We have completed a demo for the first TAA Radio show.

It is 30 minutes long and I am the host. I'll post the link here for the first show.

They will become regular soon, but sporatic at first as I make time in my schedule to cut the tapes.

This will become a Podcast Feed eventually on the site, as we get details worked out. For the time being, you can listen to the Podcast here:


Eventually, it will be moved to a different location on the server and we will use an RSS feed to send it out. Those of you with iPods and other mp3 players will be able to download it along with others of your favorite shows.

Please feel free to post critisms, comments, gripes and suggestions here if you like.

Eventually, we will have the following:

1) An email address to which you can email comments to the show.

2) A way for you to call in. At first it will be VOIP only, and understand that as the show is NOT live, your comments will be recorded and put on the show in an appropriate manner. We will announce this when it is ready, along with dates and times when calls can be taken.

3) The show will range from 30 to 60 minutes depending on the current world situation, and what we want to cover.

The format on the show right now is simple. We talk about something related to the site. As the host, I will have some leeway to discuss pretty much anything I wanna discuss at least for now. We certainly will take suggestions.

Future shows will feature interviews with various persons, including we hope, some famous (and perhaps infamous) individuals -- We will see how that goes. We will probably have Olav from Anomalies, Ryan from TAA and perhaps a few others who have become rather 'famous'.