Send Your Thanks to American Service Personnel in Gitmo

Thu, 2007-03-15

By Sean Osborne, Associate Director, Military Affairs
15 March 2007: My Fellow Americans, this editorial is to inform some and to remind others once again that our Main Stream Media has dropped the ball. In the current news cycle virtually all are focused upon the admissions of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed of several dozen acts of terror.

Not a word is said about the male and female American troops who serve under extremely stressful circumstances and conditions while securing some of the most dangerous and vile islamofascist murderers on the planet.

Our most honorable men and women in uniform at Gitmo are routinely subjected to a treatment from the detainees known as the “cocktail.” The cocktail consists of a container filled with urine, feces, spit, hair and mucus which is thrown in the face of these honorable American troops. Such cocktail’s have been tossed at our troops over four hundred times. Moreover, and please ensure that you are seated prior to reading the next few words, there are hair-brained, dim-witted, treasonous American citizens who write letters of support and encouragement to these cocktail-tossing islamofascist pigs. They actually apologize to them for their “enemy combatant” detention status.

The conditions of the detainees are far, far above anything they deserve. And we know the detainees have written to their relatives around the world that they live in near-idyllic circumstances; they are in no hurry to be released. The detainees receive, at a moments notice, top notch medical and dental care that virtually no American citizen is able to receive, and possibly if not probably better than wounded U.S. troops recieve here at home - which is an absolute abomination in my view. The detainees receive three religiously observant meals a day, in addition to all the specific requirements and particular implements of their fundamentalist religious observances – with the exception that they are not allowed to kill any of the "infidels" holding them captive in this state-of-the-art rest home for weary mujahideen and jihadists. Yet, mind you, several American troops have been injured in the process of doing their duty guarding these vermin. Just another omission on the part of the MSM.

I know what it is like to be deployed OCONUS, but I can only imagine what these soldiers have to endure day in and day out. I know the daily mail call is a highlight and a key priority to all deployed soldiers and Gitmo is no exception. This brings me to the one thing that you can do right now to lighten the burden and bring a smile to the faces of our troops at Gitmo.

Just send them a “Thank You” note, tell them you appreciate the job they’re doing. I guarantee you that sending a letter or a postcard is one of the greatest morale booster shots any trooper can receive short of rotation back home.

Simply address the envelope or card as follows and get one in the mail today:

Any Trooper
C/O Col. Wade Dennis

APO AE 09360

You might even consider mailing several such letters or cards, as many as you can, please, because these men and women deserve nothing less and a whole lot more. And I Thank You in advance for your support of this cause. I would like nothing better then to hear back through the military grapevine that postal workers are cursing me due to the volume of mail they suddenly have to handle.