Border Patrol Agents Attacked With Projectiles
Border Patrol agents were dodging projectiles on Saturday, Aug. 27, as they tried to apprehend a smuggler driving a truck full of undocumented migrants.

Nogales agents were patrolling Arivaca Road when a pick-up truck caught their attention. The agents saw people lying in the truck's bed as it proceeded north on Interstate 19, according to information released by the agency.

When the agents moved to stop the truck, people in the bed popped up and began throwing wooden pallets at them. The truck veered off the interstate and plunged into the underbrush, taking out 300 feet of fencing.

It came to an abrupt stop, and the group attempted to scatter before agents could detain them. Agents arrested five people, but were unable to find the driver. No injuries were reported.

Since the fiscal year began in October 2004, Border Patrol agents in the Tucson sector were assaulted 227 times, according to agency statistics.