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Thread: Fred Thompson

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Well Aaaaaaaaaaalriiiiiiiighty Then!!!!!!... Fred Dalton Thompson in '08 !!

  2. #22
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    My thoughts on Fred...

    I believe that should Fred decide to get in the race, he will get the GOP nomination. I think this is in large part because of his "star power". Another thing I think plays into his getting the nomination is that he realizes that people increasingly want what they can't have and is playing that to the hilt.

    Now, in the event that Fred does get into the race and gets the nomination, I wouldn't have any problem voting for him. He seems to be fairly conservative and can definitely win. I will say that he is not quite as perfect as Duncan Hunter but he wouldn't be a washout like Rudi McRomney. And speaking of Duncan, that brings me to my next point.

    Right now, between Duncan and Fred, only one of them is actually in the race at this point. That fact and because I truly think that Duncan is the more conservative candidate are why I am still pulling for Duncan. After all lets say that for some reason, such as a return of his cancer, that Fred decides not to run. What then for all the Fred supporters? Now, should Fred actually get in the race I'm not sure yet which direction I'd take. Though, I am lenaing toward staying with Duncan because he truly recognizes the threat from China as well as the need to keep our war manufacturing capability intact. From what I've heard from Fred he, like many of the other mainstream candidate, seem only focused on the immediate threat of terrorism.

    On the other hand, maybe we'd be lucky enough to get a Hunter/Thompson or Thompson/Hunter ticket!

    So, I suppose we'll just have to see how this whole thing pans out.

  3. #23
    Forum General Brian Baldwin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    I want a truely conservative candidate. Sorry Rudi. But in any event I'll vote for anyone not on the Democrat ticket as they are all very dangerous to where we need to be headed. In other words... I'll support even Rudi over Clinton or Islamba if it comes right down to it.
    Brian Baldwin

    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.... For I am the meanest S.O.B. in the valley.

    "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out." - Tony Blair on America

    It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

    It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    -Father Denis O'Brien of the United States Marine Corp.

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  4. #24
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    From the Staff
    For the story behind the story...
    Sunday, June 17, 2007 9:43 p.m. EDT

    Fred Thompson Record on Abortion Scrutinized

    Unofficial GOP candidate Fred Thompson, who according to the latest Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll, came in a close second behind the current leader, Rudy Giuliani -- and beat everyone, including Giuliani, among self-described "religious right" voters -- may be in danger of losing supporters because of his record.
    In the June 25 issue of Newsweek (on newsstands Monday, June 18), Correspondent Holly Bailey reports that the charismatic and down to earth potential GOP candidate has avoided the kind of scrutiny his rivals have faced. But as he prepares to become an official candidate, his record in Washington will be given a closer look, and conservative voters disappointed to find that Thompson has been on the other side of some of their most important issues, including abortion and campaign fund-raising.
    Combing through Thompson's archive, Newsweek found several files on his campaign strategy on abortion that could roil his 2008 bid. On a 1994 Eagle Forum survey, Thompson said he opposed criminalizing abortion. Two years later, on a Christian Coalition questionnaire, he checked "opposed" to a proposed constitutional amendment protecting the sanctity of human life. In a campaign policy statement filed in the archives, he also said he believes "the decision to have an early term abortion is a moral issue and should not be a legal one subject to the dictates of the government." During an interview with the Conservative Spectator, a Tennessee newspaper, he claimed to be pro-life but also said that, "The ultimate decision on abortion should be left with the woman and not the government." Thompson drew the ire of his party in 1997 when he was appointed to lead hearings into Democratic fund-raising abuses in the 1996 campaign, and then broadened his investigation to look into alleged abuses by Republicans as well. This probe left him on the outs with GOP heavyweights and it is still unclear whether his public efforts to make amends will be accepted or backfire.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  5. #25
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    The NewsMax piece Samizdat posted above is a thinly disguised anti-Thompson advertisement.

    Let's look at the highlighted areas to see why...

    On a 1994 Eagle Forum survey, Thompson said he opposed criminalizing abortion.

    Most conservatives oppose "criminalizing" abortion. Fred Thompson believes procedures, such as abortion on demand, should be illegal. That's not criminalizing abortion any more than its criminal behavior to engage in vehicular homicide or wanton cold-blooded murder. We are a nation of established laws, and Fred Thomspon's view is the same as the core Conservative view, that we deem it necessary to abide by our laws for the good of our society, spiritually, morally and legally.

    Two years later, on a Christian Coalition questionnaire, he checked "opposed" to a proposed constitutional amendment protecting the sanctity of human life.

    It is absolutely not necessary to have an anti-abortion Constitutional Amendment. A law on the books which overturns the abomination of Roe v. Wade is all that required according to the core Conservative position.

    In a campaign policy statement filed in the archives, he also said he believes "the decision to have an early term abortion is a moral issue and should not be a legal one subject to the dictates of the government."

    Thompson was speaking of specific cases where an abortion might be desirable, such as rape or incest, early pregnancy complications in the first trimester or other sound medical rationales. Conservatives do not want the Government dictating on this issue any more than we do on any other issue.

    During an interview with the Conservative Spectator, a Tennessee newspaper, he claimed to be pro-life but also said that, "The ultimate decision on abortion should be left with the woman and not the government."

    Fred Thopmson is pro-life. There is no "but" about it. The ultimate decision on whether or not to abort a pregnancy is ultimately a mothers decision and 'the government' has no say so in the decision. It is her decision based upon her convictions and our laws. The purview of the government is to uphold the laws.

    This is one of the reasons I have little use for NewsMax these days.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; June 18th, 2007 at 11:15.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Now here is an absolute gem of an article. The author, Ray Robison, does an outstanding job of connecting the various dots - dots which are the topics of several threads within these TAA forums, and in so doing he appropriately takes names and kicks butt the way some of these butts need to be kicked.

    June 16, 2007
    Fred Thompson and Plain Speaking

    By Ray Robison

    Fred Thompson is a small town guy who made it from the agricultural communes of south-central Tennessee to Capitol Hill and our TV sets. And while we admire the accomplishments of this distinguished lawyer, Senator and actor, we admire the man even more for seeming to remain grounded to his roots.

    Faced with a media establishment that has heightened its opposition to presenting news that makes Republicans look good, Fred Thompson has that rare and invaluable quality of speaking directly to ordinary Americans, saying what needs to be said.

    He has ties to Hollywood but is not of Hollywood, which adds legitimacy to his insider knowledge of our media based culture. He is giving voice to that which vexes many of us, that liberal politicians and media elitists increase the risk to this country by downplaying the tyrannical and terrorist enemy in order to win political power. Pointing this out is a talent that has long failed President Bush.

    Can anybody imagine President Bush saying what Fred Thompson did a few days ago?

    "I listen to the Democratic congressional leaders and I hear them talking about how many (House and Senate) seats they're going to pick up because of this war.... I listened to one of their presidential candidates talk about that this is a phony war, the war on terror. This is what passes for policy today in the Democratic Party."
    Can anybody imagine President Bush telling Michael Moore so publicly that the political system he admires in Cuba is nothing but a brutal tyranny? Thompson talked about Castro's abysmal treatment of Cuban journalists, a direct shot at the hypocrisy of the "video-journalist" Moore. The fact that Moore had no memorable response says it all; Thompson scored a direct hit and everybody knew it.

    Many of us who loathe Michael Moore cheered silently. Thompson has slyly asserted himself as the easy going but tough guy of the right who also happens to be media savvy, more John Wayne than Reagan. And oddly enough in American politics, it all strikes many of us as genuine.

    We never hear this type of trench fighting from the Bush administration anymore, unless it is to imply its' own supporters are haters for wanting to stop an egregiously flawed immigration bill. The same can be said for McCain who used to straight talk us, but for some time has talked only straight to the liberal media talking points in a vain attempt to curry favor. As Fred might say, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would know that the media was going to use and abuse McCain as soon as it got what it wanted from him, an anti-Republican stance.

    We want a President who will play take on, or better yet make irrelevant the liberal media and its' anti-American leanings. Defeat it, rather than to win it over, an impossible task for any Republican.

    Many of us have not sat idly while major American news misrepresents everything from our war efforts to a make-believe plot to out a "covert" CIA agent. Again and again this administration has failed to support those who support it by defending itself. Instead it gives up and accommodates its opponents.

    In the war of ideas, this White House long ago cut and run. Why didn't Powell, a former team member, identify Armitage as the leaker and stop the entire Plame non-scandal before it got started? Didn't President Bush have the same information? Why did they let this lie go unchallenged day after day?

    What many of us see in Thompson is a man who will stand by his principles, someone we hope won't pull the rug out from under his supporters' feet to support Ted Kennedy. We see in Thompson a man who understands that public perception matters even as he knows that reality matters more. He understands that the Islamic extremist enemy knows how to use our own values against us. He knows the bulk of American media is all too happy to provide a conduit for that propaganda if it supports the success of liberals over conservatives.

    Some believe that Thompson's conservative credentials are damaged by his support of McCain-Feingold. Maybe so, but in this era of Jack Abramoff, tighter control on political money is not an entirely discredited notion. In truth, both Thompson and McCain acknowledged the dangers for corruption before the scandals that cost the GOP so much ion the past election.

    George is coy about a statement Thompson made that is clearly a reference to suicide bombers like the 9/11 attackers which is part of a broader statement about illegal immigration. While Will just can't quite figure it out (so he warns you not to try this at home) it is really not a complicated position. Keeping out all illegal immigrants will reduce the chances of terrorists operating in this country.

    Some critics say Thomson, who hasn't even declared yet, is devoid of ideas. Winning in Iraq is a good idea that doesn't need to be proposed, but does need constant reinforcement with the American public. Maybe we need a President who will flood the media with subject matter experts directly involved in the war effort (God forbid we are still suffering such losses by the next Presidency) instead of giving the most biased liberal reporters special access to the military's secret programs.

    Do we really need a big idea for immigration or do we need to just enforce the laws we have? Many of the economic policies of the President have had spectacular success and just need some one to protect them against a socialist onslaught.

    Fred Thompson doesn't need big ideas; he only has to have the courage to reap the ones that President Bush planted in rugged, arid, cold ground and which he failed to protect from a biased media culture.

    Ray Robison is a former army officer, a former member of the ISG, and co-author of the new ebook Both In One Trench: Saddam's support to the Global Islamic Jihad Movement and International Terrorism

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Living in Terror

    By Fred Thompson

    Wednesday, May 30, 2007

    Let me ask you a hypothetical question. What do you think America would do if Canadian soldiers were firing dozens of missiles every day into Buffalo, N.Y.? What do you think our response would be if Mexican troops for two years had launched daily rocket attacks on -- and bragged about it?

    I can tell you, our response would look nothing like Israel's restrained and pinpoint reactions to daily missile attacks from . We would use whatever means necessary to win the war. There would likely be numerous casualties on our enemy's side, but we would rightfully hold those who attacked us responsible.

    More than 1,300 rockets have been fired into Israel from since Palestinians were given control two years ago. Israelis, however, have gone to incredible lengths to stop the war against them without harming Palestinian non-combatants. But make no mistake, is at war. The elected Hamas government regularly repeats its official promise to destroy entirely and replace it with an Islamic state. Hamas openly took credit for killing one woman and wounding dozens more last week alone.

    The Palestinian strategy is to purposely target and kill Israeli civilians. Then, when goes after those launching the attacks, Palestinians claim to be the victims. If Palestinian civilians aren't hurt in the Israeli attacks, they stage injuries and deaths. Too often, they garner sympathy and support from a gullible or anti-Semitic media in the international community.

    Israelis, themselves, are often incapable of facing the damage they inflict in self-defense. Knowing this, Islamic extremists are using their own populations as human shields.

    I'm beginning to wonder how much longer this vicious plot will work though. International sympathy for Palestinians has diminished as the same Islamofascist extremists have brought havoc to Madrid, Bali, Somalia, and elsewhere. More importantly, Israelis themselves are suffering so badly, they may be on the verge of losing their sympathy for the people who have sworn to kill them.

    Imagine what it would be like to live, knowing that a rocket could fall on you or your children at any minute. Half of those who live nearest to have fled their homes. Those remaining are traumatized by daily warning sirens and explosions.

    The irony is that has the mil itary might to easily win the war that is being waged against them today. They haven't used that might, in the past, out of compassion for Palestinian civilians and because it could trigger a wider regional conflict.

    That balance of power is about to change, though. If Iran develops nuclear weapons, the very existence of this tiny nation of will be threatened. The Iranian regime has left little doubt that it intends to see "wiped off the map. Hamas is using the same language, not coincidentally, and has announced it will begin launching missiles into Israel from the West Bank too.

    If the world doesn't act to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions, it must be prepared for the consequences of defending itself. Halevi!

    Fred Thompson is an actor and former Senator.
    His radio commentary airs on the ABC Radio Network and be blogs on The Fred Thompson Report.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Thompson Moves From 'If' He'll Run to 'How'

    By Michael D. Shear
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Monday, July 2, 2007; Page A03

    MANCHESTER, N.H. -- The venue was vintage Fred D. Thompson: a gun shop. Perfect for the down-home, Washington-outsider candidate who campaigned across Tennessee in the 1990s with a red pickup truck, rolled-up shirt sleeves and a straight-talking attitude.

    But there was a difference on Thursday. Thompson was dressed in a dark blue suit, a white shirt and shiny black loafers as he chatted with gun purchasers. And as he sped away to visit a diner, it was in a caravan of a black Chevy Suburban and a black GMC Yukon, each with tinted windows and filled with advisers.

    Welcome to the Thompson for President campaign.
    He hasn't made it official, but an announcement will probably come in the next two weeks, top campaign advisers say. Last Tuesday, the campaign signed a long-term lease on a building in Nashville that will serve as its national headquarters. That night, Thompson raised between $600,000 and $700,000 at a glitzy fundraiser at the home of a Nashville music mogul.

    "I'm testing the water, and the water feels real warm," he teased the 300 donors that night as they munched on iced shrimp.

    Later, in New Hampshire, the former "Law & Order" television star told an audience of Republican activists, "I don't have any big announcements here tonight."

    "Aaaawwww," came the response.

    "I plan on seeing a whole lot more of you," Thompson thundered. "How about that?"

    But even as he rushes to assemble the infrastructure for a presidential campaign, he is still struggling to define what his candidacy, and a potential Thompson presidency, will be about. Will he embrace his Southern drawl and campaign, as fellow Tennessean Lamar Alexander once did, in a Paul Bunyan-esque shirt? Or will he tout his decades as a Capitol Hill staff member, lobbyist, lawyer, senator and friend to the powerful?
    In his first two speeches in important primary states last week, here and in South Carolina, Thompson seemed to suggest he will do both.

    "I just came from Nashville, and I don't feel like I've left home," Thompson told a crowd in Columbia, S.C., Wednesday afternoon. He then repeatedly mocked Washington politicians, at one point referring to the "foolishness" in the nation's capital.

    At New Hampshire's Wayfarer Inn the next day, Thompson said that the federal government is "not competent to be doing the very basic things it was elected to do in many cases."

    When a reporter asked how he can run as an outsider when he has been an insider for so long, Thompson rejected the label.

    "I have never used the word 'outsider,' " Thompson scolded his questioner. "It's a delineation that doesn't mean anything. You don't have to be from Alaska or Hawaii to see faults with your government. I've been talking about things wrong with Washington when I was a part of it, before I was a part of it and since I was a part of it."

    It's unclear whether the red pickup will resurface as part of his presidential campaign. Some aides are pushing for that image. Others say running for president is different.

    "It's not a red pickup kind of campaign," one aide said.
    Top advisers say they can finesse the clash between Thompson's anti-Washington theme and his years of service there with a simple message: Washington has lost its connection to the rest of the country.

    "The politicians have lost their connection with what people really want and what they really expect," said a senior adviser who requested anonymity to discuss strategy. "The way he views being an outsider would be as someone who views the people inside the Beltway as not connected to the outside."

    "It's a thought process, not a physical location," the adviser said of Thompson, who lives inside the Washington Beltway, in McLean.

    Thompson's long connections to Washington have already surfaced as potential pitfalls.

    Last month, the Democratic National Committee launched a preemptive attack against Thompson, issuing a dossier that described him as "a reliable supporter, defender of President Bush" who played "a key role in Bush Supreme Court nominations" and has a "lobbying career full of landmines."

    In particular, the dossier noted Thompson's lobbying efforts on behalf of the failed savings and loan industry in the 1980s and his work as a registered foreign agent for former Haitian leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide in the early 1990s. It also sought to call attention to Thompson's vocal defense of convicted White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

    "As part of his role as the ultimate Washington insider, Thompson offered to host yet another fundraising event for Scooter Libby's legal defense fund," the DNC's executive director, Tom McMahon, wrote in an e-mail to party supporters. "Thompson has been vocal in his support of Libby, saying that he would 'absolutely' pardon him."

    Thompson's aides dismiss the lobbying criticism as "old news" leveled at him to no avail during his Senate campaigns in Tennessee. And Thompson's support for Libby may earn him points among conservative GOP voters, they say.

    For now, Thompson is ignoring all those questions. His campaign doesn't respond to the attacks, and Thompson interacts with the press infrequently -- and usually only with reporters he deems friendly. His trip to New Hampshire last week was covered by Fox News, to whom he gave an exclusive interview.

    On the stump, Thompson is still feeling his way.

    At Riley's gun shop, he spent only a few minutes, chatting with several employees about how well the instant background check is working (fine, they said.) At the Merrimack Restaurant, a favorite of presidential candidates, he shook a few hands and quickly sat down with his wife and advisers for lunch. (He had a tuna sandwich and potatoes.)

    His speeches, while getting better, are a bit unfocused.

    He often chews on his bottom lip, much as Bill Clinton did, to show he is thinking about an answer. But Thompson's presence is still larger than life, and audience members jumped to their feet several times last week, especially when he criticized the immigration bill that died in Congress.

    "The bottom line is what's best for the strength and the long-term endurance of this country," he told the crowd in South Carolina. "And this immigration bill is not it."
    The audience erupted in applause. One listener, a civil contractor from Dorchester County named Arthur Bryngelson, said later that he was impressed with Thompson.

    "He does not like Washington," Bryngelson said. "He's in politics, but he's not of the Washington gentry."

    I've got a red pickup truck he can use anytime.....

  9. #29
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    If the advance indicators were correct - Fred Thompson will announce this week.

  10. #30
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  11. #31
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Geeze, I'll post those. I reserve comment, though, for now.

    Tuesday, 24 July 2007
    Thompson Falters, Appoints Spencer Abraham as Campaign Manager

    WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson is replacing his acting campaign manager with former senator and energy secretary Spencer Abraham and Florida GOP strategist Randy Enright.
    Here is an article by Debbie Schlussel on Abraham.
    ...But, since 9/11, Abraham continued a controversial UN-sponsored program allowing foreign visitors from countries on the State Department terrorist list to tour U.S. nuclear reactors. A course sponsored by the UN International Atomic Energy Agency, taught by U.S. nuclear weapons lab security personnel, gives tours of Nuclear Regulatory Commission facilities and teaches participants from 57 countries-- including Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia --security techniques employed at American nuclear sites. "They were teaching them to black out systems, which they could use against us at labs," an official told World Net Daily...

    Then there’s Jamal Barzinji. Abraham enlisted him to find parties who helped and reached out to Muslims after 9/11, with Abraham hosting an awards ceremony for them. Problem is, Barzinji is an officer and/or director in SAFA Trust, Mar-Jac Poultry, and International Institute for Islamic Thought, all raided by Customs in March 2002 for laundering over $1.7 billion to Al-Quaida and Islamic Jihad (through indicted University of South Florida professor and alleged Islamic Jihad frontman Sami Al-Arian)...

    Abraham was Senate Immigration Subcommittee Chairman through the end of 2000. Abraham routinely caved to the demands of Arab/Muslim leaders, such as the Arab American Institute's James Zogby, on national security matters, especially immigration.

    "Ever since (I first met) him, Abraham has been coming to us and giving advice, support and the benefits of his leadership," Zogby told The Detroit News.

    And taking Zogby’s advice, too.

    Abraham actively worked to delay computer systems to track foreign visitors, which Arab/Muslim groups, including Zogby’s, strongly opposed. 1996 immigration law required computerized entry and exit tracking of all temporary visas, but was gutted by Abraham and other legislators. They refused to allocate money for the program and delayed its full implementation until 2005. In 2000, Abraham, as Chairman of the Immigration Subcommittee, delayed implementation of other requirements of the 1996 immigration measure, including university-assisted enforcement student visa laws and collection of fees from foreign students to pay for computer tracking...

    In July 2000, Abraham sought over $268 million in tax-funded USAID grants for Hezbollah terrorist-controlled Southern Lebanon, at Zogby's request. Iranian- and Syrian-backed Hezbollah, has targeted and murdered many Americans. Millions in similar USAID grants (which have scant strings and accountability attached) to Afghanistan were misspent on Taliban terrorist activities. Abraham enlisted Michigan Republican Congressman Joe Knollenberg, on the House International Relations Committee, to push the questionable aid package in the House.

    Abraham and Knollenberg were repaid for their efforts, receiving thousands in campaign contributions from Nijad Fares, the Houston-based greencard-holding son of Syrian-backed Lebanese Deputy Prime Minister Issam Fares...

    Abraham was one of only two U.S. Senators who refused to sign an October 2000 letter to President Clinton condemning terrorist acts by Yasser Arafat and the P.L.O.

    Abraham led the nearly successful June 2001 attempt to reverse the use of classified evidence against terrorists, sponsoring the legislation at the behest of Islamist groups, including the American Muslim Association (AMA) and the American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC), both headed by Agha Saeed...
    That's it for me. Time to go back to Tancredo.
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Fred Thompson Dumps Top Aide

    Still "Testing The Waters," Republican Presidential Hopeful Shakes Up Staff

    WASHINGTON, July 25, 2007
    Jeri Kehn Thompson, 40, left, with her husband, GOP presidential hopeful Fred Thompson. Rumors that Jeri has too much control of her husband's campaign are swirling around Washington. (AP / file)

    Fast Facts

    His wife, Jeri Kehn Thompson, 40, worked as a political media consultant at a lobbying firm, Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, and McPherson and Hand. Before that she worked for the Senate Republican Conference and the RNC.


    (CBS/AP) Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson is shaking up his still-unofficial campaign, replacing his top aide with a former Michigan senator and a veteran Florida strategist.

    The shake-up comes amid consternation inside the campaign about the active role played by Thompson's wife, Jeri, a lawyer, media consultant and former Republican National Committee official.

    "Rumors are rumors," said Thompson spokeswoman Linda Rozett. "It is not a personal issue. It's an organizational issue. We are strengthening the organization as we enter the next phase."

    CBS News chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer characterized Jeri Thompson as "the driving force in this campaign," adding that so far, she just thought "they weren't getting the job done," especially in terms of raising money.

    Acting campaign manager Tom Collamore will still advise Thompson, but his presidential operation will be run by the duo of former senator and energy secretary Spencer Abraham and a Florida GOP strategist, Randy Enright, according to Rozett.

    Thompson, 64, is a former Tennessee senator better known as an actor in movies and on NBC's long-running drama "Law & Order." He has established a "testing the waters" committee that allows him to raise money for a presidential bid, with an official launch likely in September, after the Labor Day holiday.

    Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and John McCain head the nine-man GOP field, but Thompson often registers in double digits in public opinion polls. A recent Associated Press-Ipsos survey showed general dissatisfaction among Republicans with their choices, underscoring the volatility of the 2008 GOP race.

    Enright is a veteran operative in Florida who was part of President Bush's political operation in the key swing state; he also was executive director of the Republican Party of Iowa. Abraham served in the Bush administration after losing re-election in 2000 to Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow; in 2006, he joined a French-owned nuclear company, Areva Inc., as chairman of its board of directors.

    Rozett said both men would be in charge of Thompson's campaign. Enright is heading the political operation, while Abraham doesn't yet have a title, Rozett said.

    Scott Reed, a GOP strategist and campaign manager for Bob Dole's 1996 presidential campaign, said Collamore had put a good structure in place.

    "Now the campaign can move to the next level with a formal announcement," Reed said.

    Thompson indicated he was serious about running after disclosing he is in remission from non-Hodgkins lymphoma, a form of cancer.

    Since then, he has raised several million dollars, hired staff and visited early primary states such as New Hampshire and South Carolina. On Monday, he held a $1,000-per-couple fundraiser Monday in Montgomery, Ala., that drew some of the state's top Republicans. He planned to visit Texas on Wednesday.

    Details of Thompson's fundraising remain unclear, however. As an undeclared candidate, Thompson can raise money to "test the waters" without having to file public financial reports until he actually enters the race.

    Thompson has a conservative Senate record and casts himself in the mold of former President Reagan. He was a reliably conservative vote against abortion, in favor of President Bush's tax cuts, for oil drilling in Alaska and against criminal background checks for gun show purchases.

    He has been dogged by questions in recent weeks about lobbying work in 1991 for a family planning group that was seeking to relax an abortion counseling rule, and the changing explanations from his campaign.

    He was known as an investigator, heading the committee examining President Clinton's fundraising in 1996. He won fame for another investigation, as counsel for the Senate Watergate committee in 1973, when he asked the question that revealed Nixon installed hidden listening devices and taping equipment in the Oval Office.

    A review of the Nixon tapes and other transcripts showed that Thompson had alerted the White House of the investigators' discovery. The 1970s era material also showed that President Nixon and his top aides viewed Thompson as a willing, if not too bright, ally.

    Thompson also has defended his work as a lobbyist for some 20 years. He lobbied for a savings-and-loan deregulation bill that helped hasten the industry's collapse and a failed nuclear energy project that cost taxpayers more than a billion dollars.

    His wife, Jeri Kehn Thompson, 40, worked as a political media consultant at a lobbying firm, Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, and McPherson and Hand. Before that she worked for the Senate Republican Conference and the RNC. She and Thompson married June 29, 2002, and have a three-year-old daughter and a 7-month old son.

    Republicans familiar with the Thompson circle said she is an influential figure and that her role has been a cause of concern for some operatives signing on to the fledgling exploratory campaign.

    © MMVII, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    My shock at reading about Fred Thompson's appointment of Spencer Abraham got me to begin searching for answers. One of my primary contacts, with a career of intelligence work behnd him, told me to look deeper, that I would not be prepared for the political reality of what I would certainly find. That my Conservative sensitivities would be rocked to their core.

    Boy, was he ever correct.

    Not directly related to FDT, but this will impact his campaign at some point. It already impacts how I view the leadership of the American Conservative Union and all who are connected within its domain.

    I am now a political independent as a direct result.

    Now, it's your turn. The same warning applies.

    First, please review the material at this link after you have read the report below.

    July 17, 2007

    A bad CAIR day

    This morning CAIR holds a panel discussion with David Keene and Parvez Ahmed on "Islamophobia" at the National Press Club in Washington. According to CAIR, the panel "will address the increasing anti-Muslim rhetoric within the conservative movement in the United States, focusing on the negative impact of such views on religious tolerance in America and on relations with the Muslim world." Stay tuned.

    UPDATE: Here is the text of David Keene's remarks:
    I want to begin by thanking you for the opportunity to appear here today and I am going to take Mohamed Nimer’s assurance that my comments, critical as they might be, will be welcome here.

    My decision to accept your invitation to appear on today’s panel stirred up more than a little controversy among my friends. Some were shocked that I would even consider appearing on a panel sponsored by a group like CAIR; a group which some of them hold suspect because of its origins and others because of its views and the activities legal and illegal of some of those who have been associated with it.
    I chose to appear, however, both because of the opportunity to say a few things that I think need to be said and because of the importance of the topic we have been asked to address. Our topic this morning is: "Attacking Islam: Implications for Social Cohesion and U.S. Relations with the Muslim World" and I can think of few more important topics in today’s world.

    In the days since 9/11, President Bush has made it clear that as far as he’s concerned Islam is not our enemy; our enemy, rather, consists of those individuals, groups and nations that have perverted one of the world’s great religions to justify their hatred of the West. Terror, directed at, women and Kabul, Baghdad, Rome, London, Washington and New York is their weapon of choice and their goal is to first drive those they hate out of the nations of the Middle East and then create a world in their own image.

    The President has described the followers of bin Laden and his ilk as “Islamic Fascists” and while we can parse words all we want, it is a simple fact that they craft quasi-religious appeals to Muslims the world over in a sometimes successful attempt to convince them to accept their view of the world.

    CAIR insists, quite properly I believe, that bin Laden and his buddies are anything but good Muslims and urges us not to condemn every follower of Islam for the sins of a few. I agree completely. Most Muslims, like most Christians, Jews and Hindus are intent upon living their lives, raising their families and worshipping their god. No one should be regarded as an enemy simply because of his or her religion, but neither should those who use religion to hide something much uglier be given a pass.

    In the past fanatics have twisted the teachings of the Old and New Testaments for similar purposes and the cults and movements based upon such tortured interpretations of legitimate religious teachings and writings have always had some appeal to the frustrated, the ignorant and the maladjusted. Such movements have been defeated or held in check by legitimate main-line representatives of the exploited religions who have rightly and vociferously taken exception to those who would high jack it for their own purposes.

    They have done so because allowing fanatics to cloak themselves in the respectability of religion is dangerous as it allows them to recruit followers who believe their religion sanctions extremism and fanaticism and who make enemies not just for themselves but for the religion they claim to represent.

    This, I’m afraid to say, is happening today. Osama bin Laden and the terrorists who attack the west in the name of Islam may represent no one but themselves, but those who represent Islam have an obligation to themselves and to the faith they profess to condemn them lest they suffer for their crimes.

    When I came to Washington back in 1970, I arrived at a time of great controversy involving a group called the “Italian-American Anti-Defamation League” which billed itself as the major Italian-American civil rights organization. The League was at the time particularly upset whenever anyone mentioned the existence of the “Mafia” which they took as implying that Italian-Americans were all Mafiosos or criminals. If someone used the word in public, they were willing to stage demonstrations on the ground that its usage was racist and that, anyhow, the Mafia didn’t exist.

    Interestingly, the press seemed to take all this seriously for a while even though everyone knew that A.) there was a mafia and B.) acknowledging its existence or admitting that it had its origins in Sicily and recruited mainly Italian-Americans in this country didn’t mean that one was implying that all Italians or Italian-Americans were criminals.

    Eventually, though, people began to ignore the League because what its leaders were insisting on as true just didn’t match up very well with reality. The League became a joke to many, but others wondered why it was out trying to define the mafia out of existence and began to suspect that it was in fact little more than a front for the criminals whose very existence it denied.

    At the same time, many respected Italian-Americans began speaking up to say one could be proud of his or her heritage without having to deny that there are bad elements in any large group of people and that it was the obligation of those proud of their heritage to not only honor it, but to denounce those who would besmirch it.

    Eventually the League's leaders realized the foolishness of the position they had taken, abandoned it and went on to do much good.

    The controversy didn’t last all that long, but it was both interesting and instructive. CAIR likes to characterize itself as the leading Muslim civil rights organization in this country and your leaders are quick to criticize anyone who in your eyes is “anti-Muslim.”

    And there are such people out there. There are those who believe deeply that the Muslim world is tractably committed to war with the west ands that under his or her skin every Muslim is definitionally and enemy of the west. The belief is, of course, completely absurd, but it exists and should be countered, but not simply by attacking anyone and every one critical either of Islam itself or organizations and individuals who justify their actions on its basis.

    But let’s face it, CAIR does just that. We are meeting today at the National Press Club which is in a way a living memorial to the freedom of the press that is so important a part of the American tradition. The platform on which we speak is open to all because we believe in the right even of those with whom we disagree to speak their minds; it is a right that extends to all in this country and involves the need for mutual respect for those with opposing views.

    But some reporters have been barred by CAIR from covering this panel because by criticizing CAIR or its policies they have been condemned as anti-Muslim when they are, in fact, simply reporters doing their job.

    In the past, CAIR has attacked as anti-Muslim such disparate groups and organizations as The New Republic, US News & World Report, the Washington Times, the Dallas Morning News, the Tampa Tribune and even Al Gore and our Weekly Reader. The breadth of CAIR’s attacks would seem to indicate that there is a widespread, deep bi-partisan conspiracy against Muslims in this country or CAIR is guilty over-reaching.
    I would suggest that the latter is the case.

    In a free society, individuals must expect to be treated as individuals rather than as members of favored or disfavored groups. No free society has ever achieved this completely, but those desiring to benefit from living in such a society have to realize that in asking fairness for oneself, one has to grant fairness to others.

    Thus, the Muslim seeking respect for his or her views must respect the views of others. It is not enough to condemn those non-Muslims who mischaracterize Islam or unfairly attack Muslim’s as a group. It requires one to disassociate oneself form those who rightly or wrongly speak as Muslims to condemn other religions or unfairly attack other groups.
    The Muslim who attacks Jews and Christians as “pigs” or “crusaders” is as responsible for the breakdown in civility in the modern world as the non-Muslim who implies that all Muslims harbor a desire to kill a Christian or Jew.

    If CAIR wants respect as representing the best of Islam to the west, it must shun the role of enabler by siding with the enemies of terror and intolerance wherever they are found. The Washington Post reported that CAIR in one of its annual reports on “hate crimes” directed against Muslims listed the US apprehension and imprisonment of Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman as evidence of US bias against Muslims.

    The question we have to ask is whether Rahman was acting in furtherance of legitimate Islamic beliefs in plotting to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993 or was he not...if he was, we all have a problem; if he wasn’t why would arresting him be an anti-Muslim act?

    In a free society it is not essential that everyone agree with one another and, in fact, if they did we would live in a boring world. It is essential that they respect each other’s right to disagree on basic as well as tangential issues.
    I don’t really care if by the tenets of one’s religious beliefs, someone believes I will go to Hell. I insist only that he refrain from expediting my arrival there.
    MORE: The Washington Times reports on this morning's event here. According to CAIR, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Ain't nobody here but us chickens!

  14. #34
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson


    I disagree with you and all the other folks saying "Star Power".

    I've seen Thompson in a couple of movies before. It's not the movies I remember though, it's the remarks he's made in the past as a Senator. In fact, many are stating how it is his acting on a tv show most recently that has projected his "image".

    I'm afraid, I don't watch TV except for the news, and for some stuff on the Science Channel. I've never seen Thompson on this lawyer show people talk about.

    So... I am SURE I'm not the only one that has "chosen" him based on his POLITICS.

    Those who are whining about it are doing just that, whining. They are detractors trying to do what they tried to do to Reagan; ie "He's just an ACTOR".

    Well, I hear an awful lot of loud mouthed actors that those same people listen too.

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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    I'm not saying you fall into that category by any stretch.

    But regardless, I believe I see many people being enamored with Fred Thompson because of his being a Hollywood "star". I see people jumping behind Fred in a similar manner to how people got behind Arnold Schwarzenegger. It wasn't necessarily because they thought he'd be a good statesman but, because he was Hollywood and some people automatically think, "Hollywood = better than your average people". I think this is why lefties in Hollywood have such swaying power when in reality they shouldn't. People on both sides of the aisle can be guilty for falling to this bug. I also believe this is compounded by the fact that many on the right are starved for a conservative voice in Hollywood and see Fred as one.

    Are some people truly interested in Fred because of his political credentials? Sure! After all, he was a US Senator and has a track record that people can look at. But, I certainly think "star power" plays into it to a fair degree at least with the "mushy minded middle" swing votes.

    And please don't misconstrue my thoughts as discounting him "simply because he's an actor" as you said many did with Reagan. As I said in my prior post, I think that Fred is fairly likely to get the nomination should he run. I just don't believe him to be the strongest Conservative candidate. I find Duncan Hunter to be a much more staunch and longstanding conservative leader that would make a better President.

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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    My two cents on Mr. Thompson

    I would like to see him run, my reasons are as follows -

    1. There is no "True" conservative out there that has a chance in hell of winning.
    2. He does have many conserative values that I am behind, such as his abortion stance. They can attack his lobbying as much as they want but booking 20 hours of lobbying means nothing to me, his voting record is fine with me on this.
    3. Rudy can win, maybe, but he has some scary thoughts that I don't agree with. Romney, well as a Utahn I know and have seen what many people think of mormons and I think that will hurt him too much in the election so he can't get it. And Mcain is insane. The rest of the runners may be good, but they aren't electable and we know that.

    So I guess my biggest reason is he is Electable, he can pull the South and he can pull the independants and the Centrists.

    And one thing I would like to say is that even if a Republican is not always a TRUE republican, anything is better than Hilary or Obama, my lord what would happen if they make it.

    BUT if he doesn't lose Sen. Spencer Abraham he may be on the road to self destruction before he begins.

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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Quote Originally Posted by RavenLyke View Post
    BUT if he doesn't lose Sen. Spencer Abraham he may be on the road to self destruction before he begins.
    Fred Thompson had in myself one extremely ardent supporter, prepared to go all the way IF he got in the race.

    Now that Fred Thompson has appointed an islamist and longtime Washington insider to run his campaign - I'm out and done with him even before he announces.

    Priciples well before Politics.

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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Now that Fred Thompson has appointed an islamist and longtime Washington insider to run his campaign - I'm out and done with him even before he announces.
    This is the one thing I'm concerned about. WTF is he thinking on this?
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    This is the one thing I'm concerned about. WTF is he thinking on this?
    Well, since the proof is in the pudding, this demonstrates to me that Fred Thompson is not a Washington 'outsider'; that on the contrary he is an ordinary inside-the-beltway Washington, DC politician.

    To repeat: Principles before Politics.

  20. #40
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    Default Re: Fred Thompson

    Ugh, I just heard this today. Fred just took a huge nosedive in my book.

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