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Thread: Goof-up

  1. #1
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Goof-up

    Some threads are too controversial, so bop this if you like- but it scares me. It is a yearning hope I have that someday children yearning to be born, yearning to be free, shall live. Nixon blew it with Trish or back office politics, open door policy, behind a smokescreen of watergate or peace with honor.

    This is controversial, yet the Lenin-Stalinist propogation of abortion is clearly established. The importation to US in the 60's is documented. Bush has been fairly clean in the "just war" category, his Bible belt, and Christian, Catholic base. I don't agree with this. It could be a sorry enough decision to invoke the vengeance of Almighty God.

    I would surmise that this decision will not abide well with Bush or the US.
    President Bush Approves Over the Counter Early Abortion Pill, Pro-Life Base Decries Move
    By John-Henry Westen
    WASHINGTON, August 21, 2006 ( - For his pro-life supporter base, President George W. Bush stepped into one of the biggest political landmines of his Presidential career today with his approval of over the counter status for the abortion-causing morning after pill Plan B.
    A press release by Human Life International underscored the seriousness of the move as it was titled, "President Bush Files for Divorce with Catholic Base." Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, president of Human Life International commented, "President Bush's implied support for the abortion-causing drug Plan B is completely inconsistent with his recent veto of the embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) funding bill. What the president apparently fails to realize is that Plan B kills the same innocent unborn children that the ESCR process does."
    At a White House press conference this morning, the President was asked by Bill Sammon a reporter from the Washington Examiner about Plan B and his new FDA commissioner who supports its over the counter status. "Mr. President, some pro-life groups are worried that your choice of FDA Commissioner will approve over the counter sales of Plan B, a pill that, they say, essentially can cause early-term abortions," said the reporter. "Do you stand by this choice, and how do you feel about Plan B in general?"
    The President replied, "I believe that Plan B ought to be -- ought to require a prescription for minors, is what I believe. And I support Andy's decision."
    Andy, as the President referred to him, is the new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach. Pro-life groups last week called for von Eschenbach's resignation over his deal with a drug company to make a high-dose of a drug (Plan B, a morning-after pill) available without a prescription to women 18 year of age and older.
    Concerned Women for America (CWA) blasted the decision noting that it is ludicrous to allow Plan B without medical supervision when a low-dose of the same drug (birth control pills) requires medical oversight to protect women from serious health complications.
    "It is deplorable that the head of the FDA would put his career ambitions and a drug company's interests above women's health," said Wendy Wright, CWA's President. "CWA provided legal and regulatory evidence that the FDA does not have the authority to do what it is proposing and medical evidence that any dose of the drug requires medical oversight to protect women's health. The drug is known to cause serious complications such as blood clots and stroke."
    Rev. Euteneuer added, "The president must demonstrate a consistent respect for the sanctity of all human life or he risks provoking a great divorce with the conservative Catholics that compromise a large part of his support base. Human beings in the embryonic stage of development deserve equal protection under the law and the president's position falls far short of that mark."
    To express concerns:
    Vice President Richard Cheney:
    See the full text of the press conference online here:

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  2. #2
    Literary Wanderer
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    Default Re: Goof-up

    This decision to allow the day-after pill as an over the counter medication just mystifies me. I find myself still grasping at some fleeting hope that Bush is a true conservative, holding to a values based ideology centered on strong morality, faith and the sanctity of life. I am coming to an understanding rather conclusively that I may have fabricated this idea within the optimistic confines of my own psyche. Was it just me or did Bush proclaim his belief that life is sacred and that he would defend this platform throughout his presidency (as evidenced by his veto of stem cell research on fertilized embryos)?

    Who is this guy that I voted for twice? I have no idea any longer… just mystifying.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Goof-up

    Quote Originally Posted by samizdat
    I don't agree with this. It could be a sorry enough decision to invoke the vengeance of Almighty God.
    I agree, I do not like this either. And, not to speak for the Lord, but knowing His sovereign position on the sanctity of life - which only He can create... something I learned and posted on July 4th resonates within me as directly related to this subject as well.

    I wrote and have added to with (minor editing) :

    And I learned something very important in this process of study today, a very keen insight.

    I learned the difference between 'A FACT' and 'THE TRUTH".

    A FACT is the past tense or present tense condition, the state of being, of an existent thing at a specific point in time.

    THE TRUTH is the potential of what A FACT will become if permitted to progress to its fullness.

    THE TRUTH is the supreme reality and ultimate meaning of value, it is the meaning of the existence of A FACT.

    Thus THE TRUTH is the fruit of the FACT.

    Consider this...

    I hold in my hand a single seed (embryo) . The seed (embryo) is A FACT.

    The TRUTH of this FACT (life) is its potential to become what it is capable of becoming.

    For example, the seed that I hold in my hand is an elm tree seed (or a human child) . That's a FACT.

    The potential of that elm tree seed (human child) is an entire continent-covering forest of elm trees ( or an entire nation of people) - which is the TRUTH of that single, original seed (embryo) .

    Now go and read Genesis 1 and see if lights go off in your head as they did mine.

    "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

    Which is to say that God is the seed of everything, he is not only the creator of all that there is, but that all that there is came from Him as nothing existed before He created it from Himself.

    Again, read Genesis 1. Look for God and His creation of the life which begat seeds to recreate more life.
    Caesar (i.e.: the "State" ) cannot destory the seed or the life which only God gives the breath of life to; that is the human being and its God given soul. The soul is a part of God Himself, just as everything else in the universe is.

    This is a sin. Period. And sin is judged by God. Judgement requires a price be paid and perhaps we as a society will now pay this price.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; August 22nd, 2006 at 15:29.

  4. #4
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    Caesar (i.e.: the "State" ) cannot destory the seed or the life which only God gives the breath of life to; that is the human being and its God given soul. The soul is a part of God Himself, just as everything else in the universe is.

    This is a sin. Period. And sin is judged by God. Judgement requires a price be paid and perhaps we as a society will now pay this price.
    Sacrifice, the ultimate sacrifice, is demanded from us as a cost for our sins. "For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23 As Sean points out, there very well may be an impending judgment from God that will be exacted as due recourse for the 40 million(+) deaths allowed and encouraged by our society in the form of aborted children. This concept is downright scary. Thankfully, the Believer's sins have been washed clean by the Atonement. This accounts for our eternal disposition; but, may not eradicate our part in the deserved chastening.

  5. #5
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Goof-up

    This decision to allow the day-after pill as an over the counter medication just mystifies me. I find myself still grasping at some fleeting hope that Bush is a true conservative, holding to a values based ideology centered on strong morality, faith and the sanctity of life.
    I'm sure you'll recall the wimp-out "conservative republican" supreme court appointees by Reagan and Bush I. I learned earlier, when I was rather young I asked an international lawyer, a moral Christian, respected and firm, even handsome (sometimes a curse)- d-it. Why don't you run for office. Get into politics. We need good people in there. He explained to me simply. He could do it. He could win. He had the guts. He didn't show me, but I knew he's been shot by some white folk in the colored-folk rebelion of the early 60's. Did some nice research on the national crime commision (before the riots).

    He told me he'd thought about it, others had recommended the same, but something stopped him.
    He asked me if I knew how much money it took to "get into politics". I estimated an incredibly high figure and he told me I wasn't even close, it was an incredible sum more. But he could raise it. Had offers.

    I became more insistant- do it then why don't you run?
    He showed me his hands- raised up- sort of a Nixon type gesture without the V sign. These hands are corruptible, sir. You've seen Jesus' hands. no? The people already have a Saviour. They don't need a king. I know you think I'm admitting I could be corrupted by money- I've seen it happen. You read the Bible don't you, Joe (random)? Read Nathan.

    But that's not a book... what book where is it? What are you saying...

    Very good advice from a wise fellow - took me years to figure it out.

    Since the time is short... I won't leave you in the dark with "Read Nathan."

    Just a hint. Some of these books can be boring, but read the word of God over and over. Look John see spot run.
    See Judges, Kings. See Samuel.

    before the postscript- a somber note-think about David- the man after God's heart- how still today generations pay for the sin(s)- the kingdom still divided- Judah, and the rest of the tribes?

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  6. #6
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Goof-up

    Yet one drop of His blood, which for sinners was spilt, is sufficient to cleanse the whole world from it's guilt.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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