NY firemen come to reinforce locals(Israel)
Yoni ^ | 4 AUGUST 2006 | Yoni

Aug. 4, 2006 1:44 | Updated Aug. 4, 2006 2:34 NY firemen come to reinforce locals By MAX KITAJ

Eleven New York firefighters put their lives on hold this week and paid their way to Jerusalem, where they have been volunteering in a number of understaffed stations.

Because of rocket-caused fires in the North, fire stations elsewhere started sending units to help, leaving places like Jerusalem in need of more personnel.

"It's a good feeling to know somebody's thinking about you," said Arik Nisimov, a firefighter at the Giva station. "That here are guys that will come and help, no matter how far we are between countries."
Nathan Rothschild, commissioner of the Monsey fire district in New York's Rockland County, who planned the whole trip, said 22 more firemen would be coming to Israel next week to replace firemen in other parts of the country.

He said that his relationship with the Fire and Rescue Services began when it contacted him several years ago with a request to find cheap fire trucks. He managed to get what was needed for about 20 percent of the cost.
When he heard about the Katyusha attacks on the North, he correctly assumed that fire departments throughout the country would come under severe strain. He then had the idea to gather volunteers to help, immediately got the approval of Shimon Romach, the Fire and Rescue Services commissioner, and three days later they arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport with a warm welcome and a minibus that said "New York Firefighters."

The New Yorkers have been getting to know their local counterparts while helping them respond to calls since Monday.

"We learned that Israeli 'chick-chak,'" Rothschild said. "It's amazing to see they can successfully do it as firefighters as well."

"Firefighting is the same job no matter where you go," said Evan Humphrey, one of the volunteers. "It's one big brotherhood like everybody says."
I want to thank these firemen that have come to help Israel, I pray for your safety as you respond to fires in Jerusalem and other locations. Allowing Israeli fire fighters to go to the north. I must tell you that these fire fighters are braver than I am.