TEXAS REPUBLICAN VOTERS Report Ballots Changed to Clinton-Kaine

Jim Hoft Oct 25th, 2016 8:06 am 208 Comments

Texas voters are reporting their ballots were changed on the ballot.

The Republicans claim their votes were switched from Republican to Clinton-Kaine.

KISS FM reported:

It’s what most voters fear when they go in to fill out their ballots.

Early voting for the 2016 election started today (Monday, October 24th). The people of Potter and Randall County are taking this opportunity to skip the long lines that always file out of the voting locations on Election Day.

It’s common to see pictures of the “I Voted!” stickers on social media. It’s not as common to see the stories I’ve been seeing today.

Two voters from Canyon posted the experience they had while voting. Apparently, when these voters chose the straight Republican option, the ballot selected Clinton/Kaine instead of Trump/Pence.

Lisa Houlette
on Monday
Gary and I went to early vote today...I voted a straight Republican
ticket and as I scrolled to submit my ballot I noticed that the
Republican Straight ticket was highlighted, however, the clinton/kaine box was also highlighted! I tried to go back and
change and could not get it to work. I asked for help from one of
the workers and she couldn't get it to go back either. It took a second election person to get the machine to where I could correct the vote to a straight ticket. Be careful and double check your selections before you cast your vote! Don't hesitate to ask for help. I had to have help to get mine changed.

The same story was reported in Dallas, Texas.

Shandy Clark
on Monday
Hey everyone, just a heads up! I had a family member that voted this morning and she voted straight Republican. She checked before she submitted and the vote had changed to Clinton! She reported it and made sure her vote was changed back. They commented that It had been happening. She is trying to get the word out and asked that we post and share. Just want everyone's vote to be accurate and count. Check your vote before you submit! Mary Sims-Beckham and Bradina Benson do y'all know how to report this?
Edit: this happened this morning In Arlington TX. Mon, Oct 24, 2016, which is also when I posted!
