Hi guys. Just an update. I've changed the "signature" to reflect the correct links to the two blogs I run.

Mainly this is about my sailing blog. Most of you can't wait until I'm gone and shut the hell up here ( haha) but some of you might want to stay in touch or at least check things out from time to time.

The direct link to the blog is http://windsofchange.us

I have set up the link to our wordpress blog and did all the magic for that to work now. It's tested, working and I've got a lot of posts I've made.

I'd sincerely appreciate anyone who wants to stay in contact hitting the site from time to time and skim through, make a comment or whatever. The Contacts tab will tell you how to reach me. That will update as other things change. I'll probably not post a real phone number in there later (I think you can find my cell number someplace, but if not one of the admins on this site knows it in an emergency).

When we leave we are down sizing our phones to one cell phone for use in the US, a pay-as-you go type of thing and we'll get one in the Bahamas probably because we plan to spend a few months there, up to a year. After that... not sure.

For the political minded amongst us, my other site "Reality Check" is listed in my signature block at the bottom of this page. Comments THERE are appreciated as well.

Once I head out though, I'll likely slow down posting there, or retire the blog completely.

Things are moving along pretty quickly for us. I figure to be gone in a few months at most, before winter this year for certain. All depends on the sale of the house - and that is fast approaching. This weekend I will be finishing a bunch of small projects and trying to get the bathroom started. Once that is all done and the yard cleaned we'll get a realtor and go from there.