Despite all pleas for more troops or the redeployment of those troops around Kabul from NATO allies in Afghanistan, other so-called NATO allies have refused to place their troops anywhere near the real combat zone and directly in contact with the forces of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. These are the same islamists who've attacked in the heart of Europe itself - in Spain, in the UK, in France, Belgium, etcetera-you-name-it, and Turkey as well.

Unless there's a dramatic turn-around and reassessment by the NATO allies, the War in Afghanistan is in peril of complete failure.

British Marines Retreat from Taliban-held Valley in Serious Setback for NATO Forces in Southern Afghanistan

December 6, 2006, 12:37 PM (GMT+02:00)

The UK Helmand Task Force reported one soldier killed and a second wounded. Facing only sporadic resistance, scores of soldiers ran into unexpectedly ferocious, planned, well-armed Taliban resistance when they advanced from a bridgehead across a valley in southern Helmand, which produces one-third of the world’s opium crop.

The Taliban force withstood Apache air strikes, 500-pound bombs dropped by B1 bombers and A-10 attack jets’ cannon. After a 10-hour battle, the Royal Marines pulled back.

British forces have lost 41 men since 2001, most this year as the Taliban redoubled its counter-offensive.

Lacking the strength to hold ground completely, the British commander said this must be done by Afghan security forces.