Letter from a Sleeper Cell Terrorist in America to Osama
A hypothetical letter from a hypothetical sleeper cell terrorist to a not so hypothetical mass murderer: I want to thank you for your great wisdom of planning. Only you would have realized that flying planes into buildings was the wrong thing to do. All that the destruction of the twin towers served to do was to unite those stupid Americans and have them flying American flags everywhere, including on their autos and pick-up trucks. I really thought you were wrong, when you switched plans from bombing the American cities to practicing the ancient art of jujitsu by using the leverage of the liberal American organizations to work against their own people! But, amazingly, it is working!

The idea of using the American media to counteract the American resolve is the work of a genius. You have succeeded in splitting America in half by using organizations such as the ACLU to help the atheists who want to drive out religion, using the administrators of grammar and high schools to teach tolerance of all things, including normalizing all forms of bad, rude and deviant behavior. History, math and civics are barely studied anymore. You have made high school diplomas just about worthless. I recall that you had learned from your Wahabi rulers that if you keep the masses uneducated, you can control all the money and power! Yea, Boss!

But you have not stopped there. Your ideas about slipping those who hate America into the Universities as tenured professors are already paying dividends. Professor Sami al-Arian, formerly with the University of Florida, unfortunately, was caught and will be in jail for the next year and a half, but he will soon be in action again. Other friends of ours are teaching Socialism to the American youth so that they soon will be voting to put our people into political power.

It was just on American TV that at the University of Oregon, in Eugene, the student newspaper has been successful in depicting the Christian Jesus Christ in the most profane way in their tax-payer supported student newspaper. There has been no rioting as we would have done if it had been Mohammed. Even the school president, Dave Frohnmayer, has done nothing, it was reported, and the students yell "free speech." If it had been a lack of respect for a Black or Latino, the University Board would have been up in arms, but targeting Christians today in America is akin to going after the rich white men! Even Ward Churchill is still being paid by the University of Colorado, even though on a leave of absence, and is actually writing a book which will reach more students.

While the main stream media has done an excellent job of working liberal opinion into their news stories masquerading them as facts, your new idea of getting them to go after weak politicians to leak and thus publicize what Bush and his cronies are doing to fight al Qaeda is brilliant. We never would have known how to avoid being caught phoning each other without the New York Times leaking the NSA story. It never dawned on me that Bush had the NSA using computers to track our long distance phone calls and compare them with normal usage. Wow, I still tremble at how close I came to being caught!

Not only do we get good tips on how the US is thwarting our sleeper cells, but we learn much more when the public's right-to-know is broadcast on the network news every night as members of Congress pretend they were never informed and demand investigations of all aspects of how Bush is protecting his America. Osama, this is so much better than planting spies or moles in the government. Ha ha, these liberal politicians do the best job of all in giving us the information we need to cover our tracks against America.

And was it your idea to pit people who speak Spanish against people who speak English? I'll bet you stole this idea from Canada which has the bi-language problem of French/English. It has been a thorn in their side, as the Christians like to say, since that nation was founded. I was afraid that the American Congress would vote English as the official language, but Senator Harry Reid may have saved us by calling it "Racist"! So many of the Democrats combined with a few liberal (they prefer the word, "Moderate" or Centrist) Republicans are so hung up on gaining or maintaining power that they do more for OUR rights than they do for their own people. Don't you just love this, Osama?

Perhaps one of your best ideas is getting the Americans to pay attention to the United Nations, and then arranging for the new Human Rights Council of the UN to be composed of members who are actually listed among Freedom House's "Worst of the Worst" regimes. These four -- China, who will now be among those defining international human rights on freedom of religion; Cuba, on the rights of journalists; Russia, on freedom of association; Saudi Arabia, on women's rights -- also are among five countries that UN Watch identified, before the May 9 election, as particular threats to the Council's legitimacy!

Osama, you are indeed a genius! You have invented the newest and best form of war ever devised. We should have never wasted our time destroying those twin towers; they would have made nice offices for al Qaeda when the Americans will have completely destroyed themselves and we assume political power.
