Jeff provides the very gives us the insight of where our failures and strategies are lacking, our leader need to step up to the plate and do what is neceaary in winning this war. Here is some of Jeffs article, you can read the complete article at his web site.

The Bungle Factor
by J. R. Nyquist
Human history might be described as a sequence of recurring errors committed by intelligent men who should have known better. The leaders of the tribes and nations of the earth are often ignorant, sometimes willfully so, despite education and the ready availability of information. Elites are limited by the prejudices of their teachers, misled by the false ideas that buttress their society’s most fantastic dreams. It is no wonder, then, that wars are determined more by error than by insight. At times it would seem that the dominant factor in human politics is the bungle factor.
America is bungling the war on terror, which is not a proper war at all. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice calls for a permanent solution to the Middle East crisis. But only force and deterrence will work. Fantasies of peace merely empower the strategic deception of the enemy. Williams reminds his readers that the 9/11 attacks on the United States were celebrated in “Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, England, and New Jersey.” According to Williams, “The omnipresent images of Osama bin Laden in shops, stores, stalls and marketplaces across the Islamic world” ought to give us pause. Osama is now the favored name for newly born Muslim boys in country after country. Williams also makes note of a “classified CIA survey” showing that 95 percent of educated Saudis between the ages of twenty-one and forty-five support al Qaeda and jihad. Throughout the world Muslims have an unfavorable opinion of the United States. “Even in Turkey,” says Williams, “where the popularity of bin Laden is lowest, 31 percent favor the bombing and killing of American civilians.”