As I mentioned in my Founders Backwoods Bastard beer review, I'm watching Blade Runner 2049 right now.

Definitely enjoying it!

Not going to post any content but I wanted to mention something funny.

As K is overflying the landfill area in one part, I saw the garbage scows dumping trash and thought to myself, "Man, those really look like the garbage scows in Soldier." (Remember that Kurt Russell movie?)

I've been reading through the movie trivia on IMDb and stumbled across this:

The 1998 film "Soldier" was written by David Peoples, who also wrote the screenplay to the original "Blade Runner." Peoples has always maintained that "Soldier" is set in the same universe as "Blade Runner," and "2049" contains at least one subtle nod to "Soldier:" The garbage scows that K sees in the metal wasteland on his way to the sweatshop are nearly identical to the one that deposited Todd (the protagonist of "Soldier," played by Kurt Russell) onto the off-world colony Arcadia, the primary setting of the 1998 film. Since "2049" happens over a decade after "Soldier," the scows are have minor modifications - though they are immediately recognizable to the eagle-eyed viewer.

Guess I was right!