Ex ACORN Exec Believes in the Myth of Rainbow Power

Posted on September 24, 2013 by freegirl100
If you think this rainbow coalition is ugly, wait until you see and experience the one our betters force down our streets and neighborhoods.
According to the Daily Caller, former ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis urged Africans-Americans to support increased immigration of people from third world countries as a strategy to gain political power.
“We got some Latino cousins, we got some Asian cousins, we got some Native-American cousins, we got all kind of cousins,” said Lewis, who spoke Thursday at the annual political conference of the Congressional Black Caucus (note to my dear international readers – blacks are the only ethnic group in America that have their own congressional caucus; note to English majors – “we got some”).
“Cousins need to get together because if we’re going to be [part of the non-white] majority, it makes sense for black people in this country to get down with immigration reform,” said Lewis, whose ACORN group was formally disbanded in 2010 after a series of scandals.
Natch, Lewis did not mention solidarity with whites, or with people who define themselves as Americans, in her appeal for power. Because that’s not what it’s about – it’s about continuing the complete transformation of America to a place where people of color roam national parks together
Lewis did not mention solidarity with whites, or with people who define themselves as Americans, in her appeal for power.
“Everyone, even all white folks in this country, acknowledge that in a minute, [the] United States of America will be a new majority, will be majority minority, a brand-new thing,” she said.
In 2012, “for the first time ever in history, African-Americans outvoted white Americans. Oooh. That’s the fear of the white man. That could change everything. That’s why [immigration] should matter to us,” she declared
Lewis’ appeal for non-white solidarity was backed up by New York Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke. “What will happen with comprehensive immigration reform will be a new landscape of humanity in the United States of America,” Clarke told the attendees.
She is absolutely right about that of course – demographics are destiny. Just ask Detroit, Flint, East St. Louis, or Camden.
“America is a shape-shifter, and based on who’s here, in what numbers and at what time, determines the political outcomes,” she said. Blacks should cooperate with Latinos, she said, adding “we all have skin in the game, literally.”
Right again, except for white people, who in the main do not vote for their economic, social, or racial interests because we have been taught this is bad to do. Only people of color can vote their color interests. To even mention that white people might have interests based on race or culture is considered racist.
William Spriggs, chief economist at the AFL-CIO, added to the racial/racist appeal: “If we are going to be the new majority, we’re going to have to start acting like the new majority and start setting the new rules,” he said.
Once Congress approves a massive increase in third world immigration, minorities should demand even more, said Chicago Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez, a leading advocate of the pending Senate bill.
“The next day after we pass it, you know we’re not going to be satisfied, we’re going to come back,” he said. “We’re going to have a civil rights act, we’re going to have a voting rights act… Nobody is leaving this fight once we conclude this first chapter,” he said.
“Hopefully, in 30 years, [we] can bring immigrants… from all over the world,” Gutierrez said.
Don’t we already do that?
Some attendees broke ranks and expressed concern about immigrants’ refusal to hire African-Americans or to accept civil-rights laws, and the commonplace stealing of Social Security Numbers.
Currently, the formal unemployment rate among African-Americans is 13 percent. However, the formal number understates the level of unemployment. For example, fewer than half of black men aged between 18 and 30 have full-time jobs, according to the Daily Caller.
Last June, President Barack Obama bypassed Congress’ opposition to an amnesty for younger illegal immigrants, and has awarded work-permits to almost 500,000 young illegal immigrants.
This July, with support from Obama, the Senate passed an immigration bill that would provide work permits to roughly 33 million immigrants and create a pool of roughly 2 million blue-collar and university-trained guest-workers, over the next decade.
But studies of increased immigration suggest the economic gains will go to immigrants and company owners. Some attendees said the caucus should focus more clearly on issues of concern to black Americans.
“We are the last hired and have the last opportunities, yet amnesty supporters would have you think that adding millions more workers at this time is good,” said Leah Durant, founder of the Black American Leadership Alliance. ”When so many Americans of all races are out of work, that is ridiculous,” Durant told The Daily Caller.
“Blacks as well as other low-skilled workers have made their greatest advances when we have low levels of immigration,” she said. “It is time for black leader to stand up for blacks.”
A June poll by NumbersUSA, a group which want to shrink immigration, reported that only 15 percent of blacks and 44 percent of Hispanics back the Senate bill’s offer of amnesty to 11 million illegal-immigrants. A July poll conducted for advocates of increased immigration reported that 59 percent of registered Latino voters support a goal of “stopping 90 percent of the undocumented immigration in the future.”
Yet most members of the Congressional Black Caucus have agreed to back the Senate immigration bill.
ACORN’s Lewis mocked these concerns.
“You had some black folks talk about ‘Those people took my job… [and] I used to be in a big house, but now I ain’t,’” she sneered. Those complaints were “madness,” said Lewis, who works as a political activist with other pro-immigration activists, donors and foundations.
In response, Durant condemned black leaders’ rush for increased immigration, saying “They see political advantage in it for themselves, and they’re selling out the black community.”
Gutierrez also urged African-American and Latino legislators to hide their disagreements from the public. Fat chance of that happening.
Which brings me to my point about this imaginary Rainbow Coalition sticking it to whitey (who will foot all the bills). It’s not going to happen, and it will be ugly.
In fact, the critics of mass third world immigration who Lewis mocked are correct – immigrants (including black immigrants) do not want to hire blacks because of their front line experience with American blacks. Many immigrants start businesses in impoverished areas because this is where they can afford to buy property or take leases out on commercial businesses. Often these areas have high concentrations of black people including indigent men, single mothers, and wild children who live in extreme and dire poverty – which takes a toll on the behavior of said black people (among other reasons).
Moreover, I’m not sure that Bertha Lewis understands her own people and other people of color and how they feel about each other. I think it’s going to be an uphill battle to get them to read the memo about how they should all be united against whitey. That’s because they are too busy mistrusting and fighting each other.
For instance, in New York recently, a Sikh professor was attacked by a group of “young men” in an incident being investigated as a hate crime. Prabhjot Singh, an assistant professor at Columbia University was attacked around 8.30pm (local time) while taking a walk in Harlem, according to the Hindustan Times.
“They were first abused verbally and were called Osama and terrorist,” Simranjeet Singh, a close friend of the victim, told HT.
“I heard ‘Get Osama’ and then ‘terrorists’, and then the next thing I felt was someone moving past me, ripping at my beard and then hitting me in the chin,” Prabhjot Singh told a local news channel. That’s because young men in Harlem have very little about the difference between Sikhs and Muslims.
I do not know why it is do difficult to find descriptions of the “young men” from Harlem – it seems as if the professor got a pretty good look at them – but descriptions are missing from every news report I have found on the case. But let me clue you in if you have not figured it out yet – they were black. Bertha, perhaps you need to bring your little lecture uptown.
So I guess Sikhs and American blacks (they be cousins you know) won’t be teaming up anytime soon to fight the scourge of whitey. This incident actually isn’t a one-off, as blacks often confuse people who look funny to them with Muslims or other perceived enemies and beat them up or kill them. Some if not the majority of these crimes were committed by people of color.
Then there are Bertha’s Asian cousins. They have some problems unifying against whitey with black people, as well as hispanics. Read about Carlos Salazar Cruz, a 28-year-old immigrant from Mexico and worked at a fish market. In his spare time he allegedly murdered Yu Yao a 23-year-old woman who came over from China to work in a nail salon while she saved and studied to become a lawyer. Before he killed her (allegedly!) he raped her and smashed her face in with a pipe. It’s all very colorful isn’t it?
Don’t forget about the murder of beautiful Vanessa Pham by one of her “cousins” - 27-year-old Julio Miguel Blanco-Garcia. An illegal alien from Guatemala. He has no time to unify with the Rainbow Coalition, because when he wasn’t working illegally as a construction worker or getting himself high on drugs, Blanco-Garcia was getting arrested for:

  • Public swearing/intoxication in March 2010.
  • Petit larceny in September 2011.
  • Concealment/Price alteration of merchandise in April 2012.

When 19-year-old college freshman Vanessa Pham decided to be a good samaritan in July 2010, by giving Blanco-Garcia a ride, it cost her her life. He asked Pham to take him to the hospital – as he was strung out on PCP, even though he had his baby in tow. She let him and his baby into her car. When Pham took a wrong turn, Blanco-Garcia turned on her—stabbing her more than a dozen times with a knife he was carrying. She went into a ditch and he wiped her blood off of his hands with a baby wipe, and climbed out of the sunroof in her car, child still in hand. Bertha! We need you!
Finally, blacks and hispanics might have the hardest time getting along in Bertha’s quest for them to immolate whitey. Bertha should go to California, where hispanics regularly run blacks out of neighborhoods, so uninterested are they in uniting against the White Man. And blacks get very angry when they find out that illegal immigrants kill their people. It’s going to be hard to get these two groups together to fight their common enemy.
Even African and Caribbean immigrants aren’t interested in unifying with their American brothers. Even the New York Times has reported on this phenomenon.
I don’t think the Rainbow Coalition will have much hope – however, this doesn’t mean we will not have anything to worry about as evil whites (or evil people of color because they do not buy into this crap). Far from it. Instead, we will see all sorts of race and religion wars play out on American soil in the name of multiculturalism. It will be ugly and violent. And disingenuous white people will sit on the sidelines (sometimes getting hurt or killed) and say that it’s because of white racism it’s all happening. More money (made by working people) will be thrown at the problem.
So one thing will happen – Bertha’s wish will come true in a way. Whitey will be working very hard to foot the bill for all of the problems that mass immigration and inter-race hatred will create. So we will become slaves to the new majorities. Unless the whole ting breaks apart and we start again. Which may have to happen – but getting there will be extremely horrible, more horrible that I can even contemplate.