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Thread: 2012 Election Theft Thread

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default 2012 Election Theft Thread

    This thread could be a little premature with emotions running high after this election. If this fizzles we can through this stuff back into the 2012 Election thread.

    Companion Thread:

    I really wasn't posing the question directly at you Phil, but a general statement.

    I was referring to the fact he kept his seat but the state was still taken by Obama.

    Remember how all the rallies held by conservatives dwarfed Democrat turn outs.

    Rob Zerban 43%

    Paul Ryan 55%
    Incumbent 199,715

    Keith Deschler 2%

    November 8, 2012
    Voter Fraud Redefined

    By Matthew Vadum

    Voter fraud ain't what it used to be.

    Left-wingers have been deliberately dumbing down the definition for years.

    In all my years as a journalist covering American politics, I have understood that voter fraud, a phrase coined by lawyers, was a blanket term that refers to a host of election-related offenses. Lawyers frequently make up terms for specialty areas -- for example, elder law, environmental law, probate law, and wrongful dismissal law.

    Voter fraud, also known as vote fraud, election fraud, and electoral fraud, refers to the specific offenses of fraudulent voting, impersonation, perjury, voter registration fraud, forgery, counterfeiting, bribery, destroying already cast ballots, and a multitude of crimes related to the electoral process.

    A quick internet search reveals a comparable definition. One online reference site

    Electoral fraud is illegal interference with the process of an election. Acts of fraud affect vote counts to bring about an election result, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates or both. Also called voter fraud, the mechanisms involved include illegal voter registration, intimidation at polls and improper vote counting.

    Lawyers say that fraud is the most difficult crime to prove because showing that the act complained of actually happened is not enough. It must be proven that the perpetrator had intent to defraud. Like any fraud, voter fraud is by its nature generally very difficult to detect and prosecute.

    Voter fraud in the form of actual fraudulent balloting is especially hard to demonstrate in court. A prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person voted without having the right to vote, used fraud (deception) in the process, and intended to defraud the victim (in this case, the public). These facts can be hard to establish after the voter leaves the polling place.

    For years now the left has been trying to muddy the waters by applying a far stricter definition of voter fraud, moving the semantic goalposts in order to define the problem out of existence.

    Fraudulent registrations, of course, open the door to fraudulent voting, something the left vehemently denies. They deny it because the left depends on voter fraud in order to get left-wing candidates elected. This helps to explain why they bent over backwards in recent years to defend ACORN, the voter fraud empire that filed for bankruptcy on Election Day 2010.

    Left-wing activists and think-tanks constantly churn out studies and reports financed by George Soros, purporting to prove that voter fraud is as unreal as Cookie Monster. They claim that those on the right want to crack down on voter fraud solely as a means of preventing the poor and minorities from voting.

    "Nobody claimed that voter fraud was a myth until the last couple of years," my work colleague at Capital Research Center, Dr. Steven J. Allen, J.D., Ph.D., told me.

    As Allen, who grew up amidst Alabama's dubious politics many decades ago, observes:

    Everyone in politics openly discussed voter fraud for hundreds of years of American history. Politicians, political reporters, and everyone involved in politics openly discussed how widespread voter fraud was. Only when Republicans took over legislatures in states that had long been ruled by Democrats and where fraud was prevalent and began to do something about this problem did this myth emerge that voter fraud was nonexistent. Remember that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed specifically to prevent voter fraud which was endemic back then.

    As election law expert and New York Times bestselling author J. Christian Adams has explained, "[l]iberal foundations, public interest law firms and advocacy groups have created a permanent network of experts and organizations devoted to an arcane but critical task: monopolizing the narrative on election laws and procedures. Cloaking their actions in the rhetoric of civil rights and the right to vote, they seek to affect the outcome of the election. They challenge any effort to protect the integrity of the ballot box by denying the possibility of vote fraud and crying 'Jim Crow.'"

    Let's look at some of the more prominent voter fraud deniers on the left.

    Ari Berman of the
    Nation describes "election fraud" as an "extremely rare occurrence" and argues that only illegal voting constitutes voter fraud. When South Bend, Indiana prosecutors charged local Democratic officials with faking 22 petitions to get President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards on the 2008 Indiana ballot, Berman dismissed the incident as insignificant. "[T]here's no evidence that the alleged forgeries played a decisive role in getting the Democratic candidates on the Indiana ballot in 2008 or determining the outcome of the primary or general election," Berman wrote.

    This is the same line of reasoning adopted by Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Ill.) after the names of several Dallas Cowboys showed up on voter rolls in Nevada in 2008.

    "Obviously it's not right for a fake 'Tony Romo' to be registered in Las Vegas ... but remember the basic point[:] it's not voter fraud unless someone shows up at the voting booth on Election Day and tries to pass himself off as 'Tony Romo.'" How reassuring.

    Adam Serwer of Mother Jones, writing in the
    Washington Post, agrees with Berman that "[v]oter fraud is a virtually nonexistent problem" and blames conservatives for "blurring the distinction between voter registration fraud -- which is as easy as filling out a registration form incorrectly -- and the actual act of casting a fraudulent ballot." Oh, the irony.

    Brentin Mock of Colorlines goes farther,
    denyingthe very existence of the problem. "Voter fraud as a thing has been exposed by civil rights watchdogs and a wide range of journalists as pure conspiracy theory," Mock writes.

    Of course, all of this leftist rhetoric is pure sophistry. Even if a person "only" commits voter registration fraud, that is a necessary step along the way to fraudulent voting, and it should be prosecuted in order to protect the integrity of the electoral system. Registration fraud is a gateway to fraudulent balloting, and it must be prosecuted. Police don't let a bank robber go free because he forgot to load his gun.

    No single group in American history ever outdid ACORN in terms of voter registration fraud. At least 52 individuals who worked for ACORN or its affiliates, or who were connected to ACORN, have been
    convicted of voter registration fraud. ACORN itself was convicted in Nevada last year of the crime of "compensation." Under the leadership of ACORN official Amy Adele Busefink, who was also convicted of the same crime, ACORN paid voter registration canvassers cash bonuses for exceeding their quotas. This is illegal because it gives people an incentive to commit fraud by adding Mickey Mouse and Mary Poppins to the voter rolls.

    Under Busefink's leadership, ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote generated an impressive 1.1 million voter registration packages across America in 2008. The problem was that election officials invalidated 400,000 -- that's 36 percent -- of the registrations filed. It is highly unlikely that typographic and other innocent errors alone generated so much bogus paperwork. And this is only one activist group's fraudulent activities in one election.

    It is irresponsible for law enforcement officials to view those 400,000 registrations as mere mistakes. All 400,000 bogus registrations should be presumed to constitute individual attempts at fraudulent voting that got caught early. The hundreds of thousands of incidents of voter fraud that occur during every national election should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    Left-wingers and Democrats are more likely than conservatives and Republicans to commit voter fraud. Sometimes they justify the behavior on so-called social justice grounds.

    Republican voters tend to be middle-class and not easily induced to commit fraud, while "the pool of people who appear to be available and more vulnerable to an invitation to participate in vote fraud tend to lean Democratic," according to Larry Sabato and Glenn Simpson.

    "Some liberal activists that Sabato and Simpson interviewed even partly justified fraudulent electoral behavior on the grounds that because the poor and dispossessed have so little political clout, 'extraordinary measures [for example, stretching the absentee ballot or registration rules] are required to compensate'" (Who's Counting, by John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky, pp. 8-9).

    Should we not punish bad behavior just because it is more likely to be done by someone who is poor? The left seems to suggest precisely that.

    Even using the excruciatingly narrow definition the left prefers, in which only fraudulent voting is considered voter fraud, there are plenty of instances of voter fraud. Here are examples of fraudulent voting from John Fund's book, Stealing Elections:

    Four Democratic officials and political operatives in New York State
    pleaded guiltya year ago to voter fraud-related felony charges. The prosecution said that signatures were forged on absentee ballots which were then cast. "The phrase they use is: 'making sure they vote the right way,'" a source close to the case told reporters.

    A Tunica, Mississippi jury sent Mississippi NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers to prison for five years in 2011. She was convicted of voting 10 times using the names of other people, some of whom were dead.

    Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler (R)
    unveileda study last year showing that almost 5,000 illegal aliens cast votes in the U.S. Senate election in that state in 2010.

    A conservative watchdog group, Minnesota Majority, claims that felons' illegally cast votes may have put Al Franken (D) over the top in the bitterly contested Minnesota Senate race. The group reported that at least 1,099 felons voted in that 2008 election, which is far larger than Franken's final, official, post-recount margin of victory over then-incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman (R).

    In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a police department report found that in the 2004 election, as many as 5,300 more ballots were cast than voters who showed up at polling stations to vote.

    This is not an exhaustive list.

    But why do we have all this voter fraud? The answer is the National Voting Rights Act of 1993, also known as the Motor Voter law.

    As John Fund writes at pages 27-8 of Stealing Elections:

    Perhaps no piece of legislation in the last generation better captures the 'incentivizing' of fraud... than the 1993 National Voter Registration Act[.] ... Examiners were under orders not to ask anyone for identification or proof of citizenship. States also had to permit mail-in voter registrations, which allowed anyone to register without any personal contact with a registrar or election official. Finally, states were limited in pruning 'dead wood' - people who had died, moved or been convicted of crimes - from their rolls. ...

    Since its implementation, Motor Voter has worked in one sense: it has fueled an explosion of phantom voters.

    And who pushed Motor Voter?

    Marxists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were instrumental in the passage of the law by Congress. They believed that poor people and radical agitators had every moral right to game the electoral system in order to bring about change. Cloward didn't worry about fraud, either. "It's better to have a little bit of fraud than to leave people off the rolls who belong there," he said. Bill Clinton gave a shout-out to Cloward and Piven at the bill-signing ceremony in 1993 that both attended.

    Republicans knew that the measure was a bad idea. On final passage, the
    Senate votewas 62 to 36, with only seven Republicans voting "yea." (None of the Republicans voting in the affirmative remains in the Senate.) The House votewas 259 to 164, with only 20 Republicans voting "yea."

    "Between 1994 and 1998, nearly 26 million names were added to the voter rolls nationwide, almost a 20 percent increase," according to Fund. Motor Voter has "been registering illegal aliens, since anyone who receives a government benefit [including welfare] may also register to vote with no questions asked."

    In the end, whether vote fraud has the power to affect electoral outcomes is a separate question.

    Although some claim voter fraud is a myth "as common as unicorns and Sasquatch" and others insist fraud routinely affects election outcomes, "[t]he truth lies somewhere in between," according to J. Christian Adams.

    "The truth is that voter fraud occurs frequently, and it determines who wins elections infrequently." He
    argues that the "integrity of the electoral process is perhaps more important than who wins and loses an election. Lawlessness in elections corrodes the entire democratic process."

    A recognition that voter fraud actually exists --and that it can consist of something less serious than fraudulent voting -- needs to be the starting point in any informed discussion about electoral integrity.


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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    2012 Election Theft Thread

    My children, did you know there is an amazing discovery in Blogspot just requires brats to have a Google account and then they can rise up and type things in anal English, about all the things they think they know and by magic no on will care about what the brats type or say no more than the fill space which you pollute on monetized sites..........

    I digress.........

    Apparently the White House Insider and Wall Street Insider need some assistance as my blog is too difficult to decipher in things like the algorithms Obama used to steal the election for John McCain repeated in the same numbers for Mitt Romney.

    I would be more plain in this in breaking this story on election eve by God's Grace but the problem would be...............I do have my limits in how stupid I can communicate.

    Let's sing.......

    or let's not.......

    From the desk of the Tiger Lily.

    To understand what took place in the Obama 2012 election theft that the WHI is now attempting to hijack as a story in his and or her meanderings of sifting numbers in never once mentioning Scytl, SOE or Argentina Euro voting machines all covered here, one has to know something which is difficult if one is an idiot whose keyboard is constantly typing out things, instead of utilizing their eyes to read information.

    Andrew Breitbart.

    Karl Rove

    Barack Hussein Obama

    My children, I will exclude the brats as Lame Cherry has instituted a new policy in all the sifters here who are too anal college degree in setting up their invalidated validity, must now donate in pennance for all the smears they post, as I will inform you my children if you are seeing posts about me which are attacking what goes on here, those types have not donated anything, and they are busy stealing things found here, begging for attention and waiting for widows with mites, to once again pay for their college tuition as they act superior.

    Let's sing..........

    No let's not as the above is too important to do anything else.

    When George H. W. Bush faced his Lawrence Walsh October Surprise in indictments of his administration to install William Jefferson Blythe Clinton into the White House, a young George W. Bush who had numerous messiah or good son complex issues, decided to win one for pappy.

    A young fag became enamored of W. and his name was Puffy Lips Karl Rove, who had an alter ego named Puffy Cheeks Barry Chin who was enamored with W. too. Yes if George W. Bush had just invited B. Hussein over to the White House and let the terrier hump on Obama's leg, none of this would have taken place.

    Where was I in another matter anti matter exclusive in all things in time always are proven right here..........

    Say, why is it the Insiders can say all sorts of things like there was going to be a challenger to Obama from democrats and we were all supposed to follow it all back to Chicago........and none of it came true, but all the brats keep tuning in and never asking who is feeding the insiders gossip information meant to delude the public, as this blog questioned long ago.

    That's right, this blog is always wrong..........yes, that will be a donation price of 50,000 dollars for all the brats or they can register for blogs of their own, not by God, which no one will care to read.

    Where was I?

    Oh yes, so W. goes in with the Architect, Puffy Lips Rove, and they make all the charts the WHI is going over and they win one for Pap Bush over Al Gore, in a horrendously horrid election where a normal campaign adviser could have won over Gore by 20 points due to Clinton fatigue.

    So not to trust to Karl's idiocy again, the Bush camp decided to employ that infamous black box voting which was quite black box, and if you recall in 2004, John Kerry's people had numbers which showed him trouncing Bush until the "numbers" came in...........Karl Rove's numbers.
    Yes George W. Bush stole the 2004 election by Karl Rove.

    That is why Norm Coleman and other GOP candidates were partly thrown under the bus when democrats cheated as the insider information was out, that Rove had rigged the electronic voting machines.

    That is why there was the mad push in Europe for Scytl and SOE in America to be gained control of by the cartels who have been busy installing communists across the globe, including the lovely Puffy Cheeks Barack Hussein Obama.

    Follow this now, as Karl Rove in being caught, initiated an agreement where his fraud would be hidden and Barack Obama's election theft would be hidden, all so it would come down to a 2016 election of Hillary Clinton versus Jeb Bush.
    That is what this has been about and has only been reported here. It is the reality as each of these events begin to unfold. America has no free elections any longer, the 2016 elections prove everything posted here as correct.

    So a certain Jewish Conservative guy named Andrew Breitbart just happened to have some disgruntled person whose identity will remain their identity give them some information from things about bin Laden's corpse, to that reality that Barack Obama flipped 10 million votes from John McCain and Sarah Palin in 2008.

    Breitbart was assassinated over this, as it would have exposed thee entire rigged system for the past 30 years and how it all started with the cartel's choice of Bill Clinton over Prescott Bush's wee lad, HW.

    It was the original 10 million vote flip over McCain, because Bush Rove hate McCain for his not taking his beating like a good soldier in 2000, which started the revelations in this, in Strawman Romney, being fed his Mormon ego, dined on it to another defeat as Rove had orchestrated a decade ago.

    In reality, Karl Rove should not be called an architect, but a demolition machine as he destroys more effectively everything he touches and barel ever wins anything.

    Mormon Romney thought he could play this game, but was led out as much as the Wall Street Insider in their arrogance. The 2012 election was fixed, just like the 2016 election has already been set.
    Now who was it that was pointing all the candidate fingers at Lil Jeb, when it looked like he would never rise to anything, but this blog.......yes this blog.

    All of this comes full circle, and 2012 was another preparatory run in the algorithms of John McCain's numbers from 2008.
    This blog exclusively laid all this out in Scytl, in it's Spanish founders murder, and how the software which runs all of this is based on casino gambling software which spots trends in betting.

    That is what the 2012 election was to the software in the ballot boxes in it was to make the "house" which is Obama the winner, no matter what the percentage was, as the percentage was set that a certain number of winners in a casino would be fed to make the masses think they could win. With Obama running the McCain program, it required vote suppression as the fury over Obama in America, would blow the margin as this blog stated.

    I warned of the California gas price spike was to reduce the Obama margin for stealing or flipping votes. Obama's contractors though were ready for this in Obama reduced election output to his fictional numbers based on the original McCain codex.

    That is why Al West in Florida had 5000 votes flip in not matching the the count there. GOP Conservatives like Todd Akin who won the election were written off in the hard ballots do not matter, as the system was rigged to specific areas all to flip the elections in test areas to keep Obamacare active.

    What 2016 is, is but the child of 2012 in the reality is, in 2012 was a prototype of 2004 in how not to just steal the Presidency, but how to steal every election in America so the cartel picks every UN candidate running for office.

    Now all of this is too exclusive really and it is why "someone" has been most interested in the blog and apparently posting when I did not post in "re evaluating" things in cleansing what appears.

    All of this ties together and is tied together. It is why when Breitbart went puffy pink no one on the right in Mockingbird said a word as it would undo the whole thing as much as anyone is not allowed to mention Scytl, save this blog.

    The reality is this blog has broken all of this wide open, and yet it is the types who read magazines in the check out, but never buy them who are revealed for what they are. In their little idiot boxes they never seem to consider how many times my life has been in danger, as they are cowards who hide behind the screens.
    The powers that be who murder people, who throw people in prison who send state police to lie in wait, know completely who Lame Cherry is. That is enough as those are the ones who matter in this world and continually stalk this popular girl.
    If three things happened to any of the detractors of this blog which I have had the displeasure of dealing with, they would be hiding under the seat cushions. I answer to God though and do this as long as He wills.

    The always experts are the experts always. If one is too stupid to figure things out nor is wasting their time trying to be an expert on this popular girl, Star Trek awaits as perhaps you can speak Klingon.

    Enough of the cryptic revelations.......she's laughing at the joke and I'm too slow.

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    Rep. Allen West Demands Recount

    by Ben Shapiro 7 Nov 2012 876 post a comment
    Tea Party congressman Rep. Allen West demanded a recount today in his nail-bitingly close re-election race with Patrick Murphy. With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Murphy has a lead of less than 3,000 votes. West’s campaign issued a statement:

    Late last night Congressman West maintained a districtwide lead of nearly 2,000 votes until the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections ‘recounted’ thousands of early ballots. Following that ‘recount’ Congressman West trailed by 2,400 votes …

    The St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections office clearly ignored proper rules and procedures, and the scene at the Supervisor’s office last night could only be described as complete chaos. Given the hostility and demonstrated incompetence of the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections, we believe it is critical that a full hand recount of the ballots take place in St. Lucie County. We will continue to fight to ensure every vote is counted properly and fairly, and accordingly we will pursue all legal means necessary.

    West has committed to pushing this battle into the courts if necessary.

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    Here are the disturbing dots that could have legs I found posted elsewhere:

    This is a link to a copy of a contract between Electronic Systems and Software and the Ohio Secretary of State.

    In case you are wondering, here is the ES&S website:

    located at 11208 John Galt Blvd (lol)

    It appears that they installed a patch to the system a couple of days prior to the election.

    They also seem to have a big hand in Florida and run about half of the machines in the country.

    That company is owned by the McCarthy Group, and venture capital outfit and the Omaha-World Herald Company. Interestingly enough, the Omaha-World Herald Company is owned by Warren Buffet, and McCarthy sits as a directer of Union Pacific, ***ding ding ding*** a Warren buffet enterprise.

    Buffett, a long Obama supporter, is a big winner here.

    See, Buffett is pushing for high speed rail, funded by the feds.

    You are talking hundreds of billions of dollars.

    Not counting the Engines for GE.

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    Will "experimental" software patches affect the Ohio vote?

    by Bob Fitrakis and Gerry Bello
    October 31, 2012

    Why did the Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted's office, in an end run around Ohio election law, have "experimental" software patches installed on vote counting tabulators in up to 39 Ohio counties? Voting rights activists are concerned that these uncertified and untested software patches may alter the election results.

    During the 2004 presidential election, the Free Press reported that election officials observed technicians from the ES&S voting machine company and Triad computer maintenance company installing uncertified and untested software patches on voting machines in 44 Ohio counties prior to the election. Software patches are usually installed to "update" or change existing software. These software patch updates were considered suspect by election protection activists, in light of all the voting machine anomalies found during the 2004 election in Ohio.

    The Free Press has learned that Election Systems and Solutions (ES&S) installed the software patches that will affect 4,041,056 registered voters, including those in metropolitan Columbus and Cleveland (click here for spread sheet from

    A call to the Ohio Secretary of State's office concerning the software patches was not returned by publication deadline. Previously, the Free Press requests for public records, including voting machine vendor contracts, have been stonewalled by Office Secretary of State John Husted's office through his public records officer Chris Shea. Through other channels, the Free Press has obtained and has posted the possibly illegal full contract online here (see page 17).

    The contract calls for ES & S technicians and county poll workers to "enter custom codes and interfaces" to the standard election reporting software just as was done with the controversial 2004 Ohio presidential election.

    Last minute software patches may be deemed "experimental" because that designation does not require certification and testing.

    Uncertified and untested software for electronic voting systems are presumably illegal under Ohio law. All election systems hardware and software must be tested and certified by the state before being put into use, according to Ohio Revised Code 3506.05. By unilaterally deeming this new software "experimental," Secretary of State Husted was able to have the software installed without any review, inspection or certification by anyone. ES & S, for their part, knows that this software will not be subject to the minimal legally required testing as stated in the contract on page 21 (Section 6.1).

    The contract specifically states that this software has not been and need not be reviewed by any testing authority at the state or federal level. Yet, it is installed on voting machines that will tabulate and report official election results, which Ohio law forbids. Based on the Free Press reading of the contract, this software is fully developed, being referred as versions and Thus the only thing making this software "experimental" is the fact that it has never been independently certified or tested.

    In preparation for the upcoming general election in late April, the Free Press began requesting public records from all 88 counties in Ohio in order to build a broad database of every vendor and piece of equipment used in the state of Ohio. Aside from some minor delays, all 88 county jurisdictions have complied.

    However, the office of the Ohio Secretary of State however, has not complied with any requests for lists of equipment, contracts with vendors, schedules of payment and even the identities of the vendors. The Free Press' public records requests, under ORC 149.43 (The Public Records Act) have been ignored by Chris Shea, presumably acting on behalf of Secretary of State Jon Husted. Now that the Free Press has obtained the contract, it seems clear that the secretary of state's office was hiding these last minute "experimental" uncertified software installations.

    On page 19 of the contract, terms require the various county boards of elections to purchase additional software from ES & S if they are not compatible with this new "experimental" statewide tabulation and reporting system. This unfunded mandate clause illegally bypasses individual counties rights to make their own purchasing determinations.

    The controversial software will create simple .csv files like those produced by spreadsheet programs for input into the statewide tabulation system. According to the terms of the contract, data security is the responsibility of each local board of elections: "…each county will be responsible for the implementation of any security protocols" (see page 21 of the contract).

    Most county boards of elections do not have their own IT departments and are reliant on private partisan contractors to maintain and program the electronic voting systems. These piecemeal implementations of security protocols would also be untested and uncertified.

    Voting rights activists believe this whole scheme may create a host of new avenues of attack on the integrity of the electronic vote counting system. The untested and uncertified "experimental" software itself may be malware. Public trust in the electronic vote counting system has emerged as the key issue in the Ohio presidential election.

    The Free Press will be updating this breaking story as more information is obtained and analyzed, so stay tuned. The story for now is that the Secretary of State in the key swing state in the 2012 presidential has installed "experimental" uncertified and untested software to count a large portion of the Ohio vote.

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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    Nothing to see here. Move along. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

    Really though. I see that we may indeed have enough independent investigations to prove this election was stolen, however, Romney already conceded. He cannot take the office anyway. He bowed out.

    So, the benefit to finding the anomalies and proving it will not unseat Obama but can prove he is corrupt on yet another avenue.

    Also, I took note of several stories of machine malfunctions prior to election day for early voting. None have grabbed tread. On election day that obviously edited video that shows an Obama vote going to Romney appears early and goes viral. This was spun to say Romney was trying to steal the election. May I remind that a way to cover ones tracks is to create it so your adversary has blame on them for that same crime? Doing this on a more impacted day for the news focus trumped the prior stories.

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

    Thursday, November 8, 2012

    Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012


    * Many new updates posted today and people you can contact! See FRIDAY UPDATES and SATURDAY UPDATES! Thanks for helping us get to 50,000 viewers in less than two days! *

    Is this what Barack Obama calls a "ground game?" All things considered, on this page and elsewhere, Mitt Romney IS our President elect. Let's do something about it!

    I'll be adding additional links on a regular basis and forwarding all of this information to Mitt's campaign! Please send other links.

    Evidence of massive Obama voter fraud in Colorado! Ten counties show 104% to 140% turnout!

    Fraud: Some told they already voted, others brag about voting multiple times

    Crooked Politics: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law

    Philly Polling Stations Where GOP Inspectors Were Kicked Out Had 90% Voter Turnout, 99% Voted For Obama…

    [Sounds like those Black Panthers who kicked out the GOP observers and stood guard at the polling stations were not just trying to intimidate voters! They were hiding something!]

    Voter Fraud Watch: Two Election Judges Replaced After Illegal Activity in Ohio - Fox News Insider

    Why the Polls are Wrong: Electorate is R+6

    Vote fraud alert: One out of five registered Ohio voters is bogus

    via @BeachCity55 on Twitter: Senior parents in Florida told not to put their ballots through their reader but in a box. Senior votes in FL not counted?

    Data Points To A Powerful Romney Campaign – And Yet…He Lost?

    "You have to vote for Dems" NYC poll worker tells GOP Senate candidate #IllegalElectioneering

    At least 70,000 report voting problems, mostly in swing states

    Obama's pattern of disenfranchisement of the military vote

    Another Stolen Election? Election data HIGHLY suspicious AND the George Soros' "Secretary of State Project"

    Yes, this is the same George Soros who owns part of the company in Spain Obama outsourced parts of the election to and who has been banned from Hungary because he tampered with elections there.

    We will continue to add updates! Please check back often!


    From my friend Lynn Victory on Facebook:

    "Thanks for what you are doing. My son is friends with a guy in the Romney campaign who has actually been on since 2008. He is not high up, but said that the O campaign bought high tech equipment to target county by county where the votes were needed in battle-ground states, so that they could "bus in the needed votes". The guy would not say fraud, but that is fraud."

    Also this referral from Lynn:

    White House Insider on Obama Steal the Votes Strategy (Just Before the Election)

    "But…these Obama boys…they took it to a whole other level. Votes, donations…deals…it’s a lot more Putin than it is Clinton. Pay to play…Big Labor…this country never seen it at this level."

    Voter fraud witnessed in Wisconsin by one of Mitt's ORCA observers:

    via Lori Patriot on Facebook:

    52 Democrats arrested for VOTER FRAUD so far

    VIDEO: Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers

    In 2008, John McCain Ignored Vote Fraud to Avoid Civil Unrest

    [See what that got us?]

    Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election

    Massive voter fraud discovered in April

    Is Voter Fraud Being Committed in Ohio? (Early Voting)


    Pundit Press: What Luck! Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote

    Photo of Ethiopians brought to Ohio voting stations by busload, 95% of whom did not speak English, and told to vote for Obama, straight Dem ticket

    "Did this Dirty Trick Get Obama Re-Elected?"

    Vote Fraud Expert: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States

    "Could we fix an election? Sure, they would never know it."

    Thousands of votes from our military troops uncounted or missing

    Defense Department can't put soldiers, ballots together

    Voter fraud in Pennsylvania - Black Panthers return, GOP inspectors thrown out

    Ohio fraudulent voter registration cards

    Ohio Residents Told They Already Voted When They Showed Up At the Polls Tuesday

    Poll Worker Puts Glendale Precinct's Ballots on Car, Drives Away

    Referenced above, but with more information:

    Two Ohio Election Judges Removed for Allowing Unregistered Voters to Cast Ballots

    Democrat Admits He's Voted FOUR Times Already

    Boston reports 129% voter turnout, 79% for Obama; 74% for Elizabeth Warren

    This one could be just a calibration issue, but not necessarily based on the programer's testimony in the next link:

    Voting machine swaps Romney for Obama

    Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting

    VIDEO: Possible voter fraud in Pennsylvania — or just voting machine malfunction?

    Voter Fraud Complaint Filed against Florida Democrats

    "Ballot Re-writers" Update from Allen West

    "Half the Democratic ground game is voter turnout. The other half is voter fraud."

    Voter Fraud: Obama Won 108% of Registered Voters in Wood County, Ohio

    Video: Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out on Voter Fraud

    BREAKING: St. Lucie County, Florida Had 141.1% Turnout; Obama Won County

    Between St. Lucie and Broward Counties, we have a pretty good idea what happened in Florida. Normal voting is what, 50% turnout? It doesn't take many counties like this to affect an entire state by multiple percentage points.

    All of these numbers between 99% (Pennsylvania) and 141.1% (Florida) turnout in dozens of counties in swing states makes me think Team Obama was panicking a lot just before the election, with Mitt up by 7% in certain early voting polls. They overcompensated so much the fraud is impossible to hide. I think they know it, which may be one reason Axelrod is stepping down. (Sound familiar Petraeus and Benghazi?)

    As I told someone earlier today, this is who Obama is. This is who Chicago (the machine) is. Do we really want this to be who America is? Is this how we will define our elections from 2008 on? As Mitt says, "America can do better." We must do better. We can't let the message be out there that America will let this fraud go.

    Want to do something about all of this? Tiffany Banks and Darin Southam forwarded me a list of people you can contact who are in the November 9, 2012 3:12 PM comment below.

    Did you know voters can request a recount in certain states? (Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Wisconsin!) Take a look at the comment by @RightonMainSt dated November 9, 2012 11:45 PM below for instructions! Mitt will have to ask in Colorado himself. (Yes, you Mitt!)

    It has also been suggested that we ask Republican Secretaries of State NOT to certify the election until all questions about voter fraud are abated. Some people think this may provoke a crisis, but it can't be worse than the one we are looking at for the next four years and the impact on generations to come! America NEEDS Mitt, and Mitt won fair and square. This was not a ballot stuffing competition but an election. Let's make sure it's counted that way!

    Thank you all. Over 7,500 people have visited this page in the first 24 hours and I hope millions will see it eventually. Please pass it on! We can do this! (Yes we can!)


    Military service members purged from voter rolls in Florida...

    Pundit Press: In Florida: Obama Got Over 99% in Broward County Precincts

    TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

    [This is the same St. Lucie that has 141.1% voter turnout affecting both Romney and West...]

    St. Lucie County - 84 juridictions, 83 of them had 121-166% turn out

    Nevada Unions Are Regestering Illegals and Forcing Them toVoting - Wake Up America!!!!

    via Jewel on Facebook: "Could you please help us? There is a petition for a recount and it takes 28,000 signatures. We are all promoting it and would love to have you on our side. The link to sign the petition is:"

    Another petition, this one to Congress:

    You can also request that Reince Preibus of the GOP start a swing state recount based on information available at this website and as part of ORCA (Thanks Shirley!):

    Voter Fraud by the numbers? Absolutely

    Thank you to everyone who is sharing this page! As of Saturday morning, we are getting about 3,000 visitors an hour. You are making a difference!

    Posted by Jed M. Merrill at 60 comments:

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    The country is doomed now. No one will fight it.... so why bother worrying any more? It's over.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    New Black Panthers also in Ohio; Unconfirmed reports of former Navy SEALs heading to Ohio, Pa. to guard against voter intimidation

    Posted at 9:52 am on November 6, 2012 by Twitchy Staff

    New Black Panther thugs reportedly back at the polls in Philly;
    Update: Confirmed; Video added

    Posted at 8:10 am on November 6, 2012 by Twitchy Staff

    In Philadelphia, where GOP poll inspectors have reportedly been tossed out of polling locations in up to two dozen wards, reports are coming in of a New Black Panther presence in the 14th ward.

    Reports are coming in that Republican poll inspectors have been ejected from as many as 25 polling locations in Philadelphia. Are the dirty tricks starting already?

    So they will welcome the UN but eject the GOP - no bias there ....

    Breitbart News reports:

    These Inspectors are election officials – again, court appointed — and are reportedly being thrown out by the Head Judges of Elections (these Judges are elected Democrats) .

    More on the court victory from the Republican Party of Pennsylvania:

    HARRISBURG, PA—Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the following statement regarding the first court order issued by the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas to seat Republican Minority Inspectors in Philadelphia Polling places:

    “This was a shameless attempt from the Obama campaign to suppress our legally appointed Republican poll watchers in Philadelphia and they got caught,” Chairman Rob Gleason said.

    “We’ve seen these shenanigans before and it’s clear that Democratic operatives and the Obama campaign are desperate; trying to shield Republican Minority Inspectors who are employees of the City of Philadelphia today from monitoring election activities. It certainly raises the question, what are Democrats doing in the polls that they are working so hard to shield folks from monitoring this election?”

    So far this morning, Democratic operatives prohibited 75 legally credentialed Republican election workers from accessing polling places in heavily Democratic areas in Philadelphia. Incidents ranged from judges of elections refusing to seat Republican Minority Inspectors and Clerks, to reports of Democratic election operatives announcing that “No Republicans will be allowed in the polling place.”

    As a result, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania petitioned the Court to issue formal orders to force Democratic judges of elections to seat Republican minority inspectors and clerks. The Court said that they will issue around 6-12 Orders with approximately 6 – 10 names per Order.

    “Chicago Source Tells Author Brad Thor: Obama Campaign Planning to Proclaim Early Victory to ‘Demoralize Romney Supporters’”

    Thuggish Strategery.

    Demoralizing predictions.

    Don’t let it work. Vote. Then shut off your tv and your radio until 9 o’clock pm.

    Obama campaign’s Election Day advice to supporters: Stay calm
    By Doug Powers • November 5, 2012 10:12 PM

    This probably went a long way toward calming some Democrat nerves, because deep down you know Obama supporters — and everybody else for that matter — are well aware that Stephanie Cutter only speaks the truth:

    In a conference call this afternoon, President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign had one central message for their supporters when Election Day arrives tomorrow: They should “keep calm,” even if they hear snippets of information favoring Republican Mitt Romney.

    “My warning, we need to stay calm for much of the day,” Stephanie Cutter, Mr. Obama’s deputy campaign manager, said, touting thousands of early ballots already submitted by voters. “We’ve already banked a pretty big portion of our vote.”

    The fear, she explained, was early numbers leaking before voters have finished going to the polls, creating unnecessary panic and pessimism among Democrats.

    Fitting video accompaniment by way of Weasel Zippers:

    Earlier, Cutter said the idea of Romney winning Pennsylvania is “not based in reality.” Which must mean that the Obama campaign sending Bill Clinton into Pennsylvania to shore up the state they say isn’t in jeopardy is also not based in reality.

    In other election-related news, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, speaking with Chuck Todd about all the swing-state possibilities, said “if Pennsylvania’s in play, it’s all over for the president”:

    Well, sorry Andrea, but Pennsylvania’s in play. For some extra bang, Romney will campaign in Ohio and Pennsylvania on the day of the election.

    Meanwhile, President Obama is hoping that his role in bridging the gap between Bruce Springsteen and Chris Christie will pull in some of the independent vote.

    **Written by Doug Powers

    Judge orders Obama mural at Philadelphia polling station to be covered up, plus other Election Day updates
    By Doug Powers • November 6, 2012 03:19 PM

    It was just an oversight I’m sure. The mural only took up most of an entire wall:

    Shown here is a mural of President Obama at a Philadelphia polling site before and after it was partially covered up following a judge's order.

    One polling site in Philadelphia apparently had a mural of President Obama emblazoned on the wall directly behind the voting machines. The mural, at a local school being used as a polling site, contained the words “change!” and “hope,” along with a quote from the president.

    Republicans were drawing attention to the image Tuesday morning, with one Mitt Romney spokesman tweeting: “Voters in Philly’s Ward 35 are being forced to cast their ballots next to this.”
    Pennsylvania election law states “no person within a polling place may electioneer or solicit votes for any political party, political body, or candidate, nor may any unauthorized written or printed materials be posted within the polling place.”

    Also, there’s this two-fer from Chicago via The Weekly Standard:

    “This photo, taken by a voter this morning at the Ward 4, Precinct 37 polling place (1212 South Plymouth Court, Chicago), shows an election judge checking in voters while wearing an Obama hat,” a source writes. “Chicago’s 4th ward is home to President Barack Obama.”

    The voter who took the photo says: “Woman in front of me also given an extra ballot.”

    Where are those international election observers, anyway? In a state of shock after discovering that the US does not require ID to vote, that’s where.

    Howard “YEARGHH!” Dean said earlier that the only way Obama can lose Ohio is if the Republicans pull off some kind of vote fraud:

    Really, Howard?

    I’ll close with this ironic gem: Some DC poll workers have been given a photo of Attorney General Eric Holder so they can positively identify him should he show up to vote (which stems from this ). Holder’s ballot is being protected via photo identification? Why hasn’t anybody thought of that before? Wait, nevermind.

    Ed Morrissey:

    “If it takes photo ID to protect Eric Holder’s right to cast his own ballot, maybe it makes sense for the rest of us, too.”

    **Written by Doug Powers

    Obama mural reported at polling site in DC
    Posted at 4:07 pm on November 6, 2012 by Twitchy Staff

    As Twitchy reported earlier, voters at one Philadelphia voting site were forced to vote next to a giant mural of President Obama. They weren’t alone. As Twitchy reported earlier, voters at one Philadelphia voting site were forced to vote next to a giant mural of President Obama. They weren’t alone.

    This mural of Obama and his penguin pals basking under a glowing campaign logo sun is located at School Without Walls High School in Washington, D.C.

    After it was ordered covered :

    November 9, 2012
    BREAKING: St. Lucie County, Florida Had 141.1% Turnout; Obama Won County

    Out of 175,554 registered voters, 247,713 vote cards were cast in St. Lucie County, Florida on Tuesday. Barack Obama won the county.

    When faced with the astronomical figures, Gertrude Walker, Supervisor of Elections for St. Lucie County, said she had no idea why turnout was so incredibly high. She was flabbergasted, saying, "We've never seen that here.

    Coincidentally (or not), St. Lucie County is also in Allen West's district, where 6,000 votes mysteriously "shifted" from Mr. West to his challenger.

    Out of the 247,713 cards cast, somehow election machines counted 123,591 total votes.

    Along with this questionable result, Mr. Obama also received over 99% of the vote in numerous districts in Broward County. In various districts in Cleveland, he received 100% of the vote. In Florida, Mr. Obama received over 99% of the vote in precincts where GOP inspectors had been removed.

    As for the Presidential race, there's no connection between Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida, right?

    FRAUD- Democrat in NC: 'I've Voted Four Times Already'

    Democrat Jim Turner, who lives in North Carolina, stated on Facebook that he had voted four times already and plans on voting again. Another woman was offered to vote in the same state after voting in Tennessee.

    The democrat explained that he proudly voted illegally "to save our country from the world envisioned by Mitt and his fear mongering followers." You can read the original post below:

    The post was quickly deleted, though Turner says that its deletion was "a conspiracy inspired by some who see our national glass as half empty:"

    A democrat stating unequivocally that he has committed voter fraud? If there is a clearer example of voting fraud on the left, I don't know what it would be.

    Turner also openly expressed his intention to vote again, explaining, that he "will vote in my precinct in PKS," even though he's voted four times already.

    Does Barack Obama have a mandate?
    posted at 12:01 pm on November 7, 2012 by Ed Morrissey

    In the aftermath of any victory, presidential candidates proclaim a new mandate to move forward on the values of their campaign. Barack Obama will probably be no different, but National Journal’s Ron Fournier warns that claiming a mandate after this election would be politically dangerous — and a fantasy:

    Barack Obama won a second term but no mandate. Thanks in part to his own small-bore and brutish campaign, victory guarantees the president nothing more than the headache of building consensus in a gridlocked capital on behalf of a polarized public.

    If the president begins his second term under any delusion that voters rubber-stamped his agenda Tuesday night, he is doomed to fail.

    Mandates are rarely won on Election Night. They are earned after Inauguration Day by leaders who spend their political capital wisely, taking advantage of events without overreaching. Obama is capable – as evidenced by his first-term success with health care reform. But mandate-building requires humility, a trait not easily associated with him.

    “The mandate is a myth,” said John Altman, associate professor of political science at York College of Pennsylvania. “But even if there was such a thing as a mandate, this clearly isn’t an election that would produce one.”

    He pointed to Obama’s small margin of victory and the fact that U.S. voters are divided deeply by race, gender, spirituality and party affiliation. You can’t claim to be carrying out the will of the people when the populous has little shared will.

    Fournier has this most correct in his initial thought. In order to claim a mandate, one has to have run on clear, positive values. The only real takeaway from the Obama campaign was that Mitt Romney was too extreme or too willing to change to be President, which doesn’t leave much of a positive basis for Obama to claim a mandate. The first appearance of even the skeleton of a second-term agenda came 567 days into the campaign, and that consisted of vague pledges to stick to the status quo.

    Furthermore, this was the unique re-election where an incumbent President did slightly worse than his first election. Obama lost two states he won, and the popular-vote margin will be narrower on a percentage basis than in 2008. That doesn’t equate to a ringing vote of confidence in Obama’s agenda; in fact, it sounds a bit like a warning that a second term had better produce more than the first.

    Perhaps Obama understood that last night. His victory speech didn’t hail a mandate, but instead focused rhetorically on the need for better solutions from everyone across the board. How long will that last? We’ll see, but shortly after his last victory, Obama didn’t hesitate to tell Republicans to get used to the fact that “I won.” Perhaps he learned a lesson from that, but it wouldn’t have come from winning his next election.

    The Chicago Tribune notes that Obama may not have learned the lesson at all:,2858089.story

    “You made your voice heard,” Obama said in his acceptance speech, signaling that he believes the bulk of the country is behind his policies. It’s a sticking point for House Republicans, sure to balk at that.

    The same voters who gave Obama four more years in office also elected a divided Congress, sticking with the dynamic that has made it so hard for the president to advance his agenda. Democrats retained control of the Senate; Republicans kept their House majority.

    Here’s Obama’s full speech from last night:

    For those who haven't noticed, Obama doesn't need a mandate. He can rule by decree (executive order), and neither of the other two branches are willing or able to stop him.

    If the EPA can define carbon dioxide as a pollutant event though it's a natural byproduct of respiration and necessary food for plants and trees, what exactly is outside his reach?

    The administrative state is so large and powerful now, especially with ObamaCare, that legislation is only needed for window dressing.

    Mandate. Yeah, right.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    52 DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud so far and Race or the N.A.A.C.P. Wasn’t an Issue

    (19 votes, average: 4.47 out of 5)

    Proof that voter ID is needed to keep our elections legitimate and fair. Our elected leaders should be elected fairly by the people and not by the minority voting in names that are not theirs.

    This is how the democratic party stays in power and why they do not listen to the people when they are in power because they know they are guaranteed to win no matter how they perform their duties. God help this country!
    8 Arrested for Absentee Voter Fraud in Madison County, Florida

    Democrats ~ Jada Woods Williams and Abra Hill Johnson

    I am not sure how I missed this one, but here is one to add to the growing list of individuals arrested for actual voter fraud- meaning they voted more than once in an given election.

    The NAACP is up in arms over the arrests saying the FBI is some how suppressing minority voters by arresting and charging minorities for actually illegally voting.
    7 Democrats Arrested in New York for actual Voter Fraud via Absentee Ballots

    Democrats arrested, charged and 4 plead guilty to actual voter fraud in New York via absentee ballots!

    12 Democrats have been Charged in Georgia for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud

    NAACP Executive Sentence to 10 Years in Prison for Voting for Obama 10 Times in 2008

    While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme.

    In April 2011, a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots.
    4 Wake County, North Carolina Democrats have Admitted to Voting for Obama TWICE Each in 2008

    Daytona Beach City Democrat Commissioner and his Campaign Manager arrested for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud

    Derrick Henry Genesis Robinson

    see complete story

    thank you Scott

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    Stolen Election? Evidence Is Mounting Everything Points To Stolen Votes

    Saturday, November 10, 2012 23:52

    Written by:
    Dave in Fla
    Thursday, 08 November 2012
    “Dave in Fla” runs the DiF Poll Analysis website
    Posted for TPATH November 10, 2012

    We are being asked to believe that Romney got close to three million fewer votes in 2012 than John McCain got in 2008.

    That’s not possible.
    This election is a fraud.

    I don’t know exactly how – rigging voting machines, hacking tabulation software, whatever. What I do know is that it is totally beyond inevitability and into the realm of ridiculously absurd that Romney actually got any fewer votes than McCain in 2008, much less millions fewer.

    I hate going down a conspiracy road, but yes I believe the election was stolen, and the implications of that are very bad. First of all, Obama received 10 million less votes than he did in 2008. The part that is unbelievable is that Romney received 3 million less votes than McCain. At the end of the day, Obama won in the 4 critical swing states by 500,000 votes. But it is worse than that. We can look at who voted.

    By examining the number of Independents and their preference shift among actual voters, we know that 5 million Independents changed their votes from Obama to Romney. So Romney started the day 2.5 million votes ahead of where McCain was in 2008.

    This means that 5.5 million Republican
    voters are not accounted for.

    They didn’t show up at the polls, or their votes were not counted. We know now that no subgroup of the coalition decided to sit out. So the current attempts to blame the Social Conservatives are stupid. All of our groups showed up to vote at the rates they did in 2008. For this to be true, over 10% of Republicans needed to decide not to vote this year, who did vote in 2008.

    Does that make any sense?

    In fact, it is even worse, we know for a fact that heavy GOP counties were swamped all day. We watched all day as, e.g., Pasco County Florida was showing huge increases in GOP voters over the 2008 numbers. In Virginia, with 69% of the precincts in, Romney held a 6% lead. Yet once a small number of counties reported, that lead disappeared. If the vote drop off occurred, it occurred in a very small number of counties. It was not visible nationwide. I contend that you can not get a 10% drop off in GOP turnout without it being noticeable during the GOTV effort, measures of enthusiasm in polling, or visibly lower turnout in GOP leaning precincts.

    For anyone who doesn’t want to think that the Obama campaign would engage in such blatant election fraud, contemplate this.

    These are the same people who ran Fast and Furious without regard for the cost in human lives, turned off their credit card verification system to allow fraudulent donations, and allowed four Americans in Libya to die because it was politically inconvenient.

    Do you really think that massive election fraud is something they wouldn’t do? If this is true, then we have some hard things to consider.

    First of all, we are now needlessly fracturing our coalition pointing fingers at people for not voting.

    Second, we are making an assumption about the make up of the American public that is not true.

    We are going to modify our party and message to appeal to a group of individuals who do not represent the majority of the population.

    Most difficult to believe is that we are living in Venezuela where our elections are merely for show, and the people in charge of the Governments decide who will win elections. We become wards of the State, which is the aim of those who stole this election.

    So how can this be proved? I am going to start by looking at a few key counties in Florida. What I want to see is the voter registration numbers by party, and then compare them to the actual votes received. Theoretically, if this were to be done for all counties in Florida, we could see where the fraud occurred. Comparing the votes Romney received to the strike lists would show that in specific counties Romney received something like 50% of the Republican vote (picking a number out of the air) while we know that nationwide he received 95% of the Republican vote. To
    really get to the answer, we would need to get the registration books, which might be possible through Freedom of Information act.

    Those show who actually voted, by name, and their party. The media will not pursue this. This will take citizen journalists working in every state.

    This letter was sent to TPATH yesterday. It has all the points most of us have been thinking. Let’s hope Dave in Florida is successful with his several county analysis.

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    Here's how touchscreens killed Romney votes

    You won't believe what machine expert claims

    by Bob UnruhEmail |

    A Chicago voting-machine tech is sounding the alarm, claiming he witnessed multiple error messages on the voting touch-screens this election – but only in cases where people voted for Mitt Romney.

    Steve Pickrum said he worked for Chicago’s election system during the early voting and Election Day voting for the 2012 race.

    As an equipment manager for the system, Pickrum said, he responded whenever there was a glitch with a voting machine.

    “On early voting, when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,’” he reported.

    See the Big List of vote fraud reports.

    Then when he went on Election Day to cast his own vote, he picked Romney and experienced the same error message.

    Pickrum said he worked at both the Matteson voting area as well as in Precinct 70, and although he discussed the anomalies with his boss, had not yet filed a formal report.

    He said when he voted, he was told by a precinct worker to just go ahead and assume that his vote had been tabulated, despite the error message. But since he knew the operations of the machines, he asked the poll workers to check the vote report, and they found his vote had not been counted.

    He insisted on completing his ballot on another machine, he told WND.

    Curiously, he reported he never saw the error message when the voter was choosing Barack Obama.

    Stand up to fight against voter fraud right now!

    Another poll worker, this one assigned at the University of Michigan, reported a list of irregularities, including that the precinct captain told her at one point, “You go sit down, you are bothering me,” when she was trying to observe the proceedings.

    “I was only standing there and looking at voter documents,” she told WND. “It was clear that what bothered him was my very presence.”

    She said a short time later a young man arrived and identified himself as a Democrat poll challenger.

    “The first time he said anything was to object to my challenge of a voter. He tried to anger the voter by telling her, ‘She does not believe you are who you say you are.’ He was trying to create a scene. It then happened again, and I told him, ‘You are not here to challenge me!’ His reply was a very loud, ‘Yes I am! You are a Republican, and you are here to prevent people from voting. You are holding up the line and creating obstructions,’” she reported.

    She told WND, in fact, no one waited more than about 15 minutes to vote the entire day, and there were no obstructions.

    The balloting is unofficial until the Electoral College electors designated by each state meet Dec. 17 to cast their ballots.

    WND’s newest forum is your opportunity to report voter fraud

    Other reports of questionable vote tabulations include:

    • Byron York of the Washington Examiner reports that some 200,000 fewer white voters were recorded in Ohio’s election this year than in 2008. “There are several theories about those missing white voters, but the most plausible is that the ones who were undecideds or weak Republicans were deeply influenced by Obama’s relentless attacks on Romney.”
    • And in Florida, the Sun Sentinel reported that election workers a week after the election said they found 963 unaccounted-for ballots – in a warehouse. “How can you lose them? This is terrible,” candidate Chickie Brandimarte told officials. Election supervisor Brenda Snipes, however, said it’s routine for various vote totals to be adjusted up until the Nov. 18 final certification.
    • Also in Florida, residents began demanding changes in the electoral system that handed voters chaos, frustration and delays at polling stations. The Florida League of Women Voters and other groups are demanding from Gov. Rick Scott a plan to draft reforms for the state’s elections.

    WND reported just a day ago
    about an observer who noted up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default, which gave Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected.

    The poll watcher reported the incident took place in the state where officials claimed Obama got a total of 19,605 votes in 59 voting divisions to zero for Mitt Romney and not far from the 100 precincts in Ohio where Obama got 99 percent of the vote, a feat not even achieved by Third-World dictators, according to Market Daily News.

    With evidence mounting that the vote tabulation did not reflect the true choices of voters, talk-radio icon Rush Limbaugh echoed the Daily News, saying Monday: “Third-world, tin-horn dictators don’t get [these percentages]. I mean, the last guy that got this percentage of the vote was Saddam Hussein, and the people that didn’t vote for him got shot. This just doesn’t happen. Even Hugo Chavez [of Venezuela] doesn’t get 100 percent or 99 percent of the vote.”

    It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”

    He said that happened in about 5 percent to 10 percent of the votes.

    WND’s newest forum is your opportunity to report voter fraud

    He said the changes appeared to have been made by a software program.

    Ashcroft said the format for computer programming has a default status, and in this case it appeared to be designating a vote for Obama each time it went to default.

    He found it suspicious that Romney and Obama were in a virtual tie in most polls, but Obama then suddenly surged ahead by a number of points on election night.

    “How the heck does that happen?” he wondered.

    He said as a poll watcher, he was not allowed to communicate with officials there, so his concerns were submitted later to the state GOP.

    Officials with the Republican Committee in Harrisburg did not respond to a WND request for comment.

    WND previously reported
    Obama’s success was nominal in states where authorities required voter identification, while he was very successful in states that did not require it.

    WND also reported prior to Election Day that officials in Virginia
    were asked to investigate after a video caught the field director for Democratic U.S. Rep. Jim Moran’s campaign in an apparent conspiracy to commit election fraud.

    What will Barack Obama do now that he has another four years in office? Find out in Aaron Klein’s “Fool Me Twice,” on sale now at WND’s Superstore

    The video sting by James O’Keefe‘s Project Veritas, first reported by WND, prompted the resignation of Patrick Moran, who is also Jim Moran’s son, and a criminal investigation by the Arlington County Police Department in Northern Virginia, near Washington, D.C.

    Here’s the blueprint Obama used to steal the 2012 election.

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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham

    November 14, 2012 10:54 am Comments (25) Author: The American Dream

    After what we have seen this November, how is any American ever su to trust the integrity of our elections ever again? There were over 70,000 reports of voting problems on election day, and there are numerous eyewitnesses that claim that they saw voting machines change votes for one candidate to another candidate right in front of their eyes.

    In several of the swing states there were counties where the number of registered voters exceeded the total voting age population by a very wide margin. How in the world does that happen? Some of the vote totals that were reported in some of the most important swing states were completely and totally absurd, and yet we are just supposed to accept them on blind faith without ever being able to ask any questions. Of course the Romney campaign has already totally given up, so it isn’t as if there is any chance that the results of the presidential election could be overturned anyhow. But if massive election fraud did take place and nobody is held accountable, what kind of message will that send for the future? Will we ever be able to have faith in the integrity of our elections ever again?

    The following are 22 signs that voter fraud is wildly out of control and the election was a sham…

    #1 According to the Election Protection Coalition, voters across the United States reported more than 70,000 voting problems by 5 PM Eastern time on election day.

    There were 59 voting divisions in the city of Philadelphia where Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote. In those voting divisions, the combined vote total was 19,605 for Barack Obama and 0 for Mitt Romney.

    The overall voter turnout rate in Philadelphia was only about 60 percent. But in the areas of Philadelphia where Republican poll watchers were illegally removed, the voter turnout rate was over 90% and Obama received over 99% of the vote. Officials in Philadelphia have already ruled out an investigation.

    According to WND, one poll watcher in Pennsylvania actually claims that he witnessed voting machine software repeatedly switch votes from Mitt Romney to Barack Obama…

    It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”

    He said that happened in about 5 percent to 10 percent of the votes.

    He said the changes appeared to have been made by a software program.

    Ashcroft said the format for computer programming has a default status, and in this case it appeared to be designating a vote for Obama each time it went to default.

    Somehow Mitt Romney won 55 out of the 67 counties in the state of Pennsylvania and still managed to lose the entire state by a wide margin because of the absurd vote totals that Obama ran up in the urban areas.

    Barack Obama received more than 98 percent of the vote in 10 out of the 50 wards in the city of Chicago.

    Prior to the election, voters in the states of Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Ohio all reported that voting machines were switching their votes for Romney over to Obama.

    There were more than 50 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio where Mitt Romney received 2 votes or less.

    There were more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio where Barack Obama received more than 99 times the votes that Mitt Romney did.

    Barack Obama also received more than 99% of the vote in a number of very important precincts down in Broward County, Florida.

    Wood County, Ohio (which Obama won) has a voting age population of 98,213, but somehow 106,258 voters were registered to vote on election day.

    Ten counties in the swing state of Colorado have a voter registration rate of more than 100%.

    Barack Obama did not win in a single state that absolutely requires a photo I.D. in order to vote.

    In Ohio, two election judges were caught allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots.

    Many Ohio voters that showed up at the polls on election day were surprised when they were informed that they had already voted.

    In fact, there were reports all over the nation of people being unable to vote because records showed that they had already voted.

    According to U.S. Representative Allen West, there were numerous “voting irregularities” in St. Lucie County, Florida on election day…

    “The thing that spurred our curiosity in our race was the fact that at 1 o’clock in the morning on Election Night, all of a sudden there was a 4,000-vote swing that took me from being ahead to put the lead into my opponent’s hands.”

    In Wisconsin, there were allegations that Obama voters were actually being bussed in from out of state

    The Democrats stationed a self described “BIG Chicago pro bono attorney” as one of their two observers at this small polling place. He remained at the polling place from 7:00 a.m. until well after 8.m. …..A high priced CHICAGO attorney, sitting in a Sheboygan WISCONSIN polling place, observing wards comprised of 1500 voters? …. WHY???

    Why would someone from Chicago be observing in Sheboygan Wisconsin? And WHY at such a small polling place? Finally, isn’t it interesting that this would occur at the VERY polling place in which all of the above described events ALSO occurred? AGAIN WHY WOULD A CHICAGO ATTORNEY BE OBSERVING AN ELECTION POLLING PLACE WITH FEWER THAN 1500 VOTERS IN IT, IN SHEBOYGAN WISCONSIN? Of all the places where there has been suspected voting irregularities, and OUTRIGHT FRAUD throughout the ENTIRE United States, WHY HERE? WHY SHEBOYGAN? WHY THIS SMALL WARD?

    This lawyer spent the day running in and out making, and taking calls, which coincidentally then coincided with influxes of groups of individuals by the van and bus loads, coming in to register, AND VOTE, using what appeared to be copied Allient energy bills. These individuals often did not have photo I.D.’s, could not remember their own addresses without looking at the paper, and became easily tripped, confused and annoyed when questioned.

    Many of these same individuals, just so happened to be dressed in/wearing CHICAGO BEARS apparel, and whom openly discussed “catching busses back to Chicago” with each other, with poll workers, via their cell phones in the lobby area just outside the polling place, as well as in the parking lot, both before and AFTER registering and voting.

    One woman was dressed head to toe in CHICAGO BEARS apparel including perfectly manicured BEARS fake fingernails!

    She complained because registering was taking too long and she had to hurry up to catch her bus back to Chicago.

    We have photos of these people in vehicles with plates from different states, photos of them leaving the polls, and other irregularities.

    Prior to election day, an Obama for America staffer was caught on video trying to help someone register to vote in more than one state.

    It is being alleged that unions in Nevada have been registering illegal immigrants and pressuring them to vote.

    According to, there was a systematic effort by the Obama campaign to suppress the military vote because they knew that most military votes would go against Obama…

    Aiding Obama’s win was a devious suppression of the conservative vote. The conservative-leaning military vote has decreased drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.

    According to the Naval Enlisted Reserve Association, it appears that thousands of military votes from this election will never be counted at all.

    So what do you think about all of this?

    Do you still believe that elections in America are fair and honest?

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    The Voter Fraud That ‘Never Happens’ Keeps Coming Back

    February 8, 2013

    Critics of voter ID and other laws cracking down on voter fraud claim they’re unnecessary because fraud is nonexistent. For instance, Brennan Center attorneys Michael Waldman and Justin Levitt claimed last year: “A person casting two votes risks jail time and a fine for minimal gain. Proven voter fraud, statistically, happens about as often as death by lightning strike.”

    Well, lightning is suddenly all over Cincinnati, Ohio. The Hamilton County Board of Elections is investigating 19 possible cases of alleged voter fraud that occurred when Ohio was a focal point of the 2012 presidential election. A total of 19 voters and nine witnesses are part of the probe.

    Democrat Melowese Richardson has been an official poll worker for the last quarter century and registered thousands of people to vote last year. She candidly admitted to Cincinnati’s Channel 9 this week that she voted twice in the last election.

    This is how Channel 9′s website summarized the case:

    According to county documents, Richardson’s absentee ballot was accepted on Nov. 1, 2012 along with her signature. On Nov. 11, she told an official she also voted at a precinct because she was afraid her absentee ballot would not be counted in time.

    “There’s absolutely no intent on my part to commit voter fraud,” said Richardson. . . .

    The board’s documents also state that Richardson was allegedly disruptive and hid things from other poll workers on Election Day after another female worker reported she was intimidated by Richardson. . . .

    During the investigation it was also discovered that her granddaughter, India Richardson, who was a first time voter in the 2012 election, cast two ballots in November.

    Richardson insists she has done nothing wrong and promises to contest the charges: “I’ll fight it for Mr. Obama and for Mr. Obama’s right to sit as president of the United States.”

    But, of course, as you know there is no voter fraud. Pay no attention to that lightning coming out of Ohio.

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    If it is true and the Republican party cannot push for a voter fraud investigation, I hope many localities that can investigate will investigate as there are so many oddities and outright fraud this last election.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Three Indicted In Hamilton County Voter Fraud Case

    March 11, 2013

    A Hamilton County Grand Jury has indicted three people for allegedly casting illegal votes in this past presidential election.

    Melowese Richardson, admitted to WCPO she voted twice and submitted absentee ballots for several other people as well. If convicted, the prosecutor says she faces up to 12 years in prison.

    Russell Glassop is charged with voting on behalf of his deceased wife.

    Another woman, Sister Marguerite Kloos, faces up to 18 months in jail if convicted. She is accused of voting on behalf of another nun who had already died. She was indicted based on information from the prosecutor. Her attorney contacted the prosecutor and said she intends to plead guilty, so a grand jury indictment wasn't necessary.

    Prosecutor Joe Deters says individual votes are important and people need to have faith in the system.

    "The charges should let people know that this is not North Korea," he says.

    Republican Party Chair and Board of Elections member Alex Triantafilou says he believes the voter fraud is more widespread than even these limited indictments. He says, "...we're going to continue to investigate."

    The prosecutor's office is looking into three other cases of possible voter fraud and more charges may be coming. This follows days of discussion at the Hamilton County Board of Elections as reported by WVXU in February.

    Democrat and Board of Elections Chair Tim Burke says there is another issue that is still hanging out there and he wants it resolved by the prosecutor. "Whether or not there is anything wrong with those people who voted an absentee ballot and then also went to their poll on election day and voted a provisional ballot." He says that's legal and these people didn't do anything wrong.

    The articles linked above...

    Poll Worker Accused Of Voter Fraud In Hamilton County Speaks Out

    February 6, 2013

    The Hamilton County Board of Elections is investigating 19 possible cases of alleged voter fraud following months of investigation after the 2012 election.

    Twenty-eight subpoenas have been issued as a result of the investigation, which includes 19 Hamilton County voters and nine witnesses who still need to answer questions to satisfy the board.

    The board started with 80 suspicious cases and now is down to 19. Officials say the majority of the cases turned out to be simple misunderstandings.

    Melowese Richardson, a Madisonville resident, first learned of the allegations when approached by 9 On Your Side reporter Tom McKee Wednesday. Even though she admits to voting twice in the last election, she said the news came as surprise.

    "I would think that something this important would come to me first and that I wouldn't have to be enlightened about this through you," said Richardson.

    According to county documents, Richardson's absentee ballot was accepted on Nov. 1, 2012 along with her signature. On Nov. 11, she told an official she also voted at a precinct because she was afraid her absentee ballot would not be counted in time.

    "There's absolutely no intent on my part to commit voter fraud," said Richardson.

    According to BOE records, her name appeared on an absentee ballot list prior to Election Day. The board's report states poll workers should have updated the signature poll book by flagging "absentee voter" next to the names of those who appeared on the list. Upon investigation it was found that none of the voters who appeared on the list were flagged, which included Richardson. The staff could not locate that supplemental list when asked.

    Richardson voted at the Madisonville Recreation Center where she worked as a paid worker on Election Day.

    She has worked the polls since 1988. Richardson said in her youth she would accompany her mother, who also worked at the polls, even though she wasn't old enough to vote at the time.

    "I, after registering thousands of people, certainly wanted my vote to count. So, I voted. I voted at the poll," she said.

    The board's documents also state that Richardson was allegedly disruptive and hid things from other poll workers on Election Day after another female worker reported she was intimated by Richardson.

    However, Richardson claims she was the one intimidated while doing her job.

    "I think I was intimidated because she's new and wasn't doing her job very efficiently and like I said, I've been working the polls for several years. I let her know how it should have been taken care of," said Richardson.

    During the investigation it was also discovered that her granddaughter, India Richardson, who was a first time voter in the 2012 election, cast two ballots in November.

    Documents show when India was contacted on Jan. 17 concerning the two ballots, she denied voting absentee.

    She stated, "No, my grandmother filled that out and voted my ballot because she didn't think I would go do it, but I did. I voted provisionally at my polling place on Election Day," according to the report.

    Richardson admitted to sending one of her granddaughter's ballots in the mail.

    "I did let her know that I was getting the absentee ballot for her and sending it in. I had to get her Social Security number for that. I assumed she forgot or was just excited and she went to the polls herself," said Richardson.

    Another claim is absentee ballots for Montez Richardson, Joseph Jones and Markus Barron all came from Richardson's Whetsel Avenue address and were received by the board at the same time as Richardson's. The handwriting on all four of them was similar, according to officials.

    "Markus Barron lives here. Joseph Jones is my brother. He's here from time-to-time. I am Montez's power-of-attorney. I voted for her in her absence," said Richardson.

    She said she thought all of the votes were legal. The matter may still wind up before the Hamilton County prosecutor.

    "Have they never heard of a simple mistake? Have they never heard of overlooking? Mailing in a ballot or registering to vote at a precinct after you've forgotten that you mailed in a ballot?" said Richardson.

    Two hearings will take place Feb. 15 and Feb. 22 where those accused will have a chance to speak. Richardson's case will be heard Feb. 22 and she says it's far from over.

    "Absolutely. Absolutely, I'll fight it for Mr. Obama and for Mr. Obama's right to sit as president of the United States."

    To view all possible fraud cases linked to last year's election visit

    Nun Suspected Of Voting For Dead Sister

    February 21, 2013

    A Cincinnati nun is being investigated for illegally casting an absentee ballot for another Sister of Charity who died before last November's election.

    Sister Rose Marie Hewitt, a 78-year-old Sister of Charity, died Oct. 4 - the same day the Hamilton County Board of Elections mailed her absentee ballot and about 60,000 others to persons around the county who had requested them.

    The board of elections received a completed absentee ballot on Oct. 11, with what purported to be Hewitt's signature. It was dated Oct. 3 - the day before she died and the day before absentee ballots were mailed out.

    Officials believe it was sent by another local Sister of Charity who was a friend of Hewitt and lives at the same Delhi Township voting address. WVXU is not naming the nun, because no charges have been filed.

    But, in a Tuesday letter to the Hamilton County Board of Elections, county prosecutor Joe Deters said "sufficient information has been developed with respect to (the Hewitt vote) to determine that there is probably cause to believe that criminal activity has occurred."

    "No further investigation by the board of elections should be undertaken with respect to allegations related to Ms. Hewitt,'' Deters wrote to the board.

    Amy Searcy, director of the Hamilton County Board of Elections, said the situation was discovered last week when the board received a list they routinely receive from the Ohio Secretary of State's office of persons who had died. The secretary of state collects the information from the state board of health and distributes it to county election boards so they can purge their rolls of dead voters.

    "That's when it was discovered that the sister had mailed in a ballot, which we received after she had died,'' Searcy said.

    The situation with Sister Rose Marie Hewitt comes in the middle of a board investigation into about 20 Hamilton County voters who may have illegally voted twice in the November election.

    Friday, the board will interview a second group of those voters under oath. The Hewitt situation will not come up in that meeting. The board may soon forward other names to the prosecutor for possible prosecution.

    Prosecutor Now Has Six Double Voter Cases

    February 22, 2013

    Information about six people accused of voting more than once this past presidential election in Hamilton County is now in the hands of the Prosecutor's Office.

    The only case where two votes were actually counted involves poll worker Melowese Richardson who told Channel 9 in an earlier interview she voted absentee and then in person.

    "I, after registering thousands of people, certainly wanted my vote to count, so I voted."

    Richardson said she didn't think the Hamilton County Board of Election would get her absentee ballot and that's why she voted again. She is also accused of helping four other people vote twice, frustrating Board Chair Tim Burke.

    "Melowese Richardson was able to take advantage of her position as an inside poll worker to cast a second vote that did in fact get counted cause we had no way of determining that by a staff review. That's the only instance where an individual got two votes case in her own name."

    Richardson's case was one of those referred to the prosecutor. The prosecutor also has information on five other suspect cases. However it's unclear if any more will be referred. Burke and board member Alex Triantafilou disagree but are waiting for a clarification from the prosecutor's office.

    Only three of thirteen people subpoenaed today showed up for questioning by the board.

    And these were just the ones that were caught...

  19. #19
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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    Well, you know at this point it's moot... because even if they could find ENOUGH people to show Obama doesn't belong in office the damage is done.
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  20. #20
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2012 Election Theft Thread

    This might be appropriate here:

    Cyberattack on election website jolts Florida community

    By Cheryl K. Chumley
    The Washington Times
    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    Election officers in one Florida community are on edge after hundreds of requests for absentee ballots poured in over a 2½-week period were deemed a cyberattack — resulting in the first known cyberattack of a U.S. election.

    The fake ballot requests were for the Aug. 14, 2012, state primary, the Christian Science Monitor reports. They were for Democratic and Republican candidates, Miami Herald says.

    “This is significant because it’s the first time we’ve seen a very well documented case of attempted computer election fraud in the U.S.,” said J. Alex Halderman, a cybersecurity researcher at the University of Michigan, in the CS Monitor report. “This should be a real wakeup call because it illustrates the sort of computer voting attacks that many scientists have been warning were possible for years.”

    The attacks were called “clumsy” by investigators and were thwarted before doing any damage to the elections.

    But Florida is “lucky,” Mr. Halderman said. The next attack could be successful.

    “We’ve seen very sophisticated attacks against U.S. corporations,” he said, in the CS Monitor report. “If that level of sophisticated attack were directed against these election systems, it could have been disastrous.”

    Read more:
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