligently to rob its membership of the fruits of their labor via all the unconstitutional acts passed under FDR and in subsequent administrations. Back then, before the masters who pull the strings of the White House and Congress bought up all major newspapers in this country in order to control the flow of information, some were sounding the alarm.

    Back in 1996, I wrote about the 57 members of Congress who belonged to the "Progressive Caucus." The Democratic Socialists of America highly admire these left-of-the-left members of Congress, i.e., open socialist Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., who should be barred from serving in the U.S. Congress because his goal is the destruction of our constitutional republic (we are not a democracy). Here's just a few current members of the Progressive Caucus – all Democrats except for Sanders:

    Lynn Woolsey, Calif., George Miller, Calif., Nancy Pelosi, Calif., Henry Waxman, Calif., "Mad Max" Maxine Waters, Calif., Bob Filner, Calif., Diane DeGette, Colo., Alcee Hastings, Fla., John Lewis, Ga., Patsy Mink, Hawaii, Jessie Jackson Jr., Ill., Barney Frank, Mass., John Conyers, Mich., Jerrold Nadler, N.Y., Major Owens, N.Y., Charles Rangel, N.Y., Dennis Kucinch, Ohio, Sherrod Brown, Ohio, Peter DeFazio, Ore., Robert C. Scott, Va., Bernard Sanders, Vt., James McDermott, Wash.

    Unless and until one understands exactly how communists go about recruiting by duping uninformed Americans, they will continue to gain ground in their quest to destroy this republic and enslave all of us under an iron fist. The goal for world communist domination and how it is being implemented is right in the face of Americans if they would just get out of denial and take a good look at their party's platform.

    Make no mistake: This constitutional republic is on the verge of total annihilation. One of the most thoroughly documented books on this critical issue is "The Naked Communist" by former FBI agent W. Cleon Skousen, founder of the Center for Constitutional Studies. In his book, Skousen succinctly lays out exactly how the communists have gained such a strong foothold in America – you can read 45 of their goals listed in the Congressional Record.

    If you belong to the Democratic Party, I urge you to take the time to study the platform of your party and compare them to the goals of the communists. They are one and the same, although this will bring shrieks from the likes of Marxist Hillary Clinton, it is the raw truth.

    If it will make Democrats feel any better, they need only look at the Republican-controlled Congress since 1994 to see that the official agenda of the GOP – enforced through their voting record on key issues over the years – to see that they have also fallen in lockstep with virtually every communist goal. Don't think so? Look how many Republicans in Congress support and have voted for legislation that is a priority for communist domination. Do the research.

    I know there are millions of decent Americans who belong to the Democratic Party who do not support their party leadership's stand on sodomy, abortion and other issues. Rather, they have supported the Democratic Party because of jobs. However, 99 percent of them have no idea how they have been lied to about Social Security, withholding and the income tax, issues I have written about for more than a decade and since November 2004 for WorldNetDaily. Sadly, like too many Republicans, party faithful only hear the sound bites and what sounds good for their little world.

    I urge all Americans to study the links in this column and then get to work to clean out this Congress and elect constitutionalists who will restore America to its former greatness. Not only will we be released from all these Nazi "security" laws that have been enacted, but America will prosper for all her people.

    The master plan is all but a fait accompli. People should remember these words by Ayn Rand: "We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: The stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission – which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Should Democratic Party Merge with Communist Party?

    Hey Ryan,

    This is my first post here. I am totally in agreement with you but WHAT CAN WE DO? It seems to me that everyone we elect either is a bold --faced liar or too quickly becomes corrupted by the established "system" in DC. The only thing I think as an alternative is an armed revolt. Although the outcome is questionable. I'd hate to see the national guard, military or (God forbid) the un "peacekeepers" rolling through our cities "enforcing" laws.

    It perturbs me that we need people forcing us to obey THIER laws anyway. I truly believe that natural law should prevail . Have you read any John Locke? It seems to be a bit heavy due to the era in which it was written, but poses some very logical answers to the way I think things should be in this country. Individual sovereignty seems to be the predominant groundwork for the Constitution , but was hi-jacked in the 14 th Amendment. What are your thoughts?

    I think the communist party would be embarrassed to have the dems. involved in thier party.
    The dems seem to not want communism, but merely a dictatorship where THEY rule and no body should speak against thier agenda.

    Case in point... I attended the Promise-Keepers gathering in DC a feew years ago. What irked me was there was a dozen lesbians "protesting" topless near the Capitol building. They were PROTECTED by police and the media was swarming like flies around dog puke. BUT... In san francisco chistian protesters are arrested. Do you see where there is a double standard? I see lewd and indecent behavior being promoted and decency, morality, and religion treated as a crime.

    I am not too fluent on this computer thing. I haven't taken the time to learn how to cut and paste, or quote too well, or type for that matter! So forgive me for not being able to add concrete evidence for anything yet. But as soon as I take the time to learn it I will surely do so, maybe to reinforce my stance on things.

    Thanks for letting me post my humble opinion,


  3. #3
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should Democratic Party Merge with Communist Party?

    First, I just wanted to thank you for joining up!

    The only thing I think as an alternative is an armed revolt. Although the outcome is questionable. I'd hate to see the national guard, military or (God forbid) the un "peacekeepers" rolling through our cities "enforcing" laws.
    At times, it can seem like that is the only way. However, we must never stop trying to work within the system.

    It is important though that while utilizing any and all legal means to effect change, we prepare for the worst. I know I am!

    Have you read any John Locke?
    Actually, I have not.

    Individual sovereignty seems to be the predominant groundwork for the Constitution , but was hi-jacked in the 14 th Amendment. What are your thoughts?
    I'm not so sure it was necessarily the 14th Amendment that caused such a change.

    I credit the beginning of the "slide" to FDR and the massive Socialist Revolution he (with the help of Soviet infiltrators within his administration) brought about. Up until the 1920s, there was personal freedom largely the same as there had been at the time of our nation's birth.

    After FDR's reign, you saw massive expansion of the federal government (Social-ist Security, welfare, etc.), curtailments on the 2nd Amendment, and numerous other happenings. This started the ball rolling to today's world where the federal government now spends more on the combined Dept. of Health and Human Services/Dept. of Education budgets than it does on the Dept. of Defense budget (which is one of the few arms of the federal government that should be funded). You also see massive curtailments on the 2nd Amendment to where certain firearms are banned simply because they look bad (you actually used to be able to buy a machine gun at your corner hardware store in the 1920s).

    The dems seem to not want communism, but merely a dictatorship where THEY rule and no body should speak against thier agenda.
    I don't know… With the way the Dems talk about wanting the government to solve all problems (healthcare, employment, education, etc.) it sure seems like they are spouting the Communist platform.

    Case in point... I attended the Promise-Keepers gathering in DC a feew years ago. What irked me was there was a dozen lesbians "protesting" topless near the Capitol building. They were PROTECTED by police and the media was swarming like flies around dog puke. BUT... In san francisco chistian protesters are arrested. Do you see where there is a double standard? I see lewd and indecent behavior being promoted and decency, morality, and religion treated as a crime.
    Absolutely! No doubt about it!

    Up is down, down is up… Right is wrong, wrong is right…

    I am not too fluent on this computer thing. I haven't taken the time to learn how to cut and paste, or quote too well, or type for that matter! So forgive me for not being able to add concrete evidence for anything yet. But as soon as I take the time to learn it I will surely do so, maybe to reinforce my stance on things.
    If you have any questions at all, feel free to post them in the Website and Message Board Help/Suggestions section of the forum. I'm sure other new members could learn from the help you'd get to any questions you have.

    Thanks for letting me post my humble opinion
    Thank you for joining our community!

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